Head's Weekly Review - Summer Issue 2

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Head’s Introduction

Although Easter was not that long ago, term is fully underway, and I am very impressed by the range of activities our students are undertaking, including Sport, Music, and charitable endeavours.

Our musicians are rehearsing hard for next week’s concert, and I am looking forward to experiencing my first Brighton Festival Fringe concert in the Chapel. The solo performances accompanied by the orchestra promise to be outstanding, and few schools can boast of putting on an opera – I hope that many of you can support our performers next Friday.

The latest set of LAMDA results are remarkable, so I would like to congratulate the students and staff involved on this success. Well done to Niamh in Year 12, who sang with the National Youth Training Choir over Easter, and had the wonderful opportunity to sing in the Royal Albert Hall.

It is such a pleasure to see so many sports going on in the summer sunshine, and the breadth of sporting opportunities is impressive – just this week, there has been Tennis, Athletics, Cricket, Sea-Swimming, Netball, and the new Sailing Club, alongside Sussex Hockey success. Well done to everyone involved.

I enjoyed hearing about this year’s CAP projects in their final exhibition on Wednesday, and it is clear that the Year 12s derive great pleasure, as well as valuable skills, from these partnership activities.

The GCSE written examinations started today, and I hope that the French papers went well. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone taking A Levels and GCSEs over the coming weeks the very best of luck!

I wish you all a great weekend, and hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday.

Roedean Sailing Starts!


U13 Tennis Win vs St Andrew's Prep

Brighton Festival Fringe Concert

Friday May 5th 2023, 7pm Roedean Chapel

Dido & Aeneas

Pianos from Steinway Arrive at Roedean
28 April 2023 – Issue 2
Roedean Soloists Performing With Roedean Orchestra

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Sigrid (Yr12) – for a fantastic Academic lecture on 'The Republic': Contextualizing Plato's criticism of democracy'! [Ms Ibanez]

Galina (Yr11) – for playing Gershwin's Prelude so beautifully in Chapel – it was amazing, even more so because it was first published in 1926, the same year in which the first woman swam the Channel, beating the times of all the previous men! [Dr Hobbs]

Physics Olympiad Success

Congratulations to our Year 12 Physicists – they completed the written Physics Olympiad at the end of last term, and we are delighted with their excellent results:

Silver Awards

■ Tiffany

■ Hebe

■ Yilin

Bronze 1 Awards:

■ Zoe

■ Euran

Bronze 2 Awards:

■ Lila

■ Rose

■ Natalia


■ Eni

■ Juha

■ Skylah

■ Aanya

Well done!

If you are in Years 7-10, and would like to try your hand at the online Junior Physics Olympiad, you can do so next week – Activity 1 on May 4 in Physics 2.

Mr Foster

Wellbeing Talk –Dr Pooky Knightsmith

On Thursday afternoon, students in Years 10-13 attended a talk with Dr Pooky Knightsmith. She specialised in the field of adolescent mental health and wellbeing, and shared a practical, down-toearth session on the theme of staying healthy and happy through the forthcoming examination season. Her talk contained lots of guidance for those pupils in Years 11 and 13 who will shortly be taking their first public examinations at school, and Dr Knightsmith also shared advice for pupils in Years 10 and 12 on how to manage the longer period before their exams next year.

Dr Knightsmith stayed on after the talk to deliver a session to parents. Titled 'Supporting your child through revision and exams', this session explored how best to support young people through these busy and intensive weeks. The guidance focused on promoting wellbeing, creating effective study spaces, and on the importance of sleep, breaks, and rest to achieving the best on exam days. Feedback from both sessions was very positive, and resources from Dr Knightsmith will be shared with all pupils and families in the bulletins next week.

Karena Wins the Composition Prize at Hastings

Congratulations to Karena (Yr13), who won the 1st prize, with honours, for her performance of an original composition at the Hastings Music Festival.

If you would like to hear Karena play, she will be performing a movement from Concerto for Double Bass by Serge Koussevitzky in the Brighton Festival Fringe Concert in Chapel on 5 May.

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Ten Pianos from Steinway Arrive at Roedean


Friday 21 April saw the arrival of ten Pianos from Steinway and Sons. This is the culmination of a project which began 19 months ago, and included a visit in February to the Steinway factory in Hamburg by eight students and two members of staff. Having seen the construction process and toured the factory, the pianists then had the opportunity to try out and select the Steinway Grands which have now arrived at Roedean.

