Head's Weekly Review - 10 December 21 - Issue 12

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10 December 2021 – Issue 12



Christmas Fair £9,092 raised

Head’s Introduction

Bebras Challenge 2021

What a brilliant term it has been at Roedean! There have been so many wonderful highlights, with hugely successful sports teams, three fantastic Performing Arts extravaganzas, the Print Exhibition, many academic trips, the introduction of the highly successful Wild Fridays initiative for Year 7, and, most recently, the Christmas Fair. It has been wonderful to see so many of the girls throwing themselves into the many different activities which are part of school life here. This fantastic experience was highlighted in our remarkable Inspection report, which you will have seen by now. I am incredibly proud of our students, my colleagues, and the School. Even when you are confident of success, an Inspection is a gruelling experience, but I am delighted that everything we do to such a high standard each and every day was recognised by the hugely-experienced Inspection team over the four days they were at Roedean. Some highlights from the report are included in this Review, and I would like to congratulate everyone in the wider Roedean community for their part in this great achievement. More recently, we have enjoyed lots of festive activities as the term has come to a close. Our annual charity Christmas Fair last weekend went incredibly well, and it is wonderful that the event raised over £9000 – what an impressive total! The girls’ stalls were particularly well-planned this year, showing lots of creativity, and I would like to thank the Parents’ Guild for all of the hard work that went on behind the scenes to make the event such a success! At the end of last week, there was also the Sixth Form Snow Ball, where everyone enjoyed getting dressed up for an evening of dancing. On Tuesday, the House Christmas Spirit competition was judged, and the work and thought which had gone into preparing the Houses was outstanding – the winners of each category are included in this Review. For me, the Carol Service is one of the highlights of the School calendar, and it was simply wonderful to hear our singers and musicians performing so beautifully, and our readers also deserve to be congratulated. Well done to everyone involved. It has been a long term, but we have collectively achieved so much – well done. Seventeen Year 13s have been invited to interview for Oxbridge places, so I would like to wish them the best of luck. Merry Christmas to you all, and I hope that you all enjoy a wonderful holiday with friends and family!

40 Golds for Roedean Students This year's BEBRAS worldwide computing challenge saw 255 Roedean pupils from Years 7 to 11 taking part.

Sixth Form Snow Ball The Sixth Form and their guests celebrated a successful term with a wonderful Snow Ball.

ISI Inspection November 2021

Excellent in All Areas

We are delighted that the highcalibre team of six Inspectors, including five Heads and one Deputy Head, with a Lead Inspector who was formerly the Chief Inspector for ISI, have reported so positively following their four-day visit.


10 December 2021 – Issue 12

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Millie (Yr11) – for writing the best GCSE Religous Studies essay seen in a very long time, but being very modest about her hard work! [Ms Earl]

Christmas Cheer in House 4 Miss Hindle, Tracey (Security), Molly and Sophia (Yr13) – for saving a goat that had got herself stuck in the rope late at night last weekend [Miss Smith]

The House 4 girls loved a wonderful party to celebrate Christmas! They were all involved in a Christmas quiz, pass the parcel, and musical chairs; everyone was excited and fiercely competitive! Alongside the fun were lots of sweet treats, including mince pies and mulled warm cordial. It was a wonderful way to end a busy term. The House 4 girls also made a homemade Christmas cake and designed their own Christmas tree decoration cookies, which were then hung on our Christmas tree and shared!

Gabriella (Yr7) and Kate (Yr13) – for stepping in to read in the Carol Services with very little warning when, and doing so with such aplomb! [Dr Barrand]

House 4 wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas! Mrs Wilson

Fan Jiang (Yr13) – for spending 6 hours making 'bags for the homeless' gifts for the Christmas Fair [Mr Weir]

Sixth Form Christmas Lunch The Sixth Form enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch – thank you so much to the Catering Department!

Mrs Strachan – for putting together packs of materials for each year-group, so that they were able to make Christmas cards on the last Thursday of term for children in our local community [Dr Barrand]

Bella, Izzy, Claudia and Anya – for signing so beautifully in the Carol Services, demonstrating the British Sign Language skills they have learnt in HHH [Ms Cybaniak]

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House 3 Steps Into Christmas House 3 have been embracing the Christmas spirit this week. Deputy House Captain, Wei, and fellow Year 11, Cathy, judged our 'Christmas Door Decoration' competition, which saw winners in the following categories; creativity, effort, comedy, and aesthetic. Fer was the overall winner with her gingerbread house-themed entry! Many competition entries boasted home-made wreaths, which is an activity enjoyed by many of our boarders. The icing on the cake was quite literally the Christmas tree-themed cupcakes, created and decorated by Kathy, Gabby, and Miriam, and these were all donated to the Sussex Bakedown charity. A lot of Christmasthemed fun was had by all!

