Head's Weekly Review - 26 April 19 - Issue 26

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26 April 2019 - Issue 1



Head’s Introduction Welcome back to everyone, whether from just around the corner or from homes 5,000 miles away. I hope everyone has had a really good break and a much-needed a chance to do a little less for a while, sleep a little more, and catch up with friends and family. In our first Chapel, while celebrating the joyful return to school of our wonderfully diverse community, we also took time to reflect and remember those affected by the tragic and senseless killings in Sri Lanka and Northern Ireland, where the re-emergence of violence in longsuffering communities has been so devastating. Here at Roedean the holidays have been busy. We’ve seen two more lambs born on the Farm, taking our tally to five. They are all now out in the fields enjoying the fine weather. Our own staff and girls enjoyed a fantastic tour of Greece, visiting ancient classical sites and also experiencing an earthquake first hand. They returned home safely, but a huge thanks to Mrs Miller, Ms Hindle, Ms Best, and Ms Vasquez for leading the trip. More hard work and determination was seen right here with students in Years 11 and 13, along with their teachers enjoying a very successful and worthwhile revision week. I am grateful to my colleagues who ran these sessions to support the girls’ revision. We hope that this time to work together has helped. We were delighted to hear that Alex S, in Year 7, who competed in the British Short Track

Roedean and the Brighton Marathon

Championships in Sheffield over Easter, achieved 3 gold medals. In her first year as a speed skater, she has broken three national U13 records and is a four time British Championship Gold Medallist. Congratulations on all the hard work, determination and training that it must have taken to compete at such a high level. Continuing with the theme of resilience and sport, Mr Andrew Wood, Head of Roedean Moira House, completed his 600 kilometre bike ride to Eastbourne from the Lake District, supporting a mental health charity. Congratulations to Mr Wood on this gruelling but remarkable journey which he completed in 22 hours and 22 minutes. During the break, we also joined with the community of St Andrew's Church in Alfriston for a thanksgiving service for Ray Maulkin, our music teacher and organist, who very sadly died in March. It was very moving to hear of Ray's remarkable commitment to music across decades and several organisations, and the positive impact he had on so many people and communities. It was very special to be able to listen to a wonderful recording of him playing the organ, an instrument he loved. He will be missed. We also welcome two new members of academic staff – Miss Beadle, Head of Year 8, and Miss Wright, who is a Teaching Assistant – and three new students, Cherry, Caroline, and Delphine. We hope you settle in well to this friendly and inclusive community.

Andrew Wood Cycling to Eastbourne from Windermere

Alex on the speedskating track

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We also send our best wishes and congratulations on the arrival of two staff babies over the holidays: Mr Low, the Head of Business, and his partner welcomed a baby boy, Charlie, and Mrs Hammond, in the EAL Department, and her partner welcomed a baby girl, Chloe. We hope that they are flourishing and enjoying the first few very tiring but incredible weeks together. I wish everyone taking public exams this term the best of luck – this is the home straight, but it is also the time when a calm focus and steady determination can make every difference. All our girls looking ahead to exams have our support and our best wishes. We know that it can be tough to keep going, but you have given so much in your time this year, both in and outside the classroom, that you deserve to do very well indeed and achieve what you set out to. The GCSE Art exam takes place early next week, and many girls in Year 11 have already had their GCSE speaking exams – I hope they went well! Good luck to everyone involved in preparing for the Brighton Festival Fringe Concert in the Chapel on Saturday 4 May – it is wonderful every year, and I am looking forward to hearing our all our musicians showcasing their talents. Thank you in advance for all of the incredible hard work which has gone into preparing for this concert. I wish you all a fantastic week ahead and a wonderful term!

Sat 4 May 4:30pm Chapel VIOLIN CONCERTO IN E MINOR OP.66 Felix Mendelssohn Violin: Freya VIOLIN CONCERTO OP.48 Dmitry Kabalevsky Violin: Scarlett J PIANO CONCERTO IN D MINOR NO.20 W A Mozart Piano: Kamali M

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OBOE VARIATIONS J N Hummel Oboe: Martha W GLORIA RV589 Antonia Vivaldi Voice: Sorcha H, Amelie S, Zarbanu M, Jacqueline L SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME George Gershwin Voice: Ava D

26 April 2019 - Issue 1


Roedean’s new lambs with a spring in their step

Do you follow Roedean on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?

