Heads weekly report 10 03 2017 v4

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10th March 2017 - Issue 9



Fun on the farm!

#BeBoldForChange at Roedean The 2017 International Women’s Day campaign theme is #BeBoldForChange and, on Wednesday this week, every student in every year group marked the day by each making personal pledges to be bold for change. On downloaded selfie cards from the IWD website, we all wrote something personal to us; some of the girls came up with some fantastic statements, and here are just a few examples: Well-behaved women rarely make history


We are not strange we are BOLD

I will be BOLD, I will be BRAVE

Girls love BLUE, boys can love PINK too!

I will be bold, pick up a drill, and continue working on the Formula 24 race car

Don’t be the damsel in distress, be the HERO!

Head’s Introduction Last weekend, we had a fantastic Open Day, welcoming well over 100 families to Roedean. As ever, the girls toured wonderfully, those speaking did so with clarity and feeling, the performers were brilliant, and the school showcased its excellent provision in many areas. Thank you to everyone involved – the families who came were incredibly impressed with the girls and what they saw, and many commented on how much they enjoyed the Annie performance in particular.

I will be bold to speak for tho se who are not able to speak for the mselves

We will be BOLD and make sure we are HEARD

I will stand up for body image!

There is a fantastic display in the Fireplace in Reception, with well over 100 of the cards submitted, and this makes a powerful

statement about what we believe in. At Roedean, we will be bold for change! Esmee E (6.1)

As you know, we had an unannounced ISI Inspection earlier in the term, focusing on compliance. According to the new regulations, we had 20 minutes’ notice, so I am delighted that the report, which has just been published and is available on the website, found that we fulfil the regulatory requirements in all areas, and that our record-keeping and policies are of an excellent standard. Following our exceptional ISI report which looked at all aspects of the school last March, I am pleased that the inspectorate has also made this very positive assessment of compliance at Roedean.

are displayed on green hearts for all to see. In addition, I am so pleased to see that the girls really engaged with International Women’s Day, each one stating proudly on her card how and why she will be bold to effect change concerning gender inequality.

This week at school we have been looking outward and to the future. In both Assemblies, those hoping to be Prefects for the coming year presented their ideas to the girls, after which every member of the Roedean community had the chance to vote; the new Prefect team will be appointed before the end of term. As well as the Prefect manifestos, the Fireplace is festooned with green hearts and inspirational International Women’s Day pledges. As it is Climate Week, the girls have been asked to consider what might be lost from nature unless we act to slow the process of climate change, and these comments

We will continue to consider this theme next week with our Women in the Workplace event, run in conjunction with the Girls’ Schools Association. It is taking place on Wednesday evening, and brings together parents and girls to discuss what could be done to try to eradicate gender inequality in the workplace. I am really looking forward to Academic Week at Roedean. I am grateful to Ms Kazem, our Assistant Head Academic, for organising so many events over the week, with something for everyone, to make the girls think deeply and consider topics which they might never have come across before. I encourage every girl to engage with the academic focus of the coming week. I hope you all have a restful weekend, and good luck for next week.


10th March 2017 - Issue 9

Roedean Historians at the National Archives 21 girls studying History in the Sixth Form enjoyed a brilliant trip with Mr Chamberlain to the National Archives in Kew yesterday. ‘We had a fantastic day looking at original, handwritten documents from the Elizabethan era. It was both surreal and awe-inspiring to see Queen Elizabeth I’s own handwriting, and to analyse the content of her letters and speeches. It was such a great opportunity to see the sources we have studied in class. At the end of the session, we all concluded that she was a great politician, … if slightly manipulative!’ Sophie D (6.2)

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Sophia C (L4) for being a superstar in training and matches [KAN]

Joy L (6.2) for her exquisite figure drawing [SEL]

Maggie E-B (6.1) for ‘running’ the SISNA tournament [KAN]

Liv H (U4) for taking the time to explain and helping us to understand our homework [Scarlett J and Gracie B]

