Portfolio - 2021 // Rodrigo Alvarez Carranza

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Rodrigo Martín Alvarez Carranza Date of birth: 16/01/1992 Nationality: Bolivian Phone.-(+591) 73038824 - (+591) 2220625

rodrigo.alvarez.1692@gmail.com +59173038824 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rodrigo_Alvarez_Carranzaa https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodrigo-alvarez-carranza-2b8756141 https://www.facebook.com/Rodralvarez/

//Co-Founder with Ar. Alejandra Ibañez of



Línea Arquitectura

//Founder of

// Secretary of Press and Propaganda Asociación Nacional BIM Bolivia // Junior Ambassador of Fondation Jacques Rougerie France // Autodesk Certified Instructor


GL-Supernova The Green Levitating Supernova or GL-Supernova is conceptualized as the born of a new star or planet, generated by a mix of colors and sensations which is the witness of the birth of a new civilization emerged in a levitate structure that develops the life between the human and nature.

Recreational Area The main purpose of this area is give a natural environment and recreational for the habitants, and the possibility of breath clean air and have fun between them as well. The precast structure has been built mainfully to support the project and hold the natural live harboring plants and mosses.

Section View The section view was realized in a transversal way, with this section we can see the flow of movement between the parts and the function of each level, is important highlight the base and how it is sited in a border of a crater, with the objective of bringing more support to the whole project.

Envelope structure rigid Envelope structure translucent

Antenna Habitational area Support Motion flow Connection tunnel

Habitational area Structure

Tunnel flow Main tunnel

Support Landing Pad Antenna Support Levitate Grid Tunnel flow Recreational area Administrative area Reserves area Support

Project Parts The complexity of the structure is developed in a group of layers that has an important function which contributes to the life itself and the welfare of the population well as the interaction between the other centers proposed. The concept mainly is focused on a structure that is capable of hold natural life that we could develop in the future and can levitate with a base that has a set of tunnels that connect the exterior.

Main structure Habitability Levitate grid

The principal Structure is based in a grid whit holes and based in a Catmull-Clark algorithm, made of steel, which can be built with precasts pieces and also the objective of this structure apart from hold the project itself is the capability of containing moss and green structures fed on the water recycled process of the city. This system gives the city the comfort and the oxygen to breathe and have a normal life, even in areas with no gravity.


The habitability space is divided into three parts, the first part is a base with a group of levels focused on the administration, research, reserve of food, and recycling of water for the population. The major area around the ring, are filled by the capsules where the population life, where the gravity is less, and the movement of the population is around a tunnel ring and in the back the area there is the connector with the base principal.


The objective of the envelope of the project is to give protection over the hard climate environment of the Moon. The clear part has the function of filter the sunrays and the impact of the meteorites as well, giving the possibility of seeing what is outside. The solid part has the objective of support the structure, avoiding that the change of climate affects the reserves and the administrative and the recreational areas of the city.


The Support brings protection to the principal envelope and is the main link of the project with the base. This part with its non-regular geometry helps the principal ring the possibility of levitating and keep the location helping to the manipulation of gravity inside for the life and motion of the population. We can consider this structure as the foundation of the whole project.

The system of transport used by the population is based in the use of the tunnel, this structure of transport helps to move around the city from the base to the whole set of capsules and also with the levels of the project . This structure has the possibility of transport people rapidly, avoiding the saturation of the transport system using the teletransportation system , bringing the user to the point that desires in seconds.

Lighting The lighting of the ring and the base as well as a group of cables that bring the possibility of giving to the city the lighting in areas that the sunlight cannot arrive, and helps the main green structure keep the impact of light on the development of its life. Is important to understand that the light in the interior can change giving the perception of life in a different way.

Base structure

The Base is one of the main parts of the project, is capable of receive the impact of the sunrays and transform it in energy, and while it happens brings the font of power to the levitate grid that supports the project. Whereas the back structure helps to connect the ring with other cities in the moon using connectors that could go around the crater where the project is generally sited. Near the connectors is located the landing pad, for the connection with other planets and the Earth as well.



Structure and Nature Layers

2nd Layer - Membrane

The layers that are presented have the function of give clear air and support natural life into the society , is capable to change the temperature inside, and to irrigate recycled water. The variety of nature is majorly focused on moss and little plants held by the membranes and structures as well, inside the GL-Supernova.