We are delighted that we now have two more lambs on the Farm, bringing the total to five! Millie gave birth, appropriately on Mothering Sunday, to her two lambs, who have yet to be named. They are cross-breeds, half Jacob’s and half South Downs, and Millie delivered them on her own and has been an excellent mother. The lambs are now gambolling happily in the fields!

If not, please do, so you can keep up with what’s going on at Roedean – we post the Head’s Review on Facebook each week, as well as a few exciting news stories, like our new video made by the girls.






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The girls’ new video ‘prospectus’ At the end of last term, we were able to show the School the brilliant new video which some girls have produced with the expert guidance of the Young Film Academy and their professional equipment. Niamh A, Suri G, Amelia K, and Amelia M (Yr8), Sophia C (Yr10), Ava D, Eloise G, Jess K, and Charlene Z (Yr11), Eleanor F and Eden B (Yr12) and Lucy B, Teddy C, Laura F, Sorcha H, and Mary M (Yr13) worked with professional film-makers to produce a story-line and film the scenes, after which Mary completed the lion’s share of the editing, and Eden composed the accompanying music. The result is brilliant and shows the School off wonderfully, and the ‘behind the scenes’ section at the end is great fun and also puts the filming into context. Congratulations to everyone involved! Watch the film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylw1k_S7WEE

'Safe Passage' - collaborative art Further to the article in the Head's Review before the holidays about the collaborative art project which Miss Haining has been working on with Issy, Keira, Darcey, Serene, Fola, Charlotte, and Phoebe (Yrs7-11), here is a photo of the piece which was taken at the Private View during the holidays.

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26 April 2019 - Issue 1


Cycling from Windermere As you know from previous Head’s Reviews, Mr Andrew Wood, Principal of Roedean Moira House, and formerly Faculty Lead for Science at Roedean, cycled to Eastbourne from Windermere over the Easter break to raise money for the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team charity. We are delighted that he completed his ride, and here are some stats to underline what an amazing achievement it is:




Art Department rules from the 1960s are still relevant today! Over the Easter holiday, Mrs Ellis went to the Illustrators’ Gallery in London, where there was an exhibition of work by Corita Kent, who was both a nun and a ground-breaking artist who specialised in printing. She also taught Art, and her set of rules for students and teachers in her Art Department in the 1960s are inspirational and still resonate today – in fact, many of them are universally relevant, so perhaps we should all try to apply them!

CAP – £300 for Beacon Hub

22 22 SPEED 5302 26.3






As part of the Community Action Programme, Year 12 students have been busy fundraising. Jessy C, Eleanor F, Rosie J, Scarlet P, Mia P-H, Mint W, Rata W, and Annie Z have been supporting the Beacon Hub. This is a community project that is trying to bring the disused Rottingdean Windmill golf course and kiosk back to life by creating a visitor centre rooted in eco-education. This year an amazing £300 has been raised, in large part through the fantastic charity Who Wants to be a Millionaire event hosted by Mr Orys. Many thanks to the girls for their enthusiasm and commitment to such a worthy cause. JHM

Sussex Cup Final








The final of the Sussex Cup was held on 13 April at Hurst. The final for the U14 girls was between Horsham and Brighton & Hove Hockey Club. Five players from Roedean contributed immensely to the success of the Brighton & Hove Hockey Club team who won 6-1. It was a fantastic way to end a brilliant season for this team of talented girls.








Alice B and Marianna L (Yr9) worked tirelessly in defence against a strong Horsham side. Amelia K (Yr8), Captain, played Centre Mid, supporting both the attack and defence, scoring two of the goals. India H (Yr9) played Right Forward, driving the ball down the wing and crossing into the D, scoring herself too. Isabella P (Yr8) played both defence and Left Forward, showing her versatility. Mention must also be given to another Roedean player, Nia S (Yr8), a valued member of the squad who was unable to join the girls on finals day.



TOTAL CALORIES BURNT Congratulations to Mr Wood on this achievement, and also for raising money for such a worthy cause. Page 3

26 April 2019 - Issue 1


Easter Classics Trip to Greece ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

33 students 4 staff 8 ancient sites 6 museums

■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

4 hotels 2 sea swimming sessions 5 hour flight delay 952km driven

‘It was a ‘once-in-alifetime’ experience for me to actually see all th e ancient heritage that I had only seen in Greek mythology books.' Cheryl (Yr12)

■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

18211 photos taken 5.3 Richter scale earthquake 1 epic odyssey and very many ice creams

in Tolon was brilliant. ‘Swimming in the sea bit chilly at first, we Although it was a little the sun and it was in all warmed up quickly nd with new friends! ou super fun splashing ar ing to take away two From this trip I am go ays remember visiting things: firstly, I will alwces; and secondly, I the extraordinary pla friendships I have new will cherish the lovely the 6 days.’ formed over Holly (Yr10)

