Head's Weekly Review - 1 March 2019 - Issue 21

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1 March 2019 - Issue 7



Head’s Introduction The last week of February brought lovely warm days to Roedean, and the School and its grounds have looked fantastic in the sunshine. This week has been incredibly exciting, with the Roots and Shoots workshop for Year 9 on Monday, the Higher Education Information Evening for Years 10 to 12, the final session of the Roedean Academy on Wednesday, and preparations for Open Day and World Book Week all going on. I am very pleased that the Roedean Academy, which brought over 50 students from Roedean and three local state schools together, has been a great success again this year. The students really enjoyed going beyond their normal curricular demands and learning just for the sheer enjoyment of it. The Roedean Academy ended with a lovely celebratory dinner on Wednesday for the students and the members of staff who presented sessions. Some of the girls shared their thoughts about the experience, and it was really heartening to hear what their individual highlights were. The thing that seemed to stand out for the students and for us too was the opportunity to think more widely about the world and to enjoy learning for its own sake. We have heard about some remarkable personal successes this week, and it is wonderful that these can be shared with the whole school community in this Review. Congratulations in particular to Alex and Amelia in Year 7, Freya and Susan in Year 13, and Liv in Year 11. I am always very proud to share the achievements of our girls in such diverse areas which include Maths, high-level sport, performing at Glyndebourne, and computational thinking. This range of successes is really impressive and I’m delighted to see the huge variety of ways,

Amelia’s a Finalist in l Oxford’s Computationa ge en all Thinking Ch

Please see page 7

in and beyond the classroom, that the girls develop their interests and passions. Thank you all in advance for your contributions to Open Day tomorrow, and good luck to those racing Roedean’s F24 car at Goodwood on Sunday. Next week promises to be fantastic, with an outstanding range of activities for our combination of World Book Week and Academic Week - thank you to Ms Boobis and Ms Shillito for masterminding this.

Liv to represent GB Water Polo

Please see page 9

On Wednesday, we are very excited to be opening the Library we have built at St Mark’s Primary, which has been the focus for our charity fund-raising since September. The project will have a massive impact on the children there, so I am very grateful to everyone at Roedean who has contributed to this. For those who are interested to read more about the impact and importance of reading, I would recommend reading an article that appeared this week in the TES: https://www.tes.com/news/exclusive-onlyquarter-pupils-get-recommended-readingpleasure-time Good luck for a busy week, and I hope that you are all looking forward to International Women’s Day next Friday - the range of topics covered by the 15 speakers really means that there will something for everyone!

Ava and Poppy star in Chicago at the Old Market Theatre

Please see page 6

Even more speed skating success for Alex

Please see page 6


1 March 2019 - Issue 7

Ski Trip 43 girls and 6 members of staff had a wonderful time skiing over the half-term holiday. The skiers were of all abilities, with some in ski school and others at a higher level. Two girls picked it up brilliantly – Amalie S-J (Yr8) and Alexa FG (Yr10) started as beginners in the ski school and moved into the second group after just 2 days! The top skiers were Charlotte A, Lillie M-P, and Valerie C (Year 9), although Valerie was also notable for her numerous falls!)

The après-ski was also great, and the girls enjoyed bowling and the disco. Overall, it was a great trip, with lovely weather, stunning scenery, and great snow! HHY

Goats The goats took a day trip to the park on Wednesday and were out enjoying the spring flowers and the unseasonal sunshine. They were also rather good at climbing.

