Heads weekly review (9) 17 11 17

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17th November 2017 - Issue 9



Head’s Introduction I was delighted to be down on the new allweather pitch yesterday, and it is exciting to watch it growing in front of our eyes. All in hard hats and high viz jackets, a group of parents and staff heard how quickly the project is progressing. It was great to hear from a few of the girls too, about what it will mean for them. News of our current sporting successes each week makes me even more excited about the future of sport at Roedean, when so many more girls will have access to high-level facilities here on site.

Year 8 perform ‘Twelfth Night’ at The Shakespeare Schools’ Festival

There have been a number of events this week, and I am grateful to the girls and colleagues for their involvement and valuable contributions. Year 8 Parents had the opportunity to meet with teachers and tutors yesterday, and I hope that this was an informative evening, as well as a chance to put some new names to faces.

interview forum at Lancing on Wednesday, which will stand them in good stead for interviews early next month. Thank you in particular to Miss Kazem for masterminding both events.

Congratulations to all those in Year 8 in Twelfth Night earlier in the week – I really enjoyed the performance, and it was great that we could put it on at Roedean too, so that the school could see it.

Well done to Year 11 who have had their trial GCSE papers this week – some of you now just have the home straight at the start of next week! I hope that you have learnt a lot about where to focus your energies in the coming months, and from the experience of these exams in a hall and under timed conditions.

We welcomed Lancing College to Roedean earlier in the week for an academic dinner, and this was a lovely pre-cursor to the Oxbridge

I wish you all well for a great week, especially all those musicians in the Gala Space Spectacular on Friday – good luck!

A cast of twenty Year 8s has been working hard all term, rehearsing a production of Shakespeare’s classic comedy, ‘Twelfth Night’. On Monday, all the hard work paid off when the girls joined three other schools at ‘The Old Market Theatre’ in Hove as part of the region’s Shakespeare’s Schools’ Festival. The performance was outstanding; the girls operated in every way like a professional theatre company, creating a slick, lively, and hugely entertaining production. The characterisations were ‘spot on’ with every single cast member contributing to the overall success of the performance, but special mention must to go to Persia K-M and Dorothea B as the shipwrecked twins, Bo Ana M as the gracious Olivia, and Poppy S as the lovesick Duke Orsino, the key characters in the tangled web of love stories. They were supported by fantastic comic characters: Saskia L-D was Malvolio the Steward, who is ‘sick of self-love’, and the wonderful double-act of Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek, played by India B and Alma S. The girls performed the show again on Tuesday, but this time in our own Theatre at Roedean. They played to a packed, enthusiastic house, and it was a delight to hear the audience laughing uproariously at the girls’ marvellous comedic skills. Congratulations to everyone in the first-rate cast – it was a joy to work with you! CRI

Christmas Fair Come and join us at the Christmas Fair, from 10:30 to 1:00 on Saturday 2nd December. The deadline for Christmas Messages to be included in the fair programme is 20 November – please send them to christmasmessages@roedean.co.uk If you have unwanted bottles of booze which could be donated to the Parents’ Guild to be sold at the fair, they can be brought to the Gala concert on Friday. Thanks!

17th November 2017 - Issue 9


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Lancing Academic Dinner and Interview Forum

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Gina D and Jemima V (Yr8) for their exceptional and beautifully-executed portraits, made by collaging found imagery together [SAL] Sophia S (Yr9) for voluntarily helping out House 2 staff at tea [MDC]

On Monday, Roedean hosted Lancing College for the annual Early Applicants’ Dinner. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet other students applying for the same courses as us and enabled us to practise our debating techniques over a delicious dinner, through the discussions generated by the topic cards on our tables. The guest speaker, Dr Hole, a Psychology lecturer at Sussex University, gave us an intriguing insight into criminal facial recognition systems and left us with some invaluable advice about how to maximise our chances of a successful application. Thank you to Ms Kazem and the Roedean catering team who helped to make the event so special. Martha N (Yr13)

Following the Lancing Dinner on Monday, twenty students and ten members of staff travelled from Roedean to Lancing College on one of The Big Lemon buses (in accordance with our drive to be more ecologically aware) on Wednesday afternoon. There Roedean staff interviewed the Oxbridge and Medical applicants from Lancing, and vice versa, giving all the students an invaluable opportunity to be interviewed by an unfamiliar specialist in their chosen field of study. The girls found the experience very useful, and they will have further practice interviews over the coming weeks. AK

Belongings – Glyndebourne Youth Opera

Maggie EB, Ohi I and Maria P for braving the freezing cold last Sunday to represent Roedean at the Rottingdean Remembrance Parade [RB]

Remembrance Parade Roedean was represented wonderfully last weekend at the Remembrance Parade in Rottingdean by Maggie EB, Ohi I, and Maria P (Yr13), where they placed our wreath on the war memorial. At the last minute, Maria also stepped in to support our neighbouring Blind Veterans UK, and they were very grateful to her. Mr Fieldsend felt that the girls were exemplary ambassadors for Roedean – well done!

