Head's Review - 2 July 21 - Issue 32

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2 July 2021 – Issue 10



Head’s Introduction

It’s July and the summer holidays are here! Reaching the end of term, and the end of the academic year, has made me reflect again on what we have all been through. The Roedean community has been simply remarkable. At every turn, the students and staff have adapted and responded so positively to whatever has been thrown at them, and I am very grateful and very proud – thank you and well done! The last week of term has been full of activities and trips, around the theme of telling our story. I would like to congratulate everyone, at the end of a busy year, for overseeing and leading such interesting programmes for each year-group, really challenging the students to think critically and be creative, all while developing new skills and having lots of fun. Part of everyone’s story this week has been that Sports Day has been repeatedly postponed because of the weather, so I am delighted that we have been able to hold it today – despite remaining within their bubbles, it has been wonderful to see the students and staff together on the fields, engaged in sport and enjoying the sunshine in the fresh air. Well done to everyone involved!

Sports Day 2021

Farewell to Jane Chandler Farewell to Veronica Fewkes Click on the title to jump to the article

Musical Grand Finale

We were very fortunate to have Dr Eugenia Cheng OR as our guest speaker at the second virtual Headmaster’s Lecture on Wednesday. Speaking from Chicago, where she is Scientist is Residence at a university, she talked about how her experiences at Roedean set her on a path to embrace all her interests and allow them to co-exist – she is a mathematician, concert pianist, artist, and writer – and also about how different styles of behaviour impact how we learn, interact with others, and problem-solve. Well done to Sophia, Chloe, and Jemima in Year 13, who made up the student panel – their role was to pose the audience’s questions to Eugenia, which they did with great composure, and I am sure that they and the audience learned a great deal from the lecture. We say farewell today to a number of students and members of staff, and we wish them all well as they begin new adventures adventures after Roedean. It seems impossible to single out particular leavers, but I feel that 63 years of combined dedication and commitment to our School deserves it – Jane Chandler, Head of Year 7, and Veronica Fewkes, our Director of Music, have taught at Roedean for 34 and 29 years respectively, which is truly remarkable. They have had a huge impact on the lives of so many students and staff over the years, and they have both maintained a seemingly tireless spring in their step to the very end – we wish them all the very best in their retirements, and they will be sorely missed! In addition, all of you will have arrived at Roedean through Diana Banham who has overseen a remarkable transformation in admissions at the School, and who is sadly (for us) retiring this year. We thank her for her exceptional service for so many years. At the end of a very difficult year, I would like to congratulate again everyone in our community – we have negotiated this year together and I am proud of that, and of you all. Good luck, and I wish you all a well-deserved summer holiday!

VA Showcase

Year 7 Classics Club

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Farewell to Jane and Veronica – 63 Years of Dedication and Commitment Reminiscences from ORs and students

Veronica Fewkes

Both Teresa Outhwaite (Brach, No. 1, 1985-91) – “They will be so missed” Caroline Donald (Former Staff, 2012-2016) – “Wow… end of an era… I hope they both have some wonderful and well deserved R&R plans.”

Catherine Goble (No. 4, 1991-98) – “I was chosen to be responsible for ‘looking after’ Miss Fewkes when she arrived in 1991, and helping her to settle in. Looks like I did a good job!” Sophia Cheung (No. 1,1991-95) – “Where do we start?! Music was my world at school and VF was a massive influence on me. Reminiscing on all the concerts, Carol services, house music competition, overnight music marathon, and, of course, Kiss Me Kate!!”

Anamika (Yr12) Miss Fewkes, the best music teacher. you really are a Roedean feature. However, after 29 years as director you would’ve thought you would know how to use the projector I don’t think anything we will say can take the sadness away. From music tours to movie magic your leaving really is tragic. You have given us lessons for life And they really were rife You have given us the confidence to succeed And taught us always to lead You have taken many musicians under your wing Although most were forced to sing But seriously I hope you know How much you have helped us to grow we wish you the very best And we hope you have a huge rest. You really do deserve it madam Especially after having to put up with all my sarcasm I know it hasn’t been the best year But we will never forget you here For now it is now time to say goodbye before I start to cry.

