Heads weekly report 07 12 2017 v4

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7th December 2017 - Issue 12



Head’s Introduction

What a wonderful week to round off a fantastic term! The Christmas Fair last weekend was a brilliant event, with the entire Roedean community working together; it was great fun, and it is also very pleasing to raise over £6000, even more than last year. Thank you on behalf of everyone at the School to all our parents for their support and to our Parents’ Guild for their hard work and enthusiasm. This week began with the House Panto Competition, which was full of energy, talent and humour, and a wonderful opportunity for the senior girls to rewrite the scripts of well-known fairy-tales and direct the girls across every year group. Congratulations to everyone involved. We ended with an adjudication and prizes, of course, but the most important outcome is the experience of being part of a company and entertaining the School. I hope all the performers and off stage creatives and technicians enjoyed the journey because the audience was truly delighted. There was also just about enough time for Junior House Hockey on Wednesday afternoon. Well done to all our competitors who braved the conditions to battle hard for their Houses. The two Carol Services yesterday were beautiful occasions to bring our term to a close, again showcasing our wonderful singers, particularly Fran S’s beautiful ‘Once in Royal’ solo, and the strength of the School community. For me, the Carol Service is the start of Christmas every year, and this year was no different - I am also glad that we were able to share the Christmas music with parents, ORs and guests. I hope that the trip to New York is going well snow is forecast in the Big Apple on Saturday, so that could be a once in a lifetime experience! Term ended today with a very jolly and vibrant Final Chapel and our traditional Hand-Shaking. I am delighted with all of your achievements over the term - congratulations, and I wish you all a well-earned break with your family and loved ones over the Christmas period. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to join with me to thank the staff of Roedean School across every department who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the experience of being educated at Roedean is as good as it can be for every girl. They really have gone beyond the call of duty time and again and deserve a round of applause, our thanks and a wonderful Christmas break.

Christmas Fair The Christmas Fair at the weekend was a brilliant event, with even more visitors, and overall more than £6000 has been raised. What an amazing achievement, and the entire school community should be very proud. We will be donating to the two school charities, Lumos and Nacro. Well done to Loretta, Martha, and Natasha, whose Roedean calendar with modernised images of our brilliant Roedean archive shots raised nearly £500 alone, and Lucy, Zarbanu, and Sorcha also made a brilliant Christmas montage video which was very popular. The year-group which raised the

most money was Year 10, and congratulations in particular to 10D who raised £255 – amazing! The Parents’ Guild worked fantastically hard to prepare for the Fair, with a Silent Auction with amazing prizes, a Photo Booth, a raffle, and a café, among other stalls, and lots of external stalls too. The Guild raised lots of funds which will be ploughed back into projects to support the girls and the school. It really was a brilliant day – well done to everyone involved.


1st December 2017 - Issue 11

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Yr9 ‘Reading Buddies’ The Year 9 group of ‘Reading Buddies’ wished St Mark’s Primary a very Merry Christmas this week. On their regular Wednesday visit, Onate and Gladys presented a collection of new books kindly donated by Dr Blood. The students at St Mark’s were thrilled with the gifts. House 4 has also kindly offered to donate their Christmas tree to St Mark’s, which will

be delivered on the last day of term. The ‘Reading Buddies’ have really enjoyed getting to know the pupils at St Mark’s, and helping with them with their reading. It has been a great success so far, and the Year 9 students cannot wait to get started again in 2018. GWI

Mr Marchant for giving House 2 a hand at the Christmas Fair [MDC]

Nour A [Yr10] for singlehandedly decorating the school corridors for the Christmas Fair [JC]

Kids’ Lit Quiz Final With great excitement, the Year 8 Kids’ Lit Team (Alma, Dorothea, Flo, and Sylva) travelled to the City of London School for Girls to compete in the Kids’ Lit Quiz National Final this week, having won the South England heat. They were accompanied by the runners up in the South England heat, our very own Year 7 Kids’ Lit Team (Amalie, Berenice, Nettie, and Sasha). At the venue, they had opportunities to meet many children’s authors, including Echo Freer, Marie-Louise Jensen, Sarah Mussi, and Carnegie-medal winning Theresa Breslin. The quiz comprised 5 rounds with categories of Titles, Heroes and Gods, Openings, Authors and Villains. The questions were given as series of clues and the 19 teams in the final had to press

Claudia A, Patricia A, and Ines PB (Yr9) for being so caring and kind to a friend who has been ill [MDC]

The Catering Team for preparing a wonderful Christmas dinner and cheering us all up with their fabulous outfits and festive spirit. Thank you! [JBO]

