Head's Weekly Review - 10 January 20 - Issue 14

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Alex is U14 British Champion!

10 January 2020 - Issue 1



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Head’s Introduction

It’s 2020 – Happy New Year and Happy New Decade! It is wonderful to see everyone back after the holidays, rested and full of energy for the term ahead.

Rehearsals for our production of Hairspray are well underway this term, and I know that Dance Captains will soon be selected in the Houses, ahead of the House Dance competition.

We have started the term with Chapel services in which representatives of both Year 13 and Year 7 have shared their reflections on last term, as well as their hopes for the next; I was proud to hear how candid all the girls were when speaking in front of the School.

Looking ahead, we have entrance examinations for girls hoping to join Roedean in Years 7 and 9 tomorrow, and the New Scholars’ Celebration next week.

There have been some wonderful individual sporting successes since last term, and I am delighted that the Netball season has begun with A-E teams representing Roedean at both Under 12 and 13.

I hope that the Year 12 and 13 trial examinations are going well, and those for the one-year GCSE girls – good luck for the remainder of the papers next week. I wish you all the very best for the coming week.

Roma’s got her Blue Belt in Taekwondo

Madison’s Chess Success Please see page 2

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House 3 Quiz Night

Netball vs Hurst Please see page 5

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10 January 2020 - Issue 1

Undergraduate Maths course at the University Sussex During the Autumn Term, four of our Year 13 mathematicians attended lectures and workshops twice a week at the University of Sussex, alongside the first year undergraduates – this has become quite a tradition for us, and the girls love it and always do well! They studied the fundamentals of vector geometry, complex numbers, matrices, transformations, linear equations, vector spaces, and conics, and undertook all the assessments. Congratulations to Joyce, Shirley, Janki, and Chelsy, and thank you to Professor James Hirschfeld for giving our students this valuable opportunity to experience learning Maths at university level. JTH

House 3 Quiz Night To kick-start our Spring Term and to welcome our three new girls to House 3, we organised a team quiz for the girls, masterminded by Quiz Master, Miss Carrington-King. There were numerous rounds based on general knowledge, school history, and house events. We also had a music round which was very popular, with many girls taking part in short bursts of dances between each song. It was great fun and a lovely way to bring all the girls together after the holidays. After a very close contest Team 2 won narrowly, followed by Team 4 – well done!

Madison’s Chess Success Madison (Yr7) had a very successful 2018/19 season, in which she won the Worthing Grand Prix and was second overall in the Sussex Junior Chess U11 Tournament.

Madison is a real inspiration to others, playing a very methodical and strategical game. Her coaches continuously credit her for being patient in her play and strategy.

Following on from this success, Madison recently competed in her first and tough Under 18 Sussex Girls’ Championships, held at Burgess Hill Girls’ School in December. She competed in an individual tournament, but there was also a team tournament with girls representing Sussex schools. It would be interesting to see in the future a team representing Roedean.

She now moves on to the final two Grand Prix in Eastbourne (February) and Worthing (May) – we wish her good luck!

Madison achieved 10th position, playing challenging games, demonstrating some brilliant and tactical chess moves, and winning 3 games out of 5. Additionally, she is currently in a strong position, having placed 9th in the Under 12s Sussex Grand Prix, with matches at Crowborough, Horsham, Worth, and recently in Hastings. At the same time as this competition, the 94th International Master Chess Tournament, with international players taking part, was held in Hastings. During the break, Madison and her father had a look at what it takes to be a ‘Master of Chess’. Page 2


10 January 2020 - Issue 1

ROEDEAN’S MOCK ELECTION 2019 RESULTS At the end of last term, in the week of the General Election, girls from every year group were able to cast their vote in the Roedean Mock Election of 2019. Over the preceding few weeks, our ‘Campaign Managers’ had been busy speaking in Assemblies and canvassing support. A range of political

opinions were discussed and scrutinised, from Brexit to climate change. Very well done every campaign! It was great to see such a strong turnout among younger students, who flocked to the polling station in high numbers. Congratulations to Year 7 for recording the highest turnout of 79%!

Congratulations to the Green Party! Campaign Manager: Sophia Campaign Team: Annabel, Gracie, Eloise, Jess and Lottie


Vote share












As revealing our mock election results on Polling Day might has been construed as electioneering, we held them over until now. Following a strong performance in the 2017 Mock Election, where the Green Party secured a comfortable victory on 39.2% of the vote, Roedean has once again ‘gone Green’. A 43.1% vote share is a highly impressive achievement, given the stiff competition from rival campaigns. Sophia E managed the Green Campaign Team brilliantly. They began canvassing early, recruited younger students, and produced an excellent video to help cement their position as the dominant force in Roedean politics.

