Heads Weekly Review - 20th May 22 - Issue 4

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20 May 2022 – Issue 4



Summer Dance Showcase and Year 8 Bollywood

Head’s Introduction

There have been a number of GCSE examinations this week, and I would like to congratulate the Year 11s on their positive and calm approach – we are very proud of them. The A Level papers and speaking tests have also started this week, and there will be more papers next week. We wish all those taking public examinations the very best of luck.

165-metre iDrop for Charity

Congratulations to 137 students in Years 9 and 10 who all took part in their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Silver and Bronze expeditions last weekend. They all did very well, and, although they were tired afterwards, the girls now feel fully prepared for the assessed expeditions in the second half of term – well done. I am very grateful to all those colleagues who supported the expeditions at the weekend. Last night, six Roedean students and members of staff took on a fantastic charitable endeavour – their challenge was to step off the i360 pod at 165 metres and drop to the ground! They were, of course, attached to a rope, but they all showed great courage! Congratulations to Sophia, Molly, and Jemima (Yr13), and Mr and Mrs Wilson, and Dr Barrand. It was a lovely sunny evening, the School made a donation of £1500 to one of this year’s school charities, the local animal sanctuary, Raystede. Well done! On Tuesday this week, students in Year 12 had the opportunity to take part in a Brighton Chamber of Commerce event, hosted at Roedean and organised by Dr Hannan. Our twenty visitors represented different professions in the local area, and our students were able to network with them while showing them around the School. These connections and the skills developed can be very important in the future, so I am grateful to everyone involved. I wish you all a wonderful weekend, and good luck to Years 7-10 and 12 for their school examinations next week. We are looking forward to our Jubilee celebrations next Friday, and they will be the perfect introduction to the half term holiday.

54 Silver and 83 Bronze DofE Practice Expeditions

Art and Photography Taster Day

20 May 2022 – Issue 4


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Teatime Recital

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

On Tuesday, the last whole school informal recital of the year took place. These have been a real highlight, and this one was no exception. We were once again presented with a wonderful array of music. Special thanks go to Year 9, who had the most performers representing their year, and to all their friends who came and supported them.

Maria (Yr11) – for supporting the i360 charity abseil and for taking some brilliant photographs! {Mrs Wlson]

Everyone took to the stage with confidence, overcame their nerves, and performed with enthusiasm. There were so many highlights: a fantastic Flute Quartet playing Carmen by Bizet, performed by Kate and Yolanda (Yr10), Bernice (Yr9), and Chloe (Yr8); Daisy (Yr8) performed a wonderfully moving piece by a Ukrainian composer she had heard on BBC Radio 4; and Siyun and Ellen (Yr9) both performed beautifully on the Trumpet, which they started as part of the instrumental project back in Year 7. It was wonderful to see their progress. The programme concluded with a fabulous Waltz played on the Double Bass by Karena – she performed with real energy and musicality. Well done to every single student who performed and thank you for sharing your talent with us so generously. Thank you also to the Catering Team for the most delicious brownies, and Mr Rous for accompanying. The final key performances for this term are below – please do come and support them! You can book through https://roedean.ticketsolve.com/shows/873625578

Aarushi, Georgie, Holly (Yr9 – for speaking so brilliantly in Chapel this week [Miss Hart]


Ms Strachan and Mrs Alexander – for producing a 'charity cheque' for the charity abseil at short notice [Dr Barrand] Miss Stidston – for running the technical rehearsal for the Summer Dance Showcase in my absence! [Miss Abaza]

7 June – Year 8 – Instrumental Project Recital at 4pm in the Chapel

16 June – Summer Evening Recital – Music performed by Roedean's top Musicians at 7pm in the Chapel

23 June – Year 7 Concert Featuring the Junior Orchestra at 4pm in the Chapel

29th June – Speech Day – a chance to see some spectacular highlights from the Fringe concert at 1:30pm in the Brighton Dome

Congratulations to the following who have won Golden Tickets this week Well done! Miss Hart

Year 7 – Romey [Mrs Chamberlain]

Good Luck to our Year 11s The House 4 junior boarders designed and created unique, positive, and supportive good luck cards for our GCSE students who are currently taking their exams. They then delivered them, with a little treat, to wish them all the very best of luck! Mrs Wilson Page 2

Year 8 – Isabelle [Miss Beadle]