Camilla Nightingale (Johnston-Lyon, No. 1, 1981-89) – "Mrs C is a wonderful lady – so kind and always with a smile in her face. How we have all benefitted so much for knowing and being taught by her. I was never taught by Ms Fewkes, but my daughter has and she is also a wonderful teacher. Her musical concerts are just wonderful. How lucky Roedean is to have had them both as part of our community. Wishing them both a wonderful retirement, with the knowledge that they both made a huge contribution and touched so many." Gigi Rice – (No. 2, 2007-12) – "Both of them were my form teachers and are such incredible women. They are the heart and soul of Roedean." Harriet Kember-Whitfield – (Kember, No. 1, 2006-10) – "My favourite memory is the ‘The Sound of Music’ 2010 when I was in the upper 6th. Such laughs! Will also always remember fondly Mrs Fewkes getting annoyed with me in choir for not paying attention, or the time I told her I couldn’t go to rehearsals because I was going out.” Kate Armes – Drama department 1982-97, Head of Drama 1997-2014 – "Veronica and I worked closely together on many occasions: two wonderful productions of ‘Oh What a Lovely War’ – she knew we’d hit the mark each time I dissolved into tears at ‘And When They Asked Us’; a fabulous production of ‘The Sound of Music’ and prep school days to name a few. I was also honoured to be in at the beginning of Veronica’s big gala concerts as compere, revelling in the fabulous music and the unique atmosphere. PE was never my strength, but I loved helping at Sports Day and just marvelled as Jane’s organisation – the clip boards, the pencils, the score tables, the Haribo sweets! Everything had been planned and accounted for, so it all worked like clockwork and everyone was always able to have a marvellous time, no matter what the weather threw at us! Both have been fabulous role models for all the girls who have passed through Roedean – strong, loyal, committed, focused, fun, superb at their subjects and of course, responsible for organising some of the really big school events that will linger forever in our memories. I wish them both long and happy retirements."

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2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Farewell to Jane and Veronica – 63 Years of Dedication and Commitment Reminiscences from ORs and students

Jane Chandler Nikki Payne (No. 4, 2009-14)- “Mrs Chandler > On ITV news > Wearing a bright yellow beanie > Snow day > “I’ve got to get in for the girls!” > Legend Charlotte Barton (Lion, No. 1, 1985-91) – “Remember when Mrs Chandler started at Roedean. Sport was my passion back then (to the detriment of my academic work). It is still part of my everyday life. Much of this was due to all the opportunities I gained at Roedean playing lax, netball, cricket, athletics and tennis. Even when I came back for sports day / OR day she always commandeers me into running in the golden mile.” Sarah Ehrlich (Zebaida, No. 4, 1981-83) – “Fantastic. I started Roedean 40 years ago just as Mrs Chandler was starting (when she was a Miss!). And my daughter started this summer term and just had cricket with her this week. Still inspirational, cheery, and motivating, even for those who aren't (rather, who think they aren't) sporty!”

Rosemary Lewis (Former Staff, 1977-2001) – “Jane was really a wonderful asset to Roedean. Not sure if she actually started the D of E, but was definitely very involved and did a brilliant job with it. Always with a smile on her face, she was a very pleasant and professional colleague.” Kirstin Duffield (Croppers, No. 2, 1984-89) – “Mrs C was the one teacher in my life I totally related to, you know when there is just that one that inspires you to achieve. For me it was in Lacrosse and coaching me through arriving with many more years of lacrosse experience from my previous school than most of my peers and being fielded in the U15 at 13 and the 1st team at 15. But seeing her digging dawwwwn with us girls at the Simply Red Concert in Brighton was a very lasting memory. Mrs C was my rock during my 5 years at Roedean. She deserves a great retirement, but it will also be poignant when returning to school that one stable feature won't be there anymore.” Ivy Robin (House. 3, 2008-15) –"I remember starting at Roedean in 2008 as a very nervous 11 year old. Mrs. Chandler was my form tutor and instantly made me feel welcome and safe. Her enthusiasm and energy are like no other and she always puts her students first. Her dedication to Roedean was evident during a snow day one year when she walked from Peacehaven to school in poor conditions just to be there for her students. I thoroughly enjoyed my PE lessons with her and she would always motivate me to do my best and never let me put myself down. I am now a teacher and I strive to care for my students, work as hard, and be so generous and welcoming as she is as a teacher and an individual. Jane has been an integral part of the Roedean community and the school won’t be the same without her speed-walking up and down the long hallway every day. I wish Jane a very happy retirement and a wonderful life ahead."

You Will be Found Years 10-13 with special

This is Me

spoken lyrics by Eden (Yr13)

Years 7 & 11

When I Grow Up Year 8

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2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Year 11 Gallery

Hollie Year 13

Year 12 Gallery

Welcome to Roedean’s Virtual Arts Showcase. 2021 has been a year to remember, in so many ways – as the academic year comes to an end, we are delighted and proud to be able to showcase some of the girls’ wonderful achievements in the Creative and Performing Arts.


