Heads weekly report 09 03 2018 v4

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9th March 2018 - Issue 9



Head’s Introduction In the midst of a fantastic Academic Week, organised by Ms Kazem, with a variety of talks and activities, Roedean marked International Women’s Day yesterday with its Festival Celebrating Women. It is clear from chatting to the girls that they found many of the talks inspiring, and the speakers covered such a diverse range of topics that the students were able to choose subjects which really engaged them. The drone photograph at lunchtime of over 250 students spelling out #BeBold was a great bit of fun, but it was also a statement about their collective aspiration. Seeing Roedean featured on ITV Meridian News, including interviews with girls in Year 13 talking about the day, was also brilliant. An enormous thank you to Dr Barrand for organising such an important and memorable event for the girls. This week also saw the end of the highly successful pilot of the Roedean Academy, which has brought together academically able girls from Roedean, Blatchington Mill School, and Longhill School. The girls have been challenged and stretched through enrichment activities and workshops, and it is clear that they have really enjoyed this experience. We intend to develop the Roedean Academy further following this pilot as the girls have enjoyed the chance to go beyond their subject courses. Thank you to all the staff who contributed to the weekly programme and to Miss Keller for setting up the Academy. The girls and staff have also had great fun this week with dressing up for World Book Day.

The senior prefects were proud to wear their new gowns on Open Day

Encouraging reading and a love of books is so important and I want to thank Ms Whiteson for organising the various World Book Day events. Although last Saturday already feels like a distant memory, the Open Day was a great success, with the girls and staff showcasing all that is so exciting and impressive about the School. In my talk, I emphasised the importance of the people and relationships that are at the heart of the School, this special location that gives the girls a sense of freedom and a place to grow up at their own pace, and the vision of a holistic education that enables the girls to flourish. But it was the girls, once again, who really showcased the nature of the School by simply being themselves. So thank you to all of you for giving up your Saturday morning. I wish you all a wonderful exeat weekend, after which there are just two more weeks until the Easter holidays and a very impressive looking production of ‘Oliver’ to look forward to, judging from the trailers seen this week.

World Book Day at Roedean Congratulations to everyone who dressed up on Tuesday – both students and members of staff arrived in school in brilliant outfits designed to represent their favourite books, and these photos give just a flavour of the variety which was on show around school. The best dressed member of staff was Mrs Alexander in the Art Department, who appropriately chose a book named after a painting by Vermeer! Well done to everyone, and I am delighted that we raised lots of money for charity too. The students have also had a great time trying to guess which members of staff are hidden behind their favourite books. TW


Sarah Begum

‘I just listened to the inspirational and aweinspiring talk from Sarah Begum, who spent a month living with a remote Amazonian tribe in Ecuador and produced a documentary film called ‘Amazon Soul’. What was her biggest challenge in her time in the rainforest? Not hunting animals, or canoeing down the river without a petrol engine, or eating local foods such as worms, but it was in fact taking all her clothes off so she could genuinely experience life as part of the community… and then she was even crowned a queen!’ DPS

‘Sarah Begum is an amazing speaker and I really enjoyed her speech. Everything she said was so genuine and inspiring. It was also an interesting experience to hear someone sharing their days in the Amazon. It was both educational and entertaining, and I am definitely motivated to protect the environment and different cultures, and to push myself out of my comfort zone.’

‘Both Teddy and I are interested in pursuing a career in film. Sarah Begum has had an extraordinary career. Her talk was brilliant in highlighting the role of activism in filmmaking and the importance of telling stories. She gave us great advice on how to approach education and work experience in the future. We’ll likely pursue journalism and politics at university.’ Laura F

Gabrielle Rowles

‘I really liked BoingBoing, the talka, by Gabrielle and Lisme because it showed techniques to cope with stress and daily life.’ Scarlet P

‘The talk by Gabrielle Rowles and Lisa was inspiring and has really changed my opinion about how to act in a resilient manner.’ Lara P ‘I loved the talk on the Boingboing theory – it was really eye-opening and engaging!’ Clara H

Chelsea Y

Dame Mary Archer

‘Mary Archer gave a fascinating insight into how her time at an all all-g school was part of her path, whichirls’ saw a great interest in Science at an earl age lead to a very diverse and impressivy career. She became an academic beforee leaving Cambridge to hold board positons in television, radio and with Lloyds of London. She went on to become Cha ir of an NHS Trust and is now the Chairma of the Board of Trustees at the Sciencen Museum Group.’ MTA

Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu

‘It was incredibly inspiring to see an OR talk about having such an incredible and successful career, but also to hear her advocating for a strong work-life balance.’ SCA

piring, ‘Dr Shola was an ins womqn, ng ro st d confident, an make an to me ed at tiv mo s who ha ge the an ch d an active difference Maggie EB world we live in.’ Anabela Chan OR

Rebecca Long OR

ng ‘I found Rebecca Lous very inspiring, beca ne she founded her owd film company an t produced many differen pictures.’

‘Dr Shola was inspirational – not only did she encourage us to push beyond our limits, though she would argue we have none, but she was also effortlessly witty and entertaining. I hope to be like her.’ Yian Z

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9th March 2018 - Issue 9

FEST CELEBR WOM International Women’s Day This wonderful event, which marked International Women’s Day and 100 Years of Votes for Women, brought 13 speakers to Roedean. All the speakers were successful women, including three Old Roedeanians, and it was brilliant that all of the students had options during the day to listen to speakers whose talks matched their interests. We are delighted that the day was a great success, and Emily T (Yr13) really enjoyed the experience: ‘It was inspiring to see so many women thriving in every field and speaking so passionately about it. From STEM to Indian textiles, there was something for everyone and I even found myself engaging with subjects I knew nothing about prior to the talk. Virginia McKenna spoke about the importance of individual power to make a difference, especially in her personal experiences which saved many orphaned and injured animals. Tash, Martha, and I were so engaged that we even asked her many more questions about the Born Free story over tea and cake afterwards. We then heard from Dame Mary Archer who, having entered a male dominated subject, gave me advice that I will personally implement as I also go on to a degree in Chemistry. I then went to a talk that was completely different and yet probably my favourite of the day, despite having no experience in it. I went into Jasleen Kandhari’s talk about Indian Textiles with no preconceptions, but I came out wanting to be as passionate about my own research as she was about hers. It was truly impressive to see so many powerful women enjoying their subjects and disregarding all stereotypes in order to achieve their goals, despite the challenges our gender may still face.’

s absolutely inspiring! I n ‘Dr Shola’s talk today waent ire time. As a Nigeria couldn’t stop beaming the ticularly inspiring to see young lady, I found it parempowering young women. someone like me actively tips that I will definitely She gave me many top on I will most definitely cherish, and from now !’ when I enter a room, start saying ‘Ohi has arrived that will give birth to my as I am the only person wa given the opportunity gift. I am so glad that I hers.’ Ohi I to listen to

9th March 2018 - Issue 9



was ‘Kate O’Riordan d very an le ab ge led know g, she thought-provokin estions qu t ea gr e m so inspired .’ ts en ud st from the

In addition to attending up to five talks during the day, every student in the School filled in an IWD card, and we created a display in the Fireplace, to share personal inspirations, whether they be family members or famous ground-breaking women!

Professor Kate O’Riordan

‘Holly’s speech was very empowering and it was a pleasure to hear her views’ Niah S and Jane S

Jasleen Kandhari OR Holly Bourne

‘I really learned a lot about the importance of textiles in Indian culture during the talk by Jasleen Kandhari, ... and I loved the Bollywood dancing clip too!’

Rose Hudson-Wilkin

‘Rose Hudson-Wilkin’s talk was energetic and inspiring. Hearing her talk about growing up in Jamaica at a time when there were no ordained women, and her determination that she had a calling to the Church and following it through to achieve her current successes was a great message for everyone to hear, not just the girls but the staff and ORs in the talk as well. It was also great to hear her personal notes about how her and her husband run their household equally, an important state for both men and women to work towards if we are to achieve true equality’ GCR

After lunch, those in Years 11-13 convened in the Quad to form the letters of #BeBold to affirm their conviction to be strong women in the future, and, despite the high winds in such a beautiful spring day, a drone captured some fantastic images of this.

The girls in Years 7-10 presented to their peers about women they felt were inspirational, and the best in each tutor-group won an early Easter egg! It was a brilliant day, which really was exciting, enlightening, and empowering.