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Roedean in Iceland 30 girls from Years 9-13 had a brilliant time in Iceland over half term. They packed masses into 4 chilly days, and there was a wonderfully positive and relaxed atmosphere – the girls were perfect ambassadors for Roedean, and Miss Smith led the trip brilliantly, supported by Mrs Sharp, Mr Ebden, and Mr Sheriff. Hanna, Margaux, and Annabelle (Yr10-11) all thought it was fantastic: ‘The Iceland trip was a fantastic adventure and a great opportunity to see some natural phenomena that you can see only in that country. We could see the landscape from the windows on the plane, and everything was covered in snow and so beautiful! On the next day, we drove to a lagoon that was 40 degrees – it was so fantastic to be in the nice and warm water while above the water, the temperature is nearly 0 degrees. Around the lagoon there were holes where lots of hot water comes out. After this really special experience, we made our way to a huge waterfall. Even though it was pretty cold, everybody was really impressed by this scene. The geyser was next, a giant water fountain which reached the height of 30 meters – some of us even caught this eruption on video, which wasn’t that easy because you could never tell when it was going to erupt. On Saturday, we drove to a glacier which made an incredible impression on us. The path was very slippery and some girls even fall. The black beach was next and it was a really funny experience, because of the wind. I have never seen such a strong wind (not even at Roedean!), and you couldn’t even walk against it when it blew! Then we went to a 60-metre high waterfall. It was wonderful, even though it was icy and slippery to get to it, but some girls enjoyed slipping on the ice and it was actually pretty fun. Our last visit was at the lava centre where we learned a lot about Iceland and its volcanoes, and why there are so many special things like the geysers. In this centre, you can stand on the European plate and on the American plate which was very impressive. There were also an earthquake simulator which shows what it would be like to experience an earthquake which is 6 on the Richter scale. We made a short stop in Reykjavík to go in a building with great panoramic views, before our last activity which was the Blue Lagoon – the water was actually blue and very warm, like the first one we visited. It was incredible to see the blue water, and it even has a healing effect on the body. All in all the Iceland trip was amazing, with all the natural phenomena that some are only found in Iceland. We’re really glad we went on this trip and we’ll never forget the amazing time we had!’ Page 3

1 March 2019 - Issue 7

1 March 2019 - Issue 7


Olá! হ্যালো! Merhaba! สวสด! Привет!

Even a badly pronounced greeting in a foreign language will be met with so much more warmth than the misplaced expectation that everyone speaks English. The cultural understanding and tolerance which comes from learning and, more importantly understanding, another language is surely vital. This has been brought into sharp focus by the ongoing Brexit debate, which is creating an ‘us and them’ split between Great Britain and Europe. If we wish to thrive in a tolerant, multicultural society in which very many people will be working in roles involving interactions with people all over the world, language-learning is vital. To prepare Roedean girls to participate successfully in this world, we teach four modern languages within the main curriculum, and there is an expectation that every girl studies at least one GCSE from a choice of French, German, Russian, and Spanish. In addition, as a matter of course, teaching outside the timetable is available in Chinese, Italian, and Japanese, and arrangements can be made for tuition in a wide range of other languages. As a result, girls with a bilingual background can be prepared for public examinations in other languages, and recent examples include Arabic, Dutch, Greek, and Turkish. Roedean’s commitment to developing the girls’ world view is a key part of our holistic vision. It also provides the girls with key skills to enable them to make a meaningful contribution to society in later life. Building fluency in a foreign language helps to develop confidence in the key transferable skills valued by employers, including teamwork, confidence, and communication. It is therefore the responsibility of us all to ensure that languages remain a central element of every child’s education.

JHO and RB

A visit to Christie’s ‘On Wednesday, Amirah, Eris, Mr Chamberlain and I had the opportunity to visit Christie’s in London. We weren’t just visiting to see some of the art for auction however – along with a quick tour of the Old Masters’ Department, we were there to hand in a possible John Constable painting to be authenticated. The painting has recently been re-examined and preliminary research by Mr Chamberlain, with the support of Christie’s, suggests the painting may be by John Constable, rather than a lesser known relative of his as previously thought. The painting itself is a beautiful little view of Brighton beach, with the pier visible under heavy grey clouds, typical Brighton weather. While dropping off the painting, we were able to have a look at some of the pieces in the auction that night – particularly notable was a huge Monet painting, which he would’ve used as a plan for one of his famous lily pad compositions. We also got to take a look into the storerooms where most of the art was housed and evaluated, and our guide Olivia explained how she would research and authenticate new paintings every day. She then pulled out some of the paintings from the shelves, showing us how she had identified them using the different markings and stamps on the backside of the paintings, even showing us a UV lamp used to identify restoration marks in the varnish. It was incredibly interesting, especially for me, as many people know I’m quite the Art History nerd, and so getting to talk to someone whose career is based on the subject was an amazing opportunity. I would like to thank Mr Chamberlain for taking us up to London for such an interesting trip. We’re all incredibly excited to hear back from Christie’s, and, in the meantime, I’ll be sorting through the safe to see if there are any more famous paintings hidden there!’ Mary M (Yr13)