Sixth Form Christmas Crafts The Sixth Form and their tutors relaxed after their Christmas lunch with some Christmas crafts. They got stuck into wooden Christmas tree decorating, making glittering baubles, and loads of wool craft. Well done too to the tutors, who also learnt the new skill of knitting – keep practising! Education is a life-long endeavour! Miss Carragher

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10 December 2021 – Issue 12


Christmas Fair 2021 –


This year's Christmas Fair was a huge success, and it was wonderful to see the students' amazing creativity in producing so many attractive stalls with lovely gifts to buy. The total raised at the event is over £9000 – what an outstanding figure. The money raised by our fantastic stalls, and a large donation from the Parents' Guild, will go to our nominated charities for the year, which are Raystede and the Brighton Hummingbird Project – they will be delighted and it will make a huge difference to them. Every year-group raised a remarkable amount of money for our charities, but special congratulations go to Year 11, who singlehandedly raised over £820! – just brilliant! Congratulations to the Parents' Guild, who did the most amazing job of managing a whole range of stalls – what an enormous effort! Here is a message from Meriel Spicer (Chair): 'Congratulations everyone, the Christmas Fair was a fantastic success, and even the weather was good. An enormous thank you to the bakers, shakers, movers, makers, donators, spenders, stall holders, moulders, artists, creators, backstage supporters, organisers and sorters, you were all amazing. It has been an honour to witness such strength of purpose and commitment to supporting our community and the charities we help. This event was a resounding success only because of your generosity and enthusiasm, and we all had such fun doing it too, well done and thank you!' Page 4

10 December 2021 – Issue 12


House Christmas Spirit Competition

Christmas Cards for the Community

It was lovely to go around the Houses on Tuesday this week to see all of the fantastic effort which had gone into spreading festive cheer – thank you all.

At this special time of year, we wanted to spread Christmas cheer in the local area, and, as part of their festive activities yesterday afternoon, every student made a personalised Christmas card for every child at St Mark's Primary, the Blind Veterans, and Down's View School.

The Houses are provided with a number of categories in advance, and they absolutely rose to the challenges set – here are the results: ■

the prize for the best performance of a carol goes to House 2, who sang to us in the ODR – but we had also listened to a lovely solo performed by Ella by their Christmas tree the category for the best looking Christmas tree is awarded to a House 4, whose tree was covered in red tinsel and had edible decorations the House Staff Santa goes to Lawrence – Dr Del Campo dressed up in a huge sleigh was great to see! the best Christmas-themed cookie goes to House 3 – it was in the shape of a door, following the Narnia theme, and even had stained glass windows! the house which has won the best atmosphere of Christmas cheer included a living nativity scene in their presentation – that goes to Keswick the category for the best home-made Christmas cracker, which contained individually wrapped presents, goes to House 1

10 December 2021 – Issue 12

Everyone did a brilliant job, and it will mean so much to the children to open a card with their name on it. Thank you to everyone, and particualrly to the Heads of Year and Tutors who oversaw this activity. Dr Barrand

The standard was incredibly high, and we would all like to thank everyone who was involved – House 2 and House 3 were the runners up, for the Best All-Round Christmas Experience, and the Best Atmosphere with their Narnia theme The winner is Lawrence – the story telling was brilliant, with two elves leading us on a journey through the Christmas experience

Clothing for the Homeless Over the last few weeks, Maria (Yr11) has been collecting clothing donations for the homeless. She has been so impressed with the donations recieved, and they will make such a huge difference to their lives, particularly as it is getting so much colder at the moment: 'I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has so kindly donated clothing to the homeless this Christmas. We were inundated with scarves, hats, gloves, socks, and warm layers. Through the generosity of the Roedean community, we have two large boxes full to the brim to pass on to Off the Fence. We could not be more grateful. Thank you for being so kind and generous and Merry Christmas to all!'

HHH Dolls In HHH Textiles this term, the Aster and Beetles groups have been hard at work like Santa’s elves. They have not only created these dolls, but have also researched clothing styles, and dressed them to reflect their preferred fashions and styles. I think you’ll agree that they look fantastic. We can’t wait to see what the Buttercup and Dragonfly groups create next term! Ms Boobis Page 5


10 December 2021 – Issue 12

ISI Inspection – November 2021

Educational Quality Inspection:

We are delighted that the high-calibre team of six Inspectors, including five Heads and one Deputy Head, with a Lead Inspector who was formerly the Chief Inspector for ISI, have reported so positively following their four-day visit. It was an incredibly rigorous process, and we are pleased that they were clearly impressed with everything they saw.

