Head's Weekly Review - 7 February 19 - Issue 18

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7 February 2020 - Issue 5

Head’s Introduction

I am very pleased that so many of our students are enjoying the opportunity to represent Roedean on the Netball courts, and that they are

Click to read our new Good Schools Guide review

At the end of last term, we welcomed a reviewer from the Good Schools Guide to Roedean, and I am very pleased that her Review has now been published. She was clearly impressed by the many things she saw and by the students she spoke to – it is always wonderful to receive external confirmation of all the wonderful things we do at Roedean, and you can read the review by following the link on this page. Well done to everyone involved. At Roedean, we constantly strive to provide a platform for the students’ voices to be heard, since they speak most powerfully to the student body, and this week’s Chapel services, led by Mrs Shrubsole, were an excellent example of this. I was incredibly impressed with the students’ reflections on focusing on the positive aspects of any situation, rather than the negatives, and taking strength from them – I would like to congratulate Lottie, Isla, Olive, Sorrel, Emma, and Florence on the courage they showed to share their thoughts and experiences with the School with such frankness. I wish you all a relaxing weekend and wonderful week ahead.

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Two Dance Workshops in two weeks

This week has also seen a variety of other events at Roedean. The Careers’ Fair for our students in Years 9-13, with over 50 professions represented, was a great success – thank you to Mrs Sharp for all her work in organising the event and also Mrs Chaston and the Roedeanian Office for finding so many great representatives from different careers. I also enjoyed the Lila Dance workshop and performance, which demonstrated the brilliant use of a moveable metal frame to create different scenes and involved many of our dancers performing alongside this professional dance group.

clearly enjoying their Netball, developing well and competing in some excellent matches. Thinking of sporting achievements, I would also like to congratulate Alex on her continued speed-skating successes on the ice – she is working with such impressive determination and focus.

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Admissions Guidance Day at Corpus Christi College

I am delighted that Sustainability Day at Roedean went so well earlier this week. It is clearly something which many in our school community feel a strongly about, and this was clear from the many pledges which were stuck as post-it leaves onto the tree in the Fireplace, as well as the number of people dressed in green. Congratulations to Sophia, our Sustainability Prefect, who spearheaded the day and gave one of the presentations in the Theatre at lunchtime, along with Roma and Saskia. With Mr Sheriff, Sophia hopes to use the information gleaned from the discussion points in last week’s vertical tutoring periods to develop a Roedean Eco-Code.

Sustainability Day

Sixth Form Netball Training

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Alex Skating in the Italian Alps




7 February 2020 - Issue 5

Sustainability Day

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Sustainability Day on Tuesday was a great success. During vertical tutor sessions the week before, the girls started the conversation around how they could be more sustainable and how they would like to make the school more sustainable – this involved creating an eco-code that will be implemented throughout the school after half term. The girls were also asked to wear green, both to support the sustainable cause and so we could donate the money raised to our school charity, Off the Fence. The school was a sea of green, and we managed to raise a lot of money – thank you girls! During the day, we heard student lectures on the impact of agriculture on the planet, deforestation, and how to be more sustainable, which was thoroughly enjoyed by Years 7 and 8, as well as the other staff and students who came along! It was also Roedean's first meat-free day, which involved having no meat for all three meals, and there was also a vote to see whether the girls wanted this to become a permanent fixture in Roedean life, and there was an overwhelmingly positive response, so we are going to explore how meat-free Mondays can be introduced on Monday lunchtimes! I just want to thank the girls and staff for making the day so successful and being so proactive in their approach towards making Roedean more sustainable! Sophia (Yr13)

Sophia (Yr13) for organising all of the activities for Sustainability Day [JS]

Roma (Yr8) and Saskia (Yr10) for giving presentations to Years 7 and 8 on Sustainability Day [Sophia (Yr13)]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.