Year 9 – Nancy [Mrs Haining]


20 May 2022 – Issue 4

Eurovision Party in Lawrence! On Saturday night, Lawrence House had a great time watching the Eurovision Song Contest. The girls got into the spirit with flags and facepaint, and we all enjoyed snacks from across Europe, prepared by students and staff. The UK did very well, but it was Ukraine who won in the end – well deserved! Miss Burnett

National Children’s Day 2022 To celebrate National Children’s Day and explore one of the themes for this year, 'create a kinder world', everyone wrote a postcard with kind, positive, and thoughtful messages, and they were delivered the following day. Every House 4 boarder received a positive postcard to brighten their spirits and spread some kindness!

Art and Photography Taster Day Roedean's Art Department was delighted to host a group of visiting girls yesterday for an Art and Photography Taster Day. During the day, the girls gathered artefacts from the grounds, and used a range of media, including the use of the traditional cyanotype process, to produce some beautiful pictures. A huge thank you to Mrs Strachan, Head of Art, for hosting the girls all day.

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Mrs Wilson


20 May 2022 – Issue 4

54 Silver and 83 Bronze DofE Practice Expeditions On Friday 13 May, 54 Silver DofE participants left the comfort of Roedean to embark on their practice expedition. This three-day, two-night adventure was all about learning by doing. Our girls practised being self-sufficient, meeting the 20 conditions of the Expedition Section of their Award, through campcraft, menu planning, route planning, cooking on Trangia stove, pitching tents, sleeping outdoors, navigation, teamwork, and endurance. We had the perfect practice weekend weather conditions, with glorious sunshine on Saturday and rainfall on Sunday. I feel that our girls are ready for anything now! On Saturday 14 May, 83 Bronze DofE participants joined our Silver group at Blacklands Farm in the Ashdown Forest, for their two-day, one-night expedition. Both Bronze and Silver participants threw themselves into every challenge. I wish I could bottle and sell their enthusiasm and laughter! As a staff team, we could not be prouder of their positivity, persistence, teamwork, and achievements. Thank you to all those colleagues who supported these amazing expeditions. I think these pictures say it all!

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Mrs Finn


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20 May 2022 – Issue 4


165-metre iDrop for Charity After a morning of heavy rain, the evening was glorious for the Roedean-Raystede Charity iDrop. This event was originally planned for 6 December, but had to be postponed because of high winds – and May was definitely a better option! We met with representatives from the charity beforehand, and they told us how delighted they have been to work with Roedean – the School donated £1500 to this local charity, which protects animals from neglect and abuse. Congratulations to Sophia, Jemima, and Molly (our outgoing Head Girls and Charity Perfect in Year 13), who represented the school body and absolutely took it in their stride – despite some initial nerves, they went for it, and the School is very proud of them. Sophia said, ‘Best birthday present ever – what a great way to celebrate my 18th!’; Molly said, ‘I was so nervous before, but then when it started it was amazing!’, and Jemima added, ‘I won’t forget this in a hurry, and I love that the School is supporting such important charities.’ Well done also to Mr Wilson (it was all his idea!), Mrs Wilson, and Dr Barrand, who undertook the challenge too! Thank you to all those who came down to watch and support – there was lots of positive energy coming from the crowd! Thank you also to our photographers, Ms Boobis, Maria (Yr11), and David from Brighton Pictures. An evening to remember – and all for a great cause! Well done!

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20 May 2022 – Issue 4

20 May 2022 – Issue 4


From Racing At Goodwood To Sending Satellites Into Space Two Year 12 students, Alyssa and Janice, have been flying the STEM flag astronomically high this year through their co-curricular involvement. One week they’re part of our School’s cohort of student engineers and racers competing in the F24 event at Goodwood, next they receive confirmation that their two designed experiments will be accepted to launch by the Cubes in Space international engineering school project. The two students have worked extensively from February to produce written scientific experiment proposals, including experimental predictions and purpose, value to scientific community, intended data analysis, and 'to scale' scientific diagrams.

