GCSE overview 2016 to 2018

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A guide to the structure, syllabi and dates for examined courses 2016-2018


CONTENTS: OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................... 3 THE NEW NUMERICAL GCSE GRADES .................................................... 4 ART ................................................................................................................... 5 COMPUTER SCIENCE ................................................................................... 6 DRAMA ............................................................................................................ 6 ENGLISH LANGUAGE .................................................................................. 7 SPOKEN ENGLISH LANGUAGE.................................................................. 7 ENGLISH LITERATURE................................................................................. 8 FOOD PREPARATION & NUTRITION ....................................................... 9 FRENCH ........................................................................................................... 9 GEOGRAPHY ................................................................................................10 GERMAN ........................................................................................................10 GRAPHICS .....................................................................................................11 HISTORY .......................................................................................................11 MATHS ...........................................................................................................11 MUSIC ............................................................................................................12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ............................................................................13 RE FULL COURSE ........................................................................................14 RE SHORT COURSE ....................................................................................15 RESISTANT MATERIALS ............................................................................15 COMBINED SCIENCE: TRILOGY ..............................................................16 SCIENCE: BIOLOGY ....................................................................................17 SCIENCE: CHEMISTRY................................................................................17 SCIENCE: PHYSICS......................................................................................18 TEXTILES ......................................................................................................18 NOTES: ..........................................................................................................19


Overview This booklet is intended to provide an overview of examined courses in the simplest way we can. More specific information can be gained by clicking links to the exam syllabus and from your child’s teacher. Examinations (blue) All GCSE examinations take place at the end of Year 11. Some exams are ‘tiered’ so that students can sit them as either ‘Foundation’ tier (grades 1-5) or ‘Higher’ tier (grades 4-9). Final decisions about tiers of entry are not made until Year 11. Practical Assessment/ (NEAs) Non Examined Assessments (yellow) These assessments are internally assessed and externally moderated. Revision Materials (mauve) This area of the table gives information about recommended revision materials. Some subjects recommend particular revision guides which may be available for purchase from the department or from local booksellers. Other departments create their revision materials in-house. A copy of this guide, with clickable links, is available on our website: www.rodborough.surrey.sch.uk Personalised GCSE examination timetables will be issued to all students in April 2018.

Mr C Williams Deputy Headteacher October 2016


The New Numerical GCSE Grades The Numerical Grades applicable for all Summer 2018 GCSEs (except Technology and IGCSE Business Studies) and how they will be applied is explained below. The Numerical GCSE grading structure has three fixed, ‘hard wired’ links to the more familiar (old) letters system:  The bottom of grade 4 is closely aligned to the bottom of the ‘old’ C  The bottom of grade 1 is closely aligned to the bottom of the ‘old’ G  The bottom of grade 7 is closely aligned to the bottom of the ‘old’ A Additionally we may expect that:  Broadly, the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as previously achieved a grade C and above.  Broadly, grade 5 will be positioned in the top third of the marks for an ‘old’ C grade and the bottom third of marks for an ‘old’ B grade, making it in greater demand than the ‘old’ C grade.  Broadly, the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as previously achieved a grade A and above.  For each exam subject, the top 20% of those achieving grade 7 or above will be awarded grade 9. ‘Old’ GCSE grades and Technology Subjects and IGCSE Business

2018 GCSE grades except Technology Subjects

Comparison of Grading Systems



% of final grade AQA 40%


Unit Details Art and Design Component 2: Examination: 96 Marks Students respond to their chosen starting point from an externally set assignment paper relating to their subject title, evidencing coverage of all four assessment objectives. Controlled Test – 2 Days Component 1: Portfolio 96 marks A portfolio that in total shows explicit coverage of the four assessment objectives. It must include a sustained project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the realisation of intentions and a selection of further work undertaken during the student’s course of study.


Natural Forms Environment: Victoria & Albert Museum Mock exam experience including 7 week preparatory period which reverts to a third unit of coursework after the mock exam. Component 1 is a non-exam assessment (NEA) set and marked by the school and moderated by AQA during a visit.

