Head's Weekly Review - 11 September 20 - Issue 1

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11 September 2020 - Issue 1



A Level Results

Head’s Introduction

Alex is 10th on the Global Rankings over 500 Metres

Roedean is full of girls and staff again after nearly 170 days of absence. It is truly wonderful for the fields, corridors, and classrooms to be full of smiling faces and excited voices. You might think that the combination of wearing masks and social distancing means that it is sometimes difficult to gauge the girls’ mood, but their excitement and relief of being back together after such a long time just shines through. Whatever measures are necessary, it is a delight to have everybody back. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my colleagues throughout the School, who have worked incredibly hard since Roedean closed its doors in March, to keep everything going. I am sure that you can appreciate that it has been a significant challenge to prepare the School for the girls’ return, and it is testament to the thoroughness and detail of this planning that induction week and this first full week have run so smoothly. Thank you! I have been impressed by how quickly the girls have adapted to a new school day, how they have taken on board the new Covid measures, and settled in to having designated zones around the School for their year-group bubbles. I am also pleased that we are able to share with you in this review some of the wonderful stories of our Year 13 leavers. It was a great shame that they could not be here for their final term at Roedean, so it is wonderful to hear about what they are going on to do now – and we look forward to seeing them back for Speech Day in June. There have been a number of individual successes over the last few months – in particular, congratulations to Alex, who is now ranked 10th in the world for speed skating, to Galina, who played a solo in the National Schools’ Symphony Orchestra’s virtual performance of Bolero, to Venetia, who has been highly commended in the Newnham Essay Competition, and to Mollie, who has been selected for Swim England’s development camp. Hearing about these varied successes, all achieved after much dedication and hard work, exemplifies what Roedean is all about – well done! I am also delighted that our Prefects were able to introduce themselves in Chapel this week, and that last weekend four of them attended an online leadership summit for young women, hosted by our sister school, Roedean South Africa. That they were able to be part in an inspiring event, which took place on the other side of the world, illustrates how adaptable we have become – the current restrictions sometimes mean that we have to think a little differently about how we approach things. I would like to repeat how wonderful it is to have the students and staff back for this term – congratulations on the first full week, enjoy the weekend to recharge your batteries, and good luck for next week!

Highly Commended for Venetia in the Newnham Essay Competition

Schools' Galina's Solo with National Symphony Orchestra Galina YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND OUR FREE ONLINE EVENT

Service in Leadership

5 September 2020 | 12pm Roedean School (SA) is a proud member of


The Roedean Leadership Summit 2020

will create a platform to discuss critica l social issues that affect young women in the context of Service in Leadership. Young leaders are speaking about change and there has never been a more pressing time to re-think the way we define leadership in three overarc hing themes:

GCSE Results

11 September 2020 - Issue 1


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Ava, Amelie, Kat, (Yr13), and Ananya (Yr11) for performing in all of the First Chapel services this week – the first three sang Jerusalem wonderfully, and Ananya played Sicilienne by Paradis beautifully on the cello [RB]

First Chapel of the Academic Year After so long being away from School, First Chapel, albeit in year-groups, rather than all together, was wonderful. The focus of the service was the strength of our school community, and it included time to reflect on the current difficult times, and how important it is for us all to support each other. Each of Years 7-11 were represented wonderfully by a number of speakers: ■

Year 7 – Freya, Eden, Darcie, Elspeth, Kyra, Alicia, Sunday, Minnie

Year 8 – Jamie, Lydia, Jana, Oyinda, Sihu, Liepa, Orla

Year 9 – Kincso, Anna, Ruby, Onose, Soyoung, Akosua, Hanna, Claudette

Year 10 – Millie, Olaitan, Isla, Gracie, Imani, Izzie, Yanka, Maddie

Year 11 – Phoebe, Sylva, Zara, Talia, Zoe, Ottie, Helen, Jemima

Some of the Prefects also reflected on their experiences last term, and what they are looking forward to over the coming year: Victoria: I was fortunate enough to self-isolate in Hong Kong after the school closed, and it provided me with the chance to sit and reflect upon myself. It was certainly difficult to be away from everyone, however, quarantine taught me to embrace the lesson of slowing down and being grateful for what I already possess. It is so exciting to see everyone again and it almost felt like we have never been away. I hope we can take the pause as a gift, practise solitude in mindful ways, and keep going. Perhaps this is what

Roedean Prefects Attend Girls’ Leadership Summit at Roedean South Africa On Saturday 5 September, both Roedean Head Girls and other Prefects attended a Girls’ Leadership Summit 2020, hosted by our sister school, Roedean South Africa. The summit, which was virtual for the first time, aimed to give girls a platform on which to be able to discuss women in leadership and the injustices impacting young female leaders in our world today.


