Head's Weekly Review - 29 March 2019 - Issue 25

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29 March 2019 - Issue 11



Head’s Introduction The Easter holidays have arrived, the sun is shining for now, and we have had a busy and brilliant term. My thanks and congratulations to all our pupils for their amazing spirit and commitment that has seen them undertake an incredible breadth and range of activities and events alongside their academic studies. Roedean is a truly holistic experience and we are reminded of this every day. And thank you to all our teams of staff across every area of the School, who ensure that all this is not only possible, but achieved with flair and enthusiasm. I am very lucky to have such a committed team of colleagues and I wish all of you a restful holiday. We have, in the last few years, been working hard to continue to raise the level of ambition and opportunity in the performing arts. There is no question that if our girls are given the right platform and direction, the freedom to express their own creativity, and the encouragement to push themselves beyond their comfort zone, something exceptional happens. That was most brilliantly shown this week in the breathtaking, heart-wrenching, and astonishingly accomplished performances of Cabaret. It is not easy to take on a show with such difficult themes, but, at a time when we are faced with rising right-wing extremism within our own communities, it is timely to stare back at history and let its lessons speak to us again. Thank you to Miss Markey, Ms Fewkes, and Miss Harris, for their superb direction and vision, and to Mr Wailes and all the back stage teams for their commitment and professionalism. And finally, thank you to the cast, who created a fabulous, moving and sophisticated performance, and showed great courage in inhabiting these complex and difficult roles. This week is also a time of sadness and joy. We are terribly sad to see our Prefect Team give up their responsibilities this week. They have been an amazing team and have been an inspiration to the School community, as role models and also in their kindness and generosity to the girls. Thank you to all of you for your amazing spirit and vision. You have been exceptional. It is also, however, a

time of joy as the detailed Prefect selection process, led by a vote involving every girl and our staff, has reached its conclusion, and the new team was announced to the School in Chapel this morning. I am sure that they, led by Florence and Eleanor, as our new joint Head Girls, will do a wonderful and inspiring job. While Brexit hasn't quite happened today, our Brexit updates by Mr Marchant have continued throughout the term, following the twists and confusion, by offering a clear overview of the key issues. It was fantastic for a small group of girls and Mr Marchant to get front seats to the action this week as they were lucky enough to get tickets to attend Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons on Wednesday, and, given the turbulent political situation currently, they had an amazing and sobering experience. Spring would not be spring without newborn lambs and I'm delighted to say that our twins, Gruffalo and Sox, were joined by another newborn last weekend, delivered by Mr Fieldsend and overseen by a group of delighted boarders. Thank you to all our farm staff and prefects for their great work in looking after all the animals. The term, however, does not stop here, and it will continue for the 33 girls who left for the the Classics trip to Greece yesterday. They are already having a wonderful time. I hope that GCSE and A Level Revision Week goes well next week – it will be an opportunity to focus purely on academic work in longer blocks of time, and I hope that it is extremely productive. I wish you all a wonderful Easter holiday! Finally, it is with great sadness that I have to let the community know that Roedean’s wonderful organist, Mr Ray Maulkin, passed away last weekend. His playing in Chapel every week was always wonderfully bright and upbeat, and he will be missed very much by the pupils he taught and by his department and colleagues. We remembered his wonderful generosity, his musical talent, and his patience and kindness today in Chapel.

Roedean’s Cabaret – a Theatrical Triumph!

