Head's Weekly Review - 7 January 22 - Issue 1

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7 January 2022 – Issue 1



Joy performs with the Sussex Symphony

Head’s Introduction

Mrs Finn at the World Scout Jamboree

Welcome back, and Happy New Year! I hope that you have had a restful break, and it is great to see the girls and staff back at Roedean, ready for the new term. I would also like to welcome to Roedean the five new students and those members of staff who have joined the School this term – I know that you will find everyone at Roedean warm and welcoming, and I hope that you settle quickly in your new school.

So… what does Mrs Finn, one of our Geography teachers, get up to in her free time?

We have only been back for a few days, but I am very pleased with how quickly the girls have settled back into their normal routines, and how positively they have responded to the temporary requirement to wear face masks. I know that Miss Allen would like to add her thanks to all the girls and staff for the smooth and effective running of the on-site testing on the first day of term. Thank you to everyone who was involved in setting this up. It is important that we work together to continue to support the efforts to reduce risks, but we must also remind ourselves that, in a very short time across the world, scientists have developed a highly successful vaccine to combat this virus, and health service workers have vaccinated a very large proportion of the population, so there is a great deal about which we can all feel very positive. Over the holiday period, we have also been informed of the results of a number of external examinations and competitions. Congratulations to those who entered the World Chinese Writing Competition. This year four Roedean students were highly successful in this annual competition and won First Prize in their categories. What a remarkable achievement – well done to the girls, and to Mrs Wu, who prepared them for them for the competition!

Netball versus Hurst On Wednesday, the first day of term, 9 Netball teams played against Hurst

Well done also to those girls who took LAMDA and Music examinations at the end of last term – the results are excellent. Congratulations in particular to the LAMDA candidates, who all achieved Distinctions. This is very impressive, and I would also like to thank the girls’ teachers for their commitment and dedication. Well done to Mrs Finn, in the Geography Department, who has been chosen to lead a Unit from the UK at the World Scouting Jamboree in South Korea in 2023. This is a brilliant achievement, and we all look forward to hearing more about it. Congratulations to all of our junior netballers, who have already had their first fixtures of the season. Six out of the nine teams won against Hurst, who are always strong opponents, so it is great to start the season so well. I wish you all a relaxing weekend, and good luck for the week ahead.

Sunrise on Thursday


7 January 2022 – Issue 1

Happy New Year!

A Message from the Roedean Chaplaincy As we start a new year, we can be thankful that togetherness and our community spirit last year helped us all to combat the uncertainty of the end of last year – for this I am blessed and grateful. As a new season begins, let us continue to push through, and build our resolve, knowing that this is a time to write the vision and visualise what we can achieve through purpose. Former US President Teddy Roosevelt said, 'Believe you can and you’re halfway there'. So, I pray in 2022 that you will find the positive in each day, and focus on the things we can do to play our part in strengthening ourselves (mind, body, spirit), and our community both here at Roedean and more widely – as the author Maya Angelou said, 'try and be the rainbow in someone’s cloud', so this could be through a smile, a specific endeavour, or random acts of kindness! Remember to take time out to pause, and notice the beauty around you. Last term was a very busy, and as a school we have a lot to be thankful for – so let's start this new term in 2022 with hope, and may it be a year of great expectations! Mrs Walker – School Chaplain

Joy performs with the Sussex Symphony On 11 December, just after the end of term, Joy (Yr7) sang the solo part of The Snowman and Once in Royal David's City with the Sussex Symphony Orchestra at All Saints Church in Hove. She performed beautifully, and received rapturous applause from the audience. If you would like to listen to her performance, follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amciezvPOXk

Excellent Music Exam Results

Well done, Joy!

Congratulations to those who took Music examinations last term – there were excellent results both for those experienced musicians at the highest grades as well as for those just starting their musical journeys.

LAMDA Distinctions Across the Board

Well done in particular to Sihu (Yr9) who achieved a Distinction at Grade 5 Piano, to Hettie (Yr9) and Hanna (Yr10) who were both awarded Merits for Grade 7 Piano, and Edrea (Yr11) and Yilin (Yr12) both took Grade 8 Piano, the second with Merit. There were also very good results for those who took Trumpet exams and Theory. Well done!

