Rocky Point Times February 2013

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The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

The Rocky Point Times Newspaper is Puerto Peñasco’s #1 Tourist Newspaper, family owned and operated since 1993 in Rocky Point, Sonora, Mexico, and written entirely in English! We are, and have always been, dedicated to helping the community in which we live, as well as promoting our city and bringing tourism to Rocky Point. We are a TOURIST NEWSPAPER dedicated to promoting tourism! MONTHLY CIRCULATION/DISTRIBUTION Our newspapers are hand delivered in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico and in the U.S. to Lukeville, Ajo, Gila Bend, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Peoria, Prescott, and Tempe, Arizona. We bulk mail to over 500 monthly subscribers. SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are bulk mailed from Lukeville, AZ every month. A 1 Yr. Subscription is $35 (12 issues). Please send a check with your name and address to: S. O’Hare, PO Box 887, Lukeville, AZ 85341. ADVERTISING IN THE ROCKY POINT TIMES We offer display and classifieds ads. LOW Ad prices are in USD, charged per month, and do not include I.V.A. Contracts available. AD DEADLINE 10th of the month, preceeding publication CLASSIFIEDS ADS $15 USD for 25 words • 20¢ per word thereafter MEXICO OFFICES: Pino Suarez No. 124, off of Calle 13 Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico 83550 C. P. U.S. MAILING ADDRESS Please send correspondence to address PO Box 887, Lukeville, Arizona 85341 TELEPHONE & FAX from the U.S. dial (011-52-638) 383-6325 Local dial 383-6325; Fax: 383-5193 from the U.S. dial (480) 463-6255

by Tom O’Hare EDITOR

Monday morning, I walked into my office and, sitting on my desk, is a giftwrapped stoneware mug, with cookies, tea and a candy stick. A few minutes later Alicia, our Office Manager, walks in saying “Happy Birthday”. I say, “No, Alicia. My birthday is not until next month, in February.” She replies, “Wow, I’m thinking this is February, because we’re sending the February Rocky Point Times down to Los Mochis tomorrow for printing.” This way of mixing up your dates is easy to do, because we close the next month edition on the 10th of the preceding month, and even tho it’s mid or early January, we are thinking a month ahead. This is also why some of our articles are about past events…because of our deadline.

EMAIL ADDRESS & WEBSITE FACEBOOK See our FAcebook Page at Rocky Point Times Newspaper CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Rita Pizarro, Rosarie Salerno, Lonesome Lui, Dave & Debby Penn, Nancy Phelan, Cap ‘n Greg, Anita K., Zack & Mark Paliscak, Sandy Spain, Eddie Wharez, Gretchen Ellinger, Linda Sharp, Rob Baylor, Bruce Baldwin, Joe Houchin, Miguel Tapia, Dr. Sidhartha Hindú ROCKY POINT TIMES STAFF Tom O’Hare - Editor/Publisher Sandra O’Hare - Managing Editor Lannette Phipps - Graphic Artist Alicia Grajeda - Administrative Executive Claudia Rivas - Account Executive Beatriz Lumbreras - Freelance Graphic Artist Manny Sánchez Radical Gravity Media Web + Social + Video MX Cell (638) 107-7086 MX Office (638) 388-0606 US Office (480) 626-1096 PRINTING The Rocky Point Times is printed in Mexico PHOTO & ARTICLE SUBMISSION Upbeat, fun, and interesting articles and photos always welcome. Please include an SASE if you would like it returned. Email or SnailMail your article/photo to us. Please include your contact info. in the event we need to reach you. Feel free to contact us prior to sending your items to make sure they are in the right format. The Rocky Point Times reserves the right not to print any article or photo, and to edit content as the Editor sees fit. We do not guarantee placement, but do make every effort, so please note any special requests you may have. The Rocky Point Times is not responsible for the content of any advertising, nor has it attempted to verify any ad claims. Content contained in this publication is not authorized to be copied or reproduced without the permission of the Editor and Advertiser or Contributing Writer.

2013, I started off the New Year in a memorable way. I woke up one morning with a very swollen jaw and an aching tooth. My dentist Dr. Grijalva said that I would need a root canal. A few days later, when the infection and swelling subsided, I had an appointment with Dr. Raymundo, who is a root canal specialist at Dr. Grijalva’s office. When you hear the words “root canal”, I think most people shudder and think “pain”. I can honestly say that I almost fell asleep during my thirty minute procedure. It was absolutely painless. I took a photo of Mario, who will answer the phone when you call the office at (011-52-638) 383-3434, and then Mario took the “Before” and “After” photos of Dr. Raymundo with me in the chair. It might take awhile to secure an appointment time, but I am sure that you will be happy with the work.

3 On a lighter note, recently Sandy and I had to go to Hermosillo to update our factura (official tax receipt) information, to include a QR code (a digital signature). We decided to take the scenic route, the Coastal Highway, which begins going south about 45 minutes after going east out of Rocky Point on Hwy 03 / 37 (Fremont Blvd) towards Caborca. The new Coastal Hwy Intersects and you head south towards Desemboque, Puerto Lobos and Puerto Libertad. It is a beautiful scenic drive, with little traffic, the Coastal Highway ends at Puerto Libertad and becomes a two lane paved road to Bahia De Kino. The first twenty or so miles of the old road is OK. Then it quickly turns to almost undriveable conditions. There are sections where the road is completely washed out and the good part is nothing but huge holes in the road. Often times you are driving the shoulder of the road in the dirt that slants down away from the road. It is a desolate area with “no services” for about 100 miles!! I was glad that we had just put new tires on our Hummer, because I doubt a regular tire would have made it. About 30 miles this north of Kino was a sign that said Hermosillo. We said thank you, and made a left turn, on a much better road. After several miles this road deadended, with no signs, saying which way to Hermosillo. So we turned right and ended up, after dark and running on empty, in a small town with a name neither one of us remember. We asked, “Where is Hermosillo”. And we were told, “70 kilometers”, back where we came from. We finally made it to Hermosillo, it took us about 7 ½ hours and a normal drive is about 5 hours. Without a doubt that is the worst road we have ever driven on. We will NOT do it again. If you want to go to Puerto Lobos, Santo Tomas, Playa Dorada or Puerto Libertad, Go and have a good time....but do not go past Puerto Libertad.

From all of us here at the Rocky Point Times office, it is with great sadness we announce the death of our dear friend and project developed of Laguna Shores Resort, Mr. John Thomsen. John is a big reason for the Laguna Shores Project and he will be fondly remembered.


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



(52) Mexico’s Country Code (638) Puerto Peñasco’s City Code

CALLING FROM THE U.S. Dialing a Land Line dial 011-52-638 + last 7-digits of number listed Dialing a Cellular Phone dial 011-521-638 + last 7-digits of number listed

CALLING WITHIN MEXICO dial 01 + area code + 7-digit number Mexico businesses outside of Peñasco are listed as 01 + area code + phone number in this Index.

LOCAL CELLULAR PHONES from a land line dial 044 + 638 + 7-digit number from local cell to cell dial 638 + 7-digit number Local cellular phones start with 044+638 in this index. U.S. cells may vary - check with your service provider. AT&T Viva Mexico Plan works best.

CELL PHONES OUTSIDE OF PP to dial a long distance cell from a local PP cell dial 045 + city code + 7-digit number to dial PP from a long distance MX cell dial 045-638 + 7-digit number

U.S. AREA CODES & VOIP LINES U.S. numbers are listed with (brackets) around area code. Some businesses have U.S. offices and others may be using VOIP lines.

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A bit of Shangrila RV........................480-225-6546 Acqua Spa..........................388-5382/623-207-9275 Ajo Plaza...........................................520-387-5044 Ajo Satellite Sales..............................520-387-4846 Aleman, Victor................................044-638-105-7839 Anchor Storage....044-638-102-0049/602-512-1761 Arizona Realty......................................520-387-8787 Aztec Sol Beauty & Spa.............................383-3656 or................................................044-638-113-0133


Beauty Design Studio by Gloria......................383-8500 Bill Paying Service by Patricia Perez................383-5737 Biosfera Dry Cleaners......................................383-3929 Bonita RV Park.....................................................383-1400 Bórquez, Ricardo, Atty..............388-6110/520-407-6756 Brooks, Dee.........................................................383-3919


Casa de Carolina Rentals.................................383-5482 Chef Mickey Medina.......388-6844/044-638-386-4736 Chochoy Veterinary........................................383-2338 C.H.O.P.P.S................................................480-648-7689 Clínica Dental Fernández...............044-638-112-6600 or.......................................................520-284-0277 Coldwell Banker by the Sea...388-8999/602-425-5133 Contra Plagas............383-8787/044-638-110-1625


D’Lucy Spa.................383-1471/044-638-105-8993 Dental Enciso............388-9100/044-638-105-3064 Dr. Andres Sidhartha Hindu P....388-5382/623-207-9275 Dr. Grijalva, D.D.S.................................................383-3434 Dr. Vazquez, M.D........................................383-3014 Don Julio Bar & Grill......................................388-0056 Duke’s Restaurant-Bar.......................044-638-104-0338 or...................................................044-638-380-6650


Eddie Wharez............................383-8633/602-324-9328 El Rapidin......................................................388-6775


Family of God................................................383-3480 Filiberto’s Mexican Good...........................388-9560 Francis, Jonni...............................044-638-112-1197


Gaby Salon Unisex.......383-3096/044-638-100-8641 Galeria del Mar Bermejo.................................383-3488

Galeria Luis y Gaby..........................................383-7174 Garden Art................................520-577-2728 Gift Shop & Gallery................................520-387-6858 Gila Bend Title and Registration Services..928-683-2577 Giuseppi’s Espresso.......................................383-5181 Glorias Beauty Salon....................................383-5075 Golf Course at the Mayan Palace..................383-GOLF Gracida, Roberto.........................520-232-2165 or......................................011-52-622-226-2200 Gretchen Ellinger...............383-1425/602-317-3881 or......................................................044-638-384-0458 Guardian Title and Escrow...............044-638-386-1445 or...............................................................623-910-2930


Hacienda del Sol Furniture....388-0545/602-903-2112 Head Out to Rocky Point Shuttle Ser vice U.S. Toll Free...........866-443-2368/602-971-0166 Hotel Viña del Mar.............................383-0100 or...............................................................602-606-7768 U.S. Toll Free................................01-800-560-2123


InnSuites Hotels and Suites U.S. Toll Free........................................ (888) INNSUITES JJ’s Cantina...................................................383-2785 Joyeria Max...........................................388-5512 Kaffeehaus.............................................388-1065


La Brisa Restaurant.................................388-9888 La Casa del Capitan Restaurant....................383-5698 La Cita Café...............................................383-2270 La Cocina de Ramon........388-5362/044-638-112-0350 La Spa de Peñasco.................................382-8111 Laguna Shores Golf & Country Club..................383-4670 U.S. Toll Free.........................................800-513-1426 Lighthouse Restaurant, The........................383-2389 Long Realty........................388-0009/602-281-4288 Lowery’s Installation...........382-5095/928-474-3157


Manny’s Beach Club....................383-3605/383-3215 Mare Blu Ristorante.......................................383-0605 María Romero.......................................(928) 683-2577 or...................................................01-800-560-2123 Mayan Palace Golf Course............................383-GOLF Max Jeweler..............................................388-5512 Mexican Beach Developers...383-6099/044-638-384-7145 or.........................................................520-777-0018 Mexican Vistas Co..........382-5400/(044-638) 384-6445 or..........................................................623-698-0117 Mexico Bonito Bill Paying Service....................383-5737 Muebles Imperiales..................................383-6480 or...................................................714-395-4117


Napa Auto (Ajo).....................................24 HOUR TOW .........................................(520) 387-4TOW (387-4869) Oasis Café..............................................520-387-4455 Optica Turati...............................................383-4645


Pablo Realty.........................................602-288-8687 Pane e Vino Restaurant.................044-638-105-7455 Peninsula de Cortes Golf Course.....................383-GOLF Peñasco Marine............................................383-3700 Peñasco Beauty Center.................................383-1086 Petals & Perfums...........................................383-5758 Pizarrro, Rita..................388-8030/044-638-386-5203 Playa Bonita Resort.......................383-2586/383-2199 Playa Paloma.....................................480-244-9990 U.S. Toll Free........................................888-232-8142 Mexico Toll Free.................................01-800-426-6482 Playa Bonita Resort RV Park.............................383-2596 U.S. Toll Free........................................888-232-8142 Mexico Toll Free.................................01-800-426-6482 Pollo Papago...................................044-638-385-1301 Premium Services..............383-5758/602-476-1187 Puerta Privada.................383-1020/480-445-9200 Puesta del Sol Restaurant.............................383-2586


Realty Executives..................383-4699/602-334-4134 Regina Seafood Restaurant........044-638-119-1014 or..................................................044-638-118-3077 Remote Accountant LLC In Rocky Point VOIP......................(630) 839-9129 Rocky Point BBQ................383-4676/602-507-7766 Rocky Point Calendar....................see Mexican Vistas Rocky Point Times Newspaper.....................383-6325 or..........................................................480-463-6255 Fax.....................................................383-5193 Roll-A-Shield.............382-5095/928-474-3157


Salerno, Rosarie..........383-8417/044-638-384-7145 or......................................................520-777-0018 Sanborns Insurance....U.S. Toll Free 800-222-0158 Seaside Window Coverings.........................383-5181 Sea Side Reservations.....383-7795/1-888-262-4508 Si Como No! Etc.....................................520-387-7080 Si I Do! Wedding Planners...............................383-0700 Silva, Yolanda Insurance.................................383-6280 Sonoran Resorts...........................602-476-7511 Sushi Sun Restaurant.....................................383-2772


Tapia, Miguel.......................................602-266-0225 Teriyaki Sun..............................................388-7272 The Print Shop............................520-387-6858

The Lighthouse Restaurant............................383-2389 Thunder on The Beach Sports Bar & Restaurant..............................................388-9605 Tom Thomas Home Inspection....044-638-110-4728 or.........................................................602-748-4134 Turati Optical.................................................383-4645 Twin Dolphins Real Estate and Rentals.........383-3919 or..........................................................602-324-7241


U.S. Border Movers....................044-638-113-8365 or...............................................480-232-3518 Vazquez, Luis, MD..........................................383-3014 Venshur...................U.S. Toll Free 1-888-524-4107 or.........................Mexico Toll Free 01-800-841-3553 Victor Aleman.................................044-638-105-7839 Viña del Mar Hotel.............383-0100/602-606-7768


Western Outdoor Times..........................(480) 947-6219 Wharez, Eddie..........................383-8633/(602) 324-9328


Xochitl’s Cafe (Sally’s Cholla Cafe).........................382-5283 Yolanda Silva Insurance.................................383-6280 ZaGas..............................................................383-8100

CHURCHES Phone Numbers

Assembly of God..........................................................383-3364 Grupo Unidad Cristianos de Peñasco..........................383-2240 Peñasco Christian Fellowship.......................................383-4513 Family of God Christian Fellowship.........................383-3480 Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall.............................388-6244 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.....................................383-2959 Templo La Hermosa...................................................383-7130

EMERGENCY & Important Phone Numbers



AIR AMBULANCE (dial within Mexico) AirEvac............................................................001-880-321-9522 SkyMed Air Ambulance.................................001-866-805-9624 AIRPORTS International.................................................under construction Municipal......................................................................383-6097 CITY HALL (Municipal Building) H. Ayuntamiento de Peñasco.....................383-2056/383-2060 CLINICS Clinica San Jose............................................................383-5121 Clinica Santa Fe...........................................383-2447/383-4040 Clinica Santa Isabel (Maternity)...................................383-3645 Clinica Santa Maria.......................................................383-2440 Cruz Roja (Red Cross)...................................................383-2266 Desert Senita Community Health Center..........(520) 387-5651 Gonzalez AmeriClinic....................................................388-7676 ELECTRIC Emergency dial...071 Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE).......................383-2684 FIRE DEPARTMENT Emergency dial...068 Departamento de Bomberos.......................................383-2828 FISHIERIES DEPARTMENT Departamento de Pesca...............................................383-2116 Oficina de Pesca, San Diego, CA........................(619) 233-4324 GARBAGE/SANITATION DEPARTMENT Oomislim.......................................................................383-4909 GAS (Propane) Hidrogas........................................................................383-5650 Z’Gas..............................................................................383-8284 ZaGas.............................................................................383-8100 HOSPITALS (See Clinics also) Community...................................................................383-4566 IMSS (Social Security)...................................................383-2870 Municipal......................................................................383-2110 IMMIGRATION............................................................383-2526 MARINE RESCUE (VHF Channel 26) Port Captain..................................................................383-3035 Emergencies dial............................................462 or 627 or 767 POLICE Emergency dial...066 Puerto Peñasco Station..............................383-2626/383-1616 State Judicial Police (Policía Judicial del Estado).........383-2783 PUBLIC SECURITY DEPARTMENT Seguridad Pública Municipal......................383-2626/383-1616 RAILROAD Ferrocarril......................................................................383-2610 RED CROSS Cruz Roja.....................................................................383-2266 SOCIAL SECURITY (IMSS) Instituto Méxicano del Seguro Social.........383-2677/383-2777 TELEPHONE Teléfonos de México.....................................................383-2780 U.S. CONSULATES (in Mexico) Nogales.............................................................01-631-313-4820 dial from the U.S......................................011-52-631-313-4820 WATER Oomapas.......................................................................383-6080 Organismo Operador....................................................383-6080 Piteco (water tank delivery).........................................383-3315

RESTAURANTS that DELIVER Benny’s Pizza 383-6001 7 days, 11am-10pm Brother’s Pizza 383-3712

Figaro Pizza 383-1411

La Duela Pizza Cheiky’s Pizza 383-3627, Closed Wed. 388-4414, Closed Wed. Cocina Express 383-8358 Mon.-Sat. 10am-8pm Sun. 12pm-7pm

Sushi Sun 383-2772

Domino’s Pizza 383-3838 7 days 10am-8pm

TIKI Fresh Foods (044-638) 105-8001 (044-638) 112-0996 9am-9pm, Closed. Sun.

El Condor Pizza 388-5383 7 days, 12pm-10pm

Tortas San Luis 388-6405, 7 days, 9am-9pm

FEDE’S 383-3419 (044-638) 100-5834 12pm-5pm, Closed Sun.

Zuquin Cakes 383-3250 (044-638) 105-4389 7 days, 9am-5pm

Pet Friendly

HOTELS If you would like to bring your pet with you to Rocky Point, here are a few places you both will be welcome. Baja Hotel Matamoros and Campeche in El Mirador US dial (602) 559-1705 Local Phone (011-52-638) 383-6878 Local Fax (011-52-638) 383-7676 Fax Website Email ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bella Vista Condo US dial (775) 287-3830 Email ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Casa de Carolina Campeche in El Mirador US dial (602) 412-3565 Local Phone (011-52-638) 383-5482 Email Mail: PO Box 589, Lukeville, AZ 85341 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hotel Viña del Mar In Old Port at the end of the Malecon Local 383-3600 or 383-0100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seaside Beach Home Rentals Blvd. Benito Juarez, next to Banamex at the north end of town US Toll Free (877) 629-5691 • Local 383-1545 Website Email


Chochoy 383-2338 Guillermo Prieto & Melchor Ocampo Gallo de Oro (044) 638-112-3343 Samuel Ocaña La Posta 383-2574 Simon Morua & Guillermo Prieto

San Lazaro Pet Clinic 383-3344 (2 Locations) Blvd. Sonora & Galeana (west of Josefa) Calle 26 (near RR tracks)



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

EVENTS CALENDAR FEBRUARY 2013 EVERYDAY American Legion Post MX-15 open from 12pm-7pm in El Mirador in the old Los Juanes Restaurant. Cet-Mar Aquariums – Center for Sea Studies. Come and see, feed and touch sea creatures up close and personal Monday-Friday 10am5pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am-6pm. Children $2, Adults $3. Bag of food $2. Located on the road to Las Conchas. Call 3820010 for more info. MONDAYS 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English). 6PM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (Spanish). TUESDAYS 2PM CEDO Free Public Talk in English and Tour of their facility in Las Conchas. Look for the giant Fin Whale Skeleton. Fun experience for the entire family. Phone 382-0113 for more info. 4PM CEDO Nature Talk in Spanish CBSC – Cholla Bay Sportsmen’s Club meets once a month (on Tues. or Sat.). WEDNESDAYS SOBS – South of the Border Singles meet every Wednesday for Happy Hour at Playa Bonita Resort. First Wednesday of every month is business meeting. 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English). 1PM – Horseshoes at the Pithaya in El Mirador. 3PM Shooter Bingo at Playa Bonita RV Park Social Club. $6.00 for 6 games with money payouts for each game. After each game, a shooter number is called, if you have this number you get a “shooter” of tequila or ?? Join us each Wednesday in our air conditioned club house. 5PM – AA meets (Spanish). 6PM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (Spanish). THURSDAYS 3PM Dart Tournament at the Pink Cadillac in El Mirador. All welcome. 4PM The Connection meets at The Light House. 4PM Bingo (Loteria) at Casa Hogar, Home for the Elderly. Everyone welcome to participate. Darts and Cards at the Sunset Cantina FRIDAYS 8AM Alcoholics Anonymous “Freebirds” newcomers/book study meeting. Call 3825001 for more info. Live Music at The Lighthouse Restaurant. 5PM ALANON English speaking meeting at 48 Campeche & Manuel Arista (next to Galindo’s Café) at the Passport AA Club. Call Donna (044-638) 109-3766 or email for more info. 5PM ALANON PASSPOR CLUB 6:00 pm. Latin Dance Lessons at Peñasco Fitness Center (044-638) 106-3619 or email SATURDAYS 2PM CEDO Free Nature Talk in Spanish and Tour of their facility in Las Conchas. Fun experience for the entire family. Call 382-0113 for info.

4PM CEDO Nature Talk in English 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English) 6PM AA meets (Spanish). Live Music at The Lighthouse Restaurant. SUNDAYS 9AM Non-Denominational Worship Services with Family of God. Located on Blvd. Costera N 2000A. Everyone welcome. Church Office: 383-3480. 9AM Alcoholics Anonymous Meets (English). 10AM Alcoholics Anonymous meets (English). 3PM Dart Tournament at the Pink Cadillac. Church Service at 10:00AM Bilingual Service with Peñasco Christian Fellowship located 1 blk east of Josefa Ortiz de D. on Melchor Ocampo. Experience worship with both American & Mexican Christians! Phone: (011-52-638) 383-4513

CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THE LATEST EVENTS! Saturday 2nd • Mermaids Market Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10am -5pm. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez & Freemont). Saturday 16th • Taste of Peñasco at the Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez & Freemont). Wednesday 27th • Tom O’Hare is the Birthday Boy today!! MARCH 2013 Saturday 2nd • Mermaids Market Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10am -5pm. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez & Freemont). Wednesday 6th • Mermaids Market Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10am -5pm. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez & Freemont). APRIL 2013 Saturday 6th • CBSC Horseshoe Tournament

Planning a Rocky Point Event in the future? Let us know Email Alicia at




The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Puerta Privada...A Must See Property!!!

t all began in 1994 with the first hi-rise development in town, Plaza Las Glorias Hotel & Condos (now Peñasco del Sol & Condominiums Pinacate). After that, it was Princesa de Peñasco in 1998, Sonoran Spa in 2000, and Sonoran Sea in 2002. Miguel Guevara was the Project Director and Mary Snyder the Sales Director, for these 4 resorts. They were all completed, sold out, turned over to the homeowners, and are currently managed and rented as some of Peñasco’s favorites.

With 7 additional rental properties popping up on Sandy Beach, the Guevara/Snyder development team decided the town was ready for a unique project that did not allow rentals. So in 2004, Guevara joint ventured with Carlos Saenz, who owned and operated Palmar RV Park for many years. In 2005, the RV park came down, with constuction and sales beginning for Puerta Privada. The project was sold out, completed and delivered by 2007. Combining past experience, reputation, and proven track record, Puerta Privada continues to be the leader in setting the standard for quality construction, design, and finishes. The project consists of two towers that run directly parallel to the water, providing 180 degree views of the ocean to the south, and golf course views to the north, from every single condo. They are quite spacious with the 2 bedroom units just under 2000 sq ft and the 3 bedroom units at 2750 sq ft. Marble floors, beveled cut glass, granite countertops, reverse osmosis water/ice, stainless appliances and dual pane windows are just some of the features that come standard in all of the units.

The common areas include 2 negative edge pools, one heated and the other Olympic lap length, 2 hot tubs, underground parking, pet park, basketball, and lighted tennis court. The 3 story amenity building, fabulously detailed with carved cantera stone, features a state of the art fitness center (with resident personal trainer), a game room loaded with air hockey, pool table, shuffleboard, foos ball, darts, and touch screen video game computers. The top floor clubhouse is beautifully furnished with full kitchen and bar areas, plasma TV’s, BBQ’s poker tables and fireplace. This is where the true heart of Puerta Privada begins. It’s not just a project but a home away from home, with a family feel. Most of the owners have condos in other developments, or businesses in town. Why do they prefer Privada? Due to the non rental policy, (long term leases ARE allowed), there is such a community atmosphere, since everyone knows their neighbor, and they are all there for the same reason. Every month there are events, golf or tennis tournaments, art shows, holiday parties with bands, etc. Or the last minute, everyonebring-somethingto-share, get togethers at the pool or clubhouse. Many of the owners have said that they have made some of the best friendships here, which will last a lifetime. Almost all of the current HOA board members, including the p r e s i d e n t and resort a d m i n i s t r a t o r, have served on other boards in Peñasco. This experience, coupled with the lack of rental, which causes wear and tear, allows Puerta Privada to maintain some the lowest HOA monthly fees on the beach. This unique project has it all…quality, reputation, privacy and, in today’s market, the opportunity to take advantage of some terrific, resale opportunities. Visit the “Privada Lifestyle” and experience it for yourself. You’ll be glad you did!! For pressure free information, the furnished model on Sandy Beach is open 7 days a week, 9AM-5PM or checkout the website at • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Cap’n Greg doesn’t like to get preachy. He figures you are all big boys and girls who know the difference between right and wrong. But maybe, just maybe, when some of you cross into Mexico, you suddenly have the moral compass of a fifteen-year-old boy watching cheerleader practice. Or a girl watching Justin Bieber doing just about anything. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it dozens of times: “I got picked up for speeding, but I bribed the cop so I wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of paying at the station. Ha-ha!” I know. I know. You’re in a hurry to get to the beach and the bars, and any delay will absolutely ruin your stay in Rocky Point. However, I’ve said it before, and I’m going to say it again: Do NOT give cash to the police on the street. Here’s why... 1. Although a sluggish twenty or forty kilometer per hour speed limit seems like standing still after a fast run to the border, it’s still the law in Mexico. The Sonoyta cops carry radar guns that look like they are made by Playskool Toys, but they work surprisingly well. You speed and get caught, you pay the penalty. Of course, you could obey the speed limit—like that would ever happen—and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. 2. In Mexico there is a thing called la mordida, which translates as “the bite.” It’s a fee citizens pay to allow them to bypass layer upon layer of government bureaucracy, and it’s pretty much an

accepted cost of doing business. But paying off a cop is way different. When you gladly hand over a bribe to let you go on your merry way, you give that cop the incentive to stop other people who are speeding—or not—and put the bite on them, too. 3. Like nearly everyone who has made tons of across-the-border trips, I have been stopped for speeding in Sonoyta, and rightly so. When given the choice to pay the cop or go to the station, I chose the station. Guess what? I have always been given a warning and have never paid a peso in fines. Maybe I’m just lucky. Or dumb. Or both. But that’s the way I deal with it, and it seems to work. 4. Finally, most of us spend more on beer and food in a weekend in Rocky Point than most Mexican cops earn in a month. Or two. That’s the way Mexican politics and their economy are working right now. Until the men and women who serve in law enforcement in Mexico are paid a living wage, there will be a handful who may try to skim a few bucks from a few ill-informed gringos. While paying at the station may not make the problem go away, it sure won’t make it worse. So, take Cap’n Greg’s advice. The next time you get stopped for speeding in Mexico, do the right thing and offer to pay the fine at the station. Or ask your brotherin-law to drive, and let that jerkwad figure it out.

