Head's Weekly Review - 12 October 2018 - Issue 7

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12 October 2018 - Issue 7



Roedean’s on the Shortlist We are delighted and proud that Roedean has been shortlisted for two national school awards, in the categories Boarding School of the Year, and Rising Star. These are two of a series of Independent Schools’ Awards, which highlight best practice and exceptional achievement throughout the country and in international schools abroad, so this is a wonderful achievement. The winners will be announced in December – we wait with bated breath!

Head’s Introduction Greetings from Hong Kong! I am here with Mrs Banham to meet with ORs, prospective students, and current parents. Just before I left Roedean, I was very happy to find out that the School has been shortlisted for not one, but two, national school awards - this wonderful news, and it underlines the great strides we have made in recent years. The categories are Boarding School of the Year, and Rising Star, and winners will be announced in December. I can hardly believe that it is less than a week since Open Day, when the School and visitors were swept along by the mystery theme, which centred on one of our goats going missing, albeit temporarily. Our visitors have already given us wonderful feedback, and I am very grateful to all the girls and staff involved for making it such a success, and, of course, to the Admissions and Marketing Department. We also just not forget that there had been two other large-scale events last week, so the success of Open Day was all the more impressive.

I am glad to hear that the Year 10 and 11 History trip to the Battlefields at the start of this week was a great success. It included a number of girls finding the graves of relations, which must have been a very moving experience indeed. Well done to the History Department, led by Mrs Black. This has been a very busy first six weeks of the year, not least because those who joined the School in September have been absorbed into the Roedean family so quickly - I would like to congratulate all the girls and my colleagues on an excellent first half of term. When half term comes next week, I hope that you all have a wonderful break, and enjoy the chance to spend time with family and friends. Good luck to all those going to Venice on the Art Trip, and to our musicians going to Belgium - I wish you all well!

The New Goats Now that we have all 5 goats, Sorcha arranged for the girls and staff to have the chance to name our newest arrivals. There were some lovely names suggested, others slightly strange (!), but luckily enough for each to have a lovely new name. Thank you to all though who put names forward, and congratulations to the following who chose the best names, and will receive a small edible gift to celebrate!

Geraldine – Nia S (Yr8) Meryl – Martha W (Yr13) Goliath – DWO (English) Vincent (van Goat) – Grace L (Yr8) Duke – ST (Lawrence)

12 October 2018 - Issue 7


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Ellie F (Yr12) for stepping in at the last minute to tour some visitors and being a brilliant ambassador with no notice [DBA]

Jemma NGS (Yr10) for playing an integral part in organising her tutorgroup’s Assembly [TWI]

Merla A (Yr7) for her continual kindness and support for her peers [JC]

Tate Modern

Heidi P (Yr12) for producing an excellent essay on La Belle Dame Sans Merci [HBO]

On Thursday, the A Level Art students went on a trip to the Tate Modern to provide inspiration for their projects. We visited the Anni Albers exhibition, the first craft exhibition at the Tate by a female artist. We enjoyed looking at the intricate weavings and learning about the material and processes involved in creating them. We also had the chance to look at the Tate’s many other collections, finding inspiration from a whole host of artists, genres, and media. A highlight for many of us was visiting ‘Christian Marclay: The Clock’, a 24-hour film compiled

Arctic Geography at Roedean

Roedean students add a splash of colour to the Royal Alex

Congratulations to the following Roedean girls for their wonderful entries into the Royal Geographical Society’s Young Geographer of the Year Competition 2018.

At the end of the summer term on Community Day, a group of Year 9 students created a sea-themed mural at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital (the Royal Alex) in Brighton.

Year 8 – Tilly C, Petra B Year 9 – Bo Ana M, Isla B, Sylva C, Edie F, Flo IS Year 10 – Ashley W The topic this year was ‘what makes the Arctic unique’, and the girls have really gone the extra mile to create some highly academic and creative entries. JS

Six girls designed and painted the piece to welcome young patients who are admitted to the Royal Alex’s Medical Ward. Rockinghorse, the hospital’s supporting charity, worked with the on-site Play Team to arrange for the pillar, situated in the reception area and children’s play room on Level 8, to be decorated. The result is a fun-filled under-the-sea scene including a friendly-faced octopus, turtle and jellyfish, who are joined by a host of ocean-based creatures hiding on the sea-bed. ‘I am enormously proud of what our pupils achieved – they worked well as a team and responded with positivity to suggestions from the staff at the Royal Alex to create an incredibly welcoming and fun mural to cheer the children that pass through the play area.’ – Ms Boobis The charity has worked with local schools on a number of mural projects at the Royal Alex, and Roedean students Page 2

from clips of thousands of films and television shows. It features every minute of the day, each depicted by a different clock, all edited together, creating mesmerising and gripping film. Our final stop was the ‘Crying Room’, where an organic compound in the air makes you cry – an unexpected, but amusing end to our day! All in all, it was a brilliant trip and we all enjoyed it greatly. A big thanks to Mrs Ellis, Mrs Strachan, and Miss Philips for organising it so well and being such good company. Rosie J (Yr12)

have previously created a fairytale-themed scene in the waiting room within the dedicated Children’s Emergency Department. Hollie Trezise, Schools and Community Fundraising Manager at Rockinghorse, said, ‘We are delighted to have teamed up with Roedean once again to decorate an area at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital. These murals are always so well received by staff and patients alike and provide a real boost of colour to the hospital wards. The sea creature mural is a particularly inviting view upon entering the reception area and play room on the medical ward. Thank you to the six talented students who designed and painted the piece.’