Harriet C-S (6.2) for ‘managing’ the U13A team at SISNA all day [HHY]

Mr Homer for providing invaluable information to help prospective students understand the requirements for their chosen professions [Admissions Team]

Bali Rai at Roedean As part of the World Book Day celebrations last week, well-known YA author Bali Rai visited Roedean to talk to the girls in U4. Bali won the Southern Schools’ Book Award (SSBA) in 2015 with Web of Darkness. He gave an entertaining and informative presentation focusing on his award-winning book, Rani and Sukh, which is inspired by Romeo and Juliet. In creating it, Bali explained that he had the challenge of writing as a female character and he had carried out extensive research before commencing the book, asking his sister and mother about their clothes and what they found attractive and unattractive about boys. He also talked about his dystopian novel, Fire City, in which he uses dialogue to move the plot along. He revealed that he practises dialogue with a mirror, pretending that his reflection in the mirror is the other character, much to the occasional consternation of his family.

Bali also held a creative writing workshop with L4 girls in the Library, where he described how stories work by connecting the readers with characters through emotions, hopes, and feelings. He underlined the importance of writing to engage the reader’s curiosity. Following this introduction, he encouraged the girls to write an opening sentence to make the reader ask questions, using anger as a seed emotion. After giving feedback on their sentences, Bali asked them to extend their writing to a paragraph, still continuing to make the reader ask questions and introducing a love interest.

Following the presentation, there was a book signing, where Bali signed books and answered questions from the audience. Speaking to girls afterwards, everyone had enjoyed the talk very much, as evidenced by the numbers of girls queuing to buy his books.

Afterwards, the girls said they had enjoyed the workshop very much. Fleur (L4) said, ‘I found the Bali Rai talk really inspirational and I learnt a lot about how to start a story. I am going to put all the skills I learnt into my story writing!’ SBL

Academic Week is Coming! As you will have seen and heard, an exciting programme of events to engage both your intellect and critical faculties is happening next week! It doesn’t matter whether you are a literary scholar, an artist, a scientist, or all of these. If you are an early morning person, why not get involved in some debate and analysis over breakfast with newspapers reporting the same top story in different ways? If you take a while to wake up, don’t worry, there is plenty to keep you entertained and engaged during the lunch hours: use your deductive reasoning to explore ethics through Sherlock on Monday, prepare to curate your very own Classical Art exhibition in our art auction on Wednesday, see if you can discover why we are all still so interested in Shakespeare on Thursday, or take your pick from Geographical Heritage or Bad Science on Friday. But what if it takes you even longer than that for your brain to fully get into gear? Never fear, the after school activities are here! Choose from a pyjama reading party on Monday, some fun fact-finding in Quantum Physics on Tuesday, or a lecture on Italian architecture and art on Wednesday. And all of this is just the events that are open to all; there’s plenty for your specific year groups too. Get involved, be engaged, and be inspired! Page 2


Elgar at the Dome

Speaking Latin and Ancient Greek at Roedean Ten schools visited Roedean on Tuesday to compete in the annual Sussex Classical Reading Competition. We were joined by students from Lancing, Ardingly, and Brighton College, and prep schools such as Brambletye, making a total of around 120 pupils, from Year 5 to Year 13. This year we were also joined by pupils from Lewes Priory and Lewes Old Grammar for the first time, showing how our competition continues to grow in popularity, and it was enjoyed by our own parents and those of visiting competitors.

Roedean music students enjoyed a brilliant concert by the Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra at the Dome on Sunday 5th March, which included Korngold’s Violin Concerto and Elgar’s Symphony no. 1. Amelia B (6.2), who studies A Level Music, wrote: ‘Our trip on Sunday to see Elgar’s first symphony at the Dome in Brighton was inspiring. Only a small group of us went, so I was able to enlighten the younger girls about Elgar’s beautiful music and some of his history, as well as my knowledge of the music because I am studying it as my A Level set work. I would like to thank Ms Bartlette for organising this wonderful trip, and to Mrs Whitestone for accompanying us, and providing us with sweets and ice cream!’ Scarlett B (L4), who learns the flute and the violin, added: ‘The best thing was listening to the solo violinist, because she was really good and an inspiration to me.’

