Heads weekly report 17 03 2017 v5

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17th March 2017 - Issue 10



Springtime feast

Head’s Introduction

A week of amazing academic pursuits The girls have been immersed in a fantastic week of academic activities, each designed to inspire and reveal hidden talents or passions for learning. It has been Academic Week! They began the week with an invitation to explore the ethical dilemmas in the recent hit BBC series of ‘Sherlock’. Monday ended with the chance to join in with the Academic Prefects’ Reading Party, indulged by the catering team with a superb Alice in Wonderland-themed spread. On Tuesday, Iman S-A (6.2) led a fun factfinding mission within Quantum Physics, that left all in the room wallowing gloriously in Bohrian bewilderment. Students of all ages were then able to take part in a Greek and Roman Art auction, bidding for major art objects from Greek and Roman times, spending with fake cheque books. The winners had to be able to show that they had won the best pieces for a proposed exhibition or art house. Wednesday then saw a day of Art History: the Bigger Picture Company came in to deliver two super workshops to the U5 and Sixth Form art students. The lecture they gave at the end of the day on ‘The City as a Work of Art: Myths and Masterminds of Renaissance Venice’ was a fascinating journey through the history and geography of that mythical city.

Thursday was a day for the languages, primarily English. Dr Lighthill, a former BBC director and producer, gave workshops on Shakespeare and further enrichment in his lecture entitled ‘Why bother with a 400 year old writer?’ It gave a high calibre examination of why this bard is still so relevant for students today. Finishing off the week in style, the Royal Geographical Society came in to discuss all matters ‘Heritage’ with the girls, and Mr Dawson gave us a re-reading of what bad science is, based on Ben Goldacre’s book. We were delighted that a number of members of staff also took up the challenge to go off piste in their lessons, for example, Ms Roberts thrilled the Yr 7s with a quick entrée to Chaucer! Thank you to Consuella Z (6.2) who has spear-headed much of this week and supported much of the preparation for this complex but exciting programme of activities, and also to the academic prefects, Georgina, Natasha, Tara, Natalie, Harriet, Alex and Ella – it has been a great week, full of academic challenges for all! AK

Our inaugural Women in the Workplace evening, this week, brought together teachers, pupils, and parents from a variety of professions and fields to discuss the important issue of gender equality in the workplace. The quality and intensity of the discussions and debates showed how important this issue is to everyone and there was a strong consensus that we all have to continue to challenge our own preconceptions and inequality where we find it. Thank you to all our parent panellists and our speakers for sharing their insights, and thank you to all the girls who spoke with clarity about what matters to them and to their futures. They were truly inspiring. The sheer diversity of academically stimulating and challenging activities open to the girls this week has been impressive, and I have been very pleased with their engagement with them. Some activities were accessible to all, and others were targeted towards those with a specific interest. I am very grateful to Ms Kazem for her efforts in putting on this academic extravaganza. Beyond Academic Week, there have been a number of other events this week, from musical competitions and the Year 8 Parent-Tutor Evening to the stunning devised A Level Drama production (well done Honor and Harriet!) and a Roman cooking demonstration for the Junior girls. I am delighted that the girls are enjoying all these great opportunities. Yesterday, there was a meeting of full Council at Roedean and Council members were inspired by hearing our shortlisted Prefects speak with great passion about their School. Roedean is fortunate to have such a dedicated and experienced body which supports the School in so many ways. The last two weeks of term include the Parents’ Guild Quiz Night and our Tribute Celebration for Mr Ken Thomson. It is also an important time for those taking public examinations next term, who must ensure that they know exactly what they need to do over the Easter break. Good luck, and I wish you all the best for coming week.


17th March 2017 - Issue 10

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Victoria T (6.1), Chloe C (U5) and Melanie C (6.1) for being so incredibly supportive of the farm duties over the weekends; we have really valued their commitment and effort [JRO & KRH] Pig (the sheep) for taking well to harness training [JBO]

Harriet and Honor play Milly and Flo

Marianna L and Ella K-M (U3) for being highly attentive and supportive hosts to visiting girls [DBA]

Bianca O (6.2) for her contribution to 13P’s thought-provoking tutor group assembly presentation of Effective Altuism [SEL]

Gowri P (L4) for very generously offering her homemade cookies to the Library staff and visiting librarians [SBL]

Joni-May L, Ava D and Abby L (U4) for spotting sheep-harming litter and clearing it up [the Sheep]

Honor P and Harriet C-S (6.2) presented their A Level Theatre Studies performance piece to a large audience on Wednesday evening. ‘Milly and Flo’ was a touching story of two young women who have followed the family tradition and become a double act. Milly has written a play about their great-great grandmothers and, as they rehearse, we learn of the triumphs of Millicent and Florence, both on and off stage, and how their lives go on to shape the future lives of Milly and Flo. Set on Brighton Pier, the atmospheric and moving piece was inspired by the painting ‘Brighton Pierrots’ by Walter Sickert, and was devised by the girls themselves.