Roots and Shoots at Roedean On Monday afternoon, all of Year 9 attended a workshop with Roots and Shoots, an arm of the Jane Goodall Foundation, which aims to promote sustainability and environmental awareness in schools. We were lucky to have Adrian Sladdin (Chair of the Board of Trustees), Tara Golshan (Executive Director), and Susie Raimes, who led the interactive workshop. They have reported how impressed they were with the girls’ responses and their interest in the subject. Roedean will be registered as a partner school for the Roots and Shoots project, so that we can work together to make Roedean even more Page 4

sustainable. The girls came up with some brilliant ideas for what we can do at Roedean, including compost bins for waste food from catering, an allotment and a bee-garden, a ‘day in the dark’ with no lights on during the summer term, ‘meat-free Mondays’, and even solar panels. Clearly, some of these ideas might take time to realise, but others are real possibilities. Bo said, ‘Roots and Shoots really sparked ideas in my mind about all of the things we could do, particularly in our school, but also locally’, and Saskia felt that the workshop provided the inspiration the girls needed to get up and make a difference at Roedean.

1 March 2019 - Issue 7


Academic Week The Sorting Hat has arrived at Roedean! Join in the fun all next week to find out which house you are in, which is the best house, and a host of other literary and academic treats!!!

Academic Week - World Book Week: Celebrating Academic and Inspiring Muses When






Tutor rooms


Activity 1 Top University Programme Seminars: The Psychology of Persuasion Gender and Sexuality: Nature or Nurture

Old Ref


Activity 1 Answering Back – Writing Workshops and Roving Reporters



Prep slot KS3 and KS4 Tutors share Inspiring Books

Tutor rooms


Prep slot Y12 vs Y13 – University Challenge

Keswick Hall


Activity 2 Harry Potter Quiz

Keswick Hall


Activity 2 Open Tea Time Recital

Old Ref


Activity 2 Maths Problem Drive



Tutor rooms

Y7-9, 12-13



Prep slot KS3 and KS4 – mini lectures

Tutor rooms


Prep slot Sixth form book swap

Keswick Hall


Activity 2 Humanities vs Sciences: The Big Debate

Old Ref


Activity 2 Classical Reading Competition



Tutor rooms




Tutor rooms


Period 1 Carina Axelsson author talk: Crime

Old Ref


Period 4 Carina Axelsson author talk: Female Empowerment

Old Ref


Activity 1 Book Character Catwalk with St Mark’s Year 3 visitors



Tutor rooms




ONGOING THROUGH THE WEEK Lessons Teachers sharing extracts from their favourite texts MONDAY 4th March Morning Registration Literature Quizzes and reading booklets

TUESDAY 5th March Morning Registration Literature Quizzes and reading booklets Activity 1 Alice in Wonderland Tea Party

WEDNESDAY 6th March Morning registration Literature quizzes and reading booklets Activity 1 and prep slot Katie Webber author talk Prep slot KS3 – mini lectures THURSDAY 7th March – WORLD BOOK DAY – DRESS AS A CHARACTER DAY

Prep slot Student Literary Salon Activity 2 Tutor group quiz finale FRIDAY 8th March – INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY FESTIVAL CELEBRATING INSPIRING WOMEN Look out for the World Book Week Special in the Head’s Review Page 5

1 March 2019 - Issue 7


Sixth Form Boarding in Keswick by Molly J and Bijou B-A (Yr13)

Even more Speed Skating success for Alex

‘Our favourite thing about boarding in Keswick is the amazing opportunities we’ve had to make fabulous memories during our first and final two years at Roedean. Being in the Sixth Form, we sometimes don’t have much time together during the school day because of all our responsibilities and different commitments; now the time also feels halved as our A Levels approach, and then we’ll all head our separate ways. That’s why boarding is so important to us – we know that some of our closest friends are only a room or a corridor away, and there’s never time to feel lonely with so many lovely girls and staff around you, who do absolutely all they can to make sure we always feel safe and at ease. Keswick House is the perfect environment for friendships to form not only in our year group, but also with the girls in Year 12, whom we’ve grown close to. The diverse boarding house allows us all to become friends with girls from all over the world! I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Keswick and I’ll be incredibly sad to leave it in June.’

Alex S (Yr7) has had a busy half term. She flew to Grenoble in the French Alps at the start of the holiday to compete in the Challenge de France competition (on the Saturday) and the Trophée de France (on the Sunday). This was a short track speed-skating competition.

