Heads weekly report 30 06 2017 v2

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30th June 2017 - Issue 9



Head’s Introduction What an amazing week this has been! The two Prize Giving ceremonies on Saturday were wonderful occasions, and it was a pleasure to celebrate the girls’ outstanding achievements. We were very fortunate to have Noo SaroWiwa (OR) as our Guest Speaker, and she spoke candidly about her own experiences and in a way which was accessible for every girl about the importance of always trying to view things through the eyes of others. Noo was not the only OR in school on Saturday - we welcomed back eighty ORs to Roedean Day, along with thirty guests. They had a lovely day, organised by Mr Taylor and Miss Cather, which included tours of the Houses, reviewing the Archives, drinks in the Cloisters followed by lunch in the Dining Room, and, undaunted by the weather, twenty ORs braved the Tunnel Tour. The weather meant that Sports Day was postponed, but only for two days, and it went very well on Monday afternoon, and Roedean’s Race for Life followed quick on its heels on Tuesday. We saw some wonderful performances on Sports Day, over 400 ran the Race for Life 5k, and collectively we have raised a great deal for charity. Thank you to Miss Andrew and the Sports Department, to Mrs Chandler, and, of course, to the amazing Grounds team.

Well done to Roedean’s F24 team who performed excellently at Goodwood on Sunday, and both those Sixth Formers who went to Florence and all of Year 7 who went on a day-trip over the Channel to Boulogne had a wonderful time in Europe. Over the last two days, Miss Boobis has done a brilliant job of organising Everyone a Scholar Day and our Community Day, with activities for every girl in the school. The wonderful array of photos in this review will illustrate better than any words the diverse range of activities which the girls have undertaken - there has been something for everyone, and they have loved it. This has a been a brilliant week to end this term, which was rounded off by Final Chapel and Handshaking, to which we welcomed our Honorary Chaplain, Rose Hudson-Wilkin. I congratulate the entire school community on a Winner 800m 8A wonderful term, and wish you all a restful and well-deserved summer holiday.

ascot Race

Winners of the M

Annabel pulling

a Usain Bolt




The Golden Mile

Sports Day We also had a professional photographer for both the Prize Givings and Sports Day, so please do have a look at his site: https://stephenjohnsonphotography.shootproof.com/gallery/roedean/ Page 2

30th June 2017 - Issue 9


The Winners!

Roedean’s Race for Life! This year our school Race for Life event was available to everyone in the school community – it was an ideal date during the last week of the term, and all staff and girls were on site and ready for action! It was wonderful that, as well as racing for personal reasons, as a community, we were racing for Alan Smith and Ken Thomson. Over 400 participants took to the 5km course and, between rain showers, were successful in their endeavours to raise awareness. We were delighted to see parents and siblings join in, and Mr and Mrs Spicer and their family looked the part in their colourful capes and matching socks! Sky O’C is to be congratulated on settling up her Race for Life Just Giving Page and has raised a fantastic sum of £288.75 by herself – thank you Sky! Our school Just Giving Page is http://www. justgiving.com/4roedean and so far on line we have raised £1,500 and a further £1,000 through cash donations, selling t-shirts and wristbands. But we know there is lots more to come, and the total is rising – you can still make a donation if you would like to! Congratulations to Mr Andrew Wood for crossing the finish line first and to Tatum W (Yr8) for her achievement in coming second overall and the first of the girls to finish. I know we are already looking forward to our next R4L event in 2018!

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30th June 2017 - Issue 9


Community Day 25 different activities took place across the day, with students helping their local community in a wide and varied manner of ways: from fundraising and busking, to hosting an afternoon tea for the elderly, to participating in archaeological digs, to designing resources for a guide dog charity, to running activity days for primary school children and children with learning difficulties... The day was a great success, with too much happening to document it all, but this quotation from a Year 9 student just about sums it all up: ‘I learned a lot, from small things like making conversation with people who you might not get a chance to talk to normally, and stepping out of your comfort zone to do things, to bigger things like putting a smile on someone’s face simply by doing something that might not mean so much to me, but have a very big impact on someone else’s day.’

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30th June 2017 - Issue 9

30th June 2017 - Issue 9


Samba Wor ks


Brighton Ghost Tour Arundel

Everyone a Scholar Day


‘Everyone a Scholar’ Day provided an opportunity for girls to be engaged in and inspired by new skills, learning and experiences, hopefully with a desire to pursue them further. The girls were certainly buzzing with excitement at the end of the day from seeing the crown jewels, BMXing, taking part in a VERY realistic operation, learning a new percussion style, dancing to the beat of a new drum, cracking enigma codes and cryptic crosswords, not-too-spooky ghost stories from Brighton’s Lanes, meeting snakes and coding mini robots, and finding out how to make a business out of football! After all of this, there is an independent project for them to get their teeth stuck into over the summer. Keep an eye on email for more information!

Chelsea Football Clu


West African Workshop

Big Bang Fair

Olympic Park Page 5


30th June 2017 - Issue 9

F24 – Roedean’s speed junkies Saturday 25th June was the culmination of months of preparation and hard work for the Roedean F24 electric car team. When we arrived at the Goodwood motor circuit in Chichester for the actual race, there was already a fantastic buzz as about 80 other teams were also arriving, unloading their cars, and setting up their mobile workshops. We successfully passed scrutineering, with only one or two advisory issues, and the morning practice run went well with no technical problems at all. After the first race which was for the younger category (11-16), we were excited about the build up to our event. We were racing against twenty-five other teams, aged between 16 and 25, so many of them were university teams who had spent years developing their cars.

then to correct all the problems. The girls learnt a great deal from this experience, and it certainly helped with all the preparation for the main event.

