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Garde is my nickname since i was teen, i am from são Paulo / Brazil. Ten Years ago i sTarTed To collecT “sTreeT sTickers”, i conTacTed manY arTisTs around The world. i sTarTed To make “combos” around são Paulo, são bernardo do campo and brazil. Here are the collection of 7 zines with a lot of stickers. Sorry the first zine i made in black and White and the quality is not so good. The espinafre stickers zine stopped When the covid started around here, but i did not stop to stick around. I made in 2022, 10 years sticking around and making a loto f friends around the globe. I hope you like this collection! Peace! Garde
Espinafre stickers expo 2012 –2013 was a project of art sticker in são paulo – brazil. The zine is about all stickers that passed in our hands and we had stuck around the neighborhoods of vila madalena, alto de pinheiros, perdizes, pompéia and pacaembú. I would like to thanks all artists, sticker traders and all people that supported this idea. Peace! Garde All right reserved . Photos and artworks printed in espinafre stickers zine are the property of their respective owners and may not be reproduced without permission. For more information:
All right reserved. Photos and artworks printed in espinafre stickers zine are the property of their respective owners and may not be reproduced without permission. For more information:


MANIFESTO – Forte e poderoso.

Sticker Art é uma modalidade de Arte Urbana que utiliza etiquetas adesivas. É uma manifestação da arte pós moderna popularizada na década de 1990 por grupos urbanos ligados à cultura alternativa.

A ArteUrbana designa uma arte encontrada nos meios urbanos

A Arte Urbana interage com o ser humano, é encontrada onde o cidadão comum poderá se deparar com a diversidade cultural que abrigam os centros urbanos, sem necessariamente, ter se dirigido a um centro cultural.

A Arte Urbana sai dos lugares ditos “consagrados”, ou seja, destinados à exposição e apresentações artísticas (equipamentos culturais: teatro, cinemas, bibliotecas, museus), para dar visibilidade à arte cotidiana, espalhada pelas ruas.


A arte é o reflexo da cultura e da história, considerando os valores estéticos da beleza, do equilíbrio e da harmonia.

As artes, de modo geral, caracterizam se por aquilo que os gregos chamavam de “poiesis”, ou seja,a “fabricação” dealgoquetenhasignificado.

É quase impossível falar sobre arte engajada sem falar sobre a democratização daarte

Nas democracias, é o povo quem detém o poder soberano sobre o poder legislativo e o executivo.

Democratizar arte significa criar condições para que toda a população usufrua de bens artísticos.

A democratização da arte seria tornar esta pública e acessível para qualquer pessoa.

A democratização da arte não ocorre em mão única.

A democratização da arte não apenas defende o acesso de qualquer espectador à arte, mas também, de possíveis criadores.

Espinafre Stickers Zine tem o objetivo de promover a modalidade de Arte Urbana chamada StickerArt

Espinafre Stickers Zine faz a difusão cultural e a multiplicação cultural para o Brasil e mundo por meio de trocas, divulgações, intervenções, contatos e aprendizados gerados pelo intercâmbio nasáreasdeartesplásticasevisuais.

#nohatefamily is a non profit project of 8 streetartists from Cologne that deals with the topic of "hatred in society" and experiences the participation of artists from all over the world mainly through Instagram and further social media. The idea to deal with this topic artistically, through collages with designs of participating artists, was born in October 2018 during an exchange of ideas between Cologne artists: Planet_Selfie, Greentaxonomy, VCTRPLNT, Maidincologne, Adultremix, Cut s.and.pieces, Sweetsnini and 8arms2hug. Hatred is a global theme and shows its nasty face in many different facets. It's time to act, it's time to get loud. About art as a means to an end and about social media for the worldwide networking of artists who set a sign against hatred. The project has been launched via Instagram in November 2018. The viral effect was already clearly perceptible on the net after a few days. Right from the beginning more than 100 artists from all over the world took part, among them many well known ones like Thomas Baumgärtel (Bananensprayer) and Dave the Chimp joined the #nohatefamily movement. In March 2019 around 1000 artists are already actively setting a creative sign against hatred with their own individual designed #nohatefamily sticker. To set a sign against hatred means concretely to demonstrate by the union of the artists in the collages that we united stand for love, diversity and a peaceful togetherness. The bigger sticker collages are called "Wall of Love". Cologne, London, Berlin, Toulouse, Munich, Amsterdam, Hamburg, New York, Leipzig, Ohio, Frankfurt, Rome, Düsseldorf, Rostock, Isla Holbox/Yucatan, Siegen, Opladen among other worldwide spots the #nohatefamily movement is present with walls of love designed by local artists and supporters. The #nohatefamily movement says NO TO HATRED!

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