Head's Weekly Review - 20 November 20 - Issue 9

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20 November 2020 - Issue 9



Head’s Introduction

Roedean is an extremely supportive, diverse, caring, and inclusive community, and it is always wonderful to see how the range of backgrounds and experiences within our School give it great strength. This week, we have acknowledged AntiBulling Week in a variety of ways: both students and staff wore Odd Socks on Monday, there have been a variety of fun activities going on in lessons and tutor periods, and Mrs Robins and Year 10 spoke about it in our Chapel services this week. Thank you to everyone for reaffirming our collective commitment to ensuring Roedean is as positive and inclusive as possible. I am very pleased that offers of university places for next year are coming in for Year 13 now, and good luck to all those attending the virtual Roedean-Lancing Interview Forum next week, ahead of interviews for places at top universities. I would also like to say well done to Year 11 on completing your trial GCSE examinations this week – I hope that they have gone well, and that they will act as a springboard for success in the summer. There have been some outstanding individual successes at School this week. Firstly, congratulations to Megan in Year 12, who has won the national Stephen Spender Prize for Poetry in Translation. She entered the competition during the first lockdown; after winning her category, she has attended a virtual poetry workshop, and the awards ceremony was this week – well done! Secondly, congratulations to Hannah and Mairi in Year 9 for achieving Black Belt in Taekwondo – attaining this level is the result of years of dedicated commitment. Charity fund-raising and our commitment to outreach are very important at Roedean. Well done to all those who are working on projects with St Mark’s, the Blind Veterans, and Downs View, particularly at the current time, and to the Year 12s with their CAP activities. Today is ‘Red and White’ or ‘Blue Clothes Day’ to raise important funds for our school charities. Thank you to everyone who has donated so generously to the School’s chosen charitable causes this term – together we have already raised over £2700, and this will make a difference. I wish you all the best for a restful weekend, and good luck for next week.

Odd Socks Day as part of Anti-Bullying Week

Art Scholars – Wakehurst’s Glow Wild Megan wins National Poetry Comp

The Stephen Spender Prize for poetry in translation 2020

From Brighton to Bulgaria

Meet your House Captains and Team Leaders

in association with

100 Roedeanians We are excited to announce our new book 100 Roedeanians will shortly be available to pre-order. The book is a gorgeous compilation of biographies and photographs of 100 of our notable Old Roedeanians, with entries researched and written by the girls, in celebration of 100 years of suffrage and the School being on its current site for 125 years in 2023. Profits from the sale of the book will go towards supporting the Secret Garden Library at St Mark’s Primary School, which the Roedean fund-raised to build from scratch in 2018. To purchase a copy, please visit the Roedean Shop, where you can opt to order the book at retail cost (between £14-16 depending on the numbers printed), or to add an additional £5, the full amount of which will be donated to our cause.

Roedean gets in the Christmas Spirit

20 November 2020 - Issue 9


Anti-Bullying Week



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20 November 2020 - Issue 9

Anti-Bullying Week Chapel – AntiBullying This week, to mark Anti-Bullying Week, Mrs Robins, and Chloe, Daisy, Grace, Imani, Laila, Lyla, Nicole, and Oreoluwa from Year 10, presented a Chapel service on this theme. On Monday, many of our community were ing wearing odd socks in support of anti-bully s acros week this e, cours of week, which is, the UK. The odd sock theme is designed to be fun, and represents our differing e personalities and a celebration of our uniqu individuality. Yesterday, you will also have noticed that our wonderful Catering Team provided s kindness cookies, that saw little sugary treat l smal the often is it that der remin a as serve things that we do to be kind that make the difference – and they were delicious too.

Mrs Robins then asked all those with birthdays in the months of May, July, and December to stand up in Chapel, and put their hands on their heads. The service continued. After a couple of minutes, she asked them how they felt – the answers came back ‘awkward’, ‘uncomfortable’, ‘different’, and so on. This is how people can feel when they are targeted, even if they do not show it or talk about it. This can leave the mark of an uncomfortable feeling that may last for some time. As we have suggested already e Anti-Bullying Week is designed to encourag d. unite be and ther toge come to le peop who Bullying has a long-lasting effect on those g nellin chan by But it. ss witne experience and ts our collective power, through shared effor ing and shared ambitions, we can reduce bully ers teach to s, carer and ts paren From together. le, and politicians, to children and young peop we all have our part to play in coming together to make a difference. ther, We are all a piece in the puzzle, and toge ing. bully st again d unite are we

Mrs Robins and the Year 10 girls then spoke about the fact that bullying does not just happen in schools, but in all different settings, and to people of all ages. They also highlighted the fact that 75% of schools in the UK took part in Anti-Bullying Week last year, showing a concerted effort to encourage young people to seek help, to raise awareness of the subject, and to share positive strategies to support and help others.