‘' Seeing where Agamemnon might have been buried was mind-blowing and a great way to interpret his characterisation in the Iliad! Sahar (Yr12)

We arrived at school with suitcases packed, superexcited, on the Thursday before the end of term and travelled to Gatwick for the four hour flight to Athens. Before long, we were all at our first hotel and fell asleep! We left the hotel fairly early to visit the amazing Acropolis, the Parthenon, and the Acropolis museum, as well as the ancient agora – then lunch in town, where there was a great ice cream place in the square. On day 3, we were in Delphi, the ancient centre of the world! After visiting the huge, breathtakingly amazing theatre and checking out the site and views, we went to a café for lunch, and as we sat ready to be served there was a 5.3 level earthquake! It felt scary as we swayed from side to side, but luckily, just as we were all about to dive under the tables, it stopped!

On day 4, we were all looking forward to visiting Olympia and seeing the site of the first Olympic Games, which was a fantastic experience as we imagined the very first athletes running and wrestling in the nude. We saw Zeus and Hera’s temples and visited a museum with fantastically detailed statues. That night we travelled to the pretty seaside resort of Tolon, where we swam in the chilly sea and shopped, and shopped... and bought delicious ice creams. The hotel and the restaurant were lovely and we were glad to be staying for two nights. The next day was very full and really interesting, with visits to Mycenae, Epidauros, Nauplion, and the ancient capital of Argos. Miss Hindle asked me and Dorothea to sing at the bottom of the amphitheatre to see if the others could hear us at the very top. We started singing ‘Two Ladies’ from Cabaret, but were quickly hushed by a very stern lady who said we were offending Page 4

the ancient stones. At least we think that’s what she said. We tried hymns but she still wasn’t impressed! That day, we drank the most delicious freshly-squeezed orange juice I have ever tasted. On our last day we still managed to pack in some sights – Ancient Corinth and the Archaeological museum in Athens, as well as the stunning Temple of Sounion. The local shopkeepers were so lovely and friendly, and were eager to chat to us about where we were from and all the places we had visited in Greece. Sadly, the wonderful trip was coming to an end and we arrived at the airport tired but very happy. That was until we learned of the expected 4-hour delay to our flight! But even that couldn’t dampen our spirits after such a lovely holiday and I can’t wait for next year’s Classics trip.

Jemima V (Yr9)

26 April 2019 - Issue 1

HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW ‘By enjoying a ‘performance’ in the theatre and being a spectator at the stadium in ancient Olympia, I could really feel a connection with the past (a dream of every classicist!)' Anne-Sophie (Yr10)

Alex on the speed-skating track ‘My favourite part of this trip was visiting Olympia and seeing the site of the first Olympics! I have also loved getting so close to the girls in the lower years as it has made the trip so much fun and so memorable.’ Katie (Yr13)

Congratulations to Alex S (Yr7), who has excelled in the ‘Championnats de France’ event in Reims. Against a very tough field of world-ranked French speed skaters, she came home with three Bronze Medals and two new PBs. Her new times are actually so good that she is just a hair’s breadth away from breaking three British National records – she has all of next year to do this, and some of these have not been broken for more than 10 years! All her achievements are incredible, but even more so because this is only her first year as a speed skater:

‘Thank you for organising a magical and truly unforgettable trip, I will remember this forever! I think my favourite place was when we were on top of the Acropolis and it was very, very windy! I loved learning about and seeing Greek ruins and architecture, it was fascinating!’ Evie (Yr10)

tic ‘Thank you so much for this fantas t ancien trip! I loved visiting the ruins of how g Greek architecture; it’s fascinatin e of som ry car and ve car to they managed s they the massive marble statues and slab about g had. Other highlights were learnin re ent epic the at g bein ies, Greek traged some ng nci erie exp and e, of an earthquak h as of the gorgeous views of places suc Delphi.'

which was a great ‘I loved visiting Delphi, tragedy Oedipus opportunity to see the loved sharing the King come to life. I e other girls th Oedipus’s story with all to be able to ial ec and it was very sp the Theatre of tell his story in front of lped me better he Dionysus. Seeing it has features and e iqu understand its un the performance aspects that enhanced e.' for an audienc


Double British Champion – U13 British 500m Long Track title and the U14 British Short Track title


