I 4'
I 0"
* -! .+*' rF' {"i
Sally Macmillan "Watching l6e RoYal Princess christening, I received this seasickness cure frorn retlreo First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Mark StanhoPe: 'Become a
sub-marinei "
9 Cruise News
Best deals, Australia's record wave season and your letters aPPear in our brilliant new 16-page news sectlon.
F, {
27 New ShiPs
Our reviewers look over EuroPa 2, the shiP that's creating a sIir with the best ratinqs irom Berlitz; and ioval Prince>s1he liner launched by the Duchess of Cambridge'
.--o*; Maggy Oehlbeck
*Mld-Atlantic in a force nine gale, the maitre d'was flamb6ing cr€Pes Suzette at the tableside of a dowager duchess. The shiP lurched and they landed in her lap. No one missed a beat'
34 South America
Krls Madden takes us to the port of Balboa and a cllPPer ihat looks as if she came from the set of Pirates of the Caril:bean
39 West Africa It's way off the tourist track, but G Adventures MS ExPedrtion
used to taking her Passengers outside their comfort zone'
43 GalleY Stars
Forqei shiP's biscuits TodaY s sailors are more likely to be se,rveo bv celebritY chefs len ot the best
Tricia Welsh
*While cruising South America, I was readlng Laurence Bergreen's Over the Edge of theWorid ab'out Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe. The exPlorer and I found his strait at the same time: he after months at sea and me afterjust a few days and 1 78 Pagesl"
reveal theii sPecialitY dishes'
i I
i ,n" ,'f
ft h
50 River Cruise Review
The hottest destinations and the latest innovations are tn our 16-Page sPecial rePort on the iivers of the world
67 SePik River
Be initiated into crocodlle culture onTrue A/orrh's luxurY
adventure triP to PNG'
72 Raw Food
Cruisers are catching on to
Glenn Wheeler
*l always buy undies when travel because those bought I
from the other side ofthe world stand out in mY drawer"
From Asia to South America, our guide reviews exciting new river destinations
,*tf Distribution Partners:
thls latest cullnarY sensation' Trv an amazinq cashew lemon cheesecake reiiPe at home'
CRT]ISEM lssue 53, Spring 201 3
Editorin-chief and publisher Peter Lynch )i<e.n<<a^
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Contributors and writers Sue Bryant, Toni Eatts, Rod Eime, Louise Goldsbury, joanna Fiall, Nahrain -lohn, Sally Macmillan, Kris Madden, Teresa Ooi, Maggy Oehlbeck, John Pond, Sue Wallace, Tricia Welsh, Glenn Wheeler
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79 Ship to Shore Our new reviews section features three of our writers'picks from tne year, plus your stores.
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99 World Calendar 13 Star Entertainer Marcia Hines gets into the groove and prepares to rock the boal on Rhopsody of the Seos. Plus see who else is piaying on the oceans.
. .yl, Fabulous pnzes! 49
\A/i^ n A-,, prre - rr4-oay ^"1-^ pacKage ^^-1,^ vvrn a worth 58,760 for four aboard the sensation al Radiance of the Seas, courlesy of Holidays
of Australia.
Glenn Wheeler explains why
so long as his wife
Photo Competition
Readers'Choice Awards Vote for your favourites and win a 57,900 night in Auckland courtesy of Pullman Hotels.
with him.
Cover: Ralph Grizzle, avidcruiser.com
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All rights reserved. Reproduction in wholeor in part without wriften permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright Cruise Media Australasia Pty Ltd. Opinions expressed are thoseof the individual contributo6 and are not necessarilythose ofthe publisher All reasonable effons have been made to contact copyright holders. Information provided believed to be coiiect attimeofpublication, however details can change atanytimeand all information, including prices, in this magazjne should be considered general in nature only. No travel decisions should be made solelyon the information provided. Always.onsult your (avel agent.
zi .t)ultimdte
Spirit of
the western coast of Africa from Caoe Town to Dakar, our intrepid reporter discovers mystery and history way off the tourist track.
As M5 Exoedition traces
ou will travel far and the spirits will guide you safely
through many perilsj' Anthony whispers into his hands cupping the tiny object. And with that short and sweet blessing, he lnserts a tiny wooden pin into the little shaft and presents
me with my travelling talisman. Anthony,
idols arranged on the little table."You won't
not his real name l'm certain, looks at me with a satisfaction that reminds me of
frnd these legba lvodun ldol and gatekeeper to the spirit worldl out in the market," David says to me through barely moving lips, "these
triumphant used car salesman.
