Heads weekly report 02 03 2018 v2

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2nd March 2018 - Issue 8



Penny paying a visit to Paris

Head’s Introduction

Year 7 Geography projects

Roedean has been blanketed in snow a number of times over the last week. This has provided excellent opportunities for amazing picturepostcard shots of the School and lots of fun outside, but it has also presented us with a number of challenges. I am delighted with the way the girls have responded, wrapping up warm and just making the best of it. This has only been possible because, behind the scenes and largely unnoticed, Mr Hawkes and Miss Polawski and their teams have been gritting the roads and pathways from the very early hours of the morning to ensure that the School can continue to function – I am very grateful indeed to them all.

Over the half term holiday, Year 7 produced projects on a landscape of their choice, such as volcanoes, deserts, oceans, and rainforests. It was very interesting how everyone interpreted the task, showing great imagination, and there was even a volcano made out of cake! In our last lesson, they had the opportunity to display their work, and learn from each other’s projects. Everyone put a lot of work into their projects, and I was fascinated by the variety of work on display. HSM

Congratulations to everyone involved in last week’s Movie Magic Gala Concert, which really was fantastic. The number of students involved was outstanding, and well done in particular to the fantastic soloists. Of course, the amount of rehearsal and preparation required for a concert of this scale is huge, and I am grateful to Miss Fewkes, Mr Rous, and Ms Bartlette for all of this and their dynamism on the night. Well done! I am pleased that the Year 9s enjoyed their steel pan workshop on Monday, thank you to Dr Blood for organising the wonderful author visits this week and to Miss Whiteson for the activities she organised for World Book Day, and well done to the GCSE Drama group who performed a dress rehearsal yesterday for an audience of their peers, before their exam performance this morning. We have Open Day tomorrow at which we are expecting over 100 families, so I would like to thank the students and staff in advance for their efforts in making this a wonderful event for our visitors – those who come to the School are always so impressed with what they see and they love hearing about your experiences of Roedean and what it means to you. Looking ahead to next week, there will be a range of exciting activities taking place for Academic Week, and we have our Festival Celebrating Women to mark International Women’s Day on Thursday. The calibre of the speakers coming to Roedean is exceptional, and, because the students have been able to choose which talks to attend, I am sure that the day will have a lasting effect on many of them. Good luck to you all for a wonderful week!

Year 9 transport us to the Caribbean as Solid Steel returns to Roedean All the girls in Year 9 enjoyed an amazing day on Monday of vibrant music-making in the company of musicians from the group SOLID STEEL. The girls learned from scratch how to play steel pans in a whole class ensemble in this interactive workshop. Each of the four classes had just one 50-minute lesson to put their piece together, so all our students showed a great deal of concentration, teamwork, and disciplined learning. For many girls this was their second experience of playing in a steel band, as SOLID STEEL led last year’s Year 8 in the first steel band workshop. The more experienced players helped each class to learn the pieces more quickly, and led the way for those new to steel band ensemble playing. All the performances were just fabulous, and it was good to see how a good much the girls clearly enjoyed the whole “I thought it was n more event. It was quite clear from the buzz in experience to lear lture “Iandenjthe the Theatre, the commitment in rehearsal, oyeperformance, d constructing a about African cu that the Year 9s had a wonderful experience piec e of mumaking sic on a new and music.” music together. Excited and instrume nt.enthusiastic The fin conversation followed each sessional piec e we “I pro re duc all e sounde y enjoyed the workshop; and here are some of the girls’ reactions tod am azi ng wh I’v en e the ne ver tried that type of drums their day:

instrument before! I re all that we can have that y hope kind of workshop again!”

all played together.” Sophia C

2nd March 2018 - Issue 8


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Musical Success in ABRSM Exams

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Congratulations to all those who took Music exams in the last cycle – the results are excellent, but special mention must go to Pearl and Gabriella, since achieving a Distinction at the highest grades is outstanding!