10th March 2017 - Issue 9

Fran and Amelie in the GYO! Congratulations to Fran S (6.1) and Amelie S (U4) who have both successfully auditioned for Glyndebourne Youth Opera this year. They will be performing in ‘Belongings’, which is a newly commissioned opera by Lewis Murphy, Glyndebourne’s Young Composer-in-Residence. The opera deals with the experiences of young people who are forced to abandon their homes by war. The opera will have its world premiere at Glyndebourne in November 2017, and this will mark Glyndebourne Youth Opera’s twentieth year. It will be a wonderful experience for Amelie, and this will be Fran’s second year in the GYO – well done to both.

It was a highly successful event where Classicists really came together; one of our Sixth Form Latinists said, ‘it was great to meet other students who are enjoying Classics and see that Classics really can go beyond the classroom’. Each school taking part won either a 1st prize in a category, or was highly commended. The ‘Best In Show’ was a Year 12 student of Ancient Greek from LOGS, who recited an excerpt of Homer’s Iliad from memory, performing it with great panache. Roedean girls won two prizes: Jemima V (U3) won the individual Junior Latin 1st prize, and Scarlett P (L5) won the individual Intermediate Latin 1st prize. The following girls were also Highly Commended: Jane S and Megan S (L4) in the Junior Latin category, and Katarina H and Charlene Z (U4) in the Intermediate Latin category. We have since heard from the Heads of Classics from each school, thanking Roedean for our warm welcome and great organisation. My special thanks go to Mrs Miller for organising the event, and Dr Barrand for his support. PWY

Climate Week at Roedean To raise awareness of Climate Week, the Roedean Geography Society is taking part in the #ShareTheLove campaign. Yesterday we asked the community to write what they would like to be saved from the effects of climate change onto a green heart. Next week, we will be taking the hearts outside to get the official campaign photo, and it will then be uploaded to Twitter. The girls taking part are Tatiana C, Lara S, Jane S, Scarlett R (L4), and Seyi (L5).

U4 Goes Gospel Some of our most able and enthusiastic singers are in U4, and it is for this reason that on Monday 6 March this year group was involved in a workshop of Gospel-style singing, led by the inspirational group Gospel Touch. Through rote-learning, and call and response, the girls rehearsed a selection of songs, managing three-part harmony in just one 45-minute session per group. It was great to see everyone responding so well in the workshop and getting into the Gospel singing mood. Solo opportunities were eagerly and ably taken up by Amelie S, Eva P, Ava D, Eden W-N, and Bahar E. Before the final performances from the girls themselves, they were inspired by The Gospel Touch singers performing a stylish selection of songs. At the end of the afternoon, everyone joined together in performances of ‘O Happy Day’, ‘Lean on Me’, ‘Stand By Me’, and ‘This Little Light of Mine’. Page 3

spel ‘I really enjoyed the Go ng this su r ve ne ve Workshop. I ha but I really style of music before, nfidence.’ co enjoyed it. It lifted my

‘I really enjoyed this experience. I learnt how to sing in a choir, which I never believed I would be able to do.’ out ‘I was really excited ab the w sa this workshop since I ly met first poster. It definite really s my expectations. It wa insight er op interesting to get a pr pe of music. ty ul ulf so d an into a new r chance to do I hope we get anothe !’ this again soon

‘I love gospel-style singing, and it was fun learning the rich harmonies and being part of such a joyous genre of music.’