'We learnt how to write project proposals and find informa tion from credible sources. It’s rare that you get to do something with a large space agency before you graduate from university. It’s even rarer that something of yours gets sent 100 km from Earth. I wanted to develop my interest in engineering by doing something hands-on. I enjoyed learning at my own pace and trying new ideas. The most challenging thing was to fit an experiment within the parameters that was set for us. I learnt a lot about circuitry and computer science when we were workin g on the project.' Janice

Huge congratulations to them both for their efforts and the many hours they have put into the project this year. They have shown a wonderful ability to come up with unique ideas, which have impressed the Cubes in Space team – they will be sharing their findings as they intend to share their findings in the future. Mr Foster

STEM competition 'Cubes in Space is a global NASA, offered in collaboration with ideas for ir the where participants submit orbital sub a in an experiment conducted a 4x4x4cm of s ter environment within the parame cess, pro n ctio cube. After a lengthy sele d in a che laun be the chosen experiments will on oon ball ital sounding rocket or a suborb uld sho als pos pro ed NASA missions. The submitt ch, ear res of ds fiel aim to contribute to varying ce-based needs. Our connecting to Earth or spa d to investigate project for the balloon aime of materials, the UV-prevention properties EVA, IVA, ter aiding research into making bet ject with pro er IEVA and LES suits. The oth an with up e com the sounding rocket is to s of ect eff the engineering solution to negate ect eff g agin dam the thrust oscillation, reducing t firs We . nics of launch vibrations on avio our projects. made plans and proposals for wed us to make allo Fritizing, an online software, rted building. sta electrical diagram before we uino circuit Ard t Then we learnt how to connec in order to s sor sen and how to code and debug ed. ect coll a compare and plot the dat puter com and I have always loved engineering ical han mec dy science and I am hoping to stu nce cha at gre a engineering at Uni, so this is my elop dev and for me to practice my skills interest.' Alyssa

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20 May 2022 – Issue 4

Jubilee Chapel We know that none of us will ever be claiming throne of this country in the way our amazingly wise and steady Queen has done. But as you head into exams next week, whether taking them or marking them, and then into the holidays, the desire and longing for wisdom is an excellent prayer that is likely to lead you into richness in your friendships, relationships, studies, work – a wealth that might turn out to be unequal to anything else

This week, Miss Hart and Mrs Marshall-Taylor led our Chapel service about wisdom and the Jubilee: If you could ask for anything at all, I wonder what you’d ask for. A million views on TikTok? An endless supply of bubble tea... – (if the House 4 boarders got their way) A relationship with someone who’d never let you down? If you were suddenly put into a position of great power, would you ask for anything different? Spiderman was reminded that with great power comes great responsibility – how would you use yours? What would you need to use it well? Of course, we are sadly all too aware of people in positions of power who use their position for greed, for their own ego and even recently for war. The truth is we all have a certain amount of power and responsibility to influence the circles around us –for good or bad – our family, our friendships, our followers and the wider world. We don’t need to wait until we are adults, climbing the ranks in an organisation, to be able to exert a certain amount of influence in the world. But what is it that we need to best use the privileged position that we – each of us in this school community – have been given?

'When I spoke to you last, at Christmas, I asked you all, whatever your religion, to pray for me on the day of my Coronation – to pray that God would give me wisdom and strength to carry out the promises that I should then be making. Throughout this memorable day I have been uplifted and sustained by the knowledge that your thoughts and prayers were with me. All of you, near or far, have been united in one purpose. It is hard for me to find words in which to tell you of the strength which this knowledge has given me.

When the young Elizabeth, aged merely 24, just a few years older than the leavers we said goodbye to last Friday, suddenly found herself in a position of huge responsibility as the new Queen, she addressed the people. She asked them, whatever their religion, to pray for her to have … not money, not power, but wisdom. Wisdom. Of all the things she could pray for, ask God for, this was her deepest and most desperate prayer. Wisdom. She’s not actually the first monarch to do so. You may have heard of Solomon – a King in the Old Testament – who was invited to ask for anything he wanted. God gave him the wisdom he asked for (as well as quite a few palaces and jewels too!) Wisdom is a bit of an old word, isn’t it? Would you ever want it? Would you pray for it? It doesn’t sound very sexy does it? Not a great brand. Wisdom has been described as the art of steering. Imagine standing outside House 3 on a Sunday morning, looking out over the marina and watching the sailing boats out on the sea. At the back of a boat, as some of you keen sailors may know, is a rudder – it's quite small compared to the size of the boat. It sits under the water and enables the boat to travel in a straight line. If you don’t have your hand on the tiller, to control the rudder, you can easily be blown off course by the current, the tide, the wind; by taking your eye off your destination or by being distracted by other boats. In fact, without a rudder, you could find yourself out at the wind farm, or halfway to France – literally, totally at sea. Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions in our life – when no-one else is watching. It’s the quality of having good judgement – despite the current, the tide or what others around us or on social media are doing – discerning and deciding something because we believe the outcome to be a good one. It’s unhurried; a carefulness to have knowledge and know how to use and apply it well to life. Without wisdom, we can find ourselves ‘tossed around on the waves’ to continue the analogy. Without it, we might find ourselves in the Houses of Parliament, looking at tractors or in court Wagatha Christie style.