I am by Laura I am the person you bullied at school, I am the person who didn’t know how to be cool, I am the person you alienated, I am the person you ridiculed and hated. I am the person who sat on her own, I am the person who walked home alone, I am the person you scared every day, I am the person who had nothing to say. I am the person with hurt in her eyes, I am the person you never saw cry, I am the person living alone with her fears, I am the person destroyed by her peers. I am the person who drowned in your scorn, I am the person who wishes she hadn’t been born, I am the person you destroyed for ‘fun’, I am the person, but not the only one. I am the person whose name you don’t know, I am the person who just can’t let go, I am the person who has feelings too, And I was a person, just like you.

ted to viour is taken very seriously. This can be repor Here at School, bullying and unkind beha ss witne may that you of those viour, including any adult regardless of your part in the beha to tackle lity nsibi respo ctive colle a have all We you. something that doesn’t feel quite right to are all safe make Roedean an environment where we this problem head on, and to continue to and respected for our individuality.

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‘Red and White’ or ‘Blue’ Clothes Day The girls had the chance today to theme their clothes with these colours, to raise funds for our chosen school charities – Liberian Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection, and the Beachy Head Chaplaincy. Thank you for all your support!


20 November 2020 - Issue 9

Year 7 3D Makers DT Club The Year 7 3D Makers DT club have been having festive fun developing cake decoration skills. The results were fantastic! Huge thanks to Mr Johnson for bringing his cake making expertise to the DT classroom. HQU

Art Scholars – Wakehurst’s Glow Wild Year 8 and 9 Art Scholars have been busy in the Art Department, creating silhouettes to feature on one of artist Michelle Dufaur’s sculptures. The large withy sculpture will be displayed as part of Glow Wild at Wakehurst next month. Dufaur has created a withy beech nut which will have a light inside it during the lantern trail: ‘The Beech symbolises learning and understanding, sustenance and preservation. What will you be carrying with you through to next year? What have you learned that you can’t simply live without? What sustains you?’ Our students reflected on their experiences over the last year, and created silhouettes of the people, pets, and objects that had brought them comfort. What have you learnt in 2020? What has sustained you, and how will you keep that with you in 2021? SSN

Its finally that time of year Yes, it's Christmas! with all its good cheer and don't forget Santa with his reindeer like lightning he has presents to give g let's hope he leaves you something exitin but that's not my favourite part of Christmas I'll let you know there's something more that makes my heart glow e its family! and decorating and baking galor it's the hustle and bustle oh, what a wonderful chore! its singing carols round the Christmas tree and eating mince pies its giving and loving that comes with no fee its decorating (though some may call it a bore) I'm happy to take on this excellent chore it's the Christmas feast the yule log and the turkey a monstruous beast so, when I'm drifting off to sleep and the treats of the day are fading away tmas I'll ask myself "has this been a good Chris yes, yes it has. by Rosie (Yr7)

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20 November 2020 - Issue 9

Brighton to Bulgaria – An Adventure Need a Christmas present for a young friend or relation? Struggling to find the gift you need because the shops are closed? Well, scroll no further – here it is! For our CAP charity project, we have written and illustrated a children’s book to raise money for the charity Door of Hope. It supports vulnerable schoolchildren in Bulgaria, and provides them with ‘Bags of Education’, containing school supplies and stationery, to improve their school experience and ultimately their futures. We wrote and illustrated the story about a friendly Deer, who leaves Roedean and meets many new animal friends on its journey to Bulgaria. 100% of money we make after printing costs will be used to buy school supplies, which will then be shipped by the Worthing charity to the team in Bulgaria. They will then distribute the materials to all the children, who will be ever so grateful for all your generosity. The price of the book is £5.50, and you will have the option to add an additional donation, if you wish. In order to maximise the money raised, we will only be printing the number which are pre-ordered.

online form

to Please complete this order the book, or maybe a few! Our deadline for the printers is 1 December 2020, so please complete the form before then! Thank you in advance. Emily, Olivia, and Megan (Yr12)

The stunning illustrations were drawn by Megan, and the story was written by Olivia and Emily – they are rightly incredibly proud of what they have produced. It is brilliant, and hopefully will raise valuable funds to support vulnerable Bulgarian children – congratulations! RB Page 5

20 November 2020 - Issue 9


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Megan wins National Poetry Competition

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

During the first lockdown, Megan (Yr12) entered the Stephen Spender Prize for Poetry in Translation – this is a national competition, and, from a very high of entrants, Megan won her category. Those who enter can translate a poem from any language into English, and then write an analysis of the process they had been through. Megan is studying Russian A Level, alongside Maths, Physics, and Art, and she chose to translate a poem by the late-twentieth century Russian writer, Joseph Brodsky.