Revision/ Support

Business Studies

Cambridge 50%


Revision/ Support

Timing Syllabus No: 8201 Component 2 begins in Jan/Feb 2018 and culminates in 10 hours (over two days) of supervised work - expected to be February/March 2018

Portfolio work begins in Autumn 2016 Each student must select and present a portfolio representative of their course of study. The portfolio must include both: 1. A sustained project developed in response to a subject, theme, task or brief evidencing the journey from initial engagement with an idea(s) to the realisation of intentions. This will give students the opportunity to demonstrate, through an extended creative response, their ability to draw together different areas of knowledge, skills and/or understanding from across their course of study. 2. A selection of further work resulting from activities such as trials and experiments; skills-based workshops; mini and/or foundation projects; responses to gallery, museum or site visits; work placements; independent study and evidence of the student’s specific role in any group work undertaken.

Whilst there is no need for revision in this subject, students are required to invest a great deal of extra time outside lessons, completing tasks and considering presentation. The Art studios are open at lunchtimes and after school. The expectation is that all candidates will use these facilities to complete work and practise their skills. IGCSE Business Studies Examinations Single tier Paper 1: 1h 30m Written questions requiring a mixture of short answers and structured data responses. Paper 2: 1h 30m Written questions based on a case study, provided as an insert with the paper.

Syllabus No: 0450 Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Revision notes will be issued for each of the six units to be examined. Past papers are available to borrow and can be downloaded from the Cambridge Board's website. Catch-up sessions will be run at lunchtimes.



% of final grade AQA

Computer Science




Revision/ Support AQA





Revision/ Support

Unit Details


Computer Science Examination Paper 1: 1h30m (80 marks) Computational thinking and problem solving

Syllabus No: 8520 Summer 2018

Examination Paper 2: 1h30m (80 marks) Written Assessment

Summer 2018

Non Examined Assessment (NEA) (80 marks) Report: totalling 20 hours of work The development of a computer program along with the computer programming code itself which has been designed, written and tested by a student to solve a problem. Students will produce an original report outlining this development.

Autumn 2017

Revision materials and support will be available through the department as the course progresses. Drama Examinations Single tier Terminal Paper: 1h 45m Text in Practice Performance Performance of two extracts from studied play. This performance will be externally marked by AQA. Devised Drama Project (80 marks)

Syllabus No: 8261 Summer 2018

March 2018

Practise – Feb 2017 Across Years 10-11 Final Performance November 2017 Assessed in school and (20 marks out 80) externally moderated Ongoing Portfolio (60 marks out of 80) Drama pocket notebooks are available for £1. It is recommended that students buy their own copies of play texts for working on during the year. Other exam material will be provided during the course.



% of final grade AQA 50%

Unit Details


English Language Single tier Examinations Paper 1 1h 45 m Explorations in creative reading and writing Reading (40 marks) (25%) 60 m One single Fiction extract

Syllabus No: 8700 Summer 2018

(Unseen text)

English Language

1 short form question (1 x 4 marks)  2 longer form questions (2 x 8 marks)  1 extended question (1 x 20 marks) Writing (40 marks) (25%) 45 m  1 extended writing question – descriptive or narrative writing (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy)


Paper 2 1h 45 m Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives Reading (40 marks) (25%) 60m Two linked texts (one to be 19th century)  1 short form question (1 x 4 marks)  2 longer form questions (1 x 8, 1 x 12 marks)  1 extended question (1 x 16 marks)

Summer 2018

Writing (40 marks) (25%) 45 m Writing to present a viewpoint  1 extended writing question (24 marks for content, 16 marks for technical accuracy)

Revision/ Support

Spoken English Language


Endorsed by AQA as Pass/ Merit/ Distinction

Information about revision guides will be provided later in the year. Revision sessions will be publicised on the English Department notice board. Additional revision materials will be published as the course progresses. Spoken English Language  Presenting  Responding to questions and feedback  Use of standard English

During Year 11

These units are internally assessed and externally moderated. The English Spoken Language element is endorsed separately to the English Language GCSE.



