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President Hirsh

The Institute’s Ethos Magazine Presents Eugenics, Genetics And The American Dream

Click Here to read more in Ethos Magazine, published by Rosemont’s Institute for Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility


Articles include: • A Dangerous Idea by Stephanie Welch • Science and Human Rights by William H. Tucker, PhD • Visions of Change in Northeast Pennsylvania by

Jamie Longazel PhD and Deaynna Koskulitz ’20 • The Catholic Social Tradition: Restoring the Dignity of Humanity by Francis X. Klose, PhD

Institute for Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility’s annual symposium had been scheduled for March 20, but was cancelled due to the pandemic. Every spring, the symposium serves as a culminating event for the academic year, address ing an issue of ethical significance for individuals and society. This year, the program was to consist of in a screen ing of the powerful documentary film A Dangerous Idea: Eugenics, Genetics and the American Dream, followed by a panel discussion.

A Dangerous Idea explains how purported discoveries of genes for intelligence, poverty, and crime have been used to promote pseudoscien tific explanations and justifications for discrimination and rapidly rising rates of economic inequality in the United States. The film is particularly relevant given the stubborn persistence of biological determinism in some quarters today despite its long having been repudiated.

President Hirsh’s Farewell Toast

Due to the College’s current operations during the Pandemic, Rosemont Magazine is not being printed and distributed on campus or mailed to your homes. We invite you to click on the link here and enjoy reading the magazine virtually.

This Issue: Meet Rosemont's 14th President

Spring 2020

Click Here to Read the Spring Issue of Rosemont Magazine Digitally

Maria Feeley ’93, Chair of the Board of Trustees, led a Zoom platform Virtual Toast to President Sharon Hirsh on the occasion of her Retirement on May 21, 2020 at 4 pm., watched by over 500 members of the College community, some from across the country and around the world, Click Here to read more.

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