Head's Weekly Review - 17 January 20 - Issue 15

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17 January 2020 - Issue 2



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Head’s Introduction

In last week’s Chapel services, we heard about new beginnings and resolutions, and girls in Year 8 talked about who inspires them. It was lovely to hear them describe to the school why a particular woman is an inspiration to them personally. Miss Best encouraged the girls to look up a website called 'The Female Lead', as a way of finding a wealth of positive messages about women’s successes and achievements, and I would reiterate this advice. This initiative tells us that social media and the internet can be a positive influence if we are careful in choosing content which is enlightening and constructive. Congratulations to all those in Year 13 who are receiving excellent, achievable offers of places at top universities at the moment. This is the welcome reward for all the effort which went into their UCAS applications last term. Amongst the many excellent offers already achieved, this week is when we hear from Oxbridge and some unusually early offers for Medicine have also come in. I am delighted that five students have received offers from Cambridge University and top medical schools this week – this is an outstanding achievement for Sarah, Elsie, Rosie, Carissa, and Ellen.

Bollywood for Year 8 This week, all of Year 8 took part in Bollywood workshops. Each group learnt a Bollywood dance and then performed these on stage in the Roedean Theatre. Everyone involved gave an excellent performance and danced with lots of energy and enthusiasm. All the groups then joined together on stage to perform a short routine to Jai Ho – what was brilliant was that Kalpesh, the teacher who led the sessions, got everyone in the audience on their feet and joining too!

We welcomed over 80 bright-eyed prospective Year 7 and 9 pupils to Roedean last weekend to sit their entrance tests, and it was wonderful to see how excited they are about coming to Roedean. Our own Year 12 and 13 girls, and those on the One-Year GCSE course completed their trial papers this week – well done, and I hope that the experience of taking the tests under exam conditions was useful preparation for the summer It was a great pleasure to present their badges to the new scholars this week, and to hear about their experiences of scholarship so far at Roedean. Thank you to Ms Boobis who masterminded the event so well, and to all our parents who came to support and celebrate with us. In addition, every one of the 32 girls who took LAMDA exams last term has been rewarded with a distinction, so congratulations to them and to their teachers for their hard work. There have been lots of Netball fixtures over the last week, and some Cross Country too, so congratulations to the girls who battled with the wind, and all of Year 8 enjoyed a Bollywood workshop on Monday, culminating in a brilliant, uplifting performance at the end of the day. Thank you to all the staff for their hard work and enthusiasm. Well done to you all for this week, and I wish you all good luck for the next.

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New Scholars’ Celebration

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Roedean, Cra nleigh, and Eastbourne T riangular Net ball


17 January 2020 - Issue 2

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Tabitha and Amy (Yr12) for their absolutely superb and original insights into the process of academic research [HBO] Navya (Yr8) for playing the flute so beautifully in the Chapel services this week [RB]

Chloe (Yr11) for taking amazing photographs at the New Scholars’ Celebration [HBO]

5 Oxbridge and Medic Places for Year 13! Just when the Year 13s have finished their trial examinations, this is exactly the time when their university offers start coming in thick and fast, and the picture is literally changing every single day. In the first week of term, 7 students had already received all of their university offers, for a whole range of courses, from Politics to Comparative Literature to Art Foundation, and Computer Science to Architecture to Classical Studies. This week has seen offers coming in for hugely competitive Oxbridge courses, we are proud and delighted for Rosie, Sarah, and Carissa, who all have received offers from Cambridge, for Natural Sciences, Medicine, and Veterinary Science – congratulations! In addition, it is wonderful that Elsie and Ellen have also both received offers for Medicine courses this week, far earlier than is often the case, so this must be a great weight lifted off their shoulders. Good luck to those in Year 13 who are still waiting for offers, and well done to those who have also received offers this week!

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls. Ms Alexander for stepping in to cover staff illness and doing a wonderful job at the New Scholars’ Celebration [HBO]

Year 7 and 8 Art Scholar Workshop This week, the Year 7 and 8 Art Scholars took part in a textile workshop with local artist, Samantha Stas. This workshop was designed to give the girls an opportunity to create a narrative through stitch. Using a range of vintage fabrics and trimmings, the girls appliquéd a self-portrait, embellishing these with hand-stitching to draw in their facial features. The results were amazing!

