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The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper is Puerto Peñasco’s #1 Tourist Newspaper, family owned and operated since 1993 in Rocky Point, Sonora, Mexico, and written entirely in English! We are, and have always been, dedicated to helping the community in which we live, as well as promoting our city and bringing tourism to Rocky Point. We are a TOURIST NEWSPAPER dedicated to promoting tourism! MONTHLY CIRCULATION/DISTRIBUTION Our newspapers are hand delivered in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico and in the U.S. to Lukeville, Ajo, Gila Bend, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Peoria, Prescott, and Tempe, Arizona. We bulk mail to over 500 monthly subscribers. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are bulk mailed from Lukeville, AZ every month. A 1 Yr. Subscription is $35 (12 issues). Please send a check with your name and address to: S. O’Hare, PO Box 887, Lukeville, AZ 85341. ADVERTISING IN THE ROCKY POINT TIMES We offer display and classifieds ads. LOW Ad prices are in USD, charged per month, and do not include I.V.A. Contracts available. AD DEADLINE 10th of the month, preceeding publication CLASSIFIEDS ADS $15 USD for 25 words • 20¢ per word thereafter MEXICO OFFICES: Pino Suarez No. 124, off of Calle 13 Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico 83550 C. P. U.S. MAILING ADDRESS Please send correspondence to address PO Box 887, Lukeville, Arizona 85341 TELEPHONE & FAX from the U.S. dial (011-52-638) 383-6325 Local dial 383-6325; Fax: 383-5193 from the U.S. dial (480) 463-6255 EMAIL ADDRESS & WEBSITE FACEBOOK See our FAcebook Page at Rocky Point Times Newspaper CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Rita Pizarro, Rosarie Salerno, Lonesome Lui, Dave & Debby Penn, Nancy Phelan, Cap ‘n Greg, Anita K., Zack & Mark Paliscak, Sandy Spain, Eddie Wharez, Gretchen Ellinger, Linda Sharp, Rob Baylor, Bruce Baldwin, Joe Houchin, Miguel Tapia, Dr. Sidhartha Hindú ROCKY POINT TIMES STAFF Tom O’Hare - Editor/Publisher Sandra O’Hare - Managing Editor Lannette Phipps - Graphic Artist Alicia Grajeda - Administrative Executive Claudia Rivas - Account Executive Beatriz Lumbreras - Freelance Graphic Artist Manny Sánchez Radical Gravity Media Web + Social + Video MX Cell (638) 107-7086 MX Office (638) 388-0606 US Office (480) 626-1096 PRINTING The Rocky Point Times is printed in Mexico PHOTO & ARTICLE SUBMISSION Upbeat, fun, and interesting articles and photos always welcome. Please include an SASE if you would like it returned. Email or SnailMail your article/photo to us. Please include your contact info. in the event we need to reach you. Feel free to contact us prior to sending your items to make sure they are in the right format. The Rocky Point Times reserves the right not to print any article or photo, and to edit content as the Editor sees fit. We do not guarantee placement, but do make every effort, so please note any special requests you may have. The Rocky Point Times is not responsible for the content of any advertising, nor has it attempted to verify any ad claims. Content contained in this publication is not authorized to be copied or reproduced without the permission of the Editor and Advertiser or Contributing Writer.
by Tom O’Hare EDITOR
Man, oh man, is this year flying by fast. The older you get, it seems the faster they go by. Last month I received a call from a woman, I think her name was Sharon, saying that she has been a long time resident and traveled extensively throughout Mexico and she understands the things that are necessary to do so, like visa’s, auto insurance, passports etc. However, after a trip to the U.S. recently, when returning to Rocky Point with her dog, she got a red light at the border. The inspector asked for her dog license and health certificate, which she had. He then told her that he had to take a photograph of her dog. She did not understand why that was necessary, and was not given an explanation, so she called our office to see if we had heard of anything like this before. The last time I came across the border, I got a green light, but an inspector was standing in the road and pulled me over to the right. I had a twenty lb. bag of cat food and was told that this was a No-No and that seven kilos was the maximum allowed. He let me pass with a stern warning. After our cat food debate, I asked him why they are taking photographs of peoples dogs. His answer basically was that they were working on a system that would match the animal to the vehicle VIN number and, in the future, issue some sort of I.D. tag so that the inspections would be expedited. For many reasons I don’t think this is viable, but anyone who lives in Mexico knows that the government loves paperwork. What if I bring another pet? What happens when I get a new pet? What if I am driving a different vehicle? Well, I guess
we will wait and see what happens with that. Speaking of the border, we were told by a local realtor that when he went to pay at the bank for voluntary declaration, they would not accept U.S. dollars. As far as we know they accept dollars, but your change will be in pesos. We can only guess that there was some misunderstanding which, of course, can happen again and we suggest that you have pesos, “just in case”. We have had several inquires asking why the Cet-Mar Aquarium is closed. We are still being told that it is closed for extensive remodeling, and that will be open to the public as soon as they are finished. They assured us that the animals were being cared for. I mentioned earlier how time flies. It seems like just yesterday that there were about thirty vehicles all parked at the Ranchito waiting to begin the 33rd, semiannual “El Golfo Run”, which we do in May and October. And now May is right around the corner. Sandy and I were not able to go on the October run and after everyone got back to Rocky Point, we heard there was a little confusion about hotel rooms. One of the ‘hotels’ where we normally stay, there was an ownership dispute, and the place was not open. Well, this month Sandy and I will be checking out all the hotels in El Golfo for their availability, security, parking and pet accommodations. We will have the information by the end of March. The May run is May 3rd, 4th, and 5th. The ‘survivor’s party’, this time, will be held at the Lighthouse Restaurant on top of the hill in Rocky Point, where we will be served a free Margarita, chips and salsa, while we check out the menu. For those of you that have not heard about our “El Golfo Run”, it is about an 85 mile trip from Rocky Point north to the small town of El Golfo de Santa
3 Clara. We try to stay off road as much as possible but with the new land developers it’s becoming a little more difficult. But somehow our scouts Dave and Robert find a way to make it interesting. A four wheel drive, dune buggy or off road vehicle is necessary. Everyone is welcome and if you like meeting new people, is not in a hurry, can tolerate many pit stops and want to see some spectacular scenery like the salt flats and twenty plus miles of sandy beach, mark your calendars. Call Alicia at our office (011-52638) 383-6325 or (480) 463-6255 or email rockypointtimes@yahoo. com and make a reservation. Sandy makes sure that everyone has a room when we get there. Mark Mulligan told us recently that he is trying to make time in his busy schedule for a trip to Rocky Point. We have been fans for many years now, and look forward to another concert here in our town. In the meantime, check out his new release Back to Laid Back. Visit Mulligans Island at www. We will report to you when we get a date. We want to thank you all for following our Facebook Page (Rocky Point Times Newspaper). We have almost 3,000 ‘Likes’, just since April 2011! If you haven’t been to our Page yet, check it out and tell us what you think. There is a lot going on this month, beginning with Spring Break March 9-23. Third Annual Women’s Cabalgata March 9, call Grethel 380-6641. InSANDity beach obstacle course race @ Princesa on Sandy Beach on March 14-19, Dirty Beach Mud Run at Sandy Beach March 16, and OTL softball this month, and Easter week this town will be full to the brim for Semana Santa! Welcome all!! There will be a service for a Memorial for Betty Munro Moore on Saturday, March 2nd at the Radio Shack area. We hope that everyone who knew Betty and is in Cholla, will try to attend. It’ll start at 10:30. This date would have been her birthday.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
(52) Mexico’s Country Code (638) Puerto Peñasco’s City Code
CALLING FROM THE U.S. Dialing a Land Line dial 011-52-638 + last 7-digits of number listed Dialing a Cellular Phone dial 011-521-638 + last 7-digits of number listed
CALLING WITHIN MEXICO dial 01 + area code + 7-digit number Mexico businesses outside of Peñasco are listed as 01 + area code + phone number in this Index.
LOCAL CELLULAR PHONES from a land line dial 044 + 638 + 7-digit number from local cell to cell dial 638 + 7-digit number Local cellular phones start with 044+638 in this index. U.S. cells may vary - check with your service provider. AT&T Viva Mexico Plan works best.
CELL PHONES OUTSIDE OF PP to dial a long distance cell from a local PP cell dial 045 + city code + 7-digit number to dial PP from a long distance MX cell dial 045-638 + 7-digit number
U.S. AREA CODES & VOIP LINES U.S. numbers are listed with (brackets) around area code. Some businesses have U.S. offices and others may be using VOIP lines.
LET OUR ADVERTISERS KNOW that YOU found them in the
Garden Art................................520-577-2728 Gift Shop & Gallery................................520-387-6858 Gila Bend Title and Registration Services..928-683-2577 Giuseppi’s Espresso.......................................383-5181 Glorias Beauty Salon....................................383-5075 Golf Course at the Mayan Palace..................383-GOLF Gracida, Roberto.........................520-232-2165 or......................................011-52-622-226-2200 Gretchen Ellinger...............383-1425/602-317-3881 or......................................................044-638-384-0458 Guardian Title and Escrow...............044-638-386-1445 or...............................................................623-910-2930
Hacienda del Sol Furniture....388-0545/602-903-2112 Head Out to Rocky Point Shuttle Ser vice U.S. Toll Free...........866-443-2368/602-971-0166 Hotel Viña del Mar.............................383-0100 or...............................................................602-606-7768 U.S. Toll Free................................01-800-560-2123
InnSuites Hotels and Suites U.S. Toll Free........................................ (888) INNSUITES JJ’s Cantina...................................................383-2785 Joyeria Max...........................................388-5512 Kaffeehaus.............................................388-1065
La Brisa Restaurant.................................388-9888 La Casa del Capitan Restaurant....................383-5698 La Cita Café...............................................383-2270 La Cocina de Ramon........388-5362/044-638-112-0350 La Spa de Peñasco.................................382-8111 Laguna Shores Golf & Country Club..................383-4670 U.S. Toll Free.........................................800-513-1426 Lighthouse Restaurant, The........................383-2389 Long Realty........................388-0009/602-281-4288 Lowery’s Installation...........382-5095/928-474-3157
Manny’s Beach Club....................383-3605/383-3215 Mare Blu Ristorante.......................................383-0605 María Romero.......................................(928) 683-2577 or...................................................01-800-560-2123 Mayan Palace Golf Course............................383-GOLF Max Jeweler..............................................388-5512 Mexican Beach Developers...383-6099/044-638-384-7145 or.........................................................520-777-0018 Mexican Vistas Co..........382-5400/(044-638) 384-6445 or..........................................................623-698-0117 Mexico Bonito Bill Paying Service....................383-5737 Muebles Imperiales..................................383-6480 or...................................................714-395-4117
Napa Auto (Ajo).....................................24 HOUR TOW .........................................(520) 387-4TOW (387-4869) Oasis Café..............................................520-387-4455 Optica Turati...............................................383-4645
A bit of Shangrila RV........................480-225-6546 Acqua Spa..........................388-5382/623-207-9275 Ajo Plaza...........................................520-387-5044 Ajo Satellite Sales..............................520-387-4846 Aleman, Victor................................044-638-105-7839 Anchor Storage....044-638-102-0049/602-512-1761 Arizona Realty......................................520-387-8787 Aztec Sol Beauty & Spa.............................383-3656 or................................................044-638-113-0133
Pablo Realty.........................................602-288-8687 Pane e Vino Restaurant.................044-638-105-7455 Peninsula de Cortes Golf Course.....................383-GOLF Peñasco Marine............................................383-3700 Peñasco Beauty Center.................................383-1086 Petals & Perfums...........................................383-5758 Pizarrro, Rita..................388-8030/044-638-386-5203 Playa Bonita Resort.......................383-2586/383-2199 Playa Paloma.....................................480-244-9990 U.S. Toll Free........................................888-232-8142 Mexico Toll Free.................................01-800-426-6482 Playa Bonita Resort RV Park.............................383-2596 U.S. Toll Free........................................888-232-8142 Mexico Toll Free.................................01-800-426-6482 Pollo Papago...................................044-638-385-1301 Premium Services..............383-5758/602-476-1187 Puerta Privada.................383-1020/480-445-9200 Puesta del Sol Restaurant.............................383-2586
Beauty Design Studio by Gloria......................383-8500 Bill Paying Service by Patricia Perez................383-5737 Biosfera Dry Cleaners......................................383-3929 Bonita RV Park.....................................................383-1400 Bórquez, Ricardo, Atty..............388-6110/520-407-6756 Brooks, Dee.........................................................383-3919
Casa de Carolina Rentals.................................383-5482 Chef Mickey Medina.......388-6844/044-638-386-4736 Chochoy Veterinary........................................383-2338 C.H.O.P.P.S................................................480-648-7689 Clínica Dental Fernández...............044-638-112-6600 or.......................................................520-284-0277 Coldwell Banker by the Sea...388-8999/602-425-5133 Contra Plagas............383-8787/044-638-110-1625
D’Lucy Spa.................383-1471/044-638-105-8993 Dental Enciso............388-9100/044-638-105-3064 Dr. Andres Sidhartha Hindu P....388-5382/623-207-9275 Dr. Grijalva, D.D.S.................................................383-3434 Dr. Vazquez, M.D........................................383-3014 Don Julio Bar & Grill......................................388-0056 Duke’s Restaurant-Bar.......................044-638-104-0338 or...................................................044-638-380-6650
Eddie Wharez............................383-8633/602-324-9328 El Rapidin......................................................388-6775
Family of God................................................383-3480 Francis, Jonni...............................044-638-112-1197
Gaby Salon Unisex.......383-3096/044-638-100-8641 Galeria del Mar Bermejo.................................383-3488 Galeria Luis y Gaby..........................................383-7174
Realty Executives..................383-4699/602-334-4134 Regina Seafood Restaurant........044-638-119-1014 or..................................................044-638-118-3077 Remote Accountant LLC In Rocky Point VOIP......................(630) 839-9129 Rocky Point BBQ................383-4676/602-507-7766 Rocky Point Calendar....................see Mexican Vistas Rocky Point Times Newspaper.....................383-6325 or..........................................................480-463-6255 Fax.....................................................383-5193 Roll-A-Shield.............382-5095/928-474-3157
Salerno, Rosarie..........383-8417/044-638-384-7145 or......................................................520-777-0018 Sanborns Insurance....U.S. Toll Free 800-222-0158 Seaside Window Coverings.........................383-5181 Sea Side Reservations.....383-7795/1-888-262-4508 Si Como No! Etc.....................................520-387-7080 Si I Do! Wedding Planners...............................383-0700 Silva, Yolanda Insurance.................................383-6280 Sonoran Resorts...........................602-476-7511 Sushi Sun Restaurant.....................................383-2772
Tapia, Miguel.......................................602-266-0225 Teriyaki Sun..............................................388-7272 The Print Shop............................520-387-6858
The Lighthouse Restaurant............................383-2389 Thunder on The Beach Sports Bar & Restaurant..............................................388-9605 Tom Thomas Home Inspection....044-638-110-4728 or.........................................................602-748-4134 Turati Optical.................................................383-4645 Twin Dolphins Real Estate and Rentals.........383-3919 or..........................................................602-324-7241
U.S. Border Movers....................044-638-113-8365 or...............................................480-232-3518 Vazquez, Luis, MD..........................................383-3014 Venshur...................U.S. Toll Free 1-888-524-4107 or.........................Mexico Toll Free 01-800-841-3553 Victor Aleman.................................044-638-105-7839 Viña del Mar Hotel.............383-0100/602-606-7768
Western Outdoor Times..........................(480) 947-6219 Wharez, Eddie..........................383-8633/(602) 324-9328
Xochitl’s Cafe (Sally’s Cholla Cafe).........................382-5283 Yolanda Silva Insurance.................................383-6280 ZaGas..............................................................383-8100
CHURCHES Phone Numbers
Assembly of God..........................................................383-3364 Grupo Unidad Cristianos de Peñasco..........................383-2240 Peñasco Christian Fellowship.......................................383-4513 Family of God Christian Fellowship.........................383-3480 Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall.............................388-6244 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.....................................383-2959 Templo La Hermosa...................................................383-7130
EMERGENCY & Important Phone Numbers
AIR AMBULANCE (dial within Mexico) AirEvac............................................................001-880-321-9522 SkyMed Air Ambulance.................................001-866-805-9624 AIRPORTS International.................................................under construction Municipal......................................................................383-6097 CITY HALL (Municipal Building) H. Ayuntamiento de Peñasco.....................383-2056/383-2060 CLINICS Clinica San Jose............................................................383-5121 Clinica Santa Fe...........................................383-2447/383-4040 Clinica Santa Isabel (Maternity)...................................383-3645 Clinica Santa Maria.......................................................383-2440 Cruz Roja (Red Cross)...................................................383-2266 Desert Senita Community Health Center..........(520) 387-5651 Gonzalez AmeriClinic....................................................388-7676 ELECTRIC Emergency dial...071 Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE).......................383-2684 FIRE DEPARTMENT Emergency dial...068 Departamento de Bomberos.......................................383-2828 FISHIERIES DEPARTMENT Departamento de Pesca...............................................383-2116 Oficina de Pesca, San Diego, CA........................(619) 233-4324 GARBAGE/SANITATION DEPARTMENT Oomislim.......................................................................383-4909 GAS (Propane) Hidrogas........................................................................383-5650 Z’Gas..............................................................................383-8284 ZaGas.............................................................................383-8100 HOSPITALS (See Clinics also) Community...................................................................383-4566 IMSS (Social Security)...................................................383-2870 Municipal......................................................................383-2110 IMMIGRATION............................................................383-2526 MARINE RESCUE (VHF Channel 26) Port Captain..................................................................383-3035 Emergencies dial............................................462 or 627 or 767 POLICE Emergency dial...066 Puerto Peñasco Station..............................383-2626/383-1616 State Judicial Police (Policía Judicial del Estado).........383-2783 PUBLIC SECURITY DEPARTMENT Seguridad Pública Municipal......................383-2626/383-1616 RAILROAD Ferrocarril......................................................................383-2610 RED CROSS Cruz Roja.....................................................................383-2266 SOCIAL SECURITY (IMSS) Instituto Méxicano del Seguro Social.........383-2677/383-2777 TELEPHONE Teléfonos de México.....................................................383-2780 U.S. CONSULATES (in Mexico) Nogales.............................................................01-631-313-4820 dial from the U.S......................................011-52-631-313-4820 WATER Oomapas.......................................................................383-6080 Organismo Operador....................................................383-6080 Piteco (water tank delivery).........................................383-3315
RESTAURANTS that DELIVER Benny’s Pizza 383-6001 7 days, 11am-10pm
Figaro Pizza 383-1411
Brother’s Pizza 383-3712
Juniors Restaurant 388-9461
Cheiky’s Pizza La Cita Cafe 383-3627, Closed Wed. 383-2270 Cocina Express La Duela Pizza 383-8358 388-4414, Closed Wed. Mon.-Sat. 10am-8pm Sun. 12pm-7pm Sushi Sun 383-2772 Domino’s Pizza 383-3838 TIKI Fresh Foods 7 days (044-638) 105-8001 10am-8pm (044-638) 112-0996 9am-9pm, Closed. Sun. El Condor Pizza 388-5383 Tortas San Luis 7 days, 12pm-10pm 388-6405, 7 days, 9am-9pm FEDE’S Zuquin Cakes 383-3419 383-3250 (044-638) 100-5834 (044-638) 105-4389 12pm-5pm, Closed 7 days, 9am-5pm Sun.
Pet Friendly
HOTELS If you would like to bring your pet with you to Rocky Point, here are a few places you both will be welcome. Baja Hotel Matamoros and Campeche in El Mirador US dial (602) 559-1705 Local Phone (011-52-638) 383-6878 Local Fax (011-52-638) 383-7676 Fax Website Email ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bella Vista Condo US dial (775) 287-3830 Email ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Casa de Carolina Campeche in El Mirador US dial (602) 412-3565 Local Phone (011-52-638) 383-5482 Email Mail: PO Box 589, Lukeville, AZ 85341 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hotel Viña del Mar In Old Port at the end of the Malecon Local 383-3600 or 383-0100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seaside Beach Home Rentals Blvd. Benito Juarez, next to Banamex at the north end of town US Toll Free (877) 629-5691 • Local 383-1545 Website Email
Chochoy 383-2338 Guillermo Prieto & Melchor Ocampo Gallo de Oro (044) 638-112-3343 Samuel Ocaña La Posta 383-2574 Simon Morua & Guillermo Prieto
San Lazaro Pet Clinic 383-3344 (2 Locations) Blvd. Sonora & Galeana (west of Josefa) Calle 26 (near RR tracks)
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
EVENTS CALENDAR MARCH 2013 EVERYDAY American Legion Post MX-15 open from 12pm-7pm in El Mirador in the old Los Juanes Restaurant. Cet-Mar Aquariums – Center for Sea Studies. Come and see, feed and touch sea creatures up close and personal Monday-Friday 10am5pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm. Children $2, Adults $3. Bag of food $2. Located on the road to Las Conchas. Call 3820010 for more info. MONDAYS 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English). 6PM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (Spanish). TUESDAYS 2PM CEDO Free Public Talk in English and Tour of their facility in Las Conchas. Look for the giant Fin Whale Skeleton. Fun experience for the entire family. Phone 382-0113 for more info. 4PM CEDO Nature Talk in Spanish CBSC – Cholla Bay Sportsmen’s Club meets once a month (on Tues. or Sat.). WEDNESDAYS SOBS – South of the Border Singles meet every Wednesday for Happy Hour at Playa Bonita Resort. First Wednesday of every month is business meeting. 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English). 1PM – Horseshoes at the Pithaya in El Mirador. 3PM Shooter Bingo at Playa Bonita RV Park Social Club. $6.00 for 6 games with money payouts for each game. After each game, a shooter number is called, if you have this number you get a “shooter” of tequila or ?? Join us each Wednesday in our air conditioned club house. 5PM – AA meets (Spanish). 6PM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (Spanish). THURSDAYS 3PM Dart Tournament at the Pink Cadillac in El Mirador. All welcome. 4PM The Connection meets at The Light House. 4PM Bingo (Loteria) at Casa Hogar, Home for the Elderly. Everyone welcome to participate. Darts and Cards at the Sunset Cantina FRIDAYS 8AM Alcoholics Anonymous “Freebirds” newcomers/book study meeting. Call 3825001 for more info. Live Music at The Lighthouse Restaurant. 5PM ALANON English speaking meeting at 48 Campeche & Manuel Arista (next to Galindo’s Café) at the Passport AA Club. Call Donna (044-638) 109-3766 or email for more info. 5PM ALANON PASSPOR CLUB 6:00 pm. Latin Dance Lessons at Peñasco Fitness Center (044-638) 106-3619 or email SATURDAYS 2PM CEDO Free Nature Talk in Spanish and Tour of their facility in Las Conchas. Fun experience for the entire family. Call 382-0113 for info. 4PM CEDO Nature Talk in English 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English) 6PM AA meets (Spanish). Live Music at The Lighthouse Restaurant.
