Head's Weekly Review - 21 June 19 - Issue 33

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21 June 2019 - Issue 8

Roedean appears to be struck by lightn ing during an impressive storm



Head’s Introduction New Girls’ Day yesterday was a lovely occasion to welcome the girls and families who will be joining the Roedean community in September. They were full of excitement and enthusiasm, and it was clear that they enjoyed getting to know the School, staff, and current girls a little better, ahead of their arrival September. Thank you to the Admissions Department in particular, but also to everyone who made them feel part of the School already. This week has been National Boarding Week, and the Houses have taken the opportunity to celebrate everything that is brilliant about boarding all in one week. There has been a barbecue, karaoke, a party to say farewell to Year 11s, and much more, and the week’s events have highlighted the strength and cohesion of the boarding communities at Roedean. I am really looking forward to celebrating the successes and achievements of the girls in Years 7-10 at our two Prize Giving ceremonies tomorrow. It will be wonderful to hear from Wendy Young, who heads up one arm of the local charity Off the Fence, and we are also welcoming 230 Old Roedeanians back to School. Sports Day in the

afternoon will be a great way to round off a week in which 11 girls who passed their Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition at the start of the week, the Roedean Musician of the Year finals took place and Freya won with a fantastic piece by Smetana, and last night’s Private View in the Art Department showcased the exceptional work of the Year 11 and 13 girls. Next week is the last week of term, and I am very grateful to Ms Boobis for masterminding two outstanding days of activities and projects for the girls on Wednesday and Thursday - I am sure that you will hear more from your daughters in the coming days! The first key event of the week is the School Charity Walk - 380 girls, along with staff from all areas of School, will walk 5 kilometres to raise funds for our school charities. It is brilliant that 180 girls and 30 members of staff have chosen to walk an additional 5 kilometres, and 21 children from St Mark’s will also be with us! Thank you to everyone who has donated to this cause we have already raised over £3150!

Please see page 5

I wish you all a great Roedean Day, and a fantastic last week of term!

School Charity Walk

£3150 already raised!

Musician of the Year Final

Please see page 5

Art Private View

Over this year, we have been raising money for St Mark’s, our partnership primary school in Whitehawk, and also the ten girls around the world we support through PlanUK. We are delighted that the Roedean community has already raised over £21,000 since September for our charities. As you will be aware, to round off the year from a charity perspective, on Tuesday 25 June, we will be holding a whole school charity event, with everyone in the school community (for Years 7-10 & 12) walking a 5-kilometre course to raise funds for our charities. Our target for the day is to raise £7000. https://www.justgiving.com/roedean-school

Please see page 3

21 June 2019 - Issue 8


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Rita F (Yr10) for a fantastic speaking and listening presentation in English [HSH]

Musician of the Year Final

Siko M, Elena S, and Phoebe H (Yr12) for stepping in to be last minute ushers at Peter Pan [KNE]

On Tuesday this week, 18 girls took part in the finals of the Roedean Musician of the Year. The standard was incredibly high, and our adjudicator, Scott Stroman, praised all the girls for their accomplished and musical performances. Scott gave some very encouraging and helpful feedback, and his friendly and informative style was much appreciated. It was a difficult job to be able to choose between the performers, but we are pleased to announce that the following girls were the prize winners this year:

Grades 4 and 5: 1. 2. 3.

Lisha SH and Victoria C (Yr11) for giving up a whole afternoon the day after their GCSEs ended to help set up the Art Exhibition [SSN]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls. Mrs Thomas for giving up so much of her time providing 1:1 support to A Level Mathematics students in preparation for their examinations – it really is a perfect example of going above and beyond [PHA]

Freya’s on Spotify! Congratulations to Freya in Year 12, who has successfully applied to have her music featured on Spotify. Her album will be available for streaming from the end of June and the Sixth Form team would like to congratulate her on this fantastic achievement. [CPA, CC, and GH]

Fleur F (Yr7) Bo Ana M (Yr9) Alma S (Yr9)

Grades 6 and 7: 1. 2. 3.

Constance S (Yr12) Eva F (Yr10) Galina B (Yr7)

Grade 8 and above: 1. 2. 3.