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17 January 2020 - Issue 2


INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN IN CHAPEL The Chapel services this week, led by Miss Best and Year 8 continued with the theme of Inspirational Women. JB: We come across women who inspire us every day. Whether it be a family member, a teacher, a fellow student, an author, a scientist or someone in the media, we are exposed to powerful women who encourage us to challenge ourselves and aim high. International Women’s Day is coming up in March, and this will provide us all with an opportunity to hear more stories from females who have gone above and beyond. Before then, however, I urge you all to look up a website called ‘The Female Lead’, which is a campaign designed to showcase inspirational female role-models across the world from all walks of life. The website introduces you instantly to a vast selection of women who inspire in one way or another. Research shows that an absence of accessible, inspirational role models is a barrier to developing successful, ambitious women. ‘The Female Lead’ was established to provide alternative and accessible role models for girls. Its campaign encourages girls and women to follow these empowering females on social media, so that your newsfeed becomes a place of positivity and women building up other women, instead of tearing them down, a sight that we are all unfortunately so used to seeing. Olivia: A woman who has always been an inspiration to me is Katharine Johnson, an American mathematician whose calculations of orbital mechanics as a NASA employee were vital to the success of the first and subsequent US crewed spaceflights. She was chosen to be one of three black students to integrate West Virginia’s graduate schools – this is something that many people would consider one of their life’s most notable moments, but it’s just one of several breakthroughs that have marked Katherine Johnson’s long and remarkable life. In 2015, at age 97, she added another phenomenal achievement to her long list: President Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honour. She is an inspiration to me because of her determination to prove that she could do whatever she put her mind to. She also demonstrates that curiosity and determination pays off in the end. It makes me think that curiosity and an active mind may well be a formula for longevity. One of her quotes that touches me is about equality. The quote reads 'you are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you'

Anjali: For me, Zendaya is a big inspiration, as she is a great actress and she stands up for women and people of colour. In her career, she helped with the creation of a Disney channel show featuring a coloured family, in which she made sure the main character is strong and powerful. She also spoke up about the importance of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, stood up for women across America by attending the women’s march, and showed her support for LGBTQ+ rights. She also thinks it’s very important to love yourself and what you look like, and not to let anyone put you down about it. All these things are very important, as she has made and contributed to changes in diversity, and puts out inspirational messages, not to mention being a talented, well-rounded actor and singer. Merla: Emma Watson is a big inspiration to me, particularly because of her 'HeForShe' campaign, which encourages both men and women alike to become feminists. She also promotes female equality through her acting; for example, while filming Beauty And The Beast, she refused to wear a corset, as she thought that this would not allow Belle to be free-spirited and have an active lifestyle. As well as all of this, in 2014, Emma became the UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador. Most famous for her role in Harry Potter, Emma once said 'Young girls are thought to have to be the delicate princess. Hermione taught them that you can be the warrior' – all of this and more make me think that she is truly inspiring. Amelia: Frida Kahlo inspires me. You probably all know of her as an artist, but do you know of her as a fighter? She was born in Mexico in 1907, and aged 9, she was diagnosed with polio and bedridden for three years, but she got back up and got on with life. Aged 18, she was in a tram accident where she fractured her ribs, both her legs, her collarbone, and had a handrail impale her pelvis. At the time, medicine was not as advanced as it is today, and it was three months before she could leave her bed. Due to this incident and her polio, she spent her life in pain and overridden with medical issues. None of this held her back as she spread her vibrant, colourful optimism to everyone she met. She threw herself into her art and created not what she saw, but what she

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felt. Although her health was steadily declining, she still kept painting until the day she died. Her constant optimism inspires me. One quote that really sums up her attitude was simply: ‘feet, what do I need you for, when I have wings to fly?’ Tabitha: A women that has inspired many young people is Oprah Winfrey, who is a talk show host, media executive, actress, and philanthropist. In 2003, Oprah became the first black female to become a billionaire. Some of her achievements include owning her own talk show, winning an academy award, and getting a golden globe nomination for her performance as Sofia in the Colour Purple. Part of the reason that Oprah is so inspiring is because of how her life started: becoming a teenage mother and suffering through poverty, she decided that she was going to go up instead of down and now she is one of the richest women in the world. This just goes to show that you should never just accept what life throws at you. She reached for her goals and so should you. Now she's changing lives and helping for the better. Oprah is a role model for everyone as she shows you that no matter the circumstance you should never let that keep you from reaching for the stars. Fleur: Try to reflect and think about who it is that gives you inspiration in your life. Why do they inspire you? How do they help make you a better person? Could you one day become an inspiration to other girls? The Female Lead focuses on 5 key messages to help empower young women; • DARE TO BE DIFFERENT – Don’t be afraid to be who you are. • ASK FOR HELP – There is no shame in asking for some guidance and advice every now and then, no-one is perfect! • FIND STRENGTH IN SETBACKS – We learn from our mistakes, if you never make mistakes then how are you going to learn what works for you? • STAY CURIOUS – Ask why? Ask who? Ask what? • FEED YOUR PASSIONS – Take time to enjoy what you love and what makes you happy. Of course it is difficult to do all 5 all the time, but by doing each of them little and often, it will soon become a part of who you are and help you on your way to becoming an inspirational role model. After all, if the damsel in distress gets happily ever after, imagine what an educated, powerful, self-loving woman gets?