% of final grade AQA 40%

Unit Details


English Literature Single tier Examinations Paper 1 64 marks *1h 45 m Shakespeare and the 19thcentury novel

Syllabus No: 8702 Summer 2018

Section A: (50-55 mins) 30 marks + 4 marks for SPaG Shakespeare: students will answer one question on the play they have studied in class. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the play and then to write about the play as a whole.

English Literature

Section B: (50-55 mins) 30 marks The 19thcentury novel: students will answer one question on the novel they have studied in class. They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the novel and then to write about the novel as a whole. 60%

Paper 2: 96 Marks *2h 15 m Modern texts and poetry

Summer 2018

Section A: (45 mins) 30 marks + 4 marks for SPaG Section A Modern texts: students will answer one essay question on the modern prose or drama text they have studied in class. Section B: (45 mins) 30 marks Section B Poetry: students will answer one comparative question on one named poem printed on the paper and one other poem from the anthology cluster they have studied in class. Section C: (45 mins) 32 marks Unseen poetry: students will answer one question on one unseen poem (24 marks) and one question comparing this poem with a second unseen poem (8 marks).

Revision/ Support

Information about revision guides will be provided later in the year. Revision sessions will be publicised on the English Department notice board. Additional revision materials will be published as the course progresses.


Food Preparation & Nutrition


% of final grade


AQA 50%

Food Preparation and Nutrition Examination: 1h 45m Theory – learned through Year 10 and revised through Year 11 after NEA tasks.

Syllabus No: 8585 Summer 2018


Task 1: Food investigation. Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. Students must produce a written report of their investigation approximately 1500 - 2000 words in length.

Sept - Oct 2017


Task 2: Nov 2017 – March 2018 Preparation leading to 3 hour practical assessment. Practical 3hr cooking exam, theme issued by AQA. Students produce 3 to 4 dishes in the run up to the 3 hour practical exam along with a portfolio of evidence to include research, photographs, evaluations and time plans. During the 3 hour practical assessment students are expected to make 3 dishes. Tasks 1 and 2 are ‘Non-Examined Assessments’ (NEAs). These assessments are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Revision/ Support

AQA 25%



Unit Details



Revision/ Support

Support and catch-up sessions will be held within the department, usually on Tuesdays from 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Students should check with their teacher. Students will be issued with a revision book from Illuminate publishing as soon as it becomes available and will be made aware of in-house revision resources as the course progresses. French Paper 1: Listening Examination Foundation & Higher tiers Higher 45 min (40 marks) Foundation 35 min (50marks) Paper 2: Speaking Higher 10-12 minutes + 12minutes preparation (60 marks) Foundation 7-9 minutes + 12 minutes preparation (60 Marks) Paper 3: Reading Examination Foundation & Higher tiers Higher 1h (60 marks) Foundation 45m (60 marks) Paper 4: Writing Examination Foundation & Higher tiers

Syllabus No: 8658 Summer 2018

Spring 2018 Conducted by class teacher and sent to AQA for marking Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Higher 1h 15m (60 marks) Foundation 1h (50 marks) A Grammar and Translation workbook will be available to purchase. Support will be available from the department. Web links (e.g. www.languagesonline.org.uk ) and resources will be made available to the students as the course progresses.



% of final grade

Unit Details


OCR B: Geography for Enquiring Minds


Our Natural World (01) 1h 15m (70 marks)      




Global Hazards Changing Climate Distinctive Landscapes Sustaining Ecosystems Fieldwork Geographical Skills

People and Society (02) 1h 15m (70 marks)      

Urban Futures Dynamic Development UK in C21 Resource Reliance Fieldwork Geographical Skills

Geographical Exploration (03) 1h 30m (30marks) 

