Head's Weekly Review - 10 September 21 - Issue 1

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10 September 2021 – Issue 1

DofE Gold



Head’s Introduction

Congratulations to Emma Raducanu, who, early this morning, became the first ever qualifier to reach a Grand Slam final, the first British woman to reach the US Open final in 53 years and the youngest British Grand Slam finalist in 62 years. She has done so without dropping a set. If we want to be reminded of the incredible capacity of young people to bring hope and defy expectation, she is a great role model. This week, we have also been delighted by the return of all our own girls. This is the first full week of school with all the girls and staff back here, since 20th March 2020 – 18 months ago. It has been wonderful to see everyone enjoying the freedom and spaces of Roedean, in one of the warmest weeks of the summer. With sports fixtures up and running, trips heading out at the weekend, lessons all underway, a House Festival reigniting those house alliances, and the girls signing up to an amazing array of co-curricular opportunities, it feels as if we’ve been given our School back. Along with the genuine joy of seeing each other again, the absence of normality has made us all appreciate the privileges we enjoy in this dynamic and friendly community, on this 112-acre site, overlooking the sea. We also, of course, acknowledge and appreciate that this is not the case for many

across the world, and we must give thanks but do what we can to share this site and these opportunities with others. It has been great to see that the girls have taken part in a range of exciting and challenging opportunities over the summer: six Year 13s successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award expedition, congratulations; Merla in Year 10 spent 3 weeks in the National Youth Musical Theatre; and Minnie (Yr8) competed at the World Dance Cup and won Bronze.

Gruffalo Author Congratulates Roedean Students on Children’s Book

Please do consider supporting our Theatre appeal, as the Theatre refurbishment will have a really positive impact on every single girl at Roedean. I hope that you will be able to join us at the Take Your Seat Appeal Showcase on Friday 24 September to have a look around, and see some of the students performing. I am very pleased that we have been able to return to providing food twice a week for Off the Fence, the homeless charity Roedean has supported over the past few years. We will also be re-starting our activities to support St Mark’s very soon, and I know that both the Roedean students and the pupils at St Mark’s get so much out of our partnership. Well done to everyone for a wonderful first week of term, and I wish you all the best for next week.

Take Your Seat Theatre Opening

Merla at the NYMT


10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Poppy (Yr13) for playing in the 1st team and 2nd team matches on Friday night – we don't know how you had so much energy! [KWA]

Coco (Yr7) for agreeing to play for Year 7 in the Chapel as we waited for Assembly to begin. She was asked ‘on the spot’ and performed a Billie Eilish song magnificently! EVERYONE was impressed! [JCH]

Sophia, Jemima, Rula, Jane, Malika, Kate and Lucy (Yr13), Sabina (Yr12),Oreoluwa (Yr11), Jaime (Yr10) and Asmitha (Yr8) fo speaking so well in First Chapel [RB]

Cherry and Nicole (Yr12) for their unwavering help with suitcases, welcoming new students into the boarding house and being all round superstars [HSM]

Cherry (Yr12), Stella (Yr13), Gabriella (Yr7), India (Yr13), Rosie (Yr12), Phoebe (Yr12), and Cherrie (Yr9) for their contribution to Chapel this week [RB]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.

Mr Campleman, Mrs Wilson, and Mr Alexander-Buckley for running the new-tohockey sessions [KWA]

Mr Borsoi, Miss Hammond, and Mr Perry for making pre-season so much fun [KWA]

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10 September 2021 – Issue 1

DofE Gold Expedition along the South Downs Way Congratulations to six students in Year 13 – Bronwen, Emily, Megan, Molly, Thea, and Tuhina – who have completed their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Gold expedition over the summer holiday. This is the highest level of award, and completing it is no mean feat – over an extended period of time, they need to commit to developing their skills, volunteering, and engaging in a physical activity, as well as completing a week’s expedition and a residential. All six students deserve huge congratulations on the completion of their expedition!

