China Name: Ashley Year: 8 House: 4 Ashley has transitioned very well to life as a boarding student; she is a quiet, polite and friendly student within the House 4 community. Ashley is an organised and independent young woman who has quickly made many lovely friendships. Ashley enjoys the activities in House 4 and has specifically enjoyed making dreamcatchers and pancakes! It has been a pleasure welcoming Ashley to House 4 and we look forward to continuing to support her throughout her Roedean journey. A great start, well done Ashley. Mrs Stephanie Wilson, Housemistress of House 4
Scan to view Ashley’s interview in Mandarin
在上一个月我来到了Roedean,在这里特别的开心. 在学校 里我认识了不同国家的朋友,还有很多细心和关心你的老 师。 从早上的课到晚上的活动,我尝试不同的东西,还能 非常充实的利用时间。我来到这里了以后,我找到了很多 我的爱好和喜欢的科目。在Roedean 的每一天我都很享受 自己,特别是可以看着海运动,上课还有吹海风! 虽然我 还没有在这里很长时间,但是我非常非常喜欢这里而且我 想一直在这里读下去! Ashley
International Boarder Profile