SUNDAYS 9AM Non-Denominational Worship Services with Family of God. Located on Blvd. Costera N 2000A. Everyone welcome. Church Office: 383-3480. 9AM Alcoholics Anonymous Meets (English). 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English). 3PM Dart Tournament at the Pink Cadillac. Church Service at 10:00AM Bilingual Service with Peñasco Christian Fellowship located 1 blk east of Josefa Ortiz de D. on Melchor Ocampo. Experience worship with both American & Mexican Christians! Phone: (011-52-638) 383-4513
Saturday 2nd • MERMAID’S MARKET Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10am -5pm. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez and Freemont)
Saturday 9th • Spring Break begins on the 9th and will continue until, maybe, the 23rd. • 3rd Annual Women’s Cabalgata (departing from Banamex by the Police Station) • 2nd Saturday’s Events in Ajo AZ, start at the Historical Plaza around 9AM, in the heart of town. Thursday 14th - 19th • inSANDity on the beach @ Sandy Beach. Beach obstacle course race in front of the Princesa condos. Friday 15th - 17th • CBSC Fishing Derby Saturday 16th • Claudia Rivas is the Birthday Girl today!! • Dirty Beach Mud Run on the beach by the Reef on Sandy Beach • MERMAID’S MARKET Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10am -5pm. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez and Fremont) • OTL Softball sponsored by Jj’s Cantina and Baja Hotel and Cantina in the Mirador Sunday 17th • Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t go out without WEARING “THE GREEN” There will be lots of green beer to drink today, and a bit of corned beef and cabbage to eat!! Monday 18th • Commemoration of Benito Juarez Birthday (Monday Holiday, actual date is March 21st) • Expropiación Petrolera Thursday 21st • Benito Juárez Birthday Sunday 24th - April 6th • Semana Santa (Easter Week) Monday 25th • Red Hat Ladies Luncheon at Flavio’s in Old Port at 1pm Thursday 28th • Semana Santa Weekend begins Sunday 31st • Easter APRIL 2013 Saturday 6th • CBSC Horseshoe Tournament in Cholla Bay • JJ’s Cantina Bathtub aces in Cholla Bay • Retro Volleyball Tournament on Sandy Beach Sunday 7th • Retro Volleyball Tournament
Thursday 11th - 14th • CBSC Fishing Derby
Friday 12th - 13th • YARD SALE at the St. Josepth’s Catholic Church of Cholla benefits will be used to fix the church. Tuesday 16th • JJ’s Bathtub Races Saturday 20th • Funkalicious Volleyball • OBSC Bash Thursday 23rd - 25th • CBSC Fishing Derby Friday 26th • CBSC Fish Fry Saturday 27th • Triathlon • JJ’s Cantina One Club Open Monday 29th • Red Hat Ladies Luncheon at Mare Blu Bistro in Old Port 1pm Tuesday 30th • Dia del Niño MAY 2013 Wednesday May 1st • Dia del Trabajo (Mexico Labor Day) National Holiday Friday-Sunday 3rd - 5th • Rocky Point Times BiAnnual EL GOLFO RUN for reservations • CBSC Fishing Derby Sunday 5th • Cinco de Mayo (Batalla de Puebla) Friday 10th • Dia De Las Madres Mother’s Day (Mexico) Saturday 11th • OBSC Steak Fry Sunday 12th • Mother’s Day (U.S.) • OBSC Mother’s Day Brunch Wednesday 15th • Dia del Maestro (Mexico – Teachers Day) Wednesday 15th - 19th • Uniting Nations Golf @ Mayan Saturday 18th • Tequila 125 Desert Race -Off road racing • Armed Forces Day (U.S.A) Monday 27th • Memorial Day (U.S.A) JUNE 2013 Wednesday 5th - 9th • RCPM Circus Mexicus Friday 14th • Flag Day (U.S.A) Saturday 15th • OBSC Summer BBQ Sunday 16th • Dia Del Padre / Father’s Day
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Puerto Peñasco goes viral
By Anita Kaltenbaugh
Our favorite little seaside town has finally hit the big time. I have a suspicious feeling it won’t stop here. Last month our quaint village was featured on HGTV House Hunters International, Extreme homes on HGTV network and then found itself splashed across media headlines with the astonishing migration of whales to the top of the Sea of Cortez. The whales hit the airwaves first, and luckily, a few spectators were able to capture these very active creatures splashing, breaching and jumping around our beautiful waters. One part time Rocky Point resident Gillian Panasewicz, with a group of friends went sailing on a locally based sailboat, “Gato Loco”. Not unusual to enjoy whale sightings and dolphins in the Sea of Cortez, but this day the captain Bill Hensler, was able to get up close and personal. Panasewicz has the pictures and video to prove it. The pictures were so incredible, that for a week they made headlines around the nation. Showcased on Good Morning America, Nightly News with Brian Williams, Fox News, ABC news, USA Today and CNN among others, the planet was able to see the “world’s aquarium” (dubbed by Jacque Costeau) in action and couldn’t get enough of it. It seemed every time you turned the news on the first week of February, there were our whales and the fabulous photographs by Gillian Panasewicz. One of the most memorable photos was a Mexican panga practically capsizing
with the breaching whale. The spectators stated no one was hurt, just stunned, but in the month of February and March, it is a lesson “whale learned”. Yes, when on a boat on the Sea of Cortez, even in a kayak for that matter, keep your eyes open, and watch out for the migrating whales in the water. Look at them, shoot photos but don’t hit them. The HGTV House Hunters International show brought television publicity to Rocky Point when they filmed an episode here in Puerto Peñasco. A crew of 5 New Yorkers flew into Phoenix to journey to Puerto Peñasco to film a couple in pursuit of their Mexican beach vacation home. After showing 3 properties, the couple then reveal their pick. The series, not only showcases the incredibly low priced waterfront properties we have available in Puerto Peñasco for sale, but shines a spotlight on the town and its culture. This special episode featured a couple with two special needs children, who found serenity and joy when coming to the beach. Local realtor, Dan Monroe of Realty Executives, served as the couples realtor, he states, the couple discovered trips to Rocky Point helped them spend more time as a family and their kids responded better and found peace in this new community, so they decided to buy, Dan also adds, “not only is the family happier, Rocky Point is the big winner.” You can pull up the episode on HGTV. com as well as a special Rocky Point Casa featured on Extreme Homes on HGTV. So watch out, with international media, pictures gone viral,; folks from all over the world will be showing up in our little piece of paradise looking for hot real estate deals, whales jumping and all the wonderful reasons to love Rocky Point. I’m thinking once again, “the best is yet to come”.
Photo by Gillian Panasewicz
Anita Kaltenbaugh is the Mexico travel examiner at and author of the book “Travel Secrets- Insider guide to planning, affording and taking more vacations” available on, Kindle and Nook.
Whale Watching! All photos were taken by Gillian Panasewicz.
Humpback whales, once hunted almost to extinction, are slowly returning to their original numbers. Known for their beautiful whale song and acrobatic behavior, they have one of the longest migrations of any species and are found in every ocean in the world. During the summer, they migrate north to cooler polar waters to feed, and during the winter they return to the tropical waters in the south to mate. During their migrations, they stay close to shore and swim slowly, making them a favorite of whale watchers throughout the world. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Fin whales and sunsets and beer. Oh, my! When it comes to Rocky Point, there’s something for everyone. And while many people come here for the bars and booty calls—for both sexes—there are so many other things going on for visitors wanting to recreate, relax and immerse themselves in the Mexican culture. I had a recent conversation with Mary Ann Walters of Tucson, and my answers to her questions may introduce you to a Rocky Point you never knew.
or trailer at an RV resort. Make s’mores around a campfire. Stargaze. Bird watch. Get a massage. Get good cheap dental work done. See the shrimp boats coming and going at the marina. Get a manicure. Drive down to the Mayan Palace. Check out the high-rise resorts on Sandy Beach. Enjoy the food at dozens of street stands or in restaurants where you can be entertained by a strolling mariachi band.
MARY ANN: I always heard Rocky Point is where spring breakers go to get crazy stupid. What’s there to do for those who don’t care to party 24/7?
CAP’N GREG: During the season, you can see professional baseball teams playing their hearts out. In fact, the fans are so outrageously vocal, even if you’re not a baseball nut, you’ll be fully entertained. And if you are around during the many religious holidays, especially the Day of the Dead celebration, a walk-through of the main cemetery is a true spectacle. Or there are volunteer opportunities. Help build a house, make sandwiches for those in the barrios, and donate time, money and other things to the Esperanza Children’s Home, or the Casa Hogar home for the elderly. You can read about a lot of these things in the Rocky Point Times and on line.
CAP’N GREG: Hmmm. That really narrows your choices, Mary Ann. But I’ll try to come up with a few. I guess you could swim. Or walk barefoot on miles of beach. Look for sea shells. Use a metal detector to search for coins and jewelry. Seek hidden sea creatures at low tide. Rent an ATV. Get a tan. Go fishing in your own boat or do a charter. Take a sightseeing excursion to Isla San Jorge. Scuba dive. Snorkel. Rent a jet ski. Visit the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve and the Cet-Mar aquarium. Have lunch at the Hot Dog Man’s on Constitution. Shop till you drop on the Malecon, in El Centro or at the Cholla Mall. Take an ultralight ride. Enjoy a sunset cruise. Get your dog groomed. Go to a movie. Set up your tent
MARY ANN: Wow. Is that all?
MARY ANN: And if I want to slam tequila shots, I can do that, too? CAP’N GREG: All day, all night, Mary Ann.
Got a ? for Cap’n Greg? Email to or send to RPTimes: PO Box 887, Lukeville, AZ 85341 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
First Mexican Moonshine Tequila Classic Golf Tournament
By Rita Pizarro
The VI RCPM January Jam at JJ’s Cantina had a new addition this year with the introduction of the first Mexican Moonshine Tequila Classic golf tournament. It was a cloudy and cool January morning and the light rain threatened to call off some golfers, but the clouds weren’t enough to discourage the many fans who showed up to play with Roger Clyne and the whole RCPM band at the first Mexican Moonshine Tequila Classic held on January 26th at the links in Las Palomas. Golfers and fans with all ability levels played alongside with the band members, attendants were invited to bring obnoxious golf pants or hats to play the 9 holes. A watering hole featuring “Mexican Moonshine shots for Charity” was part of the tournament. Just before the beginning of the tournament the clouds let off and even though it was a little wet and yellow from the recent freeze, golfers enjoyed this tournament as none other. The relaxed atmosphere and tequila shots helped make it a memorable event, there were prizes for the longest putt, longest drive and closest to pin, of course the prize was a bottle of Moonshine Tequila! Also the lucky winners had a custom made Trophy featuring a bottle of Moonshine Tequila. Congratulations to the winners: Todd and Barbara Westberg, Brad Songhurst and Smeed Wagner: Hope you enjoyed your Tequila and come back next year! As usual Roger Clyne delivered a full weekend of entertainment with a good cause, starting with a trio at Wrecked at the Reef on Friday night, Golf on Saturday Morning, a great concert at JJ’s that started before sunset and went well into the night on Saturday, and finishing late Sunday meeting with the fans for pictures and autographs. The trip to Rocky Point for one of RCPM’s concert is not just a concert for a couple of hours, it’s a whole “concert weekend” filled with fun activities. I interviewed a “first timer” for the whole RCPM experience: Tom Drogaris, of Greek Origin and former East coaster, who is happily relocated in lovely Estrella Mountain in Goodyear AZ. Tom, together with our good friend Doug Masi, signed up for the golf. Even though his group was a bit confused on the times and showed up late, he did very well on the tournament finishing second, he was also at
the Wrecked on Friday having a blast and at the concert on Saturday at JJ’s Cantina, in his own words: “The event was a wonderful great fundraiser; The music was mesmerizing and took me back to my youth. I was totally blown away with how long Roger Clyne played, being used to short concerts. I was amazed at how he can last so long projecting his voice. I would recommend the experience to all my friends. The value for the money is second to none. I money that I spent on the weekend was about the same as I would have spent on one night in Scottsdale: Climate, People, Food: Life is Good in Mexico!” From Doug Masi to Roger and the Band: “Hey Peacemakers and Roger: Had an absolute blast at this past weekend event. This was my first concert to finally get down and enjoy your music. Thanks for taking a moment to chat at JJ’s after the concert. I know you put on a big show, so wanted to respect your free time. Had a fun chat with Steve Larson (as one guitarist to another). Steve might enjoy this... I was the solo act guitarist for the opening event in Vegas (July 2012) for Robert Kiyosaki. (Rich Dad Poor Dad) As you may recall, I was the guy who asked you if you knew Bret Michaels. I believe we have mutual friend in Tommy Thomas and Rita (we do real estate together). I knew Tommy back from the 90’s working together in Ocean City, NJ. Look forward to your June show! Got to get some of that MoonshineTequila. Best regards, Doug.” We invite you to come to Rocky Point for the next concert “Circus Mexicus” this is held in June and is the biggest concert of the Year for Puerto Peñasco. This year, 2013, we will have the 12th Circus Mexicus, it will take place June 6th through the 9th. Check for details, soccer on the beach, hotdogs and a smile and more, check the website or Facebook for times and places for each activity. This event also has a charitable cause helping the Amor children’s home. Tickets do sellout so buy your ticket soon and enjoy a full weekend of activities, rock and fun with the Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. Have a great Spring Break, hope for warm beach weather and See you at the Beach!
Sweeeeetttt!! it’s All Good at Thrifty!
Alexa informed us that Cookies and Cream and Chocolate Mint are the most popular ice cream orders at the shop… two scoops at a time! There are about 30 flavors to choose from and they also make sundaes, malts, banana splits and of course have a wide variety of sprinkles, nuts and all toppings.
By Mark Paliscak
Many of us have seen and visited the Thrifty Ice Cream stores around town here in Rocky Point. They have been a family favorite for kids and adults alike. At bargain prices from decades ago, Thrifty delivers some of the freshest ice cream anywhere! We recently visited the Thrifty Ice Cream store located at Plutarco e Calles and Calle 13. As usual, the shop was filled with visitors from all over Mexico and America including Hermosillo, Cuernavaca, New Mexico, Utah, Minnesota, California and of course Arizona. Alexa, one of the smiling servers at Thrifty, readily let us sample several flavors before Miss Via Maria selected her usual chocolate and Zack chose his favorite cookie dough and then finished with the rest of the order for our group.
Thrifty is busy year round even in the winter months but each year with the arrival of spring and Semana Santa and spring break, their ice cream stores are inundated with clients and become a very popular hangout for families, teens and kids. April is the busiest month for Thrifty and the crowds continue well into summer. So, if you are looking for some old school family fun or just a time to catch up with some old friends, grab the gang and head on over to Thrifty soon! It will be no time before you are repeating… D-E-L-I-S-I-O-S-O!
Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true- if we have the courage to pursue them”. Dream big and go for it! And, may your dreams always find you back at home in Rocky Point. Until next month, stay strong, stay healthy and see you at the beach! WOO HOO, SPRING BREAK IS HERE! ADIOS AMIGOS!! • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Sonoran Resorts Sales Team Doing Their Part to Promote Rocky Point during Slow Economy
By Joe Houchin
Rather than wait for business, the Sonoran Sales Team has aggressively sought it out through exposure at consumer shows. So far this year, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing for the four Sonoran beach front resort condominiums in Puerto Peñasco, has sent team members to man booths at the renowned Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction in Scottsdale, Arizona for seven days in January. Already known for their high profile rare auto collectors, the auction this year experienced the largest gross sales in their history and one of their highest attendance records. Maintaining the lead generating momentum, Jim has confirmed space at the February Arabian Horse Show and auction in Scottsdale, a ten day event that attracts tens of thousands of up-market visitors and buyers from around the world. Of course, this kind of exposure invaluable from a tourism destination aspect for both new and previous visitors to the area. “If we were full of tourists, it would make sense to keep our agents on the properties, but since visitor ship is down during the economic lull, it makes equal
sense to get aggressive and send them off property generating interest and leads that result in inquiries about our listings,” says Jim, “We’re always thinking of our owners, and sitting around waiting on walk-in business is not in their best interest in a market like the present.”
Jim has reserved a booth at the huge National RV Show in Tucson for March. This show attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the Southwest and the U.S. including the winter visitor markets from Phoenix, Tucson, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah who know how close Rocky Point is from their homes or their winter residences. In April, Sonoran Resorts will have booth space at one and possibly two large trade shows in Las Vegas as well. Jim says, “We are very much aware of the contribution we make to tourism through the exposure we give Rocky Point as a beach destination at these shows, and our agents expound on the features of the destination as well as our properties. That’s natural for them because they love Rocky Point and are proud to call it ‘home’.” Jim is always on the lookout for new trade and consumer shows taking place in known market centers and has no plans to discontinue this successful method of generating interest in owners’ listings.
This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.
Diseños Casa y Jardín
By Eddie Wharez® Owner and interior designer of Diseños Casa y Jardín
You don’t take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it. ~Author Unknown Puerto Peñasco is in many different ways an awesome paradise, rich in color, sun, moons, blue skies, gorgeous sunsets, fascinating sunrises and wonderful people. If you have a camera with you, this means a great deal of opportunities right in front of your eyes to catch, cherish and show to your friends and family back home. I remember the first photos I took of Sandy Beach, with the clear and quiet water of the Sea of Cortes. From then on I couldn’t stop taking pictures. So far, I have about a thousand images documenting the best of Puerto Peñasco in an album I call, “The Beauty of Rocky Point”. I always carry a camera with me, I love to look up to the clouds, it reminds me of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words, and “The sky is the daily bread of the eyes”. When the tide goes out, the shore tells me a story, sometimes about women’s hair, or simply about the scars of time. I am fascinated with the desert. Despite the fact that I was born in the windiest city of México, Pachuca, Hidalgo, we didn’t have “Viento Negro” or “Sand Storms” as we have here. Whenever they happen, I cruise the town while I catch with my camera, the sand
moving, the new shapes being created and new stories being written. For Diseños Casa y Jardín, you may know I am in charge of all the photography including the self portraits. I have been privileged by the Rocky Point Times to display some of my work as photographer on several of their covers, which makes me feel very special and very thankful as well. Friends and clients have motivated me to have some of work as a photographer for sale at Diseños Casa y Jardín. Whenever you come by, please ask us to show you some of the “The Beauty of Rocky Point”. Perhaps they fit in your luggage as a present or simply to decorate a distinctive part of your home. In a visual world and in the era of social media, businesses need to stand out. I help them by taking creative photos of their most outstanding features and services. Family and personal portraits are also available. Whenever you are on Rodeo Drive or Old Cholla Rd. Come in to say, “Hi”, even if you just want to look at the photos to nourish your inspiration, feel free to pop in. At this point I would like to share certain things I have learned over the years about photography. If you are cruising the world looking for the right image at the right moment, this might mean something to you. A great photo 1. Has a message 2. Makes you wonder 3. Shows the unnoticed or the unusual 4. Tells a story we all relate to 5. Grabs you 6. Catches a moment 7. Takes you to that instant 8. Is emotional 9. Is self-expressive (this is my favorite since style isn’t about look, it isn’t about meaning, it’s about you) And as James Maher puts it, always keep in mind that the best photographers are not just interested in photography; they have an interest in people, in life, in social issues or cultural issues. They read and they explore new places and new ideas. They are curious both about others and about themselves.
Please visit our gallery on Rodeo Drive (see ad) feel free to ask any questions and who knows we may have what you are after, regardless you are going to be pleasantly surprised! Reach me at: or visit us online at • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
“Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point Inc.” (a 501©3 non-profit Corporation) by Nancy Phelan AKA “The Pack Leader”
‘Animals come into our lives as gifts from God, for companionship, to teach us, and to heal us. They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them’ Dr. Ihor Basko, DVM
Good things are happening with the new government in place. The city is hoping to have another large clinic in March – please call the city for information 388-5152. The city also does small monthly clinics in the barrios for the poor, since many people do not have transportation. Rabies clinics are held weekly. For spay/ neuter, for 100 – 200 pesos, please call the city for an appointment. They are located on the main Blvd. Benito Juarez at the old airport. We have seen a reduction in the stray dogs on the streets in the last ten years, but much is still needed to help the animals. The city will be clamping down on the amount of dogs at each residence, so be sure that your animals are spayed and neutered. Two dogs per household is the law, and they must be fixed. If you can help a local family please call the city for an appointment for a spay/neuter. Animal Adoption Center will be converting the motorhome for the city to use for the spay/neuter clinics to enable them to get to the barrios. We have some equipment, but may need supplies like surgical gloves, syringes (2-3), gauze pads, dressings for surgery and any other clinic items you can donate. Call Nancy (011-52638) 383-1012 or (602) 412-3932 for a list of needed items and for drop off locations in Phoenix. Please bring all items to the center in Rocky Point – map is below. The city is also checking on auto licenses so make sure that your registrations are up to date, stop at all stop signs and do wear your seat belts at all times. A family stopped by the center a few days ago with a young puppy (2 -3 months old) that had been run over by a car. They had no money and asked if
I could help. I called Javier at Chochoys and told him to expect the family and that Animal Adoption Center would take care of the bill. He gave the puppy injections for the infection and pain and told them to come back the next day. The family is having car trouble, ran out of gas and the car would not start so I took them (all 5 and the puppy) to see Javier yesterday and he instructed the family to treat the puppy for four days before he could remove the paw. He will have the paw removed next Thursday. The family did have someone come tow their car during the night. Times are tough for many people and any help is appreciated. Many of us try to help the families along with helping the animals. The family will be treating the pup at home for the next four days to prep him for surgery on Thursday. They do not have the transportation to bring him to the veterinarian twice a day. This is where your donations go when I have enough in the medical fund. My medical fund is getting low -0- so any help will be appreciated. So many locals love their animals but do not have funds to pay for treatment when they are having a hard time finding work and feeding their families. I will post a picture of the pup after his surgery in next month issue of the RPTimes. A big thank you to all that make this possible. Animal Adoption Center tries to help as many people as we can.
Sparkle is a sweet Poodle, apricot/ white in color. She was so mangled when she arrived but, like all Poodles, loves her cut. She gets along with other dogs and cats. She has had all her shots and has been spayed. She loves to be loved and would make a good lap dog. Please call for appointment if you would like to see Sparkle.
Cleaning supplies. trash bags, paper towels, dog and cat beds, cat litter, canned cat food, kitten dry food, large 2 ½ gallon water and feeding containers, 12 X 8 garage door, canopies for shade, slats for chain link fencing and pet beds! We also use Kuranda above ground beds and these can be purchased through our web site directly through Kuranda, Just go to www. to donate a Kuranda bed for the animals. Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point has been at the same location now for twelve years. Coming into town go one block past (south) Lucas Chicken Palapas restaurant, turn left (east) and come down three blocks and we are on the north/west corner of Leon de la Barra and Cuauhtémoc. Please bring donations to the center. Call for drop off sites in Arizona. We are now able to purchase Kirkland dog, puppy and cat dry food here in Rocky Point at Welton, located just north of the signal at the police station on the east side of the main street and just south of Santa Fe market. Prices are great and this way we do not have to worry about crossing into Mexico with American pet food. The Kirkland food sold here is made in the USA and distributed through Costco Mexico. Finally a problem solved. With the exchange rate as it is now the prices are very reasonable and comparable to the US. You can send cash donations (checks made out to AACORP), PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341 and we can purchase the needed pet food. Your gift is a tax deduction. We still need canned cat and dog food and of course cat litter. Spring break is just around the corner and Rocky Point is a very safe place to visit. Visit us on Facebook along with the Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Page, Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point, and my page Nancy Phelan. Thank you to all our animal loving friends and angels! Mexico (011-52-638) 383-1012 Phoenix (602) 412-3932 Tucson (520) 407-6594 AACORP INC 501 (c) 3 Tax Exempt AACORP PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
By Lonesome Lui Ernie and I walked out on the pier for the last time. Molly was already there since she was part of what led up to today’s wake. The loss of our pier. Ernie and I made this walk through all kinds of weather. Today the boards that knew footsteps way back as far as l9l9 were dry. A few people were given pieces of the top railing. Some had carved initials, names, and dates from early l900’s and on up. It was probably a time when men carried a pocket knife. My God, boys even brought a pocket knife to school. You could see where fishing lines and crab net ropes had scarred the rail surfaces. Even the short time we’ve been here we’ve seen loved ones ashes scattered over the dark waters. Many times there were bouquets of fresh flowers tied to the railing. I loved to pick a single bloom on my way out and let it float down to the water. The tide was always moving, and I could watch it float. Today it was cold. The fisherman, picnic families, sun bathers, lovers were gone. The sun was shining and, looking across Puget Sound to Seattle, the water was blue. It is a water of many moods. I was thinking of the thousands of sea creatures that lived in the pilings that will soon be ripped out. They say they are going to build another pier, of mostly metal. That’s the only way to do things like that these days. It’s a beautiful location to be able to walk way out over the Sound and enjoy the bird life and fabulous view. There will be some that remember the old pier and I wouldn’t want to try and tell them this is an improvement. Since it’s been closed to the public, two eagles have taken over- but not for long. I figure our view of that old pier is a ten thousand loss from our location by the water.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Finding Paradise By Sandy Spain
Directorate of Social Communication XXI H. CITY OF ROCKY POINT ROCKY POINT, FORWARD!
More Shopping in Paradise A friend recently asked me where to get flowers and I did have a few suggestions. If you are looking for flowering plants, I suggest Vivero Nursery (El Cimarron). They are on Juan de la Barrera (same street as entrance to TelMex office) a few blocks to the North on the West side of the street. They now have pansies and geraniums if you are looking for some color for your flower beds and pots. What I have not been able to find in town is potting soil. I do buy “mixta” from this nursery and mix it with sand and some potting soil that
La Cita on Cuauhtémoc
Lupita’s Flower Shop on Sinaloa
Garzon Flower Shop on Simón Morúa Vivero Nursery on J. de la Barrera I bring from Phoenix. If anyone knows where to buy it here, let me know. I have visited both Lupita’s and Garzon for cut flowers and also got a beautiful tropical style artificial flower arrangement at Garzon. Lupita’s is on Sinaloa (West of Benito Juarez) a couple of blocks down from Burrito Express mail service. Garzon is on Simón Morúa about 4 blocks East (going toward Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez). Another friend told me about Carolina’s which is in the block before Ley’s (if you are coming from NoReelección) on Constitución. Lupita’s can also arrange for you to get any rental items you might need for special events. Disclaimer I do not claim these are the only places for you to go for your plant and flower needs, but places that I know about and have used.
Regina’s on Josefa O. de Domínguez La Cita is on Cuauhtémoc between Sonora and Melchor Ocampo. Cuauhtémoc is 3 blocks East of Benito Juárez. Regina’s is on Josefa O. de Domínguez (aka The Boulevard). It is on the East side of this divided street, so if you approach from the North you will have to pass it and make a u-turn. But if you turn off Benito Juárez at Alejandro Sobarzo (the street between the gymnasium and the school) and then turn North on the Boulevard, you won’t have to make that u-turn.
Carolina Floreria on Constitución
New Opportunity On a totally different subject, there is now a newspaper recycle box at Rocky Point Times. Please bring your old newspaper and recycle them. They will be used by the Comunidad de Valores y Actitudes for making their piñatas.
Where are they now? I last month I wrote about a bakery that had relocated from the old port area. There are a couple of other businesses, restaurants, that also relocated from the old port area and you might not know their whereabouts - La Cita and Regina’s. Both are in town and still operated by the same families.
Sunday Drive Take a “Sunday Drive”, get off the beaten path in our town, learn some street names (yep I know there aren’t signs everywhere, I rely a lot on the map in the Rocky Point Times to find out street names) and find some new places to shop and eat. Enjoy your discoveries! Enjoy your discoveries!