Bobby and Peony (Yr7) for being great sports and agreeing to be the feet behind the faces on Odd Socks Day [JBO]

This is what she said about the experience: ‘I chose to enter the Stephen Spender Prize during lockdown, not only as a boredom-buster, but also to challenge myself to use my language skills to translate a poem – something which I have never done before. I enjoyed the puzzle of choosing words that best fitted the language and mood of the original poem even when there wasn’t a direct translation. At the poetry workshop, I was able to meet the other winners and commendees of the youth categories and listen to their translations as well as write some poems of my own. It was amazing to talk to people who were bi- or even trilingual, as well as those who had translated a poem from a language they had never studied before. If you’re interested in poetry, speak many languages or just one, I would definitely recommend entering next year!’

Her translation and commentary have been published in this year’s prize booklet, and there was also a cash prize. She attended a virtual poetry workshop two weeks ago, along with the winners and runners-up from the other categories, and was also an awards ceremony on Wednesday this week. First prize, 16-a

Winning this competition is an impressive achievement – well done, Megan!

nd-under categor

Не выходи из ком

Evelyn, Bella, and Isabella (Yr7) for continued kindness and support towards their peers [JC]


Не выходи из комн аты, не совершай ошибку. Зачем тебе Солн це, если ты кури шь Шипку? За дверью бессм ысленно всё, особ енно — возглас Только в уборную счастья. — и сразу же возвр ащайся. О, не выходи из комнаты, не вызы вай мотора. Потому что прос транство сделано из коридора и кончается счётч иком. А если войд ёт живая милка, пасть разев ая, выгони не разде вая. Не выходи из комн аты; считай, что тебя Что интересней продуло. на свете стены и стула Зачем выходить ? оттуда, куда верн ёшься вечером таким же, каким ты был, тем более — изувеченным? О, не выходи из комнаты. Танцуй, поймав, боссанову в пальто на голое тело, в туфлях на босу ногу. В прихожей пахн ет капустой и мазь ю лыжной. Ты написал мног о букв; ещё одна будет лишней. Не выходи из комн аты. О, пускай тольк догадывается, как о комната ты выглядишь. И вообще инкогнито эрго сум, как заме тила форме в сердц ах субстанция. Не выходи из комн аты! На улице, чай, не Франция. Не будь дураком! Будь тем, чем други е не были. Не выходи из комн аты! То есть дай волю мебели, слейся лицом с обоя ми. Запрись и забар шкафом от хрон рикадируйся оса, космоса, эроса , расы, вируса.

Obamate (Yr11) for successfully throwing herself back into school life, despite such a long time away [HBO]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.


do not leave you

r room

Do not leave your room, do not make What use is the a mistake. sun if your smok e chain must break Outside nothing ? makes sense, happ iness included. Go quickly to the restroom but rema in elusive. Do not leave your room. Do not leave your room, do not call a taxi. Space is nothing but a hallway floor , waxy, that ends with a meter, counting. If your lover knocks, undresses , caresses - expel her. Do not leave your room.

r Prize The Stephen Spende on 2020 ati nsl tra in for poetry

Do not leave your room, feign illnes s, face white. What’s more inter esting than the lamp ’s soft light? Why leave your room when you will come back later the same, unchange d, if not more muti lated? Do not leave your room. Do not leave your room, instead danc e the bossa nova Naked except for shoes with your coat thrown over The smell of cabb age lingers in the hallway, heavy. You wrote coun tless letters; one more, too many . Do not leave your room.

Do not leave your room, let these four your only friend, walls become your mirror. Inco gnito ergo sum as substance once informed form, in the chaos of night Stay at home, sleep mare. , dance, write. It’s not France out there . Do not leave your room.

Joseph Brodsky © 1970, Joseph Brod


Do not be a fool! Be what others could Stay home for furni n’t be. ture will keep you Practice wall-pape company. r fusio from Chronos, Cosm n. Barricade the door to prote ct us os, Eros, the Virus . Translated from Russian by Megan Turtle

Ms Yeo-O’Cleary (Art) and Mr Johnson (Theatre) for going above and beyond in their support of the Art and DT departments, and helping our pupils to explore and expand their creativity [HBO]