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their buzzer when they thought they knew the answer. Speed and accuracy of response were key to success! Although our Year 8s knew the answers to many of the questions, several of the 19 teams were very fast on the buzzer, overtaking our team in the ensuing rounds. Quizmaster Wayne Mills told the audience that 460 school teams had entered the UK Kids’ Lit Quiz this year so to make it to the final 19 teams was an incredible achievement, putting these teams in the top 4% of UK schools regarding knowledge of children’s literature. Despite their disappointment with the final score, our Year 8 team accepted the results with grace and good humour. Well done Year 8s; I am immensely proud of you! SBL


1st December 2017 - Issue 11

Fleur and Maddie discussing being ‘green’ with the Catering Team A meeting was held to discuss how the Catering Department could support making Roedean ‘greener’. Steve, Marie, and Tina from the catering team provided us with many examples of what action they have already implemented and what they are planning to do in the future. Current actions: Food-wise, all fish and dairy products are sourced locally in Sussex. Compostable cups and lids are now being used for coffee and tea in the Staff Room. You may also have noticed that the plastic desert pots have been replaced by glass ones, so they are now reusable. Future actions: To help reduce the amount of food waste, the school could create a better compost bin. We also discussed there being different bins for clearing plates in the dining room, so food waste can be separated from other waste. We would also encourage everyone to ask the catering team for smaller portions if they wish. Packed lunches was another area we discussed: the carrot and cucumber pots are mainly made up of cardboard but, the catering team did mention that any plastic boxes and cups are old stock which they are getting rid of over time, and should be used up by Christmas. The main issue appeared to be caused by plastic water bottles that are given out in packed lunches on school trips and other events. We encourage and advise that if you would like to help Roedean to become more environmentally friendly, then bring in your own water bottle to fill up around the school. In the past, the catering team have attempted to use compostable bin liners, however this didn’t have the desired effect (they kept splitting!). They are continuing to research replacement strong compostable bin liners. They have chosen to purchase cups and single-use plastic spoons made out of unused vegetables. Don’t worry, you won’t be using broccoli to eat your packed lunch with and spoons will still look the same, apart from being better for the environment. We hope to see a large improvement in the coming years, so please take all this information on board and bring your own water bottle. Thank you to the Catering Department for everything they have done so far.

8EE and 9EE Recycling While the festive spirit is in full swing here at Roedean, Year 8 and 9 Extra English have taken a moment to stop and reflect on the important issue of recycling and our responsibility towards a better future for our planet. This term, the students have analysed famous and inspiring speeches, including Martin Luther King’s iconic ‘I have a dream’ speech. They have taken time to learn the techniques used to make writing and speaking more persuasive, and applied them to their own speech on recycling. This week the students delivered their speeches to their class-mates. They were all excellent, and showed passion and enthusiasm for the topic; even more impressive is the fact they were delivered in their second language! Here are a few extracts:

‘Lots of people die every year day due to water-born diseases, more than in wars; do you think that is fair? Is it fair that lots of families lose their babies? Just because people put their rubbish in the wrong containers. We must have empathy and think that the world is not MY world but it is everyone’s world. You cannot pretend this is not happening.’ Maria

t thing to say. ‘This is the hardes id. When I Even now, I am afra th plastic wi see the sea infested k. When I sic el fe I , ish and rubb g rubbish and see sea-birds eatin distressed. el dying in agony, I fe a marine in g in liv re we If you le throwing op pe th wi community me, how would rubbish into your hoel enraged....’ you feel? I would fe Charlotte

‘My opinion is that no one should say, ‘I can’t do anything about it!’ or ‘one single person cannot change If a thing’. Well, I think we all can! n the we don’t start with ourselves, a is It who should we start with?... er eth really important issue, and tog we can make a big change...’ Rhea

‘Now, instead of me talking abo ut awful wasting paper is, let me tal how k how we can recycle more in sch about ool. The reason I want to talk about rec ycli school is that children are 25% ng in of world now, but 100% of the fut the ure. We need to reuse, recycle, and repair instance, if you have only used . For one of paper, collect it instead of thr side it away and glue the used sides owing togeth if you keep doing this you will hav er, notebook made from reused pap e a er.. start taking action; if everyone . Let’s rec one-tenth of their paper we cou ycled ld save 250,000,000 trees!’ Selina

Well done 8EE and 9EE! Page 3

1st December 2017 - Issue 11


Four House Pantos This year, I decided to bring some festive cheer to the much-loved tradition of House Drama. Each House had to create their own fifteen-minute version of a traditional pantomime story. On Monday, the performances were shared, firstly, with a school audience and, then, with a public audience and the visiting adjudicator, Stuart Dawes, who is a highly-experienced West-End performer and the director of ‘Cinderella’, Brighton’s family pantomime. He was hugely

impressed by the standard of performance work the girls created and thoroughly enjoyed all four shows. He was particularly appreciative, as was I, of the fantastic company spirit of each House, and how the fun and exuberant comedy was matched by focus and commitment. Comedy is a serious business! Well done to everyone involved – it was a wonderful start to the last week of term.