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New Prefects! Congratulations to our new Prefect Team! After a process lasting over two weeks, the Prefects for the next year have been appointed – we cannot wait to see what they achieve over the next 12 months:

Head Girl Team

Prefect Team

Deputy Head Girls: Rosie J, and Shan L

Charity Prefects Holly C and Tricia T

Senior Academic Prefect Elsie B

Sustainability Prefect Sophia E

Senior Pastoral Prefect Leila L

Academic Prefect Eden B, Nancy K, Eris K, Constance S, Calista T, Mint W

Head Girls: Florence A and Eleanor F

Events Prefects Siko M and Lara P

Games Prefect Clara H

Pastoral Prefect Annabel B, Scarlet P, Grace R, Atlanta Lily S, Maggie Y and Ayla Z

New Lamb PMQs at the Houses of Parliament

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29 March 2019 - Issue 11

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Miss Sanz-Mateo and Miss Novikova for being extra supportive of Lawrence House in the last few weeks [MDC]

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Holly B (Yr10) for all her hard work helping in the Archive every Monday this term [JSU]

Julia D-G and Maria P-F (Yr10) for giving up their time to chat with ORs at the 1885 and Lawrence Society event before Wednesday’s Cabaret performance [RB]

Roedean’s Cabaret – a Theatrical Triumph! Roedean’s spring production of the 1966 musical, Cabaret, was simply outstanding – the acting, choreography, set design, and everything about it was remarkable. Set in 1930s Germany, the cabaret club, with its seedy dancers and singers, is a metaphor for a society in decline. The scene is set by the ever-present figure of the club’s compère, Emcee, played by Eden W-N (Yr11), with a wonderful rendition of Wilkommen. The character she presented was unrelentingly compelling, to the point of being demonic, and she seemed to be present throughout, as if controlling the unfolding events. In Act I, two love-stories blossom, in front of a backdrop of the groundswell of support for Nazism. The first is between Clifford Bradshaw, a travelling American novelist, who is failing to make progress with his writing, and Sally Bowles, the headline act at the Kit Kat Klub. Bradshaw, played with charisma and a faultless American accent by Mary M (Yr13), is, despite his better judgement, bewitched by Sally, played brilliantly by Ava D (Yr11). Her voice was stunning, and was complemented perfectly by the crisp and sultry choreography of the eight Kit Kat Girls – Ava managed to contrast her character’s melancholy moments of self-reflection in song with the confident exterior presented in the chorus numbers for the Kit Kat Klub’s audience. The second incredibly endearing love-story is between Fräulein Schneider (Niah S (Yr10)) and Herr Schultz (Lara P (Yr12)). Niah’s characterisation of a middleaged spinster running a boarding house is excellent, and she is won over by Lara’s character, who showers her with gifts of exotic fruits. The rise of Nazism, which plays a fundamental role in the unfolding of events in Act II, is hinted at at the end Act I. It is revealed to the audience that Herr Schultz is a Jew, and this political dimension brings both love-stories crashing down to reality; the last two main characters – Ernst Ludwig, played by Eleanor F (Yr12), who raises funds for the Nazi Party, and Fräulein Kost, played by Katarina H (YR11), a petty and jealous prostitute who denounces – are instrumental in this and are seen in their true light. Sally’s superficial denial of the rise of the Nazis is challenged by her landlady’s predicament, and Bradshaw asks her to leave with him for America – he knows that life is about to change forever: ‘The party in Berlin is over!’. The standing ovation at the end of the performance was thoroughly deserved – congratulations to the entire cast, on stage and off, the band was led brilliantly by Ms Fewkes, the transformation of the Theatre overseen by Mr Wailes was stunning, and the vision of the Assistant Director, Sorcha H (Yr13), and Director and Choreographer, Miss Markey, were outstanding. Many audience members were overheard commenting on its remarkable quality as they left, and one of the Trustees who watched said, ‘Cabaret last night really was an excellent production, extremely professional and with fantastic acting, vocals, music and wonderful choreography. I am utterly determined that I will raise children that are open-minded and oppose racism and extremism in all its forms. Thank you to Roedean for being brave and progressive enough to tackle such issues with sensitivity and maturity in a production.’ Thank you and well done to everyone involved – it was the best piece of drama at Roedean in years. RB Page 2

Mrs Hockings for the time and effort dedicated to prepare beautiful Easter gifts for all Lawrence girls [MDC]