To celebrate the arrival of the ten wonderful pianos, they were delivered to the Chapel, where the School hosted a short recital. In front of an audience of 120 students and staff, including Keith Glazebrook from Steinway, the pianos were showcased, with solos on each Grand Piano performed by Hettie (Yr10), Tiffany (Yr 12), Candis (Yr10), Galina (Yr11), and Holly (Yr8). The concert started with eight hands playing Schubert’s Military March on two Grands – the performance by Bernice, Hettie, Candis, and Elin (Yrs1011) highlighted the impressive sound of the pianos, and they returned at the end as part of the finale.

The final piece was Dvorak’s Slavonic Dance in G minor, which featured all ten pianos played concurrently by 23 players, including six members of staff – it was a fantastic way to end the recital, and it raised the roof! This investment will provide access on the school site to Pianos of the highest calibre for all students to play, and will allow our talented pianists the opportunity to take their full musical potential.

5 May – Festival Fringe Concert

This year we are presenting a semi-staged performance of Purcell’s Opera Dido and Aeneas, with a wonderfully talented cast of Roedean students in the solo roles.

The concert will also feature a great line up of soloists performing with orchestra, and is a highlight of the musical year. This event sells out quickly so don't miss your chance to get a ticket.

Soloists include:

■ Karena (Yr13) – Double Bass Concerto in F-sharp minor, op.3, by Serge Koussevitzky – First Movement: Allegro

■ Natalie (Yr8) – Zigeunerweisen for Violin, by Pablo Sarasate

■ Alma (Yr13) – Blute Nur, from St Matthew's Passion by JS Bach

■ Bernice (Yr10) – Piano Concerto no.2 by Dmitri Shostakovich –Second movement: Andante

18 May – Open Mic 4:00-5:00 in the Theatre

An informal concert for Roedean's rock and roll stars of the future. Bands and singers get together for an eclectic mix of styles and genres.

6 June – Year 7 Musical Showcase 4:00 in the Chapel

This is a chance to hear the whole of Year 7 perform to demonstrate what they have learnt from the Instrumental Project, and join forces with the Junior Orchestra. This is always a fantastic and memorable event!

15 June – Summer Evening Recital 7:00 in the Chapel

There will be pre-concert drinks in the Cloisters from 6:30 – this is a chance to hear some of our extremely talented Roedean musicians perform a variety of styles of music.

Please book all events through  https://roedean.ticketsolve.com/
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Niamh Sings in the Royal Albert Hall

Congratulations to Niamh (Yr12), who was selected as one of the top 170 choral singers from across the whole of Great Britain, following a successful audition! She spent a week over Easter with the National Youth Training Choir, which is for singers aged 15-18, and is often a springboard to the National Youth Choir, which is open to those who are 18-25.

Niamh loved the experience of being surrounded by other talented singers, and she learnt a great deal: 'This course really tested my musicianship skills and forced them to develop at an exciting speed. Whilst it was vocally, physically and mentally draining, the experience was well worth it. I've met many wonderful musicians and had the privilege of singing within a choir that has such a full and breathtaking sound. I look forward to attending their summer course in July this year.

We spent a week learning four pieces. 'Kalinda' by Sydney Guillaume and 'Leonardo Dreams of his Flying Machine' by Eric Whitacre, which were incredibly energised and dynamic, and contained effective, impactful choreography

Exceptional LAMDA Results!

Congratulations to the 30 students who took LAMDA examinations at the end of last term –we have just received the results, which include 29 Distinctions! What an amazing set of results, which add to Roedean students' remarkable success rate in recent years.

that created wave-like effects across the choir. We also impressed the audience with a puppet of Leonardo Da Vinci as a young boy, who was brought to life by several teams of our choir members. The art of puppetry is not something the National Youth Choirs have explored before, so the use of Leonardo made our work stand out.

The pieces 'Who We Are' by Kerry Andrew and 'One Long Song' by Ben Parry (which we premiered) were performed by the National Youth Choir, Training Choir, Boys' Choir, and Girls' Choir.  Having all the National Youth Choirs perform together in The Royal Albert Hall created an incredible sound, and was very satisfying when we got to hear how our part fitted into the rest of the piece.  The concert left the performers and audience members feeling euphoric and celebratory, which made our concert successful because we were celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Choir.'

What an amazing experience this must have been, particularly singing in the iconic Royal Albert Hall – congratulations!


