1 minute read

Experiment Tasks

C: 76 M: 0 Y: 97 K:0

C: 22 M: 37 Y: 60 K: 1 Figure 2.4, green desks setting


Figure 2.5, wooden desks - controlled setting


The following tasks are completed by each participant on their preferred technical device.

Typing task: • A non-sensical paragraph: participants try to re-type the text as fast as possible and with the upmost accuracy in terms of punctuation and capital/lower case letters (see appendix 6 for text used).

Cognitive tasks – adopted from Cognitive Fun (n.d.): • Fast Counting: A series of dots appear for a certain period on screen, participants type how many dots they counted. • Go/No-Go Visual Reaction Time: A circle appears on screen, if it is green participants promptly press on it, if it is patterned, they ignore the dot. • Visual Backward Digit Span: Three numbers, one by one, appear on screen. Participants recall the numbers that are flashed in backwards order.

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