Take Your Seat Theatre Opening Friday 24 September at 7:00pm At our launch event for the new seating in the Theatre, there will be performances across Dance, Music, and Drama, as well as a game of ‘Heads or Tails’ (tickets are £5, and the prize is one you will want to win!). There will also be the opportunity to buy a copy of this print – it is a limited edition, and it is Sue Stanway’s original set design for A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

‘Starting on the 23rd of August, we began our 100-mile journey from Winchester to Eastbourne or, as many know it as, the entire South Downs Way. We spent each night at a different location, as we would leave each camp behind at 6:00 every morning with all of our essentials on our backs. Enduring an average of 30km every day, the walk was incredibly challenging and nothing seemed more appealing than a pair of flip flops and a cold foot soak at the end of the day. By the end, our feet were considered ‘injured’ which, quite honestly, is an accurate description of their condition but we felt an immense sense of achievement and pride when arriving at Eastbourne.’ – Tuhina ‘Walking the South Downs Way was an amazing experience. From beautiful views to an incredible sense of achievement, the early mornings were definitely compensated by the many highs of the trip. It was challenging at times, but good company and lots of chocolate kept us going!’ – Thea ‘I really enjoyed completing the South Downs Way because there were many incredible views and I loved watching the landscape change as

Tickets are £15, including a glass of Prosecco. All profits raised on the night will be donated towards the Take Your Seat Appeal. Booking is via the Theatre website: www. roedeantheatre.co.uk.

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we approached Eastbourne and the coast. It was a great endurance challenge and chance to spend a week with friends, whilst also getting to know new people.’ – Megan ‘Although probably the most physically and mentally challenging thing I have ever experienced, DofE gold was absolutely incredible! I really got to know new people and saw some amazing views. It feels so great to say that I have walked a nationally recognised trail, and it will look good on any future applications too!’ – Emily ‘The DofE Gold expedition was an amazing experience, and I would highly recommend it. I made many new friends from around the country, and it further solidified my current friendships. Even though the 100-mile walk along the South Downs Way was both physically and mentally tough, the sense of achievement when we arrived at the finish in Eastbourne was extraordinary and was definitely worth the demanding 10-hour days! Throughout the walk it was hard not to admire the beautiful scenery that we are lucky enough to be surrounded by at Roedean. The expedition was a fantastic way to end to my holidays, and I hope I will get the opportunity to walk parts of the route again.’ – Bronwen ‘For our DofE gold expedition, we decided to take on a unique challenge right on our doorstep – walking the South Downs way. In 6 days we covered 100 miles and almost as many hills! Although the 5:00am starts and endless blisters were tough, I enjoyed the trip and we had fun meeting and working with new people in our teams.’ – Molly


10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Gruffalo Author Congratulates Roedean Students on Children’s Book Emily, Olivia, and Megan (Yr13) were delighted to receive a handwritten postcard over the summer from Julia Donaldson, the famous children’s author, who wrote the Gruffalo and Room on the Broom. For their Community Action Project in Year 12, the three wrote and illustrated a children’s story to sell for charity. Their aim was to raise money to purchase educational materials to fill ‘Bags of Education’ for vulnerable children in Bulgaria. They raised over £1000, after printing costs, and they have now bought exercise books and stationery for 125 bags. They will pack this into the bags at Worthing‘s ‘Door of Hope’ charity, which will transport them to Bulgaria and distribute them.

the students’ achievement: ‘They have done brilliantly to produce such an excellent book, and to use it to support the education of vulnerable children in Eastern Europe – receiving a handwritten postcard from Julia Donaldson is just the icing on the cake!’ Congratulations to Emily, Olivia, and Megan!

The book is wonderful, and the three decided to send a copy to Julia Donaldson, who lives locally, but they didn’t expect a personal response. Dr Ross Barrand, Deputy Head – Outreach, is very proud of

Budding Year 10 Farmers! Last week, Year 10 tutors took the Year 10 boarders to the farm. Mr Halsey showed them how to feed the sheep and goats, and they loved it!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday and thank you to Maddison who brought in cupcakes for her tutor group after their nature walk on Monday – cupcakes in the sun was great!