Jose ph Brod sky (194 0 –199 6) was Russian-A merican a poet who explo red the relationsh ip betw een the poet and society through his writi ng. This poem bears no title, but is know by its first line. n It was written by Brodsky in 1970 , shortly before he was exile d from Russ ia by Sovi et authorities, after they concluded he was ‘not a valuable perso all and may be n at let go’. I chose this poem because, when removed from its Soviet context and read alongside UK gove rnment guidance to stay at home amidst an ongoing pandemic , it is particularly relev ant to today. It is impo rtant to ment ion that

megan turtle’s


Brod sky wrot e this poem in an entirely satirical manner to mock the intel ligentsia of Leni ngra d at the time , who loathed life under Sovie t cont rol but did not take action to oppo se it. However, I still felt that the poem’s imagery and lyric al quality definitely made it worth a fresh trans lation. Before I translated the poem, I listen to a recording of ed Brodsky reading it aloud in order to unde rstand which proved inval the poem’s rhythm, uable as a nonnativ spea ker. Whe n e I first read the poem , I was surprised that Brodsky maintaine strict rhyme schem da e throughout. Yet upon reflection I realis ed that the use of rhyme

The Weekend Catering Staff, especially Miss Kinsey, Mrs Mustafa, Mrs Watson and Mr Janczarek, who went to a huge amount of effort to help Lawrence out on Sunday, when it was too wet and windy for the girls to go over to Main School – they helped us put together takeaways for all of the Lawrence girls at short notice so the students could have a picnic in House [SMA]

perfectly counters his satirical spirit . I used an online dictionary to help me translate poem, which allow the ed me to further explore Brodsky’s ingen ious writing. My favourite rhyme in this poem is in the fourth stanz ‘босс анову’ (bos a: sa nova) and ‘босу ногу ’ (bare foot). They are pronounc ed in an almost identical way yet have very different mean ings. This was diffic ult to reflect in English, so I chos e to instead use internal rhymes such as ‘undresses, cares ses’. I also inser ted a line in between each stanza to emph asise the comm andi ng tone of the speaker.

in association with

Sixth Form Shining Stars Bronwen (Yr12) for helping and motivating me with Maths all day [nominated by Tuhina]

Admissions & Marketing get into the Christmas spirit early

Jemima (Yr13) for being an amazing Charity Prefect and ensuring everything always runs smoothly with Prefect events! [nominated by Philippa]

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13 November 2020 - Issue 8

The Houses House Captains and Team Leaders House Captains, Deputy House Captains, and Team Leaders offer significant leadership to their House and Team, and to the entire Roedean Community. Girls who are Captain of a House or a Team Leader should act as rolemodels, and demonstrate Roedean’s ethos and values to students in Years 7-13 across the School. They assist in supporting the School with House events and House activities, within Roedean and the wider local community, and offer support in Assemblies as well.

Boarding Captain: Ashley Having received warm care and help from the House since joining the school last year, it’s such a privilege to become your Boarding House Captain. It is so exciting to look ahead to the rest of the year to see what interesting things we can do together as a house – hybrid learners we can’t wait to see you!

Dance Leader: April I’ve been dancing since I was 3 and I’ve had many experiences with different dance styles. We should never limit ourselves when we are dancing. I’m beyond delighted to bring House 1 together and dance. Where there is unity, there is always victory!

Music Leader: Karena I believe this will be an exciting year and I hope everyone will actively participate in all music competitions and activities. Please feel free to find me and play some music together! My major instrument is the double bass and I also enjoy playing the piano. No one can whisper a symphony, it takes a whole orchestra to play it…

Boarding Deputy: Veronica I started boarding at Roedean in Year 9, and I’m excited to take on a leadership role in House as Deputy Boarding Captain, and continue its caring atmosphere.

Day Captain: Matilda As someone who’s been a day girl since Year 7, I understand how fundamental house family and spirit is to every girl’s experience at Roedean. Over the last 5 years, I’ve taken part in probably every house event, and loved not only participating, but the support I’ve received from the other girls whilst doing so. As this year’s day House Captain, I aim to reunite the House despite the impact of covid-19, and show all the new girls why House 1 is undoubtedly the best!

Drama Leader: Jemima It seems like yesterday I was in Year 7 and taking part in the House drama competition. I really hope we’ll be able to stage a competition of some sort this year, or at least take part in some socially-distanced theatrical activities!

Sport Leader: Sophie I’ve competed in cross-country, athletics, and hockey for about 6 years and have since been a part of the Sussex cross country team for English Schools’ Championships twice. As Sports Leader, I’m hoping to inspire more of you to pursue the sports you enjoy and partake in house competitions. Hopefully, once we’re allowed to, we can have some more fun house competition!

Day Deputy: India I am so excited to be your Deputy Captain and I can’t wait to find ways to have fun and contact with each other through these hard times – I hope to be in touch with all of you soon.

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13 November 2020 - Issue 8

The Houses Boarding Captain: Emma This is my third year of being a Full Boarder in House 2. I am so happy to be your House Captain this year. I am really excited to bring joy and spirit into all House events, especially Sports Day and House Drama. I can’t wait to continue supporting the girls of House 2 and I am really looking forward to seeing what we can achieve together!