It is wonderful that we have been able to return to live drama performances and a music showcase over the last weeks, and the students loved being able to share their talents on stage.

Year 11


Year 13


Year 13 Gallery

Year 11


Year 11

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Arts, and I am grateful to all my colleagues who have supported and guided the students as they have negotiated their way through the last year. As you will see, many have pushed themselves to realise their full potential – please do also share this with your wider family and friends, and the girls deserve to have their achievements celebrated.


Year 11

I wish you all the very best for a fantastic summer!


Oliver Blond Headmaster


Year 11

Year 13



Year 7


Year 13

Year 11




Year 8

Year 11

Year 11



Year 13

Year 7

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Victoria Year 13


Last Week of Term Tuesday Secret Garden Bimble and Tea Party The students took part in a Secret Garden walk and tea party around the beautiful Roedean grounds on Tuesday afternoon. A series of QR codes were placed around the 3.5km course, and our students were able to scan the codes and unlock the story of the Secret Garden. When the students and staff returned from the walk, they were able to enjoy a wonderful Secret Garden-themed afternoon tea, which was provided by our fantastic Catering Department – thank you for the wonderful delights! You too can unlock the story of the Secret Garden, just scan the codes below… there is a quiz at the end for you to complete – and prizes to be won!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 14


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2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Last Week of Term WEDNESDAY Author events How Do We Tell Our Story?

What is our story? Well, it is both individual and collective, made up of the lives and experiences of the pupils and staff in our community, some of which are shared, and some of which are deeply personal. So how do we go about telling this story? On Wednesday 30 June, Roedean sought to find out! ■

Year 7 looked for the story inside them with author Jenny McLachlan – they explored fantastical imaginary worlds, and what might happen in them

Year 8 looked for their unique voice, before coming together with author Holly Smale to create, and write, a brand new novel together

Year 9 had a few stories to explore: some looked at diversity and belonging through an improv workshop, others looked at how to take waste materials and turn them into a beautiful tactile mural for the Blind Veterans, and others looked at how to tell the story of women’s health and well-being in a more engaging and relevant way

Year 10 were given the tools to tell whatever story they wanted, with a One Day Film School course, including combat choreography (!).

Year 12 focused on the importance of how a story is presented, and, under the guidance of director, Veronica McKenzie, created and edited beautiful and thought-provoking short films – we learned that there is no right way to tell our story; the important thing is to find, and exercise, our voice. HBO

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2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Last Week of Term THURSDAY Trips Making New Memories

Thursday 1 July was all about making up for lost time and allowing the year groups to come together in the spirit of fun, adventure, and friendship. We wanted the students to have an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and to experience some of those joyous moments of shared silliness, discovery, and excitement, that the restrictions of the pandemic had precluded for so long. The Year 7s and 8s went in their separate bubbles to take part in a carousel of activities at Out of Bounds in Angmering, where they had an amazing day of team-work, problem-solving, and competition. Years 9 and 10 went in their separate bubbles to Chessington World of Adventures for a fun day out. And Year 12 had a trip to play beach volleyball, or to do some biological research on the seafront, or to visit Hever Castle, and those with very local trips returned to Roedean for an afternoon of outdoor inflatable silliness. We hope these trips helped our students form some very happy memories to cherish into a welldeserved summer break. HBO

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2 July 2021 – Issue 10

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Last Week of Term – Reflections ‘The Year 9s said that if Ali (leader of the Diversity Workshop) ran an improv club or another session they would love to go (they specified they would want to go if Ali ran it, not just any improv club!). So many of them enjoyed it far more than they expected to, and they really appreciated how the first half of the day opened them up to the second half – it was clear that the open conversation they were able to have in the morning made them feel very comfortable and safe to be more vulnerable in the afternoon.' ‘The girls were fabulous when creating the Blind Veterans Tactile Mural – all were engaged, and highly creative and cooperative with one another – it was a joy to work with them today. The girls self-organised into 3 groups and came out with 3 very different collages – one with texture, one with detail, and one with a mermaid! Inspired by working in such a huge space, in the afternoon I got them to help me use up my pile of textile waste scraps, and we embarked on something that resembled performance art as they knotted up the scraps into 50 long strips. They then became warps and wefts, and literally walked the long threads over one another to make a giant weaving, which we held up at the end a bit like a trampoline! It really worked as an event, and the engagement of the whole group was great to see.’ Mrs Petit

elve history group of year tw with some a ay sd ur Th n ‘O e (along to Hever Castl et students went ho greatly regr w ts ory studen st e hi ar be d an na ls an w A leve taking science s on er si ci ev H de . r s) ei th e choice inking their lif currently reth Anne Boleyn so of e ac birth pl e th as w e tl as C vision, although great history re e m so ed id ov pr e trip with small part of th cream, this was only a ng ice filled with eati ip the rest being aze. A great tr d the water m an ng hi at nb su all round.’ Liv, Megan Lara, Jane,

and Thea

‘I have really enjo yed the last few days ,from creating and filming our very own film to play ing a few games of volleyball. I have lear nt new skills which I hope to use in my future!’

