Heads Review - 2024 Issue 7

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Head’s Introduction

Last week’s ‘Waltzing Through Time’ gala concert was a fantastic event, showcasing so many talented musicians in different ensembles. The addition of dancers in some pieces built on the theme wonderfully, and the production, with bursts of fire and dry-ice didn’t disappoint. I particularly loved the fact that the performers were so obviously having a brilliant time, and a number of parents commented afterwards how impressive it is that the musicians can move from Tchaikovsky and the Can-Can to Fat Boy Slim without missing a beat. Congratulations to all the performers, and to the Music Department and the Theatre team for a brilliant event.

Well done to our U12 and U13 Netballers, who both came second in Wednesday’s SISNA tournament. They saw off some stiff competition in the rounds, before losing in the finals – congratulations on these excellent results. Our U14s and U15s also played well in their SISNA competitions, and this means that Roedean is the only school in Sussex to be in the top 3 across all four age-groups. Last weekend, we hosted a Netball tournament for Prep Schools, and I am delighted that it was a huge success. Tomorrow’s Open Day has the theme ‘A Roedean Journey’, and our visitors will have to collect stamps in their ‘passport’ as they tour the School. Thank you in advance to all the staff and students who will be hosting our guests tomorrow.

I am looking forward to next week’s festival to mark International Women’s Day. The line up of twenty-two speakers is incredibly impressive, with something for everyone, ranging from a Beefeater and a composer to an environmentalist, and from a diver and a lawyer to an engineer – I have no doubt that they will inspire our students to work hard and chase their dreams.

I wish you all a restful weekend and a good week to come.

7 Golds for Maisa

Tesla at Roedean

Waltzing Through Time –a Triumph

Netball – 1st VII Triangular vs Lancing & Bede’s
1 March 2024 – Issue 7

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Greta (Yr8) – for presenting the MNDA 24-hour race information to all the staff in the school – a scary thing to do and she did it brilliantly! [Mr Wilson]

Tesla at Roedean Southern School Book Awards 2024

On Friday night at Hurstpierpoint College, students from Years 7 and 11 attended the SSBA Awards. The awards are a showcase for the best in young adult literature, and, before attending the awards, the students had the opportunity to read all of the nominated books and vote for their favourite.

The event was hosted by well-known children’s author Chris Bradford. Also in attendance was award-winning Illustrator, and political cartoonist, Chris Riddell, who captured the whole event by drawing pictures live on stage, always a highlight of the evening!

At the ceremony, the winner of the award was announced, and this year the award went to Ravena Guron for ‘This Book Kills’. After the show, the students had the chance to meet all the shortlisted authors for questions and book signings.

A dark blue Tesla swept silently up the drive to School this week. In it were three employees of the famous electric car company, including Anni Fan, who left Roedean 8 years ago. She studied Fashion at Central St Martin’s, followed by a Master’s in Technology at Imperial, and she now works at Tesla.

To coincide with International Women’s Day next week, Tesla is holding an event for its staff and external stakeholders, celebrating female engineers in the company, and they wanted to showcase some younger women who are just beginning their engineering journey. Lila and Skylah, in Year 13, were interviewed about why they are passionate about engineering, and the place of women in the sector. Skylah is applying to study Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at university, and Lila has applied to read Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, and they loved meeting the representatives from Tesla. They spoke passionately about wanting to be part of a field which helps people, while also being sustainable and reducing the impact on the environment.

After the interviews, they spent an hour sitting in the front of the car, hearing all about the workings of the engine, as well as all of the technology in the car and the screen which controls all aspects of the vehicle. They loved it, and hopefully they have been inspired to throw themselves with even more energy into their chosen fields! We look forward to seeing some professional photos and approved video clips in due course.

Skylah said: ‘I'm thankful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented to me by Roedean. Albeit the initial interview invitation seemed intimidating, it turned out to be an exhilarating experience. The conversations with the Tesla staff were a delight to have. It was also a pleasure to have a tour of the Model Y. From the sleek and clean interior to the numerous miscellaneous features, especially the variety of games installed, it has left a deep impression on me and strengthened my motivation to pursue my engineering career.’

Dr Barrand
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Mackenzie Shortlisted in SPoKE Documentary Competition

SPoKE is an art historical documentary film competition, designed to challenge students to link the visual and the verbal in an imaginative and creative manner, underpinned by solid academic research. It is for both Art and Art History students.