Freya S (Yr13) Ananya R (Yr9) Joyce W (Yr10)

Congratulations to Freya, winning in her final year at Roedean, and to all the performers. BMR

Kincso loves drama Kincso has a passion for drama and loves spending time developing her skills with a Theatre Company outside of school. In recent years, Kincso has been involved in local Drama Productions. Her latest performances were linked to Brighton Fringe Festival and the play was The Magical Voyage of Ulysses by John Wiles. ‘Recently I was in a play called the Magical Voyage of Ulysses, playing the lead role of Poseidon, as part of a Fringe Festival event at the Brighton Little Theatre. I had lots of fun playing this role with the rest of the cast, and we rehearsed for about 3 months. I was really delighted to have this opportunity and I think the show turned out really well.’

Campaign for Clean Air Congratulations to Amelie H (Yr10) and India H (Yr7), who recently took part in a campaign to raise awareness for Clean Air Day and to promote zero emission ice cream vans. It’s all over the press, but the Daily Mirror has the best photos and you can watch a video here. Nissan launches new electric ice cream van that tweets instead of playing jingle.

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Street Dance Success for Roedean Girls Well done to India H (Yr7) and Laila E (Yr8), who won the U14 Advanced Street Dance Southern regional title with their crew, Defiance. The routine was choreographed by Munya Muchati (pictured) and they train at Marina Studios. This is their second regional title this season, as they also won the South Coast championships. They are the current UK U13 UK Street Dance Champions.

Congratulations too to Amelie H (Yr10), won the U18 Street Dance Southern regional title with her crew, OriGen. She also placed in another advanced solo final, narrowly missing out on the top spot.

You can see them dance at ‘Straight Up’ at the Brighton Dome on 6 and 7 July.

What brilliant achievements – Roedean is incredibly proud of you!

In August, all 3 girls will go to Blackpool to represent England in the World Championships, also qualifying in other categories.

Art Private View The Art Department held a Private View last night of GCSE and A Level work. The standard, range, and variety of media was exceptional, including ceramics, painting, fashion and textiles, and printmaking. The friends and family of the artists joined the girls, and there were representatives from feeder schools and some who will be joining Roedean in September. Those who came were incredibly impressed with what they saw. Local gallery owner, Kellie Miller, who spoke on International Women’s Day, attended and awarded prizes to the artists whom she considered to have the most potential from the work she saw. The highly commended artist is Mary M, the runnerup is Cherry S, and the winner is Jingxuan W. The exhibition will be open on Roedean Day for anyone who was not able to attend. It really was a wonderful celebration of art at Roedean, and the event will become a permanent fixture in next year’s calendar. SSN

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21 June 2019 - Issue 8


21 June 2019 - Issue 8

Dorit Oliver-Wolff

Year 7 Microclimates

On Friday, Year 9 were honoured to have Holocaust survivor Dorit OliverWolff return to the school and talk about her experiences as a young Jewish girl during the Holocaust. Naturally the girls, who have this term been studying the Holocaust, were spellbound by Dorit’s account of her fascinating life and her fight for survival against all the odds, and they enjoyed talking with her more informally at the subsequent booksigning in the Library. Just as inspiring was hearing Dorit recount how she was able to move on after World War II to become an international recording artist and best-selling author – her talk, whilst educational and at times unbelievable, sometimes even funny, will no doubt have caused many to reflect on the true power of resilience and optimism. As the number of survivors of the Holocaust become fewer and fewer, Dorit’s visit is especially important as a living testament of the Holocaust and will continue to inspire the girls beyond their time here at Roedean – what a privilege. SBB

This week, all Year 7 Geography classes used their learning from the weather and climate topic to conduct fieldwork into local microclimates. Their challenge was to determine the best place in school to locate a picnic bench by measuring light, temperature, wind-speed, and wind direction. Not surprisingly the students came up with a wide range of excellent locations. JS ‘This was a fantastic activity which gave us a chance to explore different microclimates around the School. It was fun to go around with my peers and we decided the best place to put the bench was the Quad. However, to make this fair, we would have to measure this at different times of the day and year. Overall, it was a great experience!’ - Roma T (Yr7)

Amelie’s going to the World Scout Camp in America Amelie S (Yr11) has been selected to represent Sussex and the UK in the World Scout in America this summer. She has also now also been selected as a Patrol leader, which means heading up and managing a group of 8 young people on the trip after a long assessment process. What a brilliant opportunity this will be, and we look forward to hearing all about it!