17 January 2020 - Issue 2


New Scholars’ Celebration Wednesday evening was the night of our annual New Scholars’ Celebration. This is an event at which all pupils who received new scholarships for this academic year are able to share with their parents a little of what it is to be a scholar, and, indeed, a pupil, at Roedean. Scholarship at Roedean is thought of as a journey, an adventure, and follows six strands: a leading role, working towards mastery, showcasing, community and outreach, trips and workshops, and mentoring. Each of these elements was represented throughout the evening, with an impressively diverse selection of performances and presentations showcasing the skill, commitment, and enthusiasm of our scholars across all their areas.

The evening began in the Drama Studio, with the opportunity to attend an exhibition of work in a number of media from our Art Scholars and a selection of research posters from our Year 12 Academic Scholars. Once in the Theatre, a highlight was the contribution from 4 pupils from Year 2 at St Mark’s Primary School, with whom Roedean’s Sports Leaders, many of whom are Sports Scholars, work to build fitness, team-work, and listening skills. The audience also enjoyed snapshots of Roedean’s ever impressive performing arts offer, with an excerpt from The Crucible, a concerto for four violins, and an ensemble dance.

Amazing LAMDA results! The most recent set of LAMDA results have just arrived, and every single one of the 32 girls who took an exam was awarded a distinction! This is outstanding – the girls did brilliantly!

At a variety of intervals, we heard from scholars in each year group and each area of scholarship, sharing their personal thoughts on what their scholarship at Roedean means to them. The evening ended with two Year 12 pupils, Amy and Tabitha, sharing with us some insights into the process of their independent academic research projects. The maturity and evaluative approach they both had was really inspiring, but particularly clear, from them and from all the pupils who contributed, was a very genuine passion for their chosen topic.

For the adults in the audience, hearing this from so many pupils, across the school, was wonderful. For the scholars themselves, of course, the highlight was receiving their badges (although they all understand that this is just the beginning!). Thank you to all the scholars, and the staff involved, for their contributions to the event. HBO

Maria (Yr7)

Acting Grade 2

Amelia (Yr7)

Acting Grade 2

Poppy (Yr7)

Acting Grade 2

Amelia (Yr8)

Acting Grade 3

Anjali (Yr8)

Acting Grade 3

Phoebe (Yr8)

Acting Grade 3

Anna (Yr8)

Acting Grade 4

Elodie (Yr8)

Acting Grade 4

Alex (Yr8)

Acting Grade 4

Tildy (Yr7)

Acting Grade 4

Matilda (Yr9)

Acting Grade 4

Roma (Yr8)

Acting Grade 4

Sabrina (Yr9)

Acting Grade 5

Yanka (Yr9)

Acting Grade 5

Jemima (Yr10)

Acting Grade 6 Bronze Medal

Priya (Yr11)

Acting Grade 6 Bronze Medal

Phoebe (Yr9)

Acting Grade 6 Bronze Medal

Annabel (Yr11)

Acting Grade 7 Silver Medal

Lucy (Yr9)

Verse & Prose Grade 5

Jaime (Yr8)

Verse & Prose Grade 5

Flo (Yr10)

Verse & Prose Grade 5

Eloise (Yr12)

Verse & Prose Grade 8

Beatrice (Yr9)

Musical Theatre Grade 4

Amelia (Yr9)

Musical Theatre Grade 5

India (Yr10)

Musical Theatre Grade 6 Bronze Medal

Poppy (Yr10)

Musical Theatre Grade 6 Bronze Medal

Dorothea (Yr10)

Musical Theatre Grade 6 Bronze Medal

Ava (Yr12)

Musical Theatre Grade 8 Gold Medal

Eden (Yr12)

Musical Theatre Grade 8 Gold Medal

Niah (Yr11)

