Head's Weekly Review - 24 April 20 - Issue 25

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24 April 2020 - Issue 1



Head’s Introduction

Welcome ‘back’ to Roedean and the summer term. I hope that this week has been a good one in terms of online learning. Given the highly unusual situation we are all in at the current time, I am delighted with the way term has started, and how collegiate and supportive our entire community is being. It is absolutely remarkable how quickly the girls and staff have adapted to a new approach to learning and teaching, as well as new timings for the day, and the new technology required. We will be asking for feedback over the next week, so please do let us know how it has been going from your perspective. Although I have no doubt everyone was feeling a little daunted and unsure this time last week, I am very pleased that the School has received so many positive comments about online learning from parents, girls and staff. The ‘live’ element seems to have given a vital connection point, and the timetable has provided essential structure and focus. Despite girls being in completely different time-zones, we have seen full classes, and lessons are interactive, challenging, dynamic, and fun. Most people, it is fair to say, are also finding that online learning over time is more intense than normal teaching and learning, for a number of different reasons – we will be looking at this to ensure that we can sustain our approach as effectively as possible. As you know, Roedean is incredibly proud of its holistic ethos, so we have worked hard to try to replicate the normal school experiences in a remote context. As with the learning, everyone has responded so well: we have had two Chapel services, a whole range of ‘live’ co-curricular activities, tutor-group socials, self-directed enrichment, including a portrait re-creation challenge and PE competitions, as well as a call to take part in the obligatory ‘loo-roll challenge’! At a time when we are seeing a resurgence of community spirit all over the world, there can be no question that the Roedean community, albeit ‘virtually’, remains incredibly strong – well done, and I wish you all a lovely weekend and good luck for next week.

Greetings from the Roedean Farm

3000 Items Donated to the Royal Sussex At a time when so much is desperately needed, the School has donated lots of materials to the local hospital – this includes gloves and goggles, and the like, from the Science Department, the Theatre, the Health Centre, DT, and the Domestic Department. We have also donated our onsite oxygen supply and the Roedean site is being used as storage for the local food bank. The Royal Sussex is using 3 of our buses to transport staff and we have donated our radio equipment so they can communicate. Thank you to Mr Wailes and Mr Hawkes, who are resident on site at the moment, and have overseen this process. Furthermore, I was speaking to a Doctor at the Royal Sussex this week, who reported that she could see the Roedean buses that are being used by the NHS in the car park out of her window! RB


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

24 April 2020 - Issue 1

Year 9 Girls Run for Heroes

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Nettie (Yr9) for engaging so well with HHH this week [RCH]

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Over the Easter holidays, Amelia (Yr9) took part in the Run For Heroes. The objective of this fund-raising initiative is to run 5km, donate £5 and nominate 5 more people to take part. Amelia nominated Isabella, Erin, Ava, Izzy, and Nia from Year 9. They then each nominate five others. Many girls at Roedean have also taken part, so congratulations to everyone who got involved! To date, the Run For Heroes initiative has raised over £4.5million pounds, although the original target was just £5,000! If you have taken part in this challenge please let your Head of Year know, so that a tally of Roedean girls can be kept. If you still want to take part, look here: uk.virginmoneygiving.com/RunForHeroes.

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls. Mrs Sharp for producing such clear support videos for staff to use Teams, and her individual guidance [RB]

Miss Carragher for hosting an exciting online quiz for all of Year 12 [RCH]

Creativity and Communitymindedness in Year 7 Well done to Olivia, who has been reading to some children in her neighbourhood every day.

Miss Abaza and Mr Halsey for taking on enormous co-curricular groups with good humour and enthusiasm [HBO]

Congratulations to Megan, Millie, Willow, and Sihu for their lovely rainbows made in PHSE on Wednesday, and to Emily, who also made a lovely piece of origami.

Congratulations to Rida, who has made a crochet toy for her newborn baby cousin.

Well done to Chloe, who has been making some mosaics.