Quality of Pupils’ Academic and Other Achievements

Mr Blond: ‘Everyone at the School is delighted that the Inspectors recognised all the positive aspects of the School, and the girls and staff are justifiably proud of their achievements. The report bristles with the energy, intellectual freedom, ambition and openness of our girls, and the commitment and dedication of our staff. It feels like a very genuine reflection of being here every day, so it is reassuring to know that our visitors felt the same way as we do about the strength and quality of education at Roedean.

Excellent in All Areas

This year’s inspection was additionally challenging because it follows two years of disrupted or remote education. As a community, we are all still coping with and recovering from the impact of the pandemic, and this report recognises the depth and breadth of the educational opportunities, and the quality of our provision provided even throughout these extraordinary times.’

Pupils’ Academic and Other Achievements Educational Quality Inspection:

Quality of Pupils’ Personal Development

Excellent in All Areas

Regulatory Compliance Inspection

Standards are MET in all 8 categories

Excellent in All Areas

equence of the pupils’ exceptional ‘The very high level of attainment is a cons l changes in the curriculum and focused attitudes to learning supported by structura of the last two years. Pupils feel well academic support during the uncertainty the next stage in their education, and prepared academically and socially for ersities in the UK and worldwide, art and almost all achieve offers of places at univ entry requirements.’ music colleges which have highly selective ‘In their studies of the humanities pupils develop excellent understanding of their place in space and time. Sixth-form geographers showed strong appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of sand dune management systems in addition to the social and economic impact, demonstrating excellent ability to draw together knowledge and skills from a wide range of different areas of learning and make nuanced judgements. In technology, art and science they demonstrate confident dexterity with a variety of materials. Pupils produce artwork of exceptional quality, and portfolios show the development of sophisticated techniques, such as in gouache portraits using a subtlety of skin tones and neutral expression. Pupils showed a strong critical appreciation for example uncovering an outstanding grasp of detail and nuance in their reflective descriptions of the varying aesthetic qualities of the exhibits observed on a visit to the Victoria and Albert museum.’

‘Pupils relish the opportunities for physical exercise, whether through the outstanding provision for sport or outdoor extra-curricular activity. A large number of pupils achieve The Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) at silver or gold level each year. The record of achievement in a range of sports is outstanding, and pupils say they enjoy the opportunity for participation in myriad school fixtures, whatever their level of competence. In 2020, Roedean was selected as one of the country’s top schools for girls’ cricket by The Cricketer magazine, reflecting the Council’s considerable investment in the facilities.’ ‘Pupils’ communication skills are outstanding. Foremost they are excellent listeners, whether in lessons, Chapel, assembly or smaller discussions. Pupils speak with confidence and clarity in public, where they are well prepared, adjusting style to the audience. They are skilled at answering questions following presentations and select appropriate language to discuss sensitive issues. In lessons they politely interrupt without reticence, and lucidly articulate their questions or areas of misunderstanding. The teaching-learning divide is seamless.’ Page 6


10 December 2021 – Issue 12

ISI Inspection – November 2021 ‘In line with the school’s aim, pupils develop intellectual curiosity and a love of learning as they move through the school. An increasing number of pupils has completed the EPQ as an elective, and results match the high standards achieved in other public examinations. Pupils display excellent study skills. By the time they leave, they are able to analyse, hypothesise and synthesise, and make clear distinctions, generalisations and judgements as they formulate arguments and present complex ideas. They relish the opportunity to extend their thinking, especially when they are working in pairs and in groups in interactive lessons.’

Pupils’ Personal Development ‘In line with the school’s aspirations pupils develop a strong sense of belonging together with pride in themselves and the school. In an exploration of identity through the poetry of Wilfred Owen pupils wrote that they empathised with identity being a conflicting journey which changes throughout one's life. They are reflective and resilient in many aspects, including settling in as new boarders and managing the peaks and troughs of friendships. In discussions, boarders demonstrated strong selfawareness about their approach to relationships and mental health issues.’ ‘Pupils show a strong awareness of ethical principles when making decisions. They have a clear sense of right and wrong when discussing subjects such as bullying and racism and recognise the need for the community to be welcoming and inclusive. In discussion they emphasised the importance of kindness, fulfilling the school’s aim that they should develop a generosity of spirit, tolerance and compassion.’

‘Many pupils articulated the uplift they felt when raising their eyes to the beautiful backcloth of the school’s setting, some breaking their homeward journey to stop and watch the rays of the setting sun splicing into the sea. New pupils described the inspiration from the imposing buildings, sweeping grounds and gardens.’ ‘Pupils of all ages are socially aware, working effectively with others to solve problems and achieve common goals and showing perception in identifying where change is required. Boarders can clearly articulate the benefits which they feel the boarding experience brings to them. They show empathy towards each other and are inclusive of others in lessons and in their social relationships. Their strong selfawareness is matched by their awareness of the strengths of others.’