Mr Bishoff and Mr Hawkes for designing and building the Sustainability Tree for the Fireplace [RB]

Roedean Careers’ Fair On Wednesday, we welcomed 52 contributors to Centenary Hall for our annual Roedean Careers’ Fair. They covered areas as diverse as Midwifery, Emergency Services, Hospitality, Engineering, Design, Writing, Law, and IT, amongst many others. The evening gave the girls in Years 9-13 a valuable opportunity to explore careers they may not have thought about, and to learn more about ones they are already considering pursuing. The contributors were made up of parents and ORs, as well as several external companies and representatives, and we are hugely grateful to all of them for giving up their time to join us and support the girls. Following the fair, they joined members of staff and Sixth Form students for a drinks reception in the Old Ref to thank them, and to give the girls a chance to practise their networking skills further. If you are interested in representing your career next year, please email alumnae@roedean.co.uk. GLC

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7 February 2020 - Issue 5

Two Dance Workshops in Two Weeks 3Fall Dance Company from the University of Chichester visited Roedean last week to give a workshop to the Year 10 GCSE Dance students. In this session, they focused on contemporary dance technique and they also learnt a short curtain-raiser to open the afternoon show. The company performed 3 professional pieces to an audience of pupils. 3Fall gave a fantastic performance, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. This week, Lila Dance visited Roedean to give a performance of their production ‘The Hotel Experience’. In addition, the dance scholars performed alongside the company as part of the extended cast, which was a brilliant experience for them. The performance included an incredible moving set, which the dancers used as part of the choreography, and it created different scenes and backdrops within the piece. The performance was thoroughly enjoyed by all who came to watch and the dance scholars performed excellently! SA

House 4 CNY Celebrations The Chinese New Year celebrations continue in House 4! The girls loved baking some Chinese New Year-themed cupcakes, making origami rats, and cooking a delicious homemade Chinese feast! Various delights such as stir-fried veggies, noodles, honey soy chicken, spring rolls, prawn crackers, and fortune cookies were thoroughly enjoyed!

Happy Birthday Amelia and Olivia! Well done to Eloise and Tilly (Yr7) who both made beautiful and amazing cakes to celebrate Amelia and Olivia’s 12th birthdays this week.

Open Mic for Tricia Tricia (Yr13) took part in an open mic night, her first public performance as a soloist, at The George Payne in Hove last week. Follow this link to hear one of the songs she performed – https://soundcloud.com/teo_trish/lo-1. It is incredibly brave to sing one of your own songs in front of a live audience, but this is where lots of people who later break into the music industry start off. We look forward to hearing more songs in the future!

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Chapel Script – How we overcome… Chapel this week was led by Mrs Shrubsole and a group of students – they shared very personal stories about their experiences of overcoming difficult situations and self-doubt, and their candour and openness were incredibly powerful and engaging. Thank you too to Lola, who read a lovely poem, and to Ananya and Frieda, who played When You Believe so beautifully that I half expected the congregation to join in! RB

rise. We heal. We NSH: We fall. We break. We fail…. But then…. we overcome! e and acts of We consistently look outward for inspirational peopl and our lives our from ed remov very feel courage, but these can schools, I have learnt in g workin of years h throug ver, Howe s. ience exper e who have overcome that you only have to look around you to see peopl to you today have challenges. The students who have agreed to speak ge to share their coura and y, braver ty, hones astounded me with their . ences experi my challenges. After I I felt only fair that I shared a little piece of me and I had wanted since hing somet er, teach achieved my aim of becoming a PE injury. However, leg ous innocu ngly seemi a ned sustai I old, I was 8 years I was diagnosed and , tically drama life this injury changed the path of my 10 years on spent I CRPS, called ion condit pain ic chron g with a lifelon had to come to I tantly impor most and crutches, had multiple operations, I could follow path career a not was PE ing teach that fact terms with the motivation inner an find to me to led any more. This devastating news I gave one. every within is e believ I which had, I know that I did not ed, and reflect , taking was life my ion myself time to process the new direct it took a but ces, senten few a in ence experi this arising acted. I am summ y. As a result, I found great deal of time and effort that words cannot conve have ever had and I job ding rewar most the ing, teach of side the pastoral ered this path, consid even have not one I still am doing today. I would I will always that for and es, choic other at look to forced had I not been feel grateful. is that everyone My focus and the point of sharing this with you today – there cannot be day every s battle own their has a story, everyone fights st parts of brave the find light without shade, and, in the shade, we ourselves.