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Easter Egg Competition To celebrate Easter, the Art Department ran an Easter Egg decorating competition for Year 7. We received lots imaginative and ambitious work, and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part. Enormous congratulations go to the winners, who are Sihu, Indigo, and Tilly, for their beautiful designs and skilful painting, and particular congratulations go to Hettie, who is the overall winner of the competition for her extremely ambitious work, highly inventive concept, and excellent presentation. All the winners will receive a pack of art materials as their prize! APH

Shoulder To Shoulder, And Determined To Make A Difference! In the midst of these uncertain and unprecedented times, millions around the country have been inspired to get up and do something proactive to help those around them. People in their droves went out into the streets last week to cheer all those who work for the NHS, in a collective act of appreciation for those who are doing everything they can to look after us. We are incredibly proud that the Roedean community has also stepped up to the challenge of making a positive difference, in a variety of ingenious ways! One is that Mr Blond has offered that the School’s accommodation may be used by healthcare professionals if they have had to move to the area to work, and we are also delighted that three Roedean minibuses are currently being used by the NHS to transport vital staff to and from work. In the last weekly Head’s Review of the term, the girls were invited to give up a few minutes to send an Easter card or message to the residents of Blind Veterans UK, our neighbours – Roedean students in Years 8 and 12 have been visiting all year, but the residents’ need for some company is even greater now that they are in lock-down. Hettie in Year 7 was one who answered the call straight away, recording a lovely message and even playing a beautiful French classical piece on the piano for them. She said, ‘I wanted to let you know that you are not alone and someone is always thinking about you. I miss my fun-filled school days, but, at the same time, I feel very fortunate. Community spirit is now stronger than ever – please promise to keep yourselves well.’ The residents just loved it, and one of them, Maureen, sent a message in reply: ‘It was very pleasant indeed to hear your message and piano playing. It is delightful to know that young people are being very responsible and helpful at this time of crisis – well done, and keep up the good work, Hettie.’

our gratitude to NHS workers, and one, Annika Mombauer, posted some information about people sending in gifts to local NHS centres. This sparked an idea of delivering chocolates as a treat to the Royal Sussex Hospital and local GP surgeries, and within a matter of days families had donated a whopping £750. Annika approached Gourmet Chocolate Pizza, which provided 500 individual portions at a heavily discounted rate, and these were then distributed to those working in the NHS. Thank you to Gourmet Chocolate Pizza, and well done to the Year 7 parents – this gesture will just be another way to show all those in the health sector that we are incredibly grateful for what they are doing at this difficult time. On the last day before the UK’s nation-wide lock-down came into force, the School’s Catering Department donated all its remaining perishable goods to the Brighton Food Bank, as well as delivering 50 hot meals to the Peace Statue in Hove for the clients of a local homeless charity, Off the Fence – for the last year, Roedean has been delivering 50 specially prepared meals to them every Tuesday in term-time, and we recently increased this to a twice-weekly donation. An OTF volunteer wrote in to School to say, ‘I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful food you have been supplying us with. This kindness has made such a very big difference to the guys that come into the centre. They all love the delicious hot food.’ The homeless also reported that they were really touched by the School’s generosity, particularly because this might be the last hot meal they get for at least a month. In these unprecedented times, our best defence in the face of COVID-19 is perhaps to show our solidarity with all those around us, and to cherish and be proud of our shared Roedean community. RB

A group of Roedean Year 7 parents were ‘chatting’ via social media about different ways to show Page 3

24 April 2020 - Issue 1

Competition We’ll be running a themed photo competition every two weeks. The first theme is:

‘Stripes or Spots’

Can you take a brilliantly arty or unusual photo which features stripes, or spots, or both?



through my


As a way of helping to keep our community together, even though we might be stuck inside miles apart in different places around the world, entering one of these competitions might be just what you need!

24 April 2020 - Issue 1

What’s life like where you are? People are finding all sorts of ways to lighten their spirits at this difficult time – we’ve seen musicians playing out of their windows on the news, opera from the roof-top,s and dancing on balconies. What’s going on where you live?

Competition Have you seen a really good film, heard a great new song, or read a brilliant book?

Submit your entries to Miss Boles (jbo@ roedean.co.uk), and the best will be featured in the next Head’s Review – the deadline for entries is Friday 8 May, but you can send them any time.



We would love to hear your suggestions and opinions – why not write a review, telling us why you liked it (or why you didn’t?!), so that others might listen to the music, buy the book, or watch the film too!


If you’re doing something slightly out of the ordinary to keep yourself sane while you’re stuck inside, like a 10k jog in your sitting room, or knitting a scarf for your poodle, let us know what it is and send us a photo!

whacky indoor activity

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24 April 2020 - Issue 1


An Imperial UK Biology Challenge Success! Scholarship for Nancy Many congratulations to our Year 9 and Year 10 students who took part in this year’s annual UK Biology Congratulations to Nancy (Yr13), who has been awarded a scholarship by the Department of Materials at Imperial College London. This was due to the impressive quality of her application to study there on their 4-year Masters degree in Engineering (MEng) course. The scholarship is worth £1000 for each year of the course, so this is an excellent achievement – well done, Nancy! JSH