Timing Syllabus J384

Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Geographical Skills

 Decision Making Exercise In order to meet the fieldwork elements of this course we have arranged three visits:  10-13 March 2017 Residential Field Trip to South Wales (optional)  May 2017 River Study – Godalming  December 2017 Town Study – Gunwharf Quay, Portsmouth These visits allow the students to experience the process of completing fieldwork (hypothesis, methodology, data collection, data presentation, analysis, conclusions and evaluations) to prepare them for the important fieldwork sections of examined units 1 and 2. Revision/ Easter and after school revision sessions are planned for 2018 Support Students will be advised of materials as the course progresses. AQA German Syllabus No: 8668 25% Paper 1: Listening Examination Summer 2018 Foundation & Higher tiers





Higher 45 min (40 marks) Foundation 35 min (50marks) Paper 2: Speaking Higher 10-12 minutes + 12minutes preparation (60 marks) Foundation 7-9 minutes + 12 minutes preparation (60 Marks) Paper 3: Reading Examination Foundation & Higher tiers Higher 1h (60 marks) Foundation 45m (60 marks) Paper 4: Writing Examination Foundation & Higher tiers

Spring 2018 Conducted by class teacher and sent to AQA for marking Summer 20118

Summer 20118

Higher 1h 15m (60 marks) Foundation 1h (50 marks) Revision/ Support

A Grammar and Translation workbook will be available to purchase. Support will be available from the department. Web links (e.g. www.languagesonline.org.uk ) and resources will be made available to the students as the course progresses.

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% of final grade

Unit Details



D&T: Graphics Examinations Single tier

Syllabus No: J303


Paper: 1h 30m Sustainability and Technical aspects of designing and making.

Summer 2018

Non Examined Assessments

These practical units are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Year 10: Food packaging

Dec 2016 – July 2017

Year 11: Set Design

Sept 2017 – Jan 2018


Revision/ Support

Revision Guides are issued at the start of the course. Support and catch-up sessions/ revision materials will be available from the department as required.



Syllabus No: 1HI0

Examinations Single tier





Revision/ Support AQA

Paper 1 1h 15m  Crime and Punishment in Britain: 1000 - present  Historic environment: Whitechapel, 1870-1900 Paper 2 1h 45m  Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060 -1088  Conflict in the Middle East 1945 -1995 Paper 3 1h 20m  Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939

Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Summer 2018

A detailed revision programme will run between February and June 2018. Mathematics Examinations Foundation & Higher tiers

Syllabus No: Maths 8300

Paper 1: Maths 1 (non-calculator)

Summer 2018


1h 30m 100%

Paper 2: Maths 2 (calculator)

Summer 2018 1h 30m

Paper 3: Maths 2 (calculator) Revision/ Support

Summer 2018 1h 30m Revision guides, CDs, workbooks & past papers are available from a variety of sources. Some publications are useful right through the course. MyMaths website (login details on Portal 365) is a very useful revision tool.

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% of final grade AQA




Unit Details Music Examinations Single tier Component 1: Understanding Music 82711 1 h 30m Section A: Listening - Unfamiliar music (68 marks) Section B: Study Pieces (80 marks) Component 2: Performing Music 82712

Timing Syllabus No: 8271

Summer 2018

Performance 1: Solo performance (36 marks)

Internally assessed and externally moderated. Autumn Term of Year 11

Performance 2: Ensemble performance (36 marks)

Internally assessed and externally moderated. Autumn Term of Year 11

Component 3: Composing Music 82713 Composition 1: Composition to a brief (36 marks) (15%)

Internally assessed and externally moderated. Autumn Term of Year 11

Composition 2: Free Composition (36 marks) (15%)

Internally assessed and externally moderated. Summer Term of Year 10


Revision/ Support

AQA GCSE Music Revision Guide (Rhinegold) issued to students in September of Year 11. Revision CDs and Aural work books issued September Year 11. Focus on Sound website log in given in September of Year 10. Easter revision sessions are planned.