Miss Sellers Name Year Exam Grade Astrid 7 Acting 3 Bella 7 Acting 4 Elsa 7 Acting 4 Greta 7 Acting 4 Livvy 7 Acting 4 Lucia 7 Acting 4 Maddie 7 Acting 4 Sorcha 7 Acting 4 Bonnie 8 Acting 4 Hannah 8 Acting 4 Holly 8 Acting 4 Stella 8 Acting 4 Cassie 9 Acting 4 Darcey 9 Acting 4 Charlotte 9 Verse and Prose 4 Aubrey 10 Musical Theatre 4 Ashley 10 Acting 4 Cherrie 10 Acting 4 Bella 8 Acting 5 Naisha 10 Acting 5 Amelia 10 Acting 6 Eloise 10 Acting 6 Georgie 10 Acting 6 Isabel 10 Acting 6 Poppy 10 Acting 6 Portia 12 Acting 6 Millie 10 Verse and Prose 6 Ella 11 Musical Theatre 6 Beata 11 Acting 7 Merla 11 Musical Theatre 7 Page 4 28 April 2023 – Issue 2 HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW

Year 12 in the Most Biodiverse Place on Earth!

Last week, all Year 12 Biology students spent a wonderful day at Wakehurst. They practised ecological sampling techniques in the hazel coppice woodland, and they learned about the incredible ex-situ conservation work that is taking place, including at the Millenium Seed Bank.

The seed bank now contains a collection of over 2.4 billion seeds from over 39,000 different species of flowering plants from around the world, making it the most biodiverse place on Earth. It is an incredibly important resource and, whilst sadly some of the plant species are now extinct in the wild, they are not extinct overall, as the seeds can be grown and areas re-planted.

Here are some student quotations:

'I thoroughly enjoyed the field trip and found the experience truly eye-opening, I think this trip made me become more enthusiastic about biology, from seeing the biggest seed to seeing extinct plants that brings incredible crops for future generations due to staggering climate and global warming was truly amazing.' –

'Being able to visit Wakehurst place was an eye-opening experience and being able to visit the vault of the Millennium Seed Bank was even a once-in-a-lifetime one. The conservation walk was fruitful and relaxing with Wakehurst place’s amazing scenery. Our guide, Kim, shared a lot of information about endangered plants very clearly and helped us a lot with our identification of plants, which could get quite confusing when an area is very biologically diverse.' – Jasmine

'During the trip, I enjoyed learning about how seeds are stored in the millennium seed bank, and attempting to identify different plants during the practical.  I think that it was an amazing opportunity to be able to visit Wakehurst.' – Tiffany

Project 125 Moldova

In July 2023, twelve students from Years 11 and 12 are travelling to Chisinau in Moldova, with Mrs Howson and Dr Barrand.  Queena, Nettie, Paloma, Amelia, Portia, Amelia, and Maria (Yr12), and Mairi, Hannah, Eva, Gabriella, and Ella (Yr11) will be spending a week teaching English to 50 Ukrainian refugee children, and have been attending weekly training since January to prepare for this exciting challenge.

This philanthropic project has been launched in the School’s 125th year on its current site, and it draws together the fact that we have a student in School from Moldova, as well as Ukrainian students who have been forced to flee their country, and a strong and fundamental desire among the students and staff to help those who need it and to make a difference. Roedean is working very closely with an NGO in Moldova, Hope4, who are wholeheartedly supporting this transformational project.

It would be wonderful if you were able to support this project, and Hope4 to make a difference to these children’s lives. We will

shortly be setting up a Roedean Justgiving page, which will facilitate donations directly to Hope4, and we have lots of ideas for fund-raising – as Monday is the first day of May, the first idea is 'Run 2K per Day in May', and some students and members of staff will be meeting on the track every morning in May, and joining Miss Orrells' running club on Monday afternoons –if you want to go along, please do!

Thank you in advance for your support for this project, which we hope will make a huge difference to these children's lives.

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‘The Great Brighton Sock Off’

Last week, during EAL lessons and the Culture Club, students in Years 7-9 entered the ‘Great British Sock Off’ competition, run by Socktopus. Socktopus is a local family-run business, which designs personality-led socks with a nod to European and British Culture. The competition invited entries to design a sock which represents the city of Brighton.

The winning design will be produced and sold with a percentage of each sale going towards the charity, Brighton and Hove LGBT Switchboard.

As you can see from the pictures, there were many impressive designs. The owners of the store wrote to us to say they were overwhelmed with the selection of designs – so, fingers crossed that one of our entries is a winner!