Musical Theatre Grade 8 Gold Medal

High distinctions were achieved in all three disciplines of Acting, Verse & Prose, and Musical Theatre, with many students taking their first ever LAMDA examination. Well done in particular to Eloise, Ava, Eden, and Niah – distinction at Grade 8 is a wonderful achievement. We are extremely proud of all the hard work the students put into these examinations, and look forward to the next set of results later this year! Well done! Miss Markey & Mr Wray Page 4

17 January 2020 - Issue 2


Sussex Schools Cross Country Championships

Roedean, Cranleigh, and Eastbourne Triangular Netball


The girls were ready to take the court, determined to play their best. The defensive unit of Ella and Demi were switched on and really making their shooters work hard. Jess in the centre worked tirelessly to provide her shooters with as many opportunities as possible. Ellie and Scarlett's shooting was on point in the first half. Unfortunately, the girls made too many unforced errors down the court, and a determined Eastbourne took advantage of this. Their shooters grew in confidence and unfortunately the game ended with a loss.

Our Junior Girls had a brilliant performance in the Sussex Schools’ Cross Country event held at Waterhall. The girls had to run 3km in total and there were hilly aspects on the course. Roedean demonstrated some great resilience throughout and persevered well. There were some tremendous sprint finishes too, which was fantastic! A huge well done to all – Amelia was 26th, Nia was 52nd, Rose came 60th, Isabella was 66th, and Holly came 133rd. All the runners should be hugely proud of themselves!

U18A vs Eastbourne

U18 Social vs Cranleigh

Roedean faced a tough Cranleigh side on Saturday. Despite an improved performance in the second half by Roedean, Cranleigh claimed the early season victory. At half time, the Roedean team were set targets to improve possession of centre passes, keeping the ball wide in midcourt transitions, and taking scoring opportunities. All players stepped up to the mark, which is reflected in the second half statistics. In particular, strong performances were seen from Jemima and Eloise, and Calista who played her first ever match.


Our Inter Girls had a great race held at Waterhall. The girls had to run a total of 3.5km in tough windy conditions, so they persevered and showed great determination throughout the race. All the girls set off at a fast pace at the start and maintained this throughout. The hills were tough and slippery, so this made it tricky at the latter stages of the race. A huge well done to all that ran, and came and supported. A special well done to Sophie who came 6th, meaning she qualified for the Inter-Counties, which is a fantastic achievement. Sophia came 34th, Luella came 37th, and Serena was 61st. Additionally, well done to Gracie for supporting, as she was ready to go for her Senior race. However, due to bad weather conditions, this was unfortunately cancelled. Well done to all girls – they should be extremely proud of their achievements!

U18A vs Eastbourne

U18 Social vs Eastbourne

Despite a strong start from Eastbourne, Roedean came back at half time – Carla and Jojo started to work together in the D to get some shots into the goal. Omi and Jemima worked hard at GK/ GD, and we only conceded 10 goals in the second half, which was a huge improvement from the first. While waiting for Cranleigh to arrive, we played Eastbourne College 4th team, which was good practice for the girls, as we were able work on our centre passes and rotate positions. The girls played extremely well against Eastbourne’s 4th team and there was some good movement from defence into attack.

U15A vs Eastbourne U18 Social vs Cranleigh

U16A vs Eastbourne

The U16A team had a competitive match at home against Eastbourne. The girls battled hard throughout the whole game, despite the high winds! They chased down every loose ball and worked well as a team. The girls were positive throughout, defensively we were very tight, making numerous turnovers, and the girls were patient with their feeds into the D. Congratulations to Elena who was named CP and Serena who voted PP. Well done girls!


The U16Bs had a tough couple of matches this weekend. The girls remained positive and enthusiastic throughout and gained momentum in the last quarter of both matches. They communicated well and moved the ball round the court effectively. We have areas to focus on, but it was fantastic to see these girls out in action this weekend, despite the high winds. Congratulations to Mwaba who was OP, Awele who got CP, and Dion who was voted PP. Well done girls! Page 5

The U15As first match of the season was end to end throughout, and very evenly matched. There was some great attacking play and drives for the ball, and the girls kept calm under pressure when they went behind by one goal. A combination of some excellent defending and confident shooting enabled Roedean to clinch the game in the final minute, scoring two successive goals and winning the match 17-15, well done girls!

U15A vs Cranleigh

In the second match of the day, Roedean faced a tough opposition versus Cranleigh, who were well-rehearsed and showed great movement on court. Roedean held their own for the first half, with the score line 11-7 at half-time to Cranleigh. Shamina and Sylva were excellent in defence, making some vital interceptions, but Cranleigh managed to find a way though and win the match. Phoebe was awarded player of the match – she was fantastic at controlling the pace of the game and offering options throughout the court. It was a tough game, but with high levels of energy and commitment throughout.

