Heads weekly review (21) 04 03 16

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4th March 2016 - Issue 8


WEEKLY REVIEW Head’s Introduction The school is looking wonderful, and I shall be very proud when our Open Day visitors see it tomorrow. We are lucky to have wonderful facilities and committed teachers at Roedean, but it is the fact that the girls are so obviously happy and flourishing which sends a very powerful message.

Strictly Broadway at Roedean What an amazing concert! From the very impressive new online booking system to the wonderful musicians and singers the evening proved to be another triumphant Roedean spectacular. After a welcome from Mr Blond, we started what was to become a journey encompassing all the emotions through many well-loved Broadway musicals. The orchestra started the evening off, and it was a delight to see the confident faces of the girls lost in the music whilst producing an incredibly polished rendition that can only have been achieved after hours of practice. For me, the highlight of the evening was when the choirs and the orchestra came together – this was Roedean teamwork at its best. Just watching the girls give their all to entertain us, the audience, made me feel very proud of each and every one of them. They managed to match their faces with the emotion of the songs and were particularly happy when also mastering choreography with their singing. The soloists were brilliant, each singing with confidence and clarity, their soaring beautiful voices carried to the very top of the auditorium, so congratulations to Seyi Adebutu, Lizzie Wilmot, and Ava Dodsworth – what poise, what

confidence, and what beautiful voices! There were so many songs that held special memories for me that I was taken on a very emotional journey, laughing and crying on the way. I was also very impressed with the versatility of the girls, several dashing between performing in the choir and the orchestra. The audience were spellbound and showed their appreciation by the rapturous applause during and at the end of the show. All I can say is thank you, thank you to the music department, thank you to the Theatre staff, and thank you to the girls for another wonderful evening of entertainment. Joan Arnall, House 2

The Strictly Broadway concert last Friday was a triumph, bringing together a huge proportion of the girls on stage, either singing or playing. The girls threw themselves into their performances with gusto, and their sheer love of making music together shone through. Congratulations to everyone involved. A number of our singers were performing again at the weekend at the Springboard Competition, and I am delighted that they acquitted themselves very well indeed. The Roedean courts have played host to over one thousand netballers today and yesterday for the IAPS Netball tournament, all playing their hearts out to qualify to return next Saturday for the Finals. With the variety of activities going on this week, there really has been something for everyone, including dressing up as your favourite book character for World Book Day, performing in the concert, asking probing questions at the Politics Conference, playing netball in the SISNA tournament, and reading Latin out loud. And some of our girls in U4 were even lucky enough to have a surprise visit from Prince Andrew while they were helping with reading as part of the Whitehawk partnership project! I am also delighted that 24 girls from 6.1 to L5 have been to Cambridge University today, and I have no doubt that this experience will inspire them to strive to achieve as highly as they can in their academic endeavours. As ever, I am so impressed by the diverse activities which happen as a matter of course at Roedean, and I wish you all a wonderful week and good luck with everything you do.


Mackenzie Waller (U4) for her outstanding, passionate essay on the brutality of life in Nazi Germany [RCH]

Mary McHarg (L5) for playing amazingly in the SISNA tournament on Tuesday [GCR]

4th March 2016 - Issue 8

Lalita Cornejo-Spink (U4) for consistently excellent work in Physics and Chemistry [GMG]

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Joy Cui (6.2) for helping to set up a Biology lab and sort files to help a member of staff [PCH]

Jane Simmonds (U3) for an outstanding effort in her ‘creating landscapes’ project [RLP]

Mary Kuchina (L5) for an excellent presentation on 2nd conjugation verbs in Russian – she was really nervous because it was being videoed, but it was great [RB]

Anna Shirstova (L5) for continuing to demonstrate an outstanding level of effort in History [RCH]

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Natasha Tan (6.1) – her crisp packet was caught by the wind on her D of E expedition, and she walked over 500 metres to collect it and dispose of it properly [DBU]


4th March 2016 - Issue 8

44 girls cover 14 kilometres in biting winds The Duke of Edinburgh Award students braved the cold winds on Saturday and Sunday walking from Piddinghoe back to Roedean across the iconic South Downs. The 44 girls involved put their navigation skills into practice, walking 14 kilometres over five hours, stopping for a scenic lunch break at Teslcombe village. The girls used Trangias (camping cookers) when they got back to school to make hot chocolate and then practised putting tents up. This turned out to be a little bit challenging in the well-renowned Roedean winds, but in itself it acted as great practice for their upcoming expeditions in the Brecon Beacons, Dartmoor, and the South Downs.