'It was lovely to watch the Year 9s have a go at the improv games – they were so funny and creative!’ EVA

‘Such a fabul ous group of young people. It was such a joy – genuinely. Yo u have some worldchanging brain s there.’

Ali Hannon

uction Editing and Prod ‘The Year 12 Film l, ica top s rb. It wa workshop was supe and s nt me ele technical interesting, full of dly, en fri s, ion ommendat great film/TV rec ear Y e Th . ces ntastic pie and led to some fa ey th – s res og pressive pr 12s made really im ht ug ta en be d ings that ha implemented the th ll.’ we lly in the morning rea EEA

‘It was so lovely to have in-pe rson autho r events back at Roedean on Wednesday! Year 7 work ed with autho r Jenny McLa chlan to 'Find the Story Inside You'. Jenny is the autho r of teen novels, such as Flirty Dancing and Stargazing for Beginners. More recently, she has been writing fanta sy and has just completed her trilogy set in the Land of Roar. Jenny started the day with a talk on how she came to write her recent fanta sy series ‘Land of Roar’ , and discussed the use of imagination in shaping her stories. She then set the task of creating a map of your own imaginary world, before moving on to writing a story based in the world. The Year 7 pupils came up with some amazing ideas and wonderful artwo rk – congratulations to everyone who took part!’ GBA

‘The trip was very exciting. It was very nice to have freedom and chat with lots of people in addition to my friends. The bowling was really fun because it was competitive, in a good way!’

‘Year 8 had an autho r talk by the YA write r Holly Smale, who is the write r of the popular Geek Girl novels. Holly spoke to Year 8 about her journey to becoming a write r: her school experiences, her love of books, and what led her to write the Geek Girl series. She also discussed her recent diagn osis of autism aged 39, and how it has resha ped her life. She then led a work shop in which the stude nts built a new story, from scratc h, as a group. They then came up with two wonderful ideas for a novel, including the plot, chara cters, and story arc.’ GBA

g to see how ‘It was interest in Fi lm Edit ing ar 12 ever yo ne in the Ye rkshop worked wo on ti uc and Prod d genuinely impresse to gether and I'm uced.’ by what they prod ie

Veronica McKenz

‘The end of year trip was a brilliant and cr eative idea and I really enjoyed all of it! Also the cricket fixtur e against Dorset House was excitin g.’ Lydia

n, reading walk was really fu ‘The secret garden citing.’ interesting and ex the QR codes was Clara

‘I liked the workshop because Holly Smale was really interest ing. I liked it because I could work with my friends.’ Samira I could get alk because ‘I loved the w e e trip becaus ace. I liked th some headsp . It was nice draw as well I had time to school!’ not to be in



‘The last two days of term have been really fu n and rounde d off the year in an en joyable way!’



Page 8

‘The last two days of term very funny and intere sting! I really like the trip to Ch essington to rela x and spend time with my friends after this year!’ Maddie

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Last Week of Term – Reflections ‘It was so enjoyab le to have a break from all the lessons an d connect with othe r people across the year!’ Suraya

g, as it was ed the map-makin ‘I particularly enjoy y insightful, The lectures were ver fun and relaxing. tend.’ at I was able to at and I’m happy th

d ‘I part icul ar enjo ye no is e er learning that th vity.’ age limit to creati Edie


‘This last week of school has been really enjoyable. I have loved experiencing new activities such as beach volleyball and creating a short film, after which we were presented with lovely food!’ ‘We have had a lot of fun over the past week it has been really nice connecting with my friends and exploring our creativity!’ ‘I loved spending time embracing our sense of community within our year group, I believe these activities have brought our year group so much closer.’ ‘I have felt we have really grown as a year group and the sense of community has advanced. It has been a really good time to get together and get to know each other more.’ ‘The last few days have allowed our year group to grow closer bonds and spend time together outside of school. As well as gain independence.’ ‘Independence!!’

‘Ali’s workshop was very detailed and felt really included. They had a way of making everyone feel included. 100% recomme nd!’