Tiri M, Carol L, and Jacqueline L (Yr10) for stepping in last minute to join the U15B Netball team as they were short of players [DRO]

Louisa A and Charlotte S (Yr13) for operating the technical equipment for the gala concert [JWS] Nettie G (Yr7) for being an absolute joy to debate with, and having an unfailingly thoughtful and open-minded approach to a wide range of topics and current affairs stories. Bravo! [HBO] Georgina GW (Yr7) for helping Mrs Banham at the Brambletye Senior Schools’ Fair on Saturday [DBA]

Mr Hawkes and his team for being at School from 2am on Wednesday to grit the roads! [SPA]

Mr Maw for arriving at School at 4:30am to try to get the buses out to do the School run on Tuesday morning [TK]

India H (Yr8) Grade 3 Singing, with Distinction Morina Y (Yr12) Grade 3 Viola, with Merit Rachel E (Yr10) Grade 4 Piano, with Merit Marianna L (Yr8) Grade 4 Piano, with Merit Sophia C (Yr9) Grade 4 Violin, with Merit Marianna L (Yr8) Grade 5 Flute Charlotte S (Yr13) Grade 5 Piano Sorcha H (Yr12) Grade 5 Singing, with Distinction Abby N (Yr11) Grade 6 Clarinet, with Merit Pearl Y (Yr13) Grade 7 Piano, with Distinction Charlotte B (Yr13) Grade 7 Singing Gabriella K (Yr11) Grade 8 Clarinet, with Distinction


Matt Dickinson – Author Event on World Book Day On World Book Day, YA author Matt Dickinson visited Roedean to talk to the Year 7, 8, and 9s. As well as being an author, Matt is a mountaineer and TV documentary maker for the Discovery Channel, the BBC, and National Geographic TV. In April last year, Dr Blood was delighted to receive an email from him on Mount Everest to say that he was available to visit Roedean on World Book Day. Matt held a geography workshop with Year 7 girls where he talked about his experiences on Everest and how people live in the Himalayas at high altitude, drawing their energy from solar panels and hydroelectric power. He also discussed the work of scientists in Antarctica using ice cores and satellite technology to research global warming. Matt gave entertaining and informative presentations to Year 7, 8, and 9 entitled ‘Everest and Beyond’, relating how his inspiration for climbing came from reading books in the school library. He highlighted the dangers of mountain climbing, emphasising the importance of being part of a reliable team and showed photos of his frostbitten fingers when he rashly removed four pairs of gloves in temperatures of minus 70 degrees centigrade to operate a camera during filming. He talked about the female climbers he had met at Everest base camp and showed a picture of Chantal Mauduit climbing an iceberg. Matt explained how his ideas for his Everest Files series came from his own experiences on Everest. The first book in the series explores the darker side of human nature. Following the presentation, there was book signing in the Library where Matt answered questions on climbing and writing. SBL Page 2

Jemma N-GS with Penelope (Penny) Well done to Jemma for suggesting the name Penelope for the Roedean bear – it was a brilliant choice, as it reminds us that one of the Lawrence sisters was called Penelope, and the fictional character Lady Penelope from the Thunderbirds was an OR!



Movie Magic Gala Concert – what a show! The Movie Magic Gala Concert was a brilliant evening of entertainment from start to finish. Even for those of us for whom the words ‘musical theatre’ send a small shiver of negative associations down the spine (Andrew Lloyd Webber and Julie Andrews… the roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd), or for whom film music means the cello-playing shark from the Jaws series, even the hardest-hearted cynic could not help but be swept away on a tide of admiration for the spectacular achievements of the stellar array of young performers. This concert positively crammed glitz and glam and hutzpah and pizazz into its wonderfully-informative programme, and it moved from one piece to the next utterly seamlessly. Upon arrival at a transformed Centenary Hall, we were invited to climb aboard the Hogwarts Express and be transported on a whistle-stop tour of exotic and magical cinematic locations, from Springfield, Oregon (home of a certain yellow family), via the finger-clicking West Side, and the tempest-tossed Caribbean, to somewhere over the rainbow, arriving ultimately in the alpine peaks of The Sound of Music. This, no doubt, precipitated Proustian floods of reminiscence of Christmas-yore in some, or flashbacks to last week for those for whom compulsive repeat-viewing of the film is a guilty habit. This made for a stunning close to the concert, the junior strings group’s earlier performance of Edelweiss having already foreshadowed great success in future installments. Particular mention has to go to the evening’s soloists, beginning with a jaw- and pin-dropping performance from Lucy Brown, a show-stopping Cabaret from Eva Pomery, a belting rendition of Almost There by Eden Wolfe-Naughton, and, last but not least, a stunning and impassioned solo from Ava Dodsworth. The many other singers and musicians barely hit a wrong note, dispatching their parts with great confidence and skill on technically challenging pieces, and working extremely well together. Presiding over everything were our resident maestros, Mr Rous, Ms Bartlette, and Ms Fewkes. Roll on next year! DWO