Dance Leader: Natalie I’m from Hong Kong, and I’ve been in Roedean and House 2 since Year 9. I am really passionate about dancing and have been since I was 2; I have tried all different styles of dancing. As your Dance Team Leader this year, I hope to lead our house to victory in House Dance, as well as supporting your own personal dance development.

Boarding Deputy: Kelly I am so pleased that I will be Deputy House Captain this year. I’m from Hong Kong and I’m a Weekly Boarder, currently living in London. I am the eldest of 4 children so know what it is like to be part of a big family, which is what House 2 is like, as well as being a good role model to my peers. My aim is to increase the celebrations of international festivals and ensure everyone feels involved and accepted.

Music Leader: Ananya As your Music Team Leader, I want to create loads of opportunities for all of us to get involved with music. I play the cello as my main instrument, but I have experience playing the piano and guitar as well. This House is such a great team, so I am sure we can all contribute to make something really outstanding for this year’s House Music.

Drama Leader: Tilly Drama has always been a huge passion of mine, and I would love to inspire and encourage other people to love it as much as I do. Drama is such an amazing way to get involved with the House and celebrate the spirit of House 2, building confidence, teamwork and creativity.

Day Captain: Keira & Martha This year has been pretty bad for all to some extent, so we will do our best to work with the other Captains to create a fun and safe environment for all students. We will continue to make House 2 the best it can be. We’d love to get to know as many of you as possible, so come along to Study Passage and we can have a chat (socially distanced, of course!). Let’s make this

House 2’s Anti-Bullying Week This week in House 2, we have been focusing our activities and conversations around the theme of anti-bullying. We have had a variety of activities on offer across the days, which all girls have engaged with, as well as having time to watch useful videos and discuss what bullying is and how we can protect each other from it. The girls of House 2 have created their own odd socks, before fashioning their very own pair, designed and made bracelets for friends and family to show thoughtfulness and created a jigsaw puzzle to symbolise that we all ‘fit together’ no matter how different we may be. On Wednesday, together with Mrs Allen, our craft queen, the girls wrote positive, uplifting individual thoughts on post-it notes which were then were made into a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This is an opportunity for the girls to reflect upon these happy thoughts when they admire the flowers and be sure to try apply them to their every day. To conclude our fun yet very important week, on Thursday, the girls enjoyed a game of stuck in the mud, thinking about ‘kindness in darkness’ and the action of looking out for friends and being the one to help others out. Well done to all and remember to continue ‘being a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’! AFS Page 8

Sport Leader: Sydney Even with the struggles of COVID, I hope we can all have the best year possible and I look forward to speaking to all of you. I hope that, even with COVID restrictions, we can all get involved in House activities and have a fun year!

Boarding Captain: Lauren I’m in Roedean’s one-year GCSE course. I have been living in Saudi Arabia since 2011 & completed a year of boarding school in Connecticut. To the wonderful girls of Lawrence, my advice is to find moments to breathe & relax in between your hectic coursework and prep. Despite the increased workload, it’s still crucial to de-stress. Of course, I’ll be here to help along the way!

Boarding Deputy: Ottavia It’s my first year at Roedean, and I know it can be intimidating at times to be boarding far away from home. For this reason, this year I really want to make sure every girl in Lawrence feels like she is able to express herself freely and be comfortable within our house, particularly at the moment!


13 November 2020 - Issue 8

The Houses Boarding Captain: Liv Wow! – I am so happy and excited to be House Captain!! I can’t wait to bring new ideas to the house and make it an even better place than it already is. I want to allow every girl to have her ideas heard and find their voice.

Dance Leader: Gabby I love dancing, and I’m really excited to try and get as many people as possible loving it too (and also for us to show the other houses our amazing moves! Can’t wait to work with you all.

Music Leader: Poppy Music is my passion and I do it all day, every day. Music is important because it helps you express your individuality. We will finally win House Music!

Boarding Deputy: Helen I am proud to say I am the new Deputy House Boarding Captain for House 3. I believe I can make change happen in this house. I believe if everyone works together and tries their best, House 3 can be the best it could be! Feel free to find me and I will try my best to make it to reality!

Drama Leader: India Drama is very important in our daily life. I hope I will be able to develop House 3 dramatic techniques and expand our drama knowledge together.

Day Captain: Isla I hope to help everyone maintain house spirit and a sense of community in these crazy times, and, as your House Captain, I am so excited to see how many memories we can make as part of House 3 this year.

Sport Leader: Charlotte I know that not everybody enjoys sport, but I will encourage everyone to take part in all year groups, and I will be around to help all girls develop. We will win all sports competitions this year!

Day Deputy: Millie Having been here since Year 7, I understand how challenging and stressful school can be, and having someone to talk to or deliver ideas to in older years can be very helpful and also comforting. I am so excited to be able to work with everyone to improve their experience at Roedean alongside Isla.