‘I enjoyed map-making, as it allowed me to express myself and creat e something just for me .’ Bobby


‘I really enjoyed learning about the making of th e story and how it often has a person alised touch.’ Sunday

‘I really enjoyed drawing our fantasy worlds and making our characte rs. I also liked Jenny Mclachla n’s talk about imagination and dragons, as it was really inspiring.’ Chloe


Year 9 Murals

Page 9

few days very ‘I found the last do a fun as I got to interesting and have r at would neve lot of things th ite vo rwise. My fa ur been able to othe lm fi e finitely th however, was de nal en though the fi making and ev of d nny instea product was fu d a lot of fun.’ ha suspenseful, I Aida

‘I loved maki ng the tact for the Blind Vetera ile mural ns. a creative end to th It was e term.’ Abisha


Year 9 Health Centre Posters


Eugenia Cheng On Wednesday, we were treated to a fantastic virtual lecture given by OR, Dr Eugenia Cheng. It was entitled ‘From Roedean Prefect to Chicago Professor: A Mathematician’s Manifesto for Re-Thinking Gender in a Male-Dominated World’, and Eugenia spoke about her career, maintaining her wideranging interests, and the way different types of behaviour (‘ingressive’ and ‘congressive’) affect our choices. Sophia, Chloe, and Jemima managed the Q&A brilliantly, and Eugenia was really impressed with them and the fantastic questions which came in from the audience. Watch this space for the date of next term’s lecture and details of the speaker! RB Dr Eugenia Cheng must be among the most impressive polymaths that this school has ever produced. I deeply admire her genuine curiosity about the world, combined with her completely original ideas about how to perceive it in a way conducive to change. We live in a world of grey; unhealthy competition, constrictive expectations around gender, race and ability and educational systems that crush exploration and creativity. This is described by Dr Cheng as 'ingressive'- keeping people out, restrained and individualistic. Dr Cheng then pointed out that at Roedean our all-girls education is broad, communal, creative and through healthy challenge teaches us to be more 'congressive'. We go into the world desiring change and growth, for ourselves and our environment. This new vocabulary of 'ingressive' and 'congressive' is ever so enabling. It goes beyond gender, left brain/right brain dichotomies and natural or developed ability in subjects such as maths and was only one of the revolutionary ideas she presented! This talk gave me a new perception of progress and social change that can occur in a more natural way. I deeply enjoyed this talk and hope to hear Dr Cheng talk again. – Jemima (Yr12) Page 10

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

2 July 2021 – Issue 10

Writing on the Whiteboard My Year 9 English class have written a book, which they have selfpublished on Amazon. It is a collection of their original stories, poetry, and artwork, which they have compiled over the year as a co-curricular project. It went live on Amazon on Wednesday morning. I am really proud of the girls for making this happen, and I think it is a remarkable achievement: https://www.amazon. co.uk/dp/B0989SDFF3?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 LHI

Seaside Standard – Roedean’s Student Magazine

Sophia, Chloe, and Jemima for managing the Q&A for the Headmaster’s Lecture with such great confidence and calmness [RB]

Well done to Lara and Jane, the editors of the Seaside Standard, who have produced 5 issues of this student magazine over the year. This is an outstanding achievement, and they should be really proud that they have been able to manage this, alongside their academic studies and other interests – follow this link to read this latest issue:

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.

Miss Hammond for organising sports day after being moved on short notice [KWA]

Mr Fieldsend for helping the department run the Secret Garden Bimble [KWA]

https://issuu.com/roedeanschool/docs/tss05_ v11?fr=sZWFkODIwNjI4MDk

Year 7 Classics Club This year, Mrs Wooldridge has run a Classics Mosaics club for Year 7. The girls have learned the mythology of Hercules' labours, and made the most beautiful mosaic to illustrate the stories. The club also included music and clips from the Disney film, Hercules. The mosaic will be framed and it will hang in the corridor near the Classics Department. Can you spot the Nemean Lion? RMI

Mr Orys for recreating the sports day overall score sheet in his spare time! – it’s made everything so much easier! [KWA]

Maths is no Challenge for Hebe! Earlier in the year, Hebe in Year 10 scored superbly in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Competition. As a result, she qualified for entry into the Hamilton Olympiad, a follow-on round, which took place more recently – the results for this are finally in, and I'm delighted to say that Hebe achieved a Distinction in this round. This is a remarkable achievement! JH Page 11


Roedean Symposium

the fascinating idea that due to the different interpretation each of us hold for certain words we can never have the same truth. Although I’ve explained it terribly, Jemima articulated the ideas brilliantly and her passion radiated among the audience.