Macmillan Preparations in House 1 House 1 students have already started preparing for Roedean’s annual Macmillan Coffee Morning. We enjoyed making marmalade and decorating the jars. You will be able to buy one of these jars on Friday 24 September – the timings and venue will follow in due course, but, in the meantime, please make sure you have this date in your diary! Page 4


10 September 2021 – Issue 1

House 4 Starting school can be scary, but moving out of home, away from family, and, for many girls, to another country, all during such unprecedented times is an extremely brave and impressive achievement. Our girls start from just 11 years old – the strength, independence, and courage they have shown is very special. We are already very proud of you all, and we hope that you enjoy your new home away from home in House 4. This week, the boarders have enjoyed various activities so far, some of which include arts and crafts, cooking, house rounders, walks along the seafront, ‘getting to know you’ games, and lots of unpacking!! SEW

Deepdene at Roedean We are delighted that we have been able to restart our weekly visits to Roedean for Deepdene pupils in Years 4-6. Each week, they have one session of sporting enrichment, using our fields, as well as one session of academic enrichment. For this term, this element will include Drama, Philosophy, Creative Writing, Print-Making, and Coding & Robotics, and the first session this week was Russian. It was wonderful see them loving their sessions, and Miss Hayward, Deputy Head at Deepdene, has written to say how they enjoyed their first day! ‘I just wanted to say a huge thank you for yesterday. The children had a brilliant day and really enjoyed your lesson. I know it is not easy teaching a completely different age group. The whole morning was a great success and the children came back to school very happy and excited for next time.’ – Ms Hayward, Head of School

First Chapel It was wonderful to see everyone in Chapel in induction week – in order to minimise the numbers in Chapel, we ran four services. Our priority is to do everything we can to ensure our school community’s safety and welfare – the School is encouraging regular hand-sanitisation and ventilation as much as possible, and students and staff are very welcome to wear masks at any time and maintain social distancing wherever possible. We all need to appreciate that some of us are ready and some may not be – in Chapel, we heard this reflective piece by a blogger called Annie, and it captures this feeling very well: The world is “opening up” but I’m not sure I’m ready. I’m one of the fortunate people, in COVID-19 terms. I have avoided infection, and been able to weather the pandemic with relatively limited economic or health impacts. So far. However, even with all those advantages, I’m not sure that I’m ready to get back to “normal”, whatever that is. The future offers so much variety compared to what has become a pretty restricted life. Careless human interactions, hugs, restaurants, indoor gym activity and face to face meetings; less Microsoft Teams, more out and about. What will it mean to be in school again? To shake hands — will I want to shake hands? Will I offend someone if I still wear my mask and hesitate to have physical contact beyond bumping elbows? But cases are dropping steadily as immunity rises. No doubt about it, this is a privileged place Page 5

to live. And I am acutely aware that we have a responsibility to ensure that less developed, less wealthy countries can reach those same community levels of immunity sooner rather than later. One world. Even as I hesitate to re-emerge, people who are desperate to get out are also frustrated and anxious — but for them, the return is happening too slowly. They call for the borders to open sooner, for vacations to resume, for visitors to come. I understand their priorities, but I can’t say I share the urgency. I look at variants and infection rates around the world, and the ferocious tenacity of this virus. I wonder what the autumn and winter will bring. There is so much talk about rights — the right to travel, the right to refuse a vaccine, the right to gather and socialise. There is also responsibility, our responsibilities to each other as fellow human beings, responsibility to raise up the less privileged, less fortunate, less wealthy. Responsibility to be cautious and vigilant. Different people will respond differently. We need to respect their wishes, despite our own. Let’s be safe. Enjoy the sun, enjoy the new returns to relative freedom and reduced worry. Enjoy your surroundings. And remember that some people will just be slowly dipping their toes in the water, waiting and watching for the signs that everything will be okay.


