Heads weekly report 19 01 2018 v2

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19th January 2018 - Issue 3



Year 7 ceramic tiles. These were made by Nia, Tallulah, Amalie and Alissandra

Head’s Introduction This week began with an excellent thought-provoking Assembly by 12P about equal representation in different fields, regardless of colour or gender, and it ended with a Chapel marking Martin Luther King Day this week, which focused on the importance of belief and resilience when trying to bring about change. I am very pleased that the students at Roedean feel strongly about issues such as these, issues which are bigger than the School itself. Thinking about our theme for the year and what we can change at Roedean, the Head of School team is working with School Council, supported by Mr Fieldsend and Mrs Dunlop, to make Roedean more environmentally friendly, and I am confident that collectively we can make a big difference. Further to last week’s article about university offers, congratulations to Sharon in Year 13 who has also won a place at Cambridge University to study Economics, meaning that 5 Roedean students have Oxbridge offers. This is outstanding, and I am delighted for Sharon. After sitting their Trial Exams last week, Year 13 have been getting their results; I hope that they use these productively to identify where they did well, as well as which areas need more focus before the real things in June. There has also been lots of sport this week, and I am very pleased to see that we are fielding 4 Netball teams at both U12 and U13s, and also two senior Netball teams. In Performing Arts, the Year 10 group learnt a great deal from their Dance workshop on Tuesday, and yesterday all of Year 8 really enjoyed their Gamelan workshop. Their group performance was a lovely, calming way to end the day, with hypnotic repeating patterns and amazingly resonant gongs. Thank you again to all those girls and staff who give up a chunk of their Saturday last week to host 130 prospective pupils so well as they did their entrance tests, and congratulations too to the Admissions’ Department for running another excellent event.

Gamelan for Year 8 Over recent months, the school has focused a great deal on mindfulness and a positive mindset. To complement this, Year 8 all took part in a Gamelan workshop as part of their musical education. The Gamelan is an ancient and traditional musical form from the island of Bali, in Indonesia, and it is used to summon the Gods and ward off evil spirits and negativity. Metallophones and gongs of various pitches are struck with hammers and mallets to create a spiritual atmosphere. Musicians play without shoes in order to show respect for the instruments and culture, as well as to savour the natural vibration of the sounds physically. The Year 8 pupils loved the workshops and rose admirably to the challenges posed by the unfamiliar instrumental techniques. In order for the sounds not to blur and overlap, each note has to be dampened; the non-playing hand therefore has to shadow the playing hand and dampen each note in turn by pinching it: as the second note is struck, the first note is dampened, and so on.

I hope that the SSBA book awards go well this evening, and that you all have a lovely exeat weekend.

The day ended with a short concert involving the whole of Year 8. Darcey said, ‘I really enjoyed playing in unison with all my friends. It was a challenging as well as an enjoyable experience.’ It was a lovely, calm end to the day, and the staff and parents who came to see the culmination of the day’s workshop were extremely impressed with what they heard, and with what the girls had achieved in such a short period of time.

Winter Photo Competition – The City Are you a budding photographer? The termly Roedean photo competition theme for the Christmas holiday was ‘The City’. The entries for

the summer holiday competition were excellent and are now up along main corridor. The deadline for your submissions for this round is Friday 26

January. Please email them to Miss Boles on jbo@roedean.co.uk – the best entries will be displayed for all to see along the Main Corridor.


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

12P Assembly – Time’s Up!

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Congratulations to 12P, who presented a very thought-provoking and powerful senior Assembly on Tuesday this week: Now is the time for progression. Positive change. Movement away from suppression, discrimination, and voicelessness.

Melessa W (Yr10) for quietly and kindly helping a new girl to the school in her lessons [TWI]

You are most likely aware that on 7th January this year, actors and actresses arrived at the 75th annual Golden Globes dressed in black, in solidarity, to show their support for the Time’s Up movement. TIME IS UP.

Jade A (Yr11) for turning things around and making outstanding progress in English and also contributing excellently in class [HBO]

Farah MF (Yr10) for being proactive about setting up a DT Club [EGM]

Everyone that helped out at our Assessment Day for sacrificing their Saturday morning off and for making our visitors feel so welcome [JBO]

Powered by women, TIME’S UP addresses the systemic inequality and injustices in the workplace that have kept underrepresented groups from reaching their full potential. This movement began when a letter of solidarity was written from ‘Alianza Nacional de Campesinas’ on behalf of approximately 700,000 female farmworkers in the United States who had experienced sexual assault or harassment. It was sent to the Hollywood women involved in exposing the sexual abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein, who then published their letter of solidarity on behalf of all women who had experienced sexual assault or discrimination in the workplace: ’We call for a significant increase of women in positions of leadership and power across industries. In addition, we seek equal representation, opportunities, benefits and pay for all women workers, not to mention greater representation of women of colour, immigrant women, and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women, whose

