Bringing life to Langeliniekajen | lighting design project | 2021

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Secondary goals. The secondary goals slightly touch upon Goal 15 - "Life on Land" with target number 15.5 "Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species". Taking this into account, the proposal avoids disrupting the insects, birds or any other form of wildlife from their habitat. The changes in the place should have minimal impact on wildlife both during implementation as well as afterwards, with no significant alteration to the habitat or ecosystem of any living being in the space. Since the place used to be visited a lot by tourists from cruise ships in the past, there will not be any big changes in the impact of human presence on other life ecosystems in the area, with the aim at creating a more pleasant atmosphere for humans without massive construction, pavement or other disruptive activities. The number of people visiting will increase compared to current levels but will not exceed the number of people present at its peak when cruise ships full of tourists docked every day.

2.3.3 Belysningsmasterplan for København

The Copenhagen Lighting Masterplan (Københavns Kommune & UiWE, 2014) provides a basis for future lighting projects in the capital of Denmark. Its purpose is “to describe a holistic and strategic approach for the development of Copenhagen's street and urban lighting. The ambition is to ensure comprehensive energy savings and create a coherent, locally based and unique lighting image for Copenhagen.” This Masterplan plays a crucial role in the development of this project due to three reasons. Firstly, it reflects on the three topics of the initial overall question: functional needs, identity and coherence and sustainability. Secondly, its guidelines should be considered in the process of analysis and design. These requirements can be quantitative, like the Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT), or qualitative, like the wishes of local committees. Finally, some useful examples can be found and used as inspiration for the future proposal. The Masterplan is structured around six focus areas: safe city, secure city, sustainable city, active city, living city and mediating city (Fig 2.11). These topics can remind Jan Gehl’s theories about public space. This is because “the focus areas are formulated so they are connected with the City of Copenhagen's other strategies” (Københavns Kommune & UiWE, 2014), and Gehl’s theories have had a big influence on Copenhagen’s development. Lighting is just another ingredient and, therefore, the ideas that the

Figure 2.11 Copenhagen Lighting Masterplan six focus areas


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