Four times British Championship Gold Medallist


British Championship Silver Medallist


National U13 Long Track record-holder for 500m, 1000m, and 1500m


Member of Team GB


Selected to represent Great Britain at two international competitions


Comfortably within the world top 50 rankings in both Short Track and Long Track

Rosie (Yr13)

‘This trip is so valuable, especially for A Level as it provides so many visual sources for the course. I loved learning about the myths surrounding the places and how interconnected they are, like Tantalus and Agamemnon. Scarlett (Yr12)

Serene (Yr11)

‘I have made so many bonds with people I rarely talk to or have never met, and they are all so sweet! I have learnt so much on this trip and listening in to the interests from others has inspired not only me but the whole group! It’s a trip I will never forget…' Gowri (Yr10)

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333m – 13th in the world


500m – 37th in the world


1500m – 19th in the world

Alex really is one to look out for in the future!


Roedean and the Brighton Marathon On 14 April, 1000s of runners descended on sunny Brighton to take part in the 10th Brighton Marathon! This year, Roedean had its own Water Station right outside our historic gates on Marine Drive, to hand water to all the runners at mile 7.5. It was absolutely brilliant that 30 Roedean girls gave up their time to arrive at a bright and early 7am to ensure all the runners were given vital refreshments while out on the 26.2 mile course. Thank you to every girl who helped make the Water Station such a success and motivating all those incredible runners, including Miss Wakeling, our new Director of Sport, who completed the marathon in 3 hours 53 minutes!

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26 April 2019 - Issue 1

26 April 2019 - Issue 1


U12&U13 Tennis vs Lingfield College

Dance Show The Year 11 GCSE Dance students performed their exam pieces at the end of last term, and they were recorded to be sent to the examiners, but it was fantastic that they had the chance to reprise their excellent performances on Thursday in front of an audience Years 7-9.

The U12 and U13 team had their first friendly match of the season vs Lingfield College. The girls were excited to play and enhance their skills in a match situation. The format that was played was Fast 4 which meant it was which pair could win 4 games. Roedean girls were demonstrating some fantastic teamwork when playing and they communicated well. To improve further, it is important that the serve is strong so this allows us to have an advantage from the start. Lingfield had some strong returns making it harder for Roedean to play a defensive shot back. However, after the first set of matches Roedean were level in the results. Each pair played their opposition along with other seeded players. The final matches between both Lingfield and Roedean could have gone either way as they were all having some fantastic rallies using both forehand and backhand groundstrokes. The overall results were U12 - Lingfield 3, Roedean 1. U13 Roedean 9, Lingfield 7. A huge well done – you all played brilliantly!

Of the six pieces performed, four were GCSE pieces, performed by Scarlett J and Eliza T, Poppy A and Vanessa T, and Gabriella D and Eliza T (Yr11) – the emotive music, driven forward by a strong pulse, complemented the girls’ outstanding dancing. The other two pieces were performed by Year 8 members of the Junior Dance Company – Izzy B and Beatrice S, and Laila E, Sasha H, Tia L, and Stella M-C – and their pieces were both choreographed by the girls themselves. Well done to everyone involved! SA

U12 Team – Elodie N, Grace T, Madeline E, Beata S-T & Jess D. U13 Team - Amelia K, Isabelle B, Isabella P & Ava L.

Roedean’s new Cricket Coach We are delighted to welcome Miss Woods to Roedean this term, as our new Cricket Coach, and she is also really excited to be here: ‘I am a cricket-loving tragic! I started playing cricket when I was 11 years old and haven’t stopped since. Through my cricket journey, I have made so many friends and had amazing opportunities that I wouldn’t have had without cricket. A highlight of my career was representing Australia last year in England, my first overseas trip. My love of coaching has come from watching my own development and having my coaches to thank for that. I hope I can improve your cricketing skills and help you enjoy the game as much as I do.’

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk


Mon 29 April


Years 8-13 Brighton, Hove & Portslade Open Athletics Event AEGON U13A Tennis vs Brighton College (A) Years 7&8 Swimming Gala at Ardingly (A)

Tue 30 April

U14&U15A Tennis vs Roedean Moira House (H)

Wed 1 May

U13A Cricket vs Bede’s (A) Years 8&10 AEGON Tennis vs Worth (H) Mixed Junior Cricket vs Cumnor House (H) Conducting Masterclass and Teatime Recital

Thur 2 May

House Group Photos

Fri 3 May

Year 10A AEGON Tennis vs Hurst (A)

Sat 4 May


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