19th January 2018 - Issue 3

experiences in the workforce are often significantly worse than their white, cisgender, straight peers. The struggle for women to break in, to rise up the ranks and to simply be heard and acknowledged in male-dominated workplaces must end; time’s up on this impenetrable monopoly.’ Norah Efron said, ‘Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.’ Inequality in the film industry is immense. Just 4% of directors were female in 2016. As well as this, only 11% of writers were women, and just 3% of cinematographers. Out of the top 100 films in 2016, females comprised 29% of protagonists. Of course, we know that this gender imbalance and sexualising of women is not an issue limited to the film industry. But times are changing. Women are becoming empowered. We must believe that we can make change and stand together in solidarity, because when we stand together, we are strong. TIME’S UP on silence. TIME’S UP on waiting. TIME’S UP on tolerating discrimination, harassment, and abuse. Although we ourselves are not yet in positions of power and influence to evoke such change, when we stand together, in solidarity, we can and we will be heard. We should never be afraid to use our voices to promote what we believe in. Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.

X Country Our cross country runners braved the bracing cold weather to take on the tough course at Waterhall playing fields on Wednesday. This was their first race after the Christmas break and the girls were eager to blow away the cobwebs. The juniors set off first in a race with over 200 competitors. The girls did really well and Sophie N came home in a magnificent 27th place. She was closely followed by Sophia (34th) and then Serena (42nd). All the runners did brilliantly and came within the top 80 runners. Tatum was unable to finish because of an injury, but she is now even more determined to return fitter and stronger. The intermediates then took on the course, and both Josie and Gracie put in magnificent personal performances. Gracie was aiming to get in the top 20 runners to qualify for the next round, which she smashed, coming in in 15th. Josie was not far behind, and it was lovely to see her finish strong and with a smile on her face. Gracie will now compete in the South East Schools’ Inter-Counties match in February.

A wonderful surprise from the Pre-A girls! On Sunday, our Pre-A Level girls in Keswick generously baked delicious cakes and brownies for Year 12 and 13, to congratulate us on finishing our trial exams. Despite having exams this week themselves, they still found the time to produce a platter of cupcakes, sweets, and chocolates, which were all eaten in a matter of minutes! The whole of Keswick felt extremely humbled by this selfless act of kindness, especially after such a tiring week. We would all like to say a huge thank you to all the girls involved and we are very grateful. Hannah L-W

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19th January 2018 - Issue 3

Year 13 Art – Trial A Level Exam This week, the Year 13 Art students had their Trial A Level exam. The real thing is 15 hours, but they only had 10 hours for their mock. The students completed a personal investigation, and you can see from the selection of photos that they each interpreted the stimulus in very different ways. For example, Gabby stitched richly embellished textile studies, whereas Zoe produced a mesmeric mixed-media painting on a monumental scale, and Esmee created a stunning dress inspired by melting ice-cubes and a visit to the Rachel Whiteread exhibition. The entire group is extremely talented, and we look forward to seeing what they produce in the summer!

3Fall Dance Company at Roedean 3Fall Dance Company from the University of Chichester visited Roedean this week to give a workshop to the Year 10 GCSE Dance students, and to perform in the Theatre. The company performed three pieces created by professional choreographers, Abi Mortimer, Joe Garbet, and James Wilton. 3Fall gave a fantastic performance and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all the students and staff in the audience. Earlier in the day, company dancers led a workshop for our students focusing on contemporary technique, and they also taught repertoire from one of their professional works, “Zoots, Dash, and Panache”. All of the GCSE Dance students worked very hard and enjoyed working with the company members. ‘I loved how the dances and lifts looked so effortless!’ - Bea S (Yr7) ‘I really enjoyed learning the new choreography and learning how to execute lifts. It will be fun to add new things to our GCSE pieces.’ - Annabel B (Yr10) ‘I loved learning the duet phrases and expressing myself though movement. It was fun to do something different.’ - Iris M (Yr10) ‘The partner work was great, and I liked seeing how you can create choreography with someone else. It was challenging, but I had a lot of fun!’ - Poppy A (Yr10) ‘We really enjoyed learning the phrases and we now feel more confident doing contact work, which will help us in our GCSE choreography.’ - Demi A and Scarlett J (Yr10)

A cinema trip for the boarders House 2 and 3 boarders went to the cinema last Saturday to watch the third part of Pitch Perfect. They had a fantastic time and a lot of popcorn! When they returned, the House 3 girls decorated lollies and then enjoyed The Voice on TV. On Sunday, some of the House 2 boarders joined Miss Ford-Senior to bake and eat delicious flapjacks. In the evening, House 2 had a tropical fruit party to beat the winter blues. The girls sampled young coconut water and yogurt, papaya, kiwi, pineapple and mango, the king of fruits, which was certainly the most popular choice. They loved all the tropical flavoursome fruits, and all the plates were cleared within minutes. It was an excellent way to finish the week.