Got a ? for Cap’n Greg? Email to or send to RPTimes: PO Box 887, Lukeville, AZ 85341 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

InSANDity Returns to Sandy Beach for Spring Break March 14-19, 2013!

Personas Para Puerto Peñasco

By Joe Houchin

Luis Garrido and Karen Kramer Garrido of Outta Town Productions (OTP) will set up their super fun beach obstacle course on Sandy Beach once again, and if you missed it in October, be sure to check it out this time around because it has a new competitive twist. Luis and Karen are calling the new format InSANDity Mexican Ninja and it will be set up as a head to head race through 20 imaginative, well built and challenging obstacles where two participants will compete at once; racing for best time. The top five fastest men and women’s times are posted continuously at the course for everyone to see. There is no limit as to the number times you can enter. Competition will run daily from

10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Enter at the InSANDity canopy as often as you like. The first run costs $20.00 (US) each and includes an InSANDity Mexican Ninja commemorative T-shirt. Each subsequent race is only $10.00. Oh, and get this: All runs finish with a FREE beer! You’re going to really appreciate this little touch of class by OTP after completing your run! This elaborate course will be set up on the beach in front of the Princesa Resort Condos next to the Sonoran Spa Resort condominiums. You can get discounts at a wide choice of resorts, beach front homes or condominiums, including the Sonoran Sun and Sonoran Sky, by contacting sponsor Sea Side Reservations viawww. using promo code SGS11215.

Even though the course is open to all challengers, a lot of the Spring Breakers are looking forward to challenging students from the different universities that will be down, like ASU, U of A and NAU. When InSANDity Mexican Ninja closes on March 19th, the TOP FEMALE and TOP MALE with the fastest times overall will win a FREE weekend condo stay for a later date. OTP will also have two beach volleyball courts set up for daily mini-tournaments. Entry for those is $5.00 per person. T-Shirts will be awarded to the winners and everyone will have fun. To register or get more info, visit: http:// outt atow npro du c t i ons . c om / e ve nt . php?id=279 Get your friends together, call your rivals, challenge them to a run, and we’ll see you in Rocky Point for Spring Break 2013!

This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.

By Mark Paliscak

Happy 2013 to all! What a generous and giving year it is going to be! My family capped off 2012 with our annual Christmas gift giving to the needy living along the railroad tracks here in Rocky Point. We reached out to many organizations, groups, companies and individuals to request clothing, food, blankets, shoes and jackets for our less fortunate brothers and sisters in our favorite beach side city. The response was nothing short of amazing once again. On December 28th and 29th, we delivered tons of items both new and used to the extreme delight of the children and families living along the tracks. Shoes, socks and blankets always seem to be a huge hit and we delivered these along with so much more including, toys, bikes, household items, food and bottled water. Tears of joy were abundant from both the recipients and even from the lucky ones who got to share all of your heartfelt donations!

Special thank you’s go out to Amerifirst Financial, Swim Neptune, Bella Sirena, Cathy and Scott Poturalski, Yaya, Cindi and Troy Nordahl, Rebecca St. Thomas, Michelle Lawson, Madonna Radeff, Ken Bowlby, Eric Bowlby, Sherry Ashby, Joe Zemaitis, Sam Kramer, Scott Fenner, Izzy Garcia, Janet Certo, Nate Herd, Dahlen Schneider, Amy Smith and all of the Paliscak family! (I hope I covered you all!) You have no idea how much

your thoughtfulness helped to accomplish for our desperate friends. Most of all, you provided HOPE which many of these families did not have. Thankfully, we have another two truckloads of supplies to deliver as we could not make it down the first time with everything. But, the line of shacks seems to continue further and further with each passing year so we never have an end for the need or what can be accomplished with your love and support. For those of you who have not seen the shacks, they run parallel to Benito Juarez, the main boulevard in Rocky Point. Take a moment to notice them the next time you are driving through town. The people are warm and gracious and are extremely appreciate of whatever you can do to help them. I encourage

you to reach out and make it a point to better the life of another. My family continues to accept donations and gifts throughout the year and will always welcome your gifts at any time. You can email me directly at mpaliscak@amerifirst.usto arrange for a pickup of your items. As Charles Dickens once wrote, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” So please keep us in mind as you start your spring cleaning and discover your personal belongings that you no longer want or need. Talk to some friends, share some ideas and put your plans to action. YOU have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others. YOU have the ability to make a change in our world. Let the gift of giving resound in your heart and watch as peace and happiness abound in your life! See you all at the beach soon! ADIOS AMIGOS! MARCO • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

13 romantic reasons to love Rocky Point

By Anita Kaltenbaugh

They say February is the month for lovers. Why? It might have something to do with the infamous holiday that lands smack dab in the middle of the month. You know, that notorious day where second graders fill out valentine cards for their classmates, secret admirers emerge from the past with roses and retail stores are full of pink and red colored novelties for sale. This heart filled romantic day known as Valentine’s Day is simple, it’s a noted day for a celebration of love. In my opinion there are three schools of thoughts on this holiday. Which category do you subscribe to? Category 1: You love, love, love valentine’s day, the hearts, the candy, the romance, all that it entails. If you squint you might even see cupid’s arrow hitting someone. You want the candles, moonlight and silky sheets. Category 2: You hate Valentine’s Day and don’t believe in a day where you have to declare your love. In your mind it should be every day or any day you choose, not some predetermined day on the calendar…so you boycott it, and publically scowl at the mention of it. Category 3: For some of you, it all depends on where you are romantically in the present day. Are you single and lonely? Did you just meet someone new? Has your 15 year marriage been revved up? Depending on where you are in your love life right now affects how you feel about this day, basically you abstain from any solid opinion in case you end up in category 1 listed above. Well, regardless of what you think of Valentine’s Day, the day continues to be celebrated year after year, dates back centuries, some research claims since Chaucer in the 14th century wrote about it in poem. Unfortunately, it is not a national holiday where banks and the stock market are closed and a day off is celebrated, but you can still make the best of it even if you have to work. By the way I think it should become a national holiday…A day just to stay home and love each other…how can that hurt? Regardless of

what it is, why not plan a valentine’s weekend in Puerto Peñasco? It’s as good as any reason to celebrate love at the beach. In case you need some inspiration, here are 13 romantic reasons to love Rocky Point. 1. Sunsets are gorgeous anytime of the year. Intense vibrant colors fill the sky, pink, purple, orange and red, it doesn’t have to be hot outside to enjoy the falling sun or have your heart stirred by the sheer beauty. Go somewhere for dinner, watch the fiery ball drop into the Sea...kiss as it hits the water...I agree, feels romantic just talking about it. 2. Rent a place where you can hear the waves in your condo or hotel. Plenty of oceanfront resorts where you can hear the surf. Grab a blanket and your loved one hold each other tight, listening to the soothing sound; it will definitely give you peace in your heart. If you can’t hear it from where you’re staying, take a blanket wrap up in it and lay on the beach. 3. Take a horseback ride on Sandy Beach. Just like the movies, just you, your sweetie and the beach, riding off in the sunset. Oh yeah the horse is there too! 4. Take a cruise on the water. A sunset cruise around the shore line, a dinner cruise or a ride to Bird Island. Sometimes just being on the water is romantic. Something magical about the water brings out the romance. 5. Take a walk on the beach hand in hand. Early morning is very peaceful and nighttime offers a velvet black sky with millions of stars. 6. Have a romantic dinner at Mare Blu Restaurant located beside Wrecked at the Reef on a night they have live jazz and blues. The atmosphere is romantic, the food delicious and the husband and wife duo I witnessed performing was amazing singing bluesy love songs Friday to Sunday 6-10. 7. Schedule a couple’s massage at one of the variety of spas in Puerto Peñasco. Check out Rocky Point Times to see the advertisements and specials. If you have never tried a couple massages, you can experience one in Rocky Point for half the price of some resort at a Caribbean island. 8. Plan a surprise trip for the upcoming spring or summer. Surprise the one you love with a preplanned vacation to Rocky Point. Rent a condo, plan the week out and present it to your love one in a card with a “Save the date” message. Looking forward to an upcoming trip in the future is part of the fun.

9. Take an old fashioned drive down the new coastal highway with your sweetie. Create a heartfelt play list of music and just take a leisurely drive with smooth sounds creating a time to talk and get away from it all. No need to speed just live slow. 10. Plan a picnic and go to the Pinacate Biosphere for a scenic hike with a stop at the top to have a nice romantic lunch together. Just taking the time to plan it out and not tell your loved one your plans until you get there, will be priceless. Surprises go a long way in expressing your heart. Something about old volcanos, brings out hearts burning desires. 11. Go see a movie. Rocky Point finally has Citi cinemas with 6 high definition screens for a premium viewing. Nothing says date night like a movie and popcorn. Check their website for Spanish dubbed or English movies with subtitles. Added bonus about half the price of Scottsdale theatres. mx 12. Find a restaurant in Old Port where the strolling mariachi’s perform. In almost any Old Port café, the musicians will pass your table asking if you like a song. Request a love song dedicated to the one you love. 13. Last but not least, make the ultimate gesture. If you can afford it, buy a piece of paradise. How better to show your love for each other then securing a place for your future and creating generations of memories together of you and your loved one than owning your dream by the water. Right now in Puerto Peñasco, real estate prices are still offering fantastic deals. Deals are out there with creative financing to work for anyone who is serious. Very few places both internationally and in the United States can you buy a beachfront furnished condo for less than $150,000 and so easily accessible by car. 2013 just might be the year to pull, the trigger. Invest in our town and I guarantee you will find more than 13 ways to fall in love with it. It’s the month of love or perhaps the year of love…Come visit Rocky Point and spend time together, you and you loved ones. Create memories. Nothing is more romantic than taking a weekend or week out of your busy schedules just for the two of you. It doesn’t matter what you do in Rocky Point or what you love to do, just do it together, with love in your heart.

Anita Kaltenbaugh is the Mexico travel examiner at and author of the book “Travel Secrets- Insider guide to planning, affording and taking more vacations” available on, Kindle and Nook. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

The Seasons of Giving in Rocky Point are Pretty Much Year Around By Joe Houchin If there were one season of more giving than any other here in Puerto Peñasco, it would have to be the Christmas season, where the spirit of giving spreads from the top of the business community to the individual residents and to the visitors alike. And there are a multitude of effective and caring charitable organizations to help those individuals and families who need and deserve assistance, and who graciously accept donations of various kinds for those they help. But the needs go on all year long. One of the oldest and more ubiquitous of those organizations is the major social assistance and family development program known as DIF (Desarrollo Integral de La Familia), founded in 1976 by the state of Sonora and designed to effectively address individual requests for support through community services segmented by municipality. Thus organized, the format gave the cities control of and responsibility for the program, yet under an umbrella of support from the state. It also made the program a natural conduit to attract charitable donations from the public and private sectors to spur ongoing growth. The DIF initials have become an iconic acronym for this successful program over the years and are closely associated with each city. This has helped to draw contributions and cooperation from the private sector for many major promotions that involve benefits provided for DIF. In fact, even though the DIF effort is partially funded by the municipalities and the state, its major funding comes from individual and corporate contributions. Perhaps the most effective guideline associated with the DIF organization was the one that called for the leadership of DIF to be by the First Lady of each municipal government. Since the maximum term of a Mayor is three years, this meant that the leadership of a complex operation like DIF would mandatorily change every three years—a change that might signal sure chaos. However, it has actually worked in the opposite direction for its entire 36 year history. While there may be different theories as to why it has happened this way, what is most relevant is that since there has been little or nothing seriously “broke”, there has been nothing to be fixed by the new leadership, allowing the new First Lady’s efforts to be focused on creating ways to make the program better, leaner, meaner and more efficient while creating greater donations making it even more productive. This in turn has created a lot of confidence in potential donors who continue to provide significant funds for the dozens of major programs sponsored by DIF. As most of you know, we have just changed government leadership in Puerto Peñasco which means we have a new leader, known as President of DIF: The First Lady of Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta, the Honorable Rafaela Félix de Figueroa. It appears that the new President of DIF has “hit the ground running” as, within a matter of weeks, she had not only assembled her team but had commissioned and received a completed analysis of the state of every facility related to every program run by DIF, and it was accompanied by a total work plan based on individual diagnoses of the status and needs of each facet studied. We look forward to a great term ahead.



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

“Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point Inc.” (a 501©3 non-profit Corporation) by Nancy Phelan AKA “The Pack Leader”

‘Animals come into our lives as gifts from God, for companionship, to teach us, and to heal us. They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them’ Dr. Ihor Basko, DVM

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Our featured dog this month is Valentino. Valentino arrived about 2 weeks ago. He had a bulging eye that looked as if he had been kicked very hard. It looked extremely painful. Being a youngster, he was just as playful as he could be running up to me as I opened the gate. Two young women with 5 young children, all under the age of 5, had brought him to me to see if I would take him in and help him. Of course I did!! The next day we paid a visit to Dr. Javier at Chochoy’s Veterinarian clinic (383-2338) where Valentino was neutered and had his eye removed. I was originally told that he had been hit by a car but I think maybe a kick was more likely. Valentino is about 4 months old and is very playful. He gets along with the other dogs and cats, but will occasionally chase a cat if it runs. He is ready for his new home. Please call for an appointment to see him. Best to call or visit in the afternoons as I am busy with meds and babies in the mornings. I have gotten a few calls regarding a rumor that Lyme disease has been detected in several dogs in Puerto Peñasco. NOT TRUE. Lyme disease is not found in this area. I checked with all the veterinarians and no Lyme disease. Dogs in this area do get Tick Fever or Ehrlichia, named for the Dr. Ehrlich who first described them, they are a type of bacteria that infect and live within the white blood cells of their hosts. Different types of Ehrlichia live in different types of white blood cells.


Hosts can be human, pet, or wild animals. Ehrlichia are spread from host to host by tick bites and their intracellular location makes them difficult to remove as most antibiotics do not penetrate to the inside of cells. Treatment is a 12 day treatment of Doxycyclina for just a few dollars. Rest assured that the Lyme disease rumor in this area it is just that - a rumor! A big thank you to all who have donated supplies for the animals. With the large donation of dog food from our donors and the Cholla Bay Big Dave’s Chili Cook-off, we have been able to help many dogs in the barrios and on the streets get through the cold months ahead. We supply food to many folks that are feeding the strays and animals that belong to the poor. We also continue to help with surgeries for the poor, like Valentino, who had his eye removed and was neutered. Some stay here at the center and go up for adoption, while others stay with the local families. Teegy who was found near death on the beach at Playa del Oro, was treated for 3 days at Chochoys, had a bath for parasites and was spayed and vaccinated, Canela had a tumor removed from her arm, Prada the Pit Bull that we rescued, has had three rounds of Chemotherapy for her cancer. Two dogs are being treated for Sarcoptic Mange with Ivermectin injections, Beto my first rescued cat who is now about 12 years old was treated for an infection, and Teegy and Jingles our little Poodle were both groomed - all this in the last month, thanks to our many animal friends who help with donations for the medical bills. All the dogs except two young pups have been spayed or neutered – some at the clinic, but now we are working on the cats before kitten season hits us with a bang !!! We can get them fixed for 400 – 600 pesos at Chochoys. NEEDS- Cleaning supplies. trash bags, paper towels, dog and cat beds, cat litter, canned cat food, kitten dry food, large 2 ½ gallon water and feeding containers, canopies for shade, slats for chain link fencing and pet

beds! We also use Kuranda above ground beds and these can be purchased through our web site directly through Kuranda, Just go to to donate a Kuranda bed for the animals. Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point has been at the same location now for twelve years. Coming into town go one block past (south) Lucas Chicken Palapas restaurant, turn left (east) and come down three blocks and we are on the North/West corner of Leon de la Barra and Cuahtemoch. Please bring donations to the center. Call for drop off sites in Arizona. We are now able to purchase Kirkland dog, puppy and cat dry food here in Rocky Point at Welton located just north of the signal at the police station on the east side street and just south of Sante Fe market. Prices are great, and this way we do not have to worry about crossing into Mexico with American pet food. The Kirkland food sold here is made in the USA and distributed through Costco Mexico. Finally a problem solved. With the exchange rate as it is now the prices are very reasonable and comparable to the US. You can send cash donations (checks made out to AACORP) and we can purchase the needed pet food. Your gift is a tax deduction. We still need canned cat and dog food and of course cat litter. FOOTNOTE A GREAT 2 ½ PAGE ARTICLE ON the “Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point” in the December/January issue of North Tucson Living magazine – featuring the clinics and how they help cut down on the animal population. Thank you to Kristen Sorich of Tucson who authored the article. AACORP PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341. Remember to visit us on Facebook for all the latest news or needs for the center. We have two pages “nancy phelan” and “Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point”. Sign up for our newsletter by sending me your email address – send to nancy_ Mexico (011-52-638) 383-1012 Phoenix (602) 412-3932 Tucson (520) 407-6594 AACORP INC 501 (c) 3 Tax Exempt AACORP PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

DIALYSIS PROJECT Open Letter Hello Sandra, Thank you for your interest and help I’m making this miracle happen for the great people of Peñasco. As healthcare providers/workers Joe & I were stunned that such a vital, life saving/life changing service was not readily available in our beloved Puerto Peñasco. After a lunch with Rosie Glover we found about the need and discussions she has had with the First Lady and the Hemodialysis Project. Ironically, this was over lunch at Latitude restaurant where we had purchased tickets for a Harley Davison in a benefit raffle. Never expecting to ACTUALLY win it we had already decided months before to pay-itforward (PIF) to benefit the community on some odd chance we actually won it. After lunching & learning from Rosie about the project we immediately started contacting local AZ venders, hospital (including even the CEO of the hospital we work for without luck). However, after a bit of luck and time we found Specialty Dialysis locally here in Tempe, AZ & was offered a package deal for 2 dialysis machines, ultra water filtration machine, warranty, shipping to the border for $8,600. That was a very large price tag for just Joe & I to overcome but we were committed to see it come to fruition even if it meant lots of overtime at work or fundraising... but we were determined to make it happen in our life time! Well, fast forward about 2 weeks and AMAZING karmic event... I get a message while working the night shift at the hospital that we had WON the bike! Prayers answered and in good karma form the Kelly blue book for the bike is $8-9,000 ... just enough to hopefully cover the cost of the hemodialysis system! Which brings us up to today and our current plan. We want to avoid import taxes into Mexico (estimated around 2K I think) so since its register in USA we plan to get it back to AZ and sell it then take the money, purchase the dialysis equipment, and then coordinate with the DIF & First Lady to get the machines from the border to Peñasco. That’s the best I can boil it down to so far... but it’s the plan! Would love to have you both along with others involved in the process to insure we can make this happen ASAP and get the Peñasco dialysis dream to become a reality sooner than later! Any help, thoughts, ideas, or just cheer leading would mean the world to us and more importantly the people of Peñasco! Respectfully Paying-It-Forward, Greg & Joe (You may get referral information at the Rocky Point Times Newspaper Facebook Page. Any help is appreciated!)



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

Finding Paradise By Sandy Spain

your fruits and vegetables and don’t miss the great tortilla stand in the parking lot. They have whole wheat tortillas.

Treasures in Paradise Talking to friends recently it seems everyone was sharing information about a store where they had found an item or the store itself that they had previously not known about. So I thought readers of Rocky Point Times might also not know about some of these places. So I plan a series of articles about what I am calling treasures of Peñasco. Grocery For this first one I thought I would feature grocery items. You are probably familiar with Super Ley, Sam’s Club, Bodega Aurrera, and Santa Fe Market all located on Benito Juarez except Ley’s, which is on Constitution. If you are an “old timer” you might remember La Merced Market, well they are still around. They have relocated to Venustiano Carranza (there is no street sign, turn right on the first street after the railroad tracks on Calle 13 and go down several blocks and they are on the left). They are right next door to Tacos (de Birria) Pola. They still have the same great staff and their butcher. Everyone especially loves their bacon. The new name is Frutimer.

Frutas y Verduras de Sinaloa

La Tapatia bakery more commonly known as the dime or 10 cent bakery Another well known bakery was in the Old Port and the owner had one arm hence his bakery became known as the one-arm bakery. Though he is not with us any longer, his son now operates Panaderia Cornejo. You’ll often see a line there at about 10:00 a.m. when all the fresh baked goods come out of the oven. This one is a little more difficult to find. Take Miguel Hidalgo East from Benito Juarez (that is the street that is Calle 13 on the West side of Benito Juarez). Going toward the boulevard Josefa de Dominguez turn left on Javier Mina just before you get to the boulevard (yes there are street signs at this location).

Frutimer same folks as the old Merced Market Two other old time places are bakeries (panaderias). One has always been known as the dime bakery or the 10 cent bakery. It is located just ½ block down the street from Frutimer. Look down the alley on your left and you will see a yellow building. There is a pole sign on the street, but when you are going north it is faded out. You can see the name on the other side. It is La Tapatia.

Tortilla Stand at Sinaloa Fruiteria How about making your own pizza? Not that you can’t buy great pizza, but sometime you just might want to make your own Well a friend of mine discovered a bakery where they will make your pizza crust for you and then you just add your toppings and warm it up! You need to order the day before The name of the place is La Fama.

Carniceria San Jose de Gracia on the corner of Nicolas Bravo and Juan de la Barrera The wholesale grocery supply C&S recently moved from their warehouse building on Josefa de Dominguez. They are now next to the video store that is across from the entrance to Numeros on Kino Boulevard. While they specialize in supplying local restaurants through their association with Sysco Foods, they will also sell retail and if there is something that you just cannot find in town, ask them and if at all possible they will order it for you. Recently I got the best rye bread there and saw salmon and ravioli in their freezers (be sure to look inside the big chest freezers. A friend also got sugar free A&W Root Beer there.

La Fama, get your readymade pizza crust here

C & S Grocery Supply

Especias Moy for all your spices

Disclaimer Of course, every recommendation has to come with a disclaimer. I do not mean to imply that these are the only or even the best establishments in Puerto Peñasco. They are town treasures, they are good and you just might never have known they were here. So get out and look around our town, find new places to shop. I’ll bet you will discover other treasures. I plan to write more about the small businesses throughout our community in future articles. I wish you happy shopping in our paradise.

Panaderia Cornejo Since you now know where (Calle 13) Miguel Hidalgo Street is, if you take this street from Benito Juarez to Sinaloa Avenue and turn right you will find Fruteria Sinaloa a ½ block down on the left. This is a very popular place for all

Now that you have your crust, get your spices at Especies Moy. They have all your spices as well as nuts, rice, beans, grains and other items. These two treasures are located on Nicolas Bravo (the street that runs beside the Telmex office) just East of Benito Juarez. These two stores are just a few steps from each other. Further up the street kitty-corner from the Telmex office, hidden behind a tree, you will find a great butcher shop. It is Carniceria San Jose de Gracia. They will custom cut your meats.



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •


If you dispute any incident or infraction, need help or have questions, please go to the Police Station, located north of town. Pay any and all fines ONLY at the station. IF YOU ARE PULLED OVER ALWAYS: • Write down the Name of the Officer • And the Number on the back of the vehicle that pulled you over • Record the location you were pulled over and the exact time



Nationwide: from ANY PHONE. TelCel users can also dial *112 to go directly to the Peñasco Police Station

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If you feel you have been wronged by an officer(s), you MUST make an official complaint so that the police department can take action. If they have no record of the incident, then they have no proof. Telling your friends and complaining to others will not get the problem solved - it only creates more problems and allows the officer to go on “doing business as usual”. File a complaint and save others the same grief you have gone through and make our city a better place.


All fines are to be paid at the main police station

PASSPORTS ARE REQUIRED Passports are required for re-entry into the U.S. when travelling by vehicle into Mexico. You may also present a Passport Card, Enhanced Driver’s License, SENTRI or NEXXUS Cards when leaving Mexico. Children under the age of 16 need to present their Birth Certificate. This applies to any port of entry when driving into Mexico.

ABOUT PUERTO PEÑASCO Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point, is located in the State of Sonora on the Sea of Cortez. It is approz. 66m miles from the U.S. border at Lukeville, AZ and the Mexican border at Sonoyta, MX. Rocky Point is located within the “Free Zone”, so no vehicle permits are required for you to visit, but you will need your Passport or other ID (see above) to re-enter the United States. Rocky Point offers a variety of land and sea activities for every age and is very family oriented. It also offers a variety of dining and lodging choices as well as beach camping and RV Parks. Rocky Point is known for its warm weather, beautiful sunsets and gorgeous beaches. Relax and enjoy a day on the beach or at one of our many spas. Head out for a day of shoppingm to find everything from one-ofa-kind fine art to curious. Plan a day of golf on some of the most beautiful and challenging courses around. And when the sun has set, head out for some local night time entertainment.


take you all the way to the U.S./Mexico border at Lukeville, AZ and Sonoyta, MX. The Maricopa Hwy. will lead you right into Gila Bend, exit left once you come to the stop sign and follow the above directions.

COMING FROM TUCSON You will take the old Ajo Hwy. (Hwy. 86), which will lead you through Sells and end at Why, AZ. At the stop sign take a left onto Hwy. 85 (at Why) and head to the border (see above). Gas stations, restrooms, ATM’s & convenience stores are located in Gila Bend, Ajo, Why and Lukeville. AZ before reaching the border.

