==== ==== . Click the link to learn all about Acne http://bit.ly/zoIW98 ==== ====
Can Somebody Please Tell Me What Is Acne? You see it everywhere; teens agonize over it; adults and babies are afflicted, too. No age, gender or race seems to be safe. Acne is so common that it's accepted as just a part of life, albeit a most unwelcome part. However, can anyone explain exactly what is acne? Well obviously, acne is first and foremost an unsightly and embarrassing skin condition marked by the spots it leaves on various body parts, seemingly targeting and specializing in one or two particular areas such as the face or back. These spots aren't just your average whiteheads or blackheads often related to raging hormones or eating too much chocolate either. Rather, they are skin glands which have been afflicted and, if not properly looked after will eventually turn into nasty sores leaving behind ugly, tell-tale scars. Multiple Causes Make Acne Complex It is generally accepted today that you can't pin acne down to only one cause. A common belief is that sufferers may be predisposed through genetic factors. However, it is not inconceivable for one person in the family to have a serious case of acne while other brothers and sisters go pretty much spot free. Research and observation strongly suggests that hormones and stress play big roles in the level of acne severity. One misconception is that acne sufferers are dirty. Actually the opposite is true as many subjects are fastidious and maybe even over-zealous with their cleaning habits. The fact is that acne is a result of a breakdown in the way the skin is supposed to work rather than external dirt. Acne comes in a wide variety of forms ranging from mild, barely noticeable cases (except to the afflicted, of course) to extremely severe and rather grotesque manifestations that nobody can ignore. Some forms disappear with seemingly no attention while others can be dishearteningly most stubborn and persistent. For those with clear skin, it is all too easy to simply brush off the condition as a trivial - even silly - annoyance; nothing to fret about really. But talk to sufferers and they will tell you different stories about the profound physical and devastating emotional effects, some of which can last an entire lifetime. Several Classifications for Acne Spots: Non-inflammatory - (comedo, comedones) These are simple blocked pores that may result in either blackheads or whiteheads. They usually respond well to cleansing. They may even be successfully removed without further incident or scar by a professional. (WARNING: picking or popping pimples on your own will only make matters worse!) Inflammatory - (papule) This is when a pimple appears as a result of blocked pores. The difference is that you can't see the tip of pus. These can eventually develop into postules where the pus can