IBP 香港/Hong Kong - Carissa (Year 12)

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大家好,我是李旻懿。在二零一七年的暑假,在父母 的支持下,作了遠赴英國求學的決定。二零一七年 的十月,我懷著緊張的心情與Roedean的校長進行 面試,縱使對方說著完全不同的語言,Roedean給 我的印象不錯。所以在收到取錄信後的不久,我和 我的父母便下了這一個決定,前往Roedean升讀中 六、七。

Name: Carissa Year: 12 House: Keswick Carissa has settled extremely well into Keswick; a vibrant and busy Sixth Form boarding house. She has been quick to make friends and has immersed herself into her academic studies. She has high aspirations for the future and this is what drives her enthusiasm to do well. Carissa is taking every opportunity that Roedean has to offer. She has thoroughly enjoyed getting involved with the school farm, ensuring the animals have been well cared for at the weekend which has confirmed her dream of becoming a vet. She has joined the school choir and has joined the Chemistry Olympiad. Carissa is a sociable and valued member of Keswick House. Miss Hannah Smith, Housemistress of Keswick

Roedean 讓人眼前一亮的,當然不少得坐山望海 的地理位置以及古堡風格的校舍,老師們十分重 視學生的學習興趣,在Roedean,我得到更多接觸 不同科目的機會,除了化學、生物和數學,我得到 機會了解我很感興趣的哲學,後來更選擇了它為我其中一 科選修科。此外,我在Roedean更參與了化學奧林匹克、到 學校的農場幫忙等。

在Roedean的寄宿生活可謂多姿多采。離家千里之外,難免 會有想家的空虛感,但在宿舍內,年紀較大的中七學生,會 舉辦各樣的活動,讓我們很快打成一片。以往,人們總說學 校是社會的縮影,但在Roedan,我看到世界之大。這裡充滿 來自世界各地的宿生、同學,我認識到來自星加坡、馬來西 亞甚至南非的朋友,互相了解大家不同的文化特色。在這裡 我得到的不僅是學術上的機遇,了解同學之間的不同,學懂 包容、尊重彼此,從而擴闊世界觀,享受這裡的生活。 Carissa

International Boarder Profile

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