‘Pupils contribute enthusiastically to the community and gain significant confidence and self-esteem from opportunities to share their time. An older pupil commented how working at local schools and charities and with the Blind Veterans had given her a much deeper ability to communicate with people from different environments. Younger boarders spoke of the impact that older pupils have on their personal development and happiness.’

‘Respect for diversity and other cultures is excellent and a strength of the school. The multi-cultural nature of the boarding community is a distinctive feature of the school and boarders of all ages speak of their joy of being part of a society that is rooted in so many nationalities. Pupils grasp the many opportunities provided to discuss issues of diversity with enthusiasm, knowledge and interest both in informal discussion and in lessons, demonstrating excellent self-awareness and a respect for those who are considering their gender identity. Boarders from different religious and ethnic backgrounds appreciate the interest that is shown in the very many celebrations of religious festivals and feel welcomed and included.’ Page 7

Educational Quality Inspection:

Quality of Pupils’ Academic and Other Achievements

Excellent in All Areas

Educational Quality Inspection:

Quality of Pupils’ Personal Development

Excellent in All Areas

Regulatory Compliance Inspection

Standards are MET in all 8 categories

Excellent in All Areas


Bebras Challenge 2021 – 40 Golds for Roedean Students This year's BEBRAS challenge saw 255 Roedean pupils from Years 7 to 11 taking part. This is a worldwide computing challenge run by Oxford University. It involved solving a range of problems online, using computational thinking skills; these skills are essential for Computer Science and a good indicator of success in the subject and future career. Nationally, the challenge saw a total of 272,911 pupils competing in three categories: Juniors (Yrs6-7), Intermediates (Yrs8-9), and Seniors (Yrs10-11). The pupils who score within the top 10% nationally receive a Gold award, and they are invited to take part in The Oxford University Computing Challenge, which aims to encourage these pupils to develop their skills further and produce programmed solutions to computational thinking problems.

Junior Category: ■ ■ ■ ■

Miranda Polly Evelyn Sohana

■ ■ ■ ■

Molly Izzy Lois Anya

Intermediate Category: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Georgie Chloe Millie Isabelle Daisy Rhea Poppy Martha Grace

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Pippi Orla Vanessa Megan Freya Nancy Eloise Chloe Sophie

■ ■

Ruby Bea

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Eden Polly Jola Fer Claire Chaya Rida Rachel Sienna

We are so proud to see 40 of our pupils receive a Gold award, and an invitation to the next level, which has almost doubled from last year. In addition, 63 of our students were in the top 25% and received a Distinction certificate. A particular mention goes to Miranda (Yr7), Georgie (Yr9), and Janice (Yr12), who came top in their category and got the 'best in school' certificate. We are delighted to congratulate the following students on their Gold success, and wish them good luck in the next round, which will be held in February 2022. Mrs Griffiths

Seniors Category ■ ■

Janice Alisa

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10 December 2021 – Issue 12


The Cicketer Magazine Roedean has been named as one of the Top 20 all girls' schools in the country by The Cricketer magazine for a second consecutive year. The magazine is published monthly, but produces an annual guide to celebrate the country's best cricketing schools, including Roedean! Mr Smethurst

Jane's Won the 2021 Betty Haigh Shakespeare Prize Congratulations to Jane (Yr13), who has won The English Association's 2021 Betty Haigh Shakespeare Prize. The judges very much enjoyed reading her essay on Othello and felt that you engaged with the task of comparing text and screen performance with insight and originality. She will be presented with her prize and a plaque at an awards ceremony at the end of May 2022. This is a massive achievement, and Jane is thoroughly deserving of this success. Dr Hannan

10 December 2021 – Issue 12

Joy peforms with Sussex Symphony Orchestra Congratulations to Joy in Year 7, for successfully auditioning to perform 'Walking in the Air' with the Sussex Symphony Orchestra. The performance will take place this Saturday 11 December at All Saints Church in Hove at 3pm. It will be a wonderfully festive concert for adults and children. Do come along and support her. Well done, Joy! Ms Bartlette

Festive Physics This week, Year 10 Physics students have been preparing to learn about electricity by making their own festive light-up trees. They learnt how LEDs work, and how to wire them in parallel to make them brighter. These particular trees were made by Evie & Merla. Miss Byrne

Food Bank Collection – for Whitehawk! Over the last few weeks, Thea (Yr13) has spearheaded a collection of donations for the local Food Bank – she has been delighted with the number and range of gifts, and, on behalf of our school community, she will be able to donate 228 items on behalf of the Balfour Food Bank. Well done, and thank you to everyone who donated! Miss Carragher

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10 December 2021 – Issue 12

Sixth Form Snow Ball The Sixth Form and their guests celebrated a successful term with a wonderful Snow Ball. Beautiful outfits, sparkling decorations, and plenty of dancing made the evening a really wonderful way to end the term. Miss Carragher

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 10

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