ROCKY POINT, 27 January 2013. - The president of DIF Puerto Peñasco, Mrs. Rafaela Felix Figueroa, presented to the Secretary of Health in Sonora, Dr. Bernardo Campillo Garcia, and the project for installation in this city of a hemodialysis unit. During a meeting held at the offices of the head of the health sector in the state, the First Lady raised the urgent need that Puerto Peñasco has a clinic to serve the people with advanced renal failure. Accompanying the DIF director, Samuel Ortega Castro and municipal health director, Dr. Eliel Lopez Urias, Mrs. Felix Figueroa explained the complications faced by patients and their families by having to travel to Hermosillo three times a week for treatment. “We need to support these families; because they face an ordeal having to travel to Hermosillo, hence the DIF is proposing this hemodialysis unit. We are contributing our part in this project, we are not leaving everything to the Health Ministry,” she said. Hemodialysis is an outpatient procedure which is performed through a vascular access, ie, the patient’s blood is filtered through a machine, a process having an average duration of 4 hours and takes place three times a week when the disease is advanced. The draft submitted to the head of the Ministry of Health of the State Government states that there are currently 560 Rocky Point people with diabetes and, for the most part in association with hypertension and obesity, of which between 60 and 70% may develop renal insufficiency. The latest statistics show that currently 29 people exist in this port on Dialysis. This data reveals a fairly worrying number, and shows that patients who receive hemodialysis must travel from 280 to 1000 kilometers up to three times a week. Health Secretary in the State, Bernardo Campillo Garcia congratulated the government headed by Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta teacher for caring about the health of its inhabitants. “Few municipalities have this kind of initiative” he said. During the meeting, officials agreed to study the proposal presented by the First Lady of Puerto Peñasco, since it is a plan that will improve the health of people requiring hemodialysis treatment. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
If you dispute any incident or infraction, need help or have questions, please go to the Police Station, located north of town. Pay any and all fines ONLY at the station. IF YOU ARE PULLED OVER ALWAYS: • Write down the Name of the Officer • And the Number on the back of the vehicle that pulled you over • Record the location you were pulled over and the exact time
Nationwide: from ANY PHONE. TelCel users can also dial *112 to go directly to the Peñasco Police Station
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you feel you have been wronged by an officer(s), you MUST make an official complaint so that the police department can take action. If they have no record of the incident, then they have no proof. Telling your friends and complaining to others will not get the problem solved - it only creates more problems and allows the officer to go on “doing business as usual”. File a complaint and save others the same grief you have gone through and make our city a better place.
All fines are to be paid at the main police station
PASSPORTS ARE REQUIRED Passports are required for re-entry into the U.S. when travelling by vehicle into Mexico. You may also present a Passport Card, Enhanced Driver’s License, SENTRI or NEXXUS Cards when leaving Mexico. Children under the age of 16 need to present their Birth Certificate. This applies to any port of entry when driving into Mexico.
ABOUT PUERTO PEÑASCO Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point, is located in the State of Sonora on the Sea of Cortez. It is approz. 66m miles from the U.S. border at Lukeville, AZ and the Mexican border at Sonoyta, MX. Rocky Point is located within the “Free Zone”, so no vehicle permits are required for you to visit, but you will need your Passport or other ID (see above) to re-enter the United States. Rocky Point offers a variety of land and sea activities for every age and is very family oriented. It also offers a variety of dining and lodging choices as well as beach camping and RV Parks. Rocky Point is known for its warm weather, beautiful sunsets and gorgeous beaches. Relax and enjoy a day on the beach or at one of our many spas. Head out for a day of shoppingm to find everything from one-ofa-kind fine art to curious. Plan a day of golf on some of the most beautiful and challenging courses around. And when the sun has set, head out for some local night time entertainment.
take you all the way to the U.S./Mexico border at Lukeville, AZ and Sonoyta, MX. The Maricopa Hwy. will lead you right into Gila Bend, exit left once you come to the stop sign and follow the above directions.
COMING FROM TUCSON You will take the old Ajo Hwy. (Hwy. 86), which will lead you through Sells and end at Why, AZ. At the stop sign take a left onto Hwy. 85 (at Why) and head to the border (see above). Gas stations, restrooms, ATM’s & convenience stores are located in Gila Bend, Ajo, Why and Lukeville. AZ before reaching the border.
COMING FROM CALIFORNIA The crossing at San Luis (south of Yuma, AZ) is the fastest and easiest point to cross. Head East on I-8 and take Hwy. 95 S towards Yuma. You will cross at San Luis Rio Colorado. Continue straight through the border, go straight for a few blocks, turn left for a few blocks and then turn right onto Ave. Obregon. That is the main road through San Luis. You will go all the way through town and see a sign for Puerto Peñasco and El Golfo de Santa Clara off to your right. Exit right at the bridge and follow the signs to Puerto Peñasco. There is a toll booth you will go through (currently $94 pesos). The road is smooth and free of potholes and has plenty of places to pass and pull over. Just outside of El Golfo, you will turn left onto the Coastal Highway (003) and follow that all the way to Rocky Point. Signs are clearly marked. Look on our Facebook Page for pictures of the signs, roadway, stops and scenery.
ENTERING MEXICO Hwy. 8 from the Lukeville border to Rocky Point is a good 2-lane road with plenty of emergency parking and places to pass. It is an open range (watch out for wildlife) and is patrolled by the highway police as well as the Green Angels (roadside assistance). Please see Crossing the Border in this section for more info.
YOU MUST HAVE MEXICAN VEHICLE INSURANCE...IT’S THE LAW A minimum of liability is required. COMING FROM PHOENIX Take either I-10 (west side) or the Maricopa Hwy. (east side). Take the Gila Bend/Mexico exit off of I-10 and head toward Gila Bend. Once you pass through Gila Bend you will exit onto Hwy. 85 (south) toward Ajo/Mexico. Hwy. 85 will
ACCIDENTS If you are involved in a (non-death) accident in Mexico, you are considered at fault until proven otherwise. All parties are taken to the police station where you and your vehicle
may be detained until restitution is made. If a minor is involved in an accident, the parents are responsible for the child. Parents must pay fines and/or restitution. Minors are usually detained but not jailed in non-death accidents or traffic violations. You need to file a police report and phone your Mexican insurance adjustor immediately in the event of an accident. You (most likely) will be held in jail if you are in an accident in which a death occurs.
MEXICAN CONSULATES Tucson: 553 S. Stone Ave., 85701 (520) 882-5595 • Mon.-Fri. 8 AM - 2 PM Phoenix: 1990 W. Camelback Rd., 85015 (602) 433-2294 Nogales: 480 Grand Ave., 89562 • (520) 287-3175 Douglas: 541 10th St., 85607 • (520) 364-3107
AIRLINE SERVICE & AIRPORTS AeroCalafia Service to/from Hermosillo (011-52-638) 388-7812 Mexico Toll Free: 800-560-3949 U.S. Toll Free: 818-206-3255 Morgan Jet Charter flights from Phoenix 1-888-869-0866
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Mar de Cortes International Airport (011-52-638) 383-6097 Airport Administrator: Alonso Dominguez Ruiz Libramiento Carretera Sonoyta-Caborca 71 Ejido Miramar, Colonia Miramar
PERSONAL AIRCRAFT To fly your own plane you must have your: pilots license, medical certificate, registration, air worthiness certificate, and Mexican airplane insurance. GENERAL AIRPORT INFORMATION Airport ICAO ID: MMPE Location: 17 miles East of downtown Elevation: 88 ft. Mar de Cortes Radio Tower Frequency: 118.85 Website contains complete info. on Airport loanding, parking other fees Type of Services: RS: Int’l regular flights RFF Category: 7 Airport Coordinates: 31° 21’ 6.836” LN113° 18’ 19.44” LW Runway Center Runway Designation: 18-36 Runway 18 THR Elev.: 84 ft./Runway 36 Elev.: 88 ft. Airport Reference Number: 4D Runway Lengths: 8,100 ft. Airport Size: 1,482.6 Acres U.S. AIRPORTS (CLOSEST)
Phoenix, Tucson & Nogales, AZ
BUS STATIONS (MEXICO) ABC - Phone: 383-1999 (Auto Transportes de la Baja California) Located on Constitucion, just N of the signal at Blvd. Benito Juarez Albatros - Phone: 388-0888 E side of Benito Juarez, N of the Stadium Norte de Sonora - Phone: 383-3640 E side of Blvd. Benito Juarez, S of No. Releccion (Calle 26) and N of Pemex TAP - Phone: 383-6761 (Transportes y Autobuses del Pacifico) W side of Blvd. Benito Juarez, N of the signal at Constitucion
CAR RENTALS Some major rental companies do permit their vehicles to be driven into Mexico. Call their AZ offices directly instead of their national offices. You may be required to carry their Mexican insurance. Mexico law requires that you must carry a minimum of liability insurance. Arizona (Phoenix Area) Enterprise, Advantage, Dollar, Saban’s Puerto Peñasco (from the U.S. dial 011-52-638) Alamo Rent A Car 102-0277 M.G. Rentals 383-3814 Rio Car Rental 383-8181 The Point Rent-A-Car 388-5823
U.S. CONSULATES Nogales, Mexico from Mexico (01-631) 311-8150 Fax: (01-631) 313-4652 from the U.S. (011-52-631) 311-8150 Fax: (011-52-631) 313-4652 Email: What the Consulate CAN DO if you are arrested in Mexico • Visit you in jail after your arrest • Provide you a list of local attorneys • Inform you of judicial procedures • Notify family and friends • Relay requests for aid or monetary support • Protest abuse/mistreatment to authorities What the Consulate CANNOT DO if you are arrested in Mexico • Demand your immediate release • Get you out of jail or out of the country • Pay legal fees w/U.S. Government money • Pay fines w/U.S. Government money
CROSSING THE BORDER CLOSED MIDNIGHT - 6:00 AM Arizona (Lukeville) Border Mexico (Sonoyta) Border
As soon as you pass the chainlink fence, you are entering into Mexico. There are two lanes going into Mexico. Wait for the vehicle ahead of you to pass all the way through the lane before proceeding. VEHICLE INSPECTION There are two means of inspection: 1) Fiscal Traffic Light
Nothing to declare/items under allowed limit
2) Integral Inspection
Voluntary declaration/items over allowed limit
As you cross the Mexican Border there are two narrow lanes with a (traffic) light at the end of the lane. As you proceed ahead, the light will flash RED (alto - stop) or GREEN (pase - go). 1) FISCAL TRAFFIC LIGHT STOP (alto) - RED LIGHT If the light turns red you will pull off to the left where an officer will ask you some questions such as where you are going, how long you are staying, and what you are bringing into Mexico. The officer will most likely look through your vehicle and belongings. Do not leave your vehicle unattended and do accompany the officer during his search. If you incur any problems be sure to get the name and badge number of the officer. GO (pase) - GREEN LIGHT If you get the green light you can pass through without any inspection. Please note that you still may be pulled over and inspected even if you get the green light. 2) INTEGRAL INSPECTION This is the voluntary request for the examination of your articles, if you have items to declare which exceed your allowed limits. Before you enter the lanes to cross into Mexico, you will pull off to your left and park in the assigned spaces against the chainlink fence. You will need to go to
TRAVELINFORMATION the small building, which sits in the middle of the two lanes, and tell the officer what items you have to declare and the value of each item. When you are finished filling out the form, the import tax (impuestos) will be assessed and you will be handed two forms to take to the bank and pay. (The bank is at the side of the brick building, past the fountain.) If it is after hours, you will pay your impuestos to the agent who will stamp your form and issue you a receipt. An agent may want to come and inspect your load. The taxes you pay are in pesos (they will accept dollars) and are to be paid directly to the bank and you will be issued a receipt. You will need that receipt to cross the border. (If you are pulled over by Aduana after leaving the border, you will need the receipt as proof of payment.) After you have paid your taxes, you will need to cross the border and go through the Fiscal Traffic Light. If you get the red light you will need to pull over and show your receipt to the officer. If you come through the fiscal traffic light, and merchandise is found, which was not declared, you could have to pay a fine of 4x the commercial value of the articles plus your vehicle and belongings may be seized. If you choose the Integral Inspection the fine will be 1½x the value. In both cases you forfeit the right to the tax exemption. Your vehicle and personal belongings can be confiscated if you do not stop and declare merchandise over your limit allowed by Mexican Law.
DUTY FREE ITEMS You are allowed $75 USD tax free in new merchandise per person. Merchandise must be in same vehicle as person(s) declaring. The following is a list of items which you may bring into Mexico tax free. • Items for personal use such as clothing, shoes and toiletries according to the length of your stay. • 1 photographic or motion video camera, including a power source and rolls of film or video cassettes. (No professional equipment.) • Books and magazines. • 1 used sports article or piece of equipment for individual use. • 2 cartons of cigarettes or 50 cigars. • 3 liters (approx. 3 quarts) of wine, alcohol, beer, etc. if the passenger is an adult. You may import an additional 2 liters and pay the corresponding tax. • Medicine for personal use (with your prescription). • Suitcases to transport your items.
If you are legally a resident of another country, in addition to the items listed, you may also bring the following items: • Binoculars • Camping equipment • Portable television, radio and 20 tapes • Typewriter or laptop computer • 5 used toys if the passenger is a child • Fishing tackle • Pair of skis • 2 tennis rackets • A non-motorized boat up to 5½ meters in length or a surfboard with or without a sail
If you are traveling by a camper, trailer, motorhome you may also bring in: • VCR • Bicycle with or without a motor • Household linens • Kitchen utensils • Livingroom & bedroom furniture You may import additional merchandise valued up to $1,000 per vehicle by paying the corresponding tax without the intervention of a customs broker. Over $1,000 USD requires a broker, which are located just across the border.
FIREARMS & DRUGS Firearms, illegal drugs and ammunition are NOT allowed into Mexico. Hunters may bring their firearm with the proper paperwork/clearance. Possession carries a pentalty of 5 to 30 years.
IMPORTING You are allowed to bring in $75.00 USD per person worth of new merchandise - this does not include your personal items such as clothing, toiletries, etc. If you have new merchandise in excess of $75 per person you will need to declare your items and pay the impuestos (taxes) before crossing into Mexico. You may import up to $1,000 USD in new merchandise per vehicle without the assistance of a Customs Broker. To declare items you are bringing into Mexico, turn left as you cross the border, just beyond the chainlink fence. Park in the designated spot and go into the Aduana Building in the middle of the two lanes. See Crossing the Border for more information on declaring merchandise. If your merchandise totals more than $1,000 USD per vehicle, you will need the assistance of a customs broker. Customs brokers are located on the Mexican side of the border. Park on the U.S. side and walk across to one of their offices. Customs Brokers in Sonoyta, Mex. Agencia Ibarrola (011-52-651) 512-1878 Aserco Imp. (011-52-651) 512-0009 MultiServicios Sinaloa (011-52-651) 512-1593 or 1599
INSURANCE Medical Insurance Family or personal trip/vacation medical insurance can be purchased by some providers in the U.S. Check your existing policy to see what coverage is offered while visiting Mexico. Most clinics in Rocky Point do not accept U.S. insurance as payment. Vehicle Insurance Mexican Law states that you MUST HAVE MEXICAN INSURANCE while driving in Mexico. A minimum of liability is required though full coverage is recommended. You can insure your driver’s license if driving a buggy, quad, rail, etc., but the vehicle cannot be insured for theft. If your vehicle is stolen, you must immediately file a local, federal (state) and U.S. police report. The insurance companies usually pay low blue book and extras such as rims, tires, stereo, etc. are not covered. Most U.S. policies ARE NOT recognized in Mexico. You may purchase insurance over the internet, phone, mail or stop at a number of places on your way to Rocky Point. Look in this issue for Mexican Insurance.
MILEAGE FROM ROCKY POINT TO Agua Prieta, Mexico.......................345 miles Ajo, Arizona......................................90 miles Caborca, Mexico.............................154 miles Ciudad Obregon, Mexico...............491 miles Guaymas, Mexico...........................408 miles Hermosillo, Mexico........................321 miles
Kino Bay, Mexico............................393 miles Las Vegas, Nevada..........................514 miles Los Angeles, California...................540 miles Lukeville, Arizona..............................66 miles Nogales, Mexico.............................287 miles Phoenix, Arizona............................217 miles San Carlos, Mexico.........................407 miles San Diego, California......................366 miles Santa Ana, Mexico.........................217 miles Sonoyta, Mexico..............................62 miles Tucson, Arizona..............................208 miles Yuma, Arizona................................260 miles Coastal Highway 003
This highway will run from Baja, California through Rocky Point to San Carlos. It is completed from El Golfo de Santa Clara to Rocky Point and from El Desemboque to Puerto Libertdad. Southern California visitors will be able to cut their driving time by using this beautiful, safe new highway! It is a nice, wide, 2-lane highway with rest stops, plenty of passing and wide shoulders for emergencies. See Driving to Puerto Peñasco at the beginning of this section.
PETS Only domestic animals (dogs & cats) are permitted into Mexico and you are allowed only two (2) animals per vehicle. You need to carry a copy of your pet’s current rabies vaccination certificate as you may be asked for it as you cross the border. Mexico has many stray animals roaming the streets so please keep an eye on your pet. Many pets are lost in Rocky Point each year due to unfamiliar surroundings and firework noise. If your animal is lost while visiting Rocky Point, we have found the best thing to do is scour the area where he/she was last seen. You can also pass out flyers to taxi drivers and water truck delivery men and post them all over town. Putting an announcement on the local AM and FM radio stations are also a good idea. Be sure you have a collar and tag on your animal as well as a current photo. Contrary to popular belief, your pet is not welcome at most establishments, especially where food is served. Please check with the staff before bringing your pet inside as the business can be fined for health violations.
RE-ENTERING THE UNITED STATES CLOSED MIDNIGHT - 6:00 AM Have your I.D. or Passport ready Bureau of Customs and Border Protection PO Box C, Lukeville, AZ 85341 (520) 387-5671, Fax: (520) 387-5309
Passports On June 1st, 2009, U.S. Citizens reentering the United States (via vehicle) from Mexico will be required to show their Passport, Passport Card, Enhanced Driver’s License, NEXXUS or SENTRI card. Everyone in the vehicle needs to provide one of the above forms if identificaton. Parents bringing their babies, who have not received their official birth certificate, may bring the temporary one issued by the hospital. Children 16 and under will be required to show a copy of their birth certificate. Wait Times Traffic is greatly increased during holiday and busy weekends. Please plan your trip accordingly. A good idea is to arrive a day early, and stay a day later. You can check border wait times on the internet at Permitted Items 100 cigars, 200 cigarettes 1 liter (39.8 fl. oz.) of alcohol, per person, 21 yrs. or older. You are NOT permitted, at the Lukeville Port of Entry, to pay duty and import additional alcohol. This is a Pima County law, not an Arizona or U.S. state law, so check with the individual border crossing. Fruits and Vegetables: bananas, blackberries, cactus fruits, dates, dewberries, grapes, lychees, melons, papayas, pineapples, and strawberries. (Most citrus such as oranges and grapefruit are NOT permitted.) Vegetables are permitted, except for those on the prohibited list. Okra, however, is subject to certain restrictions. Nuts: acorns, almonds, cocoa beans, chestnuts, coconuts (without husks or milk), peanuts, pecans, pinons (pinenuts), tamarind beans, walnuts and waternuts. Seafood: 50 lbs. of fish or shrimp per vehicle. Avoid customs penalties by declaring all articles acquired in Mexico, and in your possession at the time of your reentry into the United States. If in doubt whether an article should be declared, always declare it first to the Customs Officer on duty. If you understate the value of an article you declare, you may have to pay a penalty in addition to the payment of duty. If you fail to declare an article, acquired in Mexico, not only is the item subject to seizure, but you will be liable for a personal penalty. You are entitled to a $800 exemption in a 30 day period. Articles totaling $800 may be entered free of duty, subject to limitations on liquor, cigarettes & cigars. Prohibited Items Agricultural items are prohibited if they can carry plant pests or animal diseases. Cuban Cigars Medicine requires a prescription, carry a copy of your U.S. prescription with you. Fruits and Vegetables: sugarcane, potatoes, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams. (Exceptions: Cooked potatoes and avocados without seeds, except in California.) Plants, Seeds and Soil: plants and seeds require special permits. Soil and some plants are prohibited. Check in advance with agricultural inspectors. (Exception: some dried plant parts for medicinal purposes are permitted.) Meat and Game: pork, raw and cooked, including sausages, cold cuts, skins, and
pork tacos is prohibited. (Exceptions: shelf-stable, canned pork and hardcooked pork skins (cracklings) are permitted.) Poultry: raw meat from both domesticated and game fowl is prohibited. (Exception: thoroughly cooked poultry is permitted.) Eggs: prohibited. (Exceptions: boiled and cooked eggs are permitted.) Game: check with agricultural inspectors in advance. Live Birds: wild and domesticated birds, including poultry are prohibited. To import personally owned pet birds, contact agricultural inspectors in advance. Straw: generally prohibited. This includes wheat straw, seeds, animal feed, and all articles made from this material. In addition to the excepted items listed above, many agricultural items are permitted if they pass inspection to be sure they are free of pests, soil and sand.
SHUTTLE SERVICES Daily shuttle service is available from the Phoenix and Tucson areas to Rocky Point and cities in-between. Please contact the companies directly for their schedules and rates. If you need door to door service, clarify that they offer that service and if you need to be picked up at the airport make sure that the shuttle has a permit to pick up passengers at the airport. Head Out to Rocky Point (602) 971-0166, Toll Free 866-443-2368 Nena’s Transportation 388-7089 or (602) 442-6802 Located on Benito Juarez, N of the Baseball Stadium by Coffee Point Transportes Superior 383-3640 Calle Lazaro Cardenas, Esq. Benito Juarez Bus Station TNS/Estrella Blanca Sonoyta: Across the border on the west side of the street. 01-651-512-3374 At the Bus Station: 01-651-512-0784 Phoenix: 29th & VanBuren: 602-455-9522
TRAVEL BEYOND THE FREE ZONE Puerto Peñasco is located in the Free Zone, where you do not need vehicle/ tourist visas to visit. If you plan to travel beyond the Free Zone you will need the following: FMT (personal tourist visa) and your vehicle permit if you plan to drive. Personal Visa (FMT) Available at the Immigration Office in Sonoyta, on your right as you cross the border. They are open from 8:00 AM until Midnight. You will need to bring your birth certificate and/or valid driver’s license. You can either park on the U.S. side and walk across or you can go through the border and park. You will need to show your ID and fill out the necessary paperwork (it is in English and Spanish). Once you have filled out the paperwork you will take it over to Banca Serfin, pay approx. $195 pesos (per person) and return to the office to give them a copy. At this time you cannot obtain your FMT in Peñasco, but the Immigration office can
stamp your FM3 or FM2 for travel beyond the free zone. If you are flying into the airport you can obtain your FMT when you arrive at the Peñasco airport. By law, anyone who stays in Mexico for more than 72 hours, is required to have an FMT, whether you stay within the Free Zone or not. Automobile Visa If you plan to drive beyond the State of Sonora, you will need to obtain a permit for your vehicle. The cost for this permit is approx. $290 pesos. This can be done in Sonoyta or at the checkpoint outside of Guaymas. You will need the original and 3 copies of: • Registration, Title and the valid driver’s license of the vehicle owner • Credit card in the vehicle owner’s name • FMT, FM3, FM2, Passport or birth certificate • Leasing contract (if the vehicle is rented or leased), which must be in the name of the person importing the vehicle. If the vehicle belongs to a company, the papers certifying the employee works for the company. If you do not have a credit card you can post a bond payable to the Federal Treasury issued by an authorized bonding company in Mexico. As an alternative to posting bond you may make a cash deposit at Banco del Ejercito in an amount equal to the value according to the “Table of Vehicle Values for Bonding Companies.” At Banco del Ejercito your credit card will be charged approx. $30 USD. A cash deposit will also be accepted if you do not have a credit card. Your deposit plus any interest will be returned to you when you leave Mexico. You may choose to obtain a bond through an authorized Mexican bonding company located at all border crossings. The bonding company also assess taxes and processing costs for this service. The vehicle permit is good for 6 months and for any type of vehicle weighing under 3 tons. When departing Mexico, and if you are not planning to drive the vehicle back into Mexico, the permit must be canceled with Customs. If your car is found in Mexico, beyond the Free Zone, and beyond the authorized time, or without the appropriate papers, it will be confiscated. Always carry the importation permit with you when driving your vehicle into Mexico. Take it with you when you exit the vehicle - do not leave this document in your car. Make a copy and leave a copy in the car - same with your insurance. The sale, abandonment or use of the vehicle for financial gain, a criminal act, etc. will result in its confiscation. The vehicle may be driven by the spouse or adult children as long as they have the same immigration status. It is a good idea to get a notarized document, if you are driving a vehicle beyond the free zone that is not registered in your name, nor the owner is in the vehicle. It should simply state that the owner has given you permission to drive the vehicle, you may want to include the make, model, year, color and VIN number. The Rocky Point Times Newspaper strives to keep the information up-to-date. Laws, rules and info. change constantly, so if you notice an error, or have additional info., please let us know so that we may change the info. Contact us with questions or corrections at rptimes@ or phone (480) 463-6255 or local 383-6325.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
WHO IS YOUR A.M.P.I. Updates on Home Port, Convention Center, and AeroMexico Flights from Las Vegas REALTOR?
