Heads weekly report 22 09 2017 v4

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22nd September 2017 - Issue 3



The astro’s coming...

Head’s Introduction

Biking round the Downs

With four year-groups out of school for a few days each this week, Roedean has been a little quieter than usual. Year 10 had a very successful trip to Blacklands Farm, where the girls challenged themselves in the outdoors, and Mrs Robins was delighted with the way every girl got involved. In the second half of the week, the girls in Year 7, 8, and 9 have been to Bushcraft, PGL on the Isle of Wight, and Kingswood. I am very grateful to my colleagues for accompanying the girls on these residential trips which are so valuable for the girls. By taking them out of familiar surroundings, the girls have to adapt to problem-solve and work as teams in a completely different way.

Last Sunday, 20 Roedean girls from across the year-groups enjoyed a wonderful mountain biking excursion. The route took us over the rolling Sussex Downs behind and around the school, down to Ovingdean, and back along the seafront road to school. The weather was superb and everybody had a wonderful time, as well as plenty of good exercise into the bargain!

At the same time as these residentials, Roedean has also hosted two large-scale events this week. The first was in London, which we hosted with Cheltenham Ladies’ College and North London Collegiate School to celebrate the benefits of single-sex education for girls. The keynote speaker was Dame Mary Archer, and she led the audience through a list of ground-breaking women, who paved the way for our young women today to play key roles in 21st century society. The Careers Fair, run by Mr Taylor and his team in the Development and Alumnae Office, was a great success last night. The girls in the top four year-groups had the opportunity to talk face-to-face with representatives from the whole range of professions and a great many fantastic female role models. I hope that this experience helped the girls to develop a clearer idea of which career they might want to pursue in the future. I am delighted that work has begun this week on Roedean’s all-weather pitch. In a short space of time, the contractors seem to have moved a lot of earth, and suddenly it is possible to envisage what it will look like – it will be exciting to watch this project develop over the next few months. I hope that you all enjoy a relaxing exeat weekend, and good luck for next week!

Reflection on Reading This reflection was used in the Chapels this week: We should always remember that reading is a gift. In the 21st century, while nearly 15% of the global population still cannot read or write, many of us at Roedean are fortunate enough to be able to read and write in more than just one language.

Brighton Shoppers Look at our happy Brighton shoppers! 33 girls enjoyed the trip at the weekend. Unfortunately we did get wet! But it really didn’t seem to worry these girls as long as they could shop! It was a great afternoon enjoyed by all. JWL

Perhaps we owe it to those who do not have this ability to read as much as we can, for study, for pleasure, for fun. In a world which is so fast-paced, where time seems so precious and short, we should make space to lose ourselves in reading, if only for a short time each week. Reading challenges our minds, it broadens our horizons, it alters our perspectives, it gives us insights into different worlds and times – reading is a gift we must not ignore.

HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Zara C (L4) and Jemima and Eloise G (L5) for attending the London event, even though Eloise and Jemima had only just got back from their residential, and Zara left early the next morning to go on hers [RB] Fiona Howe for her fantastic work on the registration desk at the Careers Fair, where she stayed all evening [GLC]

The Housemen for their incredible work setting up and dismantling the Careers Fair in a very short timescale [GLC]

‘I’ve never been camping before, and it was more fun than I thought!’ Last weekend, 93 girls in Year 10 set off to Blacklands Farm, near East Grinstead, for a residential trip. The girls threw themselves into all of the activities, and there were lots of them! Kayaking, abseiling, problem-solving, rock-climbing, a log walk, and the infamous crate challenge – and they had a great time! In the evening, the girls enjoying sitting around the camp-fire with marshmallows and hot chocolate, and one night they all marched off into the gloom for an 8-kilometre night hike. Sleeping in tents with 3 or 4 others didn’t seem to faze them at all, and they all learned a great deal about team-work, were fed well, and perhaps most importantly formed lots of new friendships. Mrs Robins is very grateful to the staff who went along, and she was delighted with the girls’ approach to the whole trip – well done!

