Rodolfo folgar chajon
first grade Section "D"
Communication is the process by which to transmit information from one entity to another. Communication processes are signmediated interactions between at least two agents that share a common repertoire of signs and semiotic rules are common.
Knowledge has been around since the beginning of mankind, its evolution as a species we have come. The knowledge and freedom are closely connected and that the human learns, teaches and uses his knowledge to the extent of freedom that have to do it. Until recent decades the knowledge era heritage of mankind, and was free to use and access. With the advent of artificial boundaries such as patents and copyrights, among others (collectively referred to as intellectual property), the knowledge lost this feature. Today, while the advancement of technology to achieve a digital society and connected to human knowledge provides new opportunities for growth.
Entertainment is a diversion intended to focus the attention of an audience or its participants. The industry that provides entertainment is called the entertainment industry.
Preguntas abiertas: Son preguntas en las que se permite al encuestado responder cualquier cosa segun la pregunta. Con estas preguntas puede obtenerse una mayor riqueza de detalle en las contestaciones, pero tienen el inconveniente de que las respuestas son difĂciles de tabular.
Closed questions: These are questions that can be answered only by a closed set of alternatives. These questions may be lost wealth in the information, but its quantification is easy. Questions semi-open (or semi-closed): These are questions of characteristics intermediate between the above two types, who try to never lose great wealth of information at the expense of losing some ease in the tabulation of responses.