By Gretchen Ellinger, President A.M.P.I. Chapter 51, Puerto Peñasco
If you are considering a real estate transaction in or near Puerto Peñasco / Rocky Point, or anywhere in Mexico for that matter, you will want to carefully consider the selection of your real estate representative. After all, you will be partners in your transaction, in the sense that you will be working together to achieve your real estate goals; this is a business relationship, and should be thoughtfully considered, with an eye to the success of your transaction. While real estate licenses are required in the State of Sonora, Mexico, each real estate agent is an independent businessperson, and as such decides the structure of his or her business. Agents may belong to a company of associates, or may work independent of affiliation with a company. Agents and companies have the option of membership in A.M.P.I., the Mexican Association of Real Estate Agents, a sister organization to National Association of Realtors in the U.S.A., and agents who choose to belong to A.M.P.I. bring extras to your business relationship that bear consideration. Your A.M.P.I. agent is governed not only by the real estate laws of the State of Sonora, but also by the A.M.P.I. Code of Ethics that guides best practices in real estate. A.M.P.I. has a Vice President of Ethics who is always available to help agents with questions, to assist with problem resolution, and who will convene the Honor and Justice Committee to resolve formal ethical complaints from agents or from clients of A.M.P.I. agents when necessary. If your agent is not a member of A.M.P.I., you will have fewer avenues of assistance if some part of your agent-client relationship goes awry. Your A.M.P.I. agent is welleducated. A.M.P.I. Chapter 51 Puerto Peñasco has been tasked by the State
of Sonora to provide education for real estate licensure, and license renewal. In addition to formal classes, information is shared at meetings, among agents, and by member brokers to their agents. The national organization offers many educational opportunities to members, and strongly encourages that agents stay well-educated as our markets change and grow. Your A.M.P.I. agent is involved in our community. A.M.P.I. agents have recently been seen participating in the clean-up of Boulevard Fremont, and in the past have painted out graffiti, conducted food and winter wear collections, and assisted local youth sports activities, to name just a few. A.M.P.I. is currently involved in the effort to bring air service to Puerto Peñasco, and is working with the city to help formulate policies that will benefit government and residents and visitors alike. Your A.M.P.I. agent also has his or her own favorite causes, and many agents devote much time, and often money, to many great local purposes. All this community activity means that your A.M.P.I. agent is engaged, making him or her good choice to represent your interests in a real estate transaction. Your A.M.P.I. agent is a member of the Puerto Peñasco Multiple Listing Service (MLS). This means that your A.M.P.I. agent shares in the availability and marketing of every single property of every single A.M.P.I. member, dramatically increasing the probability of a successful transaction, regardless of whether the transaction is selling or buying. The seller is benefitted because every A.M.P.I. agent will be marketing his property to potential buyers, and the buyer is benefitted because his A.M.P.I. agent has access to every property in the MLS. Your A.M.P.I. agent invests in A.M.P.I. membership and participates in the business and activities of the organization in order to be the bestdeveloped, most professional, and most ethical real estate professional possible. Not every real estate agent is a member of A.M.P.I. When choosing your real estate representative, that is, when choosing your partner for your real estate transaction in Puerto Peñasco / Rocky Point, choosing a member of A.M.P.I., the Mexican Association of Real Estate Agents, is an important consideration.
The biggest thing to come out of the meeting discussed in the previous article in regards to these projects was the confirmation that they are really going to happen. There were a few more details discussed, but for the most part, the wheels are in motion and updates will come as things progress. The Home Port has in fact been approved and $191 Million Pesos have been appropriated by the Federal Government for this year. There is talk that in the second semester, it is possible that more Federal funding will become available as other projects around the country are completed with a surplus of funds left over. The photo above is one of many conceptual drawings to depict what the project will really look like. If you have a Facebook account, you can go to the Puerto Peñasco Home Port page for many more photos. Information is updated on that site as it comes in. The details so far are as follows: • The master plan is for the port to accommodate 2 ships of 330 meters each with a capacity of 4000 passengers and 2500 crew members each. • This is the first time that the Federal Government has made a substantial investment in Puerto Peñasco. There are no other home ports in Mexico in fact this will be the only home port from San Diego to Argentina. • Winning bidders will be decided in time to begin construction by midyear. They are making a special effort to use local Sonoran companies. • Expect a press conference very soon
to announce the project and also to announce the cruise line company or companies. • The master plan calls for the dock, platform, terminal and ample parking. Access will be at the location of the current Wrecked at the Reef bar. • Credit is to be given to the President, the Governor, the Mayor, and to Gus Brown and SBR for the donation of the land. Many thanks to you all. The Convention Center phase II has been funded and is scheduled for completion by the end of this year. The current plan is for the State of Sonora to promote and operate the facility for the first two years. The city also plans to pave the road from “Rodeo Drive” curios shops past the convention center and to the T turnoff towards Sandy Beach. I drive by often and there is lots of activity and people working. The proposed flights are about 95% of the way to reality. This flight will be from Las Vegas to Puerto Peñasco and then to Hermosillo and back again. Currently it is expected that two or three flights per week will be available. The expectation is to sign an agreement very soon and flights will commence 90 days after the agreement is signed. They will be guaranteed for 6 months at which time; AeroMexico will review the route and determine if it will become permanent. We all have great expectations that these flights will be a success, and they will become an absolute necessity when the other projects in town are completed.
This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Big Friendly Fin Whales, Large Dolphins and Sea Lions Frolic Near Sandy Beach!
By Joe Houchin
At the top of the wish list of many residents of Puerto Peñasco is to see a whale frolicking this far north in the Sea of Cortez. While pods of dolphin surface, feed and play incredibly close to the beach often enough, we usually have to board a fishing vessel and head for someplace like Bird Island to get a good sea lion fix. Sometimes, even rarely, en route to or from that destination we might be lucky enough to cross paths with a curious whale shark, maybe one of the two or three species of whales known to migrate this far north in the winter. It’s very rare indeed to spot any species of whale so close to Sandy Beach that you can see them from the balcony of your condominium, but, not for just a fleeting moment, not just a glimpse on a Sunday afternoon, but all afternoon Sunday and all afternoon Monday, spouts of sea water shot 30 feet into the air announcing the presence of either a blue whale, the largest mammal on the planet or the fin whale, second largest mammal. Since the fin whale is sighted far more often this far north, and some are known to live in the Sea of Cortez year around, even though the whales we saw exhibited signs of both species, we’re going with the most logical assumption that they were fin whales that chose to dine and play in front— right in front–of the Sonoran Resorts, to slurp krill and small fish in quantities beyond our imagination. It was more than exhilarating to finally accept that the huge water spouts we could see from our balcony at the Sonoran Sea on Sunday had to be from the famous blow hole of a whale. We could finally check off the number one item on our wish list—and little did we know that it was about to become even better than we could have imagined; served up right from our balcony, justifying every decision we ever made
that led to living right here, in a condominium with a view overlooking soft Sandy Beach, steps away from the serene Sea of Cortez with almost daily sightings of the acrobatic antics of playful dolphins, diving pelicans, flitting terns, graceful herons and egrets; all performing before us on that infinite aqua stage. On these days the show brought a starstudded surprise of guests beyond our wildest dreams; we gazed around at our neighbors all equally in awe at what we were realizing was going to be a rare and delicious slice of paradise. Our friend and neighbor next door at the Sonoran Spa, professional photographer Tony Ballesteros rushed down to Safe Harbor, undaunted by the substitute camera that was temporarily replacing his main instrument now under repair, and boarded the Pancho Villa fishing yacht with Captain Antonio who can handle that 59 foot vessel like a jet ski, a most valuable skill when the objective is to keep up with a whale as big as your ship that can travel about three knots faster and turn on a dime.
The photos accompanying this blog are the result of Tony’s photo feeding frenzy as Captain Antonio chased down and stalked what turned out to be the dream of dreams on anybody’s whale sighting wish list, and to think how close this whale was to the beach is even more exciting. Many statistical facts about this colossal species are as enormous as the whales themselves. Here are just a few that may astound you. We gleaned these from a combination of web sources including Wikipedia to give you an idea of the size dominance exhibited by the species: • Called the “Greyhound of the Sea” because its long body is built in the same dynamic as a racing yacht, allowing the fin whale to swim at sustained speeds of up to 23 mph with gusts up to 30 mph—faster than any cruise ship and most yachts. • An adult fin whale will consume 4,000 pounds of food per day, mostly krill and small fish. • Fin whales grow up to 90 feet in length, weigh in excess of 120 tons and live about 94 years. • Even a newborn fin whale will measure up to 21 feet in length and weigh in at 4,000 lbs (about the weight of a Hippopotamus!) • The only predators brave enough to take on this giant mammal are killer whales, and even they will gang up to attack the fin whale, most often with little success, although older specimens are found to have multiple scars from attempted attacks by Orcas. • As amazing as these facts are, keep in mind that the fin whale is only the second largest animal on earth. These statistics pale in comparison to those of the Blue Whale, the largest animal ever known to have lived on our planet!
This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
AND THEN IT IS WINTER Author Unknown to Us
IYou know…time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams. But, here it is... the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise...How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my youth go? I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that winter was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like. But, here it friends are retired and getting grey...they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me... but, I see the great change...Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant...but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we’d be. Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it’s mandatory! Cause if I don’t on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit! And I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!! But, at least I know, that though the winter has come, and I’m not sure how long it will last...this I know, that when it’s over on this earth... it’s over. A new adventure will begin! Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn’t done...things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I’m happy to have done. It’s all in a lifetime. So, if you’re not in your winter yet...let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don’t put things off too long!! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether this is your winter or not! You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember...and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!! “Life” is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. Make it a fantastic one!
LIVE LIFE WELL! ENJOY TODAY! DO SOMETHING FUN! BE HAPPY! HAVE A GREAT DAY! Remember “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Life Is Too Short Life is too short to let even one day be frenzied or frazzled or frittered away. Life is too short not to take time to do the things that will hold the most meaning for you. So let yourself float like a leaf on a stream, relax with your memories and let yourself dream. Throw out your list that’s impossibly long, and dance a few steps to a favorite song. Turn off the news and go find someone real who’ll listen and talk and affirm what you feel. Life is too short and flies by if you let it, so choose what you want every dayand go and get it. LIVE HAPPY IN 2013! TODAY IS THE OLDEST YOU’VE EVER BEEN, YET THE YOUNGEST YOU’LL EVER BE, SO ENJOY THIS DAY WHILE IT LASTS. Your kids are becoming you...but your grandchildren are perfect! Going out is good…Coming home is better! You forget names...But it’s OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!! You realize you’re never going to be really good at anything...especially golf. The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don’t care to do them anymore. You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It’s called “pre-sleep”. You miss the days when everything worked with just an “ON” and “OFF” switch. You tend to use more 4 letter words… “what?”...“when?”...?? Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it’s not safe to wear it anywhere. You notice everything they sell in stores is “sleeveless”?!! What used to be freckles are now liver spots. Everybody whispers. You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet…2 of which you will never wear. But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!! It’s Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
6TH Annual CBSC Horseshoe Tournament
By Tammy Hicks
The 6th Annual CBSC Horseshoe Tournament is just around the corner!! Is your throwing hand ready? Have you been practicing? Are you getting thirsty yet? Well, we’re all just about ready for you. Last year we had a record breaking 64 teams! Thanks to the great players and the support of over 300 spectators, we got it done! A very HUGE part of our success was due to our totally awesome Sponsors! We had several local Cholla Bay / Rocky Point businesses who stepped up to the plate and supported our tournament. Like I always say...PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS – WE LOVE THEM ALL! We are getting more sponsors each day for this years’ tournament. Watch for the listing of them and please remember to tell them how much you appreciate their support! I can go on and on and on about how great they are! Speaking of sponsors, the raffle prizes are starting to come in! There are already over 50 prizes with more due before the tournament! The prizes are amazing! How would you like to drive a race car? Want a free breakfast at a local restaurant? How about a free 12 pack of beer? Need your teeth cleaned? Want a discount at a local bar/restaurant? Maybe you’d like a bottle or 2 of Tequila? How about the fixings for a picnic? Tools anyone? These are just SOME of the raffle prizes you can win! Buy your tickets early to get in on the chance for these and more great prizes.
We tried something new this year. Players talked last year and we listened. Due to popular demand, we offered Early Registration for the Players. As of this writing (start of February), the response has been GREAT! All of you Early Registered Players, don’t forget to bring your Early Entry Receipt to the sign up tent and get your Players Packets! This is a year of NEW things! We also have a NEW SHIRT DESIGN! Get your very own shirt for just $10! They will be available for sale at the Tournament. If you can’t make it down for the tournament (which you will be so bummed to have missed it), you can purchase them at the Rocky Point Times Newspaper office (thanks to the beautiful Sandy O’Hare) and possibly a couple other locations in town! Check our Facebook page “CBSC Horseshoe Tournament” for information on where you can buy them. You can always e-mail us at about ordering o ne. Be sure to put “Horseshoe T-Shirt” in your subject line! For those of you who don’t know what our Club is, let me tell you.... the CBSC (Cholla Bay Sportsmen’s Club) is a group of like-minded people who just want to have a great time! Our membership dues (a whopping $40/year) and other activities (Fishing Derby, Horseshoe Tournament, Vegas Game Night, Golf Tournament, etc) have funded the purchase of and operations/maintenance of the Marine VHF Radio (Channel 26) for the Northern Sea of Cortez. The CBSC pays the salary of the Cholla Bay Radio Operator (available 24 hrs/day), assists in search & rescue operations and when necessary, can assist with some arrangements for the emergency transport of critically ill or injured parties. A large goal of the CBSC is to promote good relations between American visitors and our Mexican neighbors. If you’d like to join this wonderful Club, please contact us at or drop us a note at P.O. Box 398, Cortaro AZ 85652. Remember everyone, if the shoe fits, throw it! Arrrr you good enough?!! We’ll see YOU on April 6th!
Carnitas, Anyone?
By Gretchen Ellinger
Carnitas, literally “little meats” in Spanish, are favorites in Mexican cuisine, and some of the best are available right here in Puerto Peñasco! Carnitas Benja, operated by Benjamin Roque Cardoza, serves the most scrumptious carnitas in his restaurant seven days a week, starting at 7 a.m. Since carnitas, instead of bacon and eggs, are often eaten for breakfast, stop by Carnitas Benja for something new and delicious! Cooking has been a family affair for Ben; he learned
to make carnitas at the knees of his uncles, starting when he was a boy helping in any way he was allowed in their kitchen, as he learned both the art and the science of making carnitas. The science - getting that big chunk of pork thoroughly cooked without burning or drying out, precedes the art of seasoning and reducing the huge chunk of cooked meat to the moist, flavorful little bits of pork that are served on corn tortillas with a bevy of condiments to go on top. The left-over pork skin is fried into chicharrones, which are delicacies to lovers of pork rinds. Many folks enjoy their carnitas, then leave the restaurant with a bag of freshly fried chicharrones to snack on later. Regular customers look forward to Thursdays when Ben’s menu includes fresh fried chicken. After years of working for his family, Ben stepped out to open his own restaurant on Calle Melchor Ocampo, just west of Calle Sinaloa. The restaurant is painted bright orange, is cute and comfortable inside, and the food is wonderful! Open 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for dining, carryout orders and party catering are also available. Call Ben at (044-638)109-2747 to place carry-out orders or to discuss carnitas for a special event. Carnitas Benja might just become part of your Puerto Peñasco tradition. ¡Provecho! • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
Unable to adopt or foster? Live where you can’t have dogs? Sponsor a dog and save a life.
We have four dogs that are not medically ready for adoption. These special dogs have medical needs outside the “NORM” of routine vet care. Jasmine is a survivor of distemper left with permanent damage and cannot eat on her own she has to be spoon feed. Princess is also a survivor of distemper and has lost most of her vision and is off balance most of the time. Skippy was born with her back legs and pelvis deformed she looks like she is skipping around the yard. PeeWee is deaf. We have to use sign language with him. These are all wonderful loving dogs that deserve to have a good life, which we are able to provide with your help. By sponsoring one of these dogs, you will help to offset these fee’s and enable us to help more dogs in need. Our number one goal is for our rescued dogs to never suffer from neglect or abuse again and carefully placing them into loving homes.
Benjamin Roque Cardoza
What’s a Trash Mob? Local business launches their own Adopt-a-Street Program in Rocky Point
JASMINE Spring is just around the corner and all of us dogs at the Rescue see a lot of those awful TICKS starting to come our way. Last year was a very bad year for ticks, but this year will be even worse with all the rain we have had and then the warm weather, a perfect breeding ground for ticks. Did you know that one tick can lay up to 5,000.00 eggs? If you could help with tick collars, 30 day treatments, and sprays for the yard we would greatly appreciate it. We are in the process of building two more pens for the dogs that will enable us to bring in more of these poor abandoned dogs. We are still in need of a carpenter to donate his labor to rebuild our deck.
and is nonstop enjoying his new life. Thanks to those of you who helped with his medical expenses. He is ready to be adopted to the right loving home. We have several dogs that range from 1 to 4 years that would make wonderful pets. If you would like to help out one of these dogs and give them a permanent home, please contact us.
PEE WEE We are in constant need of supplies; if you can help with any of these items we would greatly appreciate it. Tick collars, tick 30 day drops, spray for the yards, vitamins, Omega 6 & 9, old medications from your vet. that has expired we can use, they are still good, cleaning supplies bleach, pine sol, paper towels, dog beds, 5 gal. used buckets for the poo so we can take it to the dump, dog houses, trash bags, claw pooper scoopers, spray for the bugs and ticks in the yard, water pump, dog food canned, dried and puppy food, we are going through 200 lbs a week, you can buy at Welton’s or Sam’s, Pedigree, Kirkland or Sportsman is best for the dogs, please no CAM PRO this makes the Dogs very sick it is BAD FOOD.
SKIPPY By Larry Beaumont I am sure that you have heard of “Flash Mobs” that break out dancing anywhere spontaneously...well in Puerto Peñasco on Friday, Jan. 11th, we had a “Trash Mob” break out and we kept moving for 6 hours! Let me explain: In the past I have asked the city officials in Puerto Peñasco for some attention to the trash that has been allowed to build up on the city streets. Trash, old signs, tires, you name it, has been steadily getting worse as the economy has slowed down. I tried to explain to the city officials the idea of an “Adopt a Street” program - it can work well and does not cost the city anything but support, with citizens / businesses helping share the load. So last week we decided to do something about it - at least in our end of town. On Thursday, Jan 10th, I asked our 10 employees to bring family or friends to help me clean the
streets from our office, to the Cetmar School by the entrance of Las Conchas (approx 1.25 miles). School happened to be out that Friday and I was pleasantly surprised to see a group of 25 waiting at our Rocky Point office patio early Friday Morning. We assembled 2 pickup trucks, an ATV with a trailer and a dump truck for our mission. It took 6 hours of hauling trash, tires, plastic bags (mucho!!), old sandals, car parts, old signs, and you name it, etc, etc...but when finish we had a very different looking neighborhood and the road into Las Conchas looked amazingly clean! The workers & kids were all paid and fed pizza for lunch, but we made it a FUN event that they all seemed proud and enthusiastic to be helping Peñasco. Over 3 dump truck loads were hauled off to the dump. It was a very productive effort and was a start. We followed it up with a “mini mob” 5 days later to revisit the same areas.
PRINCESS We still need to fix 4 more of the dogs as soon as possible. We make sure that every dog that comes into our rescue is spayed/neutered/ vaccinated. We provide for medical care when needed. Your support will be appreciated. We are happy to announce we were able to get several puppies up to the States for adoption this last month. These families will be very blessed. “LUCKY” continues to recover each day; he has learned to play with the other dogs
We always welcome visitors, so please stop by and say, “Hello”, to the dogs, and see the progress of our new facility; we have come a long way in just one year, Thanks to YOU. We are open 9AM to 7 PM every day. We are located 8 miles out of town off the HWY to Sonoyta. Look for the signs Barb’s Dog Rescue the arrows will take you to the Rescue, if you don’t see Barb in the yard ring the bell at the gate she is inside with other dogs, she is always at the Rescue 24/7 the dogs are NEVER EVER alone. You can drop off you donations, food etc. at the Twin Dolphins Real Estate office right next to the Red Cross on Blvd. Fremont if this is easier for you. This is Barb’s sister Dee, and they work as a team at the rescue. The sick dogs that need medical attention are at Dee’s office, so stop by and see how well they are doing. Please feel free to call Barb’s local cell 044-638-114-1569 or Dee’s cell 044-638-3840113 or if calling from the US you can call Twin Dolphins office Toll Free 1-888-546-7269.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
By the mid 17th Century there were approximately 125,000 Europeans living in Mexico. Many of them were born in the Americans. At least half of the Europeans lived in the capital, Mexico City; the pre-Colombian site of the Aztec capital city, Tenochtitlan. The Indios were complacent; the churches grew rich, and the Criollo land owners had cheap or free labor, successful farms and mills, and excellent horses. The cities of Europe were full of slums and garbage; most of the natural recourses were used up. Europe had been a place of cruel wars, Inquisition and disease; Spain held no fortuity for financial impetus. The Americas were unspoiled, teaming with game and fish, clean water, ancient forests, lush jungles, silver and gold; in short, Paradise, El Dorado, the Promise Land, all for the taking. Other European countries were envious of Spain’s possession and control of the Americas. After the conquest of the Mexica in the early 16th century the colonists took advantage of the Aztec engineers, architects, skilled carpenters and laborers. The Aztecs, who had built one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Tenochtitlan, were building ships, dikes, palaces and cathedrals for the Spanish settlers. By 1640, this source of excellent indigenous professionals vanished. The Indios died off and their descendents were prohibited from perusing education, professions, owning business, or becoming skilled laborers, as they were considered a threat to the colonists. This prohibition created a gap in the services that needed to be filled in order to maintain successful colonization of New Spain. Merchants, tradesmen, artisans and professionals began arriving from Spain. Spanish immigrants of the lowest classes, from the homeless to carpenters, grocers
and herdsmen, also embarked to the Americas, eager to make their fortunes. These opportunistic immigrants filled the need for services that the Criollos were not inclined to do for themselves. They worked hard and took advantage of the cornucopia of opportunities. They opened shops, peddled wares and kept the accounts of the Haciendas. Some Spanish women came seeking affluent husbands. It was a time when unskilled Spanish laborers became rich; the very poor became counts and married wealthy women. The new colonists were cliquish and kept among themselves. They brought preconceived prejudices against the Criollos, the half-breed Mestizos and the indigenous population. Understandably, the Criollos detested the newcomers. The Hacendados, holders of large estates, who had arrived many years before, insisted upon assuming noble recognition. They used the honored “Don” before their names; very few of them had any legitimate right to use. They thus created a class distinction from the newly arrived riffraff. The wealthy Carrillo classes were elegant in dress and manner, but their cultural environment lacked in the arts and creativity of Europe. There were a few universities, but they were restricted to only men of Spanish origin. There was actually meager interest in intellectual pursuits. However, there were a few notables among the Criollos, Mestizos and Indios who contributed to the aestheticism of New Spain. They excelled in poetry, written accounts of historical records, non-fiction, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy and translations of the language and the hieroglyphic pictures of the ancient civilizations of Mexico. Had they been in Europe they would have been recognized as intellectuals of the highest caliber. But, in New Spain they were hardly noticed, if at all, by the world.
For all your Real Estate Needs and Excellent Bank Trust Document Preparation
Please call Rosarie Salerno US (520)777-0018, Local 383-8417 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
Rain Dampened Major League Coaches Clinic but Not Kids’ Spirit! By Rick Busa
The 4th annual Youth Sports Foundation (YSF) Major League Coaches Clinic was held Saturday January 26th 2013 in spite of a rare Rocky Point rain storm that rendered the Municipal Baseball Stadium grounds too muddy for the scheduled outdoor exercises. However wet the weather, the spirits of the over four dozen junior leaguers who braved the uncertain conditions were unhampered and undaunted as they listened attentively from the bleachers in the Municipal Gymnasium to each of the eight MLB coaches who shared invaluable professional tips covering their individual specialties.
Coaches were welcomed Fri. evening by City Secretary Oscar Villavicencio and Municipal Sports Director Jose Palacio, along with YSF Director Rick Busa and emcee Rosie Glover at Duke’s Sports Bar and Restaurant. After the press conference the pros were invited to Manny’s Tequila Factory for a tasting of some of Manny’s famous offerings. Later the group was given VIP bracelets to attend the Roger Clyne sold out solo performance at Wrecked at the Reef on Sandy Beach. On Sunday, they wrapped up with their 2nd Annual YSF Golf Tournament. There was a tie for first place. Team Cholla, headed by Rich Davila and Team Coaches headed by Henry Cotto. Closest to the pin was won by Rick Jacobson and longest drive won by Brett Johnson. Special award for most lost balls in the water was won by Brad Roland.
There is still another special event to be scheduled. Because of the weather, many of the teams and their coaches could not make it to the gymnasium for the clinic. Therefore, Rick will set a date in the near future for another gathering of local coaches and players at which time he and city officials will distribute over $12,500 (USD) in baseball equipment donated by the teams of the coaches who attended the clinic. We would like to thank Pete Hartman and Scott Steinmann for helping get all those baseball donations. I would like to thank the following people and businesses for their generous hospitality this weekend and over the years: José (Boo Bar), Randy (Wrecked at the Reef), Joe (JJ’s), Joe (Sonora Images), Ron (49er Golf Course), Rosie (Pro Alliance Insurance and TVA), Oceana Rentals, RP360, Gabriel (Duke’s), Eric (Vasquez Liquors), Dan Monroe , Seth Cayer, Steve Sells and the crew (Bella Serena), Mary Snyder (Puerta Privada), John and Max (Max’s and Bryan’s Sports Grill), Betty (Rocky Point Reservations), Manny Sanchez (Tequila Factory), Larry Large (Tequila Peñasco), and Kent Cossey without whom these great golf tournaments would never have happened!
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Ajo’s Repeat Performance - Select BRAVO!