COMING FROM CALIFORNIA The crossing at San Luis (south of Yuma, AZ) is the fastest and easiest point to cross. Head East on I-8 and take Hwy. 95 S towards Yuma. You will cross at San Luis Rio Colorado. Continue straight through the border, go straight for a few blocks, turn left for a few blocks and then turn right onto Ave. Obregon. That is the main road through San Luis. You will go all the way through town and see a sign for Puerto Peñasco and El Golfo de Santa Clara off to your right. Exit right at the bridge and follow the signs to Puerto Peñasco. There is a toll booth you will go through (currently $94 pesos). The road is smooth and free of potholes and has plenty of places to pass and pull over. Just outside of El Golfo, you will turn left onto the Coastal Highway (003) and follow that all the way to Rocky Point. Signs are clearly marked. Look on our Facebook Page for pictures of the signs, roadway, stops and scenery.

ENTERING MEXICO Hwy. 8 from the Lukeville border to Rocky Point is a good 2-lane road with plenty of emergency parking and places to pass. It is an open range (watch out for wildlife) and is patrolled by the highway police as well as the Green Angels (roadside assistance). Please see Crossing the Border in this section for more info.

YOU MUST HAVE MEXICAN VEHICLE INSURANCE...IT’S THE LAW A minimum of liability is required. COMING FROM PHOENIX Take either I-10 (west side) or the Maricopa Hwy. (east side). Take the Gila Bend/Mexico exit off of I-10 and head toward Gila Bend. Once you pass through Gila Bend you will exit onto Hwy. 85 (south) toward Ajo/Mexico. Hwy. 85 will

ACCIDENTS If you are involved in a (non-death) accident in Mexico, you are considered at fault until proven otherwise. All parties are taken to the police station where you and your vehicle



may be detained until restitution is made. If a minor is involved in an accident, the parents are responsible for the child. Parents must pay fines and/or restitution. Minors are usually detained but not jailed in non-death accidents or traffic violations. You need to file a police report and phone your Mexican insurance adjustor immediately in the event of an accident. You (most likely) will be held in jail if you are in an accident in which a death occurs.

MEXICAN CONSULATES Tucson: 553 S. Stone Ave., 85701 (520) 882-5595 • Mon.-Fri. 8 AM - 2 PM Phoenix: 1990 W. Camelback Rd., 85015 (602) 433-2294 Nogales: 480 Grand Ave., 89562 • (520) 287-3175 Douglas: 541 10th St., 85607 • (520) 364-3107

AIRLINE SERVICE & AIRPORTS AeroCalafia Service to/from Hermosillo (011-52-638) 388-7812 Mexico Toll Free: 800-560-3949 U.S. Toll Free: 818-206-3255 Morgan Jet Charter flights from Phoenix 1-888-869-0866

INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Mar de Cortes International Airport (011-52-638) 383-6097 Airport Administrator: Alonso Dominguez Ruiz Libramiento Carretera Sonoyta-Caborca 71 Ejido Miramar, Colonia Miramar

PERSONAL AIRCRAFT To fly your own plane you must have your: pilots license, medical certificate, registration, air worthiness certificate, and Mexican airplane insurance. GENERAL AIRPORT INFORMATION Airport ICAO ID: MMPE Location: 17 miles East of downtown Elevation: 88 ft. Mar de Cortes Radio Tower Frequency: 118.85 Website contains complete info. on Airport loanding, parking other fees Type of Services: RS: Int’l regular flights RFF Category: 7 Airport Coordinates: 31° 21’ 6.836” LN113° 18’ 19.44” LW Runway Center Runway Designation: 18-36 Runway 18 THR Elev.: 84 ft./Runway 36 Elev.: 88 ft. Airport Reference Number: 4D Runway Lengths: 8,100 ft. Airport Size: 1,482.6 Acres U.S. AIRPORTS (CLOSEST)

Phoenix, Tucson & Nogales, AZ

BUS STATIONS (MEXICO) ABC - Phone: 383-1999 (Auto Transportes de la Baja California) Located on Constitucion, just N of the signal at Blvd. Benito Juarez Albatros - Phone: 388-0888 E side of Benito Juarez, N of the Stadium Norte de Sonora - Phone: 383-3640 E side of Blvd. Benito Juarez, S of No. Releccion (Calle 26) and N of Pemex TAP - Phone: 383-6761 (Transportes y Autobuses del Pacifico) W side of Blvd. Benito Juarez, N of the signal at Constitucion


CAR RENTALS Some major rental companies do permit their vehicles to be driven into Mexico. Call their AZ offices directly instead of their national offices. You may be required to carry their Mexican insurance. Mexico law requires that you must carry a minimum of liability insurance. Arizona (Phoenix Area) Enterprise, Advantage, Dollar, Saban’s Puerto Peñasco (from the U.S. dial 011-52-638) Alamo Rent A Car 102-0277 M.G. Rentals 383-3814 Rio Car Rental 383-8181 The Point Rent-A-Car 388-5823

U.S. CONSULATES Nogales, Mexico from Mexico (01-631) 311-8150 Fax: (01-631) 313-4652 from the U.S. (011-52-631) 311-8150 Fax: (011-52-631) 313-4652 Email: What the Consulate CAN DO if you are arrested in Mexico • Visit you in jail after your arrest • Provide you a list of local attorneys • Inform you of judicial procedures • Notify family and friends • Relay requests for aid or monetary support • Protest abuse/mistreatment to authorities What the Consulate CANNOT DO if you are arrested in Mexico • Demand your immediate release • Get you out of jail or out of the country • Pay legal fees w/U.S. Government money • Pay fines w/U.S. Government money

CROSSING THE BORDER CLOSED MIDNIGHT - 6:00 AM Arizona (Lukeville) Border Mexico (Sonoyta) Border

As soon as you pass the chainlink fence, you are entering into Mexico. There are two lanes going into Mexico. Wait for the vehicle ahead of you to pass all the way through the lane before proceeding. VEHICLE INSPECTION There are two means of inspection: 1) Fiscal Traffic Light

Nothing to declare/items under allowed limit

2) Integral Inspection

Voluntary declaration/items over allowed limit

As you cross the Mexican Border there are two narrow lanes with a (traffic) light at the end of the lane. As you proceed ahead, the light will flash RED (alto - stop) or GREEN (pase - go). 1) FISCAL TRAFFIC LIGHT STOP (alto) - RED LIGHT If the light turns red you will pull off to the left where an officer will ask you some questions such as where you are going, how long you are staying, and what you are bringing into Mexico. The officer will most likely look through your vehicle and belongings. Do not leave your vehicle unattended and do accompany the officer during his search. If you incur any problems be sure to get the name and badge number of the officer. GO (pase) - GREEN LIGHT If you get the green light you can pass through without any inspection. Please note that you still may be pulled over and inspected even if you get the green light. 2) INTEGRAL INSPECTION This is the voluntary request for the examination of your articles, if you have items to declare which exceed your allowed limits. Before you enter the lanes to cross into Mexico, you will pull off to your left and park in the assigned spaces against the chainlink fence. You will need to go to


TRAVELINFORMATION the small building, which sits in the middle of the two lanes, and tell the officer what items you have to declare and the value of each item. When you are finished filling out the form, the import tax (impuestos) will be assessed and you will be handed two forms to take to the bank and pay. (The bank is at the side of the brick building, past the fountain.) If it is after hours, you will pay your impuestos to the agent who will stamp your form and issue you a receipt. An agent may want to come and inspect your load. The taxes you pay are in pesos (they will accept dollars) and are to be paid directly to the bank and you will be issued a receipt. You will need that receipt to cross the border. (If you are pulled over by Aduana after leaving the border, you will need the receipt as proof of payment.) After you have paid your taxes, you will need to cross the border and go through the Fiscal Traffic Light. If you get the red light you will need to pull over and show your receipt to the officer. If you come through the fiscal traffic light, and merchandise is found, which was not declared, you could have to pay a fine of 4x the commercial value of the articles plus your vehicle and belongings may be seized. If you choose the Integral Inspection the fine will be 1½x the value. In both cases you forfeit the right to the tax exemption. Your vehicle and personal belongings can be confiscated if you do not stop and declare merchandise over your limit allowed by Mexican Law.

DUTY FREE ITEMS You are allowed $75 USD tax free in new merchandise per person. Merchandise must be in same vehicle as person(s) declaring. The following is a list of items which you may bring into Mexico tax free. • Items for personal use such as clothing, shoes and toiletries according to the length of your stay. • 1 photographic or motion video camera, including a power source and rolls of film or video cassettes. (No professional equipment.) • Books and magazines. • 1 used sports article or piece of equipment for individual use. • 2 cartons of cigarettes or 50 cigars. • 3 liters (approx. 3 quarts) of wine, alcohol, beer, etc. if the passenger is an adult. You may import an additional 2 liters and pay the corresponding tax. • Medicine for personal use (with your prescription). • Suitcases to transport your items.

If you are legally a resident of another country, in addition to the items listed, you may also bring the following items: • Binoculars • Camping equipment • Portable television, radio and 20 tapes • Typewriter or laptop computer • 5 used toys if the passenger is a child • Fishing tackle • Pair of skis • 2 tennis rackets • A non-motorized boat up to 5½ meters in length or a surfboard with or without a sail

If you are traveling by a camper, trailer, motorhome you may also bring in: • VCR • Bicycle with or without a motor • Household linens • Kitchen utensils • Livingroom & bedroom furniture You may import additional merchandise valued up to $1,000 per vehicle by paying the corresponding tax without the intervention of a customs broker. Over $1,000 USD requires a broker, which are located just across the border.

FIREARMS & DRUGS Firearms, illegal drugs and ammunition are NOT allowed into Mexico. Hunters may bring their firearm with the proper paperwork/clearance. Possession carries a pentalty of 5 to 30 years.

IMPORTING You are allowed to bring in $75.00 USD per person worth of new merchandise - this does not include your personal items such as clothing, toiletries, etc. If you have new merchandise in excess of $75 per person you will need to declare your items and pay the impuestos (taxes) before crossing into Mexico. You may import up to $1,000 USD in new merchandise per vehicle without the assistance of a Customs Broker. To declare items you are bringing into Mexico, turn left as you cross the border, just beyond the chainlink fence. Park in the designated spot and go into the Aduana Building in the middle of the two lanes. See Crossing the Border for more information on declaring merchandise. If your merchandise totals more than $1,000 USD per vehicle, you will need the assistance of a customs broker. Customs brokers are located on the Mexican side of the border. Park on the U.S. side and walk across to one of their offices. Customs Brokers in Sonoyta, Mex. Agencia Ibarrola (011-52-651) 512-1878 Aserco Imp. (011-52-651) 512-0009 MultiServicios Sinaloa (011-52-651) 512-1593 or 1599

INSURANCE Medical Insurance Family or personal trip/vacation medical insurance can be purchased by some providers in the U.S. Check your existing policy to see what coverage is offered while visiting Mexico. Most clinics in Rocky Point do not accept U.S. insurance as payment. Vehicle Insurance Mexican Law states that you MUST HAVE MEXICAN INSURANCE while driving in Mexico. A minimum of liability is required though full coverage is recommended. You can insure your driver’s license if driving a buggy, quad, rail, etc., but the vehicle cannot be insured for theft. If your vehicle is stolen, you must immediately file a local, federal (state) and U.S. police report. The insurance companies usually pay low blue book and extras such as rims, tires, stereo, etc. are not covered. Most U.S. policies ARE NOT recognized in Mexico. You may purchase insurance over the internet, phone, mail or stop at a number of places on your way to Rocky Point. Look in this issue for Mexican Insurance.

MILEAGE FROM ROCKY POINT TO Agua Prieta, Mexico.......................345 miles Ajo, Arizona......................................90 miles Caborca, Mexico.............................154 miles Ciudad Obregon, Mexico...............491 miles Guaymas, Mexico...........................408 miles Hermosillo, Mexico........................321 miles

Kino Bay, Mexico............................393 miles Las Vegas, Nevada..........................514 miles Los Angeles, California...................540 miles Lukeville, Arizona..............................66 miles Nogales, Mexico.............................287 miles Phoenix, Arizona............................217 miles San Carlos, Mexico.........................407 miles San Diego, California......................366 miles Santa Ana, Mexico.........................217 miles Sonoyta, Mexico..............................62 miles Tucson, Arizona..............................208 miles Yuma, Arizona................................260 miles Coastal Highway 003

This highway will run from Baja, California through Rocky Point to San Carlos. It is completed from El Golfo de Santa Clara to Rocky Point and from El Desemboque to Puerto Libertdad. Southern California visitors will be able to cut their driving time by using this beautiful, safe new highway! It is a nice, wide, 2-lane highway with rest stops, plenty of passing and wide shoulders for emergencies. See Driving to Puerto Peñasco at the beginning of this section.

PETS Only domestic animals (dogs & cats) are permitted into Mexico and you are allowed only two (2) animals per vehicle. You need to carry a copy of your pet’s current rabies vaccination certificate as you may be asked for it as you cross the border. Mexico has many stray animals roaming the streets so please keep an eye on your pet. Many pets are lost in Rocky Point each year due to unfamiliar surroundings and firework noise. If your animal is lost while visiting Rocky Point, we have found the best thing to do is scour the area where he/she was last seen. You can also pass out flyers to taxi drivers and water truck delivery men and post them all over town. Putting an announcement on the local AM and FM radio stations are also a good idea. Be sure you have a collar and tag on your animal as well as a current photo. Contrary to popular belief, your pet is not welcome at most establishments, especially where food is served. Please check with the staff before bringing your pet inside as the business can be fined for health violations.

RE-ENTERING THE UNITED STATES CLOSED MIDNIGHT - 6:00 AM Have your I.D. or Passport ready Bureau of Customs and Border Protection PO Box C, Lukeville, AZ 85341 (520) 387-5671, Fax: (520) 387-5309

Passports On June 1st, 2009, U.S. Citizens reentering the United States (via vehicle) from Mexico will be required to show their Passport, Passport Card, Enhanced Driver’s License, NEXXUS or SENTRI card. Everyone in the vehicle needs to provide one of the above forms if identificaton. Parents bringing their babies, who have not received their official birth certificate, may bring the temporary one issued by the hospital. Children 16 and under will be required to show a copy of their birth certificate. Wait Times Traffic is greatly increased during holiday and busy weekends. Please plan your trip accordingly. A good idea is to arrive a day early, and stay a day later. You can check border wait times on the internet at Permitted Items 100 cigars, 200 cigarettes 1 liter (39.8 fl. oz.) of alcohol, per person, 21 yrs. or older. You are NOT permitted, at the Lukeville Port of Entry, to pay duty and import additional alcohol. This is a Pima County law, not an Arizona or U.S. state law, so check with the individual border crossing. Fruits and Vegetables: bananas, blackberries, cactus fruits, dates, dewberries, grapes, lychees, melons, papayas, pineapples, and strawberries. (Most citrus such as oranges and grapefruit are NOT permitted.) Vegetables are permitted, except for those on the prohibited list. Okra, however, is subject to certain restrictions. Nuts: acorns, almonds, cocoa beans, chestnuts, coconuts (without husks or milk), peanuts, pecans, pinons (pinenuts), tamarind beans, walnuts and waternuts. Seafood: 50 lbs. of fish or shrimp per vehicle. Avoid customs penalties by declaring all articles acquired in Mexico, and in your possession at the time of your reentry into the United States. If in doubt whether an article should be declared, always declare it first to the Customs Officer on duty. If you understate the value of an article you declare, you may have to pay a penalty in addition to the payment of duty. If you fail to declare an article, acquired in Mexico, not only is the item subject to seizure, but you will be liable for a personal penalty. You are entitled to a $800 exemption in a 30 day period. Articles totaling $800 may be entered free of duty, subject to limitations on liquor, cigarettes & cigars. Prohibited Items Agricultural items are prohibited if they can carry plant pests or animal diseases. Cuban Cigars Medicine requires a prescription, carry a copy of your U.S. prescription with you. Fruits and Vegetables: sugarcane, potatoes, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams. (Exceptions: Cooked potatoes and avocados without seeds, except in California.) Plants, Seeds and Soil: plants and seeds require special permits. Soil and some plants are prohibited. Check in advance with agricultural inspectors. (Exception: some dried plant parts for medicinal purposes are permitted.) Meat and Game: pork, raw and cooked, including sausages, cold cuts, skins, and

pork tacos is prohibited. (Exceptions: shelf-stable, canned pork and hardcooked pork skins (cracklings) are permitted.) Poultry: raw meat from both domesticated and game fowl is prohibited. (Exception: thoroughly cooked poultry is permitted.) Eggs: prohibited. (Exceptions: boiled and cooked eggs are permitted.) Game: check with agricultural inspectors in advance. Live Birds: wild and domesticated birds, including poultry are prohibited. To import personally owned pet birds, contact agricultural inspectors in advance. Straw: generally prohibited. This includes wheat straw, seeds, animal feed, and all articles made from this material. In addition to the excepted items listed above, many agricultural items are permitted if they pass inspection to be sure they are free of pests, soil and sand.

SHUTTLE SERVICES Daily shuttle service is available from the Phoenix and Tucson areas to Rocky Point and cities in-between. Please contact the companies directly for their schedules and rates. If you need door to door service, clarify that they offer that service and if you need to be picked up at the airport make sure that the shuttle has a permit to pick up passengers at the airport. Head Out to Rocky Point (602) 971-0166, Toll Free 866-443-2368 Nena’s Transportation 388-7089 or (602) 442-6802 Located on Benito Juarez, N of the Baseball Stadium by Coffee Point Transportes Superior 383-3640 Calle Lazaro Cardenas, Esq. Benito Juarez Bus Station TNS/Estrella Blanca Sonoyta: Across the border on the west side of the street. 01-651-512-3374 At the Bus Station: 01-651-512-0784 Phoenix: 29th & VanBuren: 602-455-9522

TRAVEL BEYOND THE FREE ZONE Puerto Peñasco is located in the Free Zone, where you do not need vehicle/ tourist visas to visit. If you plan to travel beyond the Free Zone you will need the following: FMT (personal tourist visa) and your vehicle permit if you plan to drive. Personal Visa (FMT) Available at the Immigration Office in Sonoyta, on your right as you cross the border. They are open from 8:00 AM until Midnight. You will need to bring your birth certificate and/or valid driver’s license. You can either park on the U.S. side and walk across or you can go through the border and park. You will need to show your ID and fill out the necessary paperwork (it is in English and Spanish). Once you have filled out the paperwork you will take it over to Banca Serfin, pay approx. $195 pesos (per person) and return to the office to give them a copy. At this time you cannot obtain your FMT in Peñasco, but the Immigration office can

stamp your FM3 or FM2 for travel beyond the free zone. If you are flying into the airport you can obtain your FMT when you arrive at the Peñasco airport. By law, anyone who stays in Mexico for more than 72 hours, is required to have an FMT, whether you stay within the Free Zone or not. Automobile Visa If you plan to drive beyond the State of Sonora, you will need to obtain a permit for your vehicle. The cost for this permit is approx. $290 pesos. This can be done in Sonoyta or at the checkpoint outside of Guaymas. You will need the original and 3 copies of: • Registration, Title and the valid driver’s license of the vehicle owner • Credit card in the vehicle owner’s name • FMT, FM3, FM2, Passport or birth certificate • Leasing contract (if the vehicle is rented or leased), which must be in the name of the person importing the vehicle. If the vehicle belongs to a company, the papers certifying the employee works for the company. If you do not have a credit card you can post a bond payable to the Federal Treasury issued by an authorized bonding company in Mexico. As an alternative to posting bond you may make a cash deposit at Banco del Ejercito in an amount equal to the value according to the “Table of Vehicle Values for Bonding Companies.” At Banco del Ejercito your credit card will be charged approx. $30 USD. A cash deposit will also be accepted if you do not have a credit card. Your deposit plus any interest will be returned to you when you leave Mexico. You may choose to obtain a bond through an authorized Mexican bonding company located at all border crossings. The bonding company also assess taxes and processing costs for this service. The vehicle permit is good for 6 months and for any type of vehicle weighing under 3 tons. When departing Mexico, and if you are not planning to drive the vehicle back into Mexico, the permit must be canceled with Customs. If your car is found in Mexico, beyond the Free Zone, and beyond the authorized time, or without the appropriate papers, it will be confiscated. Always carry the importation permit with you when driving your vehicle into Mexico. Take it with you when you exit the vehicle - do not leave this document in your car. Make a copy and leave a copy in the car - same with your insurance. The sale, abandonment or use of the vehicle for financial gain, a criminal act, etc. will result in its confiscation. The vehicle may be driven by the spouse or adult children as long as they have the same immigration status. It is a good idea to get a notarized document, if you are driving a vehicle beyond the free zone that is not registered in your name, nor the owner is in the vehicle. It should simply state that the owner has given you permission to drive the vehicle, you may want to include the make, model, year, color and VIN number. The Rocky Point Times Newspaper strives to keep the information up-to-date. Laws, rules and info. change constantly, so if you notice an error, or have additional info., please let us know so that we may change the info. Contact us with questions or corrections at rptimes@ or phone (480) 463-6255 or local 383-6325.


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •


Ten Reasons to Choose a Real Estate Agent Who is a Member of A.M.P.I.

By Gretchen Ellinger, President A.M.P.I. Chapter 51, Puerto Peñasco Having a baby and sending a child off to college are both life-changing events, which appear at first glance to be very different, but are really very similar. Both sets of parents want the best for the child, whether said child has just arrived, or whether he is finally leaving home. Both sets of parents are scared - is this the time to have a baby? Are we sending her to the right college? Both sets of parents have planned well, saved money for this event, but this is costing A LOT, and what if…? So, what has this to do with real estate? The decision to buy or sell real estate is, for many people, the first step to a life-changing event. Sellers are parting with their properties for a variety of reasons, from changes in health to changes in priorities to changes in fortune,

and buyers also have a number of reasons for a property purchase, ranging from changes in health to changes in priorities to changes in fortune. As the parents having a baby have much in common with parents sending a child off to college, most real estate clients, buyers and sellers, have much in common and, because they do, real estate clients, whether buyers or sellers, will want to choose an A.M.P.I. real estate professional to help them with this life-changing event. 1. A.M.P.I. is a respected Mexican national organization, with over 50 chapters in the 34 states and the Federal District of Mexico City, and affiliations with the National Association of Realtors in the USA, and the Canadian national real estate organization. 2. The practices of A.M.P.I. real estate professionals are guided by a code of ethics. 3. Real estate professional members of A.M.P.I. use forms that have been legally scrutinized, and approved by the State of Sonora. Furthermore, all A.M.P.I. real estate professionals use the same forms for the same processes, with the result that everyone is “singing from the same sheet of music.” 4. A.M.P.I real estate professionals are welleducated in real estate practices in the state of Sonora, Mexico, which are often very different from real estate practices in Arizona or other places in the USA and Canada. A.M.P.I. real estate professionals

must take a 96-hour course to prepare them for passing a comprehensive exam, which leads to the State of Sonora Real Estate License. 5. After initial training, A.M.P.I. real estate professionals receive continuing education, provided by the organization, to help them stay informed regarding changes in requirements, regulations, and laws that affect their clients and their properties, and property transactions. 6. By participating in community affairs through the organization, A.M.P.I. real estate professionals stay abreast of the Rocky Point area events that shape and color the local real estate market. 7. A.M.P.I. members contribute significantly, through the organization as well as individually, to local community programs, youth programs, and charities. 8. A.M.P.I. real estate professionals subscribe to, and pay for, the Puerto Peñasco Multiple Listing Service (MLS), the most powerful marketing tool available, for the benefit of our real estate clients. 9. Only properties listed for sale with an A.M.P.I. real estate professional may be advertised in the Puerto Peñasco Multiple Listing Service (MLS). 10. Only clients of A.M.P.I. real estate professionals have access to all the information regarding properties available, pending and sold, plus trends and statistics that can be found only on the Puerto Peñasco MLS.

Wait! There is one more reason to choose an A.M.P.I. real estate professional... 11. The connections! Not all A.M.P.I. members are in real estate; Affiliate Members belong to other professions that are usually complimentary to real estate, all of whom subscribe to the A.M.P.I. code of ethics, and can be expected to perform at the highest level in their professional capacity. A good way to start down the road to that life-changing real estate event is to find a real estate professional who is a member of A.M.P.I. to help birth the baby or send him out the door to college; that is, to buy or sell property in Puerto Peñasco/Rocky Point, whichever is the goal. A list of A.M.P.I. members, and their contact information, can be found at www. Gretchen Ellinger is the 2013 President of A.M.P.I. Chapter 51 Puerto Peñasco, after having served in the organization in the past as VP Education and President-Elect. Passionate about education, Ellinger was instrumental in the creation and facilitation of the first course for real estate licensure through A.M.P.I. in Puerto Peñasco, under the auspices of the State of Sonora Department of Economy. Having practiced real estate in Puerto Peñasco for the past 10 years, Ellinger is a real estate agent and retirement specialist for RE/MAX Legacy. Call her at (602) 317-3881, or visit her website


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

Steve and Trish McCarty Know What Christmas Is All About—Just Ask the Kids at La Montaña School for Special Needs Children in Puerto Peñasco! By Joe Houchin Most local residents know how much Trish McCarty and her famous rock star husband, Steve McCarty love Puerto Peñasco as do many of their fans who’ve attended a Peñasco Palooza or even a Peñasco Business Expo and Iron Chef Competition where he has entertained. Always sharing a smile, either half of this dynamic couple will praise the virtues and beauty of the people, the beaches, the country, and the genuine hospitality that abounds in our village by the sea. However, many won’t know—until now— the extent to which their love of Puerto Peñasco was expressed by their charity and giving hearts on Tuesday morning, December the 18th, 2012 when over 80 kids at La Montaña School for children with special needs got to experience the joy of Christmas through the gifts for each that were shopped for, purchased, wrapped and sent down by Trish and Steve as the result of their last trip to Rocky Point. During that trip, while dining at Ramon’s Restaurant at the Sonoran Sea, they noticed the Christmas tree decorated and replete with handmade angels inscribed with the names of children on each. Upon inquiring with Ramon, they learned about the charitable angel program taking place at three participating establishments to provide gifts for the needy children and orphans of three different children’s facilities run by the local DIF charity (see our blog article on this charitable effort at They also learned that the program was going rather slowly due to the lack of traffic through the area this last season.