Everyone agreed that Honor and Harriet did indeed make the perfect double act!

The artistic history of Venice

Sarah playing her guitar in Hastings

Yesterday, as a part of academic week, we were treated to an art history lecture on Venice and its people in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was a fascinating talk that encompassed a plethora of aspects of the dazzling metropolis, such as its art, society, geography, and architecture. This made it really engaging, combining everyone’s different interests and specialisms, as well as those who really love art history. A particular highlight was learning about the genius of the architects of the time and how they managed to build homes; they used a complex structure of wood, and alternating brick and stone – the wood alone in these structures could be eight metres underwater. Incredible!

Congratulations to Sarah J (U4), who took part in the Hastings International Music Festival last weekend. She played a grade 4 piece, Two Guitars by Linda Wood, and she was awarded a merit certificate for her performance by the judges.

Ellis R (6.1) Page 2

‘It was fantastic to see the standard of emotional and heart-felt work they achieved, and set a high bar for me to aspire to in a year’s time.’ – Esmee E (6.1) ‘I really enjoyed the contrasts between the different styles included, and the brilliant lighting really conjured up the different periods.’ – Fran S (6.1)

Flo’s fifth year at Glyndebourne Congratulations to Flo G (U4) who has successfully auditioned to be in this year’s youth opera at Glyndebourne. What is particularly impressive is that this will be her fifth performance with the GYO, and her first was when she was nine years old. Well done, Flo!


17th March 2017 - Issue 10

Women in the Workplace As part of DadsForDaughters Day, on Wednesday 15th March Roedean hosted a hugely successful and informative ‘Women in the Workplace’ event to consider gender equality. Over 60 students, parents and staff gathered to consider whether equality exists at work, where it is difficult and what makes it so, and what can and should be done to improve the situation. Presentations by Louise Taylor (Housemistress of House 2 and Teacher of English) and Kate Jillings, a technology entrepreneur, generated insightful comment from an expert panel of parents representing law, medicine, and veterinary surgery. The panellists were Dr Rebecca Barwell (GP), Dr Bronwen Eastwood (Veterinary Surgeon), Mr Bruce Tregoning (Barrister), and Mrs Emily Turtle (Lawyer). The presentations and panel contributions inspired excellent group discussions and a stimulating open debate. Many ORs, parents, and girls had also completed the DadsForDaughters gender equality survey in advance of the event and the evening involved a quiz on those survey responses and gender workplace statistics, before concluding with all those present committing to #BeBoldForChange, and completing their own, individual, Women in the Workplace pledges.

Top-notch Mathematicians at Roedean This week, Roedean hosted the annual Maths Association Problem Drive, which saw 60 students completing a series of interesting, complex and surprising Maths puzzles in five rounds, with each student joining a different team for each round. Lancing College and Burgess Hill School for Girls joined us, but Roedean girls managed to win 4 of the top 5 prizes: Mavis Z (6.1) was 5th, Mika X (6.1) and Melanie C (6.1) shared 3rd, and a girl from Lancing College took 2nd place, but it was Nancy Z (6.1) who came out on top and secured the 1st place prize. All five girls looked very pleased with their chocolate rewards. There being quite a few boys present, but with none of them winning prizes, we have to ask, ‘Whoever said that Maths was a boys’ subject?’ Roedean has hosted this event for at least the last ten years and we look forward to doing so again in the future. Here is a sample question from the event:

Elly are sitting on a park Anna, Beth, Carole, Diana, and the far right and Beth is not bench. Anna is not sitting on is not sitting at either end. Elly sitting on the far left. Carole Carole is not sitting next to is not sitting next to Carole, and t of Beth but not necessarily Beth. Diana is sitting to the righ they sitting? next to her. In what order are

‘I really enjoyed the debate, and everyone had the chance to speak passionately about their own ideas on the topic of inequality.’ – Consuella Z (6.2) ‘It was a great opportunity to hear from women working in different industries about their experiences of gender inequality, or otherwise, in the workplace.’ – Tori N-M (6.1) ‘The discussion was explosive – everyone really got into it!’ – Hafsah B (6.1)

Breaking News: Even More Maths Challenge Success! Ruoyan C (U5) not only qualified for the Maclaurin (the prestigious next round of the Maths Challenge), but she has also been invited to attend a five-day course during the summer at Balliol College, Oxford. Invitations onto this course are for the very top performers in the UK; her original challenge paper performance was described as ‘excellent’, and to be asked is a massive achievement for Ruoyan . We look forward to hearing how the course at Balliol goes!