When you find something special in a place you didn’t expect, it’s fun to share the news. That’s the case with Ajo’s newest shop, Repeat Performance-Select. Beautifully designed, Repeat PerformanceSelect is an intriguing blend — gently used quality clothing for men and women, accessories, holistic and metaphysical products, and original artwork. In short, a place that caters to both your inner and outer self. This lovely desert retreat is the inspiration of its owner, Jovita Wallace, who arrived in Ajo three years ago from the New York City Metropolitan area to be nearer her daughter and son. She began to see a need in the Ajo community for a place to shop locally. First Impressions Shopping here is almost serene. Large windows offer a wonderful sense of space and openness. Yellow and plum colors form an attractive backdrop for the displays. Soft music and subtle aromatic scents complete the experience. When you walk through the door, you can expect a warm welcome. Jovita puts you at ease and you soon realize that you have your own personalized shopper, one with the know-how to help you find the right size, style and color. Clothing & Accessories One of the biggest surprises in this shop is the amazing variety of brand name clothing. Ann Klein, Gloria Vanderbilt and Liz Claiborne hang alongside Tommy Hilfiger, L.L. Bean and Nike. Perhaps you’re a Ralph Loren fan? Or Croft & Barrow? Maybe something sporty by Jamaica Jaxx or intimate apparel from Victoria’s Secret? All here. And more! Want to accessorize your wardrobe? You’ll find lots to choose from. Shoulder bags and clutch purses. Belts. Flats, high heels, boots and sandals. Sweaters, hats and caps. Llama wool shawls from Ecuador. It’s easy to spend a pleasant hour just browsing. Metaphysical & Holistic Products The shop carries a selection of skin care products by Shira, Young Living Essential Oils and Chakra candles, sage, sweet grass and incense. There are Crystal Bowls and Crystal Bowl CDs for chakra balancing, meditation and healing arts. If this interests you, you may want to check out the related books as well. The metaphysical aspect of the shop is a natural fit for Jovita who founded and directed Being in Balance Inc., Sound Wellness Center in Montclair and Nutley, New Jersey. She is a consultant, educator, speaker, artist and shamanic healer, bringing to her work years of study and unique gifts. She also spent
11 years at Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL and, over the past 18 years, has received much public attention about her work in vibrational medicine, sound and color. Featured Artists The arts also form a large part of Jovita’s life, both as a creator and as a supporter of others artists. (You can explore her work online at jovitawallace. com ) Repeat Performance-Select features an intriguing array of artists from Ajo and further afield. For example, you’ll find a beautiful collection of silver and turquoise jewelry created by Navajo and Zuni artisans and signed by the artists. There are dream catchers and friendship feathers designed by a Colorado craftsman. Looking for sparkle? Perhaps the Swarovski and Egyptian crystals or the handblown glass will appeal to you. You’ll also find work by these fine artists: • Wendy Allen (Tucson artist and designer of purses, earrings and sculpture) • Denny Carriere (water colors and egg tempera, pen and ink, intaglio printing) • Wendee Cloutier (color and B&W photography of natural beauty from around the world) • Rich Davis (award-winning painter, archeologist and writer) • Diane Fergurson (fine art and jewelry design) • Tom Kiefer (black and white photography exhibited throughout Arizona) www. • April Stewart (clay and wire mobiles including large one-of-a-kind Day of the Dead dolls) • Mari Zimmerman (Ajo jewelry artist working with natural stones and fine metals). SHOP LOCATION & HOURS Repeat Performance-Select is snuggled in the SE corner of the historic Ajo Plaza. The shop is open 5 days a week (closed Sunday and Monday). Visa, MasterCard and Debit accepted. Open Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 10AM - 5PM, Wednesday 10AM - 4PM Friday 10AM - 6PM (520) 387- 4948 email: Although the shop only opened last November it’s already built up a loyal clientele of both women and men who have discovered the delight of shopping here. The next time you’re looking for a new place to explore, why not make it Ajo? A visit to Repeat Performance-Select will definitely make your trip worthwhile. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
GENERALINFORMATION ATV’s ATV’S ARE NOT PERMITTED ON CITY BEACHES Please follow these rules when riding ATV’s in Rocky Point. • Helmets recommended • Only 2 persons per ATV • No riding after dark • Driver’s must be 16 yrs. of age • Do not race, jump, do wheelies, etc. • Do not drink and drive DO NOT RIDE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS Main Blvd. Benito Juarez Blvd. Fremont or in the Old Port
You will be fined if riding in these areas. Fines are to be paid only at the police station.
$$ BANKING & MONEY $$ Typical Bank Hours Mon.-Fri. open 8:30 or 9 AM, close 4 or 5 PM Saturday 9 or 10 AM - 2 PM Banks do not offer Safety Deposit Boxes BANKS IN PUERTO PEÑASCO BANAMEX Sucursal Pinacate Blvd. Benito Juárez & Campeche 383-3943 or 383-4830 Blvd. Benito Juárez & Blvd. López Portillo 388-5842 or 388-5844 BANCOMER 383-2947 or 383-2430 Blvd. Benito Juárez & V. Estrella and in Plaza Fremont BANORTE 383-5955 • Blvd. Benito Juárez 388-6901 • Blvd. Fremont & Sinaloa SANTANDER SERFIN 383-2091 or 383-4288 Blvd. Benito Juárez & Calle 13 Hwy. 85, north of town ATM MACHINES ATM’s are located at the banks and have 24 hr. access. They give pesos only. When the machine prompts Pesos? Dollars? you must select pesos or your transaction will be aborted. There are U.S. ATM machines in Ajo, Why and Lukeville, AZ. CHECKS & CREDIT CARDS Most merchants do not accept U.S. checks and they are not cashable at banks or money exchanges. Some merchants do accept credit cards, but check first and ask if there is an additional charge. MONEY EXCHANGE All merchants accept USD. If you would like to exchange your dollars into pesos you can do so at one of the banks or at the money exchanges. Depending on the exchange rate, sometimes you are better off paying in USD or pesos, you will have to do the math. TRAVELERS CHECKS Travelers Checks are accepted by some merchants, but are not cashable at any bank in Puerto Peñasco. U.S. BANKS Closest U.S. bank to Puerto Peñasco National Bank 101 La Mina Avenue, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7616 Mon.-Thurs. 9-4, Fri. 9-5 They do not exchange pesos or Canadian $
WIRE SERVICE You can send money to a person in Rocky Point, from the U.S., by using MoneyGram or Western Union. MoneyGram transfers are picked up at
Coppel Department Store on Ave. Constitucion (across from Super Ley grocery store). It must say Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico and the receipent must have a driver’s license or a passport and the transaction number to retrieve the money. Western Union transfers may be picked up at the local post office during business hours, must show proof of ID. You cannot wire money to a bank for someone who does not have an account.
CAMPING DRY CAMPING There are a few places to dry camp on the beach north and south of Rocky Point, but really nowhere in city limits except on Sandy Beach next to The Reef. RV PARKS Almost all of the RV Parks in Puerto Peñasco offer tent camping. There are three oceanfront rv parks with services available and many more in town or with an ocean view. Oceanfront RV parks are: Cholla Bay - The Reef El Mirador - Playa de Oro Sandy Beach - Playa Bonita Pets are allowed on the beaches and at the RV parks. Dogs must be leashed and please pick up after them. See “Pets” in this section for more information. Please call the individual park for their rates and reservations.
CHURCHES 7th Day Adventist Church Pastor Antonio Espinoza Altamirano #190 Worship Saturday 9:30am Assembly of God 383-3364 Ave. Luis Encinas & 27th Street Apostolic Church Constitucion Ave. & 15th Street Grupo Unidad Cristianos de Peñasco Pastor Ernesto Portugal 383-2240 North on Benito Juarez to Simon Morua, turn right (east), 1 blk. past Ace Hardware, turn right, church is on your left before Melchor Ocampo. English Headphone available Sunday Services 9:30am-11:15 & 11:30-1:30 Thursday: 7:30 - 9:00pm Church office hours Monday - Friday 9:30am to 2:00pm Peñasco Christian Fellowship 383-4513 ask for Stan or Becky Tedrow On Melchor Ocampo, 1/2 blk. E. of Blvd. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez. Bilingual Services Sunday Services: 9am and 11:15am Wednesday Services: 7:00pm Family of God Christian Fellowship Non-Denominational Worship Services 383-3480 Blvd. Costero N 2000A, Fracc. Las Palomas English Services, Everyone Welcome Spanish Translation Offered Sunday Services: 9:00am Iglesia Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (Sacred Heart Church) Paseo V. Estrella in Old Port. Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall 388-6244 Stadium road, on the left side just before Blvd. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, behind COFESA Sunday-English 9:30AM
Mormon Church 18th St & Cuauhtémoc Ave Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 383-2959 Calle 20 Simon Morua Sunday Services: 8:00 am and 10:00 am 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm Rocky Point Bible Church Iglesia Ev. Nuevo Nacimiento Pastor Manuel Agundez Blvd. Samuel Ocaña between San Luis and Guillermo Prieto Services in Spanish, but many English speaking groups attend to translate Services Sunday and Wednesday and Bible Study Groups Children’s Ministry every Saturday in Colonia Nueva Good News Club with Esperanza de Vida San Francisco Blvd. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Sunday Service: 11:00 am San Judas Tadeo near old Cholla Bay Road Sunday Services: 5:00 pm San Martin de Porres Ave. Luis Encinas Sunday Services: 9:00 am Templo La Hermosa 383-7130 Pastor Carlos Gracian Located next to the new cemetery Sunday Services: 10:00 am WEDDINGS: You need the proper documentation to be legally married in Mexico. Please see the “Weddings” section for more information
EMERGENCIES Puerto Peñasco’s hospitals and clinics handle a variety of emergency and nonemergency situations. Most visitors visit one of the Clinics (listed below) or the Red Cross for emergency services. Ground and air ambulance transport services are available. CLINICS Clínica Santa Fe Simón Morúa, 2nd corner off of Blvd. Benito Juárez English speaking doctors Lab on site, X-rays 383-2447 or 383-4040 Clínica San Jose 383-5121 English Speaking Doctors Blvd. Benito Juarez Clínica Santa Isabel (Maternity) 383-3645 Puerto Peñasco Clínica Santa María 383-2440 Puerto Peñasco Sandy Beach Medical Center 388-7676 Cellular: 044-638-110-7898 Dr. Jesús González Gaytán Blvd. Paseo de Las Dunas (On Sandy Beach) 24 Hr. Emergency Service Available Full Service Outpatient Medical Clinic English speaking doctor and staff CLOSEST U.S. CLINIC Desert Senita Health Center 401 Malcate, Ajo, AZ 85321 Off main blvd. at curve, N of the bank (520) 387-5651 CRUZ ROJA (RED CROSS) EMERGENCY DIAL 065 383-2266
Cruz Roja Mexicana Services are absolutely free 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week Red Cross does not receive any funding and operate solely on donations. Your contributions will be welcome at any time in their office on Blvd Fremont or stop when you see them on your way into town. Red Cross has Technicians and Instructors available in case of a disaster in Puerto Peñasco. They treat non-life threatening wounds and can prepare patients for ground or air ambulance service to U.S. OTHER IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS dialed from Mexico AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE AirEvac......................001-880-321-9522 Sky Med...................001-866-805-9624 CLINICS...............see Clincs on this page HOSPITALS Community.............................383-4566 IMSS........................................383-5186 EMERGENCY NUMBERS WHEN IN DOUBT DIAL 066 Electric dial...071 Fire Department dial...068 Marine Rescue dial...462,627 or 767 VHF Channel 26 is monitored by CBSC Police dial...060
FIRST AID Scorpion Stings First aid for any scorpion sting should involve cooling the wound, which allows the body to more easily break down the molecular structure of the venom. Cooling also reduces pain. Use ice or cool running water if available. On a warm night, a wet compress will help. Keep the victim calm and still. Panic and activity speed up the venom’s spread. Symptoms may include heavy sweating, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, loss of bowel control, jerky muscular reflexes, and respiratory distress. These serious signs are cause for quick evacuation to a medical facility. Antitoxins are available in many areas where dangerous scorpions live. The doctors, clinics and Red Cross are experts at treating stings. Snake Bites Yes! We do have snakes in Puerto Peñasco. Not usually found in city areas. If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, or any other kind of venmous snake, seek medical attention immediately. Anti-venom is available here in Peñasco. Jellyfish They are usually bright blue and are present in our waters during June, July and August, although they are sometimes hard to see because of the clarity of the water. Some years we have a few, and other years we have tons. In some beach communities, you will find far less than others. A good test to see if they are present, is to look along the tidelines for any that have washed ashore - if they’re up there then there’s a pretty good chance they’re in the water. Use caution when walking barefoot on the beach or digging through the sand with your hands, they can still sting you (I know from experience). If you are stung, get to a doctor or the Red Cross immediately for treatment.
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GENERALINFORMATION Stingray Stings FISHING & BOATING CON’T Our Rocky Point doctors, clinics and Red SEASONAL FISHING Cross are well adept at treating stings. The Spring: March, April, May best way to avoid a sting is by doing the “stingray shuffle!” To avoid stepping on a Yellowtail, Grouper, Snapper, Whitefish, Pinto and Bass ray, shuffle your feet slowly as you move Summer: June, July, August through the surf to scare the rays away. Sailfish, Dolphin Fish, Marlin, Round stingrays are very good at burying in Skipjack, Sierra the sand and will remain buried even as Fall: September, October, November you approach. By shuffling your feet you Sailfish, Dolphin Fish, Marlin, will brush against them and they will scurry Skipjack, Sierra away. If you walk through the water as you Winter: December, January, February normally do you will most likely step Yellowtail, Grouper, Pinto Bass, Snapper square on the back of them which causes FM3 & IMMIGRATION their barbed tail to come up and sting you. Be extra careful in area where the sediment • To legally work in Mexico you are is silty/sand or where the water is required to have a work FM3. particularly warm. • If you are in Mexico for more than 72 What do you do if you get stung by a ray? hours, you need to have an FMT. This Get out of the water and head to the is the law and it is good for 6 months. nearest doctor. If you are stranded out• If you are living full-time in Mexico where these facilities are not available you are required to have an FM3. • Your FM3 does not allow you to bring follow these steps and seek medical more than $75 in new merchandise attention as soon as you can. First, let the without importing. wound bleed - this will allow any toxins Applying for your FM3 entered with the barb to get out. Next, you will need the following: immerse the wound in hot water, as hot as the patient can stand for approximately 45 minutes: This denatures the protein toxin1. A letter (in Spanish) written to I.N.M. (Instituto Nacional de Migracion) and relieves a majority of the pain. Then requesting a change in your migratory treat wound as any other puncture wound status. You must specify your reason, or cut, keep clean and bandage: This address and it must be signed by you. reduces the chance of infection, promotes2. Complete copy of each page of your U.S. healing. If pain or bleeding persists, if Passport, which must be current. wound is large or if patient shows signs of3. Your last three proofs of income, which must be “apostiled” and translated into an allergic reaction, see a doctor Spanish (ie: bank statements, pension, immediately! If you are staying at a resort social security, etc.). go to the desk or convenience store - they4. A copy of a document proving your local address (this can be your bank trust, may have a first aid kit with a treatment. rental agreement, electric, water or phone bill). FISHING & BOATING 5. A form called “SOLICITUD FDNI/02”, available at the Immigration office, filled out properly. PERSONAL WATERCRAFT 6. Three (3) forms “S.H.C.P.-5” (available at You do not need to obtain a boat permit any office supply store in Rocky Point). for your persona watercraft. However, if This form is prepared to make your you plan to fish from your boat, each payment to the bank. person fishing must have a fishing license7. Four (4) photos of your facial front view which can be purchased here in Puerto and three (3) of your right profile. Peñasco. Passport size, black and white. As with vehicles, it is a good idea to carry two copies of your title and registration IMMIGRATION OFFICE for your watercraft and trailer. DO NOT Open Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am - 12:00 pm BRING THE ORIGINALS! One copy should (011-52-638) 383-2526 be kept on your boat/watercraft and the Located on Blvd. Fremont at Fremont other shoud be carried on your person orPlaza, next to Bancomer. There are many companies and put in a safe location during your stay. individuals that can assist you with your Immigration paperwork, please look in FISHING PERMITS You MUST have a fishing license forour Classified Section. everyone onboard a boat, even if they are GREEN ANGELS not fishing, permits are checked. You do not need a permit if you are fishing from Angeles Verdes the shore. Permits can be obtained EMERGENCY DIAL 078 locally at the Capitania de Puerto, M-F, 8AM to 3PM or at the Mexican ConsulateThe Green Angels patrol the highway (Hwy. 8) from Puerto Peñasco to Sonoyta in Phoenix. offering free roadside assistance to veFishing Permit Rates (approx.) Pesos hicles experiencing mechanical problems. Daily - $106.00; Weekly - $220.00 Their trucks are green and white and Monthly - $315.00; Yearly - $410.00 clearly marked. They are on patrol from sunrise to sunset, 7 days a week. What to do if you need help? If you need assistance on the highway, Many charter boats and pangas arewhether it be a broken fan belt, blown available for hire by the hour/half-day/tire or empty gas tank, pull over to the day, or organized trip. We do not haveside of the road and lift the hood of your any companies that rent boats for yourvehicle. If it is at night, please use your personal use. flashers for safety and always move as far Charter boats are located all over townaway from the highway as you can to and at the docks and on your way into Oldavoid accidents. Port (right hand side) as well as at SafeLifting your hood signals the Green Marina and in Cholla Bay. ReputableAngels, as well as other helpful travellers, charters are always the best choice.that you are in distress and in need of Please make sure there is enough safetyhelp. The Green Angels do not charge for gear on the boat for all persons in yourtheir mechanical services, but you will party and that the captain has a marineneed to pay for your own auto parts, gas, oil, etc. radio in the event of an emergency.
The Green Angels offer the following services: Aide in the event of an accident Emergency radio communication Mechanical assistance Tourist Information
The Mexican Notario is a highly specialized lawyer authorized by the Mexican Government. They intervene in civil and commercial business. Your best interest is supposed to be the Notario Publico’s main concern. They give judicial advisement according to Mexican Law and their authority exceeds that of a lawyer and is similar to that of an arbitrator in the U.S. You should consult a Notario when: buying or selling property, foreign Investments, inheritance, wills, mortgages, contracts, private contracts, financial operations, credit titles, arbitration, bank trusts, etc.
Call U.S. & Canada from Mexico dial 001+(area code)+7 digit number
INTERNET SERVICE & WIFI There are many internet cafes where you can check your email or surf the net. Some have computer stations and some offer WiFi. Most of the larger RV parks, hotels and condos have wireless and/or computer centers for your use. Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex) offers Prodigy internet service for land lines.
LATITUDE & LONGITUDE Latitude - 31°, 19 minutes N Longitude - 113°, 32 min. W Bird Island: 31°, 01.31 min., N by 113°, 14.93 min. W
MAIL SERVICES Puerto Peñasco Post Office (011-52-638) 383-2350 Monday - Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Money Wires, Telegrams & Mail Located just off Blvd. Fremont next to Proaset Realty. The post office does not offer U.S. postal services. To send a letter in Mexico, you need a Mexican stamp, which can be purchased at the post office. They do not sell U.S. stamps. You may receive mail at your residence, however it takes approx. 2-4 weeks to arrive and the system is not terribly reliable. U.S. Mail Delivery to Rocky Point Burrito Express U.S. mail dropoff and pick-up service from Peñasco to Lukeville. U.S. POST OFFICE Postmaster: Transitional Phone/Fax: (520) 387-6364 Located at the Lukeville border in AZ, approx. 66 miles from Rocky Point. PO boxes and General Delivery available. Window Service: 8AM-12:30PM, 1-4PM M-F General Delivery Available free for a max. of 30 days. You must show ID at the post office and fill out a form. You are the ONLY one who can pick up your GD mail. PO boxes are available, approx. $22/6-mo. Post office will need 2 forms of ID and you will be required to fill out an application. Boxes are located in the post office and in the General Store.
METRIC EQUIVALENTS Equivalents for Length 1” = 2.5 cm 6” = (1/2 ft.) = 15 cm 12” = (1 ft.) = 30 cm 36” = (3 ft.) = 90 cm 40” = 100 cm (1 meter) To convert ounces to grams, multiply the number of ounces by 30. Equivalents for Weight 1 ounce = 1/16 lb. = 30g 4 ounces = 1/4 lb. = 120g 8 ounces = 1/2 lb. = 240g 12 ounces = 3/4 lb. = 360g 16 ounces = 1 lb. = 480g Equivalents for Liquid Measurements 1/4 tsp = 1 ml 1/2 tsp = 2 ml 1 tsp = 5 ml 2 tbls = 1/8 cup = 1 fl. oz = 30 ml 4 tbls = 1/4 cup = 2 fl. oz = 60 ml 8 tbsl = 1/2 cup = 4 fl. oz = 120 ml 12 tbls = 3/4 cup = 6 fl. oz = 180 ml 1 Pint = 2 cups = 16 fl. oz = 480 ml 1 Quart = 4 cups = 32 fl. oz = 960 ml Gallons to pints x 8 1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters Gallons to liters x 3.785 Gallons to quarts x 4
You should consult a Notary Public (Notario Publico) in Mexico before signing any contract or legal document.
NOTARIO PUBLICOS Lic. Jesus Armando Ramirez Islas Prolongacion Coahuila No. 10 (next to post office) U.S. Toll Free (877) 832-8554 383-5460, Fax 383-5005 PO Box 100, Lukeville, AZ 85341 Lic. René Osvaldo Ortega Felix Ave. Alcantar in the Old Port 383-2006 Notary Publics in Sonoyta Lic. Fco. Javier Manzo Taylor from Mexico (01-651) 512-1747
PINACATE BIOSPHERE RESERVE Reserva de la Biosfera de El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar The Pinacate Biosphere Reserve is home to some of the world’s largest volcanic craters and is one of the most pristine and diverse areas in the Sonoran Desert. It has a large variety of plant and wildlife species that inhabit this sometimes hostile area. In the winter, you may see snow on the Pinacates. And in the summer, temperatures soar well over 110°. U.S. astronauts trained for their lunar landing mission in this area as the terrain mimics that found on the moon. You can take a day trip and explore the Pinacate area and volcanic craters by vehicle, camp overnight (in designated) areas, walk or hike. You must register at the entrace to the Reserve (located in Nayarit, approx. 20 miles N of Rocky Point). This will allow Biosphere personnel to make sure you are safe at all times.
• Speed Limit: 25 MPH • Terrain/Roads: Dirt, desert • Watch out for flora and fauna • Do not leave the road in your vehicle • Take enough drinking water with you • Respect all signs on roads and trails • Do not remove or damage plants, rocks, wood, animals or artifacts • Take all trash and waste with you • Do not enter the region from any unauthorized access road CAMPING & CAMPSITES Red Cone, El Tecolote, Backcountry areas INTERPRETATIVE TRAILS El Elegante Crater Trail 1.2 mile linear trail Walk 0.6 miles on the border of El Elegante crater. Terrain is mostly flat. Mayo Cone Trail 1.2 mile linear trail Located in El Tecolote camping area Walk 0.6 miles to the top of Mayo Cone. You will climb 344 ft. to the top. This hike is rated as a medium difficulty trail.
TELEPHONES Puerto Peñasco’s phone company for home and business hook-up is Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex). Cellular service is available through TelCel and Movistar. U.S. carrier AT&T works pretty good here as long as you have the International Plan. DIALING INSTRUCTIONS Call Mexico from U.S. & Canada to dial a land line 011+52+638+7-digit number to dial a Peñasco cellular 011+52+1+638+7-digit number
Call Collect from Mexico to U.S. dial 090 for a bilingual operator Call Overseas from Mexico dial 00+country code+city code+phone number Country codes and Mexico area codes are listed in the TelMex Phone book Call another City in Mexico dial 01+(city code)+number AT&T Operator dial 001-800-462-4240 TELEPHONE COMPANY Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex) Juan de la Barrera and Calle 18 Office open 8 am • 383-2288 Phone & Internet services available TelMex (Land Line) Prefixes 383, 382, 388, 102, 108 Phone numbers are written in a variety of ways, here are a few you may see around town. 3-6325 = dial 383 + 6325 638-38-36325 = dial 383-6325 (638) 383-6325 = dial 383-6325 52+(638) 383-6325 = dial 383-6325 Mexico’s Country Code = 52 Puerto Peñasco’s City Code = 638 LONG DISTANCE DO NOT USE THE “CALL USA” BLUE PHONES THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE! To make a long distance call, your best bet is to find a cafe or internet cafe with a VOIP phone. Second best is to purchase a prepaid phone card (LADATEL) from pharmacies or businesses, and use one of the many pay phones along the streets - follow the instructions on the phone. You can also use one of the long distance (larga distancia) calling services located around town.
U.S. CALLING CARDS If you use your calling card and dial an 800#, that is not toll free within Mexico, you will be charged twice for this call - 1 charge for calling the 800 #, and then a 2nd charge on your phone card. You may also use one of the long distance services to call the U.S. and Canada. CELLULAR PHONES to dial a cell phone from a land line dial 044 + 638 + 7-digit number to dial from local cell to local cell dial 638 + 7-digit number to dial out of city cell from local cell dial 045 + city code + 7-digit number Any number that does not start with a 383, 388, 382, 102 or 108 is most likely a cellular phone You cannot dial a U.S. 800# from your Mexican cellular phone. The only U.S. cell carrier, we have found to work in Rocky Point 96% of the time, is AT&T’s International Plan. All services work - SMS, MMS, Blackberry, etc. Follow the instructions (left) for dialing the U.S. or Canada, and to dial a land line. To dial a cell phone, you may have to dial 044 + 638 + 7-digit number, or you may just need to drop the 044. Sometimes, when calling a local cell, I had to dial as if I were dialing a cell from the U.S. Check plans and where you spend the most time. TelCel’s Blackberry plan is much cheaper than AT&T’s, plus they have a reasonable International Plan for when I travel to the U.S. You can also get an unlocked phone, buy a SIM card, and switch chips as you cross the border. Mexico cell carriers are supposed to start fingerprinting everyone who purchases a cell phone or SIM card.