caused by external Lottie: Not all challenges are s. Often, the biggest events like exams or assessment d. Personally, min own r you obstacles stem from which my in way the h wit ed ggl stru I have ted with the ocia ass n bee self-worth has often hoping to be From . self my n upo ce pla can labels I wn as ‘one kno be to ing long to considered ‘popular’ notion of the with pled of the smart ones’, I have grap tions ecta exp the fit to as so placing myself in a box elf. mys in with d a nee of others, but mostly to satisfy has elf mys of ge ima lised idea In the past, when this d and done anything been threatened, I have panicke I feel I have elf mys of tion to fit into the descrip own mental my of ent rim det the at n ofte to fulfil, a Roedean from n sitio tran health. The impending able Year fort com a girl to a university student, from y not ma I t tha ct spe pro the 13 to a ‘new girl’, and have be, uld sho , and be the sexuality I thought I was elf. mys view I ch whi in way all posed threats to the st valuable lessons But, one of the biggest and mo ting with others nica mu com r I have learned, afte myself, is to forget and working on the way I view as my best self. life my live labels and ideals and who really cares about Realising that I’m the only one able in improving valu and ing labels has been so free elf. So, I hope the way I look at and talk to mys I have can take way e sam the anyone who struggles r best self, you are comfort from the idea that you you may feel on ecti perf of s despite any labels or idea are holding you back.

7 February 2020 - Issue 5

gs, but year has taught me many thin Sorrell: Becoming a boarder last e hom e tak to is it y eas me is how what has stood out most for unfamiliar and new irely ent an to n sitio comforts for granted. The tran sure of for me, especially with the pres environment was overwhelming r, this eve How . tising to a new routine this academics, fitting in, and acclima pel Cha in you of ber num e with a is an experience that will resonat which goes to ses, hou and s litie iona nat , morning, from all year groups y from e in our struggles with being awa show that none of us are alon home. ossible ss challenging, mainly as it is imp for Emma: I also found homesickne it d nce erie exp e hav with unless you to understand and sympathise h other eac of t men iron env tive por sup yourself. But, this is where the f and the help of my peers, the house staf becomes so valuable. With the ges of being llen cha the se gni reco to e abl teachers, we have both been ependence, importantly, the value of ind away from home, but, more and that we , here osp atm tive por sup a and being surrounded with friends, are stronger than we know. Isla: Rejection is something that ever y one of us fears, yet it is also something that we are all likely to expe rience at some point in our lives, no matter how hard we work to avoid it. For me, working through rejectio n has shaped decisions and experie nces that have gone on to change the direction of my life. One of thes e decisions is the very reason I am standing here now. At eleven years old, I received my letter from Roed ean confirming my place without the scho larship I applied for. Before we got the letter, it was agreed if I didn't get the scholarship, I wasn't going to accept! However, making the decision in reality was a lot harder. Did I want to go to a school where I thou ght I would be the least clever or the least talented? Or did I want the safe option of following my friends and my sister to the local school? However, something in me always brought me back to Roedean – I had an opportunity that could change the way I learnt, be in an environment that would challenge me every day, even if I was at the bottom. Accepting my place came down to the simple idea of 'if I don't go, I feel like I will regr et it one day'. Though it seems so small now, this decision, and the circumstances in which I made it, continue to push me every day to prove myself and all of my doubts wrong, and feel that I've earned my place at Roedean. Self-belief is everything.

Olive: ‘I don’t get it’, ‘I can’t’, and ‘I don’t understand’ have all become very familiar phrases for me. Whether in academics, sports, or simply the way I present myself to others, just thinking these things makes them so much easier to believe. It may come as a surprise to some in Chapel this morning that I am up here speaking at all, which is really a testament to the extent to which I have held myself back from trying things I perceive to be challenging. This is because, often, when I face something that does not instantly appeal to the strengths I know I have, in academics or otherwise, I zone out and let others take risks in my place. I have found comfort in knowing that I can get away with only presenting the best parts of myself, but that comfort is met in equal parts with frustration that my lack of confidence is holding me back from proving to others, and most importantly myself, that I am capable. I am, however, working on throwing myself into the ‘deep end’ where I can, and speaking now is one step in increasing my confidence, resilience, and faith in myself. So, I hope any of you who also indulge in negative self-talk can take one risk, however small, when you can and see how much you can really achieve. Page 4