In this tiny, darkened back room, Dr David Conrad (a PhD in African studies)
are the real deal."
and I survey the bizarre assortment of fetish
hldden away in the backstreets of the capital,
Here ln Togo's Akodessewa Fetish Market,
group Lome, a small contingent of our tour ventured has res'Expedition from G Adventu piles of inside the compound to examine the heads animal remains, withered desiccated and amputated parts on sale for vodun practitioners and curious tourists alike'
the dungeons
colonial remnants of the once war-torn grisly nation of Angola Ahead of us are the Ghanaian slave ports of Elmina and Cape Coast, where visitors report hearing the ghostly whispers of long-departed slaves in
Passengers aboard
lt's a mixed G Adventures'inaugural voyage for sure: Americans, Australians' Brits'
in Despite centuries of Christian influence Ghana' to Nigeria from Guinea of Gulf the the art of vodun is practised in some shape
Canadians and a sprinkling of Germans' Spanish and others. Each has their own reason for making this voyage Some die-hard
the G Adventures devotees will go anywhere company's flag is hoisted, while others simply just fascinated want to tick boxes. The rest are for the unthinkable long so by these lands, general tourist, and what they may hold in
When or form in both the cities and villages' in transported were West African slaves their thousands from these shores to the
'A hand-Picked platoon of I
lm p ress lvely
cultural and natural riches' into Our ship, M5 Fxpedition'was drafted loss sad the after service by G Adventures of stern of "the little red ship" in 2007 Made stuff, what she lacks in glamour is more than compensated for in sheer hard-core functionality. Built as an Arctic vehicle and passenger ferry in 1972,she has had several names but is now enjoying a relatively leisurely life refitted as a dedicated expedition vessel.There's generous space in allthe public areas, including bars, lounges and very decks, and she seems to have adapted wellto this new life Now she is tracing the western coast of Africa from CapeTown to Dakar, Senegal' the over 24 days Already we've gazed from Cape in heights ofTable Mountain
Town, explored the abandoned structures of Kolmanskop on the edge of the Namib Desert and investigated the Portuguese
credentialled lecturers, adventure
' r anOlavid guldes naturalists escorts us at every turn.' Caribbean and Americas, it became"voodoo" - and something else again The poignant slave history is the other predominant cultural experience available
to us at the many sites, now UNESCO recognised, in Ghana, Gambia and Senegal' The slave trade ltself extended almost the entire length ofthe African west coast and inland, and almost certainly exists in
some shaPe or form to this day
INDIANA JONES A hand-picked platoon of impressively credentialled lecturers, adventure guides and avid naturalists escorts us at every turn'
helping us unravel the flora, fauna and ethnic complexity we encounter every day l'm one among the small band that continually posthovers around David Conrad, a kind of eagle-eyed an and Woodstock lndiana Jones most art hunter who has forgotten more than land' crazy this about know ever will us of Others flock around Dr Steve BoYes' the ornithologist, while Wolfgang Kaehler plays Pied Piper to his wide-aperture gang
Elmina Castle, Ghana
of camera-toting travellers Peter Baxter' historian, author and inveterate African field guide, draws a loyal following too'
; $j
rnl '1he
1' verdrct
FIIGHS tc s.i uoti uq, oft-t hp-beeten tra.k iti nera ry;
Fishermen near Ghana's Cape Coast Castle rem nding us that Alr
ra s notjust
curious, rubber-recked vo1,eur. tac nq a nru tiiude of env
c/ryilo/ri ne/ll. for the
bv the planet's inquis tive fleet of adverture
is a land
vessels. Whi e the larger ships of Cunard and
Crystal are comfortab e stopplng by the s.rfe
5r.lne poorly notched passenqers (mobtlity
hunrar tarlar cha enqes, fronr messy and
1. ., .-
i. d e.p
6 ,.ion
inrrrerslon in c,.tItr-tral ond natural teatures; exceliertt orqcrtiscttian in o challenginq
9 qr6..
roots rredlca facillties.
UNEXPLORED BEAUTY I be coast of West Africa is one of the last
remainng parts of the wor d unexp ored
Nanr bian ports o1'Luderitz and Walvis Bav, lt's
o , lo' e rlly f Lrat ud..t .t'd . I. p Op . rl have deemed Ango a, Congo, Sao Tome arrd the Gulf natlons sutfrciently cf isis free to a lovv tourlst ship visits. Even so, a I precautions are taken aId, .
from Point No re in f ongo Lrnt I Accra r Ghana, we are joined by three verv
I t...
..1 ...
.r, ,o,
/to cievarlar/ i,frara/ai
BEST SU]TED TC A,ctive, odventLnaus,
oper rrirrrTerl qrown
ups nol airaici fo exceed theit corDla)tt zonet r:ccasiona||y. Not physicol|), cha||enqinq, but tonq aoys (an oe taxlnq.
business ike ex-Royal Marines rr,rho stand
vlgl whl rA^,^^:^rrH'Jrul
e l\/iS Fxpeditiou passes through
. A^,^,A^, Al-l-rll
^,^ ,--' ^
oeer.nec necessary. In 2014, G Adventures wi lextend its
to N4arrakech and Morocco, a e.robl c "dled oopor 'J'lil ' fur llo . ,n .f, r'g -O .to. 01 i
f^ I, oo, ol-dd' o
these mystical .un45
WHO ELSE GOES THERE? Hapag Lloyd is sending Bremenh October for 23 rJays and, while Saga Cruises, Silversea Llndb ad and Zegrahm lst the West Coast of Africa as an itinerary, none has pLrb isbed departures at time of writing. Freigbter voyages are ava lable too for example, 40 days return from Anrsterdam to Lagos.
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