OR lecture on Marine Biology On Monday 29th February, alumna Clare Prebble gave a fascinating talk about her PhD research on whale sharks in Mozambique and the Indian Ocean basin. She spoke about the process of getting to this stage, from when she left Roedean in 2002. She admitted that the best part of her job was the diving, but that this isn’t the only part to consider when planning a career in marine biology. She took questions from the room about the technical skills needed, including learning to dive, counting spots on sharks, and about the data analysis element of the work, and also the importance of her PhD peers and how sharing the outcomes of the research is vital and makes the work satisfactory – she said, “knowing that I am contributing something brand new to the world makes it all worthwhile”. It was a highly informative talk, and the girls learnt a great deal from hearing Clare speak. Page 3


World Book Day Events This week, we have enjoyed a whole variety of events based around World Book Day, and the girls participated enthusiastically in various activities to celebrate it. Yidi, our Library Prefect invited the girls to enter a competition to represent a book title by a photo, image or drawing. Using imagination and creativity, several entries were submitted, including a photo of House 3 JPR in red (Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle) and images of a pie and a biographical book (Life of Pi by Yann Martel). On Monday, Mrs Andrew and Mr Carter launched the Shelfie Challenge in Assembly, where the girls were encouraged to take a selfie with a book in the Library and write a review of it. On Thursday, the author Helen Peters gave a presentation to the Year 7s about her books The Secret Hen House Theatre and The Farm Below the Water. As well as talking about and reading from her books which were

inspired by her childhood on a farm, Helen engaged the audience in a lively question and answer session. The girls were also invited to dress as their favourite book character on World Book Day on Thursday. A myriad of book characters were seen roaming the corridors, including Jack Hawkins, Pippi Longstocking, the Bubble-Wrap Boy, Little Red Riding Hood, Sherlock Holmes, the Mad Hatter, Aslan, Katniss Everdeen, Wally, Moaning Myrtle, The White Rabbit, St Trinian’s girls, the Karate Kid, and Minnie Mouse to name a few! On Friday, a World Book Day quiz was held, consisting of several rounds of literary questions devised by members of the Library Book Club. There was fierce competition from the participating teams, and the winners will be revealed shortly.

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4th March 2016 - Issue 8


4th March 2016 - Issue 8

A surprise royal visit for Roedean girls Every Wednesday, fifteen girls from U4 go to the primary section of Whitehawk Academy to read with pupils in Year 1 in their new learning resource centre. Each of the Roedean girls have partnered up with a Whitehawk pupil, so that they can build up a relationship

from week to week, and this demonstrates a commitment which is very important in this process. This week, the girls were reading as normal, when HRH Prince Andrew arrived to visit the Academy – it was certainly not what they were expecting from their Wednesaday afternoon!

Local MP and a Lord at Roedean’s Politics Conference On Saturday 27th February, Roedean hosted a Politics Conference, on “How British government works (or doesn’t)”, and our girls and families were joined by some students who will be joining Roedean next year in the Sixth Form. Our five speakers represented the different parts of the political system: our local MP, Simon Kirby, and Lord Low of Dalston talked about aspects of Parliament; Phoebe Clapham, representing the civil service,

outlined all the things that could go wrong when making laws; and Tim Pitt-Payne QC talked about what happens when things have gone wrong and end up in court. He also laid down a challenge to the Sixth Form to submit a Freedom of Information Request. Barrister Naomi Cunningham’s thought-provoking address on why we should think before we take orders struck a chord with many students. As usual, Roedean politics students asked incisive

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and difficult questions (including Michelle Dyonisius’ penetrating question about the government’s record since last year). It was an engaging event with a variety of gripping speakers that provided a brilliant start to a political Saturday morning. Thanks to all staff and students who helped make the conference such a success.