Ramon, as he has done for many Christmas’s past, was going to donate and prepare breakfast for all the kids at La Montaña but was worried about how many would actually receive gifts on their last day of school before breaking for the holiday. After their conversation with Ramon, Trish and Steve carefully removed each and every angel from that tree and assured Ramon that the children of La Montaña would have a very merry Christmas, even though the McCarty’s would not be able to come down until the week after the scheduled gift giving due to Steve’s gala concert at Chango’s here on the 29th of December. As you might expect from one who carved his way into the annals of musical legend through his creativity, hard work and insistence on perfection before releasing such platinum treasures as “Fly Like and Eagle” which Steve worked on for more than two years as a singer,

song writer and composer with his good friend Steve Miller as they made history together in The Steve Miller Band, Steve McCarty’s words reflect his true beliefs and are backed by sincere actions. As one of this blog’s very favorite rock stars, you can read all about Steve’s illustrious career and deep commitment to meaningful music in our previous blogs at http://www.;http://www. or visit his web site Same goes for his wife, Patricia McCarty, herself a nationally recognized patron saint in state-of-the-art education for children from all walks of life and founder of the non-profit StarShine Academy which has proven her belief that with the right help all children can learn to reach for the stars. In just ten years StarShine Academies now flourish in Phoenix, Arizona, Santa Fe, New Mexico and South Sudan, Africa as a result of her philanthropic efforts that are driven by her passion to end the disparity in education caused by the lack of financial ability. If you want to learn more about the amazing accomplishments of Patricia McCarty who was named among the Top 100 Women of Arizona, you are encouraged to visit www. You’ll be glad you did. Both Trish and Steve will want this blog to continue with how much the kids at La Montaña enjoyed their Christmas party and we have the photos to show their smiles, their laughter and their surprise as Santa was able to hand each and every child a gift thanks to a rock star and an educational philanthropist who love our community. Wow! Do these kids love to dance! With two giant speakers and high energy music “Gangnam Style” to marching music and everything in between with a beat, the kids started dancing shortly after 9:00 AM and didn’t break until Ramon announced that the buffet was open at about 10:00 AM. While the students were distracted with the music, Ramon and school faculty had unloaded his truck filled with bags and bags of the wrapped and labeled gifts that were brought down Monday afternoon through the donated time of driver David McCarthy by “Head Out to Rocky Point” shuttle service who donated the van, and dropped off at the Sonoran Sea to be loaded into Ramon’s pickup. Meanwhile Santa Claus (with a very real gray beard and very real belly that “shook like a bowl full of jelly”) handed out candy and smiles to grateful kids in between songs and passed out hugs to anyone who asked. A short interview with Santa revealed that he has been gracing the La Montaña Christmas parties for about 10 years and says, “All I want for Christmas is to see the smiles on these kids’ faces.” A Vietnam vet with the other name of Allen Sherell, Santa has lived in Rocky Point for 16 years and says you might see him around Christmas time anywhere there are kids who need a smile. The kids wasted no time getting line for the excellent breakfast prepared by Ramon and his team who served over a hundred meals in record time to grateful children and appreciative adults.

Romantic Days ahead: Love Thyself

By Rita Pizarro

And the kids said “Thank You” to Trish and Steve in the best possible way—their way! After the meal, more music and the traditional Piñata plastering and gang tackling of scattered candy, you could feel the excitement building for what was to come next—Presents!

La Montaña School is fortunate to have Diana Vega Flores as the Principal for the last two years. Not only does she have 17 years experience teaching special needs children, but she has the skill to see the big picture and to recognize and prioritize the most important needs of a school of this size. In fact, Diana was so eager to accept the challenge presented by La Montaña that she actually commuted from Sonoyta until just recently. In spite of that 120 mile drive every day, Diana has overcome budget and equipment obstacles and made significant improvements to the school, both physically and organizationally. She has put the school on a path to reach the fundraising goal of 85,000 pesos with which she will receive matching funds totaling another 300,000 pesos that she needs to add a safety perimeter around the school, which could presently be breached in several places. Her dedication has earned her the support of the Mexican and the American communities in Puerto Peñasco as well as utmost respect from the city and state governments. Support for La Montaña over the years has come from many good hearted residents who are noted for their devotion to helping needy children, such as Mark and Barb Olszewski, founders of the 10 year old non-profit AdoptA-Classroom charity organization that provides equipment, furnishings and supplies to 10 schools including La Montaña, and are

recognized for their involvement with the Los Rolling Rockies Wheelchair Basketball Team for whom they have garnered money, uniforms and wheelchairs, and for their participation in numerous other charitable causes in our community and for collecting needed items for distribution to children and adults. Kory Bonini is a local resident and fundraising catalyst who has helped numerous churches, charities and schools including La Montaña and has been a driving force behind the annual San Peregrino Cancer Walk since 2006. These are just a few of the many local residents who find it in their hearts to help those in need, and we have hundreds more regular visitors who rarely show up empty handed (usually stopping by Mark and Barb’s house to drop off items!).

Steve & Trish Trish and Steve McCarty are a large part of this special family of generous givers for whom Rocky Point is so blessed to have as friends. While the kids danced and played all over, the ubiquitous Tony Ballesteros with his trusty Sony DSLR recorded the glee for all to see, and was especially attentive to catch each child during the “Main Event” as their name was called and they came up to receive their presents and a smile from Santa. Tony’s gift of capturing just the right expression on the children and adults speak volumes more than we could ever put into words, so take your time and enjoy true happiness personified in the sparkling eyes, dented dimples and upturned smiles of these unique young gifts of God on their very special day, Tuesday December 18, 2012.

This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.

February is the month of Love and Friendship. Floaty little angels with arrows go around spelling romantic interludes all over the place and couples parade their romance through the street, while TV stations play romantic movies and stores sell red roses and chocolates. But, what about those that have yet to find their “other half ” and happen to spend the month of February dreading those movies, chocolates and red roses because they just have not found, or have lost, their partners in one way or another? Well, how about making February not only the month of Friendship but also the month of self Love? Is there anything wrong with enjoying a beautiful sunset over the beach with a glass of wine and only the sounds of waves and your own thoughts for company? Absolutely not, so don’t be sad and enjoy Valentines even if you don’t have the proverbial “other half ” because for someone to be whole there is no other half needed. To make your Valentine’s day even more special, why not add a random act of kindness to it, anything simple will do, here are some

ideas: go to Super Ley and hand a valentines card together with a couple of dollars to the grocery bagger, stop at a corner and give and extra tip and a flower to the person cleaning your windshield, how about going to the Malecon and handing out cards or flowers to the fish market vendors? or giving chocolates to the little kids selling chewing gum all over town? Bring a smile to a strangers face and it will fill your day with more purpose and self esteem. Don’t be afraid to indulge in what you like, whether it’s a long bath, glass of good wine, yoga class, your favorite music, reading a good book or going out to your favorite restaurant. Do something that feels just right for you, you can also opt for an activity that makes you feel energized and enthusiastic: Love yourself and enjoy. Sometimes the most creative moments are the ones we have with ourselves and being a whole person will only make you all that more attractive! Celebrate your best relationship, the one you have with yourself and be determined to make it a better one, for this month and the rest of 2013 or better yet for the rest of your life. Love the body you are in, respect it and heal your relationship with it by fueling it with the right food and strengthening it with the proper exercise, a change in your diet can not only make you love the way your body looks but the way it feels and you may even be able to think more clearly. Remember, we only get one body in this lifetime so respecting it and nourishing it should be at the top of the list. This doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of the good things in life just practice moderation and balance. Love thyself and those around you, have a great February in Rocky Point and see you at the beach!

Home Port

It Has Been Announced That the Rocky Point Home Port Budget Has Been Approved for Federal Funding! “Phase I funding of $191 million pesos has been approved and construction is scheduled to start in the spring of this year. Phase I will consist of a 1,300 meter pier to accommodate 2 large ships, each with 3,500 passenger capacity. This will be the first Home Port in Mexico, and three cruise lines, including Carnival, Holland America, and Disney, are interested in using the Port. Estimated completion is 2014. The states of Sonora, Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua have all contributed funds to the project.”

This information has been broadcast on the local radio news over the past couple weeks. The Diputados voted on and approved the 2013 budget and this project, along with Phase II of the convention center, more paving, and infrastructure were all part of the approval. This is great news for Rocky Point and it will bring new investments, new jobs, and a big boost to the economy of our little city. We will bring you updates as we receive them, but it sounds like this dream project is becoming reality.

This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Deep-Sea Fishing... Four Hours Away! (Reprint – Arizona Highways November 1946, magazine courtesy of Jackie Youngberg) Part 3 of 3

By Natt N. Dodge For the fisherman eager to wet a line, the 100 miles drive from Ajo to Punta Peñasco may seem but a tedious delay; but for the visitor to the Southwest with an eye for semi-tropical Sonoran Desert scenery, every curve of the pavement brings interesting vistas. Twenty seven miles of the highway is within Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument where is found the richest accumulation of Sonoran Desert plant and animal life occurring within the United States. Here are the rare Senita and Organ Pipe cacti, the jumping bean and the palo-de-fierro (ironwood), the elephant tree and the sangrede-tigre. Here the borrego or desert bighorn, the wild hog or peccary, and the burro deer are among the native animals that receive federal protection so that these disappearing species will be preserved for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations of Americans. South of the border, the highway follows the Sonoyta Valley and then skirts for many kilometers the fringe of the immense Pinacate volcanic field, in the center of which looms Pinacate Mountain, its summit 4,235 feet above the Gulf, and its flanks and perimeter dotted with more than 150 craters and cinder cones, the largest of which is Crater Elegante, approximately 900 feet deep and three quarters of a mile in diameter. The whole area which is relatively inaccessible, is a jumbled mass of old lava flows and malpais, and is of considerable interest to geologists partly because of recent volcanic activity reported by R.L. Ives, in the June 1935 “Pan American Geologist”, and possibly related to the December 1934 earthquake that gave residents of Long Beach, California, such a shaking. Between the Pinacate volcanic field and the Gulf is an extensive area of immense sand dunes many miles long, and south of the Pinacate Mountain are strange soda lakes and widespread salt beds to which generations of Areneños have made pilgrimages to gather supplies of this essential material. Pinacate Mountain, by the way, is so called because of its fancied resemblance to the black desert beetle by that name, a beetle that, when disturbed has the peculiar habit of pointing its stern at the sun, and is reported to have such a foul flavor that only skunks will eat it. This is the land, the lambing ground

of the desert bighorn, described so vividly by Hornaday in “Campfires on Desert and Lava”, and by Lumholtz in “New Trails in Mexico”. Here the dwindling herds of pronghorn antelope find seasonal range, and the tribal remnants of the Areneños, or Sand Papagos, make a religious ceremony of their ancestral treks to the salt beds. A land without roads, a parched land with its few water holes known only to the wild animals and the Indians, and endless distances of alkaline sand and sawtoothed lavas. It is rumored that someday, if there is sufficient demand, the Mexican Government might make of this weird desert a national monument, build an access road to the most spectacular manifestations of its scientific phenomena, and provide protection for its antelope and bighorn from the ravages of trophy hunters. With such attractive scenery and seaport with saltwater, fishing just outside their back door, Arizonans now, for the first time, look with envious eye at this little known and hitherto unpublicized region. A glance at the map shows that the International Boundary passes due west through Nogales, then turns northwestward, this swerve causing it to reach the Colorado River some distance north of the head of the Gulf. Had it continued straight west from Nogales to the Gulf, Punta Peñasco with its small but useful harbor, the splendid fishing waters of the head of the Gulf, and the barren but spectacular Gran Desierto and

Pinacate Volcanic Field, all would be a part of the State of Arizona. The following story, often heard along the border, explains how the United States, and Arizona, lost this suddenly attractive area. When the International Boundary was being staked out, so the story goes, the westbound surveying crew, tired and footsore, reached Los Nogales in June, 1855. The wide expanse of land west of El Paso had been hot and tough; but the hottest, driest, roughest part of the entire route lay ahead. The line must be run due west over parched desert and rugged mountains to and across the Gulf of California, then through the unknown wastes of Baja California to the Pacific. Grouped around a map, the engineer were discussing disgustedly the dry, desolate, relatively unexplored territory that lay ahead. The only settlement in the entire region was Fort Yuma, 65 miles north of the head of the Gulf, with its frontier saloon, gambling tables, and dancehall girls. Looking about defiantly, one of the men voiced the thoughts of the entire crew: “Aw, the hell with the desert, let’s head for Fort Yuma!” And that is the reason, if you will accept the story, that the International Boundary suddenly veers northwestward just beyond Nogales, and the vast area including the head of the Gulf of California and the Pinacate country now belongs to Mexico instead of the United States. Much as Arizonans might enjoy the prestige afforded by possession of a seaport, the fact that Puerto Peñasco is in Mexico adds much to its interest and to its appeal as a tourist attraction. Plan your trip, if you can, for the “shirtsleeve season”; anytime between Thanksgiving and Easter. Then you can soak up sunshine on the beach at Cholla Bay while blizzards are raging in the northland and streets at home are deep with drifted snow. When sleet hangs heavy on power wires, and a pale sun break through skudding clouds to reveal a world locked in a straightjacked of ice, then desert poppies are lacquering Arizona hills with gold, and cactus wrens are hunting homesites in the organpipes. Nearing the border, you can throw away your overcoat and earmuffs when you see the first saguaro; but hang onto your fishtpole, brother, for if you’re on your way to Cholla Bay, you’re going to need it; and soon. (The End) • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

CBSC 6th Annual Horseshoe Tournament By Tammy Hicks

As I sit back reflecting on 2012, I realized that 2013 has many, many important days to remember. Each important day has a significant meaning to it as well (in my eyes at least): New Year (tequila), Valentine’s Day (diamonds), CBSC Casino Night (gamble, drinks), St. Patty’s Day (green beer), Easter (candy), my birthday (more diamonds), April 6 (beer, beer & more beer), CBSC Fishing Derby (BIG fish) & bigger fish stories), Memorial Day (El Golfo & CBSC Fish Fry), Thanksgiving (major food), Christmas (diamonds, jewelry, etc. - I can dream, can’t I?) And the anticipation of New Years Eve (drink & be crazy)! But wait, did you NOT know what makes April 6, 2013 an important date (besides the beer)? Well, let me enlighten you: APRIL 6, 2013 is the date of the 6th Annual CBSC Horseshoe Tournament in beautiful Cholla Bay! Mark your calendars because you don’t want to miss out on this awesome event! Where else can you get over 250 people together, drinking beer, winning raffle prizes, playing double elimination horseshoes, eating hot dogs & popcorn and listening to see what I’ll say next (with the help of my trusty megaphone)? It never fails. Someone will do or say something that makes the tournament even more memorable! A certain “Al” provided some fun memories last year! And then there’s Jeff ringing his bell on and off all day! You never know what’s going to happen, but one thing’s for sure – you WILL have a great time! The entry fees will remain the same for this year: $15usd per player and $10usd per spectator. These include 2 hot dogs, popcorn & BEER! There will be a NEW SHIRT this year! We’re busy working on a new design (suggestions welcome - submit them on our Facebook page “CBSC Horseshoe Tournament”). Be sure to check out the items for sale in the Ship Store booth at the tournament too! Last year there was a big run on the bottle coozies with a built in bottle opener! We are always looking for more Sponsors! If you are interested, please contact us at - please put Horseshoe Sponsor in the subject line so that it will be routed to us, or you can always use our Facebook page (noted above)! It’s easy to become a sponsor and we’ll get your name out there as much as we can! Just contact us! WE LOVE OUR SPONSORS! This annual event benefits everyone! Proceeds are distributed to the Rocky Point Red Cross AND towards the upkeep and manning of the CBSC Marine VHF Radio. Every boater out on the Sea of Cortez knows how important this radio is. If you go out on the water and need help, we’re there for you 365 days a year! The Red Cross is also there for you 365 days a year! Stay tuned for more updates! Remember, if the shoe fits, throw it! We hope to see you at the tournament! Even if you don’t play horseshoes, you’ll have a great time!

Laguna Shores Resort Annual Christmas Food Hamper Give-Away

By Wayne Corcoran Every year, just before Christmas, Laguna Shores, gives back to the City of Puerto Peñasco. Laguna Shores Resort hosted their annual Christmas Food Hamper Give-Away, giving away 1250 food hampers filled with staples like rice, oil, sugar, tuna, etc to needy families in Rocky Point. In years past, Laguna Shores has given away hundreds of bicycles, but for two years now, they have wanted to try something different since some families are still struggling through tough economic times. Two years ago was their first Christmas Food Hamper giveaway, and it was met with great success – once again – all because of your generous donations and the hard work of the staff in coordinating this massive event. Laguna Shores would like

to thank the following persons and businesses for their generous donations and support. THANK YOU TO: Lloyd Melnyk, Carlos Antonio Bolaños Coronado, Marco Antonio Torres Holguin, Arturo Araiza, Dinora Ochoa Lopez, Martin Amaya, Lluvia Sandoval Carrasco, Debbie Christofferson, Doug Corcoran, Wayne Corcoran, Barrie Franklin, Theodore M. Banducci, Leonardo Montenegro, Paul & Marie Shiver, Judy Dionne, Mary Evanson, Kathleen & Thomas Bachman, Rosa Maria Carrillo & Rodrigo Peña, Beronica Castro, J Antonio & Maria Cabrera, Despacho Juridico Gomez & Orendain, Rogelio & Maria Barajas, Primo de MK Kline, Carlos Bolaños, Anita M Stulc, Federico Alberto Blanco Martínez, Luis Villasana, W. H. Frazer, Barry J. McLellan, Teófilo Corral Vizcarra, Paul R Peach, Patricia A. Madera Garza, Distrbuidora Electrica Diaz S.A., Zagas de Peñasco, S.A. de C.V., Soldadura Equipo y Construcciones S.A. de C.V., Construsoluciones Creativas de PP, The Bowen Group LLC, Surfaq, Todo Para el Carpintero, Ecodeli Comercial S.A.



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

10th Anniversary of Diseños Casa y Jardín Gala & Ceremony of the First Edition of the Outstanding Artistic Performance Awards of the Year By Eddie Wharez® Owner and interior designer of Diseños Casa y Jardín

2003 was the year I moved from Puerto

Vallarta to Rocky Point and Diseños Casa y Jardín was born. To nobody’s surprise time has gone by so fast! 2013 is the year of our 10th anniversary and we had a great time celebrating last Sat Jan 12. A bit over one hundred friends and clients gathered together in our facilities to enjoy a program we organized for the night, live music, hors d’oeuvre, wine, ponche (mexican fruit punch) and cake. As we already had announced during that night we would know who would be rewarded with the Outstanding Perfomance Award of the Year in its two initial categories. The results were given by the judges, Mrs. Conchita Peralta, Mrs. Nina Mier & Mr. Jesus Romero. The 2012 Eddie Awards in its First Edition were for: 1) Armando “Kennedy” Noriega (saxophonist, flutist, arranger, producer and musical director) owner of The Light House Restaurant. 2) Guillermo Munro Colosio “Memuco”, painter and graphic designer, who resides now in Beijing China. If you read our article in December we also mentioned there was going to be a populary award given by the public by voting on our facebook fan page. That prize was given to Ballerina and dance instructor Mariana Zatarain. During our gala, musician German Esquer played the piano for everyone’s enjoyment however the musical revelation of the night was the jazz band “Sklanders” consisting of a group of teenagers being the youngest only 11! The Eddie Awards were received with deep appreciation by the nominees, winners & the public. We want to continue organizing this contest, expand the categories so that more can have the

opportunity to win, & also having it year after year, involving others, artists and public alike. The best of the night came when it was announced that a Special Edition of an Eddie was to be given! Nobody knew of it, everybody listened attentively to the speech in which it was explained why the winner would the person who is always not only promoting new or experienced artists but also who is always a source of encouragement, advice or scolding. The winner of this Special Eddie was actually the person who inspired the creation of the whole concept, her name, my friend whom I admire for her hard work towards the Arts, the Artists & above all the promotion of Puerto Peñasco, Mrs. Nina Mier. ¡Muchas felicidades! For this well deserving regonition. The Eddie is a sculpture entirely designed by Eddie Wharez, it has no back, it represents both a woman or a man, being one side of it a female and the other side of it a male. It was carved in wood by Victor Manuel Figueroa Hernández and hand painted by Eddie Wharez himself. The final part of the program was in charge of everyone attending our celebration since they all wrote on a piece of paper their wishes, goals or purposes for this new year and then burned them to fuel several Chinese lamps and saw them fly away in the middle of the night! Truly a very emotional and pondering moment.

I am very happy for this first decade of work, family, love, customers and projects fulfilled here in Rocky Point, I wish many more to come, I am thankful for my family and friends who always help me to accomplish what otherwise sometimes seems impossible.

Please visit our gallery on Rodeo Drive (see ad) feel free to ask any questions and who knows we may have what you are after, regardless you are going to be pleasantly surprised! Reach me at: or visit us online at • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •


WILL YOU BE ‘MY VALENTINE’ people who found it in their hearts to give YES, we have so much love to give back them a wonderful home, you will be so to you. The dogs at the Rescue give us blessed by them. so much love and affection, they are so We are still in need of a carpenter to grateful for being given a second chance rebuild our old deck. The dogs are now in life. It is because of you that we are able falling through the deck, any help with to continue with their everyday needs labor would be appreciated. and medical expenses. The Rescue is still We were able to get 5 of our dogs fixed in need of getting a loan paid back for last month, thanks to you all for helping the installation of the electric and water make that happen. But we are still in need hooked up to the property. If you feel of fixing several more. Each and every dog that you can help towards these expenses, that comes in, needs to be fixed and we are please drop off your donations to the Twin taking in several every month with your Dolphins office located next to the Red help we can get this done for them and the Cross building on Blvd. Fremont. Any community. amount would be appreciated. We always welcome visitors, so please “LUCKY” the stop by Barb’s dog we told you Rescue, say hello about last month to the dogs, and is doing great. see the progress of He has put on our new facility. over 10 lbs and is We are open 9AM getting stronger to 7 PM every day. every day, and is We are located 8 running around miles going out with all the other of Rocky Point dogs. He is still on the Hwy to on medication Sonoyta, look for and a special diet, the signs on the LUCKY but will be ready west side of the for adoption in road, Barb’s Dog another month or two. He will need to Rescue. The arrows will take you right to be fixed once he is strong enough for the the Rescue. If you don’t see Barb in the surgery. We will need your help for his yard, ring the bell at the gate, she is always surgery. Thanks to all of you who donated at the Rescue. The dogs are NEVER EVER for his medical treatments, you pulled alone. You can also drop off your donations him through. Please stop by and see our or food etc. at the Twin Dolphins Real “LUCKY BOY”, you just might want to Estate office on Blvd. Fremont, right next adopt him. to the Red Cross, if this is easier for you. The Rescue is in constant need of This is Barb’s sister, Dee, and they work as supplies. If you can help in any way we a team. The sick dogs are at Dee’s office so would really appreciate it. Dog food they can get the medical treatments they canned and dried, vitamins and omega 6 need. Stop by and see how wonderful & 9, for their skin conditions, medications Sadie and Bridget are doing. your vet can no longer use, we can. Please feel free to call Barb’s local cell: Cleaning products bleach, Lysol, paper 044-638-114-1569 or Dee’s cell 044-638towels, trash bags, old 5 gallon buckets 384-0113 or if calling from the US you to remove the poo to the dump, pooper can call Twin Dolphins Office Toll Free: scoopers, tick and flea collars, dog houses, 1-888-546-7269. yard spray for ticks. We are still in need of a water pump and hot water heater for the dogs if you could provide us a used one or help donate towards this expense it would be greatly appreciated. We are happy to announce that two of our older dogs were adopted out last month, our Boxer Bobby and Little Privada. We want to thank these



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

The End of One Oppression and The Beginning Of Another By Rosarie Salerno

Years before the official abolishment of the Repartimiento in 1720 CE, this economic system was on its way out. Repartimiento was dependent upon the available Indio population of forced labor by the Spanish. Many natives were either killed off or died from European disease of one sort or another; villages shrank and disappeared. Most of the estates were lacking the labor force to work the fields; some were bankrupt due to mismanagement or the death of the land holders without heirs, leaving idle vacant land in Mexico. These vacant lands reverted back to the Royal Crown of Spain. The King was in need of capital and began selling the land even though he feared losing control of the territory. The American-born Spaniards, known as the Carrillo, had made large sums of money from the Encomienda and Repartimiento systems and was anxious to invest in the newly abandoned lands. Some of the land was declared vacant, with or without knowledge by the Crown, regardless if it was still inhabited with small communities of the native people or not. Villages were simply engulfed within the land purchased and became incorporated into the new system of the Hacienda. Haciendas were one of the methods used by Spain to colonize the Americas. The Hacienda’s organization was similar to the complicated feudal system that was a way of life in Medieval Europe. The primary function of these Haciendas was for the purpose of creating industrialized centers besides adding to the wealth, power and prestige of the owner. Various products were produced from farming, ranching, lumber mills, rope making, mining, the cultivation of sugar cane, the growing and the fermentation of agave for the drink Pulque and Pulque’s distillation to make Tequila.

The Mexican laborers were bound totally to the Hacienda for basic sustenance, some medical benefits and an insignificant wage. They were always in debt to the Hacendados. It was very common for the laborers to receive advances of their wages and was completely unable to ever pay back the money they owed. Debt was also inherited by the family upon the death of the borrower, which kept the people tied to the Hacienda indefinitely. Worse, was an Indio expelled from the Hacienda, as there was no place for him to survive outside of this economic system. Since the Indio was prohibited from all professional trades, there was no source of livelihood other than the Hacienda. The Haciendas provided housing for the laborers and their families, a school for the children, a church, a jail, a cemetery, and the processing plant or factory. Some Haciendas were so large they had their own railway station and were more like towns. They also served as inns for travelers and became important economic and social centers. Huge fortunes were made from the labor of the Mexican peasant. The Church, who had at first looked after the well being of the natives, now used them to increase their own wealth. The Indios were forced to pay tithes of 10% of their income or from the fruits of their labor in the form of crops and domestic animals. The Church was allowed to keep 8/9ths of the tribute, 1/9th went to the Crown. The missionaries built over four hundred convents by 1630. Many convents served no social or economic purpose. It was common for the clergy to become lazy and self indulgent. They also charged exorbitant fees for performing marriages, burial rites and baptisms. The Indios were always subservient and submissive; head bowed with hat in hand. The Hacienda system lasted until the Mexican Revolution of 1910 – 1917. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

Lolita Family Restaurant on Campeche: All Family Run, Super Clean, Phenomenal Food By Joe Houchin

You don’t pass by Restaurant Lolita every day, thinking, “We oughta try that place someday.” That’s because it’s off the “beaten path” on Campeche, the first street past City Hall that shoots off Benito Juarez diagonally to the left taking you to the Mirador area. A hundred yards or so past the Michigan Store, high above the street on the left is the sign saying “Restaurant Lolita” with another sign below it with big red letters “BUFFET” for their breakfast buffet that happens Wednesday through Monday from 8:00AM until Noon. Lunch and Dinner are regular table service until 9:00PM, and great service it is, because, after all, it’s all family run and you’re treated like part of the family, too. They are closed on Tuesdays. The restaurant is a story of growth since 1997 when Isaac Pacheco Robles opened it in a much smaller space up the street under the name “Cocina Económica”. In less than three years the business was ready to expand and Isaac built a new facility in their present location and opened it under the name “Lolita” after his Mother who had passed away a year earlier. The bi-lingual menu includes specialties of shrimp, seafood, steaks and traditional Mexican fare, all of which you can count on being perfectly prepared. If you’ve ever been served a meal that you could just tell was put together from selection to preparation to placing it on the plate with genuine care, then you’ll know what to look forward to at Lolita’s. Since opening the new restaurant location in 2000, Isaac has expanded the facility four times to its present seating

capacity of 172. The original domed restaurant is now a copula that is a small part of the spacious eatery. There are 17 employees made up of Isaac’s wife, three daughters, husbands, brothers, cousins and other family members. His eldest daughter, Anahy and her husband, Fortino manage the restaurant and share their natural sense of hospitality and penchant for impeccable cleanliness that obviously runs throughout the family. You’ll be hard pressed to believe this restaurant has been in this same building for 12 years, as you can see in the photos. Dining at Lolita’s will be an experience you’ll want to share with your own family and friends. This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.