10th March 2017 - Issue 9


CrossFit The Roedean Titans took to their first CrossFit Throwdown vs Moira House on Monday with gusto. The girls performed exceptionally well, completing the technical movements, including sumo deadlift high pulls, push presses, kettle bell swings, wall balls, object carries, and box jumps. Clever teamwork and tactics allowed for Roedean to win several individual event titles throughout the competition. The atmosphere, sportsmanship, and teamwork on display were outstanding. Unfortunately, the overall winners were Moira House, but with Roedean having such strong individuals and the best teamwork, we look forward to the opportunity to win the title back at the reverse Throwdown in May. Special thanks go to the professional coaches, faculties, and judges provided by CrossFit Corinthians. CSI

SISNA On Wednesday, the Roedean PE department hosted the SISNA Netball Tournament for the U12 and U13 age groups. The competition had good interest from a range of prep schools who all got to visit Roedean’s wonderful Netball facilities on a foggy but dry day. 28 teams from 18 different schools in Sussex came to battle it out for the U12 and U13 SISNA crown. 2nd VII

Netball The 2nd VII had another close encounter last Saturday against Worth School. We started well and went up by 4 goals in the first quarter. Emily L (6.2) and Maddie M (6.2) were the dream team in the shooting circle. Worth picked up their game in the next two quarters and forged ahead. We were two goals down going into the last quarter and the girls were determined to win. It was a tight quarter and the ball went from end to end, and well done to Florence H (U5) who was amazing in defence. The timer went too soon and we were 1 goal behind to lose 15-14. It was a superb game and the 2nds were delightful to coach. The U15A team played Worth B team on Saturday in a thrilling match – they worked extremely hard as a team, and won the match convincingly. Well done to everyone involved! HHY


The U13A team played some exceptional Netball, winning against Ardingly Prep, Burgess Hill, Mayfield, St. Christopher’s, Christ’s Hospital, and Ashdown House in their group, and only narrowly losing to a combined Brighton College team. They qualified second in the group and went through to play Hurst in the semi-final. After a nail-biting match they missed out on a place in the final by only a few goals. The team played fantastically and should be extremely proud of their brilliant achievement! The U12 squad had very tough opposition playing against many prep school teams with a few years of training under their belts already… They did however secure a good win over Brighton and Hove High School and had a very close match against Vinehall. The tournament was a very successful event which we look forward to hosting again next year. GCR & HHY On Tuesday, our 1st Netball Team travelled to Hurst for the U19 SISNA Netball Tournament. It was great weather for Netball and 11 schools were battling it out in the U19 age group. Some extremely tough competition with some very close games throughout the day meant that our girls needed to work very hard. We also suffered a few injuries at the tournament which meant the remaining squad players played up to 11 games throughout the day, which equated to over 2 hours of Netball! A tough day for our 1st team that saw us come away drawing with lancing, and narrowly missing out to Eastbourne and Seaford. Fantastic effort and commitment from Gabby R, Zarbanu M, Amelia B, Loretta S, Freya F, Tasha R, Mary M, Amber P, Eleanor F and Pippa W! GCR

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 4



TICKETS ADULTS £12 CHILD £10 Buy your ticket from www.roedeantheatre.co.uk JJ WHAT’S COMING UP IN THE WEEK


Mon 13 Mar Tues 14 Mar

Wed 15 Mar

Fri 17 Mar

Sat 18 Mar

Sports Scholars’ Focus Group 6.1-6.2 Mathematical Association Problem Drive Football U14 vs Bede’s (A) Volleyball U15 vs Burgess Hill (H) BMW Netball league vs Panthers (A) Netball U14A, U15A and U16A vs Warden Park (H) CAP Event for Charity: Bingo Women in the Workplace Event Indoor Rowing National Junior Championships Prep School Event: England Netball Masterclass U5 GCSE Theatre Trip ‘Woman in Black’ Sixth Form Social Event: Casino Night Netball 1st, 2nd and U16A vs Ardingly (A) Netball U14A, B & C and U15A & B vs Ardingly (H) Young Enterprise Event in Eastbourne   Follow us @RoedeanSchool

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