4th March 2016 - Issue 8

Roedean netballers in the SISNA tournament The U14A team went away to Hurst on Tuesday to play in the annual SISNA netball tournament. The day was wet, but this did not deter the team’s enthusiasm for a day full of netball. We had 12 matches throughout the day (120 minutes of netball!) and the girls performed fantastically. They worked hard in every single match, losing matches by only one or two goals, but the highlight of the day was a win over Lewes Old Grammar School. The girls we an absolute credit to Roedean and every single one of them gave 100%. The player of the tournament was Katrina Walsh for her fantastic interceptions throughout the day! Well done girls – it was a day to be proud of! On Thursday, the Seniors took to the courts for their annual SISNA tournament. For the girls in 6.2, this was the last time they would represent Roedean at this competition and every member of the entire

squad wanted to do themselves them proud. The girls had 10 games to play in total and really focused on improving their performance in every game. In our rest games, the squad took a really professional attitude towards supporting the Roedean U16s, and also watching our next opposition to see their strengths and weaknesses and analysing the play of our next competitors. Highlights included our improvement in the quality of our passes, driving into space to turn play over, quick breaks, support around the D, good individual attitude, our goals scored, and most importantly an outstanding Roedean spirit shown throughout. A big thank you to Flo for stepping up to join the Senior squad, and both excellent team and individual performances led to a really enjoyable day. Thank you to our 6.2 Seniors Phoebe Connolly, Lea Donovan, Freya Bashford, and Luchia Leigh; the player of the tournament was Luchia Leigh.

Half Marathons for Roedean staff Congratulations to Miss Andrew, Mr Carter, Mr Curtis, and Mr Camburn for completing the Brighton Half last weekend. All four completed the course in excellent times, and, obviously not overly competitive, Miss Andrew and Mr Carter finished in exactly the same time, 1 hour 48 minutes – I wonder if they realised that it was so close! What an excellent example to set to the girls, and let’s see if they take on the Marathon in the summer…

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A trophy for Tatum Following her recent successes on the road, Tatum Walker (Year 7) won another trophy in the Youth Race of the Brighton Half at the weekend. After a hectic start line, she settled into her pace well and, by the time she got back to where I was standing, 100m from the finish, she was holding on to 2nd place, about 30m behind the leader, who was a Year 8 girl that she has raced against many times but never beaten. The 3rd placed girl was also just behind her, and she picked up the pace, driving towards the finishing line. It was great that she managed to pip the leader just before the line to take first place! Congratulations to her.

Roedean School Parents’ Guild Quiz The Parents’ Guild will be hosting a quiz at school on Thursday 17th March at 19:00. It will be a family-oriented, fun evening with light bites, so do come along. To book, go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/roedean-guild-quiz-tickets-20762702803 Page 7

4th March 2016 - Issue 8

Amelie wins Hip Hop silver medal Congratulations to Amelie Hurley, who has taken home a silver medal after competing over two days this weekend at the Hip Hop International British National Championships. This is the leading hip hop dance event in the UK, and it attracts professional dancers from around the country, including “Got to Dance” finalists “IMD Legion” and winners “Rough Diamond”. Amelie took part in the open age solo category. On the first day, the competition is run over several rounds called dance showcases. The dancers freestyle to unknown music chosen by the DJ. The top four dancers are then invited back to the second day to compete in the dance battle. A dance battle is a dance off between two dancers, where they attempt to out-skill one-another with signature moves. This was the first time Amelie had competed in dance battles, so she did particularly well to win the semi-final to reach the National Final. She battled bravely, incorporating varied hip hop styles into her dance, and was awarded an amazing silver medal.


