Heads Weekly Review - 25th March 22 - Issue 11

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25 March 2022 – Issue 11



Spring Lambs on the Roedean Farm

Head’s Introduction

Congratulations to our U13 and U15 Netball teams, who are the National Plate Champions! This week was the culmination of weeks of matches, and they were ready and excited about playing in the Finals. Not overawed by the occasion at all, both teams played brilliantly, demonstrating excellent team-work as well as a very high level of skill. Although they were playing in the Midlands, it was fantastic for the school community to be able to watch them playing live on screens around School. What a brilliant achievement – well done to both teams, and to their coaches, Miss Hammond and Miss Bamford. Today marked Founders’ Day, an important day in the School’s calendar, when the community remembers our founding Lawrence sisters, and a candle is lit for each member of the Roedean community who has passed away recently. We were joined by forty guests and relatives at this poignant service, and it was fitting to hear two movements from Fauré’s Requiem, including the Pie Jesu, sung so wonderfully by Ella in Year 10. There can be no doubt that Penelope, Millicent, and Dorothy Lawrence would be incredibly proud of what the School has become today. The National Netball Finals were on the same day that former England netballer, Pamela Cookey, was at Roedean leading a highly-successful Admissions Experience Day for 110 girls in Years 5 and 6 – our visitors had a wonderful time down on the courts, and I am sure that they will have taken away a great deal from the experience. Thank you to the Admissions and PE Departments for organising and running such a great day. Last night saw the first of four performances of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the Theatre – ‘break a leg’ for the remaining performances this evening and tomorrow! I also hope that the opening of the Year 12 Art Exhibition in the Old Ref goes well this evening – the work produced in the Art Department is always stunning, and the Exhibition will be up until next week, so I encourage you to take a look. Our five new lambs are growing fast and gambolling in the fields on the Farm – why not go and have a look? Stanley, Teddy, Tony, Boo, and Goose will certainly brighten up your day if you take a walk up to the Farm, and you could pop up at the end of the School day, and catch one of the incredible sunsets we’ve been having all week too. I wish you all a great weekend, and good luck for the last week of term.

U13 Crowned National Plate Winners 2022!

Art Scholars’ Workshop

U15 Crowned National Plate Winners 2022!

25 March 2022 – Issue 11


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Millie (Yr12), India & Holly (Yr13) – for feeding and looking after the lambs at any hour required over the last 3 weeks!

Pi Memorisation Champion Crowned 14 March is a day for celebration in the Mathematical world. 3/14 (American calendar) is known as Pi Day and the Maths Department celebrated this year with tasty biscuits, an experiment to calculate the value of Pi by experimentation, and by revisiting the Pi Digit Memorisation Challenge! There was a good showing from students from across the school, with the winner of each year group winning a Pi mug which will surely help them prepare for next year. Ultimately the best performance in the School was Yvette in Yr12 with an incredible 231 digits correctly remembered! This is an incredible feat of memory and we are all thoroughly impressed. Well done Yvette – if you learn another 72 digits for next year, you can take the school record! Mr Orys 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 0 582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798 214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848 111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442 8810975665933446128475648233

Thank you from Lawrence House After weeks of cold weather, Spring has finaly arrived; the birds are out singing to each other and the daffodils are nodding in agreement, without doubt, Roedean is one of the most beautiful places and, whatever the season, there is a lot to be thankful for. The coldest winter ever recorded is now behind us and the dreadful storm when we all returned after half term is in the past. I was reminded recently about the chaos that Storm Franklin brought to our School when I came across a photo of Steve Bell, who put on a hard hat and delivered meals to Lawrence House. And so, as we approach the end of a busy term, Lawrence House are taking five minutes out of their busy schedules to say thank you, for all that is good about boarding at Roedean and saying a big Lawrence thank you to Steve and to all those departments that support us. Mrs Diplos

Alicia, Alison, Ella, Heidi, Mancy, Melanie, Percy, Seraphe, Twinkie (Yr10), Filippa (Yr11), Helen, Juliet, Sydney (Yr12) – for giving up their Saturday afternoon, and being fantastic tour guides for the Class of 1980 alumnae reunion [Mrs Chaston]


Ella (Yr10) and Grace (Yr9) – for being so kind and supportive, and for making daily visits and offering emotional and practical support through the window to their friend, who was isolating with Covid [Ms Lane]

Golden Ticket Winners

Mr Fieldsend, Mr Halsey, and Ms Bartlette – for being on the Farm at all hours to look after the newly born lambs [Dr Barrand]

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Kelsie (Yr7)

Bella (Yr8)