Investigative Psychology Investigative Psychology is a weekly activity which will explore a range of human behaviours and thought processes using both experimental and non-experimental research methods. Students can either conduct investigations, or volunteer to participate in them. The investigations may be replications of established studies, or entirely new designs. The activity offers the chance to gain valuable insights into the methodological and ethical processes involved when conducting research with human participants, and will be particularly useful for students who are studying, or considering studying, Psychology. If this sounds intriguing, why not come along? PIH

‘News of Friends’ Congratulations to OR Katy Bourne (Waller, No. 3, 1975-81), a former President of the Old Roedeanians’ Association, on receiving an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours, for public and political services. Katy is in her second term as the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex. She was first elected in 2012, and then more than doubled her majority in 2016. She is well respected both in Sussex and nationally, and is widely regarded as one of the most effective and innovative Police and Crime Commissioners. She brings a genuine passion and commitment to make a difference, and her work to support victims of crime has won her praise from successive Home Secretaries and Prime Ministers. Katy was also nationally recognised for founding the award-winning Sussex Youth Commission in 2013 and the Sussex Elders’ Commission in 2015.

Jane’s on the new TV quiz show! Congratulations to Jane S (Yr10) and her family who have taken part in the new television quiz show for the BBC, called The Family Brain Games. It must have been incredibly exciting, but also stressful to be part of this quiz, with families undertaking challenges head-to-head, and hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The concept is that different puzzles test different types of intelligence, from logic to maths to communication, with eight families up against the clock and each other to stay in the competition. At the same time, experts analyse the results and explain the science behind why individuals are better at certain tasks and how group dynamics can effect overall performance.

DofE Silver Despite an incredibly early start last Saturday, the Silver teams did very well during their Qualifying Silver Expedition in the Forest of Dean. They pushed themselves and remained positive despite many rain showers. This excellent attitude, coupled with putting their training into good practice, has meant that all of them have come away successful. Thank you to Mr Fieldsend and Miss Hyams for accompanying them alongside Outspark Ltd. We now look forward to welcoming new DofE cohorts in the next academic year!

The show has been on BBC2 this week, and it is fantastic that Jane and her family with be in the semi-finals next Wednesday! You can catch up on previous episodes on BBC iPlayer, but definitely watch on Wednesday to see how Jane and her family do!

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#iloveboarding National Boarding Week at Let’s celebrate boarding! Write all the things you love about boarding on a #iloveboarding note and pin it to the board in Reception

MONDAY 17 JUNE Boarding Obstacle Course When: 7-8pm Where: Low ropes course (on site)



When: 7-9pm

When: 7-8pm

Where: Mean Girls in the Theatre

Where: Main Reception



When: 7-8pm

When: 7-8pm

Where: Keswick Hall

Where: Asda, Marina



Roedean Day

When: 5:30-6:30pm

Boarders Go to the Movies

Boarders Got Talent: Karaoke


‘#iloveboarding because I love spending time with my friends. Boarding is like having a sleepover every night! #roommates.’ Manon (H3)

Treasure Hunt

Food Bank Drive

Boarding Barbecue Where: Cloisters

# i l ove b o a rd i n g

‘#iloveboarding because I feel I am part of a big family and we live with our best friends.’

Obstacle Course for Boarders! Around 30 girls came to participate and Mrs Burns had a time trial challenge too. The girls represented 5 different year groups and we had a winner in each. However, the fastest overall (after a 3-way battle to beat their original scores) was Alex S in Year 7. Her impressive 55 seconds around the course even included a 5-second penalty for one cheeky foot down on the grass! She was lightning fast and we may well be making this an annual event to see if we can set and beat records.