House 1

House 2

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1st December 2017 - Issue 11


Best publicity

House 3

Best technical and backstage support

House 3

Best costume and make up

House 2

Most effective crowd moment

House 1

Best dramatic material and use of pantomime conventions

House 4

Best cameo performance

House 2

Best leading role

House 4


House 3

House 4

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1st December 2017 - Issue 11


Snow Ball Well done to Jade, Esmee, and Maria, our Events and Charity Prefects, who organised a brilliant Snow Ball last Friday. Keswick Hall in the Sixth Form Centre was transformed with blue light and silver drapes, and there was even a snow-machine, courtesy of Mr Wailes. There was an amazing chocolate fountain, and the Sixth Form girls and their guests had a great time, dancing and singing. All the funds raised from the ticket sales have gone to charity.

Artefact to Art - Roedean Classicists Excelling This term Year 8 Latinists had the exciting opportunity to enter a national competition called Artefact to Art. The students were encouraged to find an ancient artefact, research it and then create a piece of art or poetry inspired by it. Roedean Classics Department entered over 30 students’ work, including some exceptional poetry, mosaics and paintings.

Fran to sing iconic Walking in the Air

The competition organisers said entries were of a very high standard and all Roedean students should be proud of their submissions. Excitingly, both Sophie N and Emilia B have been highly commended in the 11-16 year old category and their art will be featured in the exhibition and book that will be published by University of Leicester. They and their parents have been invited to the opening of the exhibition in the New Year. We are so pleased that Year 8 students were inspired by their Latin studies to create such imaginative and informed pieces. Well done Emilia, Sophie, and Year 8!

Fran S (Yr13) is one of two local singers to have been chosen to sing the iconic Christmas song, Walking in the Air, with the Southbank Sinfonia. The song will accompany a special live screening of The Snowman at Brighton Dome; the setting of the film is local to Brighton, as the Royal Pavilion and Palace Pier can be seen in the flying scene. Well done and good luck, Fran! Page 6


1st December 2017 - Issue 11

Lisa Heathfield Author Visit In a busy week for children’s literature, author Lisa Heathfield visited Roedean to talk to some of the Year 9 and 10s about her book, Paper Butterflies, which is currently shortlisted for the Southern Schools Book Award (SSBA). She talked about the process of writing, emphasising the importance of getting an agent and a deal. Even after establishing a deal with an agent, it often takes up to two years to get a book published. Lisa produced her notebook, which she used when writing Paper Butterflies which contained her writing, research, ideas for the book, lines from the central character, June, which didn’t make it to the final book and notes from her editor. Lisa passed her notebook around so that the girls could see how Paper Butterflies had evolved. She explained that book titles often changed, for example, Paper Butterflies had been originally called Butterflies in Jam, and her book Seed had been originally called Locust. The girls asked her many questions about her books and writing, asking which was her favourite character and book. Lisa concluded her talk by kindly signing copies of her books Seed, Flight of a Starling, and Paper Butterflies for the girls.

Princess Lyla Many people are looking forward to the next series of highly acclaimed Netflix drama ‘The Crown’, but we have particular reason to be excited, as our very own Lyla B-R, one of the new Drama Scholars in Year 7, is playing the role of young Princess Anne. Lyla auditioned for the series this time last year and was chosen from hundreds of girls to play this very important role. She was filming from February to May, travelling to London and Scotland to shoot in beautiful stately homes and found it a fantastic experience to work with such a stellar cast. When Lyla attended the red-carpet première screening of the series last week, she was indeed treated like a princess! The Crown is available on Netflix from Friday 8 December. Congratulations Lyla! CRI

Christmas Shopping Three Roedean minibuses full of excited Roedean girls headed into a very festive and busy Churchill Square this Saturday. The girls were very eager to buy their Secret Santas, presents for their friends and gifts to take back home. The girls enjoyed the beautiful decorations in town. We even all managed to get into the igloo for a photoshoot! Page 7