25 March 2022 – Issue 11


Conducting Masterclass On Tuesday, we were thrilled to welcome Natalia Luis-Bassa, Professor of Conducting at the Royal College of Music, for a day of classes and workshops. She tutored girls in small groups throughout the day, and then our students also had the opportunity to conduct the Junior or Senior Orchestra. For most of the girls, this was their first experience of conducting and, although Natalia didn’t let them get away with anything, she was so encouraging with frequent exclamations of 'Brava' or 'Bravissima'! Orchestra players and conductors all had a great time and gained so much from the experience. We look forward to welcoming Natalia back again next year! Many congratulations to all who took part. 'I enjoyed the masterclass a lot – Natalia was very nice when she was teaching us and she gave corrections effectively. I genuinely thought that conducting would be very terrifying, but it was actually very exciting, and it helped me develop my bravery and leadership. I would love to join more masterclasses in the future.' – Zyta (Yr8) 'It was a really good to experience conducting – we were taught about the gesture and how we should express more to communicate with the players in orchestra. Although I got lost in the score during my turn in front of the Orchestra, I tried my best to keep the pulse going. I wish to join more masterclasses like this, because it really taught us how important the role of a conductor is, and I had lots of fun!' – Karena (Yr12)

Art Scholars’ Workshop We were excited to welcome the well-known local artist, Michelle Dufaur, to the Art Department. You will probably recognise her work if you have visited Wakehurst Place or are familiar with the work of Same Sky Children’s Parade. Working with the Key Stage 3 Art Scholars, Michelle demonstrated construction techniques using withy and paper, and guided the girls to make their own owl sculptures. We are hoping that the pieces will be sited in the Woodland Art Trail, and that the scholars will go on to lead other workshops for their peers. What they produced in such a short space of time was so impressive – well done to everyone involved! Page 3

Mrs Alexander


25 March 2022 – Issue 11

Spring Lambs on the Roedean Farm We are delighted to announce the arrival of five lambs on the Farm this week. Our ewes gave birth to pure South Down lambs – three are white, one is black, and one grey. The Farm Prefects have named them Goose, Stanley, Teddy, Boo, and Tony! All are feeding well, and have been released into the field, where you can see them gambolling without a care in the world.

Rachel Won 1st Prize at the Springboard Festival Congratulations to Rachel (Yr9), who participated in the String classes of Springboard Festival on Violin last weekend. She performed brillantly, winning 1st prize for Concerto (14 years and under) and 2nd Prize for Solo Bach (15 years and under) respectively. The Concerto piece she played was the first movement of Lalo's Symphonie Espanole, which Rachel will perform at Roedean's Fringe Festival Concert in May. It was brilliant – don't miss the concert, so book your tickets now!

Ms Bartlette

They are healthy, gaining weight fast, and they are excellent examples of their breed. Who knows, they might be having their own lambs in 2 years’ time! Thank you to Mr Fieldsend, Mr Halsey, Ms Bartlette, and the Farm Prefects for looking after them so well, including getting up in the night to feed them every four hours!

Borrowing a Book during the Easter Holidays Don’t forget to come and grab a book, or books, for the Easter holidays! Anything you borrow now will not be due back until after the break, so you have plenty of time to catch up on your reading for pleasure!

Every page completed gets a Merit. Any teacher can give this once the page has been checked, and initialed and dated by that teacher.

Mrs Bailey is always available to help you choose a book if you can’t find anything you like. And don’t forget that anything you read can go towards your Roedean Reader Award – if you haven't signed up yet, here are the details:

A completed booklet also gets a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award in Final Chapel and a Reading Badge.

Roedean Readers Awards! The awards are a great way of getting you reading a wide range of texts and genres. If you need help with finding books to complete the award, then head to the Library and see Mrs Bailey who is always happy to help! Page 4

10 completed tasks wins a Commendation.

25 March 2022 – Issue 11


New Books in the Library Booth – by Karen Joy Fowler

Kissing Emma – by Shappi Khorsandi

Booth tells the story of the brilliant and disastrously illfated Booth family. Junius is the patriarch, a celebrated Shakespearean actor, who fled bigamy charges in England, both a mesmerising talent and a man of terrifying instability. As his children grow up in a remote farmstead in 1820s rural Baltimore, the country draws ever closer to the boiling point of secession and civil war.

From widely acclaimed comedian and author, Shappi Khorsandi, comes a modern fable about the rise and fall of a beautiful, but vulnerable, young woman in a world obsessed with money, status, and looks.

Win Lose Kill Die – by Cynthia Murphy Competition gets lethal as someone is doing away with the brightest and the best at a school of high achievers, in the gripping second thriller from the author of Last One to Die, perfect for fans of Karen McManus and Holly Jackson.