10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Brighton graduate and new House Assistant to have Artwork featured in London Exhibit Miss O’Neill, a 22-year old photography graduate from Brighton University who has just joined Roedean in September, will see some of her artwork featured at Photo London at Somerset House on the Strand.

House 1 It’s been such an exciting week welcoming all the new girls into House 1. We loved this picture of Galina showing off the Roedean Goats, who are also delighted we are all back in School!

The event brings the finest international photography to the capital each year, with the best historic and vintage works, while also spotlighting fresh perspectives in photography.

The girls have settled in very well. They enjoyed their long walk on Wednesday, hot chocolate, squirty cream, and marshmallows on Wednesday, and on Thursday it was flashcards and toasties!

One of her self-portraits, Saturating and Sinking deeper (from her series entitled ‘Calamities-Plastic and Fauna’) will be presented as part of the art show.

On Friday, we are all looking forward to a walk to the Marina and some shopping too!

Congratulations – what a wonderful accolade!

Minnie at the 2020 Dance World Cup Minnie (Yr8) competed in Telford as part of Storm Dance Squad in the delayed 2020 Dance World Cup in August. As part of Team England, her squad entered the group junior Acro category and finished in Bronze place, making them third in the world for that style of dance. The competition saw 62 countries enter over a range of dance disciplines, with points allocated to each country for medals won. Impressively England secured Gold, making them overall Winners of the Dance World Cup 2020/2021. Wow!

Keira’s NCS Programme Keira (Yr12) has done some wonderful charity work over the summer, for NCS. Her group did a charity walk to raise money for the Whitehawk Food Bank, and they have raised an amazing total of £955 so far – if you would like to support this, you can follow this link: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/raising-money-for-the-whitehawkfoodbank/share?qid=60263c968c7b52a04c0e8950a106879d Well done, Keira!

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Aspirations for the New Academic Year from some of our Prefects This year we should all return with a positive mind as we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s been a rough few years for students and teachers alike, and I want to say a huge thank you for the teachers who have managed to maintain hybrid learning alongside in class covid precautions, as we know that hasn’t been and will continue to be hard. As Pastoral Prefect, I hope I can make sure that you feel like you’re in a safe environment where you never feel alone, and can always express how you feel, so that you are able to take care of your mental health. This new year, set yourself achievable academic goals, but set your aspirations high, as we are a community of strong independent women who could achieve anything they wanted, and shouldn’t ever limit ourselves. Good luck for the year to come! Kate

ey are m y focus Dead lines and hock The dead lines d. for the term ahea statement due al start with person work, mocks, urse dates, histor y co exciti ng process the and, best of all, ersities. Luckily of applyi ng to univ d universities se an I know what cour , that being some I want to apply to io nal Relati ons at variat io n of Intern . Now it’s just ty si at a Lo nd on univer work necessar y e about putt ing in th which is m uch nt, to get where I wa , but I’m looking do ne easier said than allenge!. forward to the ch Lara

As Sports Prefect I am excited to reco nnect our sporting community across the year groups and get involved in fixtures and tournaments wit h other schools. It is somethi ng that I have really missed over the last year and I’m sure I’m not the only one. On a more personal note, I am looking forward to complet ing my A-level courses, and applying to my top univers ities. Alt hough this is a nerve-wracking stage, I am going to approach it wit h optimism and hard work. I wis h ever yone a fres h and exciting start to the year.

I am really looking forward to getting back into a normal routine, and being able to work hard inside and out of the classroom. What I personally am hoping for the most is my offers and acceptance letters for medical school. I am also looking forward to planning and organising events in School, and I am looking forward to taking part in events with students from across the School, like choir and plays – and I hope that Teams calls will really soon become something of the past. Malika

10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Merla at the NYMT Well done to Merla (Yr10), who was part of the National Youth Music Theatre over the summer: ‘After three rounds of self-tapes and auditions, I was given the role of Patience Fortitude in “Billy the Kid”. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. After two weeks of intensive rehearsals, costume fittings, and a sitzprobe in Kent, we moved to London for an incredible week of matinee and evening performances at the MCT Theatre. The people I met were all phenomenal, and will hopefully be a part of my life forever. Overall, I am still in awe of all the hugely talented people I got to spend my summer with, and am forever grateful that I got to be part of this outstanding show.’ Well done, Merla!