The membrane layer is made by bio-textile which is the main support to the next layer with the structure. Likewise, this layer has the objective of administrating the thermic oscillation throughout all the project, being capable of the change it in several areas where nature thus it requires

3rd Layer - Nature The natural layer has the properties of giving clean air to the city and can be feed with the recycled. Therefore is considered the lung of the organism where life takes place. The nature planned is mainly in the moss and little plants that can be the cover of the main structure and is fining around the project.

1st Layer - Structure The Structure is made by parts that are built in a precast fabrication mode, majorly the structure has the function of hold the project, nevertheless, the structure for the GL Supernova is capable to support nature, having the possibility of giving air to the project. Is covered by a thin layer that protects the main structure.

Elevation View In this view, we can see the importance of the base, that in the interior has tunnels and also. the main structure is holding the antennas which have the role of communicating with other cities and planets. Also, the base has the connectors that support the structure of tunnels to connect the city physically and change merchandise between other centralities

Habitational Area The habitational area has the particularity that is capable of change gravity, which helps the population be safer and can control de transportation carefully, is important to understand the role of the administration that is always monitoring the development of life in the GL-Supernova.

The present project was presented in collaboration with Línea Arquitectura and Racoon.3600 for 2020’s International Architecture Competition by Fondation Jacques Rougerie Génération Espace Mer – Institut de France -Jules Verne’s Promo in 2020 achieving being part of one of the finalists and top10 Nominee finalist projects. More info below.

Past_Continuous The proposal raises a point of departure, an intervention that invites us to question how we will continuity to our past towards a resilient, sustainable future with a new awareness. The goal is to reach all people in all their environments, to be fully malleable and accessible.

Let’s imagine our world ... Remembering the lessons of the past.

Slope access to enter the project and change the perspective of the visitors.

Digital screen with 360 ° view that will show us the world after and before the project exists.

Section View

An elevated platform that will be let as a part of a future environment as a witness of the past for the future.

Envelope structure and adjustable translucent skin.

The multifunctional platform will be the base to perform and visualize our future, the place we meet each other, and we will re-think how the present and past actions will project the near future.

Plan View

Exploded view Electrical System Solar Pannels Sunlight access Skin and structure


Slope acces

When the project finalizes its functions the topography will be changed letting a platform in the center for the community to create a new space.

Digital screen

The present project was presented in collaboration with Línea Arquitectura was presented for 2021’s 14ava Bienal de Arquitectura Boliviana of Colegio de Arquitectos de Bolivia in the Category: National Project. More info below.

Rehabilitación Kindergarten The proposal for the Arboleda de Fátima neighborhood in Santa Cruz Bolivia focuses on developing a space for growth and learning for children from 3 to 5 years of age with a constructive and accessible model for the area as well as for volunteering for the TECHO foundation. In an environment in which nature and the use of wood prevail as design factors.

KitchenFacade View Principal

Educational and recreational area

The present project was presented in collaboration with Línea Arquitectura for (2019) 2021’s 14ava Bienal de Arquitectura Boliviana of Colegio de Arquitectos de Bolivia in the Category: National Project achieving the First Prize and Winner of the Category Also, the project was part of the projects presented to ARCHsharing - Kindergarten Rehabilitation in Bolivia Contest – ARCHsharing / TECHO Achieving being part of the Finalist proposals. More info about the contests below.

Racoon.3600 Racoon borns in parallel with Línea Arquitectura and is focused to explore the diversity and plasticity of the geometries into architecture and its functionalities applied to the real context, with the uses of Computational Design and P rogrammation is capable of find solutions to the problems with his curiosity.

Fluidity // Futurly

Fluidity // Futurly

Laminar Segmentation in Structures using Machine Learning // DigitalFUTURES

Inflatable Structure // OffMIAU

Inflatable Structure // OffMIAU


Línea Arquitectura Studio is localizated in La Paz - Bolivia . We are a Studio focused on the importance of society, the buildings, and their impact on the environment itself, likewise, we are focused on the uses of digital tools and BIM Methodology applied locally and abroad. An accessible architectural studio, with a human approach.

BIM and Visualization Project.- Ex-Enami / Iquique / Chile with Pantoja Navarro / MINVU

BIM and Visualization Project.- Ex-Enami / Iquique / Chile with Pantoja Navarro / MINVU

BIM and Visualization Project.- Ex-Enami / Iquique / Chile with Pantoja Navarro / MINVU

BIM and Visualization Project.- Cerro Caracol / Iquique / Chile with Pantoja Navarro / MINVU

BIM and Visualization Project.- Cerro Caracol / Iquique / Chile with Pantoja Navarro / MINVU

Portfolio 2021

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