Following her Coronation on 2 June 1953, The Queen made a broadcast in the evening, reflecting on the events of the day, thanking the public for their support, and promising to serve the nation. The following are extracts from that speech, read by Aarushi, Georgie, and Holly:

The ceremonies you have seen today are ancient, and some of their origins are veiled in the mists of the past. But their spirit and their meaning shine through the ages never, perhaps, more brightly than now. I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust. I am sure that this, my Coronation, is not the symbol of a power and a splendour that are gone but a declaration of our hopes for the future, and for the years I may, by God's Grace and Mercy, be given to reign and serve you as your Queen. As this day draws to its close, I know that my abiding memory of it will be, not only the solemnity and beauty of the ceremony, but the inspiration of your loyalty and affection. I thank you all from a full heart. God bless you all.' Next Friday we will be celebrating the Queen’s platinum jubilee at school, starting with a street party picnic on the quad. This style of lunch is a nod to how the Queen’s coronation was celebrated by people at the time, and how her three previous jubilees – silver in 1977, golden in 2002 and diamond in 2012, have been celebrated. You will then take part in selected activities that have been themed around the decades of the Queen’s reign. Workshops will include, dancing, tie dye, aerobics, scrunchy making, cake decorating, tag rugby and a commemorative art installation. In order feel the grandeur and pageantry of the coronation 70 years ago, we are going to listen to one of the coronation anthems played on the day. As you sit for a moment in quiet and then exit the chapel contemplating the music– imagine a young woman, just a few years older than you, walking down the aisle of Westminster Abbey, organ playing, having just been crowned queen of, at the time, the world’s most powerful nation, and asking her people and God for wisdom for a long and successful reign.

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Summer Dance Showcase and Year 8 Bollywood Last week was busy in the Dance Department. On Wednesday, all of Year 8 had fun learning exciting routines in Bollywood Workshops led by the very popular Kalpesh – they loved it and picked up the routines so well! Later in the afternoon, Roedean dancers from across the School took to the stage in our Summer Dance Showcase. Our audience enjoyed dance performances in a range of styles, from Street Dance to Ballet, including examination pieces, teacher and student-led choreography, and curriculum work. Everyone performed brilliantly, so well done to all involved! Year 8 had the honour of rounding off the showcase with a showcase of the Bollywood routines they learnt earlier in the day, with everyone coming together at the end to join in the performance of Jai Ho – it was great to see the audience getting involved and dancing along too! Miss Abaza

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20 May 2022 – Issue 4

HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW School gave the d last Tuesday in The event organise y to create an ded the opportunit students that atten ing event looks of what a network image in their mind people you don't conversations with like. From starting ing exposed to em around and be know, to touring th t usually be asked, estions we might no qu of t sor t ren ffe di and find out more e chance to speak th g vin ha y all fin to e of businesses in entatives of a rang res rep ose th t ou ab g that helped very fulfilling evenin Brighton. It was a be part of the more of how it is to bit a ver sco di to us of us that are not especially to those d, an rld wo ess sin bu as we know it. er view of Brighton local, offered anoth

Getting this opportunity was great, as I was able to communicate with adults who work in the fields I want to work

in in the future. From a financial adviser to someone running a new energy drink brand, there was a range

of people to talk to. I was also one of the six speakers who got to talk at the start - it was a great way to practise my public speaking.




s about the I was quite nervou Commerce of Brighton Cham ber e first time th s wa it meet ing, as ch an event, but I have attended su really well. I met things turned out specialised in o so many people wh bs, and it was jo d an s different area talk to them. to g in at really fascin ce, I developed m y From this experien to know more got social skills and careers. re tu fu about Alyssa