I look forward to this coming school year, my last year at Roedean. It is, of course, a very busy year for Year 13s, filled with mocks, personal statements, intervie ws, and public exams. I hope this year to gain a spot at a top university and to achieve A Level grades I am pleased with. I also hope to exceed expectat ions through my role as a Prefect and to enjo y my last year with my school friends. Bella

k year of School, I loo Going into my last ity un mm co involved in lots of forward to getting s ort sp in ly, participating activities, particular ng di ar Bo w Society. As a and running a La the girls get to meet more of Prefect, I hope to tivities ac d host a range of in younger years an sphere. mo at d social boarding to create a fun an ge en all ch forward to the I am also looking t las my is I am sad this of A Levels – while ed at ab un o Year 13 with first day, I go int ! this year will bring excitement for what Rula

I can’t wait to catch up on the time in the Theatre that we lost in the last lockd own, so this year will be packe d with all the more extravagan ce and jazz-hands. If perfo rman ce isn’t for you, I’m keen to get people involved backstage, whether that’s creating costumes or helping with tech. We’re also raring to get the stude nt newspaper up and going again, so keep your eyes peele d for writin g opportunities! Jane


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Photo credit: Konrad Bartelski


HHH (short for ‘Head, Heart and Hands’)

It is going to be another fantastic year for everyone in Years 7-9, who will have HHH as part of their curriculum. We are seeing the return of activities such as Self Defence, First Aid, and Philosophy. One of the new activities, called ‘How to Be Awesome’, is a course designed around S. Covey’s book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’. It promises to be an engaging and relevant course. Two strands are being interwoven into all the courses this year:

10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Transform Our World Youth Summit Ambassadors: Applications close 10 Sept! The Transform Our World organisation is looking for Youth Ambassadors, between the ages of 11-16 years old from secondary schools across the UK, to join in the design, organisation, and promotion of the Transform Our World Youth Summit that will be taking place online during the two weeks when the UK is hosting COP26 in November 2021. Youth Ambassadors will join a group of like-minded young people and have opportunities to present sessions at the Youth Summit event, create social media content, interview peers, and input ideas for the event. The Youth Ambassador application form is here. You can also check out the Youth Ambassadors from last year here. The application deadline is 10th September. It would be great to see members from our Roedean community becoming Youth Ambassadors. Let us know how you get on!

1) With all eyes being on the UK with COP26 taking place in Glasgow this year, and witnessing what is happening across the world with extreme weather events on the increase, we are incorporating climate and environmental angles across the activities 2) Each course will have a project built in whereby students have ownership of how to design and present their work – this will enable students to have a sense of autonomy and independence We look forward to seeing everyone engage and bloom in various ways across the programme this year!

CAP (Community Action Programme)

Bin Bag Fashion Our Year 9 students have thoroughly enjoyed their activity week, getting involved in a whole host of challenges and games. The Bin Bag Fashion Show was a particular favourite, where each Tutor Group had to design and make a garment out of bin bags and paper, based on the theme of nature. We had some brilliant garment designs, and we wouldn’t be surprised if there were some potential famous fashion designers amongst Year 9! The winners will be announced in our next Assembly – well done to everyone involved for their fantastic contributions.

We are super excited to see the return of some offsite placements this year, as well as continue with many of the onsite community projects. A handful of students will be venturing out to the Chailey Heritage Foundation, St Mark’s Primary, or to support WASPs (Whitehawk After School Project). Onsite Projects will support in a number of ways, from putting together music concerts for people in our local surroundings, including members from the Blind Veterans, to donating food cooked by the students to the homeless, or putting into action ways of improving green credentials across the School. It’s going to be a dynamic and exciting year for CAP!