29 March 2019 - Issue 11


Art Jingxuan

We are delighted that Year 13 Art A Level student Jingxuan W has been offered places at some of the top international institutions to study Fashion and Textiles in September. In addition to being offered places at Kingston, Chelsea, and Central Saint Martins, she has been offered a prestigious scholarship to study at Parsons, Paris, and New York. We are immensely proud and look forward to see at which university she chooses to embark on what promises to be a very exciting career. SSN


Year 8 have been drawing and designing prints based on bugs and butterflies in Art this term. Here are some of their lovely in-laid print collages. SAL


This term, Year 9 have been weaving! Inspired by the recent exhibition of weaving by Bauhaus designer, Anni Albers, the girls have learnt to use a variety of media, including paper, traditional woollen yarns, and recycled materials to create colourful designs.

Cycling to Windermere There are 23 days to go before Mr Wood, the Principal of Roedean Moira House and former Faculty Lead for Science at Roedean, heads off to ride the 600km from Eastbourne to Lake Windermere in 3 days. By the time he sets off, during the last 9 weeks, he would have trained for 200hrs and covered 6000km! He will be passing Roedean on his way at about 9.40am on April 20 – do come along to cheer him on his way if you can! So far, Mr Wood has raised £1921.00 for the BHCT Mental Health Charity – if you would like to donate to this excellent cause, please go to: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/AndrewWood75 In an effort to support Mr Wood on his charity bike ride from Eastbourne to Lake Windermere, where the school was evacuated in World War II, Roedean girls and staff this week have been jumping in the saddle (on the two exercise bikes which have been in Reception for the week) to see if they can spur him on! The original plan was to race him to Windermere, but clearly the 5-minute gaps between lessons and busy lunchtimes have meant that we have not been able to dedicate enough time to this challenge! Nevertheless, the total time on the bikes has been 1110 minutes or 18.5 hours, and the total distance covered has been 423 kilometres. Well done to everyone who has taken part – the top performers in reverse order are: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Zarbanu M – 40.73 km Liv B – 32.07km Hannah LW – 30.23km Mr Halsey – 25.85km

Congratulations to everyone involved, and good luck to Mr Wood! Page 3

House 1 We had a lovely evening in House 1 on Saturday actually making chocolate Easter Eggs and then decorating them. The House 1 girls thoroughly enjoyed this activity. We wish everyone a lovely Easter from all the girls and staff in House. JWL

29 March 2019 - Issue 11


Gold Awards for Merits The Merits system at Roedean leads to Bronze, Silver, and Gold badges. To achieve a Gold, girls in Years 7-10 need to be awarded 150 Merits in a school year, so it is pretty difficult to do, and girls in Years 11-13 are required to get 80 Merits to achieve a Silver. Congratulations therefore go to the following:


Year 7: Manon A, Tabitha K, Roma T, Katherine J-A Year 9: Marianna L, Emilia B, Lily W Year 10: Hanna F, Kim S

Silver – 11-13

Year 11: Charlene Z

Ava and Georgia through to Round 3 of the Legal Apprentice Competition! Ava Z and Georgia B (Yr12) have been in competition for a number of weeks to take part in a variety of legal tasks. This competition is run by Kingsley Napley, the very well-known London legal firm, in conjunction with The Times. Competition is stiff, with hundreds of schools entering originaly. The winners receive £500 each, along with an apprenticeship with Kingsley Napley, and the 2nd prize is 3-month paid internship. In addition, Roedean would receive £5000 to support future Law applicants. Round 3 is taking place right now, and Georgia and Ava have to film themselves giving a pitch to a client about why they should be engaged. We wish them luck – let’s see what happens…