AREA CODES FOR NEARBY CITIES Caborca.............................................637 El Golfo de Santa Clara.......................653 Guaymas...........................................622 Hermosillo........................................662 Mexicali, B.C......................................686 Nogales.............................................631 Santa Ana..........................................641 San Luis Rio Colorado.......................653 San Carlos.........................................622 San Felipe, B.C....................................686 Sonoyta........................................651 Check phonebook for more area codes
VOIP LINES Local internet acccess enables you to use a VOIP line in Rocky Point. HOW TO DIAL 800’s U.S. 800#’s are not free of charge when called from Mexico. The charge for calling an 800# is approx. $1USD/min. 800 = dial 001+880+phone number 888 = dial 001+881+phone number 877 = dial 001+882+phone number 866 = dial 001+883+phone number
U.S. DMV (MOTOR VEHICLES) The closest U.S. Department of Motor Vehicles to Puerto Peñasco is Gila Bend. Authorized Service Provider Registration, title, no original drivers licenses, copies/duplicates only. M-F 9AM-6PM, SAT 9AM-1PM 606 E. Pima St. • (928) 683-2577
WEATHER Puerto Peñasco is known for having 362 days of sunshine! The wind does kick up, a few sprinkles will fall, and the humidity creeps in around July/August, but other than that - it’s darn near perfect around here. AIR & WATER TEMPERATURE
January: Air - 53° February: Air - 55° March: Air - 58° April: Air - 64° May: Air - 70° Air - 77° June: July: Air - 84° August: Air - 86° September: Air - 82° October: Air - 74° November: Air - 62° December: Air - 55°
Water - 57° Water - 60° Water - 62° Water - 65° Water - 72° Water - 77° Water - 84° Water - 85° Water - 83° Water - 75° Water - 67° Water - 61°
WEDDINGS Rocky Point offers a variety of perfect wedding settings - from a barefoot sunset wedding to a lavish wedding at a 5-star resort. Many of the hotels, resorts and restaurants offer wedding planning services and catering as do these wedding specilaists:
Si I Do! - (011-52-638) 383-0700 Wedding Music by Pablo 602) 288-8687 LEGAL CEREMONY IN MEXICO To get married in a legal ceremony in Puer to Peñasco you need: Bir th certificates, translated into Spanish, notarized in Mexico; Divorce Decree; Blood test (in Rocky Point); Visas (FMT’s); 4 Witnesses (w/Visas). Your wedding planner will help you plan your reinactment ceremony as well.
VIRTUAL CONSULATE The 1st Wednesday of every month, the Virtual Consulate open to the American Community. Located at City Hall on the 1st floor facing Fremont Blvd. 10am-12pm.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
By Gretchen Ellinger
An icon in Puerto Peñasco and more recently Cholla Bay, Betty (Munro) Moore set the tone of the community with loyalty, love, knowledge and respect. With the attitude of a personal assistant to nearly everyone who was lucky enough to know her, Betty was a champion of Puerto Peñasco and Cholla Bay, which she called “the best place on earth to live,” and both the Mexican and American communities mark her passing on February 7th as the end of an era. My friendship with Betty began on my first visit to Cholla Bay in the mid1990’s, when she somehow managed to convince me that a one-lane sand road, no running water and no electricity were minor inconveniences compared to the rare privilege of living in Cholla Bay. How could this wonderful lady be wrong? Fashionably dressed and coiffed, quietly confident and conversant in English and Spanish – I knew I had encountered the local expert. Little did I know that I had met the one person who could identify any property, introduce me to everyone, move any mountain, and help guide me to the solution to nearly any problem, whether it was with my car or with my life! It would be impossible to even begin
to tell the story of Betty’s life, because she rarely talked about herself. As a young teacher, she was captivated by the climate and enchanted by Puerto Peñasco, found work locally, and decided to stay. Betty loved working, and over the years she served as operator of the marine safety radio service in Cholla Bay, managed both the Playa Elegante and Playa Bonita RV parks, owned La Cita Café in the Old Port, and managed the Sandy Beach Resorts on-site office in Cholla Bay. Regardless of where she worked, Betty engaged the people around her, learning from them, helping them, and always listening to them. Many people have memories of Betty – some are funny, some are poignant, some are stories filled with gratitude for help she gave to them. All are told with love, and one realizes that Betty is part of the fabric of Puerto Peñasco, and especially Cholla Bay. Ask Cholla people about her, and you will hear that Betty was “one of a kind – just the best,” as one person told me, while another declared, “La Betty era la señora la más máxima!” As for me, I still laugh as I remember some of the stories that Betty shared with me. She was one of the blessings in my life, and I am grateful to have known her. Along with many others, I will remember Betty with love and a smile. Puerto Peñasco, and especially Cholla Bay, is a better place because Betty came to town and decided to stay. Her absence leaves an empty spot in the hearts of many. Betty is survived by many friends, including her husband, Arthur Moore. Cards may be sent to him at PO Box 500, Lukeville, AZ 85341. Donations may be sent in memory of Betty (Munro) Moore to the Cholla Charity Fund, c/o Kathy Barnard, 1547 E Royal Palm Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85020. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
Meeting with the New Mayor and Director of Tourism Answered Some Important Questions
I was fortunate and honored to be invited to two private meetings with the new Mayor of Puerto Peñasco, Prof. Gerardo Figueroa, and the new Director of Tourism, Miguel Guevara on the 21st of last month. The first meeting included the presidents from the HOA’s in and around Puerto Peñasco, and the second included members of AMPI, Mexico’s version of the Association of Realtors. There was also a meeting the following day with local business owners. The purpose of these meetings was to allow some of us from the business and tourism sector of the community to get to know our new public officials. It was an informal seeing in which we were allowed to ask questions and make comments. The interaction was lively and much information passed back and forth. To me, it felt as if we all truly learned something from each other. To everyone’s delight, both Sr. Figueroa and Sr. Guevara were very frank and forthcoming in their answers and discussions. It was clear from the start that they care deeply for this City and want to do what is best for the overall good of everyone. That includes Americans living here, and tourists from the USA, Canada, Mexico and other parts of the world.
It also includes the locals who live and work here. The fishermen, the construction workers, the shop owners, and the single mothers. If you think about it, this really is a daunting task as each group of individuals has their own set of wants and needs, and the government coffers are only so deep. One of the most prevalent topics was how to increase tourism, and how to let potential tourists know how safe it really is here. Every year, just before Spring Break, we see another travel warning issued and another round of bad press. I could set my watch by the stories that come out before every major US holiday. Most of us know that the warnings and the press in Arizona unfairly crucify us, but there were many differing opinions as to how to combat the problem. I can’t say that there was a clear decision made but everyone agreed that we need to be proactive. They did make a welcome announcement, confirming that this is the first administration in Puerto Peñasco to set aside an annual budget specifically for the promotion of tourism. $500,000 Dollars for this year. In the big picture, that doesn’t sound like much, but it is a great start and there are other sources of funding as well such as the OCV and the State and Federal Governments so we can expand on the already returning tourism. I understand that there is at least an additional $1,000,000 coming available. Other topics included beautification of the city through trash pickup, road improvements, infrastructure and projects, the Malecon adding another exit, taxes, checkpoints, beach cleaning, City logos, health care, etc. etc. Of course, the Home Port, Convention Center, and flights from Las Vegas were also discussed, but I will include more on them below in a separate article. Overall, it was a very productive meeting and the Mayor made it very clear that he is open to meet with his constituents as often as needed to make as many positive changes as possible during his term. In my opinion, he is off to a great start.
International Real Estate Spotlight Shines on Mexico The National Association of Realtors® has announced a new program to Spotlight A level affiliated, premium countries. During the first year (2013) the Spotlight will be on Mexico. Australia will be the featured country in 2014, and Canada in 2015. The Spotlight program has multiple features all of which will have a positive impact on the Mexican real estate market. In addition to promoting Mexico around the world, there will be an International Real Estate Forum in Cabo San Lucas, later this year. Commenting on the new program, Jeffrey Hornberger, Director Global Business Alliances at NAR said, “We are pleased to
name Mexico as the first Spotlight country. Our members and our affiliates around the world will “discover” Mexico and the many opportunities it offers for investment.” Linda Neil, Head of the International Commission of the National Association of Real Estate Professional (AMPI) and Presidential Liaison for NAR to Mexico commented, “It is a true honor for NAR to select our country. The Spotlight program will bring substantial benefits to our AMPI members.” In addition to more than one million members in the U.S, NAR is affiliated with 80 Associations in 60 countries around the Globe.
This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
Colon Hydrotherapy in Puerto Peñasco Only at Acqua Medical Spa
By Dr. Sidhartha Hindú
What is it? Colon hydrotherapy is the placement of warm filtered water at low pressure into the large intestine. Using our sophisticated control equipment, a disposable cannula is inserted into the rectum, which automatically fills and empties with water, progressively dissolving any deposits adhering to the colon. Why do colon hydrotherapy? Poor diet with low quality nutrients, stress, and lack of exercise are customs and influences of our time that lead to debris that can become incrusted along the walls of the colon or large intestine, impeding its normal function. What is this therapy used for? This therapy is especially used to treat and care for illnesses within the large intestine (constipation, irritable colon, irritable bowel, spastic colon, hemorrhoids, chronic diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, parasites, etc.), or contamination of the large intestine that may lead to or manifest itself as: skin diseases (acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies), premature aging of the skin, weariness - chronic fatigue, obesity, chronic and degenerative diseases. As preoperative
help for any type of surgery. It is a fully cleansing treatment. An Ancient Therapy with Current Technology: Colon Therapy Today, the large intestine is one of the organs most acutely impacted by illnesses in these times. Therefore, it is essential to be concerned about its hygiene in order to prevent a variety of ailments and particularly colon cancer. Ancestral knowledge is being recovered today, enhanced by 20th Century Technology, leading to a modern machine that has been used successfully in the US and Europe for over 40 years. Now it is in Puerto Peñasco!! Only at
Acqua Medical Center
“Colon hydrotherapy is highly recommended both for healthy and sick individuals”
Andrés Sidhartha Hindú M.D. Ced. Prof. 3842860 Reg. S.S.S. 6840/06 Acqua Medical Nutrition Center & Medical Spa Phone: (638) 388-5382 (MEX) (623) 207-9275 (USA)
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
An Englishwoman joins the team at CEDO For many first time visitors to Rocky Point, the military checkpoint just outside of town may come as somewhat of a shock. After all, we don’t have check points in the USA manned by armed guards, do we? Wait a minute, yes we do. In fact, last time I went to Phoenix, I had to pass by three of those checkpoints. Wow, maybe it isn’t so different after all. OK, maybe a little dramatic, but I think that we are all used to the Border Patrol and Homeland Security checkpoints throughout Arizona. Well, in Mexico (and almost all foreign countries) there are checkpoints as well. Sometimes they are manned by local or State police, but most of the time they are manned by the military. Do not let this alarm you. It is very normal and once you have gone through one time, you will feel much more at ease. The men (I haven’t seen any women yet) at the check points are very courteous and polite. They have a job to do and that’s it. And, exactly what is their job, you may ask? Their main job is to look for weapons, drugs and criminals. That’s about it. They are not traffic police and they don’t care if your tags are expired or if you have an extra 50 pound bag of dog food. The bottom line is that they are there for your protection. Just be friendly and they will return the favor times two. I always try to bring them a couple bottles of water or a soda, especially when they are standing there during
the heat and humidity of an August afternoon. Rocky Point has exactly three roads into and out of town. There is a check point just outside of town on each of these roads helping to keep the riffraff away. Just think about the good that they are doing for our little city. So, next time you come through, instead of grumbling about the extra hassle, be grateful that they are doing their job keeping us all safe. One thing that the Sonoran Resorts is doing right now is working with the appropriate officials to donate some highway signs to be placed before the check point. I, for one, think that seeing a couple signs telling you that there is an upcoming check point, and that it is an official, government sanctioned check point, there to help keep you safe, may take some of the “shock and awe” away compared to just rolling up to a mysterious roadblock. We hope to have the signs made and installed before Spring Break vacations start.
This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.
South of the Border Singles Also known as SOB’s What the Heck is a “SOB’S”? Its “South of the Border Singles” in Rocky Point. It’s a group of adult singles that meets once or twice a week to socialize, have dinner or breakfast, or other events. Wednesday’s 4-5:30 PM cocktail hour, at Playa Bonita’s beachside restaurant it’s often followed by smaller groups for dinner at different restaurants. Sunday 9AM weekly breakfast at various restaurants, have lots of coffee and great food to get the group planning the next even or trip adventure in the area. Several retired members have been in this group for many years, with lots of neat stories about RP and its inhabitants! Some members are new semi-permanent arrivals, and others are weekend warriors, still working. The group diversity is growing and a lot of fun! There are groups of new friendships born thru SOB’s networking and social events.
We take occasional day trips and multinight trips to neighboring towns in small groups. Last year, the overall group, with a membership fee of $15.00USD/ year helped sponsor a lot of activities/ a prepaid Christmas dinner at Playa Bonita, a 4 day trip to San Carlos, a pizza baking contest, and several pot luck dinners. 2013 has already sponsored a 3 day San Carlos excursion, with another trip to San Felipe in mid-March for the Annual Arts and Jazz Festival. Monthly business meetings are the first Wednesday at Playa Bonita at 5:30 PM., except a few summer months. All adult singles are welcome to join us! Local contacts: Jane Joyner, Playa Bonita RV Park: or Jean McCauley, Las Conchas; jeanmcc61@ Mexican cell phone is (044638) 386-9774 or Magi Jack is (520) 3034332.
An energetic and enthusiastic English woman Emily Blake-Dyke has come to work at local conservation charity CEDO as a volunteer for a year. Emily is working on a number of projects. She is helping produce a guide for the CEDO botanical garden and this is close to her heart as in England she is a professional horticulturist, running her own landscape design business. Emily says “Cactus are very different from garden plants in England and it’s a challenge learning new plants and habitats, but I am loving it!” She will also be helping CEDO staff and the community on a new educational trail at Bahia Adair which is a Ramsar site inside the Alto Golfo Reserve.“this is a fascinating project to be involved with” You may have already seen Emily whizzing around town on her bike, “I have fallen in love with the town of Puerto Peñasco and the friendly locals. I am enjoying working and living at CEDO enormously, the beach is a stone’s throw and my room opens out onto the balcony, where I look out over the ocean for beautiful sunrises and sunsets, how more perfect can it be!” Emily has always wanted to do some voluntary work and came to CEDO with the charity 2 Way Development, who match would-be volunteers with organizations who need their skills. Emily says “CEDO seemed like the perfect match as I am such a keen conservationist. The opportunity to work with local communities to help them make a sustainable living from their environment in a way that also protects and conserves it for future generations while protecting the wildlife and plants that inhabit it, is vital work which I am passionate about. It is the job for me” Emily is helping with CEDO’s EcoTours, “The tours are amazing. For example you can see dolphins and sea lions on the San Jorge Island trip. The kayaking tour of the Morua Estuary is inspiring. Gliding over the waters, with binoculars in hand seeing the vibrant migrant birds over-wintering here and the
oysters at the oyster farm are delicious! The Pinacate, the volcanoes and cones took my breath away, and the views were spectacular! Hiking the sand dunes, and seeing their juxtaposition with the volcanoes is extraordinary. On a smaller scale is the fascinating tide pooling, you are never sure what you will see next. On the evening tour you see nocturnal creatures and the fantastic desert night sky! Abraham and the other tour staff are all trained nature guides and I am learning so much, I always have a notebook and camera to hand, check out the website and come and join us…” To join a tour, log on to: info@ and click on the calendar for tour dates, or telephone: 638 382 0113/0115. You can also follow events at CEDO Intercultural by liking our Facebook page. CEDO is a charity. Any profits from the tours and gift shop sales pay for CEDO’s invaluable conservation work.
About CEDO
CEDO (El Centro de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos) opened its doors in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, México, in 1980. Each year thousands of people participate in our research, education and conservation programs. CEDO maintains a biological field station for visiting classes and researchers. We work with local communities, the government and visitors to understand and minimize human impact on local environments and species. Recognised for excellence in research, community development and education, CEDO is more than simply a marine conservation organization. Through multi-national collaborations, CEDO is a catalyst for systemic, long-term solutions to sustainable environmental issues. The Visitor Centre and Gift Shop at Rocky Point (Las Conchas, Puerto Peñasco) offer a fun day of exploration for families. World class research takes place CEDO’s Field Station. People of all ages, interests and education levels can learn more about the Sea of Cortez and the Sonoran Desert while visiting CEDO.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
A Look At Life
By Rob Baylor
Do you remember lying on the grass in your yard and looking at the clouds and trying to decipher what they look like? Sitting on my patio, I did just that the other night and it got me thinking about some of the stunts I pulled (some successful and some not) when I thought I was smarter than my parents. I hardly had any friends over at my house, so I had to visit them anywhere we could meet. You might say I ran wild most of the time. We had a large river running through town and most of our encounters happened there. It provided entertainment of all kinds. Some good and some not so good! I was always told to stay away from the river because kids drown in it all the time. That didn’t stop us. We got fishing equipment from a man we knew that was too old to go fishing anymore and caught a lot of fish. One time we waded out to an Island and while we were fishing someone opened up the dam and when we were ready to leave the water was too deep to wade back. A good Samaritan saw us and called the fire department. They rescued us with a boat, and who saw us? The local TV station! We were on the 5 o’clock news. My folks never watched the news but some old bitty called and told them to turn it on. There I was. I couldn’t get
out of that and boy I really got heck. I got grounded, if I remember right. Did you ever smoke when you were a kid? I did and when my mom asked if I was smoking I said yes I did but I quit yesterday. Yeah right!!! We played hooky a lot and boy the excuses I had to come up with. My friend’s mom would write me a note and the only thing wrong was the teacher recognized the handwriting, called my house and I was grounded again! One time in THE 9TH grade we had a partial keg of beer and a friend had a car so we went to the mountains and got toasted for the first time. I had to walk part way home and as I went by a ditch I tried to dunk my head in to sober up. Splash in I went! When I got home 2 hours late, covered with mud I came up with a whopper that the car broke down and I fell in a mud puddle while pushing it. Not grounded this time but they wondered why I didn’t want any dinner. I left the beer alone for awhile after that. We were at the river where we built a fort and there were some chickens down the road. We were hungry so we caught one, built a fire and cooked him. Easy you know. Just kill him, pluck him, dress him out, put him on a stick and cook him. How long? Until he turns cooked color you know. Too close to the fire and he got black so he must be done. Raw…. Couldn’t eat chicken for quite awhile. Did you ever play doctor or nurse when you were little? Did the other boy or girl tell their parents? Grounded again! Boy, I was in trouble. Had to go to the neighbors and apologize for my bad ways. Talk about embarrassing. Did you ever steal candy? I stole some candy from the local supermarket and my dad found out. He took me to the manager and I had to do the same thing again, good-bye. I think I turned out ok though. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
2 FISH Ministry Brrrrrrrrr...It’s cold in Peñasco! Many of those that we serve through 2 FISH ministry didn’t have a holiday celebration and now they’ve been hit with unusually cold weather which makes life very difficult for those living in make-shift homes or on the streets. We are so thankful that we are able to provide one hot meal a day for many living in poor conditions whether it is in a home or on the street. We have countless people begging on our streets and in front of nearly every building and our desire is to feed them so this begging decreases. We encourage anyone who encounters these beggars to send them to 2 FISH for a meal. As we all know, many of them use any cash that they are given for drugs or alcohol. If they truly need food, we can help meet that need. We are putting out a request for blankets and warm clothing. We are always in need of blankets in the winter, but this winter there is more need because of the unseasonably cold weather.
As always we want to thank all of you who have been so generous in you’re giving to 2 FISH. We welcome donations of non perishable foods, clothing, and blankets; of course, there is always a place for any cash donated. Donations can be left at the main kitchen located on Keno between Numeros and the old Rocky Tile store. Cash donations can be mailed to Mission Heartbeat, P.O. Box 1032, Lukeville, AZ 85342. Please make your checks payable to Mission Heartbeat and note that it is for 2 FISH. All donations are tax deductible. We thank all of you in advance for any help you are able to give. If you have any questions, please contact Becky at (405) 227-9433
P.S. We need the following: We need 6’ or 8’TABLES and CHAIRS for a third kitchen. VOLUNTEERS to cook or serve from 1PM to 3PM. PEOPLE to call on markets and fruit and vegetable stands for any kind of food, or canned goods which are about to expire.
“…but Jesus answered; you give them something to eat” Mark 6:37
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Oysters get a bad rap. Understood by few, they are usually met with noses pointed north and that “eww, it’s raw” shortsightedness In Peñasco, they aren’t nearly celebrated as much as their neighbors, the shrimp, clams or fish. If you have even a remote interest and a need to kill an hour during your next visit to Peñasco, read on. Currently there are three ostioneras (oyster farms) spread through the Morua Estuary located between Las Conchas and Playa Encanto. All are accessible by any car (trucks and SUVs are best), but the easiest one I’ve found is Ostionera Acuamar which is just a few minutes outside of town. Take Fremont Blvd to the Las Conchas turn off but keep going straight toward Caborca. Between kilometer markers 4 and 5 you’ll see the faded painted sign which has stood the test of time. Make a right for about ½ mile and veer to the left when you see the sign. If you’re expecting Pike Place Market (Seattle, WA) to appear over the hill, you’re out of luck. But what you will get is a firsthand look at how oysters are harvested in the Sea of Cortez. After parking, a younger guy named Jorge walked up to me with rubber boots and introduced himself speaking English better than a lot of high school kids I know. I asked him to show me around and he said no problem. I got the feeling not a lot of people make the trip to his farm and instead rely on the seafood vendors on the Malecon to buy his product.
This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.
39 42
49 55
27 32
57 61
ACROSS 1. John__ Astor 6. Sundance’s woman 10. Gossip tidbit 14. Hawaiian greeting 15. __muffin 16. “__ creature was stirring…”(2 wds.) 17. Idiot 18. Business association 20. Compass dir. 21. Golf pegs 23. Mine vein 24. Bilko’s rank 26. Actress Cattrall 27. Goof up 28. Soft winds 32. Slivers of orange or lemon peels 35. Siamese 37. ___wrestling 38. Former acorn 39. Oodles 40. Radio’s “__and Abner” 41. Roman poet 43. She (Fr.) 44. Mighty __ 46. Part of A.M.A. 48. Wheel’s center 40. Limo passenger 50. Monogram’s components 55. Closed 57. Oxidize 58. Bear’s liar 59. Chosen again for office 62. Actress Verdugo 64. Mass of ice 65. The very best (2 wds.) 66. Keepsake 67. Psychic’s phrase (2 wds.)
68. __the line (obeys) 69. Smelled terrible DOWN 1. Outlaw Jesse 2. Unaccompanied 3. Kitchen device 4. Cry of discovery 5. Joshes 6. Actor Buddy 7. Meeting of a sort 8. Camel color 9. Furthermore 10. Households revenues 11. Froglike creature 12. Kitchen follower 13. Actress West 19. Net pro Nastase 22. Corn spike 25. Acquire 26. __Kringle 28. Invited 29. Bantu tribesman 30. Flightless birds
31. Nonspecific amount 32. Move quickly 33. Gutter locate 34. Swerve 35. Bridge-crossing fee 36. Linden of “Barney Miller” 29. __year 42. Reveal 44. Mumbles 45. Japanese sash 47. Quote 48. That man’s 50. Actress Cara 51. Sculptor’s models 52. Author, __Rogers St. John 53. Former Soviet leader 54. Light meal 55. Visits 56. “Present!” 59. Stat for Barry Bonds 60. Mouser 61. Likewise 63. Lease
By Guest Travel Writer, Greg Ross
Ostionera Acuamar
Today’s article is the first of several stories written by Greg Ross, winner of the Sonoran Resorts “Best Job in the World” travel writer contest. The Sonoran Resorts Group is lucky and proud to have discovered a talent such as that of Greg Ross, and proud to share his fine writing with our readers and the readers of the Rocky Point Times Newspaper. Enjoy!
Jorge told me his farm alone seeds about 100,000 oysters every year. Roughly 75% grow and are eventually harvested. Yes, that’s 75,000! There are hundreds of wood structures similar to shipping pallets stacked on top of one another sitting in shallow water. As the oysters grow they are rotated enjoying both cool water and just the right amount of sunlight. Jorge’s family times each harvest knowing when they’ll be ready to sell. Each structure is kept out of the sand and allows the water to flush out debris like sand and other ocean floatables. For those who have ever been stuck eating an oyster (or clam) that included even the smallest amount of sand, the texture is pretty nasty. Ostionera Acuamar takes pride making sure that doesn’t happen to their oysters. After looking around, I asked for 3 dozen to take back to town for dinner. Jorge sold me them for $6 per dozen. After seeing how long they take and how many people work on each harvest, I thought it was a bargain. I asked for ice to keep them cold to prevent them from spoiling. “No, no, no Señor!”, Jorge snapped at me. He went on to tell me the WORST thing you can do is to expose them to either fresh water (even drops from melted ice) or extremely cold temperatures. Still shaking his head, he told me some Americans have come back angry with stomach aches accusing him of not properly caring for his oysters. Without fail, they go on to tell them how they went to great lengths to keep them ice cold. As patiently as he can, Jorge has to tell them their attempt to keep them fresh actually backfired and killed the oysters by exposing them to fresh water and/or abnormally cold surroundings. Dead oysters equals rotten oysters. His suggestion for keeping oysters fresh is as follows. Keep them in a dark and dry place like an insulated ice chest. If traveling in the summer when it’s really hot, lay several layers of newspaper over the oysters and put bagged ice on top of the newspaper to keep them dry from condensation and insulated from the cold. Once you get back to wherever you’re staying, remove the ice and just keep them inside. He was very confident when telling me they will last 2-3 days without any problem if left in a dry, shaded place with moderate temperatures. We grilled all 36 of them allowing the steam from within to pop open the shell. Each shell had a perfectly shaped oyster inside without any fishy smell whatsoever. A couple hits of hot sauce and a big slurp later, I found myself in a happy place. I wash each down with a sip cold Modelo Especial and repeated several times.
By Joe Houchin
Ostionera Acuamar by Guest Travel Writer, Greg Ross • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
Founder: Nancy Phelan: 383-1012 Leon de la Barra (Calle 15), 3 blocks east of the main blvd. Benito Juarez AACORP Tax Deductible Donations PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341 A group dedicated to helping the stray animals by providing no-cost spay and neuter clinics, adoption, dog and cat food, medicine and medical care. The center is run solely on donations and is an Arizona 501(c)3 non-profit corporation so all of your donations are taxdeductible. The center is always in desperate need of dog, cat, kitten and puppy food, animal toys, bedding, cleaning supplies, old towels and blankets as well as medicine and monetary donations to pay vet bills, purchase animal food and medicine. Please drop off food/supplies directly to the center.