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22nd September 2017 - Issue 3


New Staff Fact-Files

A 21st Century Education for Girls

Name: Ms Sarah Morris

Roedean Role: Business Teacher University: BA in Business Education with QTS (Brighton) - Previous school: Business Teacher at BHASVIC - Hobby/ Interest: Zumba and Park Run - You’d never guess... I love Brussels Sprouts, and when I was a teenager I wanted to be Madonna

Members of staff and girls took part in a wonderful event at the Royal Institution in Mayfair this week, which focused on girls’ education. Roedean organised the event, in conjunction with Cheltenham Ladies’ College and North London Collegiate School. These girls’ schools are all highly respected, representing the three strands of education available to London families with daughters, namely weekly boarding, full boarding, and day. Mr Blond welcomed visitors to the event, held in the Royal Institution’s famous Faraday Lecture Theatre, from where the annual Christmas Lectures are broadcast each year on the BBC. Representing North London Collegiate School, Bernice McCabe, the former Headmistress, spoke about girls not aspiring to break through the glass ceiling, but rather springing up from the floor, with the resilience, confidence, and skills acquired at girls’ schools. Following this, Eve Jardine-Young, the Principal of Cheltenham Ladies’ College, told the audience that she believed that, with this generation of young people likely to live until the age of 100 and work until 80, there is even more scope for women to be leaders, and to combine hugely successful careers with fulfilling family lives. Girls’ schools prepare their students to be multi-faceted and successful in a number of fields. Mr Blond then discussed the wonderful merits of a girls-only education, contrasting it with the experience girls often have in a co-educational school which may not cater for their needs in a classroom in the same way. We were delighted that the keynote speaker at the event was Dame Mary Archer, a preeminent chemist, specialising in the field of photo-electrochemistry. She has worked closely with the NHS, and, since January 2015, she has been chair of the trustees of the National Science Museum Group. Dame Archer spoke eloquently about the great progress women have made over the last two centuries, and she presented the audience

22nd September 2017 - Issue 3

Name: Mrs Maxine Muggeridge

Roedean Role: Housemistress of House 3 and SEN teacher University: BA in Physical Education with QTS (Chichester) - Previous school: Assistant Housemistress and Learning Support teacher at Lancing College - Hobby/Interest: Playing netball and watching the England Women’s football team - You’d never guess... I was 2 weeks from the UCAS deadline to apply for teaching, as I was set to join the police force

Name: Mrs Fay Watts with a number of iconic, ground-breaking women, particularly in the field of STEM, as illustrations of the fact that women have greater opportunities today than ever before. Finally, Mr Blond asked representatives from each of the schools to introduce themselves to the audience, and they then answered questions from the floor, about the values and skills they have developed in an all-girls environment, and its benefits for them. Roedean was represented by Zara C (Yr8), Eloise and Jemima G (Yr10), and Martha N (Yr13), each of whom spoke beautifully about their experiences at Roedean. Afterwards, there was a lovely reception in the Royal Institution’s Library, where the staff and girls, joined by Maggie EB, Loretta S, Ohi I, and Maria P (Yr13), circulated amongst the parents to share their experiences. It was wonderful to have an occasion which was focused on the education of girls per se. The event was a great success, in historic academic surroundings, and it was enjoyed by all those who attended.

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Roedean Role: Pastoral Manager Previous role: Detective Sergeant in the Child Protection/ Safeguarding and Investigations Unit, Sussex Police (recently retired) - Hobby/Interest: Walking, and using my sewing machine! - You’d never guess... I love riding my moped!

Name: Ms Lisa Powell

Roedean Role: SENCo and Resident Tutor University: BA in English with QTS (King Alfred’s) - Previous school: SENCo at Harrow School - Hobby/Interest: Swimming and charity work - You’d never guess... I volunteered to set up a programme to enable prisoners with learning difficulties to develop literacy skills

Careers Fair A Careers Fair for over 300 girls in Years 10-13 took place in C Hall on the afternoon of Thursday 21 September. With over 50 different careers/ professions/sectors represented, there was lots to think and learn about for the girls in terms of future career options. Parents, Old Roedeanians, friends of the School, and some with no connection to Roedean all took part to ensure this was a hugely worthwhile event. Sectors as diverse as law, medicine, and finance to publishing, film production, garden design, and fashion were represented. The event was clearly appreciated by all, and many girls were still there talking to various sector representatives at 6.20pm, twenty minutes after the Fair officially ended. We are hugely grateful to all those who gave up their time to ensure the event was so valuable and helpful to the girls. MTA

22nd September 2017 - Issue 3


Netball ISNC Netball Cup vs Benenden

With a tough team talk, and captains Ella and Jess giving inspirational words to their team mates, the team regrouped to go out and give the game everything. Step by step, pass by pass, the girls clawed back the gap....

