Top Ten Islands to Cruise - and why

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Interesting Islands

Interesting Islands





ig ones, small ones, dry ones, wet ones, busy ones, lonely ones. Islands come in all shapes and sizes, from a humble rock in the ocean to mini continents bursting with diversity. They almost always present a unique culture or ecosystem that can often set them apart from their closest neighbours. Many islands, even tiny ones, have animal and plant species not seen anywhere else on the planet. Islands are popular destinations for cruise vessels large and small. Often the only way to visit these fascinating places is by sea, making them exclusive and sought after, and the everincreasing popularity of cruising is opening up many of them to tourists. We’ve put together a Top 10 with a difference and dug deep into the world’s cruise itineraries to find great island destinations you may never have heard of or considered as a cruise destination. There are bound to be some surprises!

46 WINTER 2008 WINTER 2008 47

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