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Please call Rosarie Salerno US (520)777-0018, Local 383-8417

This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Author, Diana Gabaldon, coming to Ajo D i a n a Gabaldon, New York Times bestselling author of the Outlander series. Will be coming to Ajo, Arizona on Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at Dicus Auditorium, 111 Well Road. The program is sponsored by the Friends Of the Library, Ajo, Arizona Author Series. Ms. Gabaldon’s Outlander series is a historical fiction book with some time-travel thrown into the mix. It starts out in the year 1946 with a young English couple, Claire and Frank Randall on their second honeymoon in Scotland. One day Claire goes for a walk by herself, comes across a circle of stones – walks through the cleft and disappears into the year 1743 and meets her husband’s 6 times greatgrandfather Jack Randall (known as Black Jack Randall) and his enemy - James Fraser. From this one story came 7 more: (Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager, Drums of Autumn, Fiery Cross, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, An Echo in the Bone, and Written in My Own Blood). Ms. Gabaldon has 3 degrees in science: Zoology, Marine Biology, and Quanti-Tative Behavorial

Ecology, an honorary degree as Doctor of Humane Letters. She spent 12 years as a university professor with expertise in scientific computation before beginning to write fiction. She and her husband have three adult children and live mostly in Scottsdale, Arizona. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

GENERALINFORMATION ATV’s ATV’S ARE NOT PERMITTED ON CITY BEACHES Please follow these rules when riding ATV’s in Rocky Point. • Helmets recommended • Only 2 persons per ATV • No riding after dark • Driver’s must be 16 yrs. of age • Do not race, jump, do wheelies, etc. • Do not drink and drive DO NOT RIDE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS Main Blvd. Benito Juarez Blvd. Fremont or in the Old Port

You will be fined if riding in these areas. Fines are to be paid only at the police station.

$$ BANKING & MONEY $$ Typical Bank Hours Mon.-Fri. open 8:30 or 9 AM, close 4 or 5 PM Saturday 9 or 10 AM - 2 PM Banks do not offer Safety Deposit Boxes BANKS IN PUERTO PEÑASCO BANAMEX Sucursal Pinacate Blvd. Benito Juárez & Campeche 383-3943 or 383-4830 Blvd. Benito Juárez & Blvd. López Portillo 388-5842 or 388-5844 BANCOMER 383-2947 or 383-2430 Blvd. Benito Juárez & V. Estrella and in Plaza Fremont BANORTE 383-5955 • Blvd. Benito Juárez 388-6901 • Blvd. Fremont & Sinaloa SANTANDER SERFIN 383-2091 or 383-4288 Blvd. Benito Juárez & Calle 13 Hwy. 85, north of town ATM MACHINES ATM’s are located at the banks and have 24 hr. access. They give pesos only. When the machine prompts Pesos? Dollars? you must select pesos or your transaction will be aborted. There are U.S. ATM machines in Ajo, Why and Lukeville, AZ. CHECKS & CREDIT CARDS Most merchants do not accept U.S. checks and they are not cashable at banks or money exchanges. Some merchants do accept credit cards, but check first and ask if there is an additional charge. MONEY EXCHANGE All merchants accept USD. If you would like to exchange your dollars into pesos you can do so at one of the banks or at the money exchanges. Depending on the exchange rate, sometimes you are better off paying in USD or pesos, you will have to do the math. TRAVELERS CHECKS Travelers Checks are accepted by some merchants, but are not cashable at any bank in Puerto Peñasco. U.S. BANKS Closest U.S. bank to Puerto Peñasco National Bank 101 La Mina Avenue, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7616 Mon.-Thurs. 9-4, Fri. 9-5 They do not exchange pesos or Canadian $

WIRE SERVICE You can send money to a person in Rocky Point, from the U.S., by using MoneyGram or Western Union. MoneyGram transfers are picked up at

Coppel Department Store on Ave. Constitucion (across from Super Ley grocery store). It must say Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico and the receipent must have a driver’s license or a passport and the transaction number to retrieve the money. Western Union transfers may be picked up at the local post office during business hours, must show proof of ID. You cannot wire money to a bank for someone who does not have an account.

CAMPING DRY CAMPING There are a few places to dry camp on the beach north and south of Rocky Point, but really nowhere in city limits except on Sandy Beach next to The Reef. RV PARKS Almost all of the RV Parks in Puerto Peñasco offer tent camping. There are three oceanfront rv parks with services available and many more in town or with an ocean view. Oceanfront RV parks are: Cholla Bay - The Reef El Mirador - Playa de Oro Sandy Beach - Playa Bonita Pets are allowed on the beaches and at the RV parks. Dogs must be leashed and please pick up after them. See “Pets” in this section for more information. Please call the individual park for their rates and reservations.

CHURCHES 7th Day Adventist Church Pastor Antonio Espinoza Altamirano #190 Worship Saturday 9:30am Assembly of God 383-3364 Ave. Luis Encinas & 27th Street Apostolic Church Constitucion Ave. & 15th Street Grupo Unidad Cristianos de Peñasco Pastor Ernesto Portugal 383-2240 North on Benito Juarez to Simon Morua, turn right (east), 1 blk. past Ace Hardware, turn right, church is on your left before Melchor Ocampo. English Headphone available Sunday Services 9:30am-11:15 & 11:30-1:30 Thursday: 7:30 - 9:00pm Church office hours Monday - Friday 9:30am to 2:00pm Peñasco Christian Fellowship 383-4513 ask for Stan or Becky Tedrow On Melchor Ocampo, 1/2 blk. E. of Blvd. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez. Bilingual Services Sunday Services: 9am and 11:15am Wednesday Services: 7:00pm Family of God Christian Fellowship Non-Denominational Worship Services 383-3480 Blvd. Costero N 2000A, Fracc. Las Palomas English Services, Everyone Welcome Spanish Translation Offered Sunday Services: 9:00am Iglesia Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (Sacred Heart Church) Paseo V. Estrella in Old Port. Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall 388-6244 Stadium road, on the left side just before Blvd. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, behind COFESA Sunday-English 9:30AM

Mormon Church 18th St & Cuauhtémoc Ave Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 383-2959 Calle 20 Simon Morua Sunday Services: 8:00 am and 10:00 am 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm Rocky Point Bible Church Iglesia Ev. Nuevo Nacimiento Pastor Manuel Agundez Blvd. Samuel Ocaña between San Luis and Guillermo Prieto Services in Spanish, but many English speaking groups attend to translate Services Sunday and Wednesday and Bible Study Groups Children’s Ministry every Saturday in Colonia Nueva Good News Club with Esperanza de Vida San Francisco Blvd. Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Sunday Service: 11:00 am San Judas Tadeo near old Cholla Bay Road Sunday Services: 5:00 pm San Martin de Porres Ave. Luis Encinas Sunday Services: 9:00 am Templo La Hermosa 383-7130 Pastor Carlos Gracian Located next to the new cemetery Sunday Services: 10:00 am WEDDINGS: You need the proper documentation to be legally married in Mexico. Please see the “Weddings” section for more information

EMERGENCIES Puerto Peñasco’s hospitals and clinics handle a variety of emergency and nonemergency situations. Most visitors visit one of the Clinics (listed below) or the Red Cross for emergency services. Ground and air ambulance transport services are available. CLINICS Clínica Santa Fe Simón Morúa, 2nd corner off of Blvd. Benito Juárez English speaking doctors Lab on site, X-rays 383-2447 or 383-4040 Clínica San Jose 383-5121 English Speaking Doctors Blvd. Benito Juarez Clínica Santa Isabel (Maternity) 383-3645 Puerto Peñasco Clínica Santa María 383-2440 Puerto Peñasco Sandy Beach Medical Center 388-7676 Cellular: 044-638-110-7898 Dr. Jesús González Gaytán Blvd. Paseo de Las Dunas (On Sandy Beach) 24 Hr. Emergency Service Available Full Service Outpatient Medical Clinic English speaking doctor and staff CLOSEST U.S. CLINIC Desert Senita Health Center 401 Malcate, Ajo, AZ 85321 Off main blvd. at curve, N of the bank (520) 387-5651 CRUZ ROJA (RED CROSS) EMERGENCY DIAL 065 383-2266

Cruz Roja Mexicana Services are absolutely free 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week Red Cross does not receive any funding and operate solely on donations. Your contributions will be welcome at any time in their office on Blvd Fremont or stop when you see them on your way into town. Red Cross has Technicians and Instructors available in case of a disaster in Puerto Peñasco. They treat non-life threatening wounds and can prepare patients for ground or air ambulance service to U.S. OTHER IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS dialed from Mexico AIR AMBULANCE SERVICE AirEvac......................001-880-321-9522 Sky Med...................001-866-805-9624 CLINICS...............see Clincs on this page HOSPITALS Community.............................383-4566 IMSS........................................383-5186 EMERGENCY NUMBERS WHEN IN DOUBT DIAL 066 Electric dial...071 Fire Department dial...068 Marine Rescue dial...462,627 or 767 VHF Channel 26 is monitored by CBSC Police dial...060

FIRST AID Scorpion Stings First aid for any scorpion sting should involve cooling the wound, which allows the body to more easily break down the molecular structure of the venom. Cooling also reduces pain. Use ice or cool running water if available. On a warm night, a wet compress will help. Keep the victim calm and still. Panic and activity speed up the venom’s spread. Symptoms may include heavy sweating, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, loss of bowel control, jerky muscular reflexes, and respiratory distress. These serious signs are cause for quick evacuation to a medical facility. Antitoxins are available in many areas where dangerous scorpions live. The doctors, clinics and Red Cross are experts at treating stings. Snake Bites Yes! We do have snakes in Puerto Peñasco. Not usually found in city areas. If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, or any other kind of venmous snake, seek medical attention immediately. Anti-venom is available here in Peñasco. Jellyfish They are usually bright blue and are present in our waters during June, July and August, although they are sometimes hard to see because of the clarity of the water. Some years we have a few, and other years we have tons. In some beach communities, you will find far less than others. A good test to see if they are present, is to look along the tidelines for any that have washed ashore - if they’re up there then there’s a pretty good chance they’re in the water. Use caution when walking barefoot on the beach or digging through the sand with your hands, they can still sting you (I know from experience). If you are stung, get to a doctor or the Red Cross immediately for treatment.

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GENERALINFORMATION Stingray Stings Our Rocky Point doctors, clinics and Red Cross are well adept at treating stings. The best way to avoid a sting is by doing the “stingray shuffle!” To avoid stepping on a ray, shuffle your feet slowly as you move through the surf to scare the rays away. Round stingrays are very good at burying in the sand and will remain buried even as you approach. By shuffling your feet you will brush against them and they will scurry away. If you walk through the water as you normally do you will most likely step square on the back of them which causes their barbed tail to come up and sting you. Be extra careful in area where the sediment is silty/sand or where the water is particularly warm. What do you do if you get stung by a ray? Get out of the water and head to the nearest doctor. If you are stranded out where these facilities are not available follow these steps and seek medical attention as soon as you can. First, let the wound bleed - this will allow any toxins entered with the barb to get out. Next, immerse the wound in hot water, as hot as the patient can stand for approximately 45 minutes: This denatures the protein toxin and relieves a majority of the pain. Then treat wound as any other puncture wound or cut, keep clean and bandage: This reduces the chance of infection, promotes healing. If pain or bleeding persists, if wound is large or if patient shows signs of an allergic reaction, see a doctor immediately! If you are staying at a resort go to the desk or convenience store - they may have a first aid kit with a treatment.

FISHING & BOATING PERSONAL WATERCRAFT You do not need to obtain a boat permit for your persona watercraft. However, if you plan to fish from your boat, each person fishing must have a fishing license which can be purchased here in Puerto Peñasco. As with vehicles, it is a good idea to carry two copies of your title and registration for your watercraft and trailer. DO NOT BRING THE ORIGINALS! One copy should be kept on your boat/watercraft and the other shoud be carried on your person or put in a safe location during your stay. FISHING PERMITS You MUST have a fishing license for everyone onboard a boat, even if they are not fishing, permits are checked. You do not need a permit if you are fishing from the shore. Permits can be obtained locally at the Capitania de Puerto, M-F, 8AM to 3PM or at the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix. Fishing Permit Rates (approx.) Pesos Daily - $106.00; Weekly - $220.00 Monthly - $315.00; Yearly - $410.00 CHARTERS Many charter boats and pangas are available for hire by the hour/half-day/ day, or organized trip. We do not have any companies that rent boats for your personal use. Charter boats are located all over town and at the docks and on your way into Old Port (right hand side) as well as at Safe Marina and in Cholla Bay. Reputable charters are always the best choice. Please make sure there is enough safety gear on the boat for all persons in your party and that the captain has a marine radio in the event of an emergency.





SEASONAL FISHING Spring: March, April, May Yellowtail, Grouper, Snapper, Whitefish, Pinto and Bass Summer: June, July, August Sailfish, Dolphin Fish, Marlin, Skipjack, Sierra Fall: September, October, November Sailfish, Dolphin Fish, Marlin, Skipjack, Sierra Winter: December, January, February Yellowtail, Grouper, Pinto Bass, Snapper

The Green Angels offer the following services: Aide in the event of an accident Emergency radio communication Mechanical assistance Tourist Information

The Mexican Notario is a highly specialized lawyer authorized by the Mexican Government. They intervene in civil and commercial business. Your best interest is supposed to be the Notario Publico’s main concern. They give judicial advisement according to Mexican Law and their authority exceeds that of a lawyer and is similar to that of an arbitrator in the U.S. You should consult a Notario when: buying or selling property, foreign Investments, inheritance, wills, mortgages, contracts, private contracts, financial operations, credit titles, arbitration, bank trusts, etc.

Call U.S. & Canada from Mexico dial 001+(area code)+7 digit number

FM3 & IMMIGRATION • To legally work in Mexico you are required to have a work FM3. • If you are in Mexico for more than 72 hours, you need to have an FMT. This is the law and it is good for 6 months. • If you are living full-time in Mexico you are required to have an FM3. • Your FM3 does not allow you to bring more than $75 in new merchandise without importing. Applying for your FM3 you will need the following: 1. A letter (in Spanish) written to I.N.M. (Instituto Nacional de Migracion) requesting a change in your migratory status. You must specify your reason, address and it must be signed by you. 2. Complete copy of each page of your U.S. Passport, which must be current. 3. Your last three proofs of income, which must be “apostiled” and translated into Spanish (ie: bank statements, pension, social security, etc.). 4. A copy of a document proving your local address (this can be your bank trust, rental agreement, electric, water or phone bill). 5. A form called “SOLICITUD FDNI/02”, available at the Immigration office, filled out properly. 6. Three (3) forms “S.H.C.P.-5” (available at any office supply store in Rocky Point). This form is prepared to make your payment to the bank. 7. Four (4) photos of your facial front view and three (3) of your right profile. Passport size, black and white. IMMIGRATION OFFICE Open Mon.-Fri. 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (011-52-638) 383-2526 Located on Blvd. Fremont at Fremont Plaza, next to Bancomer. There are many companies and individuals that can assist you with your Immigration paperwork, please look in our Classified Section.

GREEN ANGELS Angeles Verdes EMERGENCY DIAL 078 The Green Angels patrol the highway (Hwy. 8) from Puerto Peñasco to Sonoyta offering free roadside assistance to vehicles experiencing mechanical problems. Their trucks are green and white and clearly marked. They are on patrol from sunrise to sunset, 7 days a week. What to do if you need help? If you need assistance on the highway, whether it be a broken fan belt, blown tire or empty gas tank, pull over to the side of the road and lift the hood of your vehicle. If it is at night, please use your flashers for safety and always move as far away from the highway as you can to avoid accidents. Lifting your hood signals the Green Angels, as well as other helpful travellers, that you are in distress and in need of help. The Green Angels do not charge for their mechanical services, but you will need to pay for your own auto parts, gas, oil, etc.

INTERNET SERVICE & WIFI There are many internet cafes where you can check your email or surf the net. Some have computer stations and some offer WiFi. Most of the larger RV parks, hotels and condos have wireless and/or computer centers for your use. Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex) offers Prodigy internet service for land lines.

LATITUDE & LONGITUDE Latitude - 31°, 19 minutes N Longitude - 113°, 32 min. W Bird Island: 31°, 01.31 min., N by 113°, 14.93 min. W

MAIL SERVICES Puerto Peñasco Post Office (011-52-638) 383-2350 Monday - Friday 8:00 am-6:00 pm Money Wires, Telegrams & Mail Located just off Blvd. Fremont next to Proaset Realty. The post office does not offer U.S. postal services. To send a letter in Mexico, you need a Mexican stamp, which can be purchased at the post office. They do not sell U.S. stamps. You may receive mail at your residence, however it takes approx. 2-4 weeks to arrive and the system is not terribly reliable. U.S. Mail Delivery to Rocky Point Burrito Express U.S. mail dropoff and pick-up service from Peñasco to Lukeville. U.S. POST OFFICE Postmaster: Transitional Phone/Fax: (520) 387-6364 Located at the Lukeville border in AZ, approx. 66 miles from Rocky Point. PO boxes and General Delivery available. Window Service: 8AM-12:30PM, 1-4PM M-F General Delivery Available free for a max. of 30 days. You must show ID at the post office and fill out a form. You are the ONLY one who can pick up your GD mail. PO boxes are available, approx. $22/6-mo. Post office will need 2 forms of ID and you will be required to fill out an application. Boxes are located in the post office and in the General Store.

METRIC EQUIVALENTS Equivalents for Length 1” = 2.5 cm 6” = (1/2 ft.) = 15 cm 12” = (1 ft.) = 30 cm 36” = (3 ft.) = 90 cm 40” = 100 cm (1 meter) To convert ounces to grams, multiply the number of ounces by 30. Equivalents for Weight 1 ounce = 1/16 lb. = 30g 4 ounces = 1/4 lb. = 120g 8 ounces = 1/2 lb. = 240g 12 ounces = 3/4 lb. = 360g 16 ounces = 1 lb. = 480g Equivalents for Liquid Measurements 1/4 tsp = 1 ml 1/2 tsp = 2 ml 1 tsp = 5 ml 2 tbls = 1/8 cup = 1 fl. oz = 30 ml 4 tbls = 1/4 cup = 2 fl. oz = 60 ml 8 tbsl = 1/2 cup = 4 fl. oz = 120 ml 12 tbls = 3/4 cup = 6 fl. oz = 180 ml 1 Pint = 2 cups = 16 fl. oz = 480 ml 1 Quart = 4 cups = 32 fl. oz = 960 ml Gallons to pints x 8 1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters Gallons to liters x 3.785 Gallons to quarts x 4

You should consult a Notary Public (Notario Publico) in Mexico before signing any contract or legal document.

NOTARIO PUBLICOS Lic. Jesus Armando Ramirez Islas Prolongacion Coahuila No. 10 (next to post office) U.S. Toll Free (877) 832-8554 383-5460, Fax 383-5005 PO Box 100, Lukeville, AZ 85341 Lic. René Osvaldo Ortega Felix Ave. Alcantar in the Old Port 383-2006 Notary Publics in Sonoyta Lic. Fco. Javier Manzo Taylor from Mexico (01-651) 512-1747

PINACATE BIOSPHERE RESERVE Reserva de la Biosfera de El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar The Pinacate Biosphere Reserve is home to some of the world’s largest volcanic craters and is one of the most pristine and diverse areas in the Sonoran Desert. It has a large variety of plant and wildlife species that inhabit this sometimes hostile area. In the winter, you may see snow on the Pinacates. And in the summer, temperatures soar well over 110°. U.S. astronauts trained for their lunar landing mission in this area as the terrain mimics that found on the moon. You can take a day trip and explore the Pinacate area and volcanic craters by vehicle, camp overnight (in designated) areas, walk or hike. You must register at the entrace to the Reserve (located in Nayarit, approx. 20 miles N of Rocky Point). This will allow Biosphere personnel to make sure you are safe at all times.

• Speed Limit: 25 MPH • Terrain/Roads: Dirt, desert • Watch out for flora and fauna • Do not leave the road in your vehicle • Take enough drinking water with you • Respect all signs on roads and trails • Do not remove or damage plants, rocks, wood, animals or artifacts • Take all trash and waste with you • Do not enter the region from any unauthorized access road CAMPING & CAMPSITES Red Cone, El Tecolote, Backcountry areas INTERPRETATIVE TRAILS El Elegante Crater Trail 1.2 mile linear trail Walk 0.6 miles on the border of El Elegante crater. Terrain is mostly flat. Mayo Cone Trail 1.2 mile linear trail Located in El Tecolote camping area Walk 0.6 miles to the top of Mayo Cone. You will climb 344 ft. to the top. This hike is rated as a medium difficulty trail.

TELEPHONES Puerto Peñasco’s phone company for home and business hook-up is Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex). Cellular service is available through TelCel and Movistar. U.S. carrier AT&T works pretty good here as long as you have the International Plan. DIALING INSTRUCTIONS Call Mexico from U.S. & Canada to dial a land line 011+52+638+7-digit number to dial a Peñasco cellular 011+52+1+638+7-digit number

Call Collect from Mexico to U.S. dial 090 for a bilingual operator Call Overseas from Mexico dial 00+country code+city code+phone number Country codes and Mexico area codes are listed in the TelMex Phone book Call another City in Mexico dial 01+(city code)+number AT&T Operator dial 001-800-462-4240 TELEPHONE COMPANY Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex) Juan de la Barrera and Calle 18 Office open 8 am • 383-2288 Phone & Internet services available TelMex (Land Line) Prefixes 383, 382, 388, 102, 108 Phone numbers are written in a variety of ways, here are a few you may see around town. 3-6325 = dial 383 + 6325 638-38-36325 = dial 383-6325 (638) 383-6325 = dial 383-6325 52+(638) 383-6325 = dial 383-6325 Mexico’s Country Code = 52 Puerto Peñasco’s City Code = 638 LONG DISTANCE DO NOT USE THE “CALL USA” BLUE PHONES THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE! To make a long distance call, your best bet is to find a cafe or internet cafe with a VOIP phone. Second best is to purchase a prepaid phone card (LADATEL) from pharmacies or businesses, and use one of the many pay phones along the streets - follow the instructions on the phone. You can also use one of the long distance (larga distancia) calling services located around town.

U.S. CALLING CARDS If you use your calling card and dial an 800#, that is not toll free within Mexico, you will be charged twice for this call - 1 charge for calling the 800 #, and then a 2nd charge on your phone card. You may also use one of the long distance services to call the U.S. and Canada. CELLULAR PHONES to dial a cell phone from a land line dial 044 + 638 + 7-digit number to dial from local cell to local cell dial 638 + 7-digit number to dial out of city cell from local cell dial 045 + city code + 7-digit number Any number that does not start with a 383, 388, 382, 102 or 108 is most likely a cellular phone You cannot dial a U.S. 800# from your Mexican cellular phone. The only U.S. cell carrier, we have found to work in Rocky Point 96% of the time, is AT&T’s International Plan. All services work - SMS, MMS, Blackberry, etc. Follow the instructions (left) for dialing the U.S. or Canada, and to dial a land line. To dial a cell phone, you may have to dial 044 + 638 + 7-digit number, or you may just need to drop the 044. Sometimes, when calling a local cell, I had to dial as if I were dialing a cell from the U.S. Check plans and where you spend the most time. TelCel’s Blackberry plan is much cheaper than AT&T’s, plus they have a reasonable International Plan for when I travel to the U.S. You can also get an unlocked phone, buy a SIM card, and switch chips as you cross the border. Mexico cell carriers are supposed to start fingerprinting everyone who purchases a cell phone or SIM card.

AREA CODES FOR NEARBY CITIES Caborca.............................................637 El Golfo de Santa Clara.......................653 Guaymas...........................................622 Hermosillo........................................662 Mexicali, B.C......................................686 Nogales.............................................631 Santa Ana..........................................641 San Luis Rio Colorado.......................653 San Carlos.........................................622 San Felipe, B.C....................................686 Sonoyta........................................651 Check phonebook for more area codes

VOIP LINES Local internet acccess enables you to use a VOIP line in Rocky Point. HOW TO DIAL 800’s U.S. 800#’s are not free of charge when called from Mexico. The charge for calling an 800# is approx. $1USD/min. 800 = dial 001+880+phone number 888 = dial 001+881+phone number 877 = dial 001+882+phone number 866 = dial 001+883+phone number

U.S. DMV (MOTOR VEHICLES) The closest U.S. Department of Motor Vehicles to Puerto Peñasco is Gila Bend. Authorized Service Provider Registration, title, no original drivers licenses, copies/duplicates only. M-F 9AM-6PM, SAT 9AM-1PM 606 E. Pima St. • (928) 683-2577

WEATHER Puerto Peñasco is known for having 362 days of sunshine! The wind does kick up, a few sprinkles will fall, and the humidity creeps in around July/August, but other than that - it’s darn near perfect around here. AIR & WATER TEMPERATURE

January: Air - 53° February: Air - 55° March: Air - 58° April: Air - 64° May: Air - 70° Air - 77° June: July: Air - 84° August: Air - 86° September: Air - 82° October: Air - 74° November: Air - 62° December: Air - 55°

Water - 57° Water - 60° Water - 62° Water - 65° Water - 72° Water - 77° Water - 84° Water - 85° Water - 83° Water - 75° Water - 67° Water - 61°

WEDDINGS Rocky Point offers a variety of perfect wedding settings - from a barefoot sunset wedding to a lavish wedding at a 5-star resort. Many of the hotels, resorts and restaurants offer wedding planning services and catering as do these wedding specilaists:

Si I Do! - (011-52-638) 383-0700 Wedding Music by Pablo 602) 288-8687 LEGAL CEREMONY IN MEXICO To get married in a legal ceremony in Puer to Peñasco you need: Bir th certificates, translated into Spanish, notarized in Mexico; Divorce Decree; Blood test (in Rocky Point); Visas (FMT’s); 4 Witnesses (w/Visas). Your wedding planner will help you plan your reinactment ceremony as well.