Boarders on a Treasure Hunt last Sunday! I'm sure you have heard of a treasure hunt! Treasure Hunts are known worldwide, have been around for years, and are always fun, while learning or developing teambuilding skills in an entertaining environment. Last Sunday, Miss Haining organised a treasure hunt for all boarders. My friends and I are really into it! Having a mixture of physical challenges and mental puzzles makes it more likely for everyone to get involved. A treasure hunt can get everyone warmed up, and can give your brain a workout. Besides, the fun part of the treasure hunt is that it gives us an opportunity to go around the School. To be honest, we discovered many new places at School where we haven’t been before! It is also a great exercise in positive team-building, and it definitely gets us interacting and communicating with one another. Of course, one of the most fun parts of a treasure hunt is the prize at the end! I’m sure the results will be out soon – we are really excited! A huge thanks to Miss Haining and all the staff involved! Shannon (Yr9) Group 1

Group 4

Yr 8-Emily (H3)

Yr 9-Race (H1)

Yr 8-Anna (H2)

Yr 9-Shannon (H1)

Yr 8-Jasmine (H2)

Yr 9-Kaydence (H1) Page 9


13 November 2020 - Issue 8

The Houses Boarding Captain: Zara As your house captain, I aim to be a friend to everyone, where I’m seen as someone who you’d feel comfortable talking to about anything, no matter the subject topic. I aim to make smiles and laughter which would hopefully lead to good memories, but, most importantly, I will be working towards doing small things that cause a positive impact overall.

Boarding Captain: Sophia Hi I am Sophia, I am a full boarder in year 12, and I am your new Keswick House Captain! Given the time lost from last year, I would like to focus on holding as MANY social events as possible (hopefully) and keep up the house spirit by winning ALL the inter house competitions’

Boarding Deputy: Phoebe I am looking forward to retaining the closeness of the House community and to getting to know everyone in the House. I’d like to make sure that everyone feels happy and included, and for everyone to take part in house competitions to get the most out of this year.

Boarding Deputy: Sasha Hello, I’m Sasha I am Deputy House Captain of Keswick House and what I hope to contribute to Keswick is by organising fun events and activities so that everyone can make the best memories of their time in Sixth Form.

Day Captain & Drama Leader: Bo This year may be a tricky one, but I’m looking forward to coming up with creative and innovative (and Covid-friendly) ways to bring us all together in both drama and as a whole house. Plans are already in the making...

Boarding Deputy: Jemima Hello everyone, I’m Jemima and I am one of your Deputy Boarding House Captains along with Sasha. I am extremely excited to work with the boarders and the day girls when possible to make sure everyone enjoys their time in the sixth form. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance between working and relaxing by doing the activities that you enjoy during your free time! For this reason, I’m thrilled to help you all in your journey in finding your balance in the most enjoyable way possible!

Day Deputy: Mia I am so excited to make this year great in House 4, and I have many ideas. If you have any ideas or questions, come visit me in study 14 and I can make them happen or even better!

Day Captain: Jemima Hi, I’m Jemima, I’m in Year 12 and I am Day House Captain for Keswick House! Having just joined Roedean, I know what it feels like to be welcomed and I’m excited to make people’s ideas and talents feel welcome and make change on your behalf. It’s a joy to have this role, and I will try my best to live up to it. I can’t wait to meet you all!

Dance Leader: Savina I am from Hong Kong. I look forward to creating a warm and homely atmosphere for House 4, discovering more ability and skills from our outstanding girls! Hope to see you all in future house activities!

Day Deputy: Jane Hi, I’m Jane, one of your new Keswick day girl deputy captains. I’m really excited to start planning activities for remote and in-person members of the house, so we can expand our lovely, welcoming community.

Music Leader: Alma There are so many talented musicians in our house, and I just can’t wait to chat to everyone and find out what you’re interested in doing this year. I have no doubt that we’re going to absolutely smash this year’s House Music, but I’m happy to hear about any other ideas you have. Do feel free to come and say ‘Hi’ – I will always appreciate an excuse to procrastinate and talk about music.

Sport Leader: Michelle This is a special year, and I promise to do my best to keep us active during the pandemic. Let's stay healthy and continue to love sports! Look forward to seeing all of you soon!

Day Deputy: Bella Hi, my name is Bella, I’m in Year 12, and I am codeputy day girl captain of Keswick House. I hope to make Keswick House an even more welcoming place to be this school year.

Keswick’s AntiBullying bags Last night’s activity in Keswick House was to decorate a tote bag with designs and slogans for Anti-Bullying Week.