Florence: I think I speak for many of us when I suggest that we are often prone to thinking that the biggest barrier to achieving our dreams is our own failure. In such a rigorous academic environment, I have often found myself holding back from trying things due to the overwhelming fear that I won’t be good enough, but what I have learned is that doubt kills many more dreams than failure ever can. Throughout my time at school, I have found that my perception of my ability has been a barrier to success in academics and beyond. The pressure to maintain an image of myself has led to me feeling as though I need to compare myself to my peers, and makes my successes difficult to accept. Anxiety in the school environment, especially an all-female one, is not uncommon, and the fear of failure is one which I imagine a lot of you grapple with. But, what I have learned in my time, especially in the leadership role which I hold, is that the only way to succeed is to try – when I joined Roedean in Year 9, I never imagined that I would be able to speak in front of a group of people, but talking about anxiety and normalising it has allowed me to develop my public speaking skills beyond my expectations. So, although there have been difficulties, I have learned a valuable lesson: throw yourself into things which scare you, and you may just find that you surprise yourself.

7 February 2020 - Issue 5


Admissions Guidance Day at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge On 6 February, fifteen Year 12 students from Roedean and fourteen Year 12 students from Varndean College, accompanied by Mr Homer and Miss Matusik, attended an Admissions Guidance Day at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The day was organised specifically for Roedean by the Schools Liaison Officer at Corpus, and consisted of a morning of talks on how to prepare a competitive application for admission to Cambridge colleges. He focused particularly on the importance of super-curricular reading, and stressed that it isn’t the number of books you read, but reading a couple and thinking about them deeply, that is key to a strong personal statement. Over lunch, we caught up with Sophie Haissaguerre (Roedean 2017-19) who is reading Economics at Corpus. We were fortunate to be hosted by the inspirational Dr Anne McLaughlin, and had the upper reading room to ourselves. All of us were quite simply mesmerised as Dr McLaughlin invited us to ‘feel the parchment’ in a large book over 1,000 years old which contained many fine colour illustrations of Virtue’s triumph over Evil. Dr McLaughlin made history really come to life whilst injecting large helpings of humour. This was truly a taste of academic study that we’ll all remember for many years. The trip was a great success, and it’s one we run every year, so if you are in Year 11, you might want to come along next year… CHO


Netball What an exciting week of Netball! We’ve had 10 Senior Netball Fixtures against Seaford College, 9 Junior fixtures against Seaford College & Worth, 2 Cup Games against Davison High and St Christopher’s, and 4 Netball Tournaments from U14 up to U18! And let’s not forget 3 Netball Clubs, Netball Fitness Club, and all the Netball our girls do outside of school for clubs such as SNC, MSN, CD Phoenix, and 5 Ways. We are so proud of all the girls’ achievements this week, not only getting good strong results against big rival schools, but also with the girls that have played their first fixture for Roedean. Seeing girls enjoy their Netball and sport in general is exactly why PE staff do their jobs – it’s so empowering to see our pupils working hard at clubs, motivating each other on the court and off it, and keeping themselves fit and healthy at the same time. Keep U18A vs Seaford it up girls! The 1st team had a tough game on their hands GCR


The 1st team had a tough afternoon on their hands as they faced the best netball teams in Sussex on Thursday afternoon at SISNA. The girls were on top form in training in the lead up to the day, but unfortunately struggled to get the results that they deserved. With a win vs Bede’s and other close matches against Seaford, Lancing, Worth, Mayfield and tournament winners, Hurst. Coach’s player of the tournament goes to Liv, who was excellent on the wing, in the shooting circle and as a C. Her work ethic and team spirit helped lift the mood amongst the girls which was great to see. It’s back to training for the Sixth Form team as they prepare for their last few Saturday fixtures together.

versus Seaford College on Saturday. The team started off strong, working through court well and attacking on centre passes with strength and determination, but the experienced and welldrilled Seaford side took home the deserved win.

U18A & U16A vs Hurst U18C

The 1st team and the U16As joined forces for the second time this season to play against Hurst on Saturday, after both teams had battled hard against Seaford just before. With different combinations across the court, the girls set out to enjoy the match and play to their individual strengths. The team unfortunately lost the match, but their individual performances were excellent. Tatum and Poppy worked especially well during this match, playing some of the best netball they've played all season.

U18 Social vs Seaford U18D

The girls played extremely well this Saturday against Seaford College bringing back a first quarter score of 7-3 to the opposition to 15-15 at half time. Jojo and Carla were a force to be reckoned with in attack and they used each other well in the D. We lost by just 2 goals down after a 48-minute match. A particular well done goes to Mint who was named Player of the Match, and to Rosie who was named Coaches’ Player for her determination in defence at GK.