Based on her times in Hamar, Alex is now ranked 15th in the world for the 1500m. More importantly, she broke the U14 British records in all three distances at Hamar and is now a triple British record holder, with only the 100m record now evading her!

Alex performed exceedingly well on each day, winning double silver and only losing out on the gold medals to the current French champion, who she will be competing against again at both the Trophée de Lyon and the Championnat de France in April and May.

Looking ahead, Alex will travel to Heerenveen in the Netherlands with the British team, to compete for Team GB in the European Youth Championships (Viking Race), the biggest in Europe for U16.

In Grenoble Alex earned herself four new PBs, in the 333m (36.213secs), 500m (53.224secs), 777m (1:25.845min) and the 1000m (1:54.103min). For the 333m, Alex is now ranked 6th in the world.

Alex’s successes were recognised in this article in Attain Magazine: https://attain.news/sport/roedean-pupil-speedskates-for-gb-after-taking-up-the-sport-just-ayear-go

After Grenoble, she trained in Paris with her short track club, and then she went to Hamar, Norway, with the British team (competing this time in longtrack). Alex performed well there and earned herself three new PBs. She did not medal but the other competitors were all aged between 14 and 16. She held her own, however, and finished in 7th, 8th, or 9th place in each race.

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Ava and Poppy star in Chicago at the Old Market Theatre Ava D (Yr11) is Roxie Hart in the Old Market Theatre’s High School production of Chicago. From Tuesday 5th to Saturday 9th March at 7.30 pm each night, see Ava and Poppy H (Yr8) perform in this specially-adapted version of the classic musical. There are also Thursday and Saturday matinees starting at 2.30 pm. Tickets are £10.50-£18.50. Age 11+ (recommended). http://theoldmarket.com/shows/chicago-highschool-edition/


1 March 2019 - Issue 7

Amelia’s a Finalist in Oxford’s Computational Thinking Challenge Amelia M (Yr7) was invited to the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford on Sunday 17 February as a finalist in a UK-wide competition, the UK Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge. Reaching the final of the Juniors age group is an impressive achievement, since 59,804 students entered the first round for the 10-12 age group. From this number, Amelia was among the top 60 students invited to the final round, and she was presented with her finalist’s certificate by Peter Millican, Professor of Philosophy at Oxford, at a prize-giving ceremony at Hertford College. The UK Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge, supported by Google, is designed

to get students excited about computing and computational thinking. It is a problem-solving contest with questions inspired by topics in computer science. In the first round, held in their own schools, students have to try and solve as many problems as possible in the allotted time, and there are six age categories. The highest scoring students from the four oldest age groups (Elite, Seniors, Intermediate, and Juniors) were then invited to the Department of Computer Science at Oxford for the finals over two weekends in February. Amelia said, ‘I couldn’t believe it when I heard I had made it through to the finals. It felt amazing. I loved all the problem-solving and it was great to meet all the other finalists – I had amazing day at Oxford!’

Gold Medal for Susan in the British Mathematical Olympiad

Sussex Geometry Course Congratulations to Alicia T, Cherry L, and Arya L (Yr13), who have all successfully completed a 1st year undergraduate Geometry module at Sussex University – not only have they done this while doing their A Levels, but they have also been studying alongside first year Maths degree students. JT

Congratulations to Susan C (Yr13) who has achieved a Gold Medal in the British Mathematical Olympiad, following her success in the UK Mathematics Trust Senior Mathematical Challenge last term. In the Olympiad, Susan scored a remarkable 52 points out of 60, and her Gold Medal means that she was placed in the top 20 or so entrants across the entire country. This is a fantastic achievement – well done, Susan! JT

Freya’s performing at Glyndebourne

OR News At 18, Amber Anning (OR) is the youngest athlete selected to represent Great Britain next week at the European Indoor Athletics Championships in Glasgow. She will be running the 400m. She secured her place in the team after a record-breaking performance at the British Indoor Championships, where she achieved a surprise silver medal and beat a 49-year old Indoor Junior Record. For the past couple of years, Amber has fundraised for SportsAid, a sporting charity which helps talented young athletes, and Old Roedeanians have been most supportive, for which she is incredibly grateful.