Service in Leadership

5 September 2020 | 12pm

Eden, one of our Head Roedean School (SA) Girls, really enjoyed the is a proud member of experience: ‘A diverse panel of brilliant speakers, BOOK YOUR including students from Roedean South Africa, shared their views aboutSPOT topics such as climate change, the Black Lives Matter movement, and role of women in the COVID-19 pandemic. It was incredibly inspiring to hear from such strong andThe intelligent female role models, speaking about issues they see Roedean Leadership Summit 2020 in the world and are passionate about changing. This was an extremely beneficial event for some will create a platform to discuss critical social issues that of our Prefect team to be involved in at the beginning of this academic year, as we would also like young in the context Service to create a school in which everyaffect girl can be thewomen leader she wants to be.of Ideas suchin asLeadership. redefining leadership and the power of collective actions over individual ones only scratch the surface of what we have taken away from the summit. Therefore, would like toabout say a huge thank to Roedean Young leadersweare speaking change andyou there has South Africa for hosting us last weekend, and to Dr Barrand for organising our participation.’ never been a more pressing time to re-think the way we define leadership in three overarching themes: this term is all about: trusting in the unknowns, never take things for granted, flexibility to adapt to any challenges, and trading fear of uncertainty for freedom to flourish and grow within it. Rachael: I think we can all agree that online learning was a completely new experience. Some people thrived in this new learning environment, others less so, but, even if it was tricky, it felt great to do Maths in pyjamas!

Eden: Hello everyone – welcome back! I have to agree with the other Prefects when they say that the last couple of months have been a whirlwind. For those of us who were at Roedean in March, some big events took place. We had World Book Day, International Women’s Day, our annual school musical, a gala concert, and then, last but not least, a global pandemic. Social justice in education and social entrepreneurship

After School closed, I missed my friends and talking to my teachers face-to-face, but actually, Being inside for so long meant that time went Leadership skills for building what I ended up missing most over lockdown, solidarity for social change turned out to be really little Environmental super slowly, and I felt tired and unproductive. So things thatInjustice makeand entrepreneurship I’m glad to be back into a school structure and Roedean special, like having asocial chat to the dinner routine, and be surrounded by all my friends – ladies at lunchtime or cracking a joke with my bus more than anything, I’m looking forward to when driver. These are all little moments that I think Join us online as for wegranted equip young women I can hug them all again. we take in the craziness of daily life. So, this year I hope that we can all take some to be socially conscious global leaders. Jemima: Last term was an unusual term to say time to appreciate the little things that make us the least! With us all being thrown into online happy. Everything might feel a bit different due Click to book your spot but you will see learning, not being able to see our friends, and thehere restrictions at the moment staying at home for such a long time, I’m sure that Roedean still has its quirks and to be honest, we are all elated to be back at school! However, coronavirus would have to work a lot harder to get I think that we can all agree that online learning rid of them! was tricky to get used to but in the end, turned out to be very beneficial thanks to our amazing So let’s have a fantastic year everyone, enjoying teachers. Personally, I found it difficult to keep my the little things that make Roedean our Roedean. motivation up during lessons, because all I wanted to do was sit outside in the sun with my dogs! Nevertheless, I’m sure it’s given me some qualities that I can use for the coming year in terms of motivating myself to continue work and keeping up a positive attitude.

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11 September 2020 - Issue 1


In the Time of Pandemic by Kitty O’Meara, was read in our Chapel services this week: And the people stayed home. And they read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And they listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

Highly Commended for Venetia in the Newnham Essay Competition Congratulations to Venetia (Yr13), who entered the Newnham Essay Competition just before lockdown in March, and her essay was Highly Commended, which is an excellent achievement. This competition, with essays in eleven categories, is run by Newnham College, Cambridge, with which Roedean has strong historical connections. Venetia will soon be applying to read for a Modern Languages degree at top universities, and writing this essay required her to think laterally, and draw on her experience and knowledge in a variety of fields, because the essays usually require inter-disciplinary research and analysis – the title for the essay she undertook was ‘The study of texts written in other times and in other languages shows how the arts and humanities have a vital role to play in the context of today’s climate crisis, where there must be a fundamental and urgent change in the relationship between people and nature. Discuss.’ Venetia wrote about Lev Tolstoy’s passionate advocacy of the interrelationship between humanity and the natural world in the late nineteenth century, and how his views remain relevant today, and also about how Chinese Daoist thought maintains that we can, by making small changes, help to restore the natural balance in the world. Working at this level will stand her in good stead for undergraduate study in the future, and she should be congratulated on this success.

Galina's Solo with National Schools' Symphony Orchestra Congratulations to Galina in Year 9, who has been playing with the National Schools' Symphony Orchestra over the summer. The current situation means that this has been a remote activity, but it has not affected the musicians' dedication, nor what they have achieved. Last week, the orchestra released the final performance of what they have been working on, and the result is amazing – follow this link https://youtu.be/HUdJEsNM_Fo to see their performance, and you can see Galina playing the very exposed clarinet solo in Ravel's Boléro from 3minutes40. She has loved this experience, and playing with an orchestra of this standing will stand her in good stead to develop her musicianship further in the future – well done, Galina!