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% of final grade AQA 30%

Physical Education



Unit Details PE Examinations Paper 1: 1h 15m (78 marks) The human body and movement in physical activity and sport You will be assessed on:  Applied anatomy and physiology  Movement analysis  Physical training  Use of data A mixture of multiple choice/ objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions. Answer ALL questions. Paper 2: 1h 15m (78 marks) Socio-cultural influences and wellbeing in physical activity and sport You will be assessed on:  Sports psychology  Socio-cultural influence  Health, fitness and well-being  Use of data A mixture of multiple choice/ objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions. Answer ALL questions. Non Examined Assessment (100 marks) Practical performance in physical activity and sport. You will be assessed on practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/ performer. (One must be in a team activity, one must be from an individual activity and the third may be your choice of team or individual). You will also be assessed on your analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one of your three activities.

Timing Syllabus No: 8582 Summer 2018

Summer 2018

These NEAs are assessed by teachers and moderated by the exam board. They take place throughout the two years of the course.

For each of their three activities, students will be assessed in skills in progressive drills (10 parks per activity) and in the full context (15 marks per activity). Students will be assessed on their analysis (15 marks) and evaluation (10 marks) of performance to bring about improvement in one activity. Revision/ Support

We revise from sample papers. Support and materials are available from the department as the course progresses. Easter Revision Sessions are planned.

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% of final grade AQA

RE Full Course



Revision/ Support

Unit Details Religious Studies A Full Course Component 1: Exam 1h 45m (96 marks + 5 marks for SPaG) The study of religions, beliefs, teachings and practices: You will be assessed on: Beliefs, teachings and practices of from:  Christianity  Islam Each religion has a common structure of two, five-part questions of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks. Each religion is marked out of 48. Component 2: Exam 1h 45m (96 marks + 5 marks for SPaG) Thematic Studies: You will be assessed on four religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes:  Theme A: Relationships and Families  Theme B: Religion and Life (we do NOT study Theme C)  Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict  Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment  Theme F: Religion, human rights and social justice Each theme has a common structure of one five-part question of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks. Each theme is marked out of 24

Timing Syllabus No: 8062 Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Bespoke revision materials will be produced by the RE Department as the course progresses.

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% of final grade

RE Short Course



Revision/ Support

Resistant Materials




Revision/ Support

Unit Details Religious Studies A Short Course Examination 1h 45m (96 marks + 5 marks for SPaG) Section A: (48 marks) Beliefs, teachings and ethical Studies: You will be assessed on: Four religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes. Students answer questions on two religions. The questions within each religion have a common structure made up of five-part questions of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks. Section B: (48 marks) Thematic Studies: You will be assessed on:  Theme A: Relationships and families  Theme B: Religion, peace and conflict Students answer questions on BOTH themes. The questions within each theme have a common structure made up of five-part questions of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks. All questions in this exam are marked out of 24.

Timing Syllabus No: 8061 Summer 2018

Bespoke revision materials will be produced by the RE Department as the course progresses. D&T: Resistant Materials Syllabus No: J307 Technology Examinations Single tier Paper: 1h 30m Sustainability and Technical aspects of designing and making.

Summer 2018

Non Examined Assessments Year 10: Educational Toys

These practical units are internally assessed and externally moderated. Dec 2016 – July 2017

Year 11: Garden Accessories

Sept 2017 – Jan 2018

Revision Guides are issued at the start of the course. Support and catch-up sessions/ revision materials will be available from the department as required.

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% of final grade AQA 16.7%

Unit Details Combined Science Trilogy Biology Examination Paper 1: Foundation or Higher 1h 15m (70 marks) Biology topics 1-4:    


Combined Science: Trilogy


 




Summer 2018

Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure

 Physics Examination Paper 2: Foundation or Higher 1h 15m (70 marks) Physics topics 22-24:  

Summer 2018

The rate and extent of chemical change Organic chemistry Chemical analysis Chemistry of the atmosphere Using resources

 Physics Examination Paper 1: Foundation or Higher 1h 15m (70 marks) Physics topics 18-21:   

Summer 2018

Atomic structure and the periodic table Bonding structure and the properties of matter Quantitive chemistry Chemical changes Energy changes