Winners: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Staff

Alex S (and overall fastest) Tara K Lucy H Onate O-D Abby L Mrs Burns

‘You make end fri s that you will keep forever’

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21 June 2019 - Issue 8

#iloveboardin g




21 June 2019 - Issue 8

#iloveboardin g

House 4 Farewell to Year 11s To celebrate the end of the Year 11 exams and to wish them a great farewell, we organised a party in our Hobbies room. The girls enjoyed pizza, pasta, and salad for dinner, followed by chocolate cake for dessert. The Year 7 & 8 girls made cards for the Year 11s earlier in the week; it was a joy to read the kind words and thoughtful messages written. These were given to the girls along with a small gift, so that they could remember us in House 4. The evening ended with our Year 11s planting seeds in their own personalised plant pots which would grow in their absence and leave a lovely memory in House. The seeds have already made great progress, with our Christine plant shooting up quickly! It was a lovely evening and a special event for the house staff and the girls; we will miss them terribly.

e I get to ‘#iloveboarding becaus ds every spend time with my friened for life ar night! Also you get prep !’ un #f ity rs at Unive Sara (H3)

Sixth Form BBQ Exams are over, and what better way to celebrate the end of such a busy academic year than to have a BBQ with our friends on a sunny day? That is what Lara and I had in mind when planning the Sixth Form Summer BBQ. This year we chose a tropical theme and dress code with the hope of injecting a summer spirit into everyone as we look forward to a well deserved summer holiday. All the colourful decorations helped us enhance the atmosphere even further as we felt transported into hot summer destinations such as Hawaii. It was amazing seeing the smiles from everyone’s faces when the ice cream van arrived and our year group all joining in on a game of Limbo. Ellie, Isobel, Lara and Lottie all showcases their skipping rope skills, which was a fun and impressive way for all of us to create a summer vibe. Teachers came to enjoy the barbecue as well, flocking to the ice cream truck just like the students. Mr. Woodhouse even brought his baby boy Ed, who also got the opportunity to bask in the sunlight, even though it was slightly windy. The barbecue was certainly a successful event that left a great impression on everyone in the sixth form. We hope events such as this barbecue (and more being planned!) will be something that returning girls and girls entering the lower sixth in the next school year can look forward to. Page 6

‘Boarding is enjoyable as I can chat with my friends all the time ☺.’

21 June 2019 - Issue 8



A huge well done to the nine girls who turned up to compete in our annual internal aquathon. The completed an 800m swim, followed by a 1500m run, which didn’t include the run from the pool down to the track. Here were the times:

Olive A


Jamie O


Tallulah BH


Rose O


Holly G


Freya T



Molly T


Izzy H Katie L



What an amazing day of athletics and an outstanding performance by all of our Junior Athletics team. There were some phenomenal individual results across the squad and overall the girls came 4th out of a total of 12 schools!!!! This is such an impressive achievement, as the standard was incredibly high and especially considering that we had to make some last minute changes due to illness and injury. All of the girls should be extremely proud. In particular, there were some standout performances which must be highlighted. These are: ■■

Pearl P for coming 1st in the 800m with a time of 2m35.7s (even despite being brutally shoved at the beginning of the race).


Amelia K for coming 1st in high jump with a height of 1.38m.


Ruby A for coming 1st in 100m with an astonishing time of 13.4s, a whole 0.6 seconds quicker than the girl who came second!


The entire relay team; Amalie S-J, Grace J, Pearl P and Ruby A for winning the relay with a personal record time of 55.8s!!

I have been so impressed with the sportsmanship and etiquette shown by the girls towards other competitors and for their consistently high performances this season. With one more event to go I hope that they can push the pedal and keep it going to obtain some new PBs next week at the Junior Town Sports Competition. Well done girls! Very proud coach!

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21 June 2019 - Issue 8

Tennis U15A vs Brighton College

Our U15 Division 1 team played Brighton College in the AEGON fixture. It was a very windy day on the tennis courts, but the girls showed true resilience throughout. Our girls had some tough singles matches due to the wind, but they performed some brilliant forehand winners throughout. A special mention to Lucy P for a great match as it went to deuce in almost every game. Her result was 6-4 to Brighton, so it was a close game. In the doubles, Roedean girls worked well together and were performing some consistent serves, putting Brighton under pressure. The final result was Brighton 12-Roedean 0, but the scores did not reflect the games played. A huge well done to Lucy P, Sophia C, Delphine C and Phoebe H.

U15A vs The Weald

The U15 Division 1 team had a good fixture against The Weald. Roedean girls had some tough singles matches, but they performed some brilliant defensive shots and ground strokes throughout. All the matches were very close, with a number of deuces in the games, so this was not reflected in the overall score. In the doubles, both Sophia C and Charlotte D played fantastically, and they were returning the serves effectively. Hanna F and Phoebe H worked well together, and they played some great forehands and volleys. The overall result was Roedean 0-The Weald 12. Well done to all four girls.