Hermione’s masks have raised £300 for charity Well done to Hermione (Yr8), whose parents are both hospital consultants and have therefore had a very challenging time over the past months – she has been making face masks and selling them for charity. She deserves to be really proud that she has raised over £300, which is wonderful.

‘The dog really did eat my homework!’ So it’s not always an excuse! – Molly in Year 7 had to ask Mrs Chamberlain for another worksheet! Page 3


Well done to Roedean DofE!

Greetings from the Farm!

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who did Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Roedean last year – collectively, the girls donated 819 hours’ worth of voluntary service to the social community, and the social value of this is over £3500. The School is incredibly proud to play a meaningful and active part in the local community in many different ways, including working closely with St Mark’s Primary, donating specially prepared hot food to the local homeless charity, Off the Fence, volunteering at the Blind Veterans, among many others. Well done, and keep up the good work!

Boarders’ Treasure Hunt I would like to thank the Year 7-8 boarders for their good humour, positive energy, and impeccable behaviour on the Treasure Hunt this week – it was a real joy to spend the afternoon with the girls. They really enjoyed the Treasure Hunt activity, despite the final trek up to Roedean. Here are the results of the competition: ■

Winners: Orla, Kate, Freya, Alice (Yr8)

Runners up: Millie, Honor, Sunday (Yr7)

Prizes will be delivered to the Houses before the weekend – well done! EHA

First week back

HBO’s Charity Run On 11 October, Ms Boobis will be attempting to run 8km to raise money for the work the charity, Rise, continues to do, now more importantly than ever. She has never successfully run more than 5km without stopping, and routinely hyperventilated when attempting the 800m at school, so she has, most definitely, set herself a worthy challenge. The catalyst was that, in the first seven weeks of lockdown, the police received a call about domestic abuse every 30 seconds. The surge in domestic abuse over the course of lockdown has been described as a ‘shadow pandemic’. Rise is an independent, Brighton-based charity that helps victims of domestic abuse with advice, support and refuge. If you would like to sponsor Ms Boobis to support the cause, please follow this link https://my.racenation.co.uk/sponsorship/entry/361299

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11 September 2020 - Issue 1


A Level and GCSE Stories Congratulations to everyone in last year’s Year 13 and Year 11 – after an incredibly difficult end to the academic year, Roedean is so proud of all the girls and their public examination results. The following are just a few case-studies as examples of their girls’ successes:

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11 September 2020 - Issue 1

11 September 2020 - Issue 1


Swimming National Programme for Mollie Congratulations to Mollie (Yr9), who was told over the summer holidays that she has been selected to attend the Swim England Swimming National Development Programme for 2020 – this is an amazing achievement! This means that she will take part in the programme’s ‘camp’ on 4 October via Zoom, due to the current COVID situation. It will include technical and soft skill workshops. Mollie is incredibly excited, as this is the next step on the Talent pathway for her – let’s all watch this space!


Alex is 10th on the Global Rankings over 500 Metres Roedean is incredibly proud of Alex, in Year 9, who is a Team GB speed skater – despite not being able to train on the ice since lockdown in March, she has recorded a new Personal Best times for the 500 metres, 777 metres, and 1000 metres, at an international short track competition in Spisska Nova Ves, in Slovakia. The highlight is going sub 50 seconds over 500 metres – her new PB is 49.756 seconds. She is now officially the fastest female skater in the UK under the age of 18.

It’s not too late to start private LAMDA, Music, or Dance lessons. Do you love performing on the stage? WHY NOT TAKE LAMDA LESSONS?

Alex said, ‘the lockdown has been hard as I have not been able to train on the ice for almost five months. I have done my best to keep fit however, by running on Streatham Common, working my core with a personal trainer, and by doing speed skating exercises and Zwifting on my bike at home. I have also been doing inline skating when my parents were able to take me to Tatum Park in North London where they have a purpose-built skating oval.’

Would you like to play a musical instrument? ■ WHY NOT LEARN AN INSTRUMENT? ■

She went on to say, ‘I didn’t expect to get a PB in Oberstdorf, so it made my day when I realised I had shaved off almost half a second. I guess my fitness regime at home has paid off.’ Oberstdorf was the weekend before the Spisska Nova Ves competition, and she performed even better there – her new times mean that she is 17th in the world rankings for 1000 metres, 2nd over 777 metres, and 10th over 500 metres, which is the blue riband event in Speed Skating. As if this were not a sufficiently high accolade, all nine girls above her in the rankings are in their final year of the Junior C category, whereas Alex has only just moved into it – this is very exciting for the future!

Do you love to dance? WHY NOT TAKE DANCE LESSONS?

If you would like a free taster lesson to find out what any of them are like, please click on the button below to show your interest!

New Private LAMDA, Dance and Music Lessons

Alex has been at Roedean since Year 7, and she has done fantastically well to maintain a high academic level, while balancing this with regular travel to attend international training camps and competitions. Everyone at Roedean wishes Alex well, and she will be one to watch!

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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