‘Women don’t like Physics’ – really? Not true at Roedean! On 24 March, the Sunday Times published an article about the Italian Professor of Physics, Alessandro Strumia, who had been fired by CERN for his views on female scientists. The European Centre for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, known as CERN, is home of the world-famous Large Hadron Collider and is at the forefront of scientific research in a number of fields. Strumia states that Physics is open to anyone, but that men dominate at the highest levels. This appears to perpetuate the once widely-held stereotype that women are not scientific, and the view was that they were more often drawn to subjects which are more emotional and creative, rather than those which are technical, with black and white answers. Not necessarily so at Roedean. Strumia’s defence is that statistics support his views, but the statistics at Roedean paint a very different picture. In recent years, the Sciences and Mathematics have been very popular subjects at A Level, with numbers which are far higher than those choosing stereotypically ‘girly’ subjects, such as English, Modern Languages, and Classics. On average over the last 7 years, 1 in 5 Roedeanians take Physics A Level, and the numbers taking Biology and Chemistry are comparable. These Science A Levels are also often a springboard to undergraduate study in a range of scientific fields at top universities. The 5-year average is that 36.4% of leavers took up university places to read STEM subjects. These include Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Immunology, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, MORSE, Chemical Engineering, and Physics with Astronomy. At Roedean, girls have the freedom to pursue their academic interests, without feeling constrained by external expectations. If they want to study Sciences or Music, or Philosophy or Psychology, they can. Perhaps Strumia’s views are out-dated, or perhaps the statistics he cites do illustrate the imbalance between men and women in Science. Nevertheless, Roedean is proud to give girls every opportunity to pursue their passions and buck the trends, and, who knows, maybe even push the boundaries of scientific research in years to come.

Lunchtime Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hove A group of some 40 musicians from the String Orchestra, Senior Singers, String Quartet, String Trio, and soloists performed in a delightful lunchtime concert at St Peter’s Church, West Blatchington, and it was enjoyed by a very appreciative local audience and some parents. There were excellent solo performances from Galina B – clarinet (Yr7), Constance S – voice (Yr12), Freya S – violin (Yr13), Zarbanu M – trumpet (Yr13). It was very pleasing to hear how all these musicians have improved their standard of playing this year. It was also great for the String Quartet (Scarlett J (Yr11), Eva F (Yr10), Katarina H (Yr11) and Lily L (Yr11) and the two String Trios (made up from Coco A, Katarina H, Lily L, Kamali M (all Yr11)) all have the chance to perform again after their intensive Page 4

coaching from the Sacconi Quartet in the recent Chamber Music Masterclass – their performances have clearly been developed since their time with this superb quartet of musicians. Many congratulations and thanks to all the performers. The String Orchestra and Senior Singers reprised Autumn Leaves, Seasons of Love, and other numbers from the recent Seasonal Spectacular Concert and, again, these performances showed further polish from the previous week’s concert. The next concert to look forward to is our Brighton Festival Fringe concert on Saturday 4 May, featuring the orchestra and main choir, and solo performances from Freya S (Yr13), Scarlett J, Amelie S, and Jacqueline L, Kamali M (all Yr11), and Martha W, Lucy B, Sorcha H, and Zarbanu M (all Yr13). Tickets are free, but they must be booked in advance: www.roedeantheatre.co.uk and are very restricted, so please book ASAP.


29 March 2019 - Issue 11

Eulogy: Ray Maulkin It is with great sadness that we commemorate our dear colleague Ray Maulkin who died at home last Saturday afternoon. Ray was the school organist and visiting teacher here at Roedean from 2011 until he had to stop due to cancer at the end of last November.

Wilmot, now studying at Durham University: ‘I was fortunate enough to be tutored through my grade 5 theory exam by Mr Maulkin throughout my GCSE years, and I am completely devastated to hear of his passing. I will never forget how kind and considerate he was, and the way he persevered throughout two whole years of tutoring me in an exam that many accomplish in just one term. However, the patience that Mr Maulkin showed to me regarding the difficulty I had with theory is something that I still cannot comprehend sometimes.