(044-638) 100-8471 English Speaking Meetings Mon & Wed 10-11am & 6-7pm, Sun 9am 48 Campeche & Manuel Arista (Next to Galindo’s Cafe) Thu 10AM Big Book Study Sat. 9:30am above Candy Cake in Old Port Newcomers/Book Study Meeting
Want a book to read? Have an extra one? We have a free book and movie exchange in our office. You do not need to bring a book or movie to take one, two or as many as you like. All we ask is that you return them once you are finished with them. Hardbacks, paperbacks, self-help, magazines, children’s, etc. We have everything! Also VHS and DVDs. Donate your extras.
Director: Ruben Rodriguez Rico Phone: 383-2599 Ave. Miguel Hidalgo (Calle 13) and Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Casa Hogar is supported solely on donations and they always welcome visitors to sing and play games. Take Blvd. Fremont toward Las Conchas, make a left at the Pemex station, cross over the rrx tracks and they are on your left. If you would like to make a donation you can make a check to: Madre Silvia Gomez and drop it off at the home. You may drop checks or donations off at the Rocky Point Times office.
Sally Dalton: 382-5283 (Xochitl’s Cafe) Donations payable to: Cholla Charity Fund Send to: Kathy Barnard 1547 E. Royal Palm Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85020 Organization that helps Mexican families, who live and work in Cholla Bay, with unexpected expenses such as medical, living, funeral, etc. They also collect and distribute blankets and warm clothing for children in Cholla Bay. Donations may be dropped off at Xochitl’s Cafe in Cholla Bay.
Children’s Home: I.A.P., Casa Hogar para niños desamparados 383-2378 Off of Hwy. 8, 15 mi. N of Rocky Point PO Box 1024, Lukeville, AZ 85341 Secretary: Jose Manuel Barrera Sanchez Treasurer: Florencia Lucila G. Miron The children’s home is located outside of town, apx. 15 miles, and houses anywhere from 10 to 40 children. It provides temporary housing for families that cannot afford to take care of their children or are having a hard time. This is not an orphanage - these children are not up for adoption. They are always in need of cleaning supplies and fresh food (not canned items).
AMPI Asociacion Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios Real Estate Professionals Association AMPI represents profesionalism in real estate and enforces ethical standards. It is a national association, one of 53 chapters in Mexico, and endorsed by Mexico’s Federal Government. They provide the MLS website, are operated by members and committed to education through bilingual programs. Associated with NAR and AAR in the U.S. Since 2007, Sonora State Law requires all Real Estate Agents to be licensed. Is your agent licensed? SOCIAL MIXERS - EVERYONE WELCOME usually on the 2nd Wed. of every month BOARD MEMBER MEETINGS 1st Thursday of every month GENERAL MEETING 2nd Thursday of every quarter 2013 OFFICERS: President: Gretchen Ellinger President-Elect: Rommel Bustamante Secretary: Randi Alcott Treasurer: Rebecca Palomino V.P. MLS: Jonni Francis V.P. Legal: Ricardo Borquez V.P. Ethics: Grant McKenzie Sr. V.P. Membership: Glen Martinez V.P. Events: Liane Armstrong V.P. Public Relations: Mary Snyder V.P. Education: Gretchen Ellinger V.P. Language & Culture: Milton Felix
AMERICAN LEGION POST MX 15 Located in the Mirador Lower floor of Los Juanes Restaurant ½ block north of Matamoros (Pink Cadillac) on Chihuahua Open daily 11AM to 7PM Kitchen open (except Sundays) 11AM to 3PM 2012 OFFICERS: Commander: Paul Raddatz (715) 557-0354 First Vice Commander: Michael Dugas General Meetings First Tuesday of every month at 6 pm (Oct-June) Contact the Post for dinner specials and special events scheduled throughout the year MagicJack (602) 539-0381 Mexico phone (011-52-638) 388-8841 Email NEW MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES WELCOME!
AMOR MINISTRIES International Headquarters: 1664 Precision Park Lane San Diego, CA 92173 Phone: (619) 662-1200 Amor Ministries builds more than 1,000 new homes across Mexico for Mexican families. They are selected to receive homes by the Mexico Ministry Planning Board. Pastors discern the needs within their community, present their nominations and one (or more) are selected to receive a new home built by Amor volunteers.
ANTI-GRAFFITI CAMPAIGN Founder: Eloy Gonzalez: 044-638-112-0898 Group dedicated to wiping out the unsightly graffiti in Puerto Peñasco. Donations of paint, brushes, rollers, and your time are always welcome and needed.
BARB’S DOG RESCUE Provides basic school supplies, computers, copiers, chalkboards, etc. to local classrooms Founder: Barbara Olszewski: 383-4963 (602) 324-9529 Donations can be dropped off at the Rocky Point Boat Trips Office or sent to Barb at: PO Box 695, Lukeville, AZ 85341
AGRUPACION GEORGE PAPNICOLAOU 383-4399: Madrid and Ave. Marcelo Pino Cancer clinic dedicated to early prevention. Screenings and tests available. MONTHLY MEETINGS 1st Thurs. of every month PATIENT CONSULTATIONS Wednesday 9AM-1PM PAPSMEARS Friday 9AM-2PM by appointment only Please call 1 to 2 weeks prior
ALANON Donna (044-638) 109-3766 Email: English speaking meeting every Friday 5PM 48 Campeche & Manuel Arista (next to Galindo’s Café) at the Passport AA Club.
Help Us Help Them. We are a concerned group of dog lovers working to better the lives of Peñasco’s dogs. We are expanding our facility on the edge of town where we house dogs. We are committed to taking in abandoned and neglected dogs, maintaining and rehabilitating them in a healthy environment and finding loving permanent homes. We ask for your help. Virtually every dog that comes to us is malnourished and in poor health. The need is great. Visit Barb’s Dog Shelter located 8 miles north of Rocky Point on the highway to Sonoyta, where you will see signs. Donations are also accepted at Twin Dolphins Real Estate on Fremont Blvd, next to Cruz Roja. E-Mail BarbsDogRescue@aol.comm Visit us on Facebook or Call Barb at (044-638) 114-1659 or Dee at (044-638) 384-0113 or from the US (602) 324-7241.
BOOK & EXCHANGE Rocky Point Times Office Ave. Pino Suarez (off Calle 13) Phone: 383-6325: Mon.-Wed. 9am-5pm Free Book, VHS and DVD exchange for all Rocky Point residents and visitors.
BUNCO BABES Sandy Spain 388-0857/(044-638) 109-4109 Ladies play Bunco at 6:30pm on the last Wed. of every month at Giuseppi’s on Blvd. Fremont
CEDO Center for the Study of Oceans & Deserts Phone: 382-0113 or (520) 829-4501 Located in Las Conchas, look for the Fin Whale skeleton Mon. - Sat. 9AM-5PM; Sun. 10AM-2PM PO Box 1579, Lukeville, AZ 85341 CEDO is the Intercultural Center for the Study of Oceans and Deserts. Home to a giant fin whale skeleton and a desert botanical garden, CEDO is a field station for researchers and school classes, an education center with library, laboratories, book store and gift shop - An Intercultural Experience. CEDO is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, education and conservation of the planet’s last great frontiers: the Sea of Cortez. LOTS OF FUN AND GREAT EXPERIENCE FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS! FREE PUBLIC TOURS Every Tuesday 2PM; Saturday 4PM CEDO ADVENTURES FOR EVERYONE Kayak Capers Explore beautiful Estero Morua with expert guides. Local ecology talk, kayak rental, picnic feast,drinks all in an environment rich with shore birds, crabs and halophytes. Estero Excursions Oyster farms, fiddler crabs and the “shrimp dance” are part of this walking tour of a pristine upper Gulf wetland. Kayak Estero Morua and/or tour with CEDO experts. Tidepool Explorations Explore the tidepools with CEDO experts. Explore the Sand Dunes Spectacular Gran Desierto de Altar. This sea of natural dunes is the world’s largest. An experience you won’t forget! Pinacate Adventure Explore the geologic wonders of the Pincate Biosphere Reserve on a tour with CEDO experts. Isla San Jorge Snorkel with the sea lions in their natural habitat at Bird Island or just enjoy the scenery from the boat and take photos. A must do trip!
C.I.D.A Director: Joaquin Celaya Rendon Phone: 044-638-102-0514 Call for directions Shelter providing housing, food and care for those addicted to drugs and alcohol.
CANACO-SERV Y TUR Puerto Peñasco Chamber of Commerce Servicios y Turismos de Pto. Peñasco Phone: 383-2848 Fax: 383-4468 Located on Blvd. Fremont and Coahuila Monday - Friday 8AM-3PM President: Lorenzo Cuadras Rojo Manager: Maria Elena Garcia
(Please note that our Chamber of Commerce is not like those that you find in U.S. cities and do not provide the same services and information.)
Help to pay their electric bill, especially during the summer months, is always needed. You may also make a donation at a local grocery store for the purchase food and items.
CONNECTION CLUB Meets every Thursday at 4:00 pm at The Light House on Whale Hill. Sandy Spain: 388-0857 Brenda Barden: 044-386-9197 Want to meet folks in Puerto Peñasco? Come to The Connection, a happy hour gathering where you can meet a great group of people. Married? Single? Full-time or part-time resident? Mexican, American, other nationality, young, mature? It doesn’t matter. Everyone is welcome.
Center for Technological Sea Studies Phone: 382-0010 Monday - Sunday 10am-5pm Cost: $4 adults, $2 children $2 for food to feed turtles, etc. GREAT FUN FOR KIDS AND ADULTS! Cet-Mar invites you to their aquarium which displays native species of the intertidal zone and the northern gulf coast. To get to Cet-Mar take Blvd. Fremont and exit toward Las Conchas. The Cet-Mar Aquarium is located just past the school on the right.
Puerto Peñasco Animal Control Dedicated to prevention and disease control Mon-Fri 8am-3pm, Phone: 388-5152 Coordinator: Dra. Socorro Canine Tech.: Mario Lopez Sub-Director: Jesus Bejarano Social Worker: Marina Soto Siqueiros We always welcome donations of dog food, supplies and medicine
CHOLLA BAY CHRISTMAS PARTY Donations payable to: Cholla Bay Christmas Fund Please send to: Nancy Schmidli 10645 W Connecticut Ave., Sun City, AZ 85351 An organization that celebrates a Christmas party for their fellow Cholla Bay Mexican neighbors in early December. Santa shows up for pictures with the kids, children get to pick a gift for their mother, take a crack at the piñata, have a group sing-along and munch on hot dogs and chips. After all the fun, Santa delivers gifts for the children and food boxes for the families.
D.I.F. Desarrollo Integral de la Familia Sinaloa and Ruiz Cortines Directora: Mayor’s Wife Supported solely by donations, this social service organization offers medical aid and a variety of services for needy families. If you know of a family in need you may contact DIF for help. They hold many public fundraisers throughout the year to raise money. CHILDREN’S HOME D.I.F. is building a children’s home on Calle Marcelo Pino and Callejon Benito Juarez. When completed, the home will be equipped to accommodate 50 children ranging in ages from newborns to 11 years. Children will be
CHOLLA BAY SPORTSMENS CLUB Also referred to as the CBSC Dues: $40, Payable to CBSC PO Box 1320, Lukeville, AZ 85341 The Cholla Bay Sportsmens Club is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and staffing the VHF Marine Channel 28 for the northern Sea of Cortez as well as CB Radio Channel 3. The CBSC pays the salary of the operator, aides in search and rescue operations and can aid in the transportation of critical victims. They also publish the Cholla Chatter and put on numerous events during the year such as the CBSC Fishing Derby, Horseshoe Tournament and other fun stuff held in Cholla Bay. 2012 OFFICERS President: Mike Dugan Vice-President: Pat Goodin: 382-5056 Secretary: Billie Crumbley: 382-5133 Treasurer: Enedina Otañez: 382-5142 Membership: Laura McIntyre 2012 BOARD MEMBERS Sal Otañez, Rhea Dugan, Don Schinidli, Paul Schoonover, Shirley McDonald, Tammy Hicks, Larry McIntyre, Kelly and Dave Adams The CBSC provides an invaluable service for those at sea and promotes good relations between American visitors and our Mexican neighbors.
taken care of until their families have complied with the rehabilitation period, treatments, or requests by SDMF. The home is located on Calle Marcelo Pino and Callejon Benito Juarez, just behind the Basic Unit Rehabilitation Center of D.I.F.
EL GOLFO RUN Tom & Sandra O’Hare Rocky Point Times Newspaper 383-6325 or from U.S. (602) 476-1939 The El Golfo Run is a fun bi-annual 4x4 trip (May and Oct) to El Golfo de Santa Clara through the
desert, salt flats and onto the beach - even the coastal hwy. All 4x4’s welcome to join. There is no charge, fee, etc., you pay for your own motel and food when you get there. (Must have a sense of humor and be very patient.)
ESPERANZA DE VIDA Darlene Laura and Carole Fields Ave. Pino Suarez No. 143, Col. El Ferrocarril, Playa “F” Provides clothes, food, toys and medicine to the children/families in Colonia Nueva area.
GREEN ANGELS Angeles Verdes Hwy. 8 Patrol: Sunrise to Sunset Pull off shoulder and raise vehicle hood EMERGENCY DIAL 078 Provides assistance, tourist aid, information and emergency radio service for travellers on Hwy. 8 from Sonoyta to Rocky Point. Bilingual “Green Angels” provide protection service, medical aid and basic mechanical aid. There is no charge for mechanical service, you will only pay for auto parts, gas, oil, etc.
GRUPO SAN PEREGRINO Spiritual Support Cancer Group Dra. Arminda Gonzalez: 110-4934 Glenda Lopez: 383-2414 Mariana Perez: (044-638) 102-0564 The group’s mission is to provide spiritual and monetary support to individuals in Rocky Point that are affected by cancer.
GUARDIAN ANGELS Ramon Ramos: 388-5362/(044-638) 112-0350 Started by Linda and Guy Scholey, and taken over by Ramon since their departure, the Guardian Angels puts on a Christmas party for Escuela La Montaña, the school for handicapped children. Every year donators select a special child to buy a gift for. With donations received, they are also able to provide hot meals for the children throughout the year.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Hábitat para la Humanidad, Mexico A.C. Pedro Martínez, English Spoken: 383-4323 Habitat for Humanity builds homes for families in need all over the world.
HELPING HANDS Manos de Ayuda, Inc. 383-5287 or (520) 760-8645 President: Ramon Contreras Pamela J. Lyke Marquez: Manos de Ayuda, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that provides rehabilitation, health education, medical and therapy equipment and supplies to children with special needs. They also help with construction modifications at a nursing home, a free clinic, and day care facility. These projects are made possible by volunteer efforts and financial assistance. Your help is always needed.
I.R.A.D. Director: Julio Alberto Lucero Arreola 044-638-109-2566 Located off of Cholla Bay Road I.R.A.D. is the institute for the recovery of drug addicts and alcoholics. The shelter houses, feeds and cares for those persons addicted. They rely and operate solely on donations and often sell candy to raise money to keep the centers open. They will always present their identification.
LAS CONCHAS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. Phone: 382-0050 Guard Gate: 382-0095 President: Ginger Beauchamp Executive Vice President: Marcia Florian Vice President: Randi Alcott Treasurer: Georgia Mastin Secretary: Mary Inserra
A non-profit organization in Puerto Peñasco dedicated to enriching the lives of the children and their families. The organization provides medical assistance, assists families, offers education and assists in the general enrichment of children’s lives. The group holds many events during the year including golf tournaments, a children’s walk, triathlon, concerts and a New Year’s Eve Bash.
Brenda Barden: 044-638-386-9197 The Puerto Peñasco Chapter gets together on the last Monday of the month at 1PM (Oct.June) to have lunch and show off their “red hats and purple dresses”. All ladies welcome. Call for reservations or info.
South of the Border Singles (SOB’s) meets every Wednesday at 4:00PM at Playa Bonita Restaurant for cocktails/dinner. Monthly business meetings first Wednesday at 5:30PM at Playa Bonita. Sunday 9AM gather for weekly 9:30AM breakfast at various RP restaurants. Other fun events, short trips, parties throughout the year. All singles welcome! Local contact: Jane Joyner at Playa Bonita RV Park or Jean McCauley at Las Conchas; Mexican cell phone is (044-638) 386-9774 or Magic Jack is (520) 303-4332.
Fundación para Conservación del Pinacate, A.C. Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM U.S. Mail: PO Box 745, Ajo, AZ 85321
Unidad Basica de Rehabilitacion Therapy for the handicap and those with special needs. Consultations accepted. Coordinator: Esperanza Lopez Trasviña Phone: 383-1918 Juan Aldama & Marcelo Pino
Phone: 383-2488 Ave. Niños Heroes and Juan Aldama President: Francisco Eugenio Amaya Angulo Women’s Committee President Maby Corim Soto Mendivil Some of their programs include info. & action for the prevention of hypertension and diabetes, prescription glasses, eye surgery, supply wheelchairs, braces, crutches, etc. Donations of eyeglasses, or any other items may be dropped off at the office of the RPTimes.
El Pinacate Biosphere Reserve is considered one of the most unique volcanic zones in the world. The conservation of these gigantic craters and the surrounding areas are an important part of our ancient history and culture. Self guided hikes, overnight camping and exploring are allowed in the area provided you do not harm, disrupt or take plants, wildlife or artifacts from the area. Visitors must register at the office as they enter the reserve. The reserve is located at the halfway town (Nayarit) between Rocky Point and Sonoyta. Also located near this area is Gran Desierto de Altar, home to the largest area of natural sand dunes.
Tab Gray: Family of God Christian Fellowship PO Box 738, Lukeville, AZ 85341
MEN’S SHELTER Centro de Rehabilitación para Adultos y Jovenes La Esperanza A.C. Local Director: C. José de La Cruz Bravo 044-638-106-4079 On Simon Morua behind the new cemetery The center helps men in need by providing clothing, housing, job training and food. They run solely on donations.
NUEVA CREACION Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Sub Directors: Gregorio Soto Rodriguez and Guadalupe de Soto Phone: 044-638-105-9804 Calle Juan Aldama No. 527 Go to the new cemetary, turn right, go one block and turn left and 6 blocks ahead you will see the center.
OA Overeaters Anonymous Tuesdays 9:30AM Manuel Arista (some as AA) Phone: 044-638-103-3405 48 Campeche Ave.
OLD BOYS SOCIAL CLUB President: Lew Felton Fun group that hold meetings every month and puts on a variety of fun activities such as the Bash every year and donates to local charities and organizations.
PEÑASCO CHILDRENS FOUNDATION Founder: Steve Schwab Coordinator: Richard C. LaNasa Established 2003 520-232-2241 PO Box 70121, Tucson, AZ 85737
PISTA LOS PATOS SAND DRAGS Phone: 383-3105 Super fast racers from all over the U.S. and Mexico race each other down the sandy track, which is located just north of town. Everyone welcome. Events are held throughout the year, call above for schedule and times.
A group of a variety of community members who volunteer their time and efforts to raise money, purchase supplies and provide food bags, shoes and toys at Christmas time for the less fortunate. Every year thousands of children, men and women flock to receive their goodies, take pictures with Santa Claus, play games, eat hot dogs and have a great day. Volunteers spend all year collecting donations and then coordinate efforts a few weeks prior to the big event, which usually takes place mid-December.
Professional Business Women’s Club Meetings each Tuesday 8PM Phone: 383-2052 Monday - Friday 9AM - 1PM Constitucion and Serdán esq. # 1 This association of professional business women meets once a week and helps young women who are finishing school - high school or college and who have economic needs.
Ginger Phillips: (972) 742-3740 Thrift Store open Monday - Saturday 9am-4pm Run solely on donations Turn W on Samuel Ocaña, go to the first 4-way stop and turn left, go 1 block and turn right, then go 2 blocks and turn left. Thrift store is the light green building located at the end of the street on the right hand side. St. Vincent de Paul helps needy citizens by furnishing clothing, food baskets, medical assistance and basic needs.
Business Phone: 383-2266 Monetary donations can be made in person, to the Red Cross people with their cans out when you see them in the street or you may deposit directly into their account: Banamex Acct# 7661161 SUC. 472 Located on Blvd. Fremont, across from the Fire Department (Bomberos) SERVICES ARE FREE OF CHARGE The Red Cross offers its services free of charge to the general public. They handle a number of minor injuries such as stings, bites, cuts, sprains, broken bones, etc. They have ambulance service and offer their services 24 hours a day. They work with local doctors and clinics to provide emergency care for patients with more serious injuries. They operate solely on donations, so please donate when you can. They are always in need of medical supplies, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. You may drop off donations at the Red Cross or at the office of the Rocky Point Times. The Red Cross can fill Portable Oxygen Tanks with prior notice.
SANTA CLAUS CLUB Organizer: John Fowler: 602-840-1528 PO Box 5, Lukeville, AZ 85341 Delivers food boxes, bikes, toys and clothes to needy families all year long. Donations are accepted and transported to Rocky Point year round. If you have a donation pickup in the Phoenix area, call John Fowler or email
SANTIAGO RUIZ SALCIDO ASSOCIATION This group offers help to people in their terminal cancer phase. It is comprised of a group of people who offer care to cancer patients who suffer from a terminal illness, when the time comes that the hospital can do nothing further. The patients are given support to help them have a better quality of life by receiving love, respect, and understanding in their final hours. Contact: awyspot@hotmail. com Santiago Ruiz Salcido Rocky Point cellular (044-638) 384-6166 The groups’ basic needs are adult diapers, Ensure shakes, medicines, hospital beds etc.
2 FISH MINISTERIOS Founder: Pastor Stan Tedrow Peñasco Christian Fellowship Melchor Ocampo & Tecla Bustamante Donations accepted and welcomed at the Felowship Monday Friday 8AM - 2PM or can be dropped off at the Black Dog All gifts are taxdeductible Checks payable to: Mission Heartbeat PO Box 1032, Lukeville, AZ 85341 This rapidly growing organization was created after seeing the desperate need families were faced with when the U.S. economy declined, heavily impacting Mexico, and the peso dropped dramatically. As a result, jobs vanished, more people became homeless and could no longer afford to feed their families. Pastor Stan Tedrow shared his burden to feed the hungry with his congregation, and two feeding sites were born on February 24, 2009 with more being added since then. Currently, citizens can receive a hot meal at Fountain of Life Mission in Colonia San Rafael and at Arizona Taco Place on Constitucion and at Aquiles Serdan across from Hotel Paraiso del Desierto on Constitucion.
TOURISM BUREAU (OCV) Puerto Peñasco Convention & Visitor’s Bureau 388-0444/US Toll Free 877-843-3717 Mexico Toll Free: 01-800-552-2820 Blvd. Fremont. Fremont Plaza #4 Mon-Fri: 9am-2pm & 4-7pm, Sat 9am-3pm President: Hector Vazquez Lic. Ana Laura Saens: 383-7025 Rafael Gonzales V.: 388-0444
UNCOMMON WOMEN ON COMMON GROUND GROUP Rosie Glover: 044-638-112-0134 Group meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30PM for something fun!
WEEKEND MISSIONS 323 Leon de La Barra and Madero (in the old Hotel Villa Granada) 383-1394/(480) 626-5440/(480) 503-8832 Founders: Mark, Jerry and Rusty Renovation Coordinator: Conrad Provides for the physical and spiritual needs of the very poor, widowed and orphaned. Donations of building supplies and other everyday supplies always welcome.
WOMEN’S SHELTER Centro de Rehabilitación para Mujeres La Esperanza A.C. Directora: Hna. Ana Krause: 044-638-102-0869 From Blvd. Samuel Ocaña, turn north at sign on Pto. Ensenada. Go 10 blocks and the women’s center will be on your left, just before the last cross street.
YOUTH SPORTS FOUNDATION 388-1180 Fernando Lopez: Rick Busa: Promotes youth sports in Puerto Peñasco. Donations of sports equipment, uniforms, etc. always welcome. Call for sports schedule and come out to watch the kids play.
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
By Chef Mickey 2012 IRON CHEF WINNER!