The Great Roedean Bake Off On Saturday night, girls from Houses 1-4 competed in two baking challenges for the coveted Bake Off prizes. Anticipation had been high, with rumours of practising taking place across Brighton and the South East. On the day, our very own Mary Berry (Ms Earl) and Paul Hollywood (Mr Morris) began proceedings with news of the first bake: melting middle chocolate puddings. With just an hour to complete this task, the girls sprang into action with a flurry of flour, a cascade of cocoa powder, and a shower of sugar. The contest was close, but was eventually jointly won by Serene S-R, and Darcey P and Gina D. They took home a selection of animal shaped cookie cutters. Back to the kitchen and they had 90 minutes to bake a New York cheesecake. Some of our bakers got creative with this one, and there was lots of pink icing and embellishment to be seen atop the cakes. Another close contest saw Darcey P and Gina D win yet again, alongside Amelia M and Izzy B. The pairs won a bespoke piping bag set each. A great time was had by all. Particular thanks must go to Mrs Williams, Miss Ford-Senior, Ms Earl, and Mr Morris for running the event. HBO Page 3

2nd March 2018 - Issue 8

2nd March 2018 - Issue 8


Who’s Reading??

Inter-House netball

Miss Whiteson set the students a challenge to mark World Book Day this week – can you tell which teachers are hiding behind their favourite books?

On Wednesday 28 February, Houses 3 and 4 took part in an inter-house netball competition for Years 7 and 8. It was a tightly fought contest, with some amazing skills on display from all four teams. The team that won overall, with the most points and undefeated throughout the competition, was House 4 team 1, but the House that won overall after we totalled up the scores was House 3. The girls had a thoroughly enjoyable evening and they are looking forward to the next inter-house competition.

Brighton Half Marathon The sun shone last Sunday and the wind chill factor meant that warm clothes were essential! The event was the Brighton Half Marathon and 7 girls from Year 7 to 13 volunteered and were absolutely brilliant. Charlotte F, Georgina GW, May Tia L, Tinaye M, Liv vB, Suri G, Carol L helped pack thousands of ‘goodies’ bags to hand out to over 10,000 competitors. The girls also said it felt great to be able to hand out ‘finishers’ medals’ as well. I cannot speak highly enough of these girls, who not only represented Roedean, but themselves too, in wanting to make a difference in our local community to support individual and charity runners. Georgina said she had really enjoyed

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being part of such a big event and Charlotte was amazed at how many runners there were! Liv smiled all morning and said that keeping warm was also a priority, and May Tia was supportive throughout and delighted to have had this extended opportunity. Thank you, girls, for your all your efforts. A special mention also to the members of staff who ran in the event and crossed the finish line to be greeted by Roedean girls. Miss Andrew, Miss Cheesman, Mr Woodhouse, Mr Orys, and Mr Camburn – we take our hats off to you for your efforts and achievement in training, and on Half Marathon Day itself. Many congratulations to you all!

JC and DSP


2nd March 2018 - Issue 8

Amelia – Brighton U12 Captain Well done to Amelia K (Yr7), who captained U12 girls last week to win Sussex Counties. This means that they go to the regionals for the third consecutive year. Go Brighton Hockey Club!

House 4 activities

Mrs Wilson prepared the House 4 girls for the freezing temperatures this week with 50 home-made winter-themed, snowflake, milk chocolate cupcakes, and they loved making their very own tasty pizzas last weekend!

What a difference a day makes...

Nettie swims for Lewes Swimming Club Nettie G (Yr7) competes at Lewes and Seahaven Pools. On 16 February, at the Lewes Swimming Club Awards’ Evening, Nettie was presented with the Victrix Ludorum Cup, awarded to the Best Under 11 Female Swimmer in 2017, overall girls’ champion. Nettie achieved many Personal Best times against 6 other girls in her age category, and spread over a total of 33 events during a full season. Well done, Nettie, and keep enjoying your swim training and competitions throughout 2018. JC

Badminton Victory The badminton team had a tough encounter against Mayfield last week in both singles and doubles matches. Their doubles partnerships played well together and our girls initially struggled to win the games, but we showed our strength and skill level in the singles matches and we soon forged ahead in the score line. The final score was 11-8 to Roedean – well done!