The subject of Mackenzie's documentary was Van Gogh's painting 'Prisoners Round', and we are delighted that she has been shortlisted.

We look forward to hearing the results which are being announced in London on Tuesday 5 March 2024.

Good luck, Mackenzie!

Open Mic

Come along and listen to students and staff perform their favourite songs!


Chamber Music Day

We are looking forward to welcoming the Odysseus Piano Trio to Roedean, to work with our chamber musicians, after which they will give a performance, alongside the Roedean's players – you can book your tickets here https://roedean.ticketsolve.com

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Waltzing Through Time – a Triumph

This term's gala concert was an outstanding success, a wonderful performance which brought together music from different periods, made all the more beautiful by dancers. The concert wove together music with a dance theme from different periods, including classical and popular music. My personal favourite were Bartok's Romanian Dances, performed by the String Orchestra, with Anna in Year 11 as the featured violinist –it was brilliant.

The audience loved the concert, and they were very generous with their applause – the number of students involved in the Choir, three orchestras, and bands, was amazing! Not only was there a range of ensembles, including students from Year 7 to 13, but the concert also featured our newest Rock Band.

Well done to the Music Department, for bringing together a spectacle which allowed stunning dance to complement the endeavours of our musicians. What an outstanding concert it was – congratulations to everyone involved, including the Music and Dance departments, and the Theatre team. Congratulations on another great gala!

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The Last Two Weeks in Boarding...

Since returning back to school after half term, our boarders across the Houses have been busy in the kitchen, making an array of snacks and treats. The Houses have been filled with various delicious aromas, which does really showcase how much of a 'home away from home' Roedean is. We feel very fortunate that the boarding houses really are the girls' happy places, which I am sure you can see from the pictures!

In House 1, girls have had a blast over the weekend with their very own chocolate fondue night. The boarders had a selection of snacks to pick from to cover in delicious chocolate –strawberries, blueberries, bananas, raspberries, and marshmallows. How yummy! As always, House 1 girls adore their weekly Bingo, and take it very seriously to battle it out for the prizes.

House 2 have been baking mad, making Miss Roe’s famous cookies (quickly devoured fresh out of the oven) and rice crispy treats. On Saturday the girls came down in masses for a Tanghulu night (a delicious Chinese street food). They had a fab time selecting which fruits they wanted and dipping them in molten sugar for a crunchy and sweet snack! In keeping with House 2’s love for the colour yellow, the baking fanatics made their very own lemon curd from scratch, which was then taste-tested on Wednesday for a waffle night alongside ice-cream and other sauces!

House 3 have had a fabulous two weeks trying out trending TikTok recipes! From watermelon pizzas and mug cakes to a beautiful garden focaccia, the girls loved coming together for quality time in the evenings and bonding over their love for food. They have also been rocking out during activity times this week in preparation for the upcoming House Music Competition.

In House 4, girls have made most yummy treats over the past two weeks – they made delicious cinnamon rolls, and cupcakes, and they decorated cookies (with an international twist). Boarders also had a brilliant time over the weekend celebrating World Bartender Day and making the yummiest mocktails, trialling all sorts of combinations and garnishes! The most adorable clay creations were also made by the girls and will proudly be on display in their bedrooms. The House 4 boarders are extremely lucky that their incredible housemistress Mrs Wilson is an expert baker, and this week she made the most amazing Toy Story cake for the girls to enjoy!

Keswick and Lawrence House came together before half term for a wonderfully mad evening, consisting of an epic ice cream bar, board games, badminton, and a very heated game of Mafia. It is so wonderful seeing the older girls in the School coming together to de-stress and have a proper laugh!

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Miss Roe
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'La Casa de Bernarda Alba' at the Cervantes Theatre

Federico García Lorca’s play ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ is an essential in understanding the journey of Spanish feminism and liberalism. Its continued relevance today provides a compelling component to Spanish A Level, and an opportunity for a trip to the theatre.

An ode to Aristotle’s conventions of Greek tragedy, Lorca confines the fierce matriarch and her daughters to an all-female space. As an audience member, male absence was particularly striking when brought to the stage. It is true that there is a tense and looming masculine presence in the play, however, in the theatre, the invisible character of ‘Pepe el Romano’ felt, ironically, more present. Lorca describes his play as a ‘photographic documentary’, a sentiment that was honoured through this performance in the Cervantes Theatre. In such an intimate venue, it increased the feeling of viewing the realistic and private lives of women in 1930s Spain. Likewise, the opportunity to see the embodiment of the characters on stage, real women expressing realistic, complex, female characters, was a great performance to watch.