U14A&B vs Eastbourne U14A Tournament at Bede’s

Our U14 team had a fantastic experience at the U14 Sussex Schools’ Tennis tournament held at Bede's school. Our girls were super excited to play a number of different schools. The format of the day was timed matches of 10 minutes and to play a tie break. The next pair would then come in and play, and the overall score would then be added together. Our girls played some great tennis throughout the day, demonstrating some brilliant groundstrokes and volleys. They were able to place them well, making it harder for their opponents. In addition to this, both pairs showed great teamwork and resilience throughout. We had a successful win against Ardingly, which was brilliant to see! Overall, the girls had an enjoyable day, and we look forward to perfecting our skills and returning next year. A huge well done to Charlotte D, India B, Harriet M-H, and Phoebe H.

Both the U14A & U14B teams had a fantastic afternoon of tennis in the sunshine versus Eastbourne College. The format of the day was that every pair played everybody in their league. Roedean had some brilliant matches, with confident volleying and excellent serving. It was clear to see that our girls showed great teamwork throughout. A special mention goes to India B and Harriet M-H, who did not lose a match – they managed to consistently beat Eastbourne College in all 3 sets, playing some fantastic tennis. In addition to this, both Nicole S and Jasmine Y worked well together, and they also did not lose a set. Both Kelly W & Emma B were superb, considering it was their first ever tennis match, so well done! Eastbourne College pulled off some wide serves throughout, which made it harder for Roedean to return, but our girls did not give up, and they showed great perseverance. The overall scores were Eastbourne College 6. Roedean 3 for both U14A and U14B. It was a successful afternoon, and well done to India B, Harriet M-H, Phoebe H, India H, Phoebe H, Olivia B, Jasmine Y, Nicole S, Marianna L, Kelly W, Emma B, and Sylva C.

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21 June 2019 - Issue 8




U15A at the Hurst Cricket Festival

On Monday, we played our first Volleyball match vs Burgess Hill.

On Thursday Roedean took part in the annual U15 Hurst Cricket Festival. The girls had three games to play in their pool which would determine the finals. Roedean played Blatchington Mill first on an uneven wicket which was testing for the batting teams. Nonetheless, Roedean bowled and fielded well to win the first game. Roedean then took on Mayfield who bowled and batted really well proving to be too good for Roedean, leading to our first loss of the day. In our final group match which proved to be an interesting low score match, led to Roedean winning in the final over after some excellent bowling by Poppy T. This left Roedean playing Eastbourne College which was an entertaining game, providing a variety of interesting shots that I have only seen from professional cricketers, as well as dramatic run-outs. Roedean finished the day with a win against Eastbourne College, with Lucy P and Lara S seeing the team home with the bat.

The girls gathered momentum as the match progressed improving significantly with service and court positioning. The atmosphere was one of joy each time a point was scored, as well as learning from each situation on court. Poppy T joined the team to add support as a player; her service skills in particular were a key part of Roedean winning many points during the match. The final team was Ella A, Aita MA, Tiffany C, Joyce W, Chloe K, Mandy A and Poppy T. Tiffany was named Roedean’s player of the match for her consistent performance throughout. I commend all players for their efforts and more so because the girls stayed on court to play for a further hour together; they clearly have a passion to play more Volleyball. Well done to the team! Burgess Hill won the match 2 games to 1. We played an additional short set to conclude the fixture and Roedean won 7 – 6.

An excellent day of cricket provided by Hurstpierpoint College which the girls thoroughly enjoyed!

U12B vs Hurst

On Wednesday, the U12B team played against Hurstpierpoint College Prep School. Roedean batted first and started well, scoring quickly, however as the innings went on, Roedean didn't capitalise on easy runs by not communicating with one another, and Hurst also fielded and bowled very well, and this limited us to 273 runs. Roedean then went out to field and, with some encouragement, everyone bowled, which will be valuable experience for them. Hurst put on a great batting display in the final three overs which led to them winning by 16 runs.

Roedean Sea-Swimmers on Wednesday

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk



Mon 24 June

TeenTech Awards Final

Tue 25 June

Headmaster’s XI vs pupil Hockey

Wed 26 June


Thur 27 June


Fri 28 June





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