ANNUAL QUIZ NIGHT THURSDAY 30TH MARCH 7 – 9.30pm TICKETS ADULTS £12 CHILD £10 Buy your ticket from www.roedeantheatre.co.uk

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17th March 2017 - Issue 10

A selfie at the farm! U4 girls enjoy the spring sunshine, with sheep in sight, and time to relax and think outside. What more could a Roedean girl want in a PSHE lesson? Bahar E, Ella L, Soha E-F, Adriana EC, Hana A-A, and others were delighted when Period 4 turned into feeling good in the fresh air! It was definitely a Mrs Chandler moment for this lesson to be all about our wellbeing – we are happy U4 girls!

What better way to enjoy fresh eggs than directly from the farm gate? We now have a produce stall and donation box for the Roedean farm produce, which is available daily outside the Bothy farm stores. If you would like to buy the farm’s produce, please record your purchases in the record book and leave a donation in the honesty box. A suggested donation for 6 eggs is £1.50, and 2017 calendars are also available for a donation. All proceeds will be used to fund more fun up at the farm!

A Roedean lunchtime Recital in Hove


#showthelove Here is our final photo for the #showthelove campaign. The Geography Society would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to help raise awareness of climate change.

Nearly 50 Roedean musicians took part in a concert on Friday 10 March, as part of the series of lunchtime recitals at St Peter’s Church in West Blatchington. This is our second visit to St Peter’s, and a large, appreciative audience, including a very good number of Roedean parents, enjoyed a very varied programme of solo and ensemble music. The string orchestra opened with a very attractive and jaunty march movement from local composer Paul Lewis’ ‘Suite for Strings’. Nine girls (L4-U5) confidently performed solo items: four stunning vocalists, Bonnie W (L4), Ava D (U4), Eva P (U4), and Amelie S (U4), sang beautifully; Juliette L (U5) and Morina Y (U5) performed two movements from Debussy’s ‘Petite Suite’ piano duet with their piano teacher Yoko Ono, and both were wonderful; two further soloists from L4 included Megan S, playing a piano Sonatina by Clementi, and Anamika N-W, with a really musical performance of a trumpet arrangement of ‘Summertime’ by Gershwin. Gabriella K (L5) performed the opening movement of Weber’s Clarinet Concerto in F minor, in preparation for her next performance of the piece with the orchestra, in the upcoming Brighton Festival Fringe concert on 6 May. There are vast sections of rapid passagework in this piece and Gabriella managed it all with great confidence. Perhaps one of the other highlights was the Concerto in D major for four violins, beautifully performed without any further accompaniment by Freya S (U5), Cici W (L5), Eva F (L4), and Scarlett J (U4). The Senior Singers concluded the concert with a reprise of some of the operatic numbers from the Vox Gala concert, plus a further operatic trio by Giordano. The girls clearly enjoyed having another audience to perform these pieces to, and the St Peter’s concert organiser, Jane Gough, was concerned that the church roof might have been displaced by the Senior Singers’ rendition of ‘Nessun Dorma’!

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17th March 2017 - Issue 10

Roman cooking at Roedean On Tuesday afternoon, Roedean was visited by a representative from Fishbourne Roman Palace, with her expertise on ancient Roman food. L4 was split into two groups and enjoyed workshops which dealt with food archaeology, ancient evidence, and Roman recipes. The girls were also given the chance to make some Roman dishes of their own, and, of

course, everyone had a taste of each dish at the end of the session. This was organised by the Classics department and ties in with the curriculum studied in L4 Latin. It was an excellent way to take the learning outside the classroom and take a culinary step back in time. A thoroughly informative and enjoyable time was had by all.

DofE practice expeditions The DofE Bronze and Silver students were put to the (muddy) test last weekend up in the Ashdown Forest. Our Roedean Bear made the journey too and was interested to explore Winnie-the-Pooh’s stomping grounds. Despite the damp and chilly conditions, everyone survived and there were many chuffed faces, delighted with their progress. Everyone was trained in all sorts of relevant skills, such as camp craft and navigation, preparing them for their subsequent ’practice’ expeditions. Thank you very much to Ms Witton-Dauris from House 1, who drove all the way up to the Ashdown Forest to say ‘hi’ to the DofE teams and see how they were getting on, when she could have just been relaxing at home! Next up are the Silver teams, who are heading to the New Forest next weekend. We wish them well, and, of course, less mud! JDU