Mr Wilson

Galina in the National Youth Concert Band Well done to Galina (Yr10), who will be attending her first residential course with the NYCB at Easter. This will be followed by a performance in Birmingham's Elgar Concert Hall, and she will be playing clarinet, bass clarinet, and the unusual E flat clarinet. The standard of the band is incredibly high, so it will be an amazing experience for her. We wish her all the best!

Ms Bartlette

Congratulations to the eleven candidates who took LAMDA examinations in November, and every single one was awarded with Distinction. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Izzy (Yr7): Acting Grade 3 – Solo Maggie (Yr8): Acting Grade 4 – Solo Jasmine (Yr8): Acting Grade 4 – Solo Nicole (Yr9): Acting Grade 5 – Solo Mia (Yr10): Acting Grade 5 – Solo Amelia (Yr9): Acting Grade 5 – Duo Poppy (Yr9): Acting Grade 5 – Duo Daisy (Yr11): Acting Grade 6 – Solo – Bronze Medal Lila (Yr11): Acting Grade 6 – Solo – Bronze Medal Lucy (Yr11): Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 7 – Silver Medal Ellen (Yr9): Musical Theatre Grade 5 – Solo

What an outstanding set of results – congratulations to each of the candidates on their success! Miss Sellers

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New Staff Profiles We are delighted to welcome some new members of staff to Roedean this term – two of these are the Assistant Heads: Pastoral, working closely with Miss Allen, and here is a little bit of information about them: Name: Miss Rachel Hart Role: Assistant Head, Pastoral University: BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science (Loughborough), PGCE in Physical Education (Loughborough), and MSc in Education (Loughborough) Previous school: Caterham Interests: Netball, open water swimming, theatre, and reading You’d never guess… I have done a skydive in Hawaii, and was Head Girl when I was at school! Name: Mr Nathan Wriglesworth Role: Assistant Head, Pastoral University: BSc in Maths (University of Sussex), PGCE Maths (University of Brighton) Previous school: Housemaster of Leconfield (Day Boy House), Brighton College Interests: family, Christian faith, golf, running, cycling, football, paddle boarding You’d never guess... I used to have hair


7 January 2022 – Issue 1

Roedean Success in the World Chinese Writing Competition Well done to 40 Roedean girls who were awarded winning certificates in the 2021 World Chinese Writing Competition, maintaining our School's fantastic record of success in this world-wide competition. Thirty-three Roedean girls won Good Writing Awards, and three others were 2nd Prize Winners. However, particular congratulations go to four of our students, who were the 1st prize winners for different essay titles in this global competition: ■ ■ ■ ■

Sophie (Yr11): My Family Cartoon (Yr8): Football Match Chelsea (Yr11): Performance in the School Percy (Yr10): My Friend

Congratulations to all those who entered!

Mrs Finn at the World Scout Jamboree

Mrs Wu

OR Sailing Club

So… what does Mrs Finn, one of our Geography teachers, get up to in her free time?

Six ORs took part in the Keelboat training and racing event at Queen Mary Sailing Club in December. 'Despite the freezing temperature and occasionally gusty spells, we had a fantastic morning of training followed by an exhilarating afternoon of racing.' Congratulations and we look forward to hearing of more racing to come!

In the Summer of 2023, more than 40,000 Explorer Scouts from 150 different countries will gather in South Korea for the 25th World Scout Jamboree. Mrs Finn has been involved in scouting for the last 9 years – she said: 'I decided that I don’t spend enough time with young people (!), so, last August, I began the selection process to lead a Unit of Explorers from across West Sussex (36 young people, aged between 14-18, and 3 other adults) to the next World Jamboree.' Her selection process consisted of two gruelling weekend camps where, at times, she was blindfolded, tied up, and not allowed to speak. Sleep deprived, she threw herself into numerous team-building / leadership challenges, culminating in a panel interview. So after all that, she thoroughly deserves to be congratulated on her selection – she will lead Unit 73 of the UK Contingent. Mrs Finn said, 'Honestly, I am so excited to share in this adventure and be immersed in our global scouting community. Much like teaching, it is a privilege to help facilitate success and play a small part in a young person’s personal empowerment and growth. It’s bonkers fun too! As a geographer, I’m delighted that this event promises to be managed in a sustainable way, which is no mean feat considering the scale of this global event, with its campsite being the size of Crawley town, and the sheer number of people from all over the world. There will need to be plenty of carbon offsetting and thoughtful planning too. Since selection, my team and I have been working to plan preparation camps / events for Unit 73. We will camp almost every month up until the Jamboree. Each camp is designed to encourage unity and develop skills empowering our Explorers for the challenges that lay ahead, enabling our young people to gain the most from this experience. Our first camp is in two weeks, and I am super excited to meet Unit 73 for the first time.' To help prepare Unit 73, Mrs Finn has reached out to our Roedean students from South Korea. She has invited them to help support the cultural preparation. These girls will also have the opportunity to join her and Unit 73 on a preparation camp too. Mrs Finn needs to raise money to fund her journey and subsidise the costs of leaders from poorer nations too: 'Look out for, and please support, my cake sale and other fundraising events in the coming months!'