VIRTUAL CONSULATE The 1st Wednesday of every month, the Virtual Consulate open to the American Community. Located at City Hall on the 1st floor facing Fremont Blvd. 10am-12pm.


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

The Cholla Children’s Christmas Party By Nancy Schmidli

“Games called on account of rain” As usual, the party began with La Posada, however, because it began to rain it was all done inside. Mike Dugan, CBSC president gave an introduction and announcements. We had a moment of silence in honor of the children and others lost in the school shooting in Connecticut. Such a tragedy. Of all the days to rain! But it didn’t dampen the spirits of over 200 people having a good time, even though the clubhouse was a little crowded. The games planned by Estephany Cota and Miguel Suazo (Rosario Villa’s daughter and nephew) had to be cancelled due to rain. I didn’t hear any complaints, however, and the kids were very polite well behaved, so things went very well. Those who helped at the party: Margaret Perez gave out wristbands; Sal Otañez, was our very own Santa and has been for many years; Lowell McCulley, our great photographer was assisted by his wife, Frankie and Gill Panasewics. Photos were printed out by Mike Dugan, Kathy Barnard and Crystal Renner. Santa’s “Elves”, Kylie Styles and Kayla Bowen, Billie Crumbley and M. J. Gooch gave each child a gift from Santa. Marilyn Prigge and Wanda McClung put the photos in frames made by Linda Eger and handed them out. These are very important to the parents, many of them have photos for 18 years ago when we first started taking them in Polaroid; Tammy Hicks and Kellie Adams popped and handed out popcorn to all. Pat Goodin and Chely Felix Leon ran the raffle; they gave about 100 tickets to kids 13 and under and then drew out names for about 25 special prizes and 2 beautiful Afghans donated for moms’ prizes. Those helping the children choose and wrap moms’ gifts were Jo Spencer, Lois Calvert, Jo Barnes, Kathy Hill, Kay Murphy, Heather Lawrence, and Enedina Otañez. Madeline Gibson oversaw the guest book. Rosa Villa, Estephanie and Miguel Suazo directed the choir. 3 of Chely’s girls did a fairytale skit. Ken Goodin, Don Schmidli and Gary Prigge prepared and served the hotdogs, drinks and chips, (250 hotdogs). Arturo Arvizu prepared the rope for the piñatas, as he does every year, but it was just too soggy for that activity, so Kellie and Tammy put the candy from the piñatas in popcorn sacks and passed them out to the kids. Several people stopped by just to visit and watch the fun. Rosa, Estephanie and Miguel and others helped to clean up the clubhouse for the pot luck that evening. A great

big thanks to them. About 30 of us enjoyed a very nice potluck that evening. Thank you to those who donated door prizes for this. Before the party, Rhea Dugan and Billie Crumbley organized the moms’ gifts and Chuck Payne and Jo Barnes helped section off the “gift shop” and set up. Sorry that Rhea couldn’t make it to the party due to her knee surgery. My husband, Don, helped with everything I asked him to do, as he always does. A great big “THANKS” to him for being there for me. Because of all the donations by many very generous people we were able to give almost all the money donated to the families that live in Cholla. The following people donated money, toys and moms‘ gifts for this party: Penny and Charles Cardinal, Dusty and Marie Rhoades, Gene and Carol Court, Pete and Janet Pisciotta, Cholla Bay Sportsmen’s Club, Nancy Ryan, Margie Valentine, Donna and Don Nelson, Sal and Enedina Otañez, John and Donna Wilhite, Jean and Richard Hunziker, Gail Anderson, Laurie Weber, Sue and Craig Roper, Marv and Barb Mitchell, Billie Crumbley, Jo Balk, Jerry and Karen Caballero, Debbie and Wendell Lolling, Mary Ann Oren, Jeffery Hunt, John and Leanne Spolyar, Henry and Carol Coleman, Mindy and Bert Hagen, Sue Fink, Chuck Payne and Jo Barnes, Bob and Barb Dammann, Janet and Lloyd Spangler, Jim and Carol Schmidt, Dottie Nelson, Richard Karpinski, Jackie and Wayne Busfield, Gail Grace, Sue Sledge, Lois and Jeff Calvert, Kathy Hill,, M. J. Gooch, Linda Mehos, Shannon Schmidli Arns, Shawn Schmidli, Jerry Hughes, Shirley Peterson, Pat Goodin, Mary Rogers, Elsie Mecham, Pat Susong, Carmen Aguilar, whoever left blue bag of moms’ gifts and anonymous donations in the box at Xochitl’s and the Thanksgiving dinner. We took some Red Hat jewelry that was donated to the Red Hat luncheon in November in Rocky Point and Rhea Dugan sold it to the ladies and made $100 for the fund. She is a real salesperson. I know I have missed a couple of people, maybe more. I do apologize and would like for you to let me know who you are...I really like to have a record of all donors. We gave 27150 pesos to 33 families. It was GREAT! These people are so very thankful, I know it will really make their Christmas merrier! I love this party.... I love all of you who make it “The Best”! Thanks so very much! I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year! To see pictures of the party, go to http://www. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Baja Adventures By Sue Hakala

Many people have a view of Baja gleaned from the 1950’s stories of a terrible unpaved road loaded with bandits. We found Highway 1 in perfect condition. The road does not have a shoulder in most places, meaning you cannot pull off just where you want sometimes, but was in excellent condition throughout our whole trip. Gas stations with clean restrooms are available along the route (carry your own toilet paper), although we found it best to top off the tank often. We did go through eight military checkpoints during the trip, but they were not scary at all. They were looking for guns, ammunition and drugs, none of which we had, and the stops took about five minutes. Grocery stores are abundant. We carried drinking water. We do not speak very good Spanish and with patience, found many English speakers to help us when we needed it. You must have a passport to re-enter the U.S. We traveled with our beach neighbors, Jim and Nancy Hailey. We found carrying cheap walkie-talkies to communicate between cars essential, as we occasionally separated in big cities. We went to Baja the last two weeks of March. I especially wanted to see the spring wildflowers, Baja cactus, and succulent plants. We drove south of the U.S. border past Puerto Peñasco, through the state of Sonora seeing cardon forests (cactus larger than saguaros) right along the road, into the state of Sinaloa to Topolobampo to take the car/truck ferry to La Paz. It was a great Mexican experience, in what was like an older cruise ship. The bed linens were starched and ironed, and a hot meal was included. The ferry departed at midnight after taking hours to load. We slept during the fivehour crossing missing the rough seas. We then hit Highway 1 driving the entire length from tip to top. We took many unpaved roads to gorgeous beaches, seeing Baja wildflowers and plants like Dudleya siempreviva, Pendalanthus marcoparpus (lady slipper), Espuela del Diablo, Ferocactus gracilis, Echinocereus brandegeei, Mammillaria dioica, and native blue fan palms in a small remote canyon, to name only a few.

We stayed in moderately priced hotels until we discovered the always clean La Pinta/ Desert Inn Hotel. They had a coupon book that included a room for two for about $80 per night, 2 drinks and 2 breakfasts. The hotels are spaced out the distance you would want to drive in a day. Some are right on the ocean and they made a reservation for us every day for that night. Lunch was sandwiches on the road as we were usually out looking at plants, missions, the incredible changing landscape, and beaches. Dinner was with La Pinta or some local seafood restaurant. Seeing Baja plants from the ocean up to mountaintops was very exciting, but being in the boojum/cardon forests was something everyone should experience in the area around Catavina. My favorite plant sighting was seeing Stenocereus erucas (creeping devils) in their sandy, foggy habitat. The Atlantic coast beaches are wide and wind swept. The Sea of Cortez beaches are gorgeous, especially in the area around Mulege where you can camp on the beach. Picturesque islands are just off the coast. Our most thrilling experience was petting, yes petting 48-foot whales in the nursery lagoons outside of San Ignacio. If you go, sign up for an inexpensive tour in San Ignacio at the La Pinta Hotel. The van takes you to meet your panga driver. Just six of us were in the boat. The lagoon had about 60 whales and their babies spouting all around us. Mom and babies come right to the boat. (Males are outside the lagoon.) One mom was attracted to my husband Terry, and kept coming right to the boat so he could run his hand along her 48 foot back as she glided by. This was such a thrill. Check out these helpful books when planning your trip: Baja California: The U.S. Border to Cabo San Lucas has maps with details, descriptions, suggestions for lodging, meals, sights, etc. We found the book accurate and very helpful. Baja California Plant Field Guide, by Jon Rebman and Norman C. Roberts, has color photos, descriptions and locations where plants are. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Families Helping Families and Hands of Charity Build Five More Homes in Puerto Peñasco

By Joe Houchin

The week between Christmas and New Years marked another incredible act of kindness by the 10 year old volunteer group, Families Helping Families (FHF) numbering approximately 200 and made up of role model parents and their devoted off spring, mostly of the Mormon faith from Utah and surrounding states. Joining FHF for the second year was Hands of Charity (HOC), a group of 75 volunteers from Alpine, Utah who had heard about this worthy cause and began recruiting enthusiastic volunteers from the local high school and universities. They all understood the commitment before them and were highly motivated to make it happen.

Speaking with HOC organizers, Camie Smith and Lisa Meadors, we learned one of the unique ways HOC came up with to raise funds for the project. They sold virtual “blocks” (like those used in the construction of homes) for donations. Their slogan was “Buy a Block; Build a House; Change a Life.” Of course, to celebrate the success of this fundraiser, what did they do? They held a “Block Party” for the donors! Would we expect anything less from this creative group? Visit their site atwww. These two groups, made up mostly of teens who gave up their Christmas vacation to help the needy in a great cause, came to Rocky Point this trip for the specific purpose of building five homes and finishing three more, all of which will be deeded over to deserving local families in need of shelter who were selected through church contacts here.

Four of the homes built during this trip were on the parcel of land donated by Gus Brown (Sandy Beach Resorts) where the group has already built seven homes. It’s important to note here that the commitment of these young people went beyond just their willingness to perform the hard tasks involved in home construction, each member of the FHF and HOC groups raised the proportionate funds necessary to pay for all the material to build the homes, and, in addition, contributed their own money to cover their expenses for the trip down. Our new mayor, Prof. Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta, came out to see the kids in action and was so impressed he remarked that, “What these young people are doing can set a great example for our own kids here in Puerto Peñasco.” As he walked through a completed home that was recently transferred over to a needy family, the mayor learned that their kids had no money for schooling. The good mayor said he would arrange for them to be enrolled in school. Our blog in June covered the astounding fete of yet another off-shoot of FHF: 180 young people from the Rotary Interact and Rotaract Youth Program from Utah, and the history of the Families Helping Families program which has built 26 homes here since they began in 2001. You can read that blog and learn how FHF families like Rod and Diane Herbert, Ralph and Janene Pew and Jared and Marsha Parker have guided the phenomenal growth and organization of this important project to the huge benefit it now makes to our community at http://www.sonoranresorts. mx/?p=5132. Please enjoy these photos of the project in action taken by local photographer and friend, Tony Ballesteros.

This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

The Weekend of December the 8th Fired up Christmas Holidays for the Kids of Rocky Point

By Joe Houchin

In fact, you could pin it down to Saturday the 8th of December as events were taking place in the far reaches of Puerto Peñasco and beyond and community centers in the northern neighborhoods to the Esperanza para Los Niños shelter some 20 Kilometers outside the city. Beginning in the early afternoon, the very active Uncommon Women on Common Ground hosted and catered a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings including a colorful assortment of mind blowing desserts which they brought to the well-known Esperanza Home for Children located at the end of a dirt road a ways off the Highway to Sonoyta. At least 20 conscientious and very charitable “Uncommon” ladies and many of their spouses hauled container after container of home cooked turkeys, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, and much more from at least ten vehicles to set up shop in the Esperanza kitchen under the eager eyes of over 50 excited children, most of whom, incidentally, were volunteering to help in any way—well those who weren’t otherwise distracted in games planned and hosted by some of the spouses and children of the Uncommon Women members. In spite of the number of adults flowing in and out of the kitchen, spreading table cloths on extra tables that needed to be set up, bringing in more chairs and filling plates of food, the children were all seated and served in short order and it didn’t seem that long before a small groupgathered to play guitars, and one

ukulele, while the rest were attacking the dessert table. In addition to the grateful kids, appreciation was expressed by the management and officials of Esperanza and DIF, the major supporting organization for the children’s home. Among those representing DIF was Samuel Ortega including a special visit by DIF President, First Lady Rafaela Félix de Figueroa, wife of our new Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta among other city officials. At our table was the always thankful Guillermo Zapata Urbalejo, who along with his wife has served as the very effective Director of Esperanza for the last nine years, Sub Director Arturo Parra, and Patron President C.P. José Manuel Barrera Sanchez. Esperanza para Los Niños was founded in 1985 and currently provides shelter, meals, education and supervision for 38 children. In addition to the 38 residents, the Uncommon Women brought 18 children from La Montaña School for children with special needs who shared this special occasion. Fifty percent of the shelter’s funding comes from the government and another 25% comes from American donations. The rest is raised in various fundraisers and in kind services from in and around Puerto Peñasco. La Esperanza para Nueva Vida Community Assistance Center was Chock Full o’ Kids Meanwhile as this Saturday full of caring adults and happy children was progressing stupendously at Esperanza para Los Niños shelter, back in the New Peñasco barrio in north Rocky Point, more joy and abundance was being

imparted to a crowd of approximately 500 children and at least the same number of adult parents who had gathered at La Esperanza para Nueva Vida (Hope for a New Life) Assistance Center. These photos (taken by Barb Olszewski while her husband Mark was melting inside the Santa suit) tell the whole story of how excited, loving, nonchalant, even frightened kids can get at first sight of the jolly bearded cherub of a man bearing seemingly unlimited candy canes to get them warmed up for the hot dogs and many presents awaiting inside the center. Indeed, the parents were equally as joyful as this DIF sponsored center also served as the distribution point for DIF gift boxes of non-perishable food items for them to take home. Between Santa and dozens of big hearted volunteers, it was insured that no one would go home empty handed (or empty tummied!) on this great Saturday afternoon. Even the First Lady Rafaela Félix de Figueroa, who seemed to be everywhere on this Saturday, came by to help brighten the children’s day (and brighten Santa’s day as well!). She and her entourage left for Esperanza Children’s Shelter after a nice visit at the center. La Esperanza para Nueva Vida, an allvolunteer neighborhood social assistance facility, was founded eight years ago by Harold and Kathy Tuttle and Robert and Pamela Martin. The organization has grown steadily in the direction of its goals thanks to the dedication of folks like Blanca Estela Soto Ayala, a licensed Physical Therapist in her parallel life, who has served as the volunteer Director and President of the organization since its

beginning; and folks like Mark and Barb Olszewski, the couple who seem to help everyone in this community and who founded the charity “Adopt-a-Classroom” that provides supplies, and in many cases, repairs to nine local schools in Puerto Peñasco and another one in Puerto Lobos. ( They got involved with this center in 2007 and are credited with raising thousands of dollars toward the construction of two buildings and a basketball court. The buildings have enabled the center to provide classes to teach sewing, hair cutting cooking and computer skills, using equipment donated largely through the efforts of Mark and Barb. Residents of the neighborhood as well as the surrounding local community of “New Peñasco” have consistently donated their time and skills to the progress of the center. Saturday the 8th of December was no exception as parents and older kids alike chipped in on chores from emptying trash to making and serving hot dogs to the overwhelming crowd. For more information on this effective non-profit organization, visit http://www.laesperanzaparanuevavida. The web site is in Spanish but Google will translate it for you very quickly. That is what was happening on December the 8th to make Christmas a happy occasion to hundreds of needy kids in Puerto Peñasco. Wishing you Peace and Prosperity for the New Year, we remind you that this article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

2 FISH Ministry Brrrrrrrrr...It’s cold in Peñasco! Many of those that we serve through 2 FISH ministry didn’t have a holiday celebration and now they’ve been hit with unusually cold weather which makes life very difficult for those living in make-shift homes or on the streets. We are so thankful that we are able to provide one hot meal a day for many living in poor conditions whether it is in a home or on the street. We have countless people begging on our streets and in front of nearly every building and our desire is to feed them so this begging decreases. We encourage anyone who encounters these beggars to send them to 2 FISH for a meal. As we all know, many of them use any cash that they are given for drugs or alcohol. If they truly need food, we can help meet that need. We are putting out a request for blankets and warm clothing. We are always in need of blankets in the winter, but this winter there is more need because of the unseasonably cold weather.

As always we want to thank all of you who have been so generous in you’re giving to 2 FISH. We welcome donations of non perishable foods, clothing, and blankets; of course, there is always a place for any cash donated. Donations can be left at the main kitchen located on Keno between Numeros and the old Rocky Tile store. Cash donations can be mailed to Mission Heartbeat, P.O. Box 1032, Lukeville, AZ 85342. Please make your checks payable to Mission Heartbeat and note that it is for 2 FISH. All donations are tax deductible. We thank all of you in advance for any help you are able to give. If you have any questions, please contact Becky at (405) 227-9433

P.S. We need the following: We need 6’ or 8’TABLES and CHAIRS for a third kitchen. VOLUNTEERS to cook or serve from 1PM to 3PM. PEOPLE to call on markets and fruit and vegetable stands for any kind of food, or canned goods which are about to expire.

“…but Jesus answered; you give them something to eat” Mark 6:37


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Mexico Beach Bum—a Way of Life… a Bar…a Restaurant…and Fun!















37 40




They held a big Grand Opening on Friday October 12th with special guest and Rocky Point favorite, Mark Mulligan. Stop by next time you’re down at the Malecón and get to know these two “hands-on” owners. It will be rare if one

46 48



59 62

ACROSS 1. Mar. follower 4. Chop up 8. Crazes 12. Cowl 14. Some tablecloths 16. Jumble 17. Wartime friend 18. Bracing medicine 19. Divorce town 20. Kitchen mixers 22. Neither rhyme nor__ 24. Like lemon chiffon 25. King of the jungle? 26. Lawn covering 29. Most aloof 32. Boston’s Old __ Church 33. Throws 34. Quill tip 36. “Dear __” 37. Cable hookups 38. Aria 39. Pay court to 40. Nacho chip dip 41. Gruff 42. Bed that rolls under another bed 44. Printer’s machine 45. Poles 46. Roller coaster feature 48. Spread out 51. Some officers 55. Cowardly in Oz 56. Thrill 58. Road rapidly 59. Son of Isaac 60. Singer Bobby 61. Trailer type









or both of them are not there. In fact, to see what Mike and Rick have done with the locale will be worth a special trip. Mike’s glib enthusiasm and Rick’s dry wit are included with every visit, too! “We have combined the building into one seamless experience featuring casual dining in a relaxed tropical atmosphere. Enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner with an international flair and the best unobstructed view of the Sea of Cortez in Puerto Peñasco. Sunsets from our balcony are breathtaking while enjoying the music you grew up with and your favorite beverage from our fine bar staff. Mexico Beach Bum is open 7 days a week. The restaurant is currently open from 11am to 10pm and will soon open earlier for breakfast which is now served anytime during open hours. The downstairs bar hours are 11am to close and the upstairs bar is open from 11am to close”. This article is brought to you by the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.














10:00 PM with plans to open earlier for breakfast. Elisa will make you breakfast anytime.







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61 63


62. Beavers’ building projects 63. Private rooms 64. Tennis round DOWN 1. Moby-Dick’s nemesis 2. Canvass 3. Part 4. Attention-giving person 5. Tusk material 6. Tins 7. Yale student 8. Hunt for food 9. British brews 10. Fred Flintstone’s pet 11. Anon 13. Ming, for one 15. Parchment rolls 21. Plate 23. Finished up 25. Seoul’s land

26. Chew upon 27. R2D2, for one 28. Bower of roses, e.g. 29. Hex 30. Sleeper’s noise 31. Money drawers 33. Ant abodes 35. Young men 37. Walked like a duck 28. Exceed 40. Flaky downfall 41. Stain 43. Neptune’s neighbor 46. Language of Caesar 47. Golf tournaments 48. Arctic taxi 49. Leaning Tower city 50. Wander about 51. Mind 52. Summertime treats 53. Appoint 54. Vexed state 57. Lass’s mate


The bar and restaurant was opened in what was the Wrecked at the Reef, ‘downstairs, and La Palapa, ‘upstairs’ after a rather radical remodeling and paint makeover to create a somewhat different tropical beach laid back atmosphere; “a way of life” where you can chill and ponder amidst continuous tunes you grew up with…and choose from a variety of food dishes created by Chef Elisa Mendoza Ornelas who owned her own restaurant in San Felipe and has worked under chefs in Puerto Peñasco for the last eight years. Originally from Michoacán, Chef Elisa’s specialty is in the creation of tasty, original sauces for her seafood, shrimp and chicken dishes for the unique menu of the Mexico Beach Bum Bar and Restaurant that includes lunch and dinner from 11:00 AM until



Two guys are sitting at a bar…a cliché you’ve heard a thousand times; and “This ain’t no joke;” another cliché that has hit the thousand mark in your mind. However, not in the case of the origin of Mexico Beach Bum Bar and Restaurant, Rocky Point’s newest hangout to go chill out at the Malecón. Perhaps on the upstairs terrace across from the Sea of Cortez as you ponder the deeper questions of life, like, how deep the ocean would be if sponges didn’t grow in it… and other mysteries. So, anyway, back to these two guys sitting at a bar, the Tiki Beach Bar at the Sonoran Sky Resort Condominiums to be exact, in January of this very year. Mike Curnow was visiting Rocky Point (and Mexico) for the first time from Butte, Montana, home of the renowned “Pork Chop Sandwich”. In fact Mike had grown up in the restaurant business. Like most first time visitors, he was still in awe of the pure natural beauty of the Sea of Cortez, the clean sandy beaches and the friendly people in this budding destination. Enter the second guy and sits next to Mike who immediately noticed Rick’s clever T-shirt and introduced himself to Rick Novak, a veteran visitor to Mexico, having lived in Mazatlán and recently relocated to Puerto Peñasco. Rick grew up in Spokane, Washington and was a successful entrepreneur having built businesses in Surprise, Arizona and Reno, Nevada as well as West Africa, India and other parts of the world. The T-shirt Rick was wearing that got Mike’s attention had the logo “Mexican Beach Bum” with the caption “A Way of Life”. These two hit it off almost immediately with a big dose of rapport fueling a long friendly conversation about their respective backgrounds, during which Rick had mentioned that



By Joe Houchin

he was creating a line of clothing based on the logo and slogan beginning with the T-shirt. That’s when Mike came up with the suggestion, “Why don’t we open a restaurant and bar with your theme?” Rick promptly replied to Mike’s suggestion with, “No way!” (Remember, “This ain’t no joke!”) It turns out Rick wasn’t the only salesman among the two, and the rest is recent history on how the Mexico Beach Bum Bar and Restaurant came to be in Puerto Peñasco. Before Mike returned from that first trip to Mexico in January, he had purchased a condominium at the Sonoran Sea, and less than eight months later he and Rick had opened the Mexico Beach Bum Bar and Restaurant. Talk about making a decision and not looking back? • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •





The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •









Founder: Nancy Phelan: 383-1012 Leon de la Barra (Calle 15), 3 blocks east of the main blvd. Benito Juarez AACORP Tax Deductible Donations PO Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341 A group dedicated to helping the stray animals by providing no-cost spay and neuter clinics, adoption, dog and cat food, medicine and medical care. The center is run solely on donations and is an Arizona 501(c)3 non-profit corporation so all of your donations are taxdeductible. The center is always in desperate need of dog, cat, kitten and puppy food, animal toys, bedding, cleaning supplies, old towels and blankets as well as medicine and monetary donations to pay vet bills, purchase animal food and medicine. Please drop off food/supplies directly to the center.

(044-638) 100-8471 English Speaking Meetings Mon & Wed 10-11am & 6-7pm, Sun 9am 48 Campeche & Manuel Arista (Next to Galindo’s Cafe) Thu 10AM Big Book Study Sat. 9:30am above Candy Cake in Old Port Newcomers/Book Study Meeting

Want a book to read? Have an extra one? We have a free book and movie exchange in our office. You do not need to bring a book or movie to take one, two or as many as you like. All we ask is that you return them once you are finished with them. Hardbacks, paperbacks, self-help, magazines, children’s, etc. We have everything! Also VHS and DVDs. Donate your extras.

Director: Ruben Rodriguez Rico Phone: 383-2599 Ave. Miguel Hidalgo (Calle 13) and Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Casa Hogar is supported solely on donations and they always welcome visitors to sing and play games. Take Blvd. Fremont toward Las Conchas, make a left at the Pemex station, cross over the rrx tracks and they are on your left. If you would like to make a donation you can make a check to: Madre Silvia Gomez and drop it off at the home. You may drop checks or donations off at the Rocky Point Times office.

Sally Dalton: 382-5283 (Xochitl’s Cafe) Donations payable to: Cholla Charity Fund Send to: Kathy Barnard 1547 E. Royal Palm Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85020 Organization that helps Mexican families, who live and work in Cholla Bay, with unexpected expenses such as medical, living, funeral, etc. They also collect and distribute blankets and warm clothing for children in Cholla Bay. Donations may be dropped off at Xochitl’s Cafe in Cholla Bay.

Children’s Home: I.A.P., Casa Hogar para niños desamparados 383-2378 Off of Hwy. 8, 15 mi. N of Rocky Point PO Box 1024, Lukeville, AZ 85341 Secretary: Jose Manuel Barrera Sanchez Treasurer: Florencia Lucila G. Miron The children’s home is located outside of town, apx. 15 miles, and houses anywhere from 10 to 40 children. It provides temporary housing for families that cannot afford to take care of their children or are having a hard time. This is not an orphanage - these children are not up for adoption. They are always in need of cleaning supplies and fresh food (not canned items).

AMPI Asociacion Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios Real Estate Professionals Association AMPI represents profesionalism in real estate and enforces ethical standards. It is a national association, one of 53 chapters in Mexico, and endorsed by Mexico’s Federal Government. They provide the MLS website, are operated by members and committed to education through bilingual programs. Associated with NAR and AAR in the U.S. Since 2007, Sonora State Law requires all Real Estate Agents to be licensed. Is your agent licensed? SOCIAL MIXERS - EVERYONE WELCOME usually on the 2nd Wed. of every month BOARD MEMBER MEETINGS 1st Thursday of every month GENERAL MEETING 2nd Thursday of every quarter 2013 OFFICERS: President: Gretchen Ellinger President-Elect: Rommel Bustamante Secretary: Randi Alcott Treasurer: Rebecca Palomino V.P. MLS: Jonni Francis V.P. Legal: Ricardo Borquez V.P. Ethics: Grant McKenzie Sr. V.P. Membership: Glen Martinez V.P. Events: Liane Armstrong V.P. Public Relations: Mary Snyder V.P. Education: Gretchen Ellinger V.P. Language & Culture: Milton Felix


AMERICAN LEGION POST MX 15 Located in the Mirador Lower floor of Los Juanes Restaurant ½ block north of Matamoros (Pink Cadillac) on Chihuahua Open daily 11AM to 7PM Kitchen open (except Sundays) 11AM to 3PM 2012 OFFICERS: Commander: Paul Raddatz (715) 557-0354 First Vice Commander: Michael Dugas General Meetings First Tuesday of every month at 6 pm (Oct-June) Contact the Post for dinner specials and special events scheduled throughout the year MagicJack (602) 539-0381 Mexico phone (011-52-638) 388-8841 Email NEW MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES WELCOME!