The Upper World – by Femi Fadugba Esso is running out of time and into trouble. When he discovers he has the ability to see glimpses of the future, he becomes haunted by a vision of a bullet fired in an alleyway with devastating consequences. A generation later, fifteen-year-old, Rhia is desperately searching for answers – and a catastrophic moment from the past holds the key to understanding the parents she never got to meet.

Baby Love – by Jacqueline Wilson

In the Margins – by Elena Ferrante

When Laura meets a French exchange student, Leon, she is flattered by his interest in her. She's never had any sort of boyfriend before. One night, Leon walks Laura home – and her life will never be the same again.

Examining both writing and reading in prose as luminous as that of her novels, Elena Ferrante delivers a stunning collection of essays that travel far and wide through the landscape of literature.

The Exhibitionist – by Charlotte Mendelson

I am Winter – by Denise Brown

Meet the Hanrahan family, gathering for a momentous weekend as famous artist and notorious egoist, Ray Hanrahan, prepares for a new exhibition of his art – the first in many decades – and one he is sure will burnish his reputation for good.

When Summer's best friend, Cee, dies from cardiac arrest after both girls have taken pills, the accusations on social media begin, but as the bullying intensifies, Summer grows closer to revealing the secret both families are harbouring. A must read YA murder mystery.

Library Easter Competition

Rockinghorse Cake Design Competition

During the last week of term, keep your eye out for book covers popping up around School – unfortunately they’ve lost their titles and author!

For the second year running, Year 7 pupils have participated in a cake deign competition for out local Children's Hospital. This year's theme was '55', as the charity which supports the hospital, Rockinghorse, was founded 55 years ago. Rockinghorse is the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital. They raise money for lifesaving equipment, specialist projects, and enhanced services for sick babies, children, and young people throughout Sussex. The winning cake will be made by our wonderful pasty chef, Ruth, and presented to staff at the hospital next week. We had some impressive designs and thank you to all who entered. But... I am delighted to announce that this year's winner is Matilda (7D), Congratulations! – the winning design will be kept a secret until all will be revealed next week! Mr Wilson Page 5

If you identify 4 correct titles AND authors, go to the Library and give your answers to Mrs Bailey, and then you can claim an Easter chocolate! Good luck! Mrs Bailey


25 March 2022 – Issue 11

House 3 and 4 Holi Celebrations The House 3 and House 4 girls had an excellent time celebrating Holi with Miss O’Neill’s ‘Interpretative Holi Painting'. They used an array of household items, as well as their hands and feet, to create unusual textures and push paint around the canvas. The result? A sensationally bright masterpiece, that even Picasso himself might be proud of! To add to the orchestrated, colourful chaos, both houses baked Holi colourful cupcakes, which were then decorated in House 3 by Lucy and Gabriella, and in House 4 by Modesire, Khadija, Bangy, Seraphe, Siyun, Sihu, and Samantha. The cupcakes were enjoyed by both houses during Sunday's House meeting. Miss Wright

Netball vs St Andrew's U12A

The U12As travelled to Eastbourne on Wednesday to play against St. Andrew’s. The sun was shining and the girls were excited to play an away fixture – their first in a really long time. The team came out strong, taking an 11-2 lead after the first 10 minutes. With some changes in the squad to try out different combinations, the girls played hard. They made turnovers through the whole court, and attacked well. The mid courters fed the ball into the circle from all over the shooting third, and the shooters were on fire! The U12s secured a 27-8 win overall, with Isabella and Poppy being awarded Girl of the Game from the Opposition, and Natahlia was awarded Coaches' Player of the Game for her defensive pressure and turnovers all game. It was a great warm up game ahead of their Sussex Cup Finals on Thursday! Miss Bamford



The U13B team finished their season on a high on Wednesday with a fantastic win against St Andrew's. It took the girls a little bit of time in the first quarter to find their feet, but once they settled into it, the goals were quick to come. By the end of the first half they were 19-3 up. With a quick reshuffle to move girls Page 6

into more challenging positions, they were ready for the second half. Although it was a lower scoring second half, the team played very well in their new positions and won 31-4. They have made lots of progress this season and should be proud of what they have achieved. Miss Kirby-Jones

25 March 2022 – Issue 11


SPORT U16A Win the Sussex Cup! Congratulations! The U16As put out another strong performance in the Final of the Sussex Cup. The girls had battled hard to get there, against Mayfield and Lancing. They started confidently and went up straight away. They were patient with the ball and opened up the court well. Roedean was leading 13-9 after the first quarter. Lila came in at GK and Bella moved to WD, and both made an impact, getting some important turnovers for Roedean.