CLASSIFIEDADS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANIMAL ADOPTION CENTER OF ROCKY POINT – (A 501© tax exempt corporation) Center located north of Benito Juarez on Calle 15 (Leon de la Barra) 3 blocks left corner. Also donation drop point at Giuseppis Espresso on Blvd. Fremont (next to Black Dog) Mexico (011-52-638) 383-1012, Phoenix (602) 412-3932, Tucson (520) 4076594, AACORP P.O. Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341. (#1-AAC) BILINGUAL SERVICES SUNDAY 10AM with Peñasco Christian Fellowship. Bilingual services also offered Wednesday at 7PM. Located ½ block E. of the Melchor Ocampo & Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez intersection. North from Las Conchas Pemex, ½ blk E. at 3rd stop sign past railroad tracks. For more info. call Stan or Becky at 383-4513. (#1-24) JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES KINGDOM HALL Thursday Ministry School & Service Meeting 7pm. Sunday Public Discourse 9:30am. Located on the (baseball) stadium road, on the left, just before the big blvd. Call 382-0049 or 383-3885. (#a-1a) GRUPO UNIDAD CRISTIANOS DE PEÑASCO Pastor Ernesto Portugal. Headphones available for English translation. Sunday service 10:30AM, Thursday Service 7:30PM, Children’s school same hours. Church office open Monday through Friday 9:30AM to 2PM. Located on Simon Morua. Call for info. (011-52-638) 383-2240. (#1-ch) ADOPT-A-CLASSROOM – Charity organization operated for 9 years now by Barb and Mark Olszewski, helping 9 schools and over 2,500 students. If anyone would like to help us with donations of spiral notebooks, pencils, crayons, erasers, rulers, will really be appreciated. You may use the offices of the Rocky Point Times Newspaper for a drop-off-point (off Calle 13-map in paper), or get information at www.rockypointclassroom. com (#1-AAC) PUERTO PEÑASCO ‘ROCKIES’ WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL – Needs team boosters and sponsors!! Visitors are welcome to come watch us practice each Sunday 3-6PM at the Municipal Gymnasium on the main Blvd. at the north end of town. WE NEED DONATIONS to purchase sport wheelchairs for basketball. We ALSO NEED basketballs and uniforms!! Call Mark (602) 324-9529 or in Rocky Point (011-52-638) 383-4963. Email (#1-WC) GIUSEPPIS ESPRESSO – is now a drop off site for Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point. Giuseppis Espresso is located on Blvd. Fremont between Cruz Roja (Red Cross) and the STOP sign at Sinaloa, next to Black Dog Casino (011-52-638) 383-5181. (#1-AAC) BARB’S DOG RESCUE – located 8 miles north of Rocky Point on the highway to Sonoyta, signs on both sides of highway. Also donation drop off point at Twin Dolphins Real Estate on Blvd Fremont, next to Cruz Roja (Red Cross). Mexico (011-521-638) 114-1659 or (044-638) 384-0113. From the US dial (602) 324-7241. (#1-dg)
SEARCHING FOR A GURU – or Spiritual Guide.CALL DR. VAZQUEZ (011-52-638) 3833014. (#1-V) MERMAID’S MARKET – Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10AM-5PM. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez and Fremont). Verify dates: www. Contact: (# 1-1) ART GALLERIES GALERIA DEL MAR BERMEJO – The finest in Authentic Mexican Art. Largest selection of Mata Ortiz Pottery & Jewelry-Certified Huichol Yarn Paintings by Artist, Juan SilvaCertified Bronze Sculpture by Felipe Chavez Hernandez-Certified unique jewelry of sterling silver and semiprecious stones featuring sponge and coral. Virgin Saints and AngelsDaniel Espinosa-Charles Alpert-Mara La Madrid. Books, * Books, * Books (children’s bilingual, decorator, culinary and more). Located behind the church in Old Port. Open 7 days from 10AM to 5PM. MasterCard and Visa accepted. From the U.S. dial (011-52638) 383-3488 (phone and fax), or email: (#9-1) VILLA DEL ARTE OWNER, VICTOR ALEMAN is a world renowned spray paint artist here in Rocky Point. His Village of Artesanias is located on Hwy. 8, just north of Rocky Point (before you go over the last hill). He is building the village out of adobe and sells a huge variety of statues, pots, fountains, tables, benches and much more. Open 7 days a week 9AM - 5PM. Phone Victor locally at (044-638) 105-7839, or from the U.S. at (011521-638) 105-7839. (#9-4) BEAUTY SALONS GLORIAS BEAUTY SALON SINCE 1969! We do it all and we carry a full line of beauty supplies. Gloria’s Beauty Shop is located on Constitucion, just before Super Ley Market. Phone locally at 383-5075 or from the U.S. (011-52-638) 383-5075 for an appointment, ask for Gloria. English Spoken. (#25-13) PBC – Peñasco Beauty Center – Only American Salon in Rocky Point. Full line AVON Beauty Supplies. Hair, Nails, Facials, Manicures and Pedicures cell (044-638) 1063611. On Constitucion, across from Super Ley. (#25-1) BILL PAYING SERVICE DON’T GET CUT OFF!! BILL PAYING Service with 48 years experience for Rocky Point and Cholla Bay residents! See Patty at Mexico Bonito Realty located just off Cholla Bay Road. Local call us at 383-5737 or 383-4111, or from the U.S. dial (602) 476-1837. Visit our website at or email us at or patricia@ (#30-1) WHILE YOU’RE AWAY I’LL PAY YOUR electric, water, phone, bills, etc. Since 1993 I’ve been working with Immigration services. English/Spanish spoken. References available. Call Silvia Villa at Premium Services, locally at 383-5758, or from the U.S. dial (602) 476-1187, or email me at (#30-2)
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY – 60FT. CATAMARAN PARTY boat. Person can live aboard, bathroom, kitchen, bed, gas engine. 50 people charter. Sunset Cruise Bay tours. Mex cell (044-638) 110-6322 U.S. (702) 4488723 (#34-1)
TABLE SAW FOR SALE – Like new condition $120.00usd (011-52-638) 383-1012 (#86-15)
PRINCESA B502 – $259,900 3 BED, 2 BATH. Extraordinary ocean view, fully furnished. Bank Trust in place. Call Pablo Realty. Licensed Sonora Real Estate Agent. (602) 288-8687 or email (#102-5)
CONTRA PLAGAS – COCKROACHES, Termites, mosquitoes, flies, bees, fire ants, fleas, scorpions, spiders, rats, ants, mice. We have our Federal License. English spoken. Call Antonio Mendivil, owner at 383-8787. 24 hour emergency phone dial (044-638) 380-5136. (#126-1)
PRINCESA E506 – $249,900 3 BED, 2 BATH. Beachfront View. Fully furnished. Bank Trust, LLC in place. Great rental. Call Pablo Realty, Licensed Sonora Real Estate Agent. (602) 288-8687 or email (#102-4)
CATERING LA COCINA de RAMON – Ave. Francisco González Bocanegra (638) 388-5362 (#50-1) COFFEE AND COFFEE HOUSES MAX’S CAFÉ: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, Dinner, Pizza, Full Espresso and Liquor Bar. Free Wireless Internet & Phone to the U.S. Located in front of Hotel Peñasco del Sol. Live Music Thur-Sun 8PM-11PM 383-1011. (#56-5) BEST COFFEE IN TOWN – XOCHITLS CAFE (Sally’s place) in Cholla Bay. Not to mention awesome food! Breakfast 6AM-2PM! You can’t beat her chiles rellenos and spinach omelet. Call to order ahead 382-5283. (#56-10) GIUSEPPIS ESPRESSO – Inside or Outside seating. On Blvd. next to Black Dog Casino. Open for Breakfast @ 7AM. Espresso, latte, mocha,’s all here. Leashed, well behaved dogs always welcomed. (011-52638) 383-5181 (#56-6) GIUSEPPIS ESPRESSO – Open weekends in the Activity Center at the Sonoran Spa Resort, on Sandy Beach. (#56-7) DENTAL SERVICES WANT A DENTIST WHO USES THE latest in technology and equipment when getting your teeth cared for? Ernesto Grijalva, D.D.S. comes highly recommended by all of his patients – ask anyone of them! Stop by his office located on Blvd. Fremont, just south of the fire dept. or call Mario for an appointment (011-52-638) 383-3434. (#64-3)
1997 RODEO ISUZU, GOOD A/C and tires. Runs good. Silver in color. $2,200 dlls - call Nancy 383-1012 or in Phoenix (602) 4123932. Car is in Rocky Point. (#86-14) 1996 5TH WHEEL – Wife says sell! 32ft. w/ slide out, microwave, washer/dryer. September Blue Book $4,500 wholesale. Sell for $2,899 dlls. Glen Webster (602) 741-3167 email (# 86-9) SAILBOAT – 2005, 15’ West Wight Potter, Honda 2hp motor, EZ Loader trailer. Stored inside at Cholla Bay. Good as new. Great buy at $5,900usd. (1-970) 254-1127 USA. (#86-1) NISSAN OUTBOARD – motor, 6 hp, new, never used, $950USD. Stored inside at Cholla Bay. Call (1-970) 254-1127 USA. (#86-2) 9’ LIVINGSTON BOAT – Good Condition, $400USD. Stored inside at Cholla Bay. Call (1-970) 254-1127 USA. (#86-3)
INSURANCE AND BONDING AGENCY – REAL estate - Mexican & American Insurance: Auto, boat, life, house, commercial. Yolanda Silva, Agent. Ave Nayarit #62. Call 383-6280. (#107-1) JEWELERS
AUTHENTIC GERMAN SAUSAGES – Walter’s Brats Sausages for sale everyday, come and taste it fresh from the BBQ Every Fri & Sat. 3PM - 7PM. Corner of Blvd Fremont & Nuevo Leon. (044-638) 110-4970. (#86-17).
JOYERIA MAX – MAX’S JEWELTY - Custom design, repairs, diamonds and gemstones. Special orders are our specialty. Open 11AM – 9PM Monday through Saturdays. Shop located on the north side of No Reeleccion (Calle 26), just east of RR tracks. Lamek_fu@hotmail. com. Call Max (011-52-638) 388-5512 and 383-2698. (#110-2)
MOVING FROM THE STATES to Rocky Point/ San Carlos since 1987. Our price includes no surprise fees from pickups to setups.Email or phone (480) 2323518. (#90-9)
BEACHFRONT LOT – in Playa Dorada, 20 mts x 30 mts. call Pablo Realty. Licensed Sonora Real Estate Agent. (602) 288-8687. (#115-25)
MUEBLES IMPERIALES – Comonfort and Juan de la Barrera#33. (638) 383-6480. (#9010)
SERVICES FOR AMERICANS – FM3 / FM2, Visas, Tax ID Numbers (Hacienda Registration), accounting services, bill paying and more. Office location: Sun Valley Business and Immigration Service, Plaza del Sol, Local No. 8 (north side of Blvd. Fremont). Call local at 383-8891, from the U.S. dial (520) 829-4340 or email or Dynorasvisa@ English spoken. (#79-9)
LONG TERM & NIGHTLY RENTALS, Las Conchas, Mirador, In Town, Sandy Beach Homes and Condos. Starting at $150.00 USD per month. Twin Dolphins (011-52-638) 3833919, (602) 324-7241 (#100-4)
FM2/FM3/RFC/HACIENDA/IMSS – DO YOU need help obtaining any of these documents? Premium Services has been working with Immigration, Social Security, Hacienda and all government offices helping Americans, for over 17 years, obtain the documents they need fast and without hassles. If you don’t speak Spanish, or just want someone to help guide you through the process, call Silvia Villa at Premium Services at 383-5758, or from the U.S. dial (602) 476-1187 or sivife@hotmail. com. Translations from English to Spanish or Spanish to English also available – any document you need translated. Call Silvia whenever you need help with anything from bill paying to ordering flowers! (#79-1)
PUERTA PRIVADA LONG TERM LEASE 2 OR 3 bdrm condos for long term lease only. Furnished or unfurnished available. Visit model on site 9am to 5pm daily for more info. (#10042) BEAUTIFUL HOME ON WHALE HILL – with spectacular views from three decks, 2bedroom, 3bath, garage with opener. Beautifully furnished. 6 month minimum lease $890.00usd/month (208) 473-4771 or (011-52638) 382-0028. (#100-12) SONORAN SEA LONGTERM LEASE 2 – Bdrm/2bath - Condo, Gorgeous City Lights Ocean Views, Pool, Gym, Wi-Fi. Professionally decorated & beautifully furnished! (602) 4328478 (#100-13)
MIRADOR 25 X 35 MTRS – complete 8’ wall all around. Cistern and septic plus large cement pad ready for 3 trailers $59,000. Pablorealty@ (602) 288-8687 or (011-52-638) 383-8657. (#115-24) MASSAGE U.S.A. CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Several bodywork modalities available. Out calls or in clinic. $55 per hour. Best massage in town. Rita Pizarro, from U.S. dial (602) 748-4134, clinic (011-52-638) 383-8030, local dial 383-8030 or (044-638) 386-5203 or email (#120-6) LAS SAUNAS DE LOMAS CAMPESTRES (A.K.A. Ranchito) – countless advantages, detoxifies the skin, purifies the body. Also full body men and women massage available by appointment (044-638) 114-3296 or Karina at (044-638) 380-7530. (#1-LC) DEEP SEA MASSAGE – get into it! Pamper and treat yourself with a fabulous healing massage, comfortable in your home. Help your body relax, detoxify and release stress. For appointments call local cell (044-638) 1052706 or from the U.S. (011-521-638) 105-2706. (#120-35)
Tuna Steaks with Tarragon Mustard Sauce… Procedure...
TWIN DOLPHINS – Blvd. Fremont, next to Red Cross. Mexico (638) 383-3919 US (602) 324-7241. (#140-1) REALTY EXECUTIVES – Jonni Francis at Paseo Las Glorias, across from Peñasco del Sol. Mexico (638) 382-5355 US (602) 3344134. (#140-2) RV PARKS & SPACES CaptainRonsRVResort.Com – 200’ East of Capone’s-Behind Reggie’s 8/12. SECURE STORAGE 9’X15’ & 15’X23’ LOOK FOR SALE: Trailer on lot w/DECK&PATIO $2000 plus lot rent and electricity (a bargain) Restaurant Kitchen also available LOOK. See Jose MonSat 8am-1pm (602) 476-1263. (#152-1) SERVICES DON’T GET CUT OFF! BILL PAYING SERVICE with 42 years experience for Rocky Point & Cholla Bay Residents! See Patty at Mexico Bonito Realty on Cholla Rd one block from the Highway or call (01152-638) 383-5737 or 383-4111. In the U.S. call (602) 476-1837. Visit website at www. or email us at or patricia@ (#157-4) PUERTO PEÑASCO HOME INSPECTIONS. Be an intelligent investor: Get a home inspection before you buy your next home or investment property in Mexico. Puerto Peñasco’s only full time Home Inspector. Call (602) 748-4134, local dial (044-638) 110-4728 or email (#157-7) PET SITTING SERVICE – DON’T WORRY about your animals for a day, week or month! Vacation with peace of mind. I will look after your cats or dogs. Lots of experience with animals! Phone Nancy at (011-52-638) 3831012. (#157-21) INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES & STAGING – Increase your rental income with quick luxury Condo-Beach-Home Updates, Furnishing Replacement & Repair,Unique Finishes, Materials & Accessories Contact Tina (602) 432-8478, www.ziainteriors. com. (#157-1) SHUTTLE SERVICE HEAD OUT TO ROCKY POINT – door to door shuttle service from Phoenix to Rocky Point. Group and one-way rates available. Wanna Go? Let Us Know! Email headout@, phone in the U.S. (602) 971-0166 or U.S. Toll Free (866) 443-2368. www. No waiting in border lines when you ride with us! (#158-3)
Hi there, this is your friend and Chef Mickey here in beautiful Rocky Point, Mexico. I hope you will enjoy this month’s recipe
Ingredients... 2 ounces macadamia nuts 1 cup dry bread crumbs, salt and ground white pepper to taste 4 tuna steaks, 6-8 ounces each 1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup water 3/4 cup vegetable oil Whole macadamia nuts, toasted.
Tarragon Mustard Sauce...
3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/2 cup dry withe wine 1 teaspoon dried tarragon 2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/4 cup heavy cream Salt and ground white pepper to taste.
4 Servings Chop 2 ounces macadamia nuts and mix with bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Dredge tuna steaks in crumbs. Mix beaten egg and water. Dip tuna into egg/ water mixture and dredge in crumbs again. Set aside. In large skillet, heat oil. Fry tuna steaks for 10 minutes per inch of thickness. Do not crowd. Drain on paper towels and place on warm platter. Serve with Tarragon Mustard Sauce and garnish with toasted whole macadamia nuts. In medium saucepan, melt butter. Add wine, tarragon and mustard. Simmer until reduced by 1/3 to 1/2. Stirring constantly, pour in cream. Simmer for 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper and serve over tuna. In this recipe, macadamia nuts beautifully complement the mild flavor of tuna. The mustard sauce adds Zest. There you have it enjoy it!! Don’t forget to stop by our restaurant, Chef Mickey’s on Blvd Fremont, and taste this recipe! And much more! Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you to our Subscribers… Broce, Payson, AZ Pepper, Tucson, AZ Hedrich, Albuquerque, New Mexico Lanz, Eagan, Michigan Livingston, Tucson, AZ Kelly, Los Angeles, California Kruger, New Harmony, Utah Milne, Phoenix, AZ Paxton, Alawahnee, California Crance, Phoenix, AZ Taradash, Scottsdale, AZ Cohen, Tucson, AZ Michael, Mesa, AZ Griggs, Tucson, AZ Roberson, Phoenix, AZ Kelly, Litchfield Park, AZ Norsworthy, Overgaard, AZ Blair, Blythe, California Wooten, Paducah, Ketucky Clark, Glendale, AZ Rodocker, Camden, Tennessee Stacey, Scottsdale, AZ Peters, Phoenix, AZ Bowen, Cannon Falls, Minnesota Le-Fave, Oro Valley, AZ Le-Fave, Alpena, Michigan Peach, Phoenix, AZ Craigie, Flagstaff, AZ Zontanos, Cave Creek, AZ Beyer, Tempe, AZ Skains, Litchfield Park, AZ Kieffer, Glendale, AZ Mitchell, Grand Junction, Colorado Montoya, Yuma, AZ Howell, Lenoir City, Tennessee Duffy, Tucson, AZ
Yurof, Tucson, AZ Franson, Indio, California Johnson, Scottsdale, AZ Martin, Phoenix, AZ Hagerty, Mesa, AZ Baker, Oro Valley, AZ Kobey, Scottsdale, AZ Stratton, Glendale, AZ Newberry, Tonopah, Nevada Bickel, Las Cruces, New Mexico Crisp, Phoenix, AZ Luglan, Tucson, AZ Rios, Chandler, AZ Musil, Phoenix, AZ Bachhuber, Gilbert, AZ Weston, Prescott, AZ Aspinwall, Lodi, Wisconsin Luker, Fountain Hills, AZ Doster, Buckeye, AZ You can get your SUBSCRIPTION FORM at
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255
Letters to Editor When is the next El Golfo Run? Jon P. Wood
Jon, the next run will be in May. Memorial weekend is OUT, Mothers Day weekend is OUT, Dead Tide time is OUT...I am checking. OK, got it...Cinco de Mayo May 3-4-5, with a “Survivors Party” when we get back at the Lighthouse Restaurant on top of the hill in Rocky Point. Hola, this is Chuck Clark and we are coming down to our home in Las Conchas tomorrow for the season. I am wondering what the latest “regulations” are concerning crossing the border??? If possible, would you be so kind as to let me know what I can and cannot bring across. I am aware of the dog food and beef restrictions but my wife seems to remember reading in your FINE newspaper that they are restricting some other new items such as vegetables, fruit and...Any insight will be helpful and I will promise to always pick up your FINE publication at my local liquor store...Thanks Chuck and Peggy Clark Sorry we didn’t get right back to you, but we were closed for the Holidays and vacations. You can always read our paper online at OR contact us on our Facebook Page / Rocky Point Times Newspaper. With the border, on both sides north and south, changing all the time, it is best to buy what you need in Rocky Point and don’t plan on taking it back to the US. You can check the Gov’t website www.senasica. too. Hello Alicia I’m Mark from Facebook here is our address for the free subscription we won. Thank you so much...we love Rocky Point. Thx. Mark & Judy LaPorte West Pittston, Pa Well, thank you for being our 2,775th “LIKE” on our Facebook Page. Enjoy your subscription! My husband and I and our beach neighbors took a driving trip to Baja. We had such fun that we thought that your readers might be interested too. Would you be? I have photos to go with the article. Would you be interested in these, and if so, what size should they be? Thanks for your consideration. Sue Of course! We are always inviting our readers to share their Mexico experiences! Please send to Attn: Alicia. Thanks! I pick up a copy every time we are in town! Coming down this weekend Jon P. Wood Cool! Thank you for being an RPTimes reader! Enclosed please find check for 1 yr. subscription to the Rocky Point Times. Robert Doster Buckeye, AZ These sunrises and sunsets, at the beach, are times when God just smashes your eyes and brain with overwhelming beauty and you hear the Holy Spirit say, Is God absolutely amazing or what????? Darlene Magini Slusher Amen, Darlene Boo Bar is my favorite beachfront tavern, but where is their kitchen? Tracy Paul Gruber
We dunnow...good question.
Hi Sandra - Thanks for the info about RP Times being closed this week. I am on vacation in Rocky Point this week and need to renew my subscription. Is there a drop-box at the office? Julia Holmes Cardenas There’s always a gap underneath our front door at the office. Just toss your envelope in on the tile. Thanks! Heading your way soon. Will stay till May. Can’t wait!!!! Dan Leatherman Do you know if the City of Peñasco is still offering mail service for paying property taxes? Normally there is an ad the RP Times Paper in January. Terry Creech City of Puerto Peñasco PO Box 217 Lukeville, AZ 85341 Hi -- with your influence with the newspaper could you instigate a program to control the fly population here? To me flies are a huge downer for the area. Besides being a pest they probably carry diseases and it would benefit all to decrease their population. Thanks Jack Yes, certainly are ugly, nasty little things. For a long while Roger Clifton (FMI) was seeing to the process of controlling the fly population by spreading or spraying something constantly on the dump. That was before the $$ crash. We will mention it to the city; ask if anything new is being done. I love Sir Amigos and Victor at lunch time is my favorite waiter! They make the best special margarita with fruit juice and all their food is great :) Cindy Parkinson
Yes, the Pinacate condos are next to Peñasco del Sol Hotel, and across from the Sunset (which is now Jen’s Wrecked). Not sure about the parking, but we could ask around if you need us to??? How could anyone not love life in Puerto Peñasco??? Brenda Barden Not possible, Brenda! Wow! Awesome WHALE PHOTOS how wonderful to be there & see! Susi Graham Lerma Hi Sandy, may be getting up there to Rocky Point in May and will let you know! In the meantime, will be at the Kino Bay Music Festival March 18-19...with the new road that’s just over 4 hours away. Hey, I also have a new CD out...would be happy to send you guys a copy, don’t know if you guys ever do CD reviews but even if not, I’d like you to have one. Just shoot me your address and you’ll get a copy of “Back To Laid Back!” Mark ABSOLUTELY Our PO Box 887 Lukeville, AZ 85341 is still a good address. Can’t wait! Shelly Slusher House, the whales are in Rocky Point, MX!!!! Darlene Magini Slusher Yes, January and February, too (if we’re lucky!) Hi Sandra, as you know I’ve been having a lot of health problems and the docs here in the US haven’t been able to put the big picture together yet. Do you know of a good doc there in Rocky Point that I could go to? I don’t want a holistic doc, I’m looking for an MD who is capable of diagnosing parasites and that sort of thing. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. Susie C. Yes, when you are here, come in my offices. I will be happy to refer you.
Hi, my name is Alex, I live in Avondale AZ. I from rocky point, I like to know how I can get the rocky point times??? Alex Rico
Hey Sandra! All the fussss about the whales, I hurried to come here and again you’re not at the office… what’s the deal here guess I have to wait till next time. Anyway we had a great time here… we have a piece of Heaven! About the whales, I didn’t see anything yet. Amalia Mendoza Cueto
Of course, Alex. Go to, click on subscriptions to print the form, OR email us @
They’re Here!! January and February, and maybe March? We’ve posted some great shots on the Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Page!!!
My name is Bobby Smith. My mom and step dad own The Lighthouse Restaurant on Whale Hill. I’m just writing to tell you how much I enjoy reading RPT every month. Thank you all for doing such a great job and for putting out such a fantastic newspaper.
Yes, it was a police officer indeed; he was in a real police vehicle. We got all the ID etc, etc, but we were in fear of our lives, so we gave them the 20 dollars and decided not to pursue it. All of the police we see in Rocky Point have guns, many have machine guns. We get stopped all the time coming into Rocky Point by men on the highway with machine guns- kind of scary. What do you know about buying- owning a home in Rocky Point- we have been thinking that it might be nice to have a home there. Do you have info? Thank you I sure do LOVE your Facebook posts! I’m sorry I missed the whales!!!! Cindy L.
Guess Tom and I will have to go tomorrow!!
Hola!! Well, thank you so much. What a nice letter to get from you. I just called your mom, Iva, and read to her what you wrote, and thanked her for being your mom! SandyO Rocky point Times Newspaper I need your help. I am familiar with Rocky Point but is Pinacate over by the Sunset Cantina? Also is there room to park a truck with a quad trailer at Pinacate or do you have to park out in the open area at the end of the road? Brandie Armer-Flanders
Cindy, the checkpoint on the highway, as you enter Rocky Point, is manned by our MILITARY. THE MILITARY CARRY RIFLES, AND ARE HERE TO PROTECT
US. They are looking for guns, ammo, drugs... anything ILLEGAL. I don’t know who you gave $20 bucks to, but something is amiss in this scenario. As for buying property in Rocky Point, yes, it is wonderful to live here. We have been here since 1990, and love it here. As I said before, I think you should talk to a few REALTORS Peñasco, find someone you like, and ask them all your questions, and them ask THEM for referrals to talk to actual RP homeowners. Many Thanks and BIG Hugs to Sandra O’Hare and the Rocky Point Times for running the ad for Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Peñasco... We will be going to meet one of the RPTimes readers Jeff Cox, who saw the ad and brought down school supplies for the children... Mark Olszewski HOW COOL IS THIS!!! WHERE THERE IS ONE...THERE ARE MORE CARING PEOPLE! Love this pic! Our family is fortunate to have a 1br on the 9th floor of the Sonoran Sky and this is a great pic of the resort. Thanks for posting it on your Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Page! Kathy Dunleavy Faller I know. Perfect pic of the SKY! Rocky Point is beautiful! can’t wait to get there again...soon... Linda Parady Come on down! We bring our dog across the border with current shots on paper from vet & rabies certificate, have had no problem. Going through Lukeville/Sonotya. Darlene Pulsifer What’s it going to take now to get the dog across? Mark C Walker Current rabies cert and letter (no older than 1 year - current in other words) from your vet stating animal is in good health and disease free. Same with San Luis - I was stopped there - with dog - a few months ago. And remember no dog food with beef as an ingredient. They took our wet dog food Didn’t seem to be a problem with our lamb and rice dry or our chicken and rice. We usually buy it here now, but the store ran out. Just FYI Mark Lannette Phipps Thanks for answering, Lannette That Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Post was amazing...thank you so much for sharing that wonderful experience. You guys ROCK! Jill Potter It’s our Facebook Page that ROCKS!!! Thanks! • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •
The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255