It seems unbelievable that it was just four months ago that he was still working with us in the School and entertaining us in this Chapel as we processed into and left Chapel. We were very blessed to have such a fine musician as Ray in the music department. He was a highly accomplished musician and we know he loved to innovate and add his own wonderful embellishments to the organ music. Ray Maulkin studied at the Purcell School, the Royal Academy of Music and Durham University. Beyond Roedean, he has played and conducted at Churches and cathedrals throughout the country and was accompanist to two other choral societies, and Director of Music at the church in Alfriston. You may not have even known him or noticed the man in the organ loft. But I hope it helps to see him through the eyes of one of his students, Lizzie

He would always remind me that it was not my fault, as I was learning theory as a singer and not as an instrument player, hence why I found it so hard. This idea kept me from giving up, and the look on Mr Maulkin’s face and the way he congratulated me when I started to get his questions right was like no other joy. It was at times like this when I realised what an exceptional teacher he was, and how lucky I was.’ Those who knew him will remember his kind smile, his learning, his musical talent and as a teacher, his genuine unconditional belief in others. He was also one of the kindest men you could ever hope to meet. Our sympathies are with his wife, Kathryn, his two sons and his family, at this very sad time.

PMQs at the Houses of Parliament On Wednesday, Lara S (Yr10), Mia PR (Yr12), Amalie SJ (Yr8) and Sasha S (Yr8) were lucky enough to attend Prime Minister’s Questions. This was made possible by Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, who, in her capacity as Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, was able to secure tickets for four Roedean girls. We had front row seats in the gallery, watching MPs question the Prime Minister on everything from Brexit to climate change. At such a significant moment in British politics, it was fascinating to see how MPs hold the Prime Minister to account. The girls fully embraced the opportunity, listening keenly to the debate and quietly pointing out the politicians they recognised. Many other girls expressed an interest in attending PMQs, so we will, of course, try to arrange another visit. JMH Lara – ‘I loved hearing the Prime Minister answer questions on Brexit and watching the responses of other MPs. It was really interesting to see what happens behind the cameras, such as all the MPs being on their phones! I am incredibly grateful for this experience and would like to thank Mrs Black, Mr Marchant and especially Reverend Rose.’ Amalie – ‘I really enjoyed our visit to the House of Commons. My favourite part was meeting Reverend Rose and receiving our named tickets for the ‘Distinguished Visitors’ Gallery’. Sasha – ‘I really enjoyed going to PMQs. The whole event was extremely interesting, and I felt lucky to have a front row seat to such an amazing event. I am so grateful to Reverend Rose for giving us this opportunity. The vegan chocolate cake in Parliament’s café wasn’t bad either!’ Mia – ‘Having the opportunity to watch PMQs was a fantastic experience and, as a Politics student, incredibly beneficial to my understanding of Parliament. I am thankful to Reverend Rose for giving us the opportunity at such an exciting time in British politics.’

£453 in the Piggy Bank – for St Mark’s Library! Thank you very much to Ella and Gracie B who brought in their family ‘piggy bank’ to smash and then donate its contents to the St Mark’s Library. Year 7 gathered in the Quad to watch and try to guess the total – I wonder if any got near to the actual total of £453.49. This is an incredibly generous donation – thank you very much!

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29 March 2019 - Issue 11


‘Safe Passage’ Exhibition Girls from Years 7-11 (Phoebe C, Fola J, Charlotte K (Yr7), Issy J, Keira D (Yr9), Darcey P (Yr10), Serene S-R (Yr11)) have been working on collaborative artwork called ‘Safe Passage’, which is being exhibited at the ‘Draw Me In Exhibition’

at the Towner Gallery in Eastbourne from 5 April to 2 June. If you have the opportunity, do visit the exhibition over the holidays to see the girls' work – please see a link to the exhibition:

https://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/exhibition/ draw-me-in/ EHA