The Roedean Symposium offered ‘convivial discussion’ and the opportunity to discuss subjects, and related topics, in depth with visiting speakers and senior students at Roedean and at other schools. It provided students in Year 10-13 with an unrivalled opportunity to prepare for their education beyond school.

In my opinion and of my peers I’ve talked to, the symposium was a very enjoyable evening and a huge thank you has to go to Dr Hannan for organising it and the speakers for giving such insightful and thought provoking presentations.’

The Symposium consisted of a range of speakers, according to the four Roedean Pathways: ■ ■ ■ ■

STEM Business, Economics and Enterprise Society Creative and Performing Arts

Jemima: The talk that I attended was Jane's paper on ‘The Death of the Author’. Jane raised multiple insightful questions about the connection between the reader and the writer, and whether this dynamic should be ignored in the analysis of text. Many examples were given, both classical and modern, to examine whether we have the right to kill the role of the author or proclaim its irrelevance. It was fascinating, with many provoking new ideas, and has enhanced the way I read and understand my relationship to ‘creator’ and ‘created’.

Ashley: ‘Mona Shah is a Director of Stonehage Fleming Investment Management. She talked to us about sustainable investment and how she tries to make the maximum possible returns and positive impacts. It was interesting to hear her talk about how not only politics can make big, positive impacts on society, but economics can also make huge differences. It was really

2 July 2021 – Issue 10

uplifting for me, especially as I am an Economics student. Tuhina also gave a presentation about wealth tax, and the discussions about wealth and inheritance tax gave us the opportunity to hear about her perspective on it. It was a mindopening experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it.’ Stella: ‘Richard Follett, Associate Vice President and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Sussex, delivered a thought-provoking lecture on ‘American Race Relations in the Era of George Floyd: Lessons from History, Actions for the Future’. As a specialist in American History, Professor Follett was able to provide insightful background to race relations in the USA, exploring colonisation and the lasting effects of the slave trade, as well as the criminalisation and marginalisation of people of colour,, which still occurs in America, the UK, and other parts of the western world today. With the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, which began in 2013 following the acquittal of George Zimmerman who killed an African-American teenager named Trayvon Martin in 2012, it is incredibly important to understand the history of racism – this is so that we may move forward in the future and take action, not only to put a stop to racism and police brutality, but also to educate about and take accountability for the less traditionally palatable areas of American and British history. Following Professor Follett’s lecture, we also engaged in a talk from Year 12’s Cherry, who gave us a perceptive overview of populism, with references to the likes of Donald Trump and populist leaders’ methods of securing and exercising power.’ Lara: ‘The first ever Roedean symposium most definitely did not disappoint! The first talk was delivered by two inspirational speakers, Amanda Kelly and Michael Atkins, focused on the criminal justice system and the interactive real life examples propelled us in the audience to think and make our own assessments on mock cases, giving us just a glimpse at the mentality demanded for making decisions over the lives of others. I knew very little about the processes involved in the criminal justice system and now feel my understanding has been greatly improved. The second talk of the evening I attended was delivered fabulously by fellow sixth former, Jemima Soars. Her presentation centred on ideas of postmodernism philosophy, especially focusing on the understanding of language and Page 12

Megan: ‘The creative and performing arts session saw Martin Tricky speak about the changing nature of television and film. It was particularly interesting to hear his thoughts on how social media is changing the way young people access TV. This was then followed by Thea, who spoke about women in the music industry. She selected a key female musician from four different decades to discuss and also gave the audience a snapshot of the historical context of the time. It was a fab talk and clearly demonstrated her deep depth of knowledge and love of music!’ Bella: ‘On Wednesday, during the first session of the Roedean Symposium, I was fortunate enough to listen to both a presentation from Professor Frances Balkwill and a presentation from Lucy. Both were absolutely wonderful to watch, as well as extremely interesting. Professor Balkwill discussed whether we would ever be able to cure all cancers using our immune systems. She described the books she has written and her work


2 July 2021 – Issue 10

Sophia’s talk was really well delivered, and proposed many interesting thoughts about the current welfare system and how that affects medicine in Britain – I definitely learnt a lot. Thank you to both speakers for a great talk.’

on new biological treatments for cancer, which I found particularly fascinating. Cancer treatment is such an important topic in healthcare and it’s so inspiring to hear about all the work she has been doing surrounding it. Afterwards, Lucy talked about a medication, Olaparib, which is being used to treat ovarian cancer and breast cancer. It works by inhibiting an enzyme which is involved in repairing DNA. I found both talks engaging and enjoyable to listen to, and I’m excited for next week’s session!’