‘I really enjoyed the talk by Capt Sandell, as my dad is a pilot too. She believed being a woman helped her become a pilot’ Olivia P

Captain Anna Sandell

made ‘Capt Sandell reallouy t going ab n ai ag k me thin was just into this field - sheelia B Am t!’ an brilli

‘I found Holly Bou rne really interesting becaus e her views on femin made me look at it in a diism fferent way.’

‘I loved the quote by Virgin ia McKenna: ‘Birds do wings to be caged; thn’eyt have ve wings to fly!’ Sasha ha S Professor Mary Lovegrove OBE

‘Professor Mary Lovegrove was to really interesting and she told usvery seize opportunities! I found her inspirational.’

‘I found it inspiring that both Pro Mary Lovegrove and Rebecca Lon fessor managed to balance their pioneer g have ing careers with raising a family; this sho ws that women can do it all.’ ‘Prof Mary’ inspired all those present to seize opportunities. She spoke with genuine enthusiasm about her life in science and the journey that she has taken. Despite retiring twice she is still continuing her various works in this country and around the world, actively headhunted by both national governments and major health care organisations. All those who heard her speak were enthralled, and many stayed behind for further questions, or just to listen to the amazing and colourful stories that were told.’ AWO Page 3

‘‘I thought Virginia’s talk ’s was very inspirational; sheI saved so many animals.s so though her life story wa incredible’ Tilly C

Virginia McKenna OBE

‘I was particularly inspired by the hard work and determination of Virginia McKenna and how she always follows her heart’ Olivia H

‘Virginia McKenna was our our ite speaker because everything thafav was interesting and it inspired ust she said our hearts and we enjoyed learninto follow g about how she saved and protected hun dre animals and made a difference to ds of their life! Amelia M and Georgina G-W

9th March 2018 - Issue 9


Academic Week Roedean’s University Challenge Roedean’s Academic week started off with a bang as the School’s first University Challenge was held. Ellis (Yr13), Ishika (Yr12), Alma (Yr8), Flo (Yr11), and Melanie (Yr13) took on Ms Boobis, Mr Chamberlain, Mr Ebden, Dr Hannan, and Miss MacGregor. The teams were challenged with difficult questions that ranged over a number of challenging subjects. It was clearly evident that this competition was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience who were continuously cheering in support of all our participants. A big thank you to everyone who made this event possible and congratulations to the teachers for winning this year’s Roedean’s University Challenge cup!

What makes a condition rare?? For academic week, Roedean’s Medical club opened its doors to wider range of year groups with a special biomedical and medical event. May Tia and I gave a presentation on what makes a disease or condition ‘rare’, followed by individual presentations on two of the world’s rarest genetic diseases. I discussed the mechanism of Fybrodysplasia Ossification Progressiva at a molecular level, explaining how the base substitution in an ACVR1 gene causes excessive BMP signalling, and results in heterotrophic ossification of ligaments and skeletal muscle.

FOP and Protein C deficiency, and highlighted the importance of this research, despite the relatively small number of people affected.

May Tia explained the causes of protein C deficiency and compared the heterozygous mild condition with the homozygous sever condition. Incredibly, only 1 out of 4 million babies are born with the more severe condition. We also discussed current research for treatments of both

Everyone learnt something new, and we hope some of the girls were inspired to pursue a career in such a challenging yet rewarding field of science.

We then set the group the task of making their own mini-presentations and were equally surprised with some of their findings. One I found deeply touching, as well as interesting, was Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, a disease which results in accelerated ageing that begins during the early years of life and leads to likely death during mid-adolescence.

Martha N (Yr13)

Independent Projects On Monday evening, as part of Academic Week, we were treated to a really special showcase from 12 students. Each student who presented had completed an independent project on a subject of her choice. She received little input from staff, and simply used passion and research to create her project. The students presented on an impressively diverse range of topics, from The Heart (Tabitha M), to A Brief History of Airplane Passenger Seats (Melanie C), to Has Gender Neutrality Gone Too Far in Politics and Society (Phoebe H). A third of these girls had engaged with the challenge of completing an independent project over last Summer after our ‘Everyone a Scholar Day’, whilst the others had been selected by their HHH teachers as representing the best of the Independent Projects completed last term. The students all spoke with passion, enthusiasm, and confidence about their subjects, and responded thoughtfully to questions. When