Last October, Freya S (Yr13) auditioned to be in the orchestra for a new opera called ‘Agreed’, and she has just found out that she will be one of four student violinists chosen to join a professional orchestra to perform at Glyndebourne. She has been busy juggling her A Level studies alongside this, with most Sundays and part of the half term holiday spent in full day rehearsals. On Wednesday this week, they did a performance for schools and this Friday is the opening night for the public performances. Freya has had an amazing time being involved in this production and it’s been a great experience performing at Glyndebourne.

https://www.sportsaid.org.uk/news-main/news/ sportsaids-athlete-of-the-month-amber-anning-18from-hove/

There are just a few tickets left if you would like to see the opera this weekend.

The European Championships are being televised on BBC 1 from Friday 1 March to Sunday 3 March, and Amber’s heat over 400m was at 13:00 today. Amber says: ‘I’m so proud to be representing Great Britain in the 400m at the European Indoor Championships. This is my first Senior vest. My goal is to break my British Junior Record by running below 53 seconds. I have gone to compete, so I’ll make the most of the opportunity of racing the best athletes in Europe.’ Well done, Amber, and good luck! Page 7

1 March 2019 - Issue 7


Brain Day for Year 13 On Thursday, Year 13 Biology and Psychology students enjoyed an introductory tutorial in neuroscience led by Dr Guy Sutton, Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham Medical School. In the morning, the girls explored neuroplasticity and epigenetics, followed by observing the dissection of a sheep’s brain after lunch. The day ended with a discussion on the origin of mental disorders. The girls really enjoyed the day, hearing from such an excellent speaker. PIH

5 Roedean Confirmations in St Margaret’s Congratulations to Annabel B, Eloise G, Jemima G, and Jess K from Year 11, and Holly C in Year 12, who were all confirmed at St Margaret’s, Rottingdean, a beautiful church, on Thursday evening. The Right Reverend Richard Jackson, Bishop of Lewes, presided over the service and confirmations, and, despite the necessary formality, he spoke in a way which was both entertaining and thought-provoking. The girls have been attending classes for ten weeks to prepare, and Reverend Helen Rose, with whom they have been working, was very impressed by their openness and their willingness to challenge and question their ideas in order to think more clearly about Christianity.

Higher Education Information Evening

Roedean’s Debrett’s visit in the Sunday Times

All girls from Years 10-12 enjoyed a very informative evening on Tuesday, during which they heard from representatives from the Universities of Nottingham and Southampton, who talked in depth about how to submit a competitive application, and how to choose the right course at the right university. There was also a student panel, of past and present students, joined by our independent careers’ Advisor, Alan Bullock, who talked them through the university application process at Roedean. While the evening was directly relevant to the Year 12s who have just begun this process, it was also inspiring and motivational for the younger students, so that they can look forward to what they might study later. JSH

The girls in Year 12 enjoyed an enlightening dinner at School in the week before half-term, led by Victoria Ball from Debrett’s, which was covered on page 6 of the Sunday Times and in Tatler.

Before the service, the girls’ families, including grandparents, godparents, and close family friends, enjoyed wonderful refreshments in House 3 Drawing Room. Congratulations!

An expert in interpersonal communication, Victoria was incredibly engaging, and she taught the girls not only how to negotiate the cutlery and glassware at a formal dinner, but, more importantly, how to converse over a meal and how you can extricate yourself from an uncomfortable situation. Formal situations can sometimes be daunting, but the girls’ newly-acquired skills might help them to approach them with confidence. The girls have recently also been attending workshops with RADA, focusing on presenting themselves confidently, breathing properly using the Alexander Technique, and projecting a positive image. Page 8

We hope that Victoria can return to Roedean to work with the girls again in the near future, and what they learn with her will complement the RADA techniques perfectly.


1 March 2019 - Issue 7

Liv to represent GB Water Polo Congratulations to Liv H (Yr11), who has been selected to represent England in the EU Nations Water Polo Championships in the Czech Republic from 21 to 24 March. Even more impressively, she has also been selected to represent Great Britain in the European Championships in September – what brilliant achievements!

PBs for Natalya in the Pool On Saturday, Natalya achieved several good Personal Bests in the Sussex County Championships, with her most notable swim coming in the 100m Backstroke – she qualified for the final in 8th, and then improved both her time and placing to come 7th. This is a really good performance and she is showing real determination to be an all-round swimmer and athlete.