On Friday 10 November, a group of almost 50 students and staff went to see a performance of Belongings, especially written by Lewis Murphy for the Glyndebourne Youth Opera at the internationally renowned opera house just outside Lewes. We were there particularly to support two Roedean students who were taking part in the performance, Fran S (Y13) and Amelie S (Y10). The story tracks the journeys of two groups of young people, divided by decades but united by the geographical displacement they experience. A group of evacuees boards the train from London to Lewes to escape the Blitz, but optimism fades when they begin to pine for home. The present day group of refugee children (which included both Fran and Amelie) are rebuilding their recently demolished shelters. Both groups try to remain positive while contemplating the dangerous final stages of their journeys. This being a première, the music was very challenging for the young cast, but they all sang with complete confidence, their voices carrying well above the orchestra and not a microphone in sight. Both Fran and Amelie were utterly convincing in their respective roles, and it was good to hear Fran’s beautiful voice in some solo moments during the performance. It was also lovely to see Flo G (OR) in the performance too, as one of the evacuees. Partisan as ever, the Roedean support group gave Fran and Amelie an enormous cheer at the curtain call. Many congratulations to you both for your excellent performances! Page 2


17th November 2017 - Issue 9

Brighton Rock Lit Trip

House 1

The Year 13 English Literature class went on a walking tour around Brighton to support their study of Graham Greene’s 1936 novel, ‘Brighton Rock’. The tour was really helpful in informing the students about the history of Brighton and the significance of the various locations and settings that feature in the novel: from the famous Brighton race course, where razor gangs used to make trouble, to Brighton Pier where Pinkie and Rose have their first date, to the cinema that they go to on their wedding night, to the once-grand, now-derelict ballroom just up from the seafront. As well as helping the students to be more confident when covering the Assessment Objective relating to the context, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience that really brought the novel to life.

House 1 went to Day’s Restaurant in Brighton at the weekend and enjoyed an all you can eat buffet. The girls loved it! They particularly liked the deserts – a chocolate fountain, marshmallows, pancakes, cakes, ice cream, pavlova… As part of Anti-bullying week, the House 1 girls enjoyed taking part in a task – they all took it all very seriously and said that it would make them think hard before hurting a friend’s feelings in the future.

Senior Maths Challenge 2017 – A Record Year! The Maths department is delighted to announce that this year saw a bumper haul of 78 Senior Maths Challenge certificates earned by Roedean girls, which amounts to almost 70% of all entrants achieving recognition – another first for Roedean. Nell H (Yr11) made it through to the BMO1 (British Maths Olympiad Round One), which is only achieved by the top 1000 entrants in the country at each year group, whilst 25 other girls made it through to the peculiarly named ‘Senior Kangaroo’, which is a tremendous achievement reserved for the top 6600 entrants. The 25 girls who achieved a gold certificate do so in the knowledge that they finished in the top 10% of all candidates. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic about the results, these are the greatest results that have ever been achieved at Roedean, and the Mathematics Department are extremely proud of the girls, as they should rightly be of themselves. Well done to everyone involved! ALU

CPD Life Drawing One of the options available to staff this week as part of Roedean continuing professional development programme has been life-drawing in the Art Department. This is a perfect illustration of life-long learning, and those who took part found the experience both challenging and rewarding.

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Archive photos Here is another example of a modern copy of one of our archive photos which was taken in 1939; this week it was the support staff who took on the task! You’ll have your chance to try to do this – let’s see what brilliant reproductions you can come up with! Send them to Loretta S, Natasha R or Martha N (Yr13).

Pitch Appeal Breakfast It was great to welcome over twenty parents and ORs to a Pitch Perfect Appeal Breakfast in the Sixth Form Centre at Keswick House on Thursday. Mr Blond and Senior PE staff, along with Maggie EB (Yr 13) and Maria V (Yr 7) spoke about this transformational project and the benefits it will bring. I am pleased to announce that gifts and pledges now total over £130k, so we are a quarter of the way to the £500k target we need – brilliant! The event included a tour of the development site. Everyone was impressed by the scale of

the project and the professionalism of the contractors. The next appeal event involving a site tour will be on Thursday 7th December at 2.15 pm, before pre-Carol Service drinks in Roedean House with the Headmaster. Places are limited, so book now via alumnae@roedean.co.uk You can also help build our sporting future by donating online: Pitch Perfect Appeal Every gift, large or small, is greatly appreciated – thank you. MTA

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17th November 2017 - Issue 9


17th November 2017 - Issue 9

EGHA Tournament

£2500 for Race for Life We now have a total for the money raised at the end of last term for Race for Life. Roedean raised £2572.50 for Cancer Research UK, which is amazing! This total is from a combination of the Roedean Just Giving Page, and cash donations (including money home clothes days, wristbands, and contributions from T-shirts sold). Congratulations to Sky O’C, who also raised nearly £300 single-handedly. Well done – we really made a difference! JC

