Heads Weekly Review - 14 January 22 - Issue 2

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14 January 2022 – Issue 2



U15As Win the Lingfield tournament

Head’s Introduction

I hope that you have all enjoyed your first full week back at School in 2022. I spoke in our virtual Chapel services this morning about holding on to some of the important positives of 2021 – perhaps most importantly, the fact that it was the year when the world’s scientists created highly effective vaccines to combat Covid, and health workers rolled these out successfully to huge numbers around the globe. Of course, it was a tremendously challenging year, but amid the difficulty, we should note the extraordinary efforts of scientists and health workers across the globe to do all they can to keep people safe.

Taekwando Black Belt for Amelie

I am delighted to read that our sports teams have had a wonderful week. Not only did the U13As come runners-up in the Lingfield Netball tournament, but the U15As won it! Furthermore, our U15 Cross Country team are Brighton Champions! What a brilliant start to the year for Sport at Roedean – well done to everyone involved. On Saturday, we welcomed all our prospective pupils to wind-swept and rainy Roedean site to sit entrance tests, and I would like to thank and congratulate the Admissions Department for making the experience such a positive one for the girls. Despite the slightly stressful context of taking a test, the girls were put at ease by the warmth and calmness of everyone they met at Roedean, and we have had wonderful feedback, some of which you can read in this Review. I am very grateful to all those colleagues who were involved in the day, and to those marking the papers – well done.

Street Dance Workshop for Year 9

It has been a positive start to 2022 at Roedean, and I wish you all the best for next week.

This was the sunset on Wednesday this week – how lucky are we to be here!


Street Dance Workshop for Year 9 On Thursday, all of Year 9 took part in a street dance workshop with JP Omari. JP runs Streetfunk in Brighton, and is a multi-award winning Hip Hop dancer, teacher, and choreographer, who has worked hard and extensively to become one of the leading and most widely-respected Hip Hop dance figures in the UK. All six Year 9 groups learnt a different routine, developing their street dance vocabulary. Everyone performed excellently – well done, Year 9! Miss Abaza

Year 10 Art Students Christmas Holiday Photography Project Year 10 GCSE Art students have been working on a project exploring the theme ‘Objects’ this year. Since September, they have produced drawings, paintings, and work in print, and in the coming weeks they will also make sculptures and learn about textiles. Over the Christmas Holidays, the students were tasked with creating a series of photographs exploring everyday objects in an unusual way. We were delighted with the wonderfully creative responses we saw when we got back to School, but particular congrations go to Lucy, Elodie, and Poppy, who have all responded to the task in their own way to create eye catching and visually interesting photographs. Well done! Mrs Strachan

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14 January 2022 – Issue 2


Taekwando Black Belt for Amelie Back in December, Amelie (Yr7) worked hard to successfully obtain her black belt in Taekwondo. She took up the martial art when she was just 5 years old, and this amazing achievement is the result of hours dedication over the years. Amelie had to be incredibly self-discplined, hardworking, and determined, especially thoroughout lockdown, in order to train effectively and make this remarkable achievement possible. We are incredibly proud of you Amelie, well done! Miss Bamford

Brighton Cross Country Champions! The U12A, U14A, and U16A Cross Country Teams went to Waterhall to compete in the Brighton Schools' Cross Country Championships this week, and each team performed brilliantly, with the U16s coming away as the champions! We had a large squad out, full of excited and slightly nervous runners – this was the first Cross Country race for some, and others had not competed for a while. The girls were absolutely brilliant, moving up positions well and building their pace as the run went on. We had some excellent finishes, with Isabella crossing the line in 4th and Poppy 8th for the U12 team. Elsa finished in a strong 19th place, competing up an age category for the U14 team. For the U16 team, Nia finished in a very impressive 3rd place, Isabella finished 5th, Pearl was 10th, and Amelia came in 12th. As a result, the U12s finished 3rd overall, the U14s finished 4th, and the U16s won the championships for their age-group overall! This is such an incredible achievement for the girls, and reflects all the hard work they have put in over the last year. Mr Campleman Page 3

14 January 2022 – Issue 2


14 January 2022 – Issue 2

Headmaster's Chapel 'Hello everyone and Happy New Year from me. Well done for managing our new situation so lightly and with such good grace. It is important that we all remain vigilant and take personal responsibility for supporting the measures available to us, as they will help reduce any health risks.