Their portrayal of suppressed emotions and desires through their physicality and delivery brought a new dimension to the book and characters that cannot be felt by simply reading the play. I really enjoyed both the trip to London with the Spanish Department, and it was wonderful to finally see such a great play performed so successfully!

Zara (Year 13)

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U15A Netball Cup Match vs Oscar Romero – 50-24 Win

The U15A Netball team played a Sussex Cup match against Oscar Romero this week. With SISNA just round the corner, it was a brilliant opportunity to hone our play.

The team played incredibly well, taking the ball quickly to goal. With 9 players, we were able to make a few changes without the goal difference getting tighter. With lots going on this week, a few players managed to have some rest time in preparation for SISNA on Thursday.

The final score was 50-24 win to Roedean. On to the next round!

U14D Power to Victory vs Lancing College

The U14D team travelled to Lancing with excitement in the air to gain another victory. The team was much changed following our last victory against Mayfield. The first half started and the performance was the best half of netball of the whole term, which meant the scoreline was in our favour – the half finished at 24-5.

Both the attacking and defensive units played incredibly, with high percentage shooting rates and many turnovers created. Positions were changed in quarter three and four, however the performance did not change – the defensive partnership of Molly and Hannah were formidable, and the shooting partnership of Miranda and Anya were lights out.

■ Attacking Player of the Match: Sana'a

■ Defensive Player of the Match: Hannah

U18B Netball Battle Against Lancing College

At the weekend, Roedean’s U18Bs took on Lancing in a tough away match. The game started well, drawing 4-4 by the end of the first quarter. Lancing really stepped up in the second quarter, with a very strong defence and a few successful turnovers widening the gap. Our Roedean team didn’t let this discourage them, and they went out into the last two quarters with a very positive attitude and excellent drive to get a few goals back.

Unfortunately, overall Lancing pulled ahead and the game finished 29-11 to Lancing. Izzy made some brilliant drives to help move the ball down the court, and Mbali applied strong pressure to their shooters – the result was that both being named Attacking and Defensive Players of the Match respectively. Well done U18Bs for putting out a strong performance the whole way through, and working so well as a team.

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U15A U14D

Roedean Victory in Friendly Swimming Gala vs Mayfield

On Monday, Roedean swam to a decisive victory against Mayfield with a score of 86 points to 67. Featuring junior, inter, and senior teams, the Gala included seventeen events, made up of relays, individual, and squadron to top off an excellent afternoon of racing.

From the outset, it was evident that each team was prepared to give their all. The event started with Holly and Alice racing the 100m senior medley. They swam to an impressive 1st and 2nd place, with 1.28 and 1.31 respectively. This was the best both athletes have swum this year, so congratulations. They went on to swim extremely strongly in their events later in the Gala, swimming a combination of fly and backstroke, with Holly topping off her performance with the Squadron Relay. The seniors led by example for the rest of the squad.

The junior squad kicked off proceedings with a triumphant win in the 50m fly, with Maisa clocking a time of 35.7. Farah also swam an impressive 40.57 to take silver. We have a lot of talent in this stroke, and the successes of the juniors in this are evident. The inters also came in second and fourth in the event, with Evelyn and Matilda swimming 40.75 and 45.67 respectively. Alice flew in the fly to take the win in 39.21 and Holly in second with 39.52. In front crawl, Tilly won the juniors in 32.33, Inter Charlize came in second in 36.72, and Senior Alice won the 100m front crawl in 1.18. In the Junior, backstroke success continued with the first and second place for Farah and Tilly in 42.1 and 42.46. We similarly took the victory in senior backstroke with Alice continuing to swim well. Junior squad member Maisa and Inter Evelyn showed versatility, also winning their 50m breaststroke. There were other strong breaststroke performances by Finya, Ashleigh and Faye.

The strength and depth of our swim squad showed in wins across all relays with Maisa, Farah, and Tilly in the junior squad; Kat, Faye, Evelyn, and Matilda in the inters; and Alice, Finya, Holly, and Alice in the seniors.

These are exciting times for Roedean Swimming! Our team's triumph in the gala match was a testament to our collective dedication and hard work. Each swimmer contributed to the victory, showcasing their skills and commitment. Reflecting on this achievement, we look forward to building on our success and striving for greatness in future competitions.