The U16A team had a tough day at SISNA. They worked hard for each other all day with some fantastic play down court. The link between defence and attack was seamless. Unfortunately, some matches didn't quite go our way with a couple of narrow losses against Ardingly and Mayfield. It was a whole squad effort – well done to all the team. We placed 6th overall!


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7 February 2020 - Issue 5


Netball (continued)

U15B vs Seaford

The U15B had a good close match vs Seaford College. Roedean demonstrated some brilliant play throughout with our defence making some fantastic interceptions and consistently retrieving the rebounds. In the last quarter, we brought it back and managed to send the ball into the D successfully and Millie and India executed some superb shots. A special mention goes to Charlotte for her great play in WD. The final result was Roedean 10 - Seaford College 21.

U16A vs Seaford U18B

The U16A team had a competitive match against Seaford. The girls worked hard on and off the ball, taking on feedback really well. At half time, Seaford were up by 1, so everything was to play for in the second half, but Seaford pulled away to take the win 37-22. Well done to the following: PP – Millie; CP – Georgia; and OP – Serena.



U16A vs Seaford

U16B vs Seaford U18C

The U16Bs were up against it today, and we had just 7 players available against Seaford College. As the game progressed, we began to play a better standard of Netball, with turnovers from Dion (POM) and Awele – Roedean began to create more positive play and opportunities for shots to be put up. Sophia provided great options in attack and she worked well with Gladys to get the ball into positive shooting opportunities. Molly was steady in attack and I was really pleased with how she thought about her positioning to support her shooters. On to the next, girls!

The U15 Netball squad had a tough day at the SISNA 2020 on Tuesday. With 12 teams competing, there were 11 gruelling games for the girls throughout the day. Well done to Liv in the shooting circle and Phoebe in the midcourt. The girls managed to grab a couple of wins against Mayfield and Brighton Girls, and also had some very close games with Worth and Bede’s.

U15A vs Seaford

The U15As got off to a slow start and struggled to find their feet against Seaford. As the match progressed, we started to create more space, take our time, and use different channels to keep Seaford on their toes. In the last quarter, we were much more competitive and kept fighting for the ball until the final whistle, however the score was 32-16 to Seaford. Well done to Sylva, who was voted player of the match, and to Lola, who stepped up to play for the A team at the last minute.

U15 B

U14A vs Seaford

With only 7 players from our squad available, we were fired up for the match away to Seaford College. From the first whistle, the girls meant business, quickly going 6 goals up. The through court play was exceptional, with every player knowing exactly where each other were. The whole team worked wonderfully together, playing calmly and cleanly, and it was a great run out ahead of SISNA.

U15C vs Worth

The girls warmed up well and started the game intensely. The first two quarters were lively with the wind playing a major factor in accuracy when shooting. In the second half of the game, Worth pulled away and the game ended 16-7, although it was a well-fought match for both teams.

U14A Sussex Cup Finalists

U14A Sussex Cup – Semi Finalists!


The U14A sailed comfortably into the Semi Finals of the Sussex Knock Out Cup for Netball this week. They played in tricky conditions in the pouring rain, but still gave 100% to take the win 35-13. They now face Warden Park in the Semi Finals – good luck! Page 6

U14A vs Seaford

7 February 2020 - Issue 5


U13A vs Seaford

The U13A team started strongly against Seaford, and all the players made an impressive impact on the court. Their performance was great, and well done to Phoebe and Ruby (Ops), Grace (PP), and Phoebe (CP).

U13B vs Windlesham House – Area Cup Round 2 U14A SISNA


On Tuesday, the U14A squad attended the annual SISNA Netball Competition hosted by Hurst College. It was an epic day of Netball, with the girls playing 10 games of Netball! The girls started the day well, winning their first 4 games (10-4 against Burgess Hill, 11-4 against Eastbourne, 9-8 against Seaford, and 15-2 against Mayfield). Then came our first real test of the day against Hurst – for a while, it was goal for goal and an exciting match to watch, but Hurst was a better team, and they pulled away strongly in the 2nd half and took the win 10-4. We then had a tough match against a very well-drilled Brighton College team, but we were victorious over Christ’s Hospital, and then had a really close game with Ardingly. We then finished strongly against Lancing and Bede’s, beating both teams convincingly. I am so proud of this group of girls, their commitment, their support for each other, and their immense talent – they really did Roedean proud, and finished in 4th place out of the 11 schools.