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10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Literary supplement

New Year, New books!

SSBA Shortlist

Pretending – by Holly Bourne

The SSBA Awards are back this year, and the prizes will be announced during an award ceremony in February 2022. If you would like to get involved in reading, reviewing, and voting for any of the shortlisted books, please see Mrs Bailey in the Library.

Confronting the topics of dating culture online. April thinks creating her ‘perfect’ alter ego online will solve all her dating problems, but, as her lie becomes ever-more embedded, the consequences spin out beyond her control.

The shortlisted books are:

When We Were Lost – by Kevin Wignall

As Good as Dead – by Holly Jackson

The thrilling final instalment in the A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder trilogy sees sinister attention turn to Pip herself, as she races to find a criminal before the past catches up with her in a truly page-turning finale.

Survival. It's a concept these high school students never had to consider – until their plane crashes in a remote rainforest with no adults left alive. With many of them falling prey to threats from both the jungle and man, they soon realise that danger comes in many sinister forms.

First Day of my Life – by Lisa Williamson

Tsunami Girl – by Julian Sedgwick

It's GCSE results day. Frankie's best friend, Jojo, is missing. A baby has been stolen. And more than one person has been lying. Frankie's determined to find out the truth and her ex-boyfriend Ram is the only person who can help her. But they're both in for a shock.

Tsunami Girl is a powerful coming-of-age story of 15-year-old Yuki Hara Jones, who gets caught up in the March 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. It's about a young person trying to work out who they are, and where they fit – and trying to do this whilst surviving the trauma of a triple disaster of colossal scale, told through both prose and manga.

Because of You – by Dawn French Because of You is a funny, uplifting tale of mothers and daughters, and the family bonds that make us who we are.

Lock the Doors – by Vincent Ralph

Tom's family have moved into their dream home. But pretty soon, he starts to notice that something is very wrong – there are strange messages written on the wall and locks on the bedroom doors. On the outside. Will their dream home become a nightmare?

Kololo Hill – by Neema Shah Set during the expulsion of Ugandan Asians by Idi Amin, Shah’s stunning debut tracks a family fleeing from Kampala to London, in an emotionally acute exploration of the power of home and the fear of fresh starts.

Unsettled Ground – by Clare Fuller

Deeplight – by Frances Hardinge

A portrait of two middle-aged twins whose carefully cultivated existence on the fringes of society begins to unravel following the death of their mother.

On the streets of the Island of Lady's Crave live 14-year-old urchins Hark and his best friend Jelt. They are scavengers: diving for relics of the gods, desperate for anything they can sell. But there is something dangerous in the deep waters of the undersea, calling to someone brave enough to retrieve it.

Eight Pieces of Silva – by Patrice Lawrence The Crossing – by Manjeet Mann A story about two teenagers from opposite worlds, The Crossing is a profound story of hope, grief, and the very real tragedies of the refugee crisis.

From the multi-award-winning author of Orangeboy, an addictive mystery that refuses to let you go long after you turn the final page. Can Becks piece the jigsaw together and find her sister before Silva loses herself?

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10 September 2021 – Issue 1

Roedean Readers’ Awards! The awards are a great way of getting you reading a wide range of texts and genres. If you need help with finding books to complete the award, then head to the Library and see Mrs Bailey who is always happy to help! ■

Every page completed gets a MERIT. Any teacher can give this once the page has been checked, and initialed and dated by that teacher.

10 completed tasks gets a COMMENDATION.

A completed booklet also gets a BRONZE, SILVER, or GOLD AWARD in Final Chapel, and a READING BADGE.

SPORT August Hockey Camps at Roedean

August Hockey Pre-Season

Roedean welcomed over 60 young hockey players from Year 5 to Year 10 in August at the first Junior Hockey Camps at the School. Olympian Nicola White was joined by Roedean PE staff Mr Borsoi and Mr Couldrake – all of the coaches were impressed with the work rate and development of players over the course of the camps. New girls starting in September enjoyed meeting each other and honing their hockey skills ahead of the new season in their brand new Roedean PE kit! Thank you to all of the Roedean girls, who joined the camps in this glorious setting where the weather was mostly very kind.