With some excellent through court play, linking well from defence to attack, it allowed us to settle and calmly feed the shooters. Going into the final quarter, Roedean was leading by 12, and the girls pushed on and took the win with top quality netball. A huge well done to this squad for an amazing season. To win the Sussex Knock-Out Cup is the icing on the cake! Congratulations – we are all so proud of your performances. Miss Hammond

U13 and U15 Both Crowned National Plate Winners 2022! National Netball Plate Champions

and nail-biting match, we then had a couple of hours off before the U15s took to court.

Congratulations to the U15 and U13 Netball teams who were crowned National Plate Netball Champions this week! Ahead of the National Plate Finals in Bromsgrove on Tuesday, the girls were in good spirits, and it was good to see them bonding and enjoying the trip they so thoroughly deserved.

The U15s were, understandably, under some pressure after watching the U13s win their game only a few hours earlier. With their warm up firing and their nerves high, the Year 10s stepped onto the court to play Headington, from Oxford. The girls knew their friends were watching the live-streamed the game from the Roedean Cliffs and they did not disappoint the crowd. The team took an early 7-2 lead after the first quarter, making turnover after turnover from the first whistle. Another big push came in the second quarter, giving the girls a 10 goal lead. Even with a strong lead, the team didn’t take their foot off the gas, pushing even further on with 32-10 on the score board heading into the final 13 minutes of the game.

The U13s were up first against a physical King's School. Roedean didn't let the nerves show and took the lead straight away. There was excellent movement and accurate shooting from Gaby and Harriet, which meant that we were 5-2 up after the first quarter. In the second quarter, King's made us play a more tactical and patient game of netball. Molly stepped up, led by example, and took control of the mid-court effectively. The girls managed to push their lead to 4 at half time. In the second half, our defence worked tirelessly, making intercept after intercept, giving us more opportunities to build on our lead. Elsa put excellent pressure on the ball carrier, allowing Gabby and Ruby to take amazing intercepts. Tessa linked nicely with defence and worked the ball to circle edge, feeding the shooters fantastically. At the end of the third quarter, Roedean were leading by 6. King’s came out firing in the final quarter and fought extremely hard for every ball. With only 5 minutes to go, they had clawed it back and were only behind Roedean by 1! However, Roedean steadied their play and looked after the ball well. When we needed the intercepts, Ruby and Molly came to the rescue. Roedean took it to goal and then scored their centre pass, taking the win 23-20. The whole team was outstanding, they all played some phenomenal Netball, and we couldn't be prouder of the squad. Congratulations to Molly and Ruby who were named Coaches’ Players. Even more remarkable is that Ruby was named the ‘Sisters n Sport’ Player of the match for her intercepts and support down court. After a tense


With steady heads and the National Plate trophy right within reach, the team firmly stamped their name on their medals with a convincing 45-15 win overall, taking the National Plate Title. It was captain, Pearl, who was named Coaches’ Player for her constantly high performance throughout the whole ‘Sisters n Sport’ competition and her impressive leadership of the team. Shooter, Elsie, was selected by the organisers as Girl of the Game for her calm composure in the shooting circle and her unbelievable long shots. Well done to all 9 players who stepped on court – it was an outstandingly impressive achievement! It was a big day for Roedean Netball. We are so proud of both squads – getting to the National Plate Finals is an achievement in itself, let alone taking both wins. All the girls showed class and quality throughout, and were thoroughly deserving of their wins. We cannot wait to see what next season brings!

Miss Hammond and Miss Bamford

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25 March 2022 – Issue 11


U15s Win the Sussex Cup! It's another success this week for the U15s, who took on Hurst U15B in the Sussex Cup Finals on Thursday. The sun was beaming down on Roedean, and the team were ready to take home another title... but did they have what it takes? After the first 15 minutes, the Year 10s had an 8 goal lead, allowing them to keep their cool composure through court. With all 8 players taking to court, and having a huge impact on the game, the team confidently won the game 49-28. This was another huge achievement for the successful U15 team, with some lovely netball on show! Lizzie was awarded Girl of the Game, and Coaches' Player goes to Ruby, for both her attacking and defensive play through court. This is the third gold medal of the season for the U15s, and they have finished the season on an absolute high. I am unbelieveably proud of the girls, not only for their achievements this season, but also their team spirit and support of each other all year. They have played mature netball and constantly keep me on my toes, always pushing to improve and asking for feedback. I am excited to see what this team will bring next season... I think it's time for a new trophy cabinet! Miss Bamford

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 8

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