Year 12 Artists hold Private View On Wednesday this week, Year 12 A Level Art students proudly presented an exhibition of their 'Light and Space' project work and held a private view in the Old Ref. The exhibition displayed artwork as varied as painting on canvas, printmaking, fashion and textiles, graphic design, paper engineering, and lots of drawing. The students (Jade A, Kelly C, Fawn C, Holly C, Rolin D, Chen J, Rosie J, Eris K, Shan L, and Amirah M) enjoyed chatting to the constant stream of impressed visitors about their work. We are very proud of the whole group, and looking forward to seeing what they will produce for their forthcoming major project. SEL

Holly C

Rosie J

Eris K Chen J

Amirah M

Kelly C

Amirah M Jade A

Kelly C

Rosie J

Fawn C Fawn C Page 6

Jade A


Rose is in the top 2% of Oxford Computational Challenge Following on from last term’s Bebras Computing Challenge, the girls who scored in the top 10% nationally of that competition were invited to another challenge run by the University of Oxford. 27 of our girls took up the invitation and acquitted themselves well in a complex test of their thinking skills. Girls in the intermediate category (Years 8 and 9) did especially well, with their average score being higher than the county and country average scores. Well done to Balas M (Yr9) who scored in the top 5% nationally and had the second highest mark in the county, and particular congratulations to Rose O (Yr8) who had the top mark in the county and was in the top 2% of the highest scoring competitors in the country. This is an amazing achievement – well done!

Lambs Saturday saw the Farm welcoming our third ram lamb to the Roedean Farm. He was born on Saturday, and the weekend farm prefects witnessed the entire process. The lamb is rather large, at 11lbs – he is fit and healthy, and enjoying the fine spring weather!

Local Primaries visit the Roedean Farm This week, the Farm (and three lambs) happily welcomed four separate primary schools: St Mark's Primary, Deepdene, Whitehawk City Academy, and the Brighton Waldorf School. The excited pupils from these schools visited throughout the week to enjoy our beautiful grounds and, of course, meet our newest arrivals! The children spent time with the lambs and sheep, in between visiting our goats and chickens. They all loved being in the outdoors, and learning all about our Farm and animals. For some of the visitors, it was the first time they had ever been on a farm or seen a lamb up close, so it was very special to see so many happy faces from our local community enjoying being at Roedean. Thanks to the transport team, HHH students, Farm Prefects, and the farm staff for supporting the extra visitors during a very busy week. GWI

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29 March 2019 - Issue 11


29 March 2019 - Issue 11

Abby qualifies for the English and British gymnastics championships

Netball vs Hurst

Congratulations to Abby L (Yr11), who competed in the qualifiers for the English nationals on Sunday 24 March. It’s brilliant that she qualified to compete at both the English championships and British championships for gymnastics. The English national championships are on 8 June in Birmingham, and the British national championships are next year. Coming in the top 2 in the British championships would mean a guaranteed spot on the English team to compete at the European championships next year. Good luck, Abby!

Our Under 15C Netball team had a slow start to their match against Hurstpierpoint College. In the second half of the game and after particularly good skills as demonstrated by Darcey P and Gladys M, we managed to close the gap. However, due to Hurst's early lead, we were never able to pull back and unfortunately lost 8-20. A special mention to Darcey P who was voted player of the match. Well done, Darcey!



Alex is Triple British Speed-Skating Champion!


Congratulations to Alex S (Yr7) who has returned from a very successful weekend at the British Longtrack Speed Skating Championships in The Hague. She has been crowned champion and multiple Gold medallist – here are her outstanding medal-winning results: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

500m Single Distance – Gold Mass Start – Gold Supersprint – Gold 1000m Single Distance – Silver

These brilliant results include two new PBs for the 100m and 300m, which have improved her world rankings.

Springboard successes for Fleur and Merla

In the 1500m race, Alex’s blades hit a rough piece of ice, damaging them badly, so she had to withdraw mid-race as her blade was damaged. She did a temporary repair in time for her 1000m, but it did affect her skating, so she did not perform as she would have liked – who knows, perhaps her Silver could have been another Gold. Alex had to buy new skates for the second day – her new Viking boots and Icon 16” blades gave her confidence a big boost, and she went on to win the Mass Start and the Supersprint, both with healthy leads. What an amazing couple of days, and she will be competing at the British Short Track Championships in Sheffield this weekend – we cannot wait to see how she gets on!