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7 January 2022 – Issue 1



Netball versus Hurst On Wednesday, the first day of term, 9 Netball teams played against Hurst – this is one of our toughest block fixtures, and we won 6 out of 9, which is outstanding! Miss Wakeling


The U12As had a good game against a tough opposition, and showed some great individual and team efforts in the first game back after the break. Despite the cold, the girls were able to keep their focus, especially in the defensive circle, where Isabella and Lula (who were Coaches' Players of the Match) made countless turnovers and redistributed the ball well. Amelie, Natahlia, and Amber did well to control the centre court, with Amelie gaining a well-earned MVP. Despite some very cold hands, a shout out has to go to Liv and Izzy, whose accurate shooting kept us ahead of Hurst right up to the final whistle, and with a winning score of 17-12. Miss Kirby-Jones



With only 7 players for their first match of the season, the U12Bs played brilliantly against Hurst, winning 18-3! It was a fantastic team effort, and, as the game progressed, the girls kept going from strength to strength, scoring the most goals in the final quarter! Poppy was brilliant through the centre court, and Leggy was named Girl of the Match by Hurst for her outstanding shooting! It was a wonderful way to start what is going to be an exciting netball season – well done, 12Bs! Miss Hammond



Roedean had a strong start in the first quarter, with a 6-0 lead after 13 minutes. We switched around at quarter time, giving the girls a chance to play new positions. The score at half time was 9-1, and after a positive team talk, the girls helped each other learn new positions and gave each other feedback. The final score was 15-3. Well done to all who played. Miss Kirby-Jones


The U12D team played Hurst on the first day of term. The game was competitive and a good run out for the girls. Claudia's shooting was excellent, Ava controlled the game from Centre, and lots of the girls gained valuable experience from playing in different positions. Well done! Mr Smethurst





The U13As had a terrific start to the season. The girls started strong in the first quarter, working the ball patiently through to the shooters with some excellent feeds from Molly and Minnie. Hurst came back in Quarter 2 to finish on a draw at half time! With some excellent intercepts from both teams, the game was goal for goal in the third quarter, meaning it was all to play for heading into the final 10 minutes. The girls came out the blocks firing, determined to take the win. Fantastic holding from Gabi P, assisted by good tactical play from Harriet, alongside some crucial intercepts by Ruby, allowed the girls to storm the last quarter and winning 22-16. Congratulations to Gabi B for being awarded Oppositions' Player, Gabi P for being named Players' Player, and Minnie was named Coaches' Player. It was an amazing game – well done to all, it was a complete team effort! Miss Hammond

The U13B team had a nail-biting first Netball match for Roedean! We started strongly against a good Hurst side, with lots of interceptions being picked off by both teams. Unfortunately, we struggled to steady the ball on a couple of occasions, which allowed Hurst to be leading by 2 after quarter 1. The girls took feedback on board well, and went into the next 2 quarters fighting for every ball and communicating effectively as a team, managing to draw both those quarters. The girls went into the final quarter down by 2 and gave their all to turn over possession. The match finished 19-20 to Hurst. Well done to all who played – it was an excellently well-contested match to start the season! Miss Hammond




The U13Cs travelled to Hurst to play in their first fixture of the year. This was the first bit of netball for the girls in 2022, and they were a little rusty. Despite this, they worked hard to stay within touching distance with Hurst, finishing the first quarter 5-3 down. After the team talk, the girls came out like a new team. Alice, Jasmine, and Isabella got tighter to their players in defence, making it hard for Hurst to feed the circle. From this solid defensive foundation, Roedean played quickly down court through Farwa, Romey, and Asmitha, who linked together nicely, and this was topped off with some fantastic shooting from Lola. The final score was Roedean 18 – Hurst 9, and Girl of the Game was awarded to Jasmine. Mr Borsoi

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 4

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