==== ==== . Click the link to learn all about TRAINING DOGS http://bit.ly/yd4tK9 ==== ====
There are countless dog training techniques out there. Some work, some don't. The key to successfully training your pet depends on both the techniques used as well as the pet owners implementation of the techniques. This guide will hopefully get you well acquainted with both of these. With the wide variety of ways that you can learn dog training techniques, the question comes up: which way is best? Overall, most all dog training programs teach you the same exact information except in different ways. Some are more hands on while others just include descriptions of what you should and shouldn't do. Basic Dog Training Techniques The key to training your dog revolves around using some basic dog training techniques and having this serve as the foundation for all your other teaching attempts. One such technique is the use of social hierarchy. Your dog is a socially wired animal. Their ancestors, the wolves, have hunted in packs for basically all of their existence on earth. They are naturally wired to do so and this was a very good advantage evolutionary for them. Hunting in packs made the wolves more likely to survive in the wild. They were able to take down larger prey and, as a result, more wolves could eat more often. Although our four legged friends have been domesticated and are not nearly as violent as wolves, they still have the basic drives within their blood. When they see a rabbit, they chase. When they claim territory, they defend it. And when they become a part of a group, they adapt according to their role in the group. No matter how nice and shy your dog is, if you give it lots of attention and let it do whatever it wants, your dog will consider itself the leader of this group it belongs to. What ends up happening from this is that you have a dog that believes it is in control and doesn't have to listen to anybody else. However, it believes you have to listen to it. As a result, the dog can bark when it doesn't get what it wants, jump all over you, and generally behave very poorly. Technique number 1: The first and most effective technique is to establish yourself as the dominant force in the group. Show your dog that it is not at the top of the group, but rather at the bottom. Although this may sound harsh, it is the way you want the relationship to be. Your dog needs to understand that you