Name the Roedean Bear! Following on from the Christmas Fair, we are holding a competition to name the Roedean Bear. Poor Roedean Bear has gone far too long without a name, so, for 50p, we are asking you to suggest a name for him. Please come down to the admissions office, before the end of January, with your suggestion(s). We will then ask Mr Blond and Miss Keller to choose their favourite from the suggestions – whichever name is chosen will become his official name and the winner will receive their own giant version of Roedean Bear. All of the money collected will go to the Lumos charity. Page 3

19th January 2018 - Issue 3


Netball JJ 153


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1st Team win 17-10 against Christ’s Hospital

To kick off the season, our 1st team travelled to Eastbourne College to play a triangular against them and Christ’s Hospital. We had a fantastic start against Christ’s Hospital. Our play was precise and flowed beautifully down the court. Our defensive players were winning countless interceptions, and our many attacking chances gave the team a real boost. The game finished 17-10 to Roedean.

through excellent 1 on 1 defending, however, on a number of occasions they gave back possession by rushing the transition into attack. The shooting was consistent and Eleanor F, in particular, dominated in the shooting circle by holding her space well, making it easy for her team mates to feed her the ball; she was voted Player of the Match.

attackers were quick and were able to get the ball into the D and storm ahead. Nevertheless, the girls showed great resilience and tried their hardest to win the ball back. Despite the heavy loss, Roedean took some positives away from the game and they showed great determination throughout. The Player of the Match was Serena C!

The 2nd team continued to perform incredibly well going into their second match of the day against Eastbourne College. After a frantic and scrappy start, the girls regained focus and corrected their mistakes in the second quarter, which enabled them to stretch out their lead. They utilised a back-up option to gain control of the game, and consequently turned over the majority of the opportunities created by our defence. There was excellent marking over the ball by Mary M, who was awarded Player of the Match. The final score was Roedean 24 Eastbourne 15.

27 – 18 for the U15As vs Eastbourne

The Under 15A Team made an excellent start to the Netball season and, after some impressive shooting from Liv H, we were leading by 10 goals to 4 after the first quarter. However, in the second and third quarters, Eastbourne College came back with a vengeance; we managed to remain ahead, but with only a 3 goal lead. In the fourth quarter, our passing, timing, and control was much improved. Demi played exceptionally well in defence and marked the GA out of the game. Our team played well in this opening match of the season and were rewarded with a well-deserved win, 27 – 18. The Player of the Match was Liv.

We then met a strong Eastbourne side and, although they were extremely well-drilled, we were by no means a walk over, we were down by just 2 goals, 8 - 10, at half time. Again our defence were sublime, Tash R was strong and really pushed the team through the mid-court, while Pippa was commanding at the back in both games. We lost some steam in the last quarter and unfortunately just missed out on a double win. There is so much potential for the remaining games this season, and there’s an extremely positive vibe overall from the Senior Camp – I am very proud of you! GCR

1st Team

A victorious 2nd Team!

Roedean 2nd team started their netball season with an impressive 20-11 win over Christ’s Hospital. The girls went in with a positive attitude from the start and, as result, they showcased some excellent passages of play. The defence created a number of opportunities

2nd Team

U14A vs Eastbourne

The U14As had a tough match against a very strong Eastbourne side. The game started goal for goal, with the girls showing fluidity, moving the ball down the court at pace. Eastbourne pulled ahead in the second half of the first quarter, with some great skill and physicality. All the Roedean girls showed determination right until the end, and the last quarter was the best, which they narrowly lost 9 – 8. The attack worked the ball around the D brilliantly, working hard to capitalise from of the defence’s turnovers, and creating some lovely space inside the circle, which Sophia drove into with perfect timing. It was a defeat, but the Player of the Game was Sophia, for her movement round the D and fantastic rebounds!


U15B vs Eastbourne

The U15Bs had an extremely closely matched game against Eastbourne College on Saturday. Eastbourne started strong and won the first quarter 7 – 2, with Roedean struggling to find space. As the match continued, Roedean’s confidence grew which led to two very strong quarters at the end of the match. However, despite winning the final quarter 6-3, Roedean couldn’t make up for the lost goals at the start, and the final score was 13 - 16. A special mention goes to Lois A for her excellent defending throughout, and Iris M was Player of the Match for her superb play through the centre of the court.