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20 November 2020 - Issue 9

Literary Supplement RECOMMENDED READS


The Wrong Girl – RL Steine

All the Bright Places – Jennifer Niven

You should read this book because: It has a wide range of topics and genres, such as romance & horror, and is both happy and sad.

This book is amazing! It is very different to the dystopian literature I usually read, primarily because it is contemporary literature and a beautiful story of an emerging relationship between Violet and Finch. The pair meet in the most unusual of circumstances – on the ledge of the school bell tower, both contemplating ending their lives, one because of grief, the other because of pain. What follows is the unfolding of a deep and meaningful friendship, which ends up being a lifeline to the pair and ultimately makes them realise how to live in the present. As the story unfolds and their relationship thrives, it becomes the most brilliant and heart-wrenching story of this vulnerable pair, who end up on a geography school project together and find beauty in the most unusual places. The emotive and descriptive writing really makes the characters feel real, and you can’t help but follow them on their emotional journey through highs and lows. Both characters are incredibly fragile, and the best and most important aspect of this novel is the fact that it addresses the subjects of mental illness, suicide, and bullying. This book made me feel intense sadness, but, at the same time, it is incredibly beautiful, with many happy and funny moments. It is an absolute page-turner, and I couldn’t put it down. I don’t want to spoil the ending but, suffice it to say, prepare for an emotional rollercoaster!

Recommended by: Kali (Yr7)

The Hunger Games– Suzanne Collins You should read this book because: If you love adventures and romance, this is the book for you. It is action-packed and I can never put it down. I love this book and it is my favourite by far. I am quite fussy with reading, but this book was perfect for me. Recommended by: Bella (Yr7)

One of Us is Lying – Karen M McManus You should read this book because: If you like crime mysteries, mixed with a modern twist, then you will LOVE this book. Great book! .

Recommended by: Izzy (Yr7)

Maria (Yr10)

Book Tree A book tree will soon be appearing in the Library, and we would like the tree to grow throughout the year, with each leaf representing a book that a student or member of staff has read this academic year. The blank leaves will be available in the Library, so please come and fill one out when you have finished reading your latest book. Thank you to the Year 7 Book Club for getting the tree started by creating its wonderful trunk!

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children – Ransom Riggs You should read this book because: It’s gripping and really immerses you in a different world. It’s fantastical, while also being down-to-earth. All the action in it really draws you in, and you’ll definitely want to read the next book. Recommended by: Daisy (Yr7)

Number the Stars – Lois Lowry You should read this book because: It is so interesting and you always want to read more and more. It also gives you more information about when the Nazis took over Denmark, and a lot of the action takes place there. Recommended by: Alicia (Yr7) Page 11

Reading Recommendations Next week is Reading Week, and, for many of you, it will be a great opportunity to catch up on some reading for pleasure. If you don’t currently have a book on the go, then here are some suggestions to get you started – happy reading! If you need help finding a book, please email Mrs Bailey (gba@roedean.co.uk) in the Library, who will be happy to help. Look at the Library noticeboard for lots of recommendations.

20 November 2020 - Issue 9


Literary Supplement Student Poem

Roedean Roving Reporters!

Asmitha (Yr7) has written this wonderful poem about the Library! If you have a piece of writing you would like to see published in the literary supplement of the Head’s Review, please email library@roedean.co.uk.

Our Roving reporters are back! This week Isobel (Yr7) interviews Ms Shevah about her work as a writer and her published children’s books. What age did you start writing? I have been writing ever since I was a young girl. I love the way you can create a new world entirely of your own by creating fantasy fiction. When did you fall in love with writing? I first fell in love with writing when I was proud of the work that I had accomplished and had a sense that it was a good piece. This encouraged me to keep going and produce books for others to read and enjoy, just like me. What was your first published book called? Dream on Amber was my first ever published children’s book. My inspiration for this book came from my own experiences as a child. It was a calling about fatherlessness, and I included

made-up parts so it didn’t feel too close to home. What type of genres do you like? I love ones that are funny, sad, and deep in meaning. I likes stories that touch on the important things of life. Who is your favourite author that you have ever met? David Mitchell is my favourite author that I have met, because I have read all his books since his first one came out, and I’m still reading them now. He is a bit of a hero to me. Where does your inspiration come from? My inspiration comes from things that I have experienced, interesting topics that I might have come across, and things that touch on the important objectives of life.

Do you like fiction or non-fiction? Do you like horror or fantasy? Reading has no restrictions. So come find the perfect book today. There are students reading and revision, Completing prep and learning, Dedicated and committed seeking aspiration, Book clubs and book-hungry pupils Come to the library and collect a range of books, Enter a variety of competitions, bronze, silver, and gold award booklets Concealed in the metal cupboard for eager readers. Come to the library for joy and excitement!