17 January 2020 - Issue 2


Netball (Continued) U15B vs Eastbourne

The U15B team had their first match of the season versus Eastbourne College. In the first quarter, our girls played well and started to work the ball down the court effectively. We were just 2 goals behind at the end of the first quarter. Throughout the game, our defence demonstrated some brilliant pressure, but Eastbourne upped their intensity and this made it tricky for Roedean. Our mid-court play was effective throughout, but to improve further our positioning in the D needs to be executed better to create more scoring opportunities. A huge well done to all! A special mention to Issy who was voted player of the match for her fantastic defensive work. Final score: Roedean 3 – Eastbourne 19.

U15C vs Cranleigh

The second fixture of the triangular was against Cranleigh. It was always going to be a tough game with both teams beating Eastbourne previously. The game started well, and the first quarter was tight with lots of goals and goalscoring opportunities. The third quarter was tight, as we scored 5 to Cranleigh’s 6 – going into the final quarter, there was everything to play for. The first few minutes were tight, and both teams had opportunities but didn’t take them. Cranleigh managed to get the first point and didn’t look back, putting us under a great deal of pressure. The final score was 22-9, but the girls held their own all the way through.

House 3

U15B vs Cranleigh

The U15B team had their 2nd fixture of the day versus Cranleigh. Roedean were determined and started off adding pressure well. It was clear to see that Roedean were driving towards the ball positively, but Cranleigh intercepted and defended well. Our attacking play dramatically improved throughout the game, and we started to use the space well on court. Our shooters held their space well, allowing us to have more shots on goal. Overall, Roedean should be pleased with how they played and take these matches to help progress their play further. A huge well done to all! A special mention to Charlotte who received player of the match for her brilliant interceptions as GD. Final score: Roedean 9 – Cranleigh 25.

U15As started strongly for their cup match against Mayfield and won the first quarter 7-1. The girls consistently switched channels to make their play unpredictable, and the feeds into the circle were accurate and hard for the Mayfield defence to intercept. In our defending end, the girls turned over the ball on numerous occasions and put pressure on all passes. Great shooting from Isla, who was nominated player of the game, gave Roedean a comfortable win of 20-8, and we go through to the next round of the cup. It was an excellent game girls, congratulations!

Friendly vs University of Brighton

U15C vs Cranleigh

U15B vs Eastbourne

U15A vs Mayfield

This week in House 3, the girls have been getting ready for Chinese New Year, making decorations which will be displayed around our house next week.

The 1st Team and the U16A team joined forces on Wednesday night to play a friendly versus Brighton University 4s. The girls went out with targets to enjoy the game and work for each other, and they were rewarded with a 33-16 win! The defence down the whole court was great to see, with everyone getting turnovers and forcing errors with their defensive pressure. The shooters were on form, with Scarlett, Sophia, and Millie working together well to score all 33 goals against the tall university students. The girls should be very proud of their performance.

In the team games on Wednesday evening, we held a Chinese dragon-making competition, which involved each team making a dragon out of coloured paper, straws and feathers, and all in just twenty minutes. We were seriously impressed by the variety of creative structures produced, with girls using their origami skills to the best of their ability. It was lovely to see how proud the girls were of what they achieved!

Friendly vs University of Brighton

JJ What’s Coming up IN THE

Mon 20 Jan Tue 21 Jan

U15C vs Eastbourne

The girls started well in their triangular against Eastbourne. In the first quarter, we made sure we took our chances and we managed 5 goals. Throughout the match, we got better and didn’t let Eastbourne into the game. We made great interceptions and made them count turning them into points. The final two quarters were tighter, with competition for scoring opportunities limited and the wind making it tricky. We managed to edge the last quarter 3-1 and finished the game 14-2. It was a superb game of netball and the girls should be proud.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

Wed 22 Jan

Thur 23 Jan Fri 24 Jan Sat 25 Jan


House Swimming Gala Year 9 Steel Band Workshops and Showcase Lady Tavern’s U15 Cricket Indoor Competition (A) Staff vs Pupil Football (H) HIGHER EDUCATION INFORMATION EVENING YEAR 9 GCSE OPTIONS FAIR U12A,B,C,D&E vs Lingfield College (H) U13B,C,D&E vs Lingfield College (A) ROEDEAN ACADEMY 1st & U15A Hockey vs Brighton College Year 9 Business Enterprise Day EXEAT

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