Ms Marek

7 Golds for Maisa

Congratulations to Maisa in Year 7, who qualified for all the races at the Sussex counties gala. She had 5 weekends of counties, which started with the1500m freestyle at Crawley K2, where she swam amazingly, although she was disqualified due to false start (a tough learning curve for any athlete). This was then followed by a weekend of relays, in which her team swam IM and freestyle – the girls came third on the IM after an incredible swim race from the last 3 (Maisa was in the 50 fly), which moved her from 8th to 3rd in the finals.

The third weekend was all-day races on Saturday and Sunday, in which Maisa swam 10 races (including finals). The weekend after was the 800m, and this was again an all-day Saturday & Sunday event, in which Maisa swam another 12 races (including finals).

In total, Maisa won 7 gold medals (including the 800m free), 2 silver, and 5 bronze medals. She performed absolutely amazingly. We are pleased to report that Maisa dropped 2.27sec in the 100 backstroke, which is incredible progress!

On 22-23 March, she will go to Winchester to swim 1500m free, 200 free, 200 IM, and 50 free, to try to win regional automatic qualification times. The Regionals will be two full weekends (20 & 27 April) in Crawley K2 and Winchester. This should be a great experience for Maisa!

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Netball – 1st VII Triangular vs Lancing & Bede’s

This was the second last match for the U18A team, and Izzy's last match, so we wanted to make it a good one. We were playing Lancing first. They went up by 5 goals in the first few minutes – we were getting the ball down to our end, but were a little bit shaky with converting to goal, however I knew they could turn it around.

We shook off the cobwebs and got our act together, and the goals started coming in. We brought it back to get to 3 behind Lancing – it was 6-3 to them at the end of the first quarter. We talked about how we needed to turn the ball over to try and bring it back, and they did just that. Everyone put on the pressure in defence and we made enough turnovers to go 1 goal up, The second quarter ended 8-7 to us.

We then had our best quarter yet, everything flowed, we were driving forwards for the ball, being steady on turnovers, and our shooters were working together nicely and getting all the shots in – 16-11 up after the 3rd quarter. We sometimes play 'stressball' when we have a lead and we did this in the 4th quarter – it was sloppy at times and Lancing were bringing it back. I started to worry, but no need as we held our lead and won 21-17 in the end. It was a great, close game, which showed that you can turn any game around.

The Bede's match was also closely fought. We were a bit tired from the previous match so we went a bit flat. We still managed to get an early lead 6-4 at the end of the 1st. We told ourselves to wake up, and start talking more on court

and needing to turn over. Bede's were fresh legged so we couldn't just sit back and expect to win. They had tall accurate shooters and were getting everything in, but Amelia was doing her usual amazing feeds into Erin and Alice right under the post and we were keeping up, It was 11-9 to us at the end of the 2nd.

We then spoke about needing to be assertive in defence and really putting the pressure on. Elodie had a big impact in this third and was intercepting all over the place, so she helped us get a good lead for sure, We were 17-12 up before the final quarter. Solari and Lila were also great in the defensive circle, getting hands on every ball, and marking tight on to pressure them. We carried this on in the last quarter, where Izzy was doing some great circle edge feeds into the shooters and just popping them into the right space. They couldn't stop us, and the final score was 25-18 to us. What a great day of netball, and another proud coach moment – this team is incredible!

■ Player of the Match (vs Lancing): Erin

■ Player of the Match (vs Bede's): Amelia

■ Coach's Player (vs Lancing): Solari – for great timing on her interceptions and body on body marking the GA

■ Coach's Player (vs Bede's): Maria – for great drives forward into space and always marking their player tight and often getting turnovers

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Sport Stars of the Week

Well done to this week's Team of the Week, which is the U14D Netballers, who achieved an excellent result again Lancing College!

Mr Campleman

Year 7

Ruby, for excellent performances in Cross-Country and Netball

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Head’s Weekly Review, please email: aws@roedean.co.uk


Year 8

Katherine, for an outstanding performance in Cross Country

Year 9

Iris, for fantastic consistency and progress in Netball this term

Year 10

Romy, for great focus and progress in Netball this term

Year 11

Finya, for fantastic effort and progress in Volleyball this term, and Willow, for excellent effort in Spinning lessons during Games

Year 12 & 13

Sigrid, for incredible effort and progress in Volleyball this term

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13 October 2023 – Issue 6 HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW 1 March HEAD’S REVIEW

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