nance maps were produced. To create them, a series of photographs with varying aperture speeds were taken. The software Photosphere was used to generate the HDR images and the false colour maps that show the relative luminance within the spaces. By altering the HDR images with false colour mapping, the high luminous contrast of the surfaces in each zone, or lack thereof, and the glare issues can be seen more clearly. (Fig. 3.17)
It should be noted that by the time the images were taken there was no possibility to have a fish-eye lens nor a luminance meter available to have a more accurate measurement as a reference. Nevertheless, the images were used to support the observations in terms of contrast but not for quantitative data. For that reason, the scale of false colours is not shown together with the images. All the images were taken during a foggy night and, as a result, the luminance of the sky is higher. Besides the high contrast between areas, the images also show the glare and light pollution that the streetlamps produce.
Masterplan’s requirements
Following the lighting masterplan as a guideline, Langeliniekaj falls in the category of a local street, meaning that the light should be treated as warm white light with a CCT of 3000K; Moreover, this value is commonly used for the lighting design of pedestrian or slow traffic areas in urban public spaces, such as this one. Nevertheless, this indication does not take into consideration the raised park, for this, the value used was the one shown for paths for soft road users in city traffic, natural white light of 3500K. Langeliniekaj is treated under the classification of E2, consequently, the light levels must be 2.5 lux and uniformity of 0.2 (Københavns Kommune et al., 2014) (Fig 3.18) Further investigation shows a discrepancy in the suggested recommendations. The light in the area should be illuminated with warm white lights. The selected luminaire types are not being used as their whole. One side of the pier has outdated lamps and while the other side has a light that was renewed in back 2013. This creates a problem since there is a lack of congruence between what 41
Figure 3.17 Luminance maps with false colours