Sometimes, we too will look back at our previous year and, by focusing on the things we are not happy with, as we think of resolutions, we ignore all that we’ve done and achieved, and all that ought to be noticed and celebrated.

During the holidays, the newspapers and commentators all gladly waved goodbye to 2021. It was described for various reasons, as a terrible year and everyone hoped for something better. But before we consign 2021 to the rubbish tip, there is, I think, much to be grateful for, in the year that has just passed.

I have been amazed by you over the last year, by your arts and sporting successes, your positive attitude, how you cope when things go wrong, your intelligence and creativity, how you work with spirit and determination, and how you always have a good sense of humour.

In the UK, the National Health Service has administered 133million vaccination doses, with over 71% of the population fully vaccinated, and over 90%of people aged 12 and over have received at least one dose. Globally, 9.21 billion doses have been administered. Each day, another 29 million doses are provided to people across the world. In 2021, almost 50% of the world’s population has been fully vaccinated. This is an unprecedented global health response, and it has saved many, many lives. Remember also that this virus only appeared a year earlier, and the fact that we have a vaccine at all is testament to the skills, dedication, and methods of our scientists. While some people spend their time attacking Governments for doing too much or too little, and others spread lies and misinformation about vaccines, there are many who have simply worked hard to make things better for us all, and 2021 is their year. Not a failure, but a great achievement. They did a magnificent job and continue to do so…

In 2021, six inspectors were blown away by this School and by your openness, confidence and resilience. In 2021, we saw countless sporting challenges, battles and successes. In 2021, we saw the Arts reborn – in All Together Now, the Dance Showcase, and our Heroes and Villains Concert. We saw impressive commitment to charity and the enthusiasm of the Christmas Fair. In 2021, we saw our Year 11s and 13s succeed in their GCSEs and A Levels. In 2021, girls, you started with another school lockdown. Of course, there were tough times last year, but 2021 is also the year you found out that, whatever happens, you coped well and came back stronger. We can thank 2021 for teaching us that we are stronger and more resilient than we realise and that, if we act as a community, we can get through anything. So, what I want you to do now is to write or share your Continuation Resolutions – all the things that you enjoy and do well and are proud of, that you will continue in the coming year. Happy New Year!

Blessing from the Chaplaincy Around 3,000 years ago, a blessing was spoken over a Jewish community in the midst of a challenging time wandering in the wilderness. We also live in challenging times, with our own modern, personal and corporate wildernesses, and I hope these ancient words, passed down the ages from one generation to the next, are a blessing to you as you pause at the start of this year. ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.’ Numbers 6. There don’t seem to be any conditions placed on the recipients of the blessing – it reads as an ‘arms wide open’ desire to love and bless each and every one. And this is my prayer for us all in our community – rebranded into a stunning song, released May 2020, as the world closed down. I hope you like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUtll3mNj5U Mrs Marshall-Taylor, Lay Chaplain Page 4

14 January 2022 – Issue 2


New Books in the Library Hare House – by Sally Hinchcliffe

Consumed: The Need for Collective Change: Colonialism, Climate Change and Consumerism – by Aja Barber

On the first brisk days of autumn, a woman arrives in Scotland, having left her job at an all-girls school in London in mysterious circumstances. Moving into a cottage on the remote estate of Hare House, she begins to explore her new home – a patchwork of hills, moorland, and forest. But among the tiny roads, dykes, and scattered houses, something more sinister lurks: local tales of witchcraft, clay figures, and young men sent mad.