1st December 2017 - Issue 11


Year 11 Latin Students Visit the British Museum This Wednesday, 17 Year 11 Latinists and one Sixth Form Classicist enjoyed a highlybeneficial trip to British Museum to listen to a talk from an archaeological historian and to research sources that they can use as valid references to support answers in their examinations. The students impressed the British Museum historian with their astute observations and quick answers to his questions and listened well to his talk on aspects of life in Rome. They also enjoyed hearing our very own Mrs Miller speak on the vast vase collection and how some related to their Latin set text, Books 4 and 6 of Virgil’s Aeneid. Their guided independent research time predominantly focused on chariot racing, burial traditions and gladiators, however the resources created by the students varied in topic and were all thoroughly researched. After such an academic experience the girls were delighted to have a little time in Borough Market before catching the train back to Brighton. It was a busy day with plenty of walking and intellectual challenge but immensely useful for their upcoming examinations and understanding of life in Ancient Rome. Thank you to Mrs Miller for organising the day. CEH

Bingo and a Tea-party in Horizons On Wednesday 29 November, some Year 9 students, as part of the HHH community project, planned a bingo and tea-party event for some local elderly residents from Hyman House. We made sure there was plenty to eat and drink, and the decorations we created made the place look really cool. The bingo was really successful, with Ella and Fleur winning one game, and a lady called Pearl winning the other. We learnt a lot about the local Jewish community, and it felt really good to see all our weeks of planning pay off. Also, during the process of planning, we learnt many more skills like time-management, how to work cooperatively with each other, how to plan an event, and much more. Overall, it was a really fun occasion, and the whole of the class would like to thank Ms Alexander and Mrs Dunlop for making the event possible. Fleur RR

ICT pranksters On Thursday 30th November, one ICT class decided to surprise their teacher Mr Rous by printing out masks of his face. Previously, the class have played some small pranks, but this one definitely shocked Mr Rous the most. He arrived to class and couldn’t stop laughing. Let’s just say that this one confused him quite a bit!

House 1 Christmas Cakes Two groups of 15 girls decorated lovely fruit Christmas cakes. Each girl was given a cake, marzipan, icing, ribbon, a round stand, decorations, and a box, so that they could take their beautifully decorated cake home. It was such a popular activity, we had a reserve list. Christmas music played in the background and everyone was delighted to take their cake home to show and share with their families. Page 8


1st December 2017 - Issue 11

House Decorations – Well done to the winner of the Best Decorated House, Lawrence!

House 1 House 2

House 4

House 3

Keswick & Lawrence Page 9

1st December 2017 - Issue 11


Lara’s playing rugby for Sussex Lara S (Yr9) played for U15 Sussex Rugby last week, and it was her first match as fly half; she is the youngest member of the team. She played so well and created loads of opportunities; it was a close game, but the Sussex team unfortunately lost against Berkshire. It must have been a great experience for Lara – well done!

Junior House Hockey Junior House Hockey this week was a brilliant event. The supporters were great, and everyone had a fantastic time, and there was some fantastic hockey played. The results are a follows: House 3

11 points


House 2

10 points


House 4

5 points


House 1

1 points


Well done to everyone involved! ACA

Name the Roedean Bear! Following on from the Christmas Fair, we are holding a competition to name the Roedean Bear. Poor Roedean Bear has gone far too long without a name, so, for 50p, we are asking you to suggest a name for him. We will then ask Mr Blond and Miss Keller to choose their favourite from the suggestions – whichever name is chosen will become his official name and the winner will receive their own giant version of Roedean Bear. All of the money collected will go to the Lumos charity.

Jemima’s swimming successes At the Brighton Swimming Club Championships, Jemima V (Yr8) won an amazing 13 gold medals and 3 silver medals, and she also won the overall club trophy for her age-group. She came third in the U16 400m freestyle cup. Well done, Jemima!

House 2 House 2 has been very busy this week. The girls spent the Friday evening baking giant chocolate cookies to sell at the Christmas Fair. On Monday, the House Panto was the highlight. The girls who were not in the play were incredibly supportive of their housemates, whose dedication during the previous weeks deserves mention. Their efforts paid off as they won two trophies. The boarders made their own Christmas decorations and decorated the house to look very Christmassy. They were also amazing at hosting the senior team - tea, short bread, music and Christmas carols were part of the warm welcome. On Wednesday the junior girls played very well in the Hockey Competition despite the cold and we are very proud of them to achieve second place. That evening, we also had a leaving party for Anne, who only came to Roedean for a term and is sadly leaving us to go back to Germany. It’s now time for a break to recharge the batteries. House 2 wishes you all Merry Christmas!

Winter Photo Competition – The City Are you a budding photographer? The termly Roedean photo competition is back, and the theme for this holiday is ‘The City’ – you are free to interpret this as you see fit. The entries for the summer holiday competition were excellent, and, shall be going up along main corridor over the holidays, I have no doubt there will be even more entries this winter. The deadline for your submissions is Friday 5 January. Please email them to Miss Boles on jbo@roedean.co.uk – the best entries will be displayed for all to see along the Main Corridor.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 10

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