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From the Mariner Community Association

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Dear Mariner Community,

As I sit here reflecting on the wonderful Lower School and Middle School Moving Up and Commencement ceremonies that took place on the Hopelands lawn this past week, I am astounded that the 2022-2023 school year has come to a close. And what a year it was!! There is so much to celebrate - athletic successes, academic achievements, performing and visual arts masterpieces - but what I most reflect on with pride is the community we are fortunate to share. The Mariner Community Association embraces all of these exciting aspects of life at Rocky Hill, and we strive to focus our efforts on supporting and fostering this amazing sense of community among students, parents, faculty and staff. Together we are all what make this school the special place that it is, and the MCA loves to celebrate that fact!!

To that end, we have been proud to organize and support so many different activities on campus this year. Look at all we accomplished!

• Start-of-the-Year celebrations including Allie’s Donuts for students at Convocation and Family Coffee & Conversation events for each division

• Monthly “First Friday Coffees” in Hopelands, giving parents a chance to meet casually with friends, faculty, and staff

• Countless MCA concession stands at games and athletic tournaments, providing an important source of funding for MCA activities throughout the year

• A hugely successful and well-attended community-wide celebration at Blue & White Night

• A Thanksgiving Coffee Truck Faculty & Staff Appreciation event

• The Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange for faculty & staff, which saw an abundance of delicious holiday treats lovingly baked and contributed by RHCD families

• The return of Trivia Night, which was a wonderful celebration of knowledge and community

• Decorating and supporting a multitude of student social events including the Upper School Mid-Winter Semi-formal and Prom, the Middle School Dance, Game Night, and Movie Night, and the Lower School Glow Dance, all of which are important opportunities for our students to mingle and socialize outside of the classroom

• Fueling the creativity of students in all divisions during the All-School Hackathon by providing daily “brain-break” snacks as well as the Upper School Final Pitch Event pizza party

• Breaking out the grill for a community-wide cookout for volunteers at the Community Clean-Up Day

• Treating students to a cool Kona Ice during the Arts Week Chalk-on-the-Walk event

• Faculty & Staff Appreciation Month throughout May, during which we showed our appreciation for all they do with several “Friday Surprises” as well as an al fresco luncheon on the lawn of Hopelands

• Outfitting and supporting the Upper School Class Olympics and Lower and Middle School Field Days

• Celebrating all that our students have accomplished this year with Lower and Middle School Moving Up Day celebrations as well as Senior Athletic Awards stadium blankets

It is exciting to see what a huge impact the Mariner Community Association has on our school experience, and we want to thank you all for your participation in our community events. And if you have taken the time out of your busy schedules to volunteer your time at any event, know that it made a difference!! Truly, none of this would be possible without the support of our amazing Mariner families.

The MCA relies on volunteers to accomplish all that we do, and we strive to continually enhance the social and community connections at Rocky Hill Country Day. Volunteering is a great way to become involved in the school community and in your child’s own experience. As we look forward to the next school year, I encourage you to consider becoming more involved in the MCA. We are always looking for volunteers, and whether you have time to commit to a larger role such as class, division or committee representative, or just want to join in when the opportunity is right, there is a place for you. It is a rewarding experience to give back to the community that does so much for our kids, and it helps make RHCD a better place! I invite you to get in touch with me if you are interested in taking on a more active role in the MCA - would love to talk to you about all of the opportunities available to become involved and make a huge impact on this wonderful school.

With gratitude, warmth, and best wishes for a wonderful summer,

Jill Jill Millard MCA President

2022-2023 Mariner Community Association (MCA) Leadership Executive Board

Co-Presidents: Jill Millard

Holiday Cookies

Faculty and Staff Luncheon

Treasurer: Erin Reedy

Co-Secretaries: Wendy Price & Láura Vares

Divisional Representatives

Lower School: Allison Kettlety

Middle School: Kristen Samponaro

Upper School: Kimberly Izzi

Class Representatives

Lower School:

• Jessica Bradley

• Melissa Edelmann

• Farrah Field

• Tricia Forte

• Carolyn Gnirke

• Allison Kettlety

• Meg Monaghan

• Kristen Palmisano

• Mar tha Rojas

• Marissa Tandon

• Laura Vares

Middle School:

• Kara McKamey

• Rebecca O’Hara

• Kristen Sampanaro

Upper School:

• Sophia Belandd

• Jen Carney

• Kim Izzi

• Mike Lawson

• Erin Reedy

• Ady Wheeler

Parent Engagement Chair Melissa Edelmann

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