lifestyle I getaway
"Super [odges" in New Zealand and Australia offer a level of IuxurV that transcends anV hotel rating system. Text and photos bv Roderick Eime here is a rarefied statusphere fbr the elite traveller; where tl-re experience is valued and rernenrbered long after settling the account and heading for home. Long envied lor their premium cachet and set amid dramatic, blockbuster loc:rtions, New Zealand's ultra exclusive "Super Lodges" continue to earn the praise of luxury travellers and hardnosed critics alike. Not to be outdone,
Grasmere Lodge will always command the attention of those looking lor quiet and comlort in a nostalgic colonial style. Set amidst the spectacular Southern AIps, you'll be wondering which Hollywood epic you're in. The original homestead harks back to lB5B and, with gradual and tasteful modernisation, now presents the perfect
complement to the natural grandeur of
Grasmere Lodge, Cass, South Island
its surroundings. Every guest room at Grasmere Lodge has one king or two single beds, two armchairs and a coflee table, CD playeq minibaq a work desk with a modem plug and chair. Each private patio or deck has two outdoor chairs for enjoying the views and lresh mountain air.
Playing heavily on its dramatic location near Arthur's Pass, New Zealand's
A Lake Mew Deluxe Room is NZ$435 (about HK$2,439) per person
Australia has launched a counterattack and brought the battle right up to their transTasman cousins. We compare the top of the line from each side.
74 |
(double occupancy) and includes a pre-
dinner cocktail hour; a five-course table d'h6te gourmet dinner and a full cooked or continental breakfast. www. gras mer e lo dge. c om
Huka Lodge, Taupo Widely considered the top lodge in Ncw Zealand despite fierce competition, Huka continues to garner awards fron-r publications such as Tiaael + Izisure, Cond6 Nast, Andrew Harper and The Robb Report.
Ideally positioned in a private hideaway adjacent to the Waikato River and surrounded by botanic gardens, Huka Lodge was originally a private fishing lodge in the 1920s, but its reputation lor fine food and natural serenitv has soread far and wide.
getaway I lifestyle
Executive Chef John Allred enjoys a substantial reputation, thanks to his
schooling courtesy
of lodge ownet
multimillionaire banker and investor Alex van Heeren. The lodge is compact and snug and gives the impression of embracing its guests. Apart from the famed Owner's Cottage, Huka Lodge provides 20 guest suites, all decorated in keeping with the
main lodge. Tariffs begin at NZ$730 (HK$4,094) per person, fully inclusive.
Maungatautari, Lodge, Lake Karapiro Unlike many of its contemporaries
same personal touch extends to their exemplary hospitality, which makes guests feel like old friends visiting for an
extended dinner. Set on 30 hectares of park-like gardens, there are stud horses and sheep just beyond the colourful expanses of lavender, organic vegetable gardens and citrus orchards. The property is also part of an ambitious wildlife conservation program that aims to preserve and protect the many threatened NZ species such as kiwi, kereru, tui, korimako ftellbirds), kokako, kaka, kakariki, hihi (stitchbirds), toutouwai (robins), skinks, geckos, giant weta and tuatara. The lodge itself is roomy, bright
throughout New Zealand, Maungatautari Lodge is a relatively recent construction, built by its ownerhosts, Peter and Christine Scoular,
and airy assisted by broad picture windows with views all the way to Lake Karapiro. Christine does most of the cooking and even occasionally invites guests into the kitchen to share in the
to their own personal design. This
culinary experience.
A double occupancv suitc is NZ$g70 (HK$5,439) and incltrdt's dinncr, bcd and breaklhst. www.ntalodge.corn
Also wortl-r :r nrenti<lr-r: l'rcctops Luxury Lodgc, Rotonra; Pcppers rln the Point, Rotorua; Kawal.ra Poir-rt Lodge, Rotorua; Otahuna Lodgc, Christchurch; Select Braemar Lodge & Spa, Hannrer Springs; Blankct I3ay Lodgc, Qycenstown.
Arajilta Retreat, Lord Howe lsland Discreetly tucked away anrid luxuriant ker.rtia palms and ban,van lrees ()n World Heritage-listed Lord Howc Island, Arajilla Retreat is perlbctly placed to deliver rclaxation and rc'juvenation. Owned and opcratcd by thc Shead Iamily, Arajilla is onc ol- onlv tu,o such prcmiun'r propcrties on the tiny and rcmotc island, in the T:rsmzrn Sc:r betwcen Ar-rstralia and Ncw Zcaland.
Grasmere Lodge looks almost too good to be true in its rustic setting and colonial elegance
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<lirrncl cllinks. tlutr'-t orrlst' clinrit'r' u illr tttt'rrrr t lrlrngirrg tllilr. rttorrrttuirr lrikt's ln(l r'('tul ll lLir'1rolt tr':rnsli'r's orr tlrt' :rrrrl.