This summer, girls in Years 9 to 13 attended a Roedean Hockey Pre-season. There were five sessions of 3 hours, available in the week of 23 August. The main focuses of these sessions were ball carrying, goal scoring, and smallsided games. It was incredible to see the number of girls at the sessions, and the excellent progress they made throughout the week. Thank you to Mr Perry and Miss Hammond for supporting Mr Borsoi with these sessions.

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10 September 2021 – Issue 1


1st Netball vs Brighton College

Hockey vs Great Walstead U13B

The U13B team has now played its first ever hockey fixture for Roedean! Great Walstead won 2-0 in an exciting game, which saw chances at both ends and very good saves from both goalkeepers. Harriet was named Player of the Match by the opposition, and there are now lots of fixtures to come for the girls to develop their hockey even further.


The U13C team travelled away to Great Walstead. It was their first hockey match for Roedean and they communciated effectively to score some excellent goals. There was some quick attacking movement from Alicia and Alice, and Jasmine was relentless in defence, clearing the ball out strongly, allowing her team to chase the ball into space. They worked extremely hard throughout the match, despite the heat. The Player of the Match was Maggie, for her excellent skills and determination. Well done to all involved, I am looking forward to seeing them in action again next week!


Travelling away to Great Walstead was always going to be a tough task. In the heat, the girls did very well to keep up with the demand. The first half was end to end, with good defending from Poppy and Layla (C). The two girls commanded the back and supported the more attacking girls. The midfield was rotated between Farwa (VC), Elspeth, and Mya. The attack was led by Asmitha, Kali, and Chloe. The girls went 1-0 down after 2 minutes, but battled well for the next 18, with a few close shots on goal either just missing left or right. The second half was a little more taxing for the girls, as they were extremely warm and tired. Whilst they continued the fight, the very well-organised Great Walstead girls were successful in most of their attacks.


The girls showed desire and willingness throughout the fixture, but they were unfortunately overcome by the Great Walstead side. The final score was a 5-0 loss, but a special mention goes to Mya, Asmitha, and Elspeth, who had all played in the previous game for the U13D that had just finished before ours. In the first half, Roedean showed some strong dribbling skills and added great pressure towards the opposition’s attack. Roedean also worked well together, enabling our forwards to work together to then execute a number of shots on goal. Asmitha scored well in the game and a great pass was made which enabled Lara to score a fantastic goal too. After a team talk at half-time, Roedean started to space out and use the width of the pitch well in the second half. Elspeth successfully scored which was fantastic! The final result was 5-1 to Roedean, so a brilliant game to start the season. A huge well done to all!

Raine enjoying sunny views of Roedean and

After a year and a half of no netball matches, the newly formed 1st Team had a tough battle on their hands, drawing Brighton College in the first round of the National Cup. Our dynamic duos, Rula and Sophia worked hard in the shooting circle and Poppy and Sylva in defence; it was Serena who came away as Player of the Match, supporting the team with her drives onto the ball and through court. Captain, Olivia, also played an outstanding match, playing GD, WD, C and GA! They worked tirelessly right to the end and we wish Brighton College good luck in round 2. Onto round 1 of the plate....

Cricket News The St James women’s cricket team have won the Sussex Slam Plate this season. Eliza and Maria (Yr11) were on the winning team and were delighted to be victorious in this tournament. This was the first year it ran, and it involved several Sussex teams playing other teams within their division. Early next season, they will play the winners of the Surrey Slam Plate. They celebrated with some non-alcoholic fizz (of course!) and had a party for the team afterwards. It was also a very proud moment for their coach, Mr Veness.

the sea

Good luck to all the girls taking part in next week's aquathon, and a huge thank you to those of you who are volunteering at the Brighton Marathon this weekend.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 11

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