 Chemistry Examination Paper 2: Foundation or Higher 1h 15m (70 marks) Chemistry topics 13-17:    

Summer 2018

Homeostasis and response Inheritance Variation and evolution Ecology

 Chemistry Examination Paper 1: Foundation or Higher 1h 15m (70 marks) Chemistry topics 8-12:  

Syllabus No: 48464 Summer 2018

Cell Biology Organisation Infection and response Bioenergetics

Biology Examination Paper 2: Foundation or Higher 1h 15m (70 marks) Biology topcs 5-7:   


Summer 2018

Forces Waves Magnetism and electromagnetism

 There are also 16 ‘Required Practicals’, which take place during normal Science lessons throughout the course. Students will learn the background to these experiments and perform them in the labs. They will answer questions about these practicals in their examinations. Combined Science Revision Guides are available for purchase from the Science Revision/ Department at the discounted price of £6.00 per guide. Support is available from Support the department and Easter revision sessions are planned.

16 | P a g e


% of final grade AQA

Science: Biology


Science: Biology Examination: Paper 1 Foundation or Higher 1h 45m (100 marks) Topics 1-4:  Cell biology  Organisation  Infection and response  Bioenergetics

Timing Syllabus No: 8461 Summer 2018


Examination: Paper 2 Summer 2018 Foundation or Higher 1h 45m (100 marks) Topics 5-7:  Homeostasis and response  Inheritance, variation and evolution  Ecology There are also 8 ‘Required Practicals’, which take place during normal Science lessons throughout the course. Students will learn the background to these experiments and perform them in the labs. They will answer questions about these practicals in their examinations. Biology Revision Guides are available for purchase from the Science Department Revision/ at the discounted price of £3.50 per guide. Support is available from the Support department and Easter revision sessions are planned.

AQA 50%

Science: Chemistry

Unit Details


Science: Chemistry Examination: Paper 1 Foundation or Higher 1h 45m (100 marks) Topics 1-5:  Atomic structure and the periodic table  Bonding, structure and the properties of matter  Quantitative chemistry  Chemical changes  Energy changes Examination: Paper 2 Foundation or Higher 1h 45m (100 marks) Topics 6-10:  The rate and extent of chemical change  Organic chemistry  Chemical analysis  Chemistry of the atmosphere  Using resources

Syllabus No: 8462 Summer 2018

Summer 2018

There are also 16 ‘Required Practicals’, which take place during normal Science lessons throughout the course. Students will learn the background to these experiments and perform them in the labs.They will answer questions about these practicals in their examinations. Revision/ Support

Chemistry Revision Guides are available for purchase from the Science Department at the discounted price of £3.50 per guide. Support is available from the department and Easter revision sessions are planned.

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Science: Physics


% of final grade AQA 50%


Unit Details


Science: Physics Examination: Paper 1 Foundation or Higher 1h 45m (100 marks) Topics 1-4:  Energy  Electricity  Particle model of matter  Atomic structure

Syllabus No: 8463 Summer 2018

Examination: Paper 2 Foundation or Higher 1h 45m (100 marks) Topics 5-8:  Forces  Waves  Magnetism and electromagnetism  Space physics

Summer 2018

There are also 8 ‘Required Practicals’, which take place during normal Science lessons throughout the course. Students will learn the background to these experiments and perform them in the labs. They will answer questions about these practicals in their examinations. Physics Revision Guides are available for purchase from the Science Department Revision/ at the discounted price of £3.50 per guide. Support is available from the Support department and Easter revision sessions are planned. OCR D&T: Textiles Technology Syllabus No: J307 Examinations Single tier




Revision/ Support

Paper: 1h 30min Sustainability and Technical aspects of designing and making.

Summer 2018

Non Examined Assessments: Year 10: Bag Project

These practical units are internally assessed and externally moderated. Dec 2016 – July 2017

Year 11: Educational Toy

Sept 2017 – Jan 2018

Revision Guides are issued at the start of the course. Support and catch-up sessions/ revision materials will be available from the department as required.

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