U14B vs Eastbourne

The U14B team had their first match of the year against Eastbourne College. Within the first quarter, it was evident that Eastbourne were a strong side, but Roedean kept focussed and were able to secure a goal. As the game went on, the girls were struggling to keep possession, as their Page 4


U12A vs Windlesham House

It was a tough day in the office for our A squad,

19th January 2018 - Issue 3


with an away meeting at Windlesham. The hosts came out of the blocks fast and with a bang, popping 8 goals in before our eyes. We were extremely cautious on court and were not quite awake during the early stages of the game. However, the girls’ resilience and patience paid off as they never gave up. To the bitter end, the girls dug deep to show their best netball in the closing stages of the match, and they won the final quarter 3 - 1. I am very proud of the girls’ maturity and the final score was 14 - 3 to Windlesham. The Player of the Match was Ava L.

consistently accurate and scored some difficult shots. However, moving forward it is important for us to improve on our movement in attack by making sure we commit fully when driving for the ball. A special mention goes to Poppy S for an outstanding performance, her best so far of the season. The opposition’s players were Sylva C and India H. The final score was 26 – 9 to Windlesham House.

BMW league at Falmer. We played brilliantly, and won 42 – 2! Even though the girls were of a much higher calibre than the Vixens, they played till the end, showing some outstanding team work and beautiful passages – well done!


The U12B team had a good game against Windlesham House. The first quarter they were off to a cracking start, with both teams fighting for the ball, resulting in a 3 – 3 draw. The second quarter, Roedean started to rush their passes and needed to slow play down as Windlesham were intercepting effectively. They were then leading 8 - 5. In the third quarter, Roedean showed strong determination, but the opposition was demonstrating effective play and getting past our defence. In the final quarter, the girls showed determination, but Windlesham took the win. The overall score was 14 - 7. The Player of the Match was Nia S.



The U13B team worked hard on Wednesday against Windlesham. New recruit Issy H played well through the centre court, alongside Player of the Match Phoebe H! As the netball season gets into full swing, we are seeing improvements from all the girls – keep working hard and well done to everyone involved! The final score was 3 - 9 to Windlesham.


The team had a rather difficult start to this match and, with challenging weather conditions, were 3 -1 down after the first quarter. However, the girls’ confidence grew and they began to play a more controlled game and, at half time, after some excellent shooting from Petra B, we had a 5-3 lead. The girls played a much better second half incorporating greater skill and accuracy and we won 7-4. Player of the match was Tara K. Well played team.

The U13C team were on fine form this week in their match against Windlesham. They began the game very strongly and were passing to each other very effectively. In the first quarter we took a convincing lead. Then the wind picked up and Roedean struggled to keep possession of the ball; some quick attacking from Windlesham with some very agile movement left our defence stationary and the second quarter became a draw. Windlesham continued their strong play into the third quarter and managed to gain the lead. Roedean didn’t stop fighting and finished the match strongly with a very unlucky shot just missing the goal in the final second. The final score was 6 - 7 to Windlesham. Darcey M was Player of the Match.


U13Ds won 14 - 4



This week the u13A netball team were up against an incredibly tough side from Windlesham House. We knew that it was going to be a challenge and it was therefore important that the girls started strong and kept their focus. I cannot fault them on this, as that is exactly what they did, even when they were down and Windlesham pulled ahead. We were impressive in defence throughout all 4 quarters, with some well-timed interceptions and a good transition when bringing the ball down the court. When we were able to get the ball to our shooters, they were

The U13D team made a triumphant return to the courts. With 3 new members joining the team, they brought energy, motivation, and a competitive spirit. The game remained close throughout, however the girls stepped up in the final quarter, putting on a masterclass of passing finished off by the prolific goal machine Saskia LD, who was awarded Player of the Match.

BMW vs Vixens

It was a commanding performance from our 1st Team members as they took on the Vixens in the

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 5

1st Team

Next Saturday is the first ‘Mother & Daughter’ Netball event for a while… Everyone is welcome, mums, grannies, guardians, sisters… And there’ll be Afternoon Tea! JJ WHAT’S COMING UP IN THE


Mon 22 Jan

Inter House Swimming

Wed 24 Jan

U13A Netball vs Lingfield College (Tournament) U12A,B,C&D Netball vs Lingfield College (H) U13B,C&D Netball vs Lingfield College (A)

Thur 25 Jan

Year 12 Economics Debate Lancing College

Fri 26 Jan

Burns Night

Sat 27 Jan

Netball Mother/Daughter Event

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