The Roedean girls had assembled their car and designed sections of the bodywork, and the first run around the full 2.5 miles of the classic Goodwood motor circuit out at the end of April had only thrown up a few issues which needed to be rectified, including a misalignment of cogs which meant that the chain kept coming off, but the team have worked brilliantly since

Our final position was 21st out of 26 cars, and our car’s average speed was 17 mph. Given that this is our first race using the basic kit car, this is a fantastic achievement and a testament to the hard work of the girls and staff throughout this academic year. We also learnt a huge amount of technical knowledge about how to improve the performance for

For the main race, our team of consisted of three drivers – Miranda, Melanie, and Catherine – and the pit team – Zoe, Francesca, and Miranda. The race began with a standing start of all 26 cars leaving at the same time. This was a hugely exciting start to the race, and Miranda showed skill and a steady nerve steering her way through the pack of cars. In the hour allocated, we completed 7 full laps and changed drivers twice. The driver changeovers were skilfully done, with the whole team working together brilliantly to ensure the fastest possible time.

Roedean in Florence Last week a group of Roedean Sixth Formers set off to Italy for a Humanities trip to Florence. Girls studying Classics, History, Geography, Philosophy and Ethics, Economics, and Government and Politics at A Level supplemented their studies with focused sessions that were able to draw out the most from this renowned cultural and historical hub. In a short period of time we visited many of the key sites, including the Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Uffizi, The Galleria dell’Accademia, and, of course, The Duomo. Different activities were also offered to reflect the different needs of the different subjects. For example, the politicians embarked upon a walking tour of Florence that focused on the life and works of Machiavelli, the economists managed to experience valuable context to economic theories which will add depth and application to their work, and the Classicists were treated to the Archaeological Museum and a trip

to the Roman ruins at Fiesole. In amongst the activities and trips, there were plenty of moments to soak up the atmosphere of Florence. As the birthplace of the Renaissance, every corner of the city reflects the influence of the famous Medici family, and it is impossible not to be impressed by the mark that individuals such as Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, and Botticelli have left upon it. Architecture and Art aside, the cuisine and fashion also made a big impression. Florence is the home of fashion labels such as Gucci and Salvatore Ferragamo, and the Ponte Vecchio has been trading in gold and jewels for hundreds of years. Mr Camburn was particularly excited to visit the Ponte Vecchio where it is believed the term ‘bankruptcy’ originates! The pizza, pasta, and gelato exceeded expectations and, as we all know, well-fed Roedean girls are happy Roedean girls! A big thank you to Mrs Miller for organising such a fantastic trip! ST

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next year’s events. The girls and staff worked brilliantly as a team, and it was a genuinely exciting day for all – well done to everyone involved. JHI


Roedean’s Biology Olympians Congratulations to Miranda G, Melanie C and Martha N (Yr12) who have all achieved Bronze Awards in the Royal Society for Biology’s Intermediate Biology Olympiad – this puts them in the top 13% of students nationally who entered this prestigious and tough competition. However, even bigger congratulations go to Selen S (Yr12) who won a Silver Award in the same competition, so she is in the top 10% of all entrants. Well done to all! PCH

HHH Over the last term, a group of Year 9 HHH I-CARE students, have been working to make a collaborative art piece, inspired by our earlier visit to the store and visit from Ruth Anslow, Co-Founder of the HiSbe supermarket. Here is their finished work, and it’s on display for all to see too! Their work was made from recycled materials and inspired by the values of HiSbe and the environment. JBE

DofE Silver Expedition With slight trepidation, following last year’s torrential Silver DofE expedition to Wales, we accompanied 15 intrepid girls to the Welsh borders for their Silver expedition. We failed to get them lost in the Forest of Dean, although there were moments when we suspected they’d gone AWOL – but this was rather that they were taking it slowly because of the combination of hot weather and hills. A pair of ducks welcomed us to our first camp-site, and a flock of hens to our second. Pyromaniac teachers seized the opportunity for a camp fire, with singing, marshmallows, and sausages made from the famous Forest of Dean wild boar. Perhaps it didn’t fill them up enough though, because the rate that the McDonald’s were eaten on the way home gives new meaning to ‘fast food’! Well done to all 15, who completed their DofE expedition successfully – and even with a smile.

OAP High Jumpers!! During Sports Day on Monday, much to the delight of student and staff onlookers, Dr Barrand and Mr Lutwyche took it upon themselves to battle it out in the high jump at the far end of the field. Mr Lutwyche, not having competed since Prep School, put in an impressive performance, clearing 1m55 with good technique, but it was Dr Barrand who triumphed with an incredible jump of 1m70! Seems they’ve both still got it... And they managed to run the Race for Life the next day, but they’ve been suffering ever since. Bravo! Page 7

30th June 2017 - Issue 9


30th June 2017 - Issue 9

House Photos The House photos are still available for you to purchase – either scan the QR code, call Bentley Photographic on 01206 395888 during normal office hours, or email office@bentleyphoto.com for more information.

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Summer Photo Competition – Water Are you a budding photographer? The termly Roedean photo competition is back, and the theme for this holiday is ‘water’ – you are free to interpret this as you see fit. The entries for the Christmas holiday competition were excellent, and, having seen them displayed on Main Corridor this term, I have no doubt there will be even more entries this Summer.

Pearl Y (Yr12) and Carrie Z (Yr11) for volunteering to help me move my Archive display on Roedean Day [JSU]

Molly M (Yr8) for voluntarily giving up her seat on the train to a lady with a large suitcase so she could sit with her friend [FTH]

The deadline for your submissions is Friday 8 September. Please email them to Miss Boles on jbo@roedean.co.uk – the best entries will be displayed for all to see along the Main Corridor.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 8

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