This week we are launching a new compeition and we want you to get creative! We would like you to choose your favourite book and make a creative representation of it. This could be recreating the front cover as a photo starring you! Creating a comic book version of your favourite chapter! Redesigning the front cover! More ideas are listed below, so have a look if you would like some inspiration.

Asmitha (Yr7)

Choose your favourite book and get creative! Bookmark it! Manga it! Toilet Roll it! Meme/TikTok I ! Storyboard it! Photograph it! Advertise it! Re-design it! Quiz it!

Reading Reps Thank you for all the applications submitted already – Ms Shillito and Mrs Bailey will be looking thorough the applications next week. If you send an application, please email library@ roedean.co.uk by Tuesday 9am.

Prizes for the top 3 creations! Please send finished creations to library@roedean.co.uk or hand it in to the library helpdesk. Deadline for entry – 27 November 2020.

The energy that fuels imagination, Explore and examine the greatest creation, It’s a source of motivation, Expanding your knowledge As it feeds you information.


Competition time!

• • • • • • • • •

Everyone is welcome through the door, To walk across the carpet floor. There are a variety of books, Different shapes and sizes, Free to borrow and free to enjoy.

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20 November 2020 - Issue 9


Recording of the week

CAP Music Project – How to Make a Chinese Rattle Drum

This is Hushaby Mountain performed by Maggie

The CAP music project made this video explaining how to make a Chinese Rattle Drum to send out as an activity to local schools. There will be a series of videos to follow, but this was their first go. Well done, girls!

Taekwondo black belts for Hannah and Mairi Congratulations to Hannah and Mairi, who have achieved Black Belt in Taekwondo – they started when they were 3 years old, and train for two hours every week. This is an outstanding achievement – well done!

Roedean Charity Beanies! As the temperature is starting to drop beanies are now available for purchase! They are navy blue with the Roedean logo and a navy bobble on the top, as modelled by Demi and Jemima (Yr13) above. The beanies are £13, £2 of which goes to our chosen charities, supporting Chimpanzee Babies in Liberia and the Beachy Head Chaplaincy! To purchase one, please complete the following wufoo, and it will be added to your daughter’s school bill. We aim to hand them out in the first week back in January. The deadline for ordering a beanie is Friday 27 November. Any questions about the beanies, please email ahd@roedean.co.uk ORDER HERE: https://roedean.wufoo.com/forms/ p5omzts1s33h05/

Community through Sport

Virtual Swimming Gala This week, the Roedean swimmers competed in a virtual gala with Hurst, Ardingly, and Cheltenham Ladies’ College. In the previous few weeks, the swimmers had been training hard and attempting a couple of the main events in order to compete well this week. It’s been so great to see girls train and make progress this term. During this week, the swimmers all compete in two events, and their times are recorded and uploaded onto a share document with the respective schools. At the end of the week, the scores are added up and the results displayed. This week, competing virtually has allowed the girls to gain that competitive edge that has been missing in previous months, and has re-invigorated their drive and determination to improve and swim the best they can in their swimming training sessions.

Liepa (Yr8) I play basketball outside of school and I am currently playing for Sussex Storm Basketball Club. This is my third year playing at the club and also my third year representing U14 girls’ Conference/Premier League. I enjoy playing at Sussex Storm, because it’s a great community and environment to play in, and it brings my mood up even if I have had a bad day. The coaches, staff, and teammates make everything so much fun that you don’t want to leave after training, even after being super sweaty and tired. Basketball makes me feel happy and excited, not only for playing the sport, but also catching up with my friends/ teammates from other schools who have the same interests and hobbies as me.

Clara (Yr8) I play in the U13/14 CD Phoenix netball club and train at Crawley for swimming. I enjoy me playing for these clubs, because they help ral gene of s term in s, sport improve in all my fitness and specific skills. It helps with my the overall enjoyment of sport because I see ls, people from my local area, get to have socia fun. e and have competitiv

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

Maria (Yr10) I play cricket for my club, St James Montefiore, and also the U15 Squad for Sussex. I love playing for my club, as I have made close friends and it gives me a chance to mix with girls of all ages, and we have created a really strong bond and team spirit. Training is fun and I find that we all laugh a lot, which helps if I have had a really tough academic week. When I train with Sussex and represent my county, I am pushed more and have to find ways to develop my skills quickly, to keep up with the challenges that I face on a weekly basis. I have had to step out of my comfort zone, and it has helped me to learn more about myself and what I can achieve. Eliza (Yr10) I play football for Withdean Youth U16 Team. I enjoy playing for this club, because it gives me a chance to play a sport that is not included in the school curriculum and learn new skills, widening my sporting experiences. It contributes to my enjoyment of sport, as I can go and mix with a completely different group of girls from other schools and other ages.

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