Brighton Chamber of Commerce at Roedean On Tuesday 17 May, we welcomed members of the Brighton Chamber of Commerce to Roedean for a ‘Behind the Scenes’ event. Our Year 12 students hosted the event, and spoke about what it was like to be a student at Roedean and the opportunities that were most important to them as individuals within the community. Ms Keller, Dr Hobbs, Miss Allen, and Dr Barrand then spoke about some aspects of the School as a business. Following a tour of the School with the Year 12s, armed with ‘fun facts’ about the Library, Theatre, Chapel, Main Corridor, and Sixth Form Centre, the students then had the opportunity to practise their networking skills with the guests, who each represented different businesses in the city. It was a fantastic event, not least due to the exceptional canapés provided by our marvellous Catering Team! Dr Hannan

The event was amazing for me. I had a wonderful talk with a teacher; who shared her experiences with me and gave me many useful suggestions for my future career. Many thanks for this fabulous opportunity! Juliet

Alice in August22 Dance World Championships

KOD competed in the U16 Intermediate category, and came 1st which also qualified them to compete at the World Championships in August.

Attending and speaking at the Cham ber of Commerce event was a huge confidence boost, as it was a platform which enabled us to netwo rk with a large number of Brighton business leade rs and politicians on our home ground. I appre ciate d the opportunity to chat inform ally with so many interesting and enthusiastic people, who had diverse perspectives and ideas - and, of course, I always enjoy representing and showing off the school. The canapés were really delicious too! Jemima

I enjoyed meeting so many people working in different areas, and finding out more about their life achievements. It was a good opportunity to enhance my communication skills and social networking abilities. I had to be prompt with my answers, and I learned how to carry on a conversation without it being awkward! It also helped me a great deal to overcome my public speaking anxiety.

Congratulations to Alice (Yr8) and her crew, who won their dance division at the Essex UDO (United Dance) at the beginning of April.

20 May 2022 – Issue 4

They are now busy practising new routines, ready for performing at Streetfunk’s Straight Up show at The Brighton Dome and their next competition in Berkshire, both held in June. What an outstanding achievement. Miss Beadle

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I am glad that I have had the opportunity to join the Brighton Cham ber of Commerce event. Networking with the wider comm unity is important and, with this opportunity, I was able to pract ise my comm unication skills and learn more about the companies in Brighton which have broadened my horizons. This has helped me to know more about life after university. Meet ing different people with different backgrounds inspired me to think out of the box and understand how different companies operate differently. Furt herm ore, this event enabled me to know more about how business work and how they survived during Covid. I am grateful to be able to join the event and hopefully I can conti nue to network with wider comm unity. Helen


20 May 2022 – Issue 4

SPORT Aquathon On Monday, the sun came out for the first Aquathon of the summer term. Mayfield bought a junior team to compete against our juniors and intermediates, in a 400m swim and 1km run. From the 17 competitors, the first 10 gained points for their team. Harriett won the overall

competition, and Lucy came in 3rd. The final scores were Roedean: 30pts and Mayfield: 25pts. A big well done to all the girls who competed in their first ever aquathon. Miss Kirby-Jones

U15A Tennis Victory vs Brighton College

U13A Tennis LTA League Fixture

U13A Tennis vs Burgess Hill

The U15A Tennis team took on Brighton College in their toughest fixture yet. The girls had a good warm-up and set to work at getting the upperhand early in the match, and they did!

The U13A Tennis team travelled to Chichester to play Bishop Luffa in another LTA League fixture this week. The team arrived and started off well, with the girls playing brilliantly in their respective singles and doubles games.

The U13A Tennis team took to the courts with the target of experience, as they were missing a few players, and it was great to give some other tennis players the opportunity to play some matches. Jemima had a superb and lengthy singles match, lasting just under an hour and going to a tie break, but she managed to push all the way to the end to get the win 7-6. Katarina played brilliantly too in her singles match, dismissing her opponent 6-1 in quick games. In the doubles however, Burgess Hill turned the match around and played well to win both sets. The final score was 8-4 to Burgess Hill, but the Roedean player learnt a great deal from the experience. Mr Campleman

Mia won her singles match 6-0, and Eli and Maya won their doubles match to go 4-2 up at the changeover. Mia and Maddie then struggled in a hard-fought doubles match and narrowly lost out, while Eli convincingly beat her opponent in her singles match. This left the score at 6-4, with Maya's singles match going the full nine yards. Maya played brilliantly and had a few match points on her serve, but the pressure was increasing and the Brighton College player had with nothing to lose. The game eventually ended 7-6 in a tie break set to Brighton, and they took the match to 6-6 in all games.