Challenge, which is an annual competition run by the Royal Society for Biology. Achieving any award in this competition, which tests GCSE Biology knowledge, but also general knowledge about wildlife (including the human body!), is a real achievement and I am very proud that many Roedean students have received Commended and Highly Commended Awards. Particular congratulations go to those students who have achieved the top awards: Bronze: Jemima, Vivian, Ashley, Rosie and Jemima (Yr10) Silver: Sylva, Lily, Lola and Gina (Yr10)

Feedback from the Roedean Community We are very grateful for the wonderful feedback the School has received – please do continue to let us know what is going well, as well as what you think we might improve:

‘Just wanted to let you know that the online teaching seems to be going really well so far. My daughter is happy and engaged – she uses the break for a quick bounce on her new trampoline so gets a good screen break, and I’ve heard her making contributions to discussions as well. Just wanted to feed back that it’s going well!.' (Year 7 Parent)

‘May I take this opportunity to express our great appreciation for the School to keep classes running and to provide the opportunity of an assessment. This is not easy at all during this challenging time. I hope everyone of Roedean is keeping well and safe, and thank you again for the hard work for the girls.' (Year 13 Parent)

‘So difficult being a teenager the se – really appreciate the kindness days of Roedean team. My daughter ha the s been pottering about at home and set herself a little schoolwork timeta ting through the holidays, which I ha ble all ve praised her for as she is so diligen really also reminding her to relax with t, but important to chat to friends/ex TV/very erc she has a balanced view/approachise too so to life. (Year 8 Parent)

Gold: Jasmine (Yr10) Well done to you all, and wow to Jasmine for her Gold! I look forward to presenting you with your certificates in the future. PCH

en w my daughter has be ‘I wanted to tell you ho lessons and what impact e getting on with the liv e most notable change was Th r. he ing, the they have had on one on Monday morn that te dia me im an t os alm We have been aware sound of her laughing. usual but we perhaps had than she has been quieter w quiet and the sound of her ho t jus in her not appreciated d smile you could hear utine de ad e th d an r te gh ro lau bring tears. Having a azing to gh ou en re we ch ee am sp ty/continuity has been have ali rm no of e ns se a d an uly grateful that you for her and we are tr is stability and this end to th chosen to give Year 11you could have very easily just at th their year. I feel th the girls d this engagement wi ha t no d an s sk ta t se els part of lute credit. She still fe her wufoo so ab ur yo to is it d an right down to making the school community e now has a sense of purpose . Sh co-curricular choices the evenings and this will be ion around her revis in September whether we are in invaluable for A-levels Thank you all for putting this t. no or still in lockdown such short-notice.’ in place so expertly at (Year 11 Parent)

‘I just wanted to thank you for all your extra work and for sending the encouraging emails – we are all girls big Mrs Chandler fans.' (Year 7 Parent)

‘On behalf of Mirella and everyone at Cruse Bereavement Care, I wanted to say a huge thank you for your generous donation towards our work supporting bereaved children.' (Sarah Chapman, from Cruse Bereavement Care – in response to a donation from the Roedean Mission and Miss Carragher)

‘Remote learning is going well! The video you sent to the House 1 girls was simply beautiful and we appreciated it! We all really miss Roedean...it really is a special place.' (Year 9 Parent)

Sustainability and Fundraising CAP Well done to this group which raised £33 last term – it was donated to the WWF UK to protect koalas in Australia. They put a lot of effort into creating with a fun game and baking koala-shaped cookies for the fundraising event. With the money raised they ‘adopted’ a koala on behalf of Roedean. A special thank you to Mr Thomas for preparing the delicious dough for the girls and to Mr McWilliams for transporting them safely from Lawrence to the school fireplace. A massive thank you also to everyone who participated and helped fundraise for such a wonderful cause. MDC

KOALA PROTECTOR Sustainability and Fundraising CAP You’re helping WWF to protect the future of Koalas and to tackle some of the biggest environmental challenges facing our natural world today. Thank you. Paul De Ornellas Chief Adviser- Wildlife, WWF-UK

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This certificate is not a receipt and cannot be exchanged for an adoption pack.


24 April 2020 - Issue 1


Roedean Bingo

Tutor Socials

47 girls took part in Roedean Bingo as one of the ‘live’ co-curricular activities on Tuesday – everyone had a great time, and the winners from the first week are the following:

It is great that lots of the tutor groups had a really good time sharing each other’s company on Wednesday – here are some photos to give you a flavour! RB

1 Line: Millie (Yr7) 3 Lines: Ella (Yr8) Full House: Grace (Yr7) Mr Halsey was pleased that the girls enjoyed it, but he thinks that he loved it more!