History Trip to the Battlefields This week, the History department ventured to Belgium, taking 75 girls from Years 10 and 11 to visit the battlefields of World War One around Ypres and the Somme. The trip’s two-day intensive programme included visits to Tyne Cot cemetery, the German cemetery of Langemark, an exploration of restored trenches at Bayenwald, and even a visit to Ypres for chocolate shopping! On the second day, we travelled south to the Somme and were able to walk one of the key battlefields at Newfoundland Memorial Park – the

weather was beautifully sunny, a very different experience to soldiers taking the same path in November 1918. The trip helped reinforce the girls’ knowledge of Surgery on the Western Front (part of their GCSE studies), but also provided an excellent opportunity to reflect on the enormity of this world war. A number of girls were able to visit their own relatives’ graves and everyone showed their respect in a moment of remembrance both at the Menin Gate and at Thiepval. We will remember them. SBB

12 October 2018 - Issue 7 Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls. Mrs Ridley (School Office) for her amazing organisational skills, always accompanied by her cheerful and helpful manner no matter how busy she is [SOB]

Mrs Black (Head of History) for organising and running a trip to the Belgian Battlefileds, after only being at Roedean for 5 weeks [TWI]

Mr Hardy (Housemen and Transport) – the weekend trip took 34 girls to Brighton on Saturday, when the weather was not its best – on arrival back in school, one girl remembered that she had left her phone in McDonald’s, and, without a second thought, Lee went all the way back into town to collect it, even though he had loads of furniture to move after Open Day [JWI] Miss Ford-Senior (House 3) for being an immense support to House 2 this term, always going above and beyond with her hours, very flexible and, for her first term as a Deputy Housemistress, she looks like she was made for the job [OWA] Miss Vasquez (School Office) for her unfailing support for the History trip, coordinating passports for all the girls going, without ever once complaining [SBB]

BOOK REVIEW OF THE WEEK – by Marianna L (Yr9)

Mr Burlinson (IT) for always going above and beyond the call of duty to help, and for producing such amazing brochures for the Music Department tour [SOB]

The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge The Lie Tree is set in the 19th Century, and is about 14 year old Faith, who is willing to do anything to make her father proud. A couple of weeks after they move, Faith’s father is found dead, and she is distraught. Despite her weak relationship with her father, she is determined to find out what really happened, not believing the lie that her mother is telling everyone, and trying to make her own children believe. Searching for the truth, she finds her father’s most prized possession, the lie tree. Eager to uncover its secret and the way it works, Faith sets about making things right. I would recommend this book to everyone I meet, because it is really thrilling and you find you have to turn every page to find out what happens next.

Mrs Chandler (Head of Year 7) for coming into School on Sunday afternoon to provide some swimming coaching for a Year 7 girl who wanted to swim in the open swim session, but wasn’t quite confident enough – Jane came along, gave some direction, and the girls had a wonderful time [KNE]

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12 October 2018 - Issue 7


House 4 The House 4 girls enjoy making homemade soup and baking bread from scratch. A wonderful way to welcome the colder weather last week! SEW

Politics meet OR at the UN On Monday this week, the Politics Department was lucky enough to be visited by an OR, Cristal Downing (No. 1, 1995-2002). She works as a Senior Policy Adviser at the UK Mission to the United Nations. She led a seminar for Year 13 Politics students, discussing the role and effectiveness of the United Nations. Cristal offered some fascinating insights into the workings of the Security Council, which is a key focus of our A Level. The session was highly inspirational and an excellent opportunity to see

first-hand where the study of Politics may one day lead. We are most grateful to Cristal and hope to hear from her again! JHM

House 3 Double Trouble

Good luck Houses, there will be a prize for the best one! JWL

The girls in House 3 enjoyed an action-packed evening of bat-designing, ready for Halloween, as well as a more energetic activity of stuck-in-themud in Centenary Hall.

The Race is on! House 1 have planted Hyacinth bulbs for all six houses, the competition is on to see who’s is the finest before we break up for Christmas!