Jemma: ‘Tanya Streeter was such an inspiring person to listen to. Hearing about her drive and what she was able to achieve showed us that anyone can reach what is considered to be impossible if they try hard enough. She shared her thoughts and experiences with plastic in the ocean and her concern for the future of our environment and the health of our oceans. We discussed how minimising our plastic usage as a species is key for protecting the future of our planet. Overall it was very encouraging and eyeopening to hear from her, and I’d love to do it again.’ Chloe: ‘The talk with Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience, Natasha Sigala gave us a new opportunity to explore neuroscience in depth. She initially introduced herself with her backstory of how she became a lecturer. She was born in Greece and earned her PhD in Germany, before becoming a professor at the University of Oxford and transferring as a Senior Lecturer in Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The topic was focused around the question: Are experts made or born?, which introduced us to her specialty, cognitive neuroscience. The talk's focus was on a case study of a human calculator. The team analyzed his brain, the prefrontal cortex in particular, using an MRI machine. Using exemplar trials, graphs, and actual MRI scans, Sigala gave us a brief but detailed summary of the results. They concluded that 'The activation patterns for remote and close dates were largely overlapping and consistent with previous imaging studies of arithmetic processing.'

Alyssa: ‘I attended the economic, business and enterprise talk by Abadesi Osunsade, followed by a paper presented by Megan. Abadesi is a creative technologist, founder and CEO of Hustle Crew, who attended Roedean from 2001 to 2006. She shared her own experience working in the tech industry, representation of identity and diversity in recruitment and workplace, and ways to eliminate the problem and to move forward. Her talk was inspirational, and particularly useful for us young women who will go through the recruitment process and move into the workplace. Megan’s paper discussed the English illustrator and author, Aubrey Beardsley, and the way his work has influenced the arts and creativity, from the late 19th century to present. I found it particularly interesting to see how different cultures and types of art intersect with each other and I very much enjoyed it.’


Thea: ‘It was really inspiring to hear about humanitarian work, and how other pandemics are being handled across the globe. It was also fascinating to see how humanities and science can merge in the medical sector. Page 13

Overall, it was amazing at how she managed to explain specialist knowledge in simple and clear photos, especially in a short length of time. I would really recommend the Roedean Symposium in the future!


2 July 2021 – Issue 10

Take Your Seat! We are so grateful to everyone in our community who has donated to our Take Your Seat appeal so far. We have hit an impressive 40 percent of our target, but there is still some way to go. Please listen to Jane sharing some of her favourite experiences in the Theatre, including stage-management and lighting design, and how they have boosted her confidence. Just like Jane, we are so excited, once our refurbishment is complete, to be able to offer more girls these fantastic experiences, so they too can flourish, in an auditorium that reflects their hard work. Please do help us to support more opportunities in the Performing Arts at Roedean. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so using our Gift Form or by visiting our appeal website, where you can also read more about the improvements we are planning. If you have any questions about the appeal, or have an idea to help our fundraising efforts, please contact Grace Chaston on glc@roedean.co.uk or 01273 667398. Our office will be open throughout the summer holidays.

Summer Reading If you are looking for inspiration for your summer reading, then please have a look at the reading trees below. There are separate trees for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, and Key Stage 5. Happy reading!

Page 14


Musical Grand Finale It is so wonderful to be able to perform properly again – watch these lovely musical performances that 50 of our musicians put together during this term. Well done to all the performers, and many thanks to Mr Johnson, Mr Tostevin, and Ms Ray for all the recording and editing work. Suite No 1-Water Music G F Handel arr. David Stone Bourrée and Minuet, Air and Hornpipe Yr7 ■ Violin: Isabella, Elspeth, Alicia, Cartoon ■ Cello: Eden, Beatrix ■ Double Bass: Kyra Y8 ■ Violin: Sihu, Indigo, Ida, Hettie, Siyun, Aarushi ■ Viola: Lydia ■ Cello: Annuciata Yr9 ■ Clarinet: Galina ■ Flute: Navya, Yolanda ■ Saxophone: Nicole Yr10 ■ Violin: Alissandra Yr11 ■ Flute: Frieda, Nicole, Gianna ■ Violin: Saskia, Rosie ■ Cello: Ananya, Kelly Y12 ■ Oboe: Marina ■ Violin: Chloe ■ Viola: Eva ■ Trumpet: Anamika, Bronwen Yr13 ■ Violin: Katarina

Design & Technology – Year 7 Butterflies As Sports Day was cancelled due to bad weather, Year 7 made these amazing butterfly magnets. HQU