Chapel – Sea-Swimming

This week's Chapel was led by Dr Hobbs, Miss Wakeling, and the students who swam to France in June 2022:

Dr Hobbs – People are capable of amazing things. I am continually amazed at what you all achieve every week in school and beyond. You overcome the challenges of your own lives to achieve what you believe is right for you and for others.

The fundamental mission of everyone in a school is to help other people to see that they are capable of more than they believe that they are capable of themselves. Every single day, the purpose of a school is to provide the opportunities and support which people need to realise this and find within themselves the courage and confidence to take on new things and become successful.

When they founded this school on this site 125 years ago, the Lawrence sisters believed that girls were capable of far more than society at the time allowed for. This school was built to challenge the view that women were not capable of independent thought and physical activity.

Penelope Lawrence repeatedly wrote submissions to parliament to convince the government of the day that women were actually capable of physical activity. Amongst

other things, the evidence she provided was that girls from Roedean had swum in the sea as far and as quickly as any man. Their belief that girls were capable of more and deserved better is what led them to raise the money to build the tunnel to the sea in 1910 and provide over 100 girls at the time with the opportunity to swim in the sea, publicly challenging all of the bias and preconceived ideas which girls met with every day.

It turns out that the Lawrence sisters were ahead of their time. 17 years ahead in fact. As in 1927, Mercedes Gleitze herself from Brighton became the first woman from Britain to swim across the English channel. The feat gave her film star status and transformed her life and the lives of others. She was sponsored by Rolex and wore their first ever waterproof watch, the Oyster, a brand which still exists today and went on to set up a shelter for homeless men with the money she earned through her swim.

The Lawrence sisters’ foresight and their belief in making things possible for others is the foundation we all walk on in this school today, 125 years later.

Miss Wakeling – It is so easy to look at others’ achievements and feel overwhelmed and in complete awe at how they got there. I know that I do it every day. I listen to the way you play instruments, speak other languages, see

you in matches, record your swim or run times and think wow, she is amazing, how on earth did she do that, but me, no I could never do that. Not me. And once you start looking, there are incredible achievements everywhere, Sarah Thomas swam the English Channel four times in a row, that’s an 80-mile swim, in a swimming costume, for 54 hours and it can become very hard for us to image that once upon a time Sarah couldn’t swim! vIt is hard to imagine that once upon a time Sarah was sat in an assembly hall, at school, just like you are now, maybe being told about Gertrude Ederle who at the age of 19 and on her second attempt became the first woman to swim across the channel in 1926 swimming it faster than any man before her!

But what very few people are prepared to tell you is that, despite Sarah Thomas needing a huge amount of physical and mental resilience, despite the sea swimmers having to find selfmotivation that they did not even know they had, the real truth is that Sarah, like, Bella, Amy, Jemima, Rose, Liv and Clara are all just normal girls like all of you. The real secret is that anyone could swim across the channel, achieve their grade 8 piano or became fluent in Italian. It takes a strong desire and a commitment to training. There is no special potion, and no one is born greater than anyone else. So next time you’re in a PE lesson and you’ve missed that shot three times in a row, give yourself some positive self-talk, you can do it, and think once upon a time Sarah Thomas couldn’t swim.

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Year 12 CAP Exhibition

The Year 12 Community Action Programme (CAP) concluded this week, with student presentations about the outreach and community-based projects that they have participated in over the Autumn and Spring Terms.

In total, we had 11 different groups undertaking a variety of projects and placements, with a focus on community-based service, gaining skills, developing teamwork, and offering support to others.

CAP this year has involved students going to places such as Chailey Heritage Foundation, Blind Veterans, St Mark's, and Downsview; there have also been community-based projects in and around Roedean, including our Community Cooking group, who have supported Off the Fence with their weekly culinary creations, Community Music, who have provided Samba workshops at St Mark’s, and our Junior Roedean Academy, who have delivered enrichment sessions to almost 150 Year 5 primary school pupils.

The CAP Exhibition on Wednesday enabled our students to reflect on these experiences and on their personal growth, as they shared their CAP programme highlights, the challenges they had

Roedean Hockey Players Representing Sussex

Congratulations to Orla, Evie, and Grace (Yr10), who played two hockey matches for Sussex at Lord Wandsworth College in Hampshire.

The teams were all really well-matched, but the Sussex team played exceptionally well, and won both matches:

■ Sussex vs Oxfordshire – 2-1 win

■ Sussex vs Hampshire – 2-0 win

Well done!