Ellen (Yr7) read this poem by Helen Steiner Rice, entitled ‘New Beginnings’, in Chapel: How often we wish for another chance to have a fresh beginning, A chance to blot out our mistakes and change failure into winning. It does not take a new year to make a brand new start. It only takes the deep desire to try with all your heart. To live a little better and to always be forgiving, To add a little sunshine to the world in which we are living.

Very well done to all those that took part, especially those that campaigned for parties they did not necessarily agree with! You participated with real enthusiasm and a great sense of fair play. And finally, thank you to everyone who voted!

So, never give up in despair and think that you are through, For there’s always a tomorrow, and a chance to start anew.

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10 January 2020 - Issue 1

Happy New Year, and Happy New Decade! This week, we have all attended two services in Chapel, to mark the start of term and as part of our typical weekly programme. Miss Keller: The month of January is named after the Roman God, Janus, who was the god of beginnings, but he oversaw all forms of transitions – beginnings and endings, entrances and exits, and passageways. He was depicted as a bearded god with two faces, meaning he could see forwards and backwards, inside and outside, simultaneously. As we pass through the month of January – with an increased awareness of the many conflicts throughout the World – it is pertinent to remember that Janus was also associated with the transition between peace and war. We will all have different thoughts and intentions for this new decade and I hope that, with Janus in mind, we see this month as an opportunity for beginning well as individuals, as well as strengthening our relationships with each other. Mrs Chandler: What is a new beginning? A new year means new beginnings and fresh starts. If you can let go of the past, freeing yourself of failures and disappointments, you can embrace a new perspective – take a fresh look at the future and all the wonderful possibilities it holds. With the New Year comes 365 new and exciting days to shape your destiny. Now is the perfect time to pursue a new beginning. Ellen (Yr7): January is the doorway to a new year. We can look back over the previous year, but we can also look forward to a new year. A closed door can sometimes be daunting. Doors can be a barrier. A door may be locked; we may need another person’s help to get through it. When we face a closed door, we face a choice. Sometimes, we face doors that open and close automatically, or revolving doors. In theory, these doors are designed to make life a bit easier, but that’s not always the case. Clara (Yr7): Statistics tell us that January is the month where people attempt to make more changes in their lives than any other time of the year. It is a time when we try to start new things and the majority of people also run headlong into the fact, that they don't do very well with their New Year's resolutions. One possibility is that the steps people are taking are too big! It needs small steps, doing a little thing each day that makes a difference, over time, and makes big dreams possible. Lao Tzu said, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. My single step was arriving at Roedean last September.

Florence (Yr13): I’m looking forward to a steady Spring term preparing for A levels after a frantic Autumn term. Admittedly, I often spend a little too much time studying, so I have made it my aim this term to take time away from my academic work. With A levels looming, it is of course important to keep my revision ticking over, but in order to maintain a healthy balance, I’ve decided to start swimming a few times a week. I hope this is a resolution I can stick to. For those of you who haven’t broken your New Year’s Resolutions already, I wish you luck sticking to them. Have a fantastic term! Eleanor (Yr13): I’m not very good at saying ‘no’ when I’m asked to do something. This meant that last year was absolutely jam packed with rehearsals for shows, performing shows, netball practice, hockey practice, then matches at the weekends, on top of extra school events. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time but I think my school work and grades suffered. Now, this was okay for a while, but now 2020 is upon us, I can see the end of my A Levels and also look forward to the exciting adventure of going to university in just a few months’ time. Calista (Yr13): For me, last term was hectic, so my main aim for this coming year is to be more organised and productive, especially in the face of A Levels that are coming up this summer. I am learning to take care of myself better, to ensure I am healthy and well so that I can focus on my studies. Therefore, as the school year begins I am reminding myself and keeping in mind to breathe, and focus. Eden (Yr13): Last term went by in a whirlwind of essays and coursework, but we all managed to pull through. A highlight for me last term was performing for many of you with Molly – the support was so encouraging and has made me excited to work and perform with her this year. This term I hope to find a balance between focusing more on my music inside and out of school as a positive distraction from academics, something we all need sometimes. This term brings many exciting musical events, including another gala concert which I can’t wait to be a part of. Eris (Yr13): It's very easy as the new year comes around to say you'll take every opportunity you get and make the most of it. Last term, I tried to do absolutely everything I could, and really pushed my luck. And I let some people down. I have since learned that trying to do everything that's going on is impossible. Absolutely try new things, absolutely live your fullest life, but to do that, I'll need to prioritise, be smart, and rest my mind and body.