AMOR MINISTRIES International Headquarters: 1664 Precision Park Lane San Diego, CA 92173 Phone: (619) 662-1200 Amor Ministries builds more than 1,000 new homes across Mexico for Mexican families. They are selected to receive homes by the Mexico Ministry Planning Board. Pastors discern the needs within their community, present their nominations and one (or more) are selected to receive a new home built by Amor volunteers.

ANTI-GRAFFITI CAMPAIGN Founder: Eloy Gonzalez: 044-638-112-0898 Group dedicated to wiping out the unsightly graffiti in Puerto Peñasco. Donations of paint, brushes, rollers, and your time are always welcome and needed.

BARB’S DOG RESCUE Provides basic school supplies, computers, copiers, chalkboards, etc. to local classrooms Founder: Barbara Olszewski: 383-4963 (602) 324-9529 Donations can be dropped off at the Rocky Point Boat Trips Office or sent to Barb at: PO Box 695, Lukeville, AZ 85341

AGRUPACION GEORGE PAPNICOLAOU 383-4399: Madrid and Ave. Marcelo Pino Cancer clinic dedicated to early prevention. Screenings and tests available. MONTHLY MEETINGS 1st Thurs. of every month PATIENT CONSULTATIONS Wednesday 9AM-1PM PAPSMEARS Friday 9AM-2PM by appointment only Please call 1 to 2 weeks prior

ALANON Donna (044-638) 109-3766 Email: English speaking meeting every Friday 5PM 48 Campeche & Manuel Arista (next to Galindo’s Café) at the Passport AA Club.

Help Us Help Them. We are a concerned group of dog lovers working to better the lives of Peñasco’s dogs. We are expanding our facility on the edge of town where we house dogs. We are committed to taking in abandoned and neglected dogs, maintaining and rehabilitating them in a healthy environment and finding loving permanent homes. We ask for your help. Virtually every dog that comes to us is malnourished and in poor health. The need is great. Visit Barb’s Dog Shelter located 8 miles north of Rocky Point on the highway to Sonoyta, where you will see signs. Donations are also accepted at Twin Dolphins Real Estate on Fremont Blvd, next to Cruz Roja. E-Mail BarbsDogRescue@aol.comm Visit us on Facebook or Call Barb at (044-638) 114-1659 or Dee at (044-638) 384-0113 or from the US (602) 324-7241.

BOOK & EXCHANGE Rocky Point Times Office Ave. Pino Suarez (off Calle 13) Phone: 383-6325: Mon.-Wed. 9am-5pm Free Book, VHS and DVD exchange for all Rocky Point residents and visitors.

BUNCO BABES Sandy Spain 388-0857/(044-638) 109-4109 Ladies play Bunco at 6:30pm on the last Wed. of every month at Giuseppi’s on Blvd. Fremont

CEDO Center for the Study of Oceans & Deserts Phone: 382-0113 or (520) 829-4501 Located in Las Conchas, look for the Fin Whale skeleton Mon. - Sat. 9AM-5PM; Sun. 10AM-2PM PO Box 1579, Lukeville, AZ 85341 CEDO is the Intercultural Center for the Study of Oceans and Deserts. Home to a giant fin whale skeleton and a desert botanical garden, CEDO is a field station for researchers and school classes, an education center with library, laboratories, book store and gift shop - An Intercultural Experience. CEDO is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, education and conservation of the planet’s last great frontiers: the Sea of Cortez. LOTS OF FUN AND GREAT EXPERIENCE FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS! FREE PUBLIC TOURS Every Tuesday 2PM; Saturday 4PM CEDO ADVENTURES FOR EVERYONE Kayak Capers Explore beautiful Estero Morua with expert guides. Local ecology talk, kayak rental, picnic feast,drinks all in an environment rich with shore birds, crabs and halophytes. Estero Excursions Oyster farms, fiddler crabs and the “shrimp dance” are part of this walking tour of a pristine upper Gulf wetland. Kayak Estero Morua and/or tour with CEDO experts. Tidepool Explorations Explore the tidepools with CEDO experts. Explore the Sand Dunes Spectacular Gran Desierto de Altar. This sea of natural dunes is the world’s largest. An experience you won’t forget! Pinacate Adventure Explore the geologic wonders of the Pincate Biosphere Reserve on a tour with CEDO experts. Isla San Jorge Snorkel with the sea lions in their natural habitat at Bird Island or just enjoy the scenery from the boat and take photos. A must do trip!

C.I.D.A Director: Joaquin Celaya Rendon Phone: 044-638-102-0514 Call for directions Shelter providing housing, food and care for those addicted to drugs and alcohol.

CANACO-SERV Y TUR Puerto Peñasco Chamber of Commerce Servicios y Turismos de Pto. Peñasco Phone: 383-2848 Fax: 383-4468 Located on Blvd. Fremont and Coahuila Monday - Friday 8AM-3PM President: Lorenzo Cuadras Rojo Manager: Maria Elena Garcia

(Please note that our Chamber of Commerce is not like those that you find in U.S. cities and do not provide the same services and information.)

Help to pay their electric bill, especially during the summer months, is always needed. You may also make a donation at a local grocery store for the purchase food and items.

CONNECTION CLUB Meets every Thursday at 4:00 pm at The Light House on Whale Hill. Sandy Spain: 388-0857 Brenda Barden: 044-386-9197 Want to meet folks in Puerto Peñasco? Come to The Connection, a happy hour gathering where you can meet a great group of people. Married? Single? Full-time or part-time resident? Mexican, American, other nationality, young, mature? It doesn’t matter. Everyone is welcome.



Center for Technological Sea Studies Phone: 382-0010 Monday - Sunday 10am-5pm Cost: $4 adults, $2 children $2 for food to feed turtles, etc. GREAT FUN FOR KIDS AND ADULTS! Cet-Mar invites you to their aquarium which displays native species of the intertidal zone and the northern gulf coast. To get to Cet-Mar take Blvd. Fremont and exit toward Las Conchas. The Cet-Mar Aquarium is located just past the school on the right.

Puerto Peñasco Animal Control Dedicated to prevention and disease control Mon-Fri 8am-3pm, Phone: 388-5152 Coordinator: Dra. Socorro Canine Tech.: Mario Lopez Sub-Director: Jesus Bejarano Social Worker: Marina Soto Siqueiros We always welcome donations of dog food, supplies and medicine

CHOLLA BAY CHRISTMAS PARTY Donations payable to: Cholla Bay Christmas Fund Please send to: Nancy Schmidli 10645 W Connecticut Ave., Sun City, AZ 85351 An organization that celebrates a Christmas party for their fellow Cholla Bay Mexican neighbors in early December. Santa shows up for pictures with the kids, children get to pick a gift for their mother, take a crack at the piñata, have a group sing-along and munch on hot dogs and chips. After all the fun, Santa delivers gifts for the children and food boxes for the families.

D.I.F. Desarrollo Integral de la Familia Sinaloa and Ruiz Cortines Directora: Mayor’s Wife Supported solely by donations, this social service organization offers medical aid and a variety of services for needy families. If you know of a family in need you may contact DIF for help. They hold many public fundraisers throughout the year to raise money. CHILDREN’S HOME D.I.F. is building a children’s home on Calle Marcelo Pino and Callejon Benito Juarez. When completed, the home will be equipped to accommodate 50 children ranging in ages from newborns to 11 years. Children will be

CHOLLA BAY SPORTSMENS CLUB Also referred to as the CBSC Dues: $40, Payable to CBSC PO Box 1320, Lukeville, AZ 85341 The Cholla Bay Sportsmens Club is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and staffing the VHF Marine Channel 28 for the northern Sea of Cortez as well as CB Radio Channel 3. The CBSC pays the salary of the operator, aides in search and rescue operations and can aid in the transportation of critical victims. They also publish the Cholla Chatter and put on numerous events during the year such as the CBSC Fishing Derby, Horseshoe Tournament and other fun stuff held in Cholla Bay. 2012 OFFICERS President: Mike Dugan Vice-President: Pat Goodin: 382-5056 Secretary: Billie Crumbley: 382-5133 Treasurer: Enedina Otañez: 382-5142 Membership: Laura McIntyre 2012 BOARD MEMBERS Sal Otañez, Rhea Dugan, Don Schinidli, Paul Schoonover, Shirley McDonald, Tammy Hicks, Larry McIntyre, Kelly and Dave Adams The CBSC provides an invaluable service for those at sea and promotes good relations between American visitors and our Mexican neighbors.


taken care of until their families have complied with the rehabilitation period, treatments, or requests by SDMF. The home is located on Calle Marcelo Pino and Callejon Benito Juarez, just behind the Basic Unit Rehabilitation Center of D.I.F.

EL GOLFO RUN Tom & Sandra O’Hare Rocky Point Times Newspaper 383-6325 or from U.S. (602) 476-1939 The El Golfo Run is a fun bi-annual 4x4 trip (May and Oct) to El Golfo de Santa Clara through the

desert, salt flats and onto the beach - even the coastal hwy. All 4x4’s welcome to join. There is no charge, fee, etc., you pay for your own motel and food when you get there. (Must have a sense of humor and be very patient.)

ESPERANZA DE VIDA Darlene Laura and Carole Fields Ave. Pino Suarez No. 143, Col. El Ferrocarril, Playa “F” Provides clothes, food, toys and medicine to the children/families in Colonia Nueva area.

GREEN ANGELS Angeles Verdes Hwy. 8 Patrol: Sunrise to Sunset Pull off shoulder and raise vehicle hood EMERGENCY DIAL 078 Provides assistance, tourist aid, information and emergency radio service for travellers on Hwy. 8 from Sonoyta to Rocky Point. Bilingual “Green Angels” provide protection service, medical aid and basic mechanical aid. There is no charge for mechanical service, you will only pay for auto parts, gas, oil, etc.

GRUPO SAN PEREGRINO Spiritual Support Cancer Group Dra. Arminda Gonzalez: 110-4934 Glenda Lopez: 383-2414 Mariana Perez: (044-638) 102-0564 The group’s mission is to provide spiritual and monetary support to individuals in Rocky Point that are affected by cancer.

GUARDIAN ANGELS Ramon Ramos: 388-5362/(044-638) 112-0350 Started by Linda and Guy Scholey, and taken over by Ramon since their departure, the Guardian Angels puts on a Christmas party for Escuela La Montaña, the school for handicapped children. Every year donators select a special child to buy a gift for. With donations received, they are also able to provide hot meals for the children throughout the year.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Hábitat para la Humanidad, Mexico A.C. Pedro Martínez, English Spoken: 383-4323 Habitat for Humanity builds homes for families in need all over the world.

HELPING HANDS Manos de Ayuda, Inc. 383-5287 or (520) 760-8645 President: Ramon Contreras Pamela J. Lyke Marquez: Manos de Ayuda, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that provides rehabilitation, health education, medical and therapy equipment and supplies to children with special needs. They also help with construction modifications at a nursing home, a free clinic, and day care facility. These projects are made possible by volunteer efforts and financial assistance. Your help is always needed.

I.R.A.D. Director: Julio Alberto Lucero Arreola 044-638-109-2566 Located off of Cholla Bay Road I.R.A.D. is the institute for the recovery of drug addicts and alcoholics. The shelter houses, feeds and cares for those persons addicted. They rely and operate solely on donations and often sell candy to raise money to keep the centers open. They will always present their identification.

LAS CONCHAS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. Phone: 382-0050 Guard Gate: 382-0095 President: Ginger Beauchamp Executive Vice President: Marcia Florian Vice President: Randi Alcott Treasurer: Georgia Mastin Secretary: Mary Inserra


A non-profit organization in Puerto Peñasco dedicated to enriching the lives of the children and their families. The organization provides medical assistance, assists families, offers education and assists in the general enrichment of children’s lives. The group holds many events during the year including golf tournaments, a children’s walk, triathlon, concerts and a New Year’s Eve Bash.

PINACATE BIOSPHERE RESERVE Fundación para Conservación del Pinacate, A.C. Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM U.S. Mail: PO Box 745, Ajo, AZ 85321



Phone: 383-2488 Ave. Niños Heroes and Juan Aldama President: Francisco Eugenio Amaya Angulo Women’s Committee President Maby Corim Soto Mendivil Some of their programs include info. & action for the prevention of hypertension and diabetes, prescription glasses, eye surgery, supply wheelchairs, braces, crutches, etc. Donations of eyeglasses, or any other items may be dropped off at the office of the RPTimes.

El Pinacate Biosphere Reserve is considered one of the most unique volcanic zones in the world. The conservation of these gigantic craters and the surrounding areas are an important part of our ancient history and culture. Self guided hikes, overnight camping and exploring are allowed in the area provided you do not harm, disrupt or take plants, wildlife or artifacts from the area. Visitors must register at the office as they enter the reserve. The reserve is located at the halfway town (Nayarit) between Rocky Point and Sonoyta. Also located near this area is Gran Desierto de Altar, home to the largest area of natural sand dunes.

MEN’S SHELTER Centro de Rehabilitación para Adultos y Jovenes La Esperanza A.C. Local Director: C. José de La Cruz Bravo 044-638-106-4079 On Simon Morua behind the new cemetery The center helps men in need by providing clothing, housing, job training and food. They run solely on donations.

NUEVA CREACION Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Sub Directors: Gregorio Soto Rodriguez and Guadalupe de Soto Phone: 044-638-105-9804 Calle Juan Aldama No. 527 Go to the new cemetary, turn right, go one block and turn left and 6 blocks ahead you will see the center.

OA Overeaters Anonymous Tuesdays 9:30AM Manuel Arista (some as AA) Phone: 044-638-103-3405 48 Campeche Ave.

OLD BOYS SOCIAL CLUB President: Lew Felton Fun group that hold meetings every month and puts on a variety of fun activities such as the Bash every year and donates to local charities and organizations.

PEÑASCO CHILDRENS FOUNDATION Founder: Steve Schwab Coordinator: Richard C. LaNasa Established 2003 520-232-2241 PO Box 70121, Tucson, AZ 85737

PISTA LOS PATOS SAND DRAGS Phone: 383-3105 Super fast racers from all over the U.S. and Mexico race each other down the sandy track, which is located just north of town. Everyone welcome. Events are held throughout the year, call above for schedule and times.

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN Professional Business Women’s Club Meetings each Tuesday 8PM Phone: 383-2052 Monday - Friday 9AM - 1PM Constitucion and Serdán esq. # 1 This association of professional business women meets once a week and helps young women who are finishing school - high school or college and who have economic needs.


Business Phone: 383-2266 Monetary donations can be made in person, to the Red Cross people with their cans out when you see them in the street or you may deposit directly into their account: Banamex Acct# 7661161 SUC. 472 Located on Blvd. Fremont, across from the Fire Department (Bomberos) SERVICES ARE FREE OF CHARGE The Red Cross offers its services free of charge to the general public. They handle a number of minor injuries such as stings, bites, cuts, sprains, broken bones, etc. They have ambulance service and offer their services 24 hours a day. They work with local doctors and clinics to provide emergency care for patients with more serious injuries. They operate solely on donations, so please donate when you can. They are always in need of medical supplies, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. You may drop off donations at the Red Cross or at the office of the Rocky Point Times. The Red Cross can fill Portable Oxygen Tanks with prior notice.



Brenda Barden: 044-638-386-9197 The Puerto Peñasco Chapter gets together on the last Monday of the month at 1PM (Oct.June) to have lunch and show off their “red hats and purple dresses”. All ladies welcome. Call for reservations or info.

Also known as S.O.B.S. President: Bob Adams: 382-5034 Business meeting 5:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of every HAPPY HOUR SOCIAL GATHERING Group meets every Wednesday (except 1st one) at Puesta del Sol at Playa Bonita Resort. Single in Peñasco? Come and join the “SOBS”, a great group of singles who get together every week and also coordinate fun events such as trips, events throughout the year.

REHABILITATION CENTER Unidad Basica de Rehabilitacion Therapy for the handicap and those with special needs. Consultations accepted. Coordinator: Esperanza Lopez Trasviña Phone: 383-1918 Juan Aldama & Marcelo Pino

ROCKY POINT CHRISTMAS Tab Gray: Family of God Christian Fellowship PO Box 738, Lukeville, AZ 85341

A group of a variety of community members who volunteer their time and efforts to raise money, purchase supplies and provide food bags, shoes and toys at Christmas time for the less fortunate. Every year thousands of children, men and women flock to receive their goodies, take pictures with Santa Claus, play games, eat hot dogs and have a great day. Volunteers spend all year collecting donations and then coordinate efforts a few weeks prior to the big event, which usually takes place mid-December.

S.O.M.E. So Others May Eat Larry D. Large Foundation: 388-5426 Look for the Annual Turkey Trot every November to help support the families of Puerto Peñasco. Volunteers to pack and deliver food boxes are always needed!

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Ginger Phillips: (972) 742-3740 Thrift Store open Monday - Saturday 9am-4pm Run solely on donations Turn W on Samuel Ocaña, go to the first 4-way stop and turn left, go 1 block and turn right, then go 2 blocks and turn left. Thrift store is the light green building located at the end of the street on the right hand side. St. Vincent de Paul helps needy citizens by furnishing clothing, food baskets, medical assistance and basic needs.

SANTA CLAUS CLUB Organizer: John Fowler: 602-840-1528 PO Box 5, Lukeville, AZ 85341 Delivers food boxes, bikes, toys and clothes to needy families all year long. Donations are accepted and transported to Rocky Point year round. If you have a donation pickup in the Phoenix area, call John Fowler or email

SANTIAGO RUIZ SALCIDO ASSOCIATION This group offers help to people in their terminal cancer phase. It is comprised of a group of people who offer care to cancer patients who suffer from a terminal illness, when the time comes that the hospital can do nothing further. The patients are given support to help them have a better quality of life by receiving love, respect, and understanding in their final hours. Contact: awyspot@hotmail. com Santiago Ruiz Salcido Rocky Point cellular (044-638) 384-6166 The groups’ basic needs are adult diapers, Ensure shakes, medicines, hospital beds etc.

2 FISH MINISTERIOS Founder: Pastor Stan Tedrow Peñasco Christian Fellowship Melchor Ocampo & Tecla Bustamante Donations accepted and welcomed at the Felowship Monday Friday 8AM - 2PM or can be dropped off at the Black Dog All gifts are taxdeductible Checks payable to: Mission Heartbeat PO Box 1032, Lukeville, AZ 85341 This rapidly growing organization was created after seeing the desperate need families were faced with when the U.S. economy declined, heavily impacting Mexico, and the peso dropped dramatically. As a result, jobs vanished, more people became homeless and could no longer afford to feed their families. Pastor Stan Tedrow shared his burden to feed the hungry with his congregation, and two feeding sites were born on February 24, 2009 with more being added since then. Currently, citizens can receive a hot meal at Fountain of Life Mission in Colonia San Rafael and at Arizona Taco Place on Constitucion and at Aquiles Serdan across from Hotel Paraiso del Desierto on Constitucion.

TOURISM BUREAU (OCV) Puerto Peñasco Convention & Visitor’s Bureau 388-0444/US Toll Free 877-843-3717 Mexico Toll Free: 01-800-552-2820 Blvd. Fremont. Fremont Plaza #4 Mon-Fri: 9am-2pm & 4-7pm, Sat 9am-3pm President: Hector Vazquez Lic. Ana Laura Saens: 383-7025 Rafael Gonzales V.: 388-0444

UNCOMMON WOMEN ON COMMON GROUND GROUP Rosie Glover: 044-638-112-0134 Group meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30PM for something fun!

WEEKEND MISSIONS 323 Leon de La Barra and Madero (in the old Hotel Villa Granada) 383-1394/(480) 626-5440/(480) 503-8832 Founders: Mark, Jerry and Rusty Renovation Coordinator: Conrad Provides for the physical and spiritual needs of the very poor, widowed and orphaned. Donations of building supplies and other everyday supplies always welcome.

WOMEN’S SHELTER Centro de Rehabilitación para Mujeres La Esperanza A.C. Directora: Hna. Ana Krause: 044-638-102-0869 From Blvd. Samuel Ocaña, turn north at sign on Pto. Ensenada. Go 10 blocks and the women’s center will be on your left, just before the last cross street.

YOUTH SPORTS FOUNDATION 388-1180 Fernando Lopez: Rick Busa: Promotes youth sports in Puerto Peñasco. Donations of sports equipment, uniforms, etc. always welcome. Call for sports schedule and come out to watch the kids play.


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255 • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •

By Chef Mickey 2012 IRON CHEF WINNER!

CLASSIFIEDADS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANIMAL ADOPTION CENTER OF ROCKY POINT – (A 501© tax exempt corporation) Center located north of Benito Juarez on Calle 15 (Leon de la Barra) 3 blocks left corner. Also donation drop point at Giuseppis Espresso on Blvd. Fremont (next to Black Dog) Mexico (011-52-638) 383-1012, Phoenix (602) 412-3932, Tucson (520) 4076594, AACORP P.O. Box 1031, Lukeville, AZ 85341. (#1-AAC) BILINGUAL SERVICES SUNDAY 10AM with Peñasco Christian Fellowship. Bilingual services also offered Wednesday at 7PM. Located ½ block E. of the Melchor Ocampo & Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez intersection. North from Las Conchas Pemex, ½ blk E. at 3rd stop sign past railroad tracks. For more info. call Stan or Becky at 383-4513. (#1-24) JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES KINGDOM HALL Thursday Ministry School & Service Meeting 7pm. Sunday Public Discourse 9:30am. Located on the (baseball) stadium road, on the left, just before the big blvd. Call 382-0049 or 383-3885. (#a-1a) GRUPO UNIDAD CRISTIANOS DE PEÑASCO Pastor Ernesto Portugal. Headphones available for English translation. Sunday service 10:30AM, Thursday Service 7:30PM, Children’s school same hours. Church office open Monday through Friday 9:30AM to 2PM. Located on Simon Morua. Call for info. (011-52-638) 383-2240. (#1-ch) ADOPT-A-CLASSROOM – Charity organization operated for 9 years now by Barb and Mark Olszewski, helping 9 schools and over 2,500 students. If anyone would like to help us with donations of spiral notebooks, pencils, crayons, erasers, rulers, will really be appreciated. You may use the offices of the Rocky Point Times Newspaper for a drop-off-point (off Calle 13-map in paper), or get information at www.rockypointclassroom. com (#1-AAC) PUERTO PEÑASCO ‘ROCKIES’ WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL – Needs team boosters and sponsors!! Visitors are welcome to come watch us practice each Sunday 3-6PM at the Municipal Gymnasium on the main Blvd. at the north end of town. WE NEED DONATIONS to purchase sport wheelchairs for basketball. We ALSO NEED basketballs and uniforms!! Call Mark (602) 324-9529 or in Rocky Point (011-52-638) 383-4963. Email (#1-WC) GIUSEPPIS ESPRESSO – is now a drop off site for Animal Adoption Center of Rocky Point. Giuseppis Espresso is located on Blvd. Fremont between Cruz Roja (Red Cross) and the STOP sign at Sinaloa, next to Black Dog Casino (011-52-638) 383-5181. (#1-AAC) BARB’S DOG RESCUE – located 8 miles north of Rocky Point on the highway to Sonoyta, signs on both sides of highway. Also donation drop off point at Twin Dolphins Real Estate on Blvd Fremont, next to Cruz Roja (Red Cross). Mexico (011-521-638) 114-1659 or (044-638) 384-0113. From the US dial (602) 324-7241. (#1-dg)

SEARCHING FOR A GURU – or Spiritual Guide.CALL DR. VAZQUEZ (011-52-638) 3833014. (#1-V) MERMAID’S MARKET – Arts and Crafts. Showcasing local artisans. First and Third Saturdays 10AM-5PM. Shrimp Plaza (Benito Juarez and Fremont). Verify dates: www. Contact: (# 1-1) ART GALLERIES GALERIA DEL MAR BERMEJO – The finest in Authentic Mexican Art. Largest selection of Mata Ortiz Pottery & Jewelry-Certified Huichol Yarn Paintings by Artist, Juan SilvaCertified Bronze Sculpture by Felipe Chavez Hernandez-Certified unique jewelry of sterling silver and semiprecious stones featuring sponge and coral. Virgin Saints and AngelsDaniel Espinosa-Charles Alpert-Mara La Madrid. Books, * Books, * Books (children’s bilingual, decorator, culinary and more). Located behind the church in Old Port. Open 7 days from 10AM to 5PM. MasterCard and Visa accepted. From the U.S. dial (011-52638) 383-3488 (phone and fax), or email: (#9-1) VILLA DEL ARTE OWNER, VICTOR ALEMAN is a world renowned spray paint artist here in Rocky Point. His Village of Artesanias is located on Hwy. 8, just north of Rocky Point (before you go over the last hill). He is building the village out of adobe and sells a huge variety of statues, pots, fountains, tables, benches and much more. Open 7 days a week 9AM - 5PM. Phone Victor locally at (044-638) 105-7839, or from the U.S. at (011521-638) 105-7839. (#9-4) BEAUTY SALONS GLORIAS BEAUTY SALON SINCE 1969! We do it all and we carry a full line of beauty supplies. Gloria’s Beauty Shop is located on Constitucion, just before Super Ley Market. Phone locally at 383-5075 or from the U.S. (011-52-638) 383-5075 for an appointment, ask for Gloria. English Spoken. (#25-13) PBC- Peñasco Beauty Center- Only American Salon in Rocky Point. Full line AVON Beauty Supplies. Hair, Nails, Facials, Manicures and Pedicures cell (044-638) 1063611. On Constitucion, across from Super Ley. (#25-1) BILL PAYING SERVICE DON’T GET CUT OFF!! BILL PAYING Service with 48 years experience for Rocky Point and Cholla Bay residents! See Patty at Mexico Bonito Realty located just off Cholla Bay Road. Local call us at 383-5737 or 383-4111, or from the U.S. dial (602) 476-1837. Visit our website at or email us at or patricia@ (#30-1) WHILE YOU’RE AWAY I’LL PAY YOUR electric, water, phone, bills, etc. Since 1993 I’ve been working with Immigration services. English/Spanish spoken. References available. Call Silvia Villa at Premium Services, locally at 383-5758, or from the U.S. dial (602) 476-1187, or email me at (#30-2)

BOATS FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY – 60FT. CATAMARAN PARTY boat. Person can live aboard, bathroom, kitchen, bed, gas engine. 50 people charter. Sunset Cruise Bay tours. Mex cell (044-638) 110-6322 U.S. (702) 4488723 (#34-1) CATERING LA COCINA de RAMON - Ave. Francisco González Bocanegra (638) 388-5362 (#50-1) COFFEE AND COFFEE HOUSES MAX’S CAFÉ: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, Dinner, Pizza, Full Espresso and Liquor Bar. Free Wireless Internet & Phone to the U.S. Located in front of Hotel Peñasco del Sol. Live Music Thur-Sun 8PM-11PM 383-1011. (#56-5) BEST COFFEE IN TOWN - XOCHITLS CAFE (Sally’s place) in Cholla Bay. Not to mention awesome food! Breakfast 6AM-2PM! You can’t beat her chiles rellenos and spinach omelet. Call to order ahead 382-5283. (#56-10) GIUSEPPIS ESPRESSO - Inside or Outside seating. On Blvd. next to Black Dog Casino. Open for Breakfast @ 7AM. Espresso, latte, mocha,’s all here. Leashed, well behaved dogs always welcomed. (011-52638) 383-5181 (#56-6)




BAR W/LIQUOR LICENSE - Indoor/Outdoor for special events and concerts. In Mirador, across from Hotel Mirador. Call Eva Paz for info (623) 202-3301 (011-521) 638-113-1284. (#85-1)

PRINCESA B502 – $259,900 3 bed, 2 Bath. Extraordinary ocean view, fully furnished. Bank Trust in place. Call Pablo Realty. Licensed Sonora Real Estate Agent. (602) 288-8687 or email (#102-5)


PRINCESA E506 – $549,900 E BED, 2 BATH. Beachfront View. Fully furnished. Bank Trust, LLC in place. Great rental. Call Pablo Realty, Licensed Sonora Real Estate Agent. (602) 288-8687 or email (#102-4)

CONTRA PLAGAS - COCKROACHES, Termites, mosquitoes, flies, bees, fire ants, fleas, scorpions, spiders, rats, ants, mice. We have our Federal License. English spoken. Call Antonio Mendivil, owner at 383-8787. 24 hour emergency phone dial (044-638) 380-5136. (#126-1)

TABLE SAW FOR SALE - Like new condition $120.00usd (011-52-638) 383-1012 (#86-15) 1997 RODEO ISUZU, GOOD A/C and tires. Runs good. Silver in color. $2,200 dlls - call Nancy 383-1012 or in Phoenix (602) 4123932. Car is in Rocky Point. (#86-14) ROCKY POINT SPECIAL - 1996 5th wheel. Wife says sell! 32ft. w/ slide out, microwave, washer/dryer. September Blue Book $4,500 wholesale. Sell for $2,899 dlls. Glen Webster (602) 741-3167 email (# 86-9) SAILBOAT - 2005, 15’ West Wight Potter, Honda 2hp motor, EZ Loader trailer. Stored inside at Cholla Bay. Good as new. Great buy at $5,900usd. (1-970) 254-1127 USA. (#86-1) NISSAN OUTBOARD - motor, 6 hp, new, never used, $950USD. Stored inside at Cholla Bay. Call (1-970) 254-1127 USA.(#86-2)

GIUSEPPIS ESPRESSO - Open weekends in the Activity Center at the Sonoran Spa Resort, on Sandy Beach. (#56-7)

9’ LIVINGSTON BOAT - Good Condition, $400USD. Stored inside at Cholla Bay. Call (1-970) 254-1127 USA. (#86-3)


AUTHENTIC GERMAN SAUSAGES – Walter’s Brats Sausages for sale everyday, come and taste it fresh from the BBQ Every Fri & Sat. 3PM - 7PM. Corner of Blvd Fremont & Nuevo Leon. (044-638) 110-4970. (#86-17).

