Bringing life to Langeliniekajen | lighting design project | 2021

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Figure 5.15 Graph representing the comparison of the results of the first and second steps of the test

related colour temperatures. At values of 2970 K and 2940 K, half of the subjects answered they perceived a little difference between colours. From 2910K to 2820K, most subjects identified a little difference between colours; increasing up to 2700K when all the subjects perceived the difference in colours as a big difference. Comparing the two charts from Step 1 and Step 2, the most common answers differ slightly at each point on the correlated colour temperature graphs. At 2700K most subjects were able to see a big variation, while from 2820 K to 2910K, on both steps, the participants perceived a slight difference. In the second step, participants continued perceiving the small difference until 2970K. From 3000K to 3030K most subjects answered with values close to 1 (No variation), especially at 2970K for Step 2 and at 3030K to 3060K for Step 1. The graph differs slightly after 3000K, with Step 2 registering higher values than Step 1 in all correlated colour temperature values until 3420K. Only at 3390K, there is a higher perception in the variation for the Step 1 process. In conclusion, considering the Step 2 part of the experiment, the subjects identified the changes in colours with a smaller change in correlated colour temperature compared with Step 1. Step 1 registered higher values than Step 2 for lower K, at 2790K and 2910K.

Conclusion and Discussion

The data shows that to perceive the difference between two different correlated colour temperatures, the value of that difference needs to be 90

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