Lizzie is top of the class in Singing Saturday 27th February witnessed the Singing classes of the annual Springboard Music Festival, held at Brighton and Hove High School. Roedean girls have taken part over several years, and this year our participants were Amelie Samarasinghe (L4), Bonnie White (U3), Lizzie Wilmot (U5), Josephine French (U3), Alexia Traill (6.1) and Annabella Chen (6.2). The standard of singing was high in all the classes, and the Roedean girls sang well. Bonnie White gained 2nd place in two of her classes (12-15 Voice and Verse, and Songs on the Lighter Side), and gave a very spirited rendition of ‘It’s a Grand Night for Singing!’ Amelie Samarasinghe also gained Distinction certificates in two classes and impressed everyone with her lovely full tone and beautiful high notes in Schubert’s ‘Seligkeit’ and Purcell’s ‘Love quickly is palled’. Lizzie Wilmot won the Intermediate Classical Italian class, singing ‘Tu lo sai’ with beautiful legato tone and real feeling, and Annabella Chen came 2nd in the Junior Recital class, singing with power and evident musicality. Alexia Traill, one of our newest performers, was very excited to come 3rd in the 16-18 Songs on the Lighter Side class. She gave a very stylish and compelling account of ‘Cry me a River’. And last, but certainly not least, Josephine French showed

What’s coming up in the week ahead? JJ SATURDAY


OPEN DAY Super League Netball match at the Copperbox JJ SUNDAY


Blacklands Farm Trip JJ TUESDAY


U4 Geography visit to Newhaven Incinerator 61 Maths Problem Drive plenty of potential in both her classes, and gained a well-deserved Distinction for her performances in the 9-11 Solo Singing class. As always it was a most enjoyable and informative day for everyone who took part, and all the girls deserve our congratulations for the high standard of their performances. Not to be forgotten is the Roedean pianist, Mr. Ray Maulkin, who, as ever, provided stability throughout the long day, accompanying the girls with his sensitive playing.

Venetia and Ava come 1st reading Latin On Tuesday, Roedean welcomed over fifty pupils from Brighton College, Hurst, Brambletye and Reigate Grammar to take part in the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior sections of the annual Sussex Classical Reading Competition. Passages read out ranged from scenes of everyday life in Rome to the love poetry of 1st century BC poet, Catullus. Homer’s Iliad was also heard, and one boy managed an entire Greek reading from memory, no mean feat!

4th March 2016 - Issue 8

Roedean girls acquitted themselves very well: Venetia Poultney and Ava Dodsworth were awarded 1st prize in the Junior Latin section; Ishika Ali was highly commended in the Intermediate Latin; and Saoirse McGilligan achieved a Highly Commended award in the Senior Latin section which saw a very high standard of reading and was hotly contested. Very well done to all the pupils who took part!





Sixth Form Society Casino Night at Keswick Hall JJ FRIDAY


62 National Business & Accounting Challenge Sixth Form Seminars, led by Seema Sharma OR Lunchtime Music Concert at St Peter’s Church JJ SATURDAY


Duke of Edinburgh Bronze/silver training weekend Roedean Hosting IAPS Netball National Finals Netball U14A&B, U15A&B, Senior A&B v Ardingly (A)

UKMT Team Challenge Last Friday, four keen Mathematicians from Years 8 and 9 pitted their wits and their running ability against 23 other teams in the Regional Final of the UKMT Team Challenge. They put in a creditable performance and enjoyed themselves solving problems, including completing a crossnumber puzzle. My thanks to Farah Fauzi, Gracie Bernard, Rosie Jones, and Janki Pillai for taking up the Challenge on Roedean’s behalf. We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: news@roedean.co.uk Page 8

The Brighton Mini Mile is taking place on Saturday 16 April. If you are keen to take part, please use the following link to sign up: http://www.brightonminimile.co.uk/ home. The full marathon is taking place on the next day, Sunday 17 April, and several staff are running this year.

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