Pearl came 2nd over a Mile! Well done to Pearl P (Yr7) who came 2nd in the 11-12 year old category in the 1-mile youth race at the Brighton Half Marathon today. She is very proud of the trophy she received!

Not content with just swimming, on Sunday, Natalya competed with her U12 EG Hockey team mates in the In2Hockey Sussex County round. The team won the tournament, qualifying for the South Regional finals. They were comfortable winners of their pool and went on to beat Brighton College in the final, with both teams going through to the Regionals which is a great achievement. Well done, Natalya!

A huge thank you to the 90+ girls who have actively contributed and attended 10 PE focus groups over the last two weeks. Cross Country vs Christ’s Hospital U13A

The Year 7 and Year 8 Cross Country Team attended the Schools' Cross Country Championships at Christ's Hospital against a number of local schools. Our Year 8 team were second up in their 2.5km race and they started off at a fast pace. Roedean girls were pacing themselves well during the race. It was clear to see that our girls showed true resilience throughout! All our girls came in strong positions and within the top half closely behind one another. A huge well done to Isabella P, Rania K, Nia S, Rose O, Amelia K, Isabelle B, Tallulah H and Rosa F.


Our Year 7 team set off first in their 2km race and they started off strong. Roedean girls were pacing themselves well throughout. For some, it was their first cross country race so a massive well done! All our girls came in strong positions and within the top half. A huge well done to Talya H, Holly G, Roma T, Ruby A, Olivia C, Beata S-T, Matilda R, Ellie L. A special mention goes to Pearl P who achieved 7th which allows her to go to the InterCounties in March. Congratulations. Page 9

1 March 2019 - Issue 7


Netball victories vs Burgess Hill U13B

Our Under 13 B team played well throughout this match however, Burgess Hill had the slight edge on us throughout this game. In the last quarter we made an excellent “come back” winning it by 3 goals to1 and had play being longer the result may well have been different. However we must congratulate Burgess Hill on their standard of play.

World Book Day Preparations The Year 7 girls in House 3 have been preparing their costumes for world book day and in the process the girls convinced Ms Doy (House Assistant) to try on one of the wigs to the costumes.


The U12A had a fantastic performance against Burgess Hill. The whole team worked really well together with the ball flowing down the court seamlessly no matter what the combinations. The girls showed improvement on their defensive side of play and their hard work is clearly paying off. The final Score was 23- 11 to Roedean. Congratulations to Tayla H who received Coaches' player, Phoebe C and Grace T who received Opposition's player and Grace J and Atlanta H who received joint Players' Player. Excellent performance from all - well done!


International Women’s Day FESTIVAL


The U12B team had a strong start against Burgess Hill Girls putting up 14 goals and converting 6 of them to take on a 6-2 lead at the end of the first quarter. The second quarter was equally as strong and we started half time with an 8 goal lead. We started to record interceptions in the second half and the team made 10 successful interceptions with a majority of these coming from Tallulah B. All of our center passes were won by us and it was good to see the centre passes practiced in the lesson used successfully implemented into the game. Well done to all those who played and to the parents who came and cheered us on. It was great to see you all.



The final score was 13-4 to Roedean. The players of the match were Tabitha K and Lizzie R-L. Goals were scored by Lizzie R (6), Olivia C (4), Lilah O (1)


The U12C team had a fantastic match against Burgess Hill. It was a closely matched game and both teams kept possession of the ball well. It was clear to see that Roedean were working the ball down the court well and that they were applying pressure well. Burgess Hill made some good interceptions which meant that Roedean had to make sure that they were tightly marking their players. Throughout the match, Roedean started to space out and this was highly effective enabling them to drive successfully. Roedean were performing brilliantly when shooting almost every shot was a goal which was fantastic to see. The overall result was 11-6 to Roedean. A huge well done to all and a special mention to Madeleine E for her brilliant defending and interceptions throughout.





Mon 4 March


U12A Area Netball Cup Semi-Final vs Brighton College (A) U13A Area Netball Cup Semi-Final vs Brighton College (H) Open Teatime Music Recital


We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

Tue 5 March

Sussex Classical Reading Competition

Wed 6 March

SISNA Tournament

Thur 7 March


Fri 8 March


Sat 9 March

1st, 2nd, U15A&B & U14A&B vs Lancing College (A)

U18A & U16A Netball vs Lingfield College (H)

D of E training weekend

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