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lnlalcl-rvirrtirtg. alclritcctrrlallv t'rclrrisitt' l)r1)l)('r't\ lr'grrllrIlr' lrttl'lt( ts tlrt' Irighcst
stlltunl ol' 1rx'rrritrrrr ltt conrnroclatiolt. -\tt tut:tl,, ,l lt, ,lonirtir lr':,11. rltrllia t lairus to "inrnrt'r'st' rrrrr
'\rrstlulitrrr lricl intt'r'rr:rtionlil llrsirtt'ss ('\('( uti\'(':i lrncl t t'lt'lrlitit's t't lrt'lon ol'
st't'king a lrit'1.
intcnsc cLrst' ol'
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sorrrt' t l)oost' to
t'rplolt' tlit'
gloliorrs lrrrslr t'rrvilorrs llv nrorrntlin lrikt' o| ()rr lirol. rll()st llr'(' ( ()rrt('rrt to t't't lint' irr tlrt' lll-t'nrlrlrt ing lotrngt' l ith lL goocl lrook lur(l u lilr(' rvint'..jrrst rvitlrirr cllsltot ol' tlit' nt'rt rlirrrrt'r'lrcll. l{llt's lrt'sirr at '\S I l..r iHliS:i. |(iI i pt'r' l)('r's()n arrrl irrclLrclcs lrrll lrn'rLklirst clrrilr. plrrs rrrolning lncl rrli('r'n()()rr tt'1. \irrr ltlso lltrt' lt t hoit t' ol' utt ll litst o-stvlt' Iturt lr ot' g()ul'nr('t picrric lrlrrrpt'r' orr tlrt'
rlln ol lrllival. 'l'lrt'n' is ll s('\'('n-( { )uls(' rlt'grrstation clinnt'r: .\ll lrcrtllgcs lrlt'
Peppers Spicers Peak Lodge, Scenic Rim, Queensland
li,r',,i',,,r,,,t,, *ili'.jrrclc. tlrt' rrtrlti-
ploi iclt'cl tlrt'orrgltotrt \1)ul stlr\. irrt lrrrlirrg rlint' rr ith clinncr: i
f t i t t r t f t tt t /; h rl !t'. t
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lrrcl t lt':rtt's
irt ir lcllrrt'cl atrnosplrt'n'. ol]t'r'inq' pt'r'sonalist'cl ancl intrrilivt' st'r'r'it
opt'n. lrrt't'zr suit('s rlt'n' clt'signccl lx .\rrstlalirrrr llt lritct t ( llrlis lJcckinqllrrrr Iirr' l;illiorrair'(' ()\\ n('l' lJolr ( )lrtlt'r' uitlr tlrt' olrjt't tivt' ol' lurlnronr nitlt tlrt' rlt'lit lrtt' Ilirtul'itl srrllorrrrrlirtgs. ( llroosl ll'onr l,t't'nlrt'cl or' \\'irrrlniu'(l Suit('s. ()l' lirl that spt't ill ot t irsiorr. glllt tltt' tnot
ottplt' lJcltt lr Horrst'. l{att's lrt'gin
.\S72.r iFll.,S5. I 50t
l)('r l)('r':i()n Iirl rr nriniruull t\\()-night stln rtncl int lrrck's all orr-islancl tllnsli'r's nrt'uls in lrotli n'stlrrllrrrls rritlrin clrrlliu Itort-rtlt oltolit lrt'r't't'lrgt's. lllrrs rrrtrl on n t'lt't tlit goll lrrrggr. 'l lrt' lJt'lrt lr Horrst'.' .\S:i.
it,'i t'it'. (|
00 lt(|
H IiS22.02:j r pt'r' niu-ht. il. ( 0tlt. u I t
.\lso lct orrrrrt'nclt'cl: Sotrtlrt'r'n ( )r't'al Isllncl: lJloorrrllt'lrl ( ( lapt' llpt''l'r'iIrrrlatiorr: Lorlgr'. l,or lgt'. rrgaloo
qualia, Great Barrier Reef l'lu't ol' rt n('\\ \\'a\'(' ol' ;\trstlirliarr "rrltl'lL loclgcs". rlrraliir is locatt'cl on Hlrtriltorr Isllrrrcl anrorrgst th(' lrt'uvt'rrlv \\'lritsrrrrrllrr' (iloLrp on ()trt'r'nsllLncl's
\lrrlsrrlt't l{irtr': l.ilirrnl't'ls lllrrt'
\lorrttl:rins l{r'solt ct Spu: \inlgt's
(in'lt llrrllit'r' ltt't'l;'l lJr lorr lrt llr rorr. lJr rrrn lilr. l,izlrr<l Islrrrrcl.