All the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we look forward to sticking the bat designs up in our ODR! MMU

Maria’s in the Panto! Maria V (Yr8) will be performing in the panto in Brighton this Christmas, and has already been rehearsing. She’s having a brilliant time, and looking forward to 14 December! Page 4

Horse-riding for House 1 It was a perfect day for riding last Saturday. It was particularly nice to see parents watching too. The first ride was for more advanced riders, trotting over poles. The second riders had to ride without stirrups, which enabled them to get a good balance. Thank you to Martha B (Yr8), who took all the photos. JNU

12 October 2018 - Issue 7


Hockey U15A vs Worth School

The U15A team had a close match against Worth School. Roedean girls showed some strong passing throughout the game and they were offloading the ball well. During the first half, both teams were keeping possession of the ball and their defence work was working well. Worth had chances to score numerous times, but Roedean showed some great determination in their defensive play. During the 2nd half Worth were showing strong tracking and they were using the space effectively. In the last 10 minutes of the game Roedean were unfortunate as Worth’s attacking players were strong and they just managed to score. There were some huge positives from the match and Roedean just needed to make sure that they held their position throughout. Overall it was a 1-0 to Worth. Roedean demonstrated some great effort and resilience throughout the game! The girl of the game was Sophia C, a huge well done to all!

U15B vs Worth School

The U15Bs were amazing this week! They were resilient throughout. We came up against a strong Worth team and some torrential rain! The girls did not stop smiling throughout the

Juniors make it through to the Sussex Hockey Squad Last week, Ella K-M, Marianna L, Alice B, Amelia K, and Issy H progressed through to the next stage of Sussex hockey. All of these girls have worked incredibly hard in and outside of school over the last few years, and I am so proud of them all progressing through to the squads. The next stage for them is having a number of training sessions in preparation to be selected to compete in the county championship squad. I wish them all the best of luck! It is important to say that this is also the largest number of juniors we have had potentially playing for Sussex this year, which is a huge success, and we also have several other girls awaiting news from other age-groups. ACA

Swimming Victory Roedean Swimming got off to a wonderful start to the year with a big win in the annual 8 schools gala, held in our very own pool. The girls welcomed Farlington, Roedean Moira House, Hurst, Bede’s, Mayfield and Burgess Hill, each team worked tirelessly in their lanes within the relays and individual events. We were pleased to clock the win in such a big Gala and set the tone for the year of racing.

game and didn’t give up until the final whistle. Some excellent skill from Alexa up front and solid defence from all the back 4! Well done girls!

U12B vs Great Walstead

What an amazing performance we had against Great Walstead! The girls just showed how much they have come on and progressed over the last few weeks and showed real finesse when moving into position and attacking the D. We have worked on our positions and roles and every one of the team did their part today. Our defence were switching the ball, clearing out wide, our mids were linking between the defence and forwards and our forwards worked together to ensure the post and top of the D were covered. Outstanding performance by all however, opposition’s girl of the game was awarded to Pearl P and Coach’s player to Olivia C.

U13A vs Christ’s Hospital

On a very sunny and warm day, Roedean U13A team played their first ever home game at Roedean on the astro. With a fantastic support from parents and other teams waiting to play, the girls put on a great performance of hockey. The team displayed everything we have worked

on in training, positioning, movement off the ball and composure around the attacking circle. Christ’s Hospital did cause problems on the counter but there was some brave defending from Ava L to prevent any goal scoring opportunities. This is a really good finish going into half term and will have a tough challenge against Brighton College Prep on their return.

U13C vs Christ’s Hospital

The U13Cs started off slow this week coming off at half time 2-0 down. They went back on at half time and were so determined to get those goals back. With solid defence from Berenice and Bella we held our own and our attack dominated the D securing those 2 goals to finish 2-2! Amazing second half performance girls, well done!

U13D vs Christ’s Hospital

The U13D hockey team spent most of their match working hard to defend. They were under constant pressure from a very strong attacking Christ’s Hospital team. The final score was 7-1 to Christ’s Hospital with our only goal being scored by Annie Dowler. Better luck next time!

Cross Country

U13 Netballers Qualified!

Both the Junior and Inter Girls had their first race of the season in the ESAA Cross Country Cup Round 1 at Bishop Luffa School. The Juniors were first up and they performed brilliantly during the 2.9km race. The gun went off and they were all maintaining a strong pace throughout and they gave it their all with a sprint finish at the end. They ended up with an overall result of 58 points which enabled them to finish 3rd overall which was fantastic! Our Inter Girls were up next with a 3.2km race and they all set off at a reasonably high pace but they managed to keep this up throughout and finish strong. Resulting, with 50 points which placed us 4th. A huge well done to all the girls, you were absolutely brilliant!

The U13A Netball squad have qualified for the 2nd round in 2 separate competitions! They beat Copthorne in the Sisters in Sport Netball Cup and they also beat Talbot Heath School in the Smile National Cup! Ava L was voted player of the match in both games! Well done to Sasha H, Amy N, Amelia K, Erin S, Bella B, Isabella P, Isabelle B and Izzy B for playing so well and being a credit to Roedean with their team spirit!

Rowing Roedean set Centenary Hall with a buzz of excitement on Thursday after school with the 3rd annual Indoor Rowing Competition! Over 60 girls took park from Roedean with Ardingly & St Pauls bringing some senior girls to also join in the fun! The competition is always a popular event which allows any pupil are Roedean to take part and row for a certain amount of time depending on their age group. Top performers will be invited to attend a national event at Lee Valley next March.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 5

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