It was the most incredible game of Netball and had the spectators on the edge of their seats throughout with either team looking likely to steal the win.

The last quarter had everyone in suspense – the goals for Roedean kept coming and coming. Even Dr Barrand was on the edge of his seat! The game came to a close and sadly Roedean just ran out of time. They closed the gap, which had risen to 9 goals, back down to 5 which was a target set by captain Ella.

Although we are well into the current Hockey season, Netball still plays a part in Roedean’s sports fixtures and the U15 squad kicked off their campaign with the ISNC Cup vs Benenden.

The first quarter saw Benenden just edge Roedean coming off 6-5 up. Both teams had extremely solid defence combination in the circle with both teams turning the possession various times. At the half way point, some silly errors and small mistakes allowed the visiting team to edge away slightly from the our Rodean girls.

But Roedean showed tremendous talent winning the final quarter 12 goals to 8 – a commendable performance by the 2016 SISNA runners up. Every single player showed resilience and determination during the entirety of the match – and Mrs Pittingale was extremely proud of every one of them.

It was a really positive start to the Netball season and we are now looking forward to the Sussex round of the National School’s Championship on the 7th October in Brighton. Player of the Match was Liv H.

Hockey vs Bede’s The U14A team travelled to Bede’s on Saturday for a very closely fought match. Bede’s began the game very forcefully meaning the Roedean defence was heavily pressured. Some excellent tackles by Lara and Scarlett at the back kept the score at 0-0 for some time. Unfortunately, Bede’s kept attacking hard which saw us go down 0-3 at half-time. Roedean picked up in the second half, getting the ball into Bede’s D and creating some excellent scoring opportunities. The game finished 0-5, and Sophia was awarded Player of the Match. The U14B also had a close game. Roedean tried to keep possession in the first half and remain strong, however Bede’s were well-drilled, resulting in a 2-0 lead to them at the end of the first half. We then worked together as a team and communicated well within the 2nd half, and we had several shots at goal. Our defence was strong and the balls were being cleared effectively. Maddie Q set up a lovely ball to Isabelle B, allowing her to score, and it was a fantastic goal. The final result was 2-1 to Bede’s, but it was a great effort from the girls. The Player of the Match was Isabelle. It was a game of two halves for the U15As against Bede’s. We seemed tired and lethargic in the first half and gave them too much respect and space. Bede’s were far too strong for us up front and they scored several times before the half-time whistle. We had two aims for the second half, to be first to the ball, and to keep the score down to 1. This gave the girls a boost and they played so much better, with several chances on goal. Bede’s unfortunately did score against the run of play, but we kept it to 1-0 in the second half! The Player of the Match was Hana A. U15B had their 2nd outing of the season against guests Bede’s. Some wonderful play saw Roedean rarely losing the ball from their own attacking half. Some slick passing through our defence right through to our attack helped one of our new girls, Tavi P, score an early goal, making great contact to see the ball slice through the defenders. Ella L made some strong runs through the centre, laying off the ball to Atlanta, who scored our 2nd of the day. It was a great team effort, with good hustle from Maddy D & Iris M, and our Player of the Day, voted by Bede’s, was Tavi. Well done! We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 4



Mon 25 Sept

Chloe Rogers Visit Music Scholars Teatime Recital Lawrence House Opening Event

Tue 26 Sept

Year 7 Parent and Tutor Evening

Wed 27 Sept

Hockey v Windlesham House U13A&C Hockey v Worth (A)

Thur 28 Sept

House Variety Show

Fri 29 Sept


Sat 30 Sept

Year 13 tour of Sussex Coastline Trip   Follow us @RoedeanSchool

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