Gastroenterology Lecture The Gastroenterology lecture from the medical staff at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital was a really informative lecture that highlighted the importance of teamwork within a multidisciplinary team when diagnosing and trying to treat a patient. We learnt all about the stomach and digestion, as well as medicine as a career. Hearing from professionals in a variety of roles (doctor, nurse, and dietitian) was highly beneficial for the aspiring medics in the audience, as we could hear directly from people working in these careers what life is actually like, as well as the realities, and the pros and cons that come with the job too. Page 4

asked to reflect on what they had learned about themselves through completing independent projects, every girl had developed a new insight about her learning process, from time management, to research, to preferred learning environment. Those who attended felt very lucky indeed to have been part of such an inspirational event and we hope to create more opportunities for similar events in the future. Congratulations to Melanie C, Eva P, Tabitha M, Jemma NG-S, Ava L, Marianna L, Bella D, Mathilde W, Phoebe H, Amelia K, Poppy S, and Amelia K on producing such excellent work. HBO

9th March 2018 - Issue 9


Music Events

Outstanding LAMDA results

The Music Department has some exciting events coming up in the next few weeks. There will be a Teatime Recital for all on Monday 12 March at 4:20 in the Old Ref, and this will be followed by Chamber Music Day on Monday 19 March, at which the students will have the opportunity to work with renowned British Cellist Gabriella Swallow. Gabriella is an exciting and diverse performer and a champion of contemporary music. Roedean’s chamber musicians will receive masterclasses throughout the day, and then, at 4:20 in the Old Ref, there will be a chance to watch them and Gabriella perform. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity! Family and friends are also welcome. Tickets are available at www. roedeantheatre.co.uk or just come along on the day.

Congratulations to all those who took LAMDA examinations in the last cycle – there were 22 entrants, and they achieved 17 Distinctions and 5 Merits. Not only is this exceptional, but they are also the best results ever at Roedean! ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Flo IS – Grade 3 Speaking Verse and Prose, with Distinction Jemima G – Grade 5 Speaking Verse and Prose, with Distinction Eloise G – Grade 5 Speaking Verse and Prose, with Distinction Sarah J – Grade 5 Speaking Verse and Prose, with Distinction Jemima V – Grade 4 Duo Acting, with Merit Martha M – Grade 4 Duo Acting, with Merit Krista K – Grade 4 Solo Acting, with Merit India B – Grade 4 Solo Acting, with Distinction Scarlet P – Grade 6 Solo Acting (Bronze Medal), with Distinction Katie C – Grade 6 Solo Acting (Bronze Medal), with Distinction Annabel B – Grade 7 Duo Acting (Silver Medal), with Distinction Milly L – Grade 7 Duo Acting (Silver Medal), with Distinction Priya T – Grade 5 Duo Acting, with Merit Annabel T – Grade 5 Duo Acting, with Distinction Suri G – Grade 3 Speaking in Public, with Merit Anne-Sophie L – Grade 4 Speaking in Public, with Distinction Chloe N – Grade 5 Speaking in Public, with Distinction Eseroka D – Grade 7 Speaking in Public (Silver Medal), with Merit Poppy S – Grade 4 Solo Musical Theatre, with Distinction Dorothea B – Grade 4 Duo Musical Theatre, with Distinction Jemima V – Grade 4 Duo Musical Theatre, with Distinction Eden WN – Grade 6 Solo Musical Theatre (Bronze Medal), with Distinction Ava D – Grade 6 Solo Musical Theatre (Bronze Medal), with Distinction


Author Holly Smale at Roedean As part of the World Book Day celebrations, wellknown YA author Holly Smale visited Roedean to talk to the Year 7s and 8s, along with a group of Year 7 Blatchington Mill students, about her Geek Girl series. Geek Girl was the number one bestselling YA fiction title in the UK in 2013. It was shortlisted for several major awards, and won the teen and young adult category of the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize and the 11-14 category of the Leeds Book Award. Holly described how her own experiences as a child and teenager influenced her writing of Geek Girl. Her hobbies included collecting rocks and dinosaur posters. She also attempted to train wood lice in a bid to establish a wood lice circus. Her mother used to read Shakespeare and Byron to her, but then Holly discovered the Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton and used the book to teach herself to read and write before she started school, deciding that she wanted to be an author at the age of four. As a teenager, she experienced being a model for a short time. Unfortunately, she was severely bullied at school for many years. Holly urged the Year 7s and 8s to tell someone if they experienced bullying, as she had kept quiet and had been lonely, anxious, and miserable for much of the time. At 16, she made the decision to change schools, her life transformed and she went on to study English at university and then started writing. Holly received umpteen rejections for an adult book, after which a friend suggested that she Page 5

should write about being a teenage model. After writing the first sentence, “I’m Harriet Manners and I’m a geek”, she went on to put her own experiences in the book, writing about how it felt to be a teenager who thought she didn’t fit in and who was socially awkward. At first, the character Harriet is initially defined by other people but at the end of the series, Harriet doesn’t let them define her; she defines herself. When asked for advice on becoming a writer, she said the writing is like a marathon, you need to build up to it. She advised the girls to read as much as they could, reading as much varied material as possible. The important thing was to play with their writing and enjoy it. Many thanks to Holly for coming to visit us in a very busy week for her and to Book Nook for supplying the Geek Girl books for book signing. SBL


9th March 2018 - Issue 9

Houses P6 House 3 Origami

This week in House 3 the girls took part in an origami-making session. They had a go making origami flowers, pigs’ faces, and Easter bonnets. Some of the creations are in the pictures below.

P6 House 2 Super Supper

House 2 boarders enjoyed an extraordinary Harry Potter Dinner Party on Monday. The adventure started in Hogsmeade (the Drawing Room), where Professor McGonagall (Dr del Campo), Filch (Miss Ford-Senior), Mrs Weasley (Ms Powell), and Professor Trelawney (Miss Amis) broke to them the news of the mysterious disappearance of Neville Longbottom. The girls, who had previously been assigned a character from the book saga, were then taken to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express via Platform 9¾. They gathered in the Dining Hall (the ODR) to try to discover what had happened to Neville. Professor McGonagall led the session and presented a range of evidence to the diners. Each girl received several memos and parchments throughout the course of the meal with more clues and instructions about their roles to help them solve the mystery. The detectives were served Butterbeer, Polyjuice Potion, and Gillywater as refreshments; Black Cat crisps, Fizzing Whizbees, together with Fred and George’s Skiving Snacks for the entrée; Patronus Pizza combined with Slytherin Spirals for the main; and Dobby’s dessert alongside Hagrid’s rock cakes for dessert; an absolute wizard-style feast fit for a Hogwarts Great Hall banquet.

P6 Houses 3&4 go to Five Guys

On Thursday 8th March after a busy and inspiring ‘International Women’s day’ Mrs Muggeridge and Mrs Wilson took the Year 9 girls from House 3&4 down to Brighton Marina to enjoy a meal at Five Guys. It was a lovely evening and a great time was had by all.

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Between the courses Filch, Mrs Weasley and Professor Trelawney encouraged discussion, which became more and more cheerful and jolly as the evening progressed. The girls’ deductive and reasoning skills were exceptional, however nobody was able to predict that, in reality, there was no culprit. It all happened as a result of an unfortunate accident involving Wormwood; an herb used for potions. Safe from the Dementors and Azkaban, the boarders happily returned to normality.

Classical costume and cuisine On Monday afternoon, Year 8 were treated to a workshop on Roman costume and cuisine, run by the staff of Fishbourne Palace. The costume workshop began with a fascinating insight on the clothing worn by Romans living in Britain, and a number of us were able to dress up and try on some fashion styles worn by the poor and rich. We then discussed Roman women’s fashion and its similarities and differences to present day clothing. The group then tried our hand at cooking various authentic Roman recipes, such as sweet-wine bread, and a savoury melon dish with a honey and mint dressing. We ended by sampling all our amazing dishes. All of Year 8 really enjoyed it, and thank you to Fishbourne Place and the Classics department for organising such a great workshop. Sylva C (Yr8)


9th March 2018 - Issue 9

Maths UKMT Team Challenge

The Mathematics Department is proud to announce that Roedean achieved 7th place in the highly competitive UKMT Team Challenge at Lancing College on a snowy Friday 2nd March. The team consisted of Isla B and Darcey M (Yr8) and Rita F and Kornelija R (Yr9). The competition lasts the entire school day and consists of some challenging mathematical problems which the girls tackle as a team or in pairs. Whilst the weather kept some teams away, the girls were still competing with teams from Lancing College, Brighton College, Worthing High School, Durrington High School, and a number of other local schools, so the top ten placing was highly creditable. The Mathematics Department would like to congratulate all four girls for their performance. ALU

The Mathematical Association’s Annual Problem Drive

Roedean hosted the annual ‘Problem Drive’ run by the Mathematical Association on Wednesday 7th March in The Studios for Year 12 students. Roedean girls were joined by students from Lancing College as they tackled problems which encourage competitors to think ‘outside the box’. The teams changed each round, so the students got to mix with different people, and had the opportunity to experience new ways of tackling mathematical problems. The winners were awarded with certificates and chocolate, courtesy of the Mathematical Association. The Mathematics Department would like to congratulate those Roedean girls who took part in the event. ALU

DT Elephants for Open Day For their activity on Open Day last weekend, the DT department used a design by Scarlett R (Yr9) to laser-cut the pieces needed so that our visitors could build an elephant, and everyone really liked it!

Pitch Perfect Pupil Fundraising From next week, the girls will be getting involved in fundraising for the Pitch Perfect appeal. Forms and year groups will compete to raise as much as possible in a ‘Grow Your £10’ scheme. We know the girls will be innovative and creative. We are certain they will learn a lot through this process, have fun, and raise lots of money for the appeal! The year group which raises the most money will be recognised, permanently, on the recognition board at the pitch and will name their very own ‘pitch plot’ in perpetuity. There will also be a prize for the most successful form group.

Arguably one of the greatest stage musicals of all time!

15th, 16th and 17th March

Pitch Perfect will transform our facilities for sport. It will cost £2 million but we need to raise £500,000 in donations to complete the project. Over £200,000 has been given or pledged so far. This is very encouraging, but we do need more support. If you would like to support this project by naming your own ‘pitch plot’, having your own bench at the pitch, and/or joining the School’s 1885 Society, please contact Mark Taylor on mta@roedean.co.uk or on 01273 667588. We are hugely grateful for every gift, large and small. It is easy to support the School’s Pitch Perfect appeal by donating online.

The Roedean Theatre – 7p


Box office: www.roedeanthe


Based on Dicken’s classic tale, Oliver! The Musical manages to combine the poignancy and bitter truths of the original 1 story with sparkle, spectacle, exub erance and wit!

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9th March 2018 - Issue 9



top 4 independent schools teams in Sussex, and I think we have a lot to look forward to from this determined and talented group of young ladies. Well done girls; we will just keep building and come out stronger next year! Our U15 squad had a really tough outing at the SISNA, with some players still missing due to injury or being tied with the U19 squad. Nevertheless, the girls played some lovely Netball and showed real resilience at the tournament held at Hurst. Carla F-P play beautifully under the post, making some great space for herself and shooting accurately. Kami N and Demi A worked really well together in the defensive circle, and Demi made countless interceptions. It was a real team effort from the girls, and it was nice to see lots more of the U15s set-up get a chance to play in a competitive tournament.

U14 and U15 SISNA

The U14A team had a fantastic day at the SISNA competition held at Hurst on Tuesday. They played exceptionally and worked beautifully as a team. The first match against LOGS was successful, and the girls were able to move the ball with ease to the shooting circle; Milly held well to receive the ball and shot with confidence, resulting in a win for Roedean. The second game against Lancing saw another confident win, with Georgia making some incredible interceptions and Sophia dominating the shooting circle. In the third round, we were up against Bede’s which was a tough match both physically and mentally for the girls, but they triumphed with another win. Olivia and Poppy worked exceptionally in the defending end, turning the rebounds and moving the ball down the court effectively. Mayfield were our fourth-round competitors and the girls worked hard to secure a significant win. Lara’s calm feeds into the circle slowed the game and allowed us to play at our own pace. Tatum made some lovely interceptions and was a stalwart in the WD position. Our last game of the pool round was against Hurst; we started well playing goal for goal. Scarlett was a force to be reckoned with and gave 100% in both attack and defence. Unfortunately, we did not do quite enough to win, but it was a great game all the same. Our success in the pool round meant we went through as runners up to the semi-finals, where we played Brighton College. The game was a tough one after our big game against them in the Sussex knock out cup. The girls worked hard to keep them at bay, but they pipped the win. Despite this, there was a noticeable performance from Onate in defence with some brilliant drives through the court. In the third and fourth play-off, we played Eastbourne College, and it was an equal match throughout, with the girls working hard for each other. Eleanor brought a sense of determination to the court and kept the ball effectively off the circle edge. Unfortunately, the team performance wasn’t quite enough for a win, but it was a valiant effort and there was a fantastic team atmosphere. The girls should be extremely proud of being in the

U12 and U13 SISNA

On Wednesday, Roedean hosted the U12/U13 SISNA Tournament at Falmer University. Finally, the sun came out to allow 25 teams from all over Sussex come along to battle it out be crowned SISNA champions of 2018. Roedean were in action in both competitions and had to battle through the group stages. Roedean U12 had a great start, defeating Brighton & Hove High School 13 - 0. Their slick passing and movement to goal sealed the most perfect start to their campaign. Up next was St Andrew’s Prep. This was a little closer, but as soon as a few goals went in, our confidence picked up and we pulled away to take the win 5 - 1. Up next was the formidable Hurst. We went out hard, going goal for goal and, at half time, we were only a couple of goals down. But coming back at half time, Hurst pulled away and our first loss was 10 - 4. Burgess Hill was our last game, and it was a close one. It started goal for goal, but sadly tiredness set in, we started to make mistakes, and unfortunately our day was over losing 6 - 9. It was a fantastic day for our girls, and there were promising performances from all of the girls, including Alicia S, Sasha H, Ava L, Amy N, Izzy B, Amelia K, Erin S, Bella D, and Isabella P.

U15 Squad have successfully booked their place in the Sussex Netball Knock Out Finals 2018! This event runs from September, playing the best schools in Sussex, to eventually be crowned Sussex Champions. The finals are taking place next Wednesday at Burgess Hill School, and our opponents are Brighton College. We are yet to beat Brighton College in this age group, so the girls will be hungry to change this next week. Good luck, girls! GCR

Hockey Championships for U13A This week, the U13A hockey team competed in their very first In2 Hockey Championships. After a very successful season, the girls had a good chance on paper to go quite far, even though we were in the group of death! Roedean was up against Bede’s (EGHA Shield winners), Burgess Hill (EGHA Shield runners-up), and Brighton & Hove High School. Due to Brighton & Hove High School arriving late, we were rushed in to play Bede’s in our first game which was not the start we wanted. The girls were ‘still on the bus’ for the first 7 minutes, and unfortunately lost 5 - 0. Nonetheless, the girls showed great character to get back to winning ways by beating Brighton & Hove High School 1 - 0. The final game was a must win in order to progress through to the semi-finals. This was the best hockey the girls played all tournament, creating lots of opportunities in front of goal. However we could not convert our chances. The final score was 1 - 1. This was a great experience for the girls, and the Player of the Tournament for Roedean was Izzy H who played tremendously well.



The U13 girls had a mixed bag of results. We had another great result against BHHS, winning 10 - 2. We also had a heavy loss to Vinehall, along with some promising results against Brighton College and Bede’s Prep, and some really close matches against Christ’s Hospital and Burgess Hill. There is lots to go away and work on, but again it was an enjoyable day of netball for the U12 and U13 squads.

Mon 12 Mar

Swimming Gala vs Roedean Moira House and Burgess Hill (H)

Tue 13 Mar

Yr7 Parents’ Evening

Wed 14 Mar

Netball Sussex Knockout Cup round vs Burgess Hill (A)

I really want to thank the wonderful PE department for their help and support with the event, and also a big thank you to the other departments around the school for being accommodating to allow the girls to take part in these fantastic sporting events. Team Roedean!

Thur 15 Mar


Fri 16 Mar


Sat 17 Mar

U14A&B & U15A&B Netball vs Ardingly (A)

U15s are Sussex Knock Out Finalists!

We are extremely proud to announce that our

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 8

U13A&B Netball vs BHHS (H) Volleyball vs Farlington (H)

1st & 3rd Netball vs Ardingly (H) Oliver!

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