CAP Activities 2022-2023

• Blind Veterans

• Chailey Heritage Foundation

• St Marks

• Eco-Changemakers

• Junior Roedean Academy

• Community Farm

• Community Cooking

• Downsview

• Sports Leaders

• Language Pathway

• Community Music

faced, and summarised the skills that they have learned during the two terms.

It was evident from the excellent presentations and self-reflection questionnaire, that this has been a highly positive experience for Year 12 and very worthwhile. They have developed lots of personal skills and many life skills –teamwork, leadership, resilience, empathy, and communication.

'It has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and I feel that I have learnt so much about an area I had little knowledge of previously. I have loved getting to know the students at Chailey and will miss seeing them every week.'

'It was a really important experience I will have for the rest of my life.'

“It has been a really fun and enjoyable thing to do, as well as helping the local community.'

Congratulations to all of Year 12, for engaging with the programme so successfully. They have been fantastic ambassadors for Roedean, and great role models to the younger primary school children they have worked with.

Many thanks to the CAP Mentors and staff, who have supported the students so enthusiastically each week and provided so many fantastic learning opportunities.

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Hurst Athletics

With the sun bursting through the sky, the stage was set for this season’s first athletics meet. Roedean fielded a junior and intermediate team, competing in a variety of track and field events. This was a good tester to see whether the old adage 'winter miles=summer smiles' was reflected in the performances.

Katherine in Year 7 ran an outstanding 3000 against a field of older girls, and won convincingly, lapping a number of athletes, to cross the line in a time of 11:14.27. Other notable junior performances were achieved by Harriet, who started the season with a PB of 1.35m in the High Jump.

Aimee led the intermediate Hurdles until a late trip saw her unable to defend the strong lead she had built up. Pearl was an impressive 2nd in the Discus, throwing a distance of 23.52m. Similarly finishing 2nd, this time in the Triple Jump, Lizzie jumped 9.00m. Alicia stepped up to run her first ever 1500m, and, it is safe to say, I hope that this is the first of many – it was a promising first attempt at the distance, with a top 5 finish. Katie threw 7.00m in the intermediate Shot Putt. Aimee also came 5th in the junior Javelin, with a distance of 20.52m.

We have a new star of 100m in the making, with Ava running strongly to position 3rd in 14:50 seconds. Minnie ran the same distance in 15:03, and went on to compete in the Long Jump in 3.73m. There were other strong performances by Bella in Discus and 200m, and Solari sprinted well in the same distance.

Congratulations, team – what a great start to the season!

Gaby & Harriet Going to the National Club Finals

Along with their club, 5ways, congratulations to Gaby and Harriet in Year 9, who came in the top 2 in Regional Division 1 South this season.

This now gives them the opportunity to compete at the National Club finals in May, playing against the top 18 teams from across England. This is an amazing achievement – well done, girls! And good luck at the National finals – we cannot wait to hear all about it!

Amelie & Izzy's Team Placed 3rd Nationally!

Last weekend, Izzy, Amelie, and their club team from NRG, travelled up to Bromsgrove to compete in the SistersNSport Club Plate Finals Day.

The day consisted of 2 matches. They faced Tameside, which was goal for goal – NRG had a narrow lead the whole way through, but unfortunately lost it in the final minutes, and Tameside took the win by 1 goal!

This meant NRG were fighting for 3rd and 4th against DNC. Again, this was an extremely close match, with the final score 19-19, and this meant the match went to golden goal.

NRG had possession, and transferred the ball through court to Izzy, who shot the winning goal to secure them 3rd place nationally in the SNS Club Plate competition. This is an outstanding achievement. We are so proud of you both – well done!

Ms Marek
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Miss Hammond

Netball vs 5ways


The U12C team did exceptionally well to play against a strong U13 5ways team on Friday night. The courts were buzzing with excitement as 4 teams gave it there all in glorious sunshine.

It was excellent to have a game in the Summer Term, and I know that many of the girls are planning on keeping up their netball fitness this term.

We had a tough first quarter, but played exceptionally well in the 2nd and last quarter, practising what we had learnt last term and trying out some set plays for the first time.

Well done to all those who played – it was a great learning experience.



The U13C Netball team squeezed in one more match last Friday versus 5ways. It was a glorious sunny evening, and the team played some outstanding netball.

Roedean was in control the whole game, building on their lead quarter by quarter. Our defensive unit was on fire, with big turnovers that were successfully transferred through court by our mid court players. Some extremely accurate shooting at the other end allowed us to capitalise on our turnovers.