The U14C team had a brilliant and close match against Hurstpierpoint College. In the first half of the game Hurstpierpoint showed some strong attacking play and were getting the ball into the D successfully. However, Roedean demonstrated some brilliant defensive play with both Obomate O-D and Cherry L making some fantastic interceptions. Throughout the second half of the match, Roedean were creating some brilliant space and making positive drives towards the ball enabling us to bring it successfully into the D. Both Emma B, and Yilin S were shooting superbly throughout. Roedean won 4-1. A special mention to Emma B who received Girl of the Game for her brilliant shooting.

Fleur F (Yr 7) has been very busy over the past few weekends with Springboard Competitions. Springboard involves drama, singing and music opportunities and other Roedean girls, including Merla A (Yr7), get involved. Fleur’s recent first competition was singing and she came 2nd, and was placed 1st in prepared reading 11-13 years, winning a book on Shakespeare. In group improvisation, both Fleur and Merla A achieved 3rd place with a theme of ‘strange noises’. We are very proud of them both for doing so well.

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29 March 2019 - Issue 11


Netball vs Worth U18B

The girls played in a mixed team on Saturday’s last netball fixture of the season and it was great to see the girls playing with different people. A special mention goes to Hannah LW, Tiger G and Mint W who stepped in last minute. It was a fantastic send off to our lovely Year 13s who we are going to miss very much next year and hope to hear about them playing netball at University or wherever they go.


The U15Bs had an enjoyable last game of the season against Worth. The girls all worked so hard for each other throughout. Our defensive unit worked well putting pressure on some strong attacking players from Worth. It came together in the last quarter with some patient feeds from our centre court and good rotations from our shooters. Unfortunately, it was too late to contest for the win but the girls were determined right until the final whistle. The final score was 18-6 to Worth. Congratulations to Mia who received opposition’s player for her fantastic drives and feeds into the D. Well done, girls!



What a great finish to an incredibly positive and developmental season which has seen the U14A netball team grow from strength to strength. The girls were fluid bringing the ball down from defence to attack and showed clear dominance against the opposition when they timed their moves well. They consistently executed speedy drives to outwit their opponents and released the ball early to avoid any interceptions. Our defence unit had not played together all season as Isla filled in, but you wouldn't have known this. Both of them turned over the ball countless times and supported bringing the ball down. In the shooting circle the girls started a little tired and relaxed, but after they waited to make their drives it made it a lot easier for them to get the ball and put them in a more comfortable position to shoot. The team’s work ethic and enthusiasm hasn't gone unnoticed this season and I can honestly say they have been a joy to coach.


Opposition’s and coach’s Girl of the Game was Isla B, with her absolute standout performance of the season – impressive in defence and superb at both holding and shooting in attack. Very well deserved.


The U14B team finished the season on a high with a win against Worth. After a relaxing and professional warm up led by Phoebe H. Both teams started well with the game being very even. As the match continued, it became very physical, therefore it was important to focus on the performance. After a very tight three quarters, Roedean began to build a gap with some excellent shooting from Phoebe H and Millie J to win the match 18-14. A special mention must also go to the defence who put in a fantastic effort.


The second match up was Roedean vs Worth School. After having feedback after the first match, the girls knew what they had to improve on. Roedean demonstrated that they took this on board and were able to apply effective attacking strategies well. This was shown throughout our centre court play and Roedean demonstrated this by successfully taking the ball down the court into the D. Both our attacking and defensive play was strong throughout. Worth were tightly marking and were able to intercept at times but Roedean showed true determination during the game. The overall result was Roedean 8 - Worth 3. A special mention goes to Millie H who received Girl of the Game for her fantastic centre court play. A huge well done to all!

HAPPY EASTER! We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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