Dog Training Techniques - Which Ones Work

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Dog training techniques are as controversial as abortion, Palestine and Bill O'Reilly. But, which dog training techniques can you trust to get you out of the dog house? It will help if you think about dog training techniques as being in one of two categories: balanced and imbalanced. The discussion about which dog training technique to use when training a dog is one that resembles a discussion between an Israeli and a Palestinian. Each one seems absolutely certain of their position and is more than ready to vilify those who don't share their views on dog training. But, if you look at dog training techniques and methods and evaluate their worth and effectiveness based on whether the approach is balanced, it's a lot easier to weed out the garbage. For the most part, trainers and their methods fall into two main categories. Those who do not use a physical consequence as a deterrent and those who do. There are many variations in the methods used by different trainers however, almost all trainers fall into one category or the other. Some trainers use food as a reward and never allow the dog to experience a negative consequence for a poor choice. Other trainers afford the dog the opportunity to experience a consequence for making poor choices. The Use Of Food: Using food is great in the sense that you will probably have a very happy dog on your hands when he realizes that the training comes with an all-you-can-eat buffet. However, using food to train your dog has some pitfalls we think you should be aware of. Food is great if you just want to impress your guests with a couple silly pet tricks but, in the real world, your dog will probably be much more interested in chasing the cat than hanging around to get your silly, dry biscuit. So, if you are using food as the primary or sole motivator, you're in for some disappointment when it comes time for your dog to perform in the real world. Strictly Positive Reinforcement: It is not difficult to find trainers who will tell you they use a kinder, gentler method than those used by consequence and reward trainers. They will tell you that your dog will be emotionally destroyed by the use of correction as a deterrent. Their goal is to sell you on their loving approach to dog training. They would have you believe that their method is much better than those old, barbaric correction methods. If you try to train your dog with a method of training that is as imbalanced as this, you will be in for some serious disappointments. Sure, it sounds like a great idea; training your dog and never having to correct him for making a poor choice. Never having to do the very thing you like doing

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