Portrait Re-Creation Well done to Freya (Yr7) who has produced the first entries in Mrs Strachan’s Portrait Re-Creation Challenge, as one of the ‘self-directed’ enrichment activities – she did a brilliant job! RB

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24 April 2020 - Issue 1


New Training Regime for Alex! Earlier this year, Alex (Yr8) qualified for both the Europa Cup Final in Kolomna, Russia (the Junior European Championships), and the British Longtrack Championships in The Hague, Netherlands. Unfortunately, both events had to be cancelled due the the Coronavirus situation, which was a bitter blow to her, and the closure of training facilities also presented a major hurdle to staying fit and motivated. With on-ice training no longer an option, Alex was quick to adapt to a new training regime that would ensure she maintained her fitness, core strength, and speed skating skills. She is now doing inline speed skating (a single row of 4 x roller blades) which mirrors skating on ice, as well as cycling approximately 250-300K per week. Cycling is the best off-ice exercise that there is, as the muscles used are virtually the same as those used for speed skating. Alex cycles for an hour every morning from 6.30-7.30 and again in the evening and she is currently covering approximately 50-60K per day of mixed terrain from flat road to mountainous paths. This will be Alex’s training regime until such time as she is able to get back to school and to on-ice training. Well done, Alex keep up the hard work!

The rules: throw 20 socks into a bin at least 4 metres away in 45 seconds!

How do you play a Duet with only one Oboe in the House?

The tournament has already started, and congratulations to the 8 who got into round 2.

This is just a bit of fun, but Dr Barrand thought this might inspire some musicians at home to think differently about their playing!

Roedean Sock Challenge

Watch Miss Bamforth’s ‘News Round’ to see it in action. It looks great fun, so get ready to sign up to be part of the next one!

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24 April 2020 - Issue 1



This is how some girls who are joining Roedean in September are keeping busy

Daisy – creative writing and Everest climb Daisy served her father tea half way up his indoor ascent of Everest, at a virtual height of 4420metres, as part of a charity fundraising challenge – this was included in a piece which ran on all the BBC news broadcasts over the holidays.

Art Can Change the World Chloe is working hard on her academics and clarinet


So far they have raised over £3000 for the UK food bank charity The Trussell Trust – congratulations to Daisy and her father! Daisy also wrote a fantastic story for the BBC 500 Words and has found out that it has made it through the 135,000 entries to the 5000 going through to the next stage. Congratulations.

Leonara felt herself being sprayed into existence. It was a strange, though not entirely unpleasant, sensation. Once her feet were painted, she stepped onto the firm but grubby pavement. As soon as her hands existed, she felt the cold, damp wall behind her. As her eyes were sprayed on, she caught a glimpse of an unwelcoming, grey landscape, piled high with rubbish. Fully conscious now, she began to see the world in higher definition. The first thing she noticed was a shady figure hurrying down the road. He was carrying some strange looking cans, but she had no idea what they were. There was an unhappy expression on his face. Then, she caught sight of a plastic bag blowing down the road, and the glimmer of oily rainbows in a nearby puddle. First impressions of this barren place were not great. As time passed, Leonara slowly grew accustomed to the unfamiliar new world. It was inhabited by humans, and they were suffering from a problem. It entailed plastic, pollution and global warming destroying the planet, and needed immediate attention, but nobody paid it any. She resolved to change that. There was a cunning plan tucked up her sleeve.

te, Julia plays Mozart's Andan m fro ent vem Mo Second Sonata in G, K. 283.


Every night, she would peel herself off the wall and grab a can of spray paint. She would leave warnings in the form of beautiful street art friezes. They depicted huge problems such as worlds burning and oceans filling up with plastic, to subtle warnings – a plastic bottle lying crumpled up on a roadside, or a car with clouds of exhaust billowing out of the tailpipe. At first, nobody noticed them, but after a while, people came round to the idea that, not only were the paintings brilliant, they carried an important message. There was even a prize for the artist, but Leonara wouldn't step forward and take it. For one, she preferred to remain anonymous, and for another, she could hardly reveal her true identity to the public. It would blow everyone's minds. Because of her paintings, the world began to improve. The plastic bag no longer blew down the road. The puddles were filled only with rainwater. The world was generally a better place. A while later, humans began to love the world so much, they deigned to clean off all the graffiti. The same boy who she had seen at the beginning of her life walked back down the road, smiling now, and instead of paint cans in his hand, he was carrying a scrubbing brush.

Sophie's homesc hooling adventures

The last thing she saw was that scrubbing brush, scrubbing away at her face.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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