The Water of Tyne English Folksong, arr. Michael Neaum Cry Me a River Arthur Hamilton, arr. Jay Althouse Bridge Over troubled Water Paul Simon, arr. Mark Hayes ■ Yr9 – Galina, Erin, Fleur, Hannah ■ Yr10 – Niamh ■ Yr11 – Kelly, Lola, Ellen, Bo Ana, Gabby, Alma, Jemima ■ Yr13 – Ava, Katarina, Amelie

Fishbourne Roman Palace Some of Year 7 were treated to a ‘zoom’ talk by Fishbourne Roman Palace Education Department last Friday. Normally the girls have a talk and demonstration in a House ODR, with the girls tasting the ingredients and trying on the clothes. This year was a little different, as it was done remotely. The students learned fascinating details about the cost of clothes and how you might only have one set in Roman times. Clothes were even bequeathed in wills, and could cost as much as a chariot! It put our modern issues of sustainability in fashion into a sharp focus. We very much hope to welcome the team back onsite in the near future. RMI

Page 15

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Design & Technology – Year 9 Metal Workshops This half term, Year 9 have been creative in the workshop, using a variety of sawing, shaping, and embossing techniques, to make copper, brass, aluminium, and enamelled jewellery pieces based on the theme ‘Natural Forms’. It was fantastic to see the workshops busy once again, and the students creating such lovely work. HQU

Page 16

2 July 2021 – Issue 10

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


SPORT Roedean Girls Star in Sussex Trophy Win! Brighton and Hove Hockey Club U16 Team won the Sussex Trophy on Saturday, with an exceptional performance during a very impressive cup run. Well done to the following Roedean students, who have contributed to this Cup win: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Roedean Hockey Academy 30 girls joined the Roedean staff and 1st team girls for a four-week hockey academy. These girls focused on ball carrying, one-on-one defending, and game play. It was great to see the girls loving every minute, getting better each session, experiencing Roedean’s fantastic facilities, and getting to know the superb staff that work here.

Erin (Yr8) Olivia (Yr8) Atlanta (Yr9) Evie (Yr8) Orla (Yr8) Elodie (Yr9)

Ball Crew at Viking International Eastbourne Both Bronwen and Kate (Yr12) have been involved in a fantastic opportunity of being key members of the ball crew at the Viking International Eastbourne, held at Devonshire Park. They were both involved on Court 1 and Centre Court. Kate has been captaining the team, which is a fantastic achievement! They have demonstrated great resilience – well done!

Netball Dress Price Reduction! Thank you to those who let us know that there was a price difference for the netball dresses on the website. We have been in contact with School Blazer, and they are now available for £27 instead of £32. The deadline for order is 6 July. The cost of the dress will be added to your Autumn Term school bill. If you have any questions, please email Miss Hammond: ahd@roedean.co.uk https://roedean.wufoo.com/forms/x12qfacr0ohfibu/

House Cricket House Cricket has been an excellent event this term – the students have thrown themselves into this competition. As there are uneven student numbers in each House, some Houses had more teams than others, so the results are based on the average number of points per game: Year 9

Year 7

Sussex Satellite Squad News! Congratulations to Gabby, Harriet, and Tessa (Yr7), for gaining a place in the Sussex Satellite Squad. This is an amazing achievement, and we hope you enjoy the extra training this opportunity gives you!

Joint 1st

House 1 and House 4


House 4

Joint 3rd

House 2 and House 3


House 3


House 2


House 1

Year 8 1st

House 3


House 1


House 4


House 2 Page 17

2 July 2021 – Issue 10


Sports Day 2021 It was absolutely brilliant today to be able to hold our annual Sports Day – it is always a highlight of the year, and we were determined to go ahead, despite postponements because of the weather. Having the whole school community down in the fields was brilliant, and even being in year-group zones couldn’t dampen the spirits. Mr Lutwyche and Mr Halsey kept us entertained with with running commentary, including being the bell to indicate the start of the final lap.

Pearl – Fastest 800m

Ruby – Fastest 100m

Sophia – Most improved field events

Maria – Determination to improve

House 3 – Winners

Well done to everyone involved, thank you to the students for competing, thank you to the staff for marshalling the events, and most of all to Miss Hammond and the PE Department for managing the event. Well done!

3 Roedean girls in the U13 Sussex Satellite Netball Academy 3 Roedean girls, Gabriella, Harriet and Tess, were successful in earning a place in the U13 Sussex Satellite Netball Academy from September. There were 2 rounds to the trials, with over 80 girls attending in total and approximately 20 players were selected for the academy. This is really great news for the girls, as it means they will benefit from some additional high-quality fortnightly coaching sessions from September.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 18

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