The final score was 17-7 to Roedean. Congratulations to Athena who was named Opposition's Player, and Claudia who was Coache's Player. Also, a big thank you to Alicia who stepped in last minute to help this squad out! Well done all.

On Friday night, we had a mixed U13B and U12A Netball match against 5ways Netball Club. It was a fantastic night of Netball, with a lovely sunset as the backdrop.

With the two teams combined, it took the players a few quarters to find their rhythm, and Roedean were only 2 goals ahead going into half-time. Lois played out of position as a shooter, but, with Sophie alongside her, they were able to start pulling us into the lead. Maud, Flo, and Naomi played very well in defence and were turning the ball over regularly. Maddie also played out of position in WA, and, along with Yasmin in the centre court, they were able to bring the ball down the court well.

After finding their feet in the second half, they won the game 20-12, and Sophie was named MVP.

Sport Stars of the Week

Congratulations to this week's Sports Stars!

Miss Kirby-Jones

Year 7

Maddie, for great improvement in Cricket

Year 8

Miranda, for her great Tennis performance

Year 9

Alicia, for her commitment to Netball and Athletics

Year 10

Eva, for fantastic Athletics performances and training this week

Year 11

Ella, for stepping in and playing in the OR Netball match

Sixth Form

Lea, for playing for the first Netball team on Saturday

Miss Wakeling Miss Hammond U12C U12C
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U13 Tennis Win vs St Andrew's Prep

This match against St Andrew's Prep was a brilliant start to the Tennis season for the U13s. The girls were closely matched with their opponents, making for an enjoyable fixture. There were some great points played by both sides, and it was clear it was going to be anyone’s match!

Amelie and her opponent were really moving each other around the court, and their accuracy was superb, combining so many cross-court and down the line shots, you couldn’t predict where they were going to hit.

Miranda also came up against a tough opponent, who was playing deep, low shots over

the net, but she was returning them and really turned her game around to take the win.

Kat and Sophie did well in their matches too, and they were able to get half the score of their opponents, so didn’t make it easy for them.

Singles' scores:

■ Amelie won 6-2

■ Miranda won 6-4

■ Sophie lost 6-3

■ Kat lost 6-3

In the doubles, it was another close one. Sophie and Kat really fought hard in their match, and it was neck and neck. They lost 6-5 in the end, but

it was a great effort to get such a close score. Amelie and Miranda won their doubles match, so it was down to a tie break to decide the overall winner – how nerve-wracking!

They worked well together, Miranda picking off volleys at the net and Amelie hitting great baseline winners from the back. They kept their cool and played steadily. As a result, they were victorious, winning 7-3, giving Roedean the overall win!


U12C Cricket Victory vs Brighton Girls

On Wednesday, the U12C team took to the Roedean cricket astros for the first time ever! They were super nervous and full of questions, but excited to play, and they put their training into practice. We lost the toss, and went out to field first.

First innings:

We went out with the aim to stop boundaries and bowl straight. The team worked really hard at this, with Greta, Amyra, Ying, and Georgie all taking wickets. The team was determined to get the ball back to the wickets to prevent runs. The squad kept them down to 261. Batting next, and the team were excited to smash the ball around. Georgie opened the batting and managed to smash a 4 early doors, giving the team some confidence. A special shout out goes to Ying, for scoring three 4s in one over, and to Joy, for her enormous 6! We were up after the first innings, with 277 runs!

Second innings:

After a reflection from the first innings, the team was focused on attacking the ball and backing up. They did just that, with Paloma taking a wicket and a lot of dot balls. Brighton managed to put 267 on the boards this time round. Brighton were much more switched on this time, and they took a few more wickets from us, losing the second innings, with a score of 256.

With some quick maths and reflection on the game, it was Roedean who took the win by only 5 runs! What a great start to the season for the squad – they should be really proud of themselves. Fielder of the Game went to Tilly, and Batter of the Bame went to Ying. Coache's Player of the Game was Georgie for her communication in the field and when batting! Big things to come from this C team – keep your eyes peeled!

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Roedean Sailing Starts!

Our very first sailing activity started last weekend, with girls travelling to Ardingly Resevoir. Despite the low wind speed, they were able to sail their boats for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed their experience. A lot of fun was had, and they are incredibly excited for the five more weekends of sailing this term.

Harriet Jumps a New PB

Congratulations to Harriet (Yr9) who jumped a PB of 1.35m in the High Jump at Hurstpierpoint College on Saturday 22 April! Well done, and good luck for the rest of the season.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: abw@roedean.co.uk

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28 April 2023 – Issue 2 HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW

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