A blazing polemic against both the exploitation and injustice of the fashion industry, and the cynical manipulation of consumer culture as a whole, Barber’s vital book is a clarion call for fundamental change in how we live our lives.

Love After Love – by Ingrid Persaud

The Raptures – by Jan Carson

With an unconventional family unit at its heart, Persaud’s novel probes the intricate connection between love and trust, and what happens to the former when the latter is disrupted.

When several children from the same village start succumbing to a mysterious illness, the quest to discover the cause has devastating and extraordinary consequences.

Ariadne – by Jennifer Saint

U14B Netball vs Eastbourne

This is a wonderfully mesmerising retelling of the Ancient Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur from a female perspective.

Mrs England – by Stacey Halls A young governess must navigate the challenging dynamics of family life underneath the polished surface, in this powerful examination of an Edwardian marriage, truth, and deception.

A wet, windy, and wild Saturday kicked off the 2022 netball season! The U14B team braved the conditions and should be proud of their efforts against Eastbourne. Evie dominated the centre court and was awarded Player of the Match. Well done to Fen and Mia, who were strong in the shooting circle, despite the wind and rain! It was a super-impressive effort from every girl who took the court – well done!! Due to conditions the match was cancelled at half time – the final score was 5-1 to Roedean. Mrs Wilson

Islands of Abandonment: Life in the PostHuman Landscape – by Cal Flyn A haunting journey through the world’s abandoned places, Flyn’s wide-ranging and reflective meditation on how nature continues in humanity’s absence is an eerie, yet ultimately optimistic, account of ecological diversity.

Madhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica’s Journey into the Dark Antarctic Night – by Julian Sancton The harrowing, survival story of an early polar expedition that went terribly wrong, with the ship frozen in ice, and the crew trapped inside for the entire sunless, Antarctic winter.

River Kings: The Vikings from Scandinavia to the Silk Roads – by Cat Jarman Follow bioarchaeologist Cat Jarman – and the cuttingedge forensic techniques central to her research – as she uncovers epic stories of the Viking age, and follows a small 'Carnelian' bead found in a Viking grave in Derbyshire to its origins thousands of miles to the east in Gujarat. Page 5

14 January 2022 – Issue 2


Fantastic Feedback Last Saturday, Roedean welcomed over 70 pupils taking entrance tests for 2022 – despite the terrible weather and having to sit tests, we are very pleased that the feedback has been very positive!

'Sienna had a wonderful day. Her words were “I really love it”. Thank you for Saturday – you somehow managed to destress the exam morning. She even appeared to quite enjoy it!' positive 'Juliet had a verySaturday experience lastvery much – thank you ter her. for looking af exams, As always withnervous she was quite t came beforehand, buile and a out with a big sm t well.' feeling that it wen

'Thank you so much for putting her at ease and for making what could be a stressful time into a happy and enjoyable one.'

a huge thank you 'I just wanted to say went in today for today. Henrietta feeling positive apprehensive, but lefte had answered and empowered, as shseen some of the all the questions and d making on the friends she has starte have organised. many taster days youdo to transform The small things you into positive ones these daunting events unnoticed. From for the girls do not goising Henrietta Jo and Alexa recogn opping them off dr and using her name, in pouring rain or do to seamlessly door sit the exam (so they didn’t have to, staff making windswept and wet!) in the break, warm jokes with themgreeting them to the Headmaster all things that sm personally. It is theseiff experiences and st en soften these oft and enriching turn them into positive ones.'

'Kitty’s experience of Roedean, throughout the entire 11+ process, has been a positive one. She was genuinely excited about returning on Saturday, even though it was to sit exams (!), and she was thrilled to see some of the girls she had met on Discovery Day and the sleepover. She came out with a beaming smile, talking about how lovely everyone had been.'