WANT A DENTIST WHO USES THE latest in technology and equipment when getting your teeth cared for? Ernesto Grijalva, D.D.S. comes highly recommended by all of his patients – ask anyone of them! Stop by his office located on Blvd. Fremont, just south of the fire dept. or call Mario for an appointment (011-52-638) 383-3434. (#64-3) FM3 SERVICES SERVICES FOR AMERICANS – FM3 / FM2, Visas, Tax ID Numbers (Hacienda Registration), accounting services, bill paying and more. Office location: Sun Valley Business and Immigration Service, Plaza del Sol, Local No. 8 (north side of Blvd. Fremont). Call local at 383-8891, from the U.S. dial (520) 829-4340 or email or Dynorasvisa@ English spoken. (#79-9) FM2/FM3/RFC/HACIENDA/IMSS - DO YOU need help obtaining any of these documents? Premium Services has been working with Immigration, Social Security, Hacienda and all government offices helping Americans, for over 17 years, obtain the documents they need fast and without hassles. If you don’t speak Spanish, or just want someone to help guide you through the process, call Silvia Villa at Premium Services at 383-5758, or from the U.S. dial (602) 476-1187 or sivife@hotmail. com. Translations from English to Spanish or Spanish to English also available – any document you need translated. Call Silvia whenever you need help with anything from bill paying to ordering flowers! (#79-1)

INSURANCE SERVICES INSURANCE AND BONDING AGENCY REAL estate - Mexican & American Insurance: Auto, boat, life, house, commercial. Yolanda Silva, Agent. Ave Nayarit #62. Call 383-6280. (#107-1) JEWELERS JOYERIA MAX – MAX’S JEWELTY - Custom design, repairs, diamonds and gemstones. Special orders are our specialty. Open 11AM – 9PM Monday through Saturdays. Shop located on the north side of No Reeleccion (Calle 26), just east of RR tracks. Lamek_fu@hotmail. com. Call Max (011-52-638) 388-5512 and 383-2698. (#110-2) LOTS FOR SALE BEACHFRONT LOT - in Playa Dorada, 20 mts x 30 mts. call Pablo Realty. Licensed Sonora Real Estate Agent. (602) 288-8687. (#115-25)


MIRADOR 25 X 35 MTRS - complete 8’ wall all around. Cistern and septic plus large cement pad ready for 3 trailers $59,000. Pablorealty@ (602) 288-8687 or (011-52-638) 383-8657. (#115-24)

MOVING FROM THE STATES to Rocky Point/ San Carlos since 1987. Our price includes no surprise fees from pickups to setups.Email or phone (480) 2323518. (#90-9)

OCEAN VIEW LOTS - Three in Las Conchas at $30K each, three in Encanto at $25K each. Will consider significant discount for purchase of all 6 lots. U.S. phone 602-799-3385. (#115-1)

MUEBLES IMPERIALES - Comonfort and Juan de la Barrera#33. (638) 383-6480. (#9010) HOUSES & CONDOS FOR RENT LONG TERM & NIGHTLY RENTALS, Las Conchas, Mirador, In Town, Sandy Beach Homes and Condos. Starting at $150.00 USD per month. Twin Dolphins (011-52-638) 3833919, (602) 324-7241 (#100-4) PUERTA PRIVADA LONG TERM LEASE 2 OR 3 bdrm condos for long term lease only. Furnished or unfurnished available. Visit model on site 9am to 5pm daily for more info. (#10042) BEAUTIFUL HOME ON WHALE HILL with spectacular views from three decks, 2bedroom, 3bath, garage with opener. Beautifully furnished. 6 month minimum lease $890.00usd/month (208) 473-4771 or (011-52638) 382-0028. (#100-12)

MASSAGE U.S.A. CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Several bodywork modalities available. Out calls or in clinic. $55 per hour. Best massage in town. Rita Pizarro, from U.S. dial (602) 748-4134, clinic (011-52-638) 383-8030, local dial 383-8030 or (044-638) 386-5203 or email (#120-6) LAS SAUNAS DE LOMAS CAMPESTRES (A.K.A. Ranchito) – countless advantages, detoxifies the skin, purifies the body. Also full body men and women massage available by appointment (044-638) 114-3296 or Karina at (044-638) 380-7530. (#1-LC) DEEP SEA MASSAGE – get into it! Pamper and treat yourself with a fabulous healing massage, comfortable in your home. Help your body relax, detoxify and release stress. For appointments call local cell (044-638) 1052706 or from the U.S. (011-521-638) 105-2706. (#120-35)

Baked Chicken Breast with Horseradish Dip

REAL ESTATE SERVICES TWIN DOLPHINS - Blvd. Fremont, next to Red Cross. Mexico (638) 383-3919 US (602) 3247241. (#140-1) REALTY EXECUTIVES - Jonni Francis at Paseo Las Glorias, across from Peñasco del Sol. Mexico (638) 382-5355 US (602) 3344134. (#140-2) RV PARKS & SPACES 6 RV SPACES for rent in town (1 1/2 blks East of Josefa on Callejon Juarez). Walled, private, and with all the services, Call (480)225-6546. (#152-22) – (602) 4761263. 200’ in front of Capone’s in Mirador. 1 bedroom house $200/mo. + Elec. 15x23 secure storage $100/Mo. 9x15 secure storage $50/Mo. FOR SALE: Trailer with patio & deck $4000 (incl.1yr space rent $1848) + Elec trailer for rent/w enclosed patio $150/Mo.+ Elec. See manager, Jose 8AM - 1PM Mon-Sat.(# 152-1) SERVICES DON’T GET CUT OFF! BILL PAYING SERVICE with 42 years experience for Rocky Point & Cholla Bay Residents! See Patty at Mexico Bonito Realty on Cholla Rd one block from the Highway or call (01152-638) 383-5737 or 383-4111. In the U.S. call (602) 476-1837. Visit website at www. or email us at or patricia@ (#157-4) PUERTO PEÑASCO HOME INSPECTIONS. Be an intelligent investor: Get a home inspection before you buy your next home or investment property in Mexico. Puerto Peñasco’s only full time Home Inspector. Call (602) 748-4134, local dial (044-638) 110-4728 or email (#157-7) PET SITTING SERVICE - DON’T WORRY about your animals for a day, week or month! Vacation with peace of mind. I will look after your cats or dogs. Lots of experience with animals! Phone Nancy at (011-52-638) 3831012. (#157-21) SHUTTLE SERVICE HEAD OUT TO ROCKY POINT - door to door shuttle service from Phoenix to Rocky Point. Group and one-way rates available. Wanna Go? Let Us Know! Email headout@, phone in the U.S. (602) 971-0166 or U.S. Toll Free (866) 443-2368. www. No waiting in border lines when you ride with us! (#158-3)


Well hello everyone, how was your Christmas and New Year??? Fantastic, I hope! My family and I had a wonderful time down south for the holidays. It’s time to send you all the recipe of the month. Here it is, enjoy!!!

Ingredients... 2 Tbs of butters 2 Tbs of flour 1 cup of milk 3 Tsp of prepared white horseradish, drained 2 Tsp of sour cream 1 tea spoon of sugar 1 tsp of dijon mustard 1 tsp of white wine vinegar Salt and freshly ground pepper 4 chicken breast halves with bone

boil, and cook, stirring, until sauce is thick and smooth, about 3 minutes. Stir in horseradish, sour cream, sugar, mustard, and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 2. Arrange chicken breast, skin side up, in a 13 x 9 x 2 -inch baking dish. Spoon half of the horseradish sauce over chicken. Bake 45 minutes until chicken is tender. Reheat remaining sauce and serve over chicken. Coming soon!! Breakfast lunch and dinner!! And Nightly Specials like our famous pasta night on Thursdays, fish and chip Fridays, prime rib Saturdays, Sundays fried chicken country gravy and much more. Until next month. Chef Mickey

Procedure... 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium size pan, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in flour and cook stirring, for one minute without browning. Whisk in milk, bring to a

Thank you to our Subscribers… Beltzhoorer Carmel, Indiana Voth, Moses Lake, Washington Delaney, Gila Bend, AZ Perez, San Diego, CA Walker, Pheonix, AZ Young, Casa Grande, AZ Poindexter, Bluffton, Indiana IRI, Carmel, Indiana Stroud, Glendale, AZ LIlischkies, Eagle, Colorado Kingsbury, Paonia, Colorado Wenk, Corrales, New Mexico Humphrey, Hugo, Colorado Bremer, Pinetop, AZ Nesbitt, Capitan, New Mexico King, Payson, AZ Galas, Scottsdale, AZ Twiford, Gilbert, AZ Phipps, Sebastapol, CA Ryan, Phoenix, AZ Johnston, Martinez, California Irving, Show Low, AZ Mitchem, Phoenix, AZ Everroad, Scottsdale, AZ Litz, Surprise, AZ Anderson, Salt Lake City, Utah Rivera, La Puenta, California Building & Maint. Svcs SoWest, League City, Texas Meire, Lake Havasu City, AZ Storm, Tucson, AZ Stone, Glendale, AZ

Hannappel, Phoenix, AZ Estrada, Oro Valley, AZ Schroeder, Scottsdale, AZ Werth, Tucson, AZ Rivera, Tucson, AZ Hansen, Chandler, AZ Shields, Rio Rancho, New Mexico Freise, Surprise, AZ Richerson, Tucson, AZ Johnson, Black Canyon, AZ Skalicky, Phoenix, AZ Creech, Goodyear, AZ Rock, Oro Valley, AZ Puchi, Nogales, AZ You can get your SUBSCRIPTION FORM at



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Letters to Editor Oh, I guess address, so I can get my FREE subscription I won!!

Does anyone know of an RV park that isn’t too expensive...$600 a month is a lot to pay in Mexico...we’re coming down for 2 months, and need 2 RV spots…Thanks a lot. Liz Rosema-Zink We found OFF BEACH RV spots for $220-$506usd/month, and sent you a list. Have fun! I’m LIKE # 2,696 on RPTimes Newspaper Facebook Page! Sandy told me to send you my address or email address, can’t remember, Jodie Phillips Artesia, New Mexico Yes, Jodie. Thank you for being a friend of the Rocky Point Times Newspaper. You ‘Liked’ our FB Page at exactly the right time to win a year’s subscription!! SandyO Greetings from frosty Alaska! I just accepted your Rocky Point Times Newspaper friend request - but we’ve been subscribers for many years. Love the publication - helps keep us informed for the time of the year that we can’t be there in person. Love, love, love Rocky Point! Shannon West Alaska Thank You! Thank You! We really appreciate all our subscribers! Christmas Joy Program update, as of December 4th! Here are the Christmas Joy family totals. 41 Families, 244 people, 131 are kids and 113 are Adults. I will be talking to my Chicken guy Martin Victorica at Pollo Papago to order 66 full chicken meals. I still need a lot of toys, shampoos, dish soaps, body soaps, deodorant etc…I want to thank all of you that have donated to my cause! God Bless everyone. Joy Del Rio Joy, excellent! Hope the ad in our December issue helped your program! SandyO RPTimes News Love this – can’t get down to the casita but can still read the RP Times, online. Thanks Sarah McKasson You are welcome, Sarah! EditorIn the September issue of the RP Times, there was a letter by Robert L. Chester regarding the restoration of the Cholla Bay Church, the small unfinished chapel at the entrance to the community. He mentioned various contributions the church has received but, as in most projects, additional assistance is needed. Over the years, I’ve constructed and donated to certain Rocky Point churches and children’s homes handmade wooden crosses. I would be willing to do the same for the Cholla Church. If possible, could you contact Mr. Chester and inform him of my intentions, or pass along my email address so he may contact me directly. Thanks for your assistance. Mike Bibb Safford, AZ Thank You! for reading our paper! We have passed your generous offer on to friends in Cholla Bay. Can’t wait to see the Decembers issue and my picture on the front. One less bucket thing to do. Edward Swafford Haven’t you seen it yet? It is one of the best we’ve had, and we thank you! SandyO Love those sunsets in Rocky Point. Cathy Landrigan Fisher We have the best! Don’t we? Well, here is the info if someone wants to make contact and see how the plans are going for the Rock Point BOOMERFEST…Administrative Contact, Technical Contact: BOOMER FEST L.L.C. 23 Ledgestone Place The Woodlands, TX 77382 US (512) 656-569 A. Rand If they can pull this off, it would really be a feat! I need help with forms and paperwork to meet the Mexican requirements for travel in Mexico. Please send me the names and e-mail addresses of agents or representatives that can help. I have looked at your website and cannot find any advertisements of any kind. Thank you. Hola, no, we do not have advertising on our website, but you can pull-up our paper online at, go to our classified ad section and find ‘Sun Valley Business Services’ and ‘Premium Services’, under the heading, FM3 SERVICES, to give you the help you need. SandyO

Thank you! Is Chef Luca of Pane e Vino opening at the Bella? Alyssa Fisher

When Tom last spoke with him, Chef Luca said there was not yet a deal for the restaurant at Bella Sirena. But the bar was OPEN We’re checking again. Dear Mr. O’Hare Would there be any way you could put a notice in your paper about my brother passing away in Puerto Peñasco, he also lived there for 3 years- he loved Puerto Peñasco, he also had a very lovely girlfriend, her name is Veronica Carrillo. She works at the Mayan Palace. I don’t know what we would have done without her as we don’t speak any Spanish. The sad thing is he wanted us to come down there so bad, but we were afraid too, the articles in Southern California Newspaper were very scary. So when do we come when he dies?!! If you could and there will be an expense please let us know. Thank you, Karin & Vernon Stansell Palm Springs, CA Please accept our renewal subscription for Rocky Point Times. Barb & Chip Rock Oro Valley, AZ Sandra, I did not receive a November issue yet and am hoping it’s not too late to have any sent. K. King Payson, AZ Hola, good news! I saved you a November issue, to be bulk mailed with our December editions. Sorry for the screw-up! Thanks for writing! Hi Sandra and all RPT peeps, keep the paper coming, have to read what is going on at my best place in the world. I try to get down twice a year and keep extending my stay a bit longer every time. It’s a long trip down there from way up here in Colorado! Thanks for the good read! Mary Kingsbury Paonia, Colorado Dear ones by the sea, I have been a tour guide here in Las Cruces, NM for about 12 years and used to bring groups to R.P. by the bus loads until the “troubles” begin in Mx. However, a few months ago I rounded up a few “brave souls” and headed over once again. With the help of Rita we stayed at the fabulous Marina Pinacate Condos with great rates and ocean views. I got to visit the RP American Legion Post MX 15 and got to meet Nancy Phelan (no relation as far as I know). Since we had a wonderful and safe time I’ll get another group together and drive over again. Enclosed is my check to extend my information RPTimes Newspaper subscription. Good luck to you all. Sincerely yours, John “J.P.” Phelan Las Cruces, New Mexico Hey! Hola, and thanks for the nice letter. Rita is a sweetheart, isn’t she. Love her, and Nancy, too. You can tell them, “Sandy said so”. So glad that you made the effort to gather those “brave” people. Man this town has struggled, what with the economy AND the rest of the things from the media. Oh my…BUT if our newspaper says anything about Rocky Point, we have added 8, yes eight, pages since August. Our December issue will be here tomorrow, with 56 pages of information and local advertising. Thank you for being a subscriber, and thank you for caring about our beautiful town!!! Sandy O’Hare Rocky Point Times Newspaper Dear Sandra, renew my subscription to Rocky Point Times. Would it be ok with you if I stared again in Jan. I have been going down there since 1966, and when my husband and I build a cabin in Cholla we were members of Cholla Bay Club and then he died in 79, but my friends and family went down together and then sometime in the 80’s I sold the cabin but the girls and I still go down and rent a place in Rocky Point. We didn’t go down last summer because I had two great grandchildren born and helped with them. Please if you will keep me on your list and send me a bill in January. I don’t want to miss too much of what’s going on down there. Please let me know, I have no email. Thank you. Happy Holidays. Betty Howell Sun City, AZ Dear Betty, you have been a subscriber to our RPT Newspaper since 2005, and we Thank You!! We have renewed your subscription, because we don’t want you to miss a month. But, please, don’t worry about getting your paper in the mail. Thank you for being a subscriber! Sandy O I’ve been waiting patiently for the November issue and in today’s mail I’m told that my subscription has expired. This is the first and only notice I’ve received on this matter, so I’m a little upset. I would have renewed my subscription a long time ago if I had received a reminder. Anyway, my check is enclosed. Can I still get the November issue? Would sure appreciate it. Tried sending you an email at but my computer says it’s not a valid email address. I have no idea where the problem lies. Looking forward to future issues. Thanks for all your help and love your newspaper. Rodney Litz

Editor; I didn’t receive a November because my subscription had expired. OK, but the notice of expiration came after the paper should have. Perhaps the notices of expiration should go out a bit earlier??? I am also submitting a small article for consideration. Ben Baker Thanks for the article. I like it, it is what we, the RPTimes, is all about. I am planning on using it in our February issue. About your subscription...yes, we really screwed up on 243 of our really important subscription renewals I have no explanation, except to offer that 20 years ago...when I did everything by hand...this never happened. I am sorry that you were one of the 243. Thanks for writing. Good little story! SandyO Hi Sandra! Here we are back home in Mayer, Az. where it’s supposed to snow and rain starting tomorrow and all through the weekend!! And I left lovely Cholla Bay for this?? What was I thinking!! Just sent the photo of the dolphins to Alicia. According to my computer, it’s 123mb. so it should be of sufficient quality. Hope you can use it! Have a great holiday season. Pat Champion Didn’t you just hate to leave the beach? We will check the photo...Thanks! Look for it on the January cover. Just received your very informative Newspaper, Thanks. Would like to help obtaining dialysis machines. Having had my husband on dialysis and then twice kidney transplant I know how hard it was to drive a 100 miles for dialysis. Our son has been the donor for his father last kidney. Would like to honor him for his lifesaving gift. Just on my way to Europe for my Moms 90th. birthday. Please inform me, Thanks, Renata Wow! Cool. We have passed your information on. Thank you for being such a caring reader of the RPTimes! Really! This looks DELISH! Is the Kaffeeshaus German or Italian? Fusion? Also, can you tell me where they are located. I think I know the building, but want to be sure. Want to make darn sure we get there next trip down! YUM! Lana Hansen Uwe can cook the best of anything you can imagine! KAFFEEHAUS is on the main road into Old Port, on your left just before the DDS on the side of the hill. Hello, thanks for getting us the Rocky Point Times Dennis & Mary Lanz How do I get one of those subscriptions...I’m in WISCONSIN and all I do is dream of Rocky Point! ;0) Annette Marie Matty-May Annette, just go to and click on ‘SUBSCRIPTIONS’ to print out the form. Why do I have to work? I want to be there eating that yummy meal at KAFFEESHAUSl! Lauran Herbert Beebe Not fair, is it? Awesome photo...I liked the way the clouds looked like whitish, yellowish Christmas lights on top of the water. I have never seen a sunset like this one before. Beautiful photo. We enjoyed this sunset down here too, from our house. Liz Patze We hope to use that photo by Mark O. on a future cover of the RPTimes!!! We’re asking! Hello, our family is going to be in Rocky Point over the holidays. When we leave we want to head up to the San Diego area. I understand there is a new road going there. Can you tell me what that is and what is the border crossing??? If you cannot help me could you please send me an email contact address for your Chamber of Commerce. Thank you so much. T. Brown Yes, certainly...from Rocky Point you will head north on the main hwy to the Laguna del Mar ‘glorietta’, where you will head west towards the Sea, after about 3km, you will pass over RRX and come to intersection where you will turn right (This is the Coastal Hwy 003) and drive to El Golfo de Santa Clara. The road will dead-end at a ‘T’, facing the Sea, where you will turn right to head for San Luis Rio Colorado. You will come to a military check point (same as when you

entered Rocky Point. If there is a line of COMMERCIAL VEHICLES...YOU ARE ALLOWED TO PASS THEM AND GET TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE) where you will probably be asked the model of your car before being passed ahead to the inspector, where you will probably exit your vehicle for a short check...then on your way to San Luis... NEW TOLL ROAD I suggest taking this ($105pesos) as it is brand new and takes you straight into the outskirts of San Luis where the toll rd ends. There you will turn left to cross the border into the US @ San Luis. Good roads, and easy! GOOGLE IT! SandyO Rocky Point Times Newspaper What’s the weather like over Christmas? Thinking about heading down...also a couple of folks in the Phoenix area have tried to sway us from making the trip alone on the motorcycle...Should we be wary about just the two of us on the bike traveling from the border to Rocky Point? Husband really wants to come down... Tracy Fritzler Coming over will bring some warm clothes, and maybe throw in a pair of shorts. Whoever told you not to come down on your bike, certainly has not been to Rocky Point. You are safe on the road and in town. The roads are good. Do not ride @ night because cattle, goats, cars w/ no lights, etc. Lannette’s “So you wanna move to Rocky Point?” column should be a must-read for every first-time visitor who gets the fever to live in RP. Perhaps the local real estate people would object, but I can’t recall seeing the negatives stated so honestly. Good job, Lannette! I recall 20-some years ago we met a bunch of folks from Mesa for a camp-out weekend at Playa Elegante, and a couple who had never been to Rocky Point before were overcome by the place and the next day(!!!) bought a new condo across from the Sunset Cantina, or whatever it was called then. About the third time down, the wife decided she couldn’t take the loud music, the mañana attitude, and the constant housecleaning from blowing sand and dust. And the husband hated the drive and the drunks. So they hired a property management company to rent the place out and, to my knowledge, never returned. Of course, the condo they gave $60K for is now worth considerably more, but they found out too late that Mexico simply wasn’t for them. Cap’n Greg Yes, we always suggest LIVING in Mexico first! When we came down in 1990, we parked the motorhome for at Playa Bonita, then Playa Miramar for a month, talked to every “Gringo” living in Rocky Point that we could find. THEN we bought. Thank you La Panadería Tapatía for the best bolillo we have ever tasted! We made creamy shrimp rolls with wonderful fresh shrimp from Old Port. Thank you RPTimes for writing up this wonderful bakery. Connie Gilmore We all thank Joe Houchin, of Sonoran Resorts, for contributing many interesting and informative articles. Yes, this bakery is really wonderful. Everyone needs to visit. Happy New Year to you, Tom and Lannette Phipps.... thanks for being our friends and helping us will all the updated news, and events going on in our lovely second home in, Rocky Point. You all are the greatest friends and people I have met in my life. Keep the info flowing...Have a Happy and Healthy New Year! Liz Patze Thanks, Liz! Hi Sandra, is there any way we can get regular delivery of the RP times to our office here in Scottsdale? We get people walking in all the time asking for copies. Spencer Farnsworth We have a Business Subscription which gives you 3 RPTimes each month instead of one, for the same price of $35usd... OR you are welcome to pick up a few copies at our offices the first of each month. • find us on facebook • follow us on twitter •



The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

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