U14C vs Worth

The girls had a tough game against some strong opposition on Saturday. Despite a one goal difference in the first quarter and a two-goal difference in the second quarter, it didn’t go to plan in the second half and we struggled to maintain possession. Although it wasn’t the result that we were after the game was a fantastic learning experience for all girls involved and we are looking forward to working on our games for understanding at club during the week. A particular well done to Sophie who was commended by the opposition for her hard work.

The U13Bs had a really strong game against Windlesham House. Injury forced the girls to display some excellent versatility skills and teamwork. Windlesham came out strong and then continued to build on their lead with some excellent shooting. Congratulations to Lizzie and Jamie (OP); Liv (CP); Lilah and Katie (PP).



U13D vs Worth

The U13D team played well in their match against Worth. The score was 3-5 in the first quarter to Worth, and we bought it back to 7-7 at half time. We found the second half of the match challenging and despite a few team changes we lost the final game.


U13C vs Seaford

The U13Cs worked hard and played in a variety of combinations against Seaford. Their reactions to turnovers were outstanding. Fleur played a great game in the shooting circle, shooting well, defending well, and being an all-round rocket on the court! It was another great win for the U13Cs! U13E

U13E vs Worth U13B

The U13E Team played against Worth School U13B Team in a friendly fixture. It was an energetic match, and after three quarters the game was close, with one net separating the two teams. It all came down to the last quarter and girls were determined! We looked good at the start, but the game ended 10-5, with a thrilling final third dominated by Worth's accurate shooting.

U13C vs Seaford

U13C vs Worth U13A

Worth asked for a fixture at the last minute, so the U13Cs played in 2 matches on Wednesday. It was against their A team and the match was tightly contested in the first half. The Cs managed to feed the circle well and shoot with accuracy, taking the win in the second half against Worth’s U13A! Ella was awarded Coaches’ Player for her great work in the shooting and defending circle. U13C vs Worth


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7 February 2020 - Issue 5


Netball (continued) U12A vs Seaford

What a game! A beautiful sunny day in Seaford set the scene for a closely contested match for our U12A squad. With the SISNA fast approaching, it was the perfect day to try lots of different combinations and get all the girls some court time. Fen, Tildy, Liepa, and Oyinda in particular were cheering and supporting their team and enjoying a wonderful afternoon of sport.


U12B vs Seaford

The U12B team had a close and exciting game versus Seaford College. Roedean played some brilliant netball throughout, and the team responded well to feedback and demonstrated some fantastic teamwork throughout. A huge well done to all and a special mention to Tilly for her brilliant shooting in the match. The final score was a 9-9 draw.

U12ABC vs Seaford

U12C vs Seaford

The U12Cs travelled to Seaford, looking for their second win of the season. Kisu's sharp shooting pushed us into the lead early, and with fantastic leadership from Freya as captain and consistency from Lydia (POM), we played some fantastic netball. We were rewarded with a convincing win and they really enjoyed their well-mannered game. Well done everyone! U12C

Alex Skating in the Italian Alps Congratulations to Alex (Yr8), who took part in a major international short track competition in Baselga di Pinè in the Italian Alps – the 59th Trofeo Alberto Nicolodi attracts some of the best junior level skaters from across Europe. She competed extremely well, gaining a 777m personal best time of 1:21.574 – this time is only 1.3 seconds off the U14 British record, and it also places her at 23rd in the world for this distance. For comparison, only the top 13 in the world can complete this distance in under 1:20. Alex also gained a season best time in both the 1000m and 500m, and she finished in 5th place out of 16 competitors overall. This achievement is all the more impressive because the skaters ahead of her are all ranked in the top 8 in the world for the 777m and top 5 in the world for the 1000m – they all train on ice every day and have access to facilities and coaching which is superior to that in the UK currently. Well done, Alex – we can’t wait to see what you will achieve in the future!

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk



Mon 10 Feb


Tue 11 Feb


Wed 12 Feb

Visit from Kate Richardson-Walsh, our Sports Ambassador Netball vs Windlesham House

Thur 13 Feb

Ski Trip to America Iceland Trip Year 10&11 Goethe Institute Trip to London

Fri 14 Feb

Drama & Performing Arts Tour, Stratford Upon Avon HALF TERM

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