'Sorc ha also said that the invigilato r that oversaw the exam was absolutely lovely and took time to put all the girls at ease. Once again (despite the squa lly weat her), Sorc ha exite d happy and full of positive things to say about the whole expe rienc e. Well done Roedean! I really cann ot fault the care you have take n at every level, to help the girls give of their very best. It truly is the best introductory school expe rienc e we have encounte red.' 'Thank you for facilitating another day at Roedean. We have been genuinely impressed by the level of kindness and thoughtfulness which has gone into the whole selection process, and would say, of all the schools we have entertained for both Sorcha and her elder brother, Roedean has by some margin extended the warmest, most thoughtful, well-planned introduction to the school – so thank you once again for this.'

say 'I'm relieved to the ed y that Celia enjo y thanks n experience; mamaking it r fo ll a to you one.' such a positive

We are also very pleased to have wonderfully supportive feedback from current parents about our fantastic ISI report:

'Huge congratulations to all at the school for validation of what we parents already knew. Excellence in all areas.' Year 9 parent

'Unequivocally a very productive and construct ive visit leaving no doubts tha t our girls are very well looked after.'

Year 9 parent

daughter 'A s you know, m yhool. She is is so happy at Sc rivi ng. It is flourishing and th all hope for as exactly w hat we to all involved.' parents. K ud os Year 12 parent

'I’ve just read the ISI report and it’s fantastic. An absolute endorse ment of our girls and the school. Very humbled to be part of such an incredible community.' Year 9 parent

ve this sustained g achievement to ha der School has in nd ta ts ou an is 'It really a great lea year. It shows what ent Team. I was thrilled excellence year on em d his Senior Manag rrently in Oliver Blond an th the education my daughter is cu at. wi th rt es po rs re do is en r before th d this report furthe everyone.' – an , an de oe R at g ns to receivin round . Congratulatio Happy parents all Year 11 parent

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14 January 2022 – Issue 2



U14D vs Eastbourne In the first fixture of the season, the U14Ds were meant to take on Cranleigh and Eastbourne in a triangular. However, Cranleigh withdrew due to the poor conditions. But this did not faze the U14Ds, as they took on Eastbourne College. In a reduced time fixture, the girls controlled the game from the off, and kept up a high intensity level to blunt the Eastbourne attack. The defense of Isabella and Chaya worked so well that Eastbourne only managed to enter the Roedean D once in the entire game. As for the middle third, Erin, Amelia, and Maya controlled play and created momentum that stayed with Roedean throughout the match. The front 3 of Angelica, Aarushi, and Holly dominated the Eastbourne D, and Holly scored all 4 goals throughout the match. Well done to everyone involved in this fixture – you showed true determination to battle the conditions and come out with the victory. Mr Alexander-Buckley

Roedean Sport Instagram U12B

Netball vs Burgess Hill U12B Victory

This was our first away match of the season for the 12Bs, and they proved too strong against Burgess Hill Girls, winning 17-3! It was a fabulous game, where Poppy worked tirelessly and was awarded Girl of the Game, Yan Yan was outstanding and made countless intercepts, and Lily provided great pressure in defence – it was a brilliant team effort, so well done to the 12B team! Mrs Wilson

U12C Victory




A huge well done to the U12C team, who worked hard to claim the victory over Burgess Hill. The 1st quarter started with a 2-0 lead to Roedean, however Burgess Hill came back in the 3rd quarter, scoring 4 goals in 10 minutes. Roedean kept their cool and, with one quarter to go, the score was 5-4. Amarah was nominated as Girl of the Game by the opposition, and Sabrina was Coaches' Player of the Game. Well done to everyone who played. Miss Wakeling The U13B came back from their narrow defeat last week with a fantastic win this week against Burgess Hill. The girls had a very strong start, with 11 goals in the first quarter, with no reply from the opposition. Isobel and Isabelle played brilliantly in the shooting D, creating lots of options for themselves to shoot. At the other end, Layla and Aimee were able to make countless turnovers, allowing Bella, Alicia, Polly, and Tiah in the centre court to bring the ball back in our third and feed the shooters. The final score was 23-1 – excellent! Miss Kirby-Jones