Last Thursday, the U14A team entered the EGHA tournament looking to defend our title. In the group stages, the girls were looking strong, winning all their games except one. The girls had a tricky quarter final, winning in a tense shuttle off. They progressed into the semi-final against Burgess Hill. Unfortunately, Burgess Hill beat the girls 1-0, but they played so well and it was a great experience for them in future tournaments. Well done to Mrs Robins who coached the girls throughout this term, and to the girls for such a successful finish in the tournament. The U13s also entered as an U14B team to experience the tournament in preparation for this week’s U13 EGHA tournament. The girls were playing some fantastic hockey in the group stages, moving the ball around well, and they were complimented by many coaches on the day. Although the girls progressed to the quarter finals, they could not beat Bede’s who went on to win the competition. It was a very good experience for the girls physically, and I look forward to see how they do this week. On Wednesday, the U13A hockey team travelled to Burgess Hill Triangle to compete in the U13 EGHA tournament. In the group stages, the girls played some fantastic hockey, transferring the ball around, and getting behind defenders to create goal scoring opportunities. However the girls could not capitalise on their chances. Unfortunately, we were not able to do enough to continue into the main competition and progressed into the Plate competition. When it mattered, the girls found some goal-scoring form in the quarter and semi-finals, totalling 7 goals in two games. They continued this momentum into the final, where Roedean won 2-0 against Hazelwood. Well done to all involved!


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17th November 2017 - Issue 9


Roedean 1st XI vs Kent College Pembury

Roedean’s victory over Kent College was brilliant, and Mr Burlinson has again turned to poetry to express his delight… Before half-term the 1st team had been on a losing streak, And the last game against Lancing had left them feeling rather bleak. But the girls have worked hard, new plans were in order, As the girls made the trip to Kent College, across the county border. The girls started well, both ends seeing chances, And Roedean were making some promising advances. The skills were sharper and as the game spread, It was the girls from Sussex who went ahead.

Hockey U15 vs Kent College

The U15s played Kent College this week in a closely fought 0 – 0 draw. The first half was dominated by Kent College, as they used the midfield well to push the ball up to the forwards. Our defence remained solid and great clearances from Eva in goal, Abi, and Sara kept the opposition from scoring. The second half was all Roedean, and we used the space well to break down their defence. Unfortunately, we just couldn’t get a goal, and the score remained 0 – 0. The Player of the Match was Lucy P.

Some good play down the right with eight minutes gone on the timer, Saw Maggie passing the ball left to the on-rushing Jemima, At the top of D she hit the ball with plenty of speed, And it flew past the keeper, Roedean into the lead. The game remained close, Roedean playing well, And all of the Kent attacks they were able to repel. The game was close and half-time was near, But from a Roedean corner it was Kent College who broke clear. An interception and quick pass found their forward’s run, Who was so quick that it left her all alone, one-on-one. The equaliser was scored, the blow hard to take, But the Roedean girls had played well, 1-1 at the break. They had been more dynamic, always on the run, Creating chances and most importantly having fun. And if the start of the second half was rather scrappy, Then what happened after 6 minutes left the girls feeling happy. Bea wobbled down the left, her skills moving the ball in a flash, And she laid the ball across goal for the finish to be applied by Tash. She may have been late for the bus, but that is no crime, If on the hockey pitch she continues to be in the right place at the right time. 2-1 down at home, the hosts were seriously annoyed, But Roedean were not going to let their lead be easily destroyed. Flo had a quiet game but when called upon made some decent stops, Maybe it helps her being angry, moaning about the teachers who are not the tops! The defence were standing firm, great tackles from Liv and Eloise, Clara passing the ball well, despite a nasty whack to the knee, And Martha was outstanding, she will never surrender, So many brave tackles, the ideal defender. The new shape had worked well, Lorry into the centre of midfield, Showing plenty of skill as well as being a great defensive shield. Linking up well with Freya, Jemima and Emily T, If anything Roedean were having more chances in the opposition D. Emily F went so close when she hit the inside of the post, That first goal for Roedean is what she wants the most! Then at a penalty corner the ball went a long way out of the D, But Tash recovered the ball well and passed it to Bea. She went for a reverse but a tackle squeezed the ball into the air, For the armchair experts out there, that means that the shot is fair. As the ball looped towards the goal, a defender tried to clear, But she only got a slight touch as the ball drifted past the goalie’s ear. Bea deserved the goal and with just 4 minutes remaining, Roedean were 3-1 up, they didn’t care it was raining. The final whistle blew and the girls were so merry, After winning their first game of the season against Kent College Pembury.



Mon 20 Nov

Kids’ Lit Quiz at Duke of Kent School Teatime music recital for all

Tue 21 Nov

Antigone performance in the Theatre

Wed 22 Nov

U13A&B Hockey vs Dorset House (H) U12A, B, C&D Hockey vs Gildredge House (A) Sixth Form Theatre Studies As You Like It trip

Fri 24 Nov

Roedean Space Spectacular Gala Concert

Sat 25 Nov

1st and U14A Hockey vs Mayfield (A) U15A & U14B Hockey vs Mayfield (H) Year 12 CAP Theatre trip Contractions

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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