Amalie faced an opponent with a big serve, and used all her experience to get the ball back and deep in the court whenever she could, to push her back and win the point. Jemima and Alicia made quick work of their opponents in the singles matches, winning 6-0 and 6-2 respectively. In the doubles, the Roedean girls dominated and won both their matches, ending the fixture with a 10-2 win. Well done! Mr Campleman

This led to a Tie Break doubles set, with Mia and Maya facing a strong Brighton College pair. The girls showed plenty of resilience and powered home to a 10-6 victory in the tie break – so we won the match in an impressive 7-6 win. Mr Campleman Page 11

20 May 2022 – Issue 4


Topping's Triple Triumph At the end of April, Mollie competed in the South East regional championships. The competition took place in High Wycombe over three days, and Mollie qualified to compete in the 50m, 100m, and 200m breaststroke. She swam brilliantly, and made the finals in all three distances. She came away with two Bronze medals and a fourth place, which were amazing achievements. She is now preparing for the Summer Nationals which take place in Sheffield.

U12D Cricket vs Hurst The U12D team took on Hurst on Wednesday for their first match for Roedean. They were both excited and nervous. We lost the toss and had to open the batting. With Claudia (Captain) and Molly opening, they scored a solid 8 runs. It was Kelsie and Evelyn that put the highest score on the board with 21 runs. As the batting continued, we managed to get 58 runs, however, with 4 wickets, we ended up with 238 on the boards as we progressed into the second innings. As we stepped onto the field, we knew we needed to get some wickets. We got two run

outs on Molly's bowling, and Stella bowled a fantastic wicket, but it just wasn't enough to take the win, with Hurst putting 288 on the boards. Claudia was named Batter of the Match by the opposition and Lyla was Fielder of the Game for her great bowling and decision-making on the field. Coaches' Player went to Bonnie for her fabulous wicket-keeping all game. Well done, U12Ds, for a fantastic first fixture. Miss Bamford

She has also been selected to join other swimmers from across England in the National Development Programme on 22 May. This will take place in Birmingham at the new Commonwealth Games pool, Sandwell Aquatics Centre. The day will provide an opportunity to support, inspire, and connect young swimmers in their quest to achieve international success. Well done to Mollie, and good luck for the next meet at the Commonwealth pool! Miss Wakeling

Club Cricket County Champions Two weekends ago, a select few Year 8 girls played County Cricket in the ECB-organised soft ball county final championship. Miranda, Chloe, and Jemima were part of the team which successfully won the tournament on a perfectly conditioned weekend! Well done to the three Roedean girls, and to the Preston Nomads team! Mr Alexander-Buckley

U15A Tennis Victory vs Burgess Hill

U13B Cricket vs Burgess Hill

The U15A Tennis team took on Burgess Hill in their 3rd League match, with 1 win and 1 loss behind them.

The U13B had another successful game of cricket on Wednesday against Burgess Hill. After a delayed start, the girls were put in to bat first and each faced two overs.

Maddie and Clara battled first, playing well in their doubles match, and they won 6-4. Saffron and Mia both powered to 6-0 wins in their singles. They then swapped, and it was Saffron and Mia's turn to play some brilliant Tennis in difficult, windy conditions at Roedean. Maddie was determined and focused in her singles game, winning 6-3, and she played brilliantly with the wind behind her serve and aggressive groundstrokes. Clara fought well in her singles match, and took it to 5-5, narrowly losing out 7-5 in a great final two games.

Jemima and Chloe


This was another superb win for this team and they march on to Brighton next.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. MrHeadmaster’s Campleman Weekly Review, If you have something you would like featured in the please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 12

With a short boundary in play, there were plenty of 4s and 6s, and plenty of lost balls! The highest scorer was Megs, with three 4s and three 6s off her eight balls. The girls posted a total of 286 for the opposition to chase. The team have been working hard on their bowling over the last few weeks, and this showed with some great bowling. Aimee had the best bowling figures of only four runs for her 1 over. We kept the opposition to 257, winning the game by 29 runs. MVP for Bowling was Alicia, and for Batting, it was Megs – the Girl of the Game was Jemima. Miss Kirby-Jones

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