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Gracie B Last weekend, Gracie B (Yr10) ran at the English National Cross Country Championships at Parliament Hill in London; it was very muddy and hilly, but she came 189 out of a field of over 500 people. 2 weeks ago, she also ran for Sussex in the South East Schools XC at Newbury Showground and came 5th of the Sussex runners and about 45th overall. Well done, Gracie!

2nd March 2018 - Issue 8


U14s and U15s vs Lancing – two amazing wins

The U15A team had a very tough match against Lancing College last weekend. The game started very positively with Roedean passing really well around the circle. Every time the ball got to Carla near the post, the ball went in. The first quarter finished 12-11 to Roedean. The rest of the game was unfortunately not as consistent, with Lancing finding their form and taking full advantage of every missed ball and Roedean mistake. The final score was 29 - 48. Milly J was voted Player of the Match by the opposition. Last Saturday, the U15B team played against Lancing College. The girls made a good start, showing excellent counter attacking play. However the girls began to tire which had a big effect in the second quarter. The final score was 31 - 15 to Lancing. With one game to go this season, the girls will, I’m sure, be keen to get back to their winning ways! ACA

2nd Team

Netball Fantastic win for the 2nds vs Lancing

The 2nd team had an astonishing game against Lancing this weekend. They dominated from the very start and managed to keep their composure throughout. With only 7 players at times the girls had to play out of position, however they coped with this incredibly well. In particular, Hannah LW performed excellently in WA as opposed to her normal defensive position. She used a quick change of direction to get free and fed well into our shooters. Mary M managed to get countless tips and made it very difficult for Lancing’s shooters to score; as a result she was awarded the opposition’s Player of the Match. A special mention goes to Atlanta S who was awarded Coaches’ Player for her enormous improvement since our last game. The overall score was Roedean 41, Lancing college 7.

1st team vs Lancing

Our 1st Team were in action on Saturday as they made the short trip to Lancing. Fresh from the SISNA tournament, the girls were looking forward to playing a full match against Lancing after our close loss at the tournament. However, we were missing 3 players due to injury, including one of our shooters. This aside, the girls were feeling positive.

The U14A side played a fantastic match. They worked the ball calmly down the court. Each player listened to feedback and applied it to her play. The team was composed and played with determination and flow. The shooters were on top form and were fed effortlessly by the centre court players. This match was a great warm up for the much awaited SISNA tournament coming up. The final score was 51 - 18 to Roedean. The U14B team had a close game. In the first half, the girls were struggling to keep possession of the ball as Lancing were working the ball down the court effectively. In the second half, the girls were determined to come back and we started feeding the balls into the D well, enabling us to take the lead. In the last quarter, Roedean made some fantastic interceptions resulting in goals. The overall score was 14 - 10 to Roedean – it was a fantastic game and our girls did brilliantly to come back and take the win. Well done to Awele who was awarded Player of the U14B Match!

It was a good start, goal for goal with some good turnovers of the ball. At the end of the first quarter, it was 9 - 6 to Lancing. In the second quarter, we had to move Pippa to GS to try and create more shooting opportunities. By half time, we were trailing 13 - 18, but still within touching distance of the win. However, with only one substitute available, tiredness kicked in and Lancing found their flow and gradually pulled away. The final score was 42 - 24 to Lancing. Nevertheless, it was a great effort and we all wish our missing players a speedy recovery! GCR 1st Team We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 6




Mon 5 Mar

U13 Sussex Hockey Tournament

Tue 6 Mar

Year 12 UCAS Sussex Higher Education Exhibition

U13 & U15 5-a-side Football vs BHHS (H)

Schools’ Classical Reading Competition Wed 7 Mar

U12/13 SISNA Netball Tournament at Falmer (A)

Thur 8 Mar

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – Festival Celebrating Women Year 13 Economics Olympiad

Fri 9 Mar

Concert at St Peter’s Church, West Blatchington

Sat 10 Mar

Sixth Form English Literature Theatre trip “Brighton Rock” Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Training weekend

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