Oyinda (Yr7): Like the Roman god Janus, we can look back over the past year, as well as look forward to the future. We can choose to spend time reflecting on the threshold of a new year. We can take time to think about our relationships with other people. We can consider how other people see us. Are our lives doorways, that allow others into our lives or friendship groups? Eloise (Yr7): Year 7 girls have been reflecting on their new beginnings here at Roedean. For me it meant new friends and a new way of learning. The beginning of this term means I know what does and doesn’t work for me, it is a chance to enjoy new HHH subjects and set new goals and aim to fulfil them! We all have so many opportunities to continue our learning from last term to this. To talk to different people, experience new topics in lessons, develop our skills in varied sports, music, drama and dance, as well as develop skills in planning our time and homework more effectively!

Holly (Yr13): Last term in Art, I really kicked off my exploration of Magic Realism through fashion, which, in short, explores the structures that exist within our society, such as religion and societal expectations and the breakdown of rejecting perfection. I look forward in this term to seeing where my exploration takes me and where it ends and I look forward to starting a new project for the final exams – I always believe that it is important to remember to try your best and not to compare others successes to yours because we are all on different and unique journeys.

Congratulations to Hettie (Yr7), who played Étude in A minor by Ferrenc on the piano to provide us with a little time to reflect on new beginnings. At this important time of year, some of the Prefects shared their reflections on the term which has just passed, and their hopes for the term to come. Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings

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10 January 2020 - Issue 1


Roma’s got her Blue Belt in Taekwondo Congratulations to Roma (Yr8) who was awarded the Student of the Year cup for Ken James Taekwondo, and a plaque for best in grading when she obtained her TAGB (Taekwondo Association GB) Blue Belt, with an A* grade. Well done!

Netball vs Hurst We were very proud to have over 100 girls across Years 7 and 8 taking part in a Netball fixture on Wednesday. There are still more girls keen to play and with this level of enthusiasm, our aim as a department is to give every girl in these year groups a chance to take part in a competitive Netball fixture. Netball has received huge publicity in recent times, with England’s Gold Medal at the Commonwealth Games in Australia and their Bronze in the World Cup held in Liverpool.


The U13As had a slow first game of the season. Hurst came out the blocks quickly and Roedean were slow to respond. The second half was 100 times better from Roedean and the girls came alive. They made sharp drives, accurate passes, and communicated well defensively. Unfortunately, this was not enough to get close to Hurst and the final score was 29-12. Congratulations to Pearl for receiving OP, Talya for receiving PP, and Grace for CP – all very well deserved!! Onwards and upwards girls!

With the next World Cup being held in South Africa, home of our sister school Roedean SA, we are looking forward to a Netball tour there to visit our friends in Johannesburg in the near future. A huge congratulations to all the girls involved and we hope to see you all at Netball Club on a Thursday after school. U13A

Alex is U14 British Champion!

Sophie and Fen Well done to Fen and Sophie (Yr7) who played well in their first football match of 2020 for Lewes FC Juniors U12 Girls. Fen has been playing for Lewes FC Juniors since she was in the U7 team, and last season she was the top scorer for both of the leagues that her team played in. The team trains on a Thursday night and have matches every Sunday – they are always looking for new players if any other Yr7 girls are interested!

Congratulations to Alex (Yr8) who spent last weekend competing at the British Short Track Championships 2020 in Sheffield. She performed brilliantly, and comfortably retained her British U14 Ladies’ Championship title, winning all six of her races (333m x 2, 500m x 2, and 777m x 2). This means that she is now three times British Champion & Gold Medallist (twice in 2019, and in 2020), and twice British Silver Medallist (2017, 2019). She now has an opportunity to win two more British Championship titles at the end of March 2020 at the British Long Track Championships, so it could end up being a very successful year for her on the ice. Very well done, Alex!


The U13Bs got off to a fantastic start with their first game of the season and the match was end to end throughout. In defence, Olivia, Lilah, and Claude made some fantastic interceptions in the D, and were supported by Tabitha as WD who also turned over the ball on numerous occasions – well done! Katie and Tallulah showed some great dives in mid-court, and confident shooting from Lizzie and Lucy was key to such a successful game. Katie was nominated as player of the match, with the final score 11-11. It was a great start to the season, well done girls!