Great successes at the Springboard Music Festival The Singing classes of the annual music competition, Springboard, took place on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th March, at Brighton and Hove High School, and they gave a platform to several Roedean girls in classes ranging from 11 to 18 years. The girls all performed very well and can be proud of themselves. On the Friday, Alma S (U3) took the stage and was awarded 2 medals, one for her moving unaccompanied Hebrew folksong and the other for her contrasting accompanied songs which were both enjoyed. On the Saturday, Bonnie W (L4) gave a dreamy interpretation of Dunhill’s ‘The Cloths of Heaven’, followed by a spirited version of Finzi’s ‘Boy Johnny’ to win first place in the Contrasting Songs class and Jacqueline L (U4) came third. All participants in this class presented their songs well and Josephine F (L4), as one of the youngest participants, sang with real sweetness in Thiman’s ‘Path to the Moon’. Amelie S (L4) gave a well-characterised rendition in excellent German of Brahms’

‘Vergebliches Ständchen’ to win the Foreign Language class, closely followed by Bonnie and Jacqueline. Charlene Z (U4) came second in the Unaccompanied Traditional Song class, singing a song in her native dialect about her region of Switzerland. The Songs of the Lighter Side Class 12-15 was a very big one, with many entrants from local theatre schools, but the Roedean girls acquitted themselves well: Bonnie gave an attractive version of ‘When I Marry Mister Snow’, Charlene sang beautifully and movingly of ‘My Funny Valentine’, and Amelie shone and sparkled with ‘I Could Have Danced All Night’. In the afternoon Alexia T (6.2) came a fine second in the 16-18 year old Lighter Side Class, and she was also praised for her neat preparation in her Verse and Song class. Excellent support was given, as always, by our excellent accompanist, Mr Maulkin, ever calm and steady in times of stress! Congratulations to you all! Page 5

Spring has sprung at Roedean

17th March 2017 - Issue 10


1st VII

Netball Fantastic win in the BMW league for Roedean

On Tuesday, our 1st team Netballers put on a fine display of team work, enjoyment and impressive skills, playing against the Panthers. Credit must to go to Gabby and Zarbanu for their tremendous shooting accuracy, but a whole team effort helped win the game – the final score was a brilliant 44 goals to 22. Well done to everyone involved! GCR

U15A Warden park

The U15A team played a fantastic match against Warden Park this week. The girls worked really hard for each other, playing

effectively in both attack and defence. During the first quarter it took a little while for the team to get into their stride, while the Warden Park centre court were strong and able to intercept passes into the circle. However, once the girls found their feet they played some exceptional Netball, and they began to move the ball down the court with ease. The balls were turned over in defence and converted to goal in order to keep Roedean just in the lead. The fourth and final quarter was a tough one, and our girls became tired; Warden Park just edged the win in the final minutes of the game. The U15 team should be extremely proud of such a brilliant game of netball! – well done! HHY

Volleyball victory over Burgess Hill On Tuesday, the volleyballers took on a strong U15 team from Burgess Hill. The girls started slowly and were out-played by a well-drilled side losing the first set 13 - 25. The second set was a different story however, and the girls upped their game, winning 25 - 18, with great control from captain Jasmine H (6.2). Roedean continued in the same vein, building on their control. They won the final set 25 - 16. Burgess Hill challenged us to another set and we snapped at the challenge! This was a really close encounter and Burgess Hill remained in front for much of the game. Nevertheless, super serving from Vivian L, Kay C, and Victoria T meant that we were able to forge ahead in the last few minutes, winning 25 - 21. Overall, it was a great team performance, and the girls are ready to take on Farlington next week.

A spot of lunchtime netball

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 6

Ruby A & Ella L took part in a match for their Netball satellite squad on Wednesday. They played Hampshire and it was a fantastic experience for them. Keep working hard, we’re really proud of you! JJ WHAT’S COMING UP


Mon 20 Mar

String Masterclass and teatime recital Swimming Gala vs Burgess Hill (H)

Tues 21 Mar

Volleyball vs Farlington (A) Year 10 Parent and Tutor Evening BMW Netball League vs Parklife

Wed 22 Mar

Roedean hosting Cross Country Competition

Thurs 23 Mar

Football U15 Tournament at Bede’s (A) Inter-house Badminton

Fri 24 Mar

HOME CLOTHES DAY: raising money for Comic Relief – the theme is ‘RED’ CAP Fashion Gala Drama Scholars’ Production “Mobile Phone Show”

Sat 25 Mar

Netball 1st, 2nd, U15 A & B and U14 A & B vs Seaford College (A) U3 and L4 inter-county Cross Country (A) Falmer Church Early Evening Music Recital Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award Practice Expedition, New Forest

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