The U12D team continued their strong start to the season with a win at Burgess Hill. The girls moved the ball quickly around the court, were precise with passing into the D, and accurate with their shooting. When out of possession, they defended with purpose and aggression, leading to several turnovers and more opportunities to attack. There is lots still to work on, but this group has huge potential; they work hard, listen well, and display fantastic teamwork. Mr Smethurst The U13Cs had their second fixture of the term on a cold wintery night at Roedean. Lola started the game of well, scoring ten back to back goals in the first quarter, and this was supported by Asmitha and Megs feeding the circle well. Alice, Poppy, & Isabella were dominant in defence, only conceding two goals in the whole match. Jasmine and Farwa controlled the tempo of the game in the centre court. Roedean won 34-2 and Girl of the Game was awarded to Lola. Mr Borsoi

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Don't forget to follow @roedean_sport on Instagram to keep up-to-date with upcoming fixtures, events, and news from the PE Department.

14 January 2022 – Issue 2


U15As Win the Lingfield tournament The U15As stormed the Lingfield tournament! They started off with a tough match versus Reigate Grammar School, which was goal for goal and, despite amazing pressure by Ella and Jasmine on the shooters, it finished 6-6. Roedean went on to beat Benenden 8-7 in another closely contested game. There was excellent throughcourt play and feeding from Atlanta and Lizzie, which kept Roedean pushing on. The third game against Eastbourne ended 14-2 to Roedean. In the fourth match, Ruby made countless flying intercepts, which allowed

Roedean to beat Sackville 9-1. The girls kept the pace and intensity up and went on to beat Lingfield and Mayfield, meaning they finished the group stages top of their group. In the semi finals, Pearl displayed excellent captaincy skills and kept the team calm throughcourt, providing a safe option for every other pass. In the semi-finals they managed to beat St George's by 2. In the final, they came up against Reigate Grammar again, so they knew it would be a tough match. Jamie continued to put defensive

pressure on her player, forcing Reigate errors which gave Roedean possession and, with some amazing long range shooting from Elsie, they were converted. Roedean beat Reigate 9-7 in the final to take top spot. Huge congratulations to all the team on a thoroughly well-deserved first place. A special mention goes to Phoebe, who was awarded Coaches' Player for her excellent movement and feeds into the shooters. Congratulations girls, what a fantastic start to the season! Miss Hammond

U13As come 2nd in the Lingfield Netball Tournament! The U13As had a sensational day at the Lingfield tournament. They had a tough first match against Hurst, which ended in a 4-4 draw. The girls then picked up the pace and put pressure on the opposition all the way down court. In the second game, we drew Grey's Court and won 8-2. There were excellent feeds from Minnie, Molly, and Tessa, who supported the shooters well. In game 3, the girls beat Daneshill 15-0, which led them confidently into a tough match against Guildford. With some amazing intercepts from Gabi D and Ruby, they won 6-5. We then played Burgess Hill and, with some steady shooting from Harriet and Gabby P, they won 14-1. In the final game of the group stages, we played Cumnor House and won 14-0, as a result of some excellent supportive play and drives through court from Elsa. This meant we went through top of Group B.

In the semi finals, we played a strong Copthorne side. Copthrone came out firing and were leading 4-3 at half time. Roedean stepped up the pace in the second half and managed to take the win 9-6. So we were through to the finals and were up against Ardingly, who were extremely strong and won the first half 6-1. Although Roedean clawed some back in the second half, it wasn't enough and Ardingly won 8-5. Congratulations to all the team for coming 2nd in the whole tournament – it was an extremely strong start of the season, and Coaches' Player goes to every player in the whole squad. Well done! Miss Hammond

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 8

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