The U13C team had a great first match of the season versus Hurst. The Roedean girls started strongly, and were moving around the court well and sticking to the their players. After the 1st half, we were just 2 goals behind, so it was all to play for. During the 2nd half of the match, Roedean started to show positive drives towards the ball and started to create space which resulted in successful shots. Hurst added pressure throughout, which made it tough for Roedean, but they showed fantastic perseverance to the final whitle. The final result was Roedean 10-Hurst 13. A huge well done to all who played, and we can use points from this match to move forward! A special mention must go to Fleur, who received player of the match for scoring superb goals!

Top 3 in GB for Constance Well done to Constance (Yr7) who enjoyed a fabulous end to the short course season – she is now ranked top 3 in GB for 1500m freestyle. She has a very busy schedule in the New Year, with county championships, regionals, and national qualifying events coming thick and fast. Good luck!


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10 January 2020 - Issue 1


Netball vs Hurst (Continued) U13D

The U13D Roedean team played exceptionally well against Hurst, brining the score from 3-0 in the first quarter to 8-9 at full time. The girls showed resilience and determination throughout, and fought hard to bring it back. Isis and Liza were forces to be reckoned with in defence, and the attacking unit made up of Stella, Lara, Ellie, and Matilda worked well together. Ellie was voted as player of the match by the opposition.


It was a tough start for our U12A team on Wednesday. The girls never gave up throughout the match but Hurst were extremely well drilled with strong players in both their shooting circle and their defensive circle. Some stand out performances came from Alya in the WD bib, with many interceptions and really positive play and encouragement to her team mates. Clara was extremely versatile playing 3 positions in the match and Jasmine made some positive drives into the circle in the GA bib. Lots for us to work on in next week’s training afternoon.


The U12C team were extremely excited for their first game of the season. Full of energy, they took to the court with enthusiasm. It was a close game throughout and, by half time, they were only down by 2 goals. They started the second half with the aim to improve their discipline in defence and to drive towards the ball in attack. It was a tough game against a talented Hurst side, but the C team never gave up! The game ended in a close defeat and the girls should be really proud of themselves. Nominated players of the match were Madison and Freya, however Orla was identified by Hurst's teacher as playing extremely well therefore she is also player of the match. Well done all and we look forward to our next game!


U12A U13D


In the first quarter, we looked to pass the ball very quickly on attack and were very direct towards the circle. We managed an early goal, which gave the girls a lot of confidence and relaxed some of the nerves of the first game of the season. In the last quarter, the girls were given an objective of getting three points and we achieved this. In the end, we needed to take a little more time when in possession and focus on passing into space, or hard passes to each other. The game ended 17-7, with both teams playing some lovely netball.


The Brilliant Bs took on a tough Hurst in their first match of the netball season and the girls worked unbelievably hard the whole match, getting an astonishing number of interceptions and turnovers. Unfortunately, the girls lost this match, but it is only up for the Bs, who will get on with preparing for their next game. Oyinda and Eloise took home girl of the game for their brilliant defensive work through the court.

The U12D team faced strong opposition against Hurst for their first fixture of the term. They were enthusiastic and organised, giving everyone time on the court, whilst having lots of fun. The first half of the game was extremely close, with some accurate play from Hurst and some quick thinking from Roedean. Hurst had some accurate shooters who grew in confidence as the game progressed, but our defence never gave up. With some amazing interceptions from Amelia she turned over the ball a number of times. Player of the match went to Sophie – having never played netball before, she demonstrated her natural defending instincts and made a real impact on the game. She read the ball perfectly and made it difficult for her opposition to get the ball. It was a fantastic start to the season girls, well done!

JJ What’s Coming up IN THE

Mon 13 Jan

Year 8 Dance Workshops and performance

Tue 14 Jan

Sussex Schools Cross Country Competition (A) U15 Cricket vs Bede’s (A) U15A Netball vs Mayfield School (H)

Wed 15 Jan

NEW SCHOLARS’ CELEBRATION 1st Netball vs University of Brighton (H)

Fri 17 Jan

A Level Theatre Studies & Drama Scholars’ theatre trip ‘Fairview’

Sat 18 Jan

U15A&B & U14A&B Netball vs Ardingly College (A) 1st, U18 Social & U16A&B Netball vs Ardingly College (H) Dance & Drama Scholars’ Lila Workshop


U12E U13E

Roedean U12E had a great start to the season. The girls played free flowing netball, with fantastic passing and moving by Lydia, Kafie, and Erin controlling the game. Girl of the Game was awarded to